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File: 334 KB, 800x912, Elon you need to stop this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12632557 No.12632557 [Reply] [Original]

Asinine edition.
NET January 28th.
PREVIOUS >>12628662

>> No.12632567
File: 599 KB, 2036x1508, Please be patient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's been a few weeks! What's the latest SLS update? Surely they're working hard on various issues and have lots to share, right?

>> No.12632568
File: 113 KB, 500x667, hopwhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12632569
File: 3.83 MB, 3970x2648, hopp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starhopper blesses this thread

>> No.12632579
File: 165 KB, 681x1024, SLS determined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe when you have private funds you can go around firing engines willy nilly. NASA isn't some playboy's plaything, it's American taxpayer dollars at stake and so a decidedly measured approach is the only morally acceptable way forward. SLS will fly.

>> No.12632586
File: 915 KB, 1297x911, newsreader4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.12632590

Relentlessly based

>> No.12632598
File: 110 KB, 879x485, Starliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start a collection of Starliner memes

>> No.12632607

Whats with that perforated ring around the service module?

>> No.12632610


>> No.12632614
File: 2.08 MB, 1151x768, Ivan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632619

Breathing holes for the tiny man with an abacus that acts as the flight computer.

>> No.12632624

It's an Indian with an abacus writing the code in real time

>> No.12632625
File: 307 KB, 2560x1400, Boeing-Starliner-ULA-Atlas-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starliner is substantially wider than the Centaur upper stage. Originally there was a frustum connecting the two but models showed that when the vehicle reached supersonic speeds the frustum would guide the shockwave to the Centaur damaging it. It was dropped and replaced with a ring that would force the shockwave to detach early and thus spare the Centaur

>> No.12632628

Ah, thanks anon for the explanation.

>> No.12632629

so is it hoppening tmm or what nigga. cuz i aint got time fo this shit breh.

>> No.12632635
File: 482 KB, 1000x861, 1609912797663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone made OC of my newsreader RP
Thank you anons I'm glad people enjoy my shitposts

>> No.12632638 [DELETED] 

Elon Musk here. People think I don't post on 4chan. Where else do you think I get my memes?

>> No.12632639
File: 40 KB, 450x338, titus pullo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye but what of the Han dynasty's attempt? Doomed to failure, no doubt?

>> No.12632640

I'm not falling for your furry porn posting again

>> No.12632641

I used to think all traffic lights were operated by underground midgets or dwarfs using periscopes. I disproved myself after never finding said periscopes or breathing holes. Your post reminded me of this

>> No.12632644
File: 550 KB, 1106x785, hullo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632645


link doesn't load, but i assume this is more furry porn

>> No.12632646
File: 42 KB, 400x570, 1603742058922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link to patreon in tweet
>it's paywalled
Bullshit. The real Elon would never accept garbage like that.

>> No.12632649

>He thinks they don't exist anymore

>> No.12632650

He must've had a seizure during the launch

>> No.12632653
File: 227 KB, 595x510, Greaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smug Thinkpads dot png

>> No.12632654
File: 126 KB, 943x1697, Crew-Dragon-DM-1-Falcon-9-B1051-rollout-SpaceX-3-tallc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't even get the rocket parts to match up
>Have to intentionally gimp it with the least aerodynamic surface possible
Meanwhile people at SpaceX have actually played KSP so they know what they're doing.

>> No.12632660
File: 426 KB, 1730x2000, 1599416866862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think America was the only nation on Earth and that all of the states were islands spread across the oceans. I don't know why I thought that.

>> No.12632663
File: 86 KB, 480x835, bigmeatyrockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632665
File: 623 KB, 2048x1536, starship sunrise boca dunes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're quality shitposts. Having an anon posting daily news updates is a mainstay of most high-activity generals, and the Roman flavor makes them funnier than just a greentexted list of events.

>> No.12632666

I can post the uncensored version on Imgur and link it if you want

>> No.12632667

It would be a better world.

>> No.12632668

I wonder what Elon’s fetishes are.

>> No.12632670
File: 318 KB, 1469x1009, shuttle flag painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America will be the only nation in space and all of the colonies will be in orbits spread across the solar system.

>> No.12632671

I used to think all dogs were boys and all cats were girls and they were the same species

>> No.12632673
File: 2.94 MB, 376x270, SaturnV_launch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is the only nation on Earth
and off Earth

>> No.12632675 [DELETED] 

Are we still subsidizing 45 million blacks?
Then no.

>> No.12632678

Yeah no problem. The posts always get an audible laugh out of me. They're posted infrequently enough to remain funny, and frequently enough to be considered a treasure.

>> No.12632679

fuck, this is good, why have I never seen this before

>> No.12632681

Furry (obviously) especially dragons and cool birds like Falcons, Raptors, Kestrels, Merlins
MILFs (that's why he hired Gwynne)
Spaceship porn (is Elon KSP fapper?)

