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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12634910 No.12634910[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can science ever stop being awesome?

>> No.12635002

lmao this is fucking propaganda

>> No.12635007

You do realize that the moderator mvea has a history of spreading propaganda right? Check his user history.

>> No.12635012

>some psychology stuff
>its literal propaganda, thinly veiled under the guise of '''''research'''''
its all so tiresome

>> No.12635013

intuitively it kinda makes sense, but the pic of trump inserted there just makes me laugh, he wasn't in any way a strong or aggressive leader

>> No.12635018

What are the odds that every single one of this shills submissions break 10k upvotes and is infinitely gilded? It's propaganda mate.

>> No.12635053

I know right. Fucking retards literally fell for Q.

>> No.12635141

>its propaganda because I don't like it

>> No.12635145
File: 2 KB, 1920x1152, 987654345678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Masculine insecurities predicts endorsement of aggressive politics and support of Donal Trump

Science confirms:
Trump supporters are all trannies

>> No.12635148

His supporters certainly thought that, which I think is the point.

>> No.12635149
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n-no I'm not a tranny

I swear

>> No.12635165

no it is propaganda because it fits every bit of the official definition of propaganda

>> No.12635188
File: 623 KB, 744x737, mommy's gud boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your weightlifting socks, galboi.

>> No.12635237

I only have my squat plug on hand, will that work?

>> No.12635373

first president since Carter to not enter into any new military conflict

>> No.12635461

tell me at least one aspect of his behaviour that could've ever lead someone to view him as in any possible way strong or aggressive, he acted like a clown most of the time

that's good, but i don't see what is aggressive about it?

>> No.12635469

if anything i would say that in the eyes of the paranoid and mentally ill left he was strong, aggressive and dangerous, but i doubt his supporters viewed him this way

>> No.12635476

reddit is filled with upboat bots. They can shill any propaganda they like and no one is able to stop them. It's rather pathetic.

>> No.12635480

Reddit is full of propaganda. So is 4chan.

>> No.12635484

>So is 4chan

>> No.12635489

Spend a day on /pol/.

>> No.12635493

okay i did. Now give me proof.

>> No.12635571


>> No.12635637

Take your meds, then spend a day on /pol/.

>> No.12635670

>Genotype studies predicts lower black IQ, suggests three studies, supporting the notion that intellectual disability is linked to race.
>OP Pic

>> No.12635674

pol is literally a form of propaganda dissection

>> No.12635681

so this is why communism is so popular in homofornia, got it

>> No.12635693

okay okay i already did. Meds taken day on /pol/ spend now give me proof.

>> No.12635696

it's they way the study is presented, i.e. being associated with blumpf and his supporters who isn't in any way an aggressive politician (unless you view joking around as aggressive)
we all know that psychology is a meme but this is just ridiculous

>> No.12635729

Yet another demoralisation attack on men and masculinity, how original of reddit and /sci/.

>> No.12635801

>Aggressive politics
Yes because President Trump totally acted as a neocon war hawk starting many wars unlike his pacifist predecessors. It's not like radical liberals weren't aggressively rioting for 6 months straight setting cities on fire. It's not like the collective media apparatus and alphabet agencies weren't aggressively focusing on Trump every step of the way over the past 5 years. Then these people have the chutzpah to post this crap. They must be getting high off their own farts in their little circle jerk echo chamber.

>> No.12635831
File: 90 KB, 705x729, Screenshot_2021-01-28 r science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the actual study and you'll realize it's bullshit. Even the redditors are calling it out.

>> No.12635840

>Genotype studies predicts lower black IQ, suggests three studies, supporting the notion that intellectual disability is linked to race.
>OP Pic

>> No.12635878


>> No.12635884

....but he was elected by college educated white women....

>> No.12635888

>masculinity insecurity

Sounds like something ill-defined that you can stretch to fit anything you want.

>> No.12635897
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>shilling for the CIA's billboard
please don't tell me that you do it for free

>> No.12635916


Didnt some study also say that gym bros are more likely to vote right wing?

>> No.12636484
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>> No.12636537

Imagine getting btfo so hard that the redditurd has to resort to strawmanning tactics

>> No.12636546

>be talentless hack nobody likes
>write a shitty unverified paper on how all men love to kill and rape because they have the evil genome or whatever
>lock it behind a paywall
>you can now cite yourself and make equally retarded people believe anything
Oh boy I sure love the state of modern science

>> No.12636574

Let me just say all the hardworking family men I know are conservative.

>> No.12636587
File: 61 KB, 606x720, 1609952259163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Men who are "insecure"(defined by sociology trannies as "not being a self-hating leftist extremist") are less likely to accept the party that has literally spent EVERY DAY for the past FIFTY YEARS attacking, demonizing and dehumanizing men? YOU DON'T SAY.

Just keep pushing that pendulum, it's definitely not going to swing back. Yeah, just ignore the last time when millions of you got killed for it LMAO

>> No.12636891


>> No.12636907

Democrats are the niggers of political movements

>> No.12636910

pseudo science

>> No.12636914

Your insecurity is showing. Protip for true alphas: Who gives a shit?

>> No.12637077

>tell me at least one aspect of his behaviour
"I'm tough on China"
"Mexico's going to pay for the wall"
All of the firings
All of the negotiations walked away from

I could go on, but fuck, where have you been the last 4 years?

>> No.12637114

>"I'm tough on China"
>"Mexico's going to pay for the wall"
>All of the firings
>All of the negotiations walked away from
hissy fits of a big baby are not exactly scary tho

pretending to be tough is just about the least tough thing you could do
just how tough is a person that constantly has to remind everyone about how tough they are
only those of simple mind are impressed by such primitive behaviour

>> No.12637119

It's propaganda not because it's not true but with the way it's worded.
Actually masculine people are also overwhelmingly right wing while effeminate men are left wing. Sure someone who is insecure might favor more aggressive position but they are still more masculine than left wingers while the headline implies the reverse.

>> No.12637120
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>> No.12637144
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>> No.12637159

>Political word salad sold as science
Maybe you should evict the ex president that lives rent free in your head

>> No.12637169

tell that to the rebbitor who posts these garbage articles by the daily
or to these social scientists who do "research" with n < 50 "studies", under the pretense of proving something right or wrong that they are seemingly already certain about

>> No.12637192
File: 1.94 MB, 1280x720, 1610433155535.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12637198

It's propoganda because it's politically biased, not falsifiable, and 100% confirmation bias.

>> No.12637201

That is weak

>> No.12637203
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>> No.12637217
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>> No.12637218

and because the motivation behind it is a strong a priori motivation to prove a certain political sentiment
the scientific method is used as justification and excuse to air grievances and give them a touch of legitimacy by putting the term "study" next to it

not even in the first instance the content it self but the motivation for creating that content disqualifies it from having any merit

>> No.12637453


Are you 6?

>> No.12637518

are you?

>> No.12637526

Clearly not, since I know the difference between being aggressive and being scary. I hope you feel embarrassed.

>> No.12637543

>toxic masculinity
doesn't exist

>> No.12637545

>social "science"
Lmao get back to me when you can replicate a study

>> No.12637558

you post has absolutely nothing to do with my post
what a gigantic dumbass you are

>> No.12637574

>you post
Lol. If you don't have anything to contribute then just fuck off.

>> No.12637591

show me the study design then you massive faggot.
>inb4 muh p-value is significunt
fuck off.

>> No.12637631

If you don't have anything to contribute then just fuck off.

>> No.12637642

Oh, you sure got me, or would've if I hadn't I already contributed