>> No.12632682

That's an incredibly ridiculous thing to think, even as a child. Then again I thought traffic light were operated by dwarfs using periscopes

>> No.12632687

Very true

>> No.12632693
File: 684 KB, 758x723, kerbalsexual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon's rw kussy

>> No.12632700
File: 763 KB, 9148x4320, PIA24348~orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mars pre-landing conference tomorrow

>> No.12632704
File: 83 KB, 2549x1405, Starlink-V1-L5-F9-B1048-39A-031420-Richard-Angle-prelaunch-9-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F9's fairings jutting out still bug me. I know it shouldn't, but it does

>> No.12632710
File: 65 KB, 526x573, 1594947854510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Like I said, no clue. Also before I knew what Mount Rushmore was but had still heard of it I thought it was a giant plateau mountain with a huge horizontal waterfall going through the top of it. So basically just a super fast river, but think the Mississippi traveling at 100+ miles an hour.

>> No.12632711

damn it's ugly

>> No.12632712

At least it looks aesthetically phallic, not like a child's first lego rocket

>The only reason Elon started SpaceSeX was to make sexy rockets to fap to

>> No.12632713
File: 17 KB, 360x550, Falcon9-fairing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632717
File: 14 KB, 207x400, Atlas-Able.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't remind me

>> No.12632721
File: 17 KB, 207x400, 2185F2BF-6106-40C1-8A2D-846389ADC515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Atlas-Able

>> No.12632722
File: 93 KB, 1440x1920, Atlas-Able.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what dental cleaning power that rocket had

>> No.12632724
File: 76 KB, 249x264, 1607555682452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than 20 seconds apart on a slow board
Holy hivemind.

>> No.12632726

Why the fuck did they design Atlas like this. What does the toothbrush upper stage even do?

>> No.12632728
File: 513 KB, 680x485, elon_hop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How high is this hop going? Another 12km?

>> No.12632732

thats 1 minute 20 seconds you boeing programmer.

>> No.12632733
File: 95 KB, 640x842, aMCd2POCgNcVyCxD2WikWTNPYebFD7zRQGIv8BDpG5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon invites you to dinner in the High Bay restaurant. You can bring up to two guests (anyone alive in the world today, you don't have to actually know them IRL)
Who do you bring?

>> No.12632734

Atlas and Able were designed separately for different systems. The mating required some drastic modifications

>> No.12632735

Top tier meme anon.

>> No.12632736

Its the the hypergolic 2nd stage of Vanguard. Most early US rockets could be cobbled together like that.

>> No.12632739

The skeleton of von Braun and a rabbit

>> No.12632742

God's ear cleaning things (forgot the word)

>> No.12632741
File: 15 KB, 669x651, laughing pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632743

It's what SLS does.
>hey let's turn orangetankbad into the first stage of a TSTO and allow strapping arbitrary shit to the top.
>oh shit we don't have the funding to make EUS so let's start with a Delta IV upper stage

>> No.12632744
File: 95 KB, 960x720, ab2c1964dfc40fc42bf0dc2434870083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two sacrifices of able-bodied men.

>> No.12632746

Bezos and Branson, hold the entire future of private space in my hands, but let it go out of mercy

>> No.12632747
File: 58 KB, 1200x364, Eric_calling_out_Boing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632749

Donald and Barron Trump.

>> No.12632751
File: 7 KB, 274x274, Eo_cdOiW8AcoNiE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just werks

>> No.12632752

I just feel like fairings should'd be wider than the last stage. For peak aesthetics rockets shouldn't change diameter at all until the tip, save for Saturn V and Soyuz.

>> No.12632753

I’ll admit I was phoneposting (hence the filename) hence the delay. Hivemind still stands though.

>> No.12632754

The Max-Q Tip

>> No.12632755

And Delta itself was originally was the 2nd stage of Thor.

>> No.12632759

thunderfoot and estronaut, film it and make kiketube monies

>> No.12632762
File: 127 KB, 410x615, Titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed but I also give a pass to Titan, and even allow it to have SRB's.

>> No.12632767
File: 1.14 MB, 1211x1600, Titan_34D_first_launch_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the Titan so aesthetic?

>> No.12632768

once voice generation gets a wee better, I want this is an app for top 10 new stories based on genre, If I have time I'll make it myself

>> No.12632769

And the AJ10 has been used on literally every American manned spacecraft since 1969 EXCEPT For Crew Dragon and Starliner.
>Shuttle OMS

>> No.12632773

Because it looks like a Kerbal rocket brought to life

>> No.12632776

Titan looks the most Soviet of all US rockets. This is why it looks good

>> No.12632778
File: 260 KB, 1536x2304, cassini-huygens Titan-IV-B-Centaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the ultimate "cobble solids and hypergolics together until it works" rocket and the out-angled SRB nozzles are unique. It's also launched some really cool missions.

>> No.12632779

Good point actually
AJ10 might be overpriced but it's definitely a workhorse

>> No.12632782

It'd be interesting to see a conversation between Thunderfoot and Musk. Elon obviously knows enough to tear him to pieces but I don't know if his crippling autism would allow him to argue with someone so retarded

>> No.12632784

Cassini was arguably one of the most insane missions ever launched. I'm not really that in love with Saturn overall, but holy fuck Cassini got some based photos and did some cool science with a bunch of its moons

>> No.12632787


>> No.12632789
File: 2.58 MB, 3000x1266, CGF_STILL_00027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not really that in love with Saturn overall

>> No.12632790
File: 123 KB, 640x640, 761b0fa5481ca561fa7a8bd9d972e3ea_c_897170585_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking with Elon
>He keeps ordering pic related

>> No.12632793
File: 60 KB, 750x522, happy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a geology fag and Saturn doesn't have a rocky surface. But the rings are cool. And Titan, I don't even have the words to describe how much I love that place.

>> No.12632795
File: 134 KB, 792x637, Ligeia-Mare-and-Lake-Superior-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go methane-boating there and crack a beer while casting a line.

>> No.12632796

Conflicting reports. Next Spaceflight says NET Jan 28

>> No.12632797

Tomorrow's road closure cancelled.

>> No.12632799
File: 120 KB, 600x399, Soyuz_factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Titan looks the most Soviet of all US rockets
Something about Soviet rocketry looks good to you?

>> No.12632801

Psssh good luck. I'd be scared to go near the lakes. If you fall in it's game over. But I get what you're saying, the fact that they exist (and the fact that they are that big) is so fascinating. If I don't make it to Titan I will make sure my kids or grandkids do

>> No.12632803

Waiting on FAA review to pass.

>> No.12632805

Are you mentally ill? Soviet rocket design is based

>> No.12632806

Unironic results over rhetoric on display, unassailably based I might add.

>> No.12632809

Just wanted to know specifically

>> No.12632810
File: 145 KB, 700x900, 1605033421618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yes it does. I hate commies as much as the next guy, but it's undeniably good looking

>> No.12632811

I love how the Titan family cost millions and millions of dollars, and the rocket looks like a kitbash while the launch complex looks like something you'd see at Boca Chica

>> No.12632815
File: 1.25 MB, 4277x2851, soyuz snow launch sunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632817

It's based.

>> No.12632818
File: 41 KB, 474x427, OIP(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, this had that kind of raw Soviet aesthetic. It's just so pure and unapologetic. Just bare engineering.

>> No.12632820
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, nude LEM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D-don't look, I'm not dressed yet!

>> No.12632822
File: 603 KB, 1700x1360, 1550622962949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting before mods delete this thread for nsfw

>> No.12632823
File: 27 KB, 456x225, Proton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what the fuck this fairing is, but it looks cool

>> No.12632825
File: 319 KB, 850x938, 1478530428625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>104 posts
>47 images
Gee I wonder why we're hitting the image limit so much lately...

>> No.12632826
File: 149 KB, 580x456, 1550623953373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632828

>Elon "I've unironically fapped to my own rockets before" Musk

>> No.12632829

Yeah baby, leave your panels and foil on the floor.

>> No.12632830

rocket porn is based

>> No.12632832

>Dat omae wa mou shindeiru on the right side

>> No.12632833

titan rockets are pretty cool. we had one at my high school

>> No.12632834

Completely utilitarian and functional. Anything von braun touched was blessed by the hands of God

>> No.12632837
File: 52 KB, 624x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT THE FUCK AM I READING (yeah i know there was a whole discussion about it but it's not that i mean)
>legion of tiny retail investors
>20-year-old forum software
inb4 elon uses /sfg/

>> No.12632838

>irgorov! we have no fairing!
>no worry! we staple spare barn roof panels

>> No.12632839

Is /sfg/ gonna make it...?

>> No.12632842

neither reddit nor 4chan are 20 years old so I don't know what he's referencing

>> No.12632847

>neither reddit nor 4chan are 20 years old
4chan is 18.

>> No.12632848
File: 505 KB, 1700x1360, 1611711984836~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Step-booster! What are you doing in the bathroom? I'm trying to have a shower!

>> No.12632849

>4chan isn't 20 years old
it is if you round it up

>> No.12632850
File: 142 KB, 800x1067, 800px-Soyuz_2_metop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's barely my final form

>> No.12632851

>bored internet autists are gonna cost some trader jews a bunch of money and it's the trader jew's fault
Stonk-Marketry is akin to magic to me but this sounds like a good time for all involved, trader jews aside that is.
2chan came out in '99

>> No.12632860

I seriously wonder which server he is on. Presumably the subreddit has one or something and Musk probably uses an alter ago account
Fucking ghetto, in a good way kek

>> No.12632865

As someone that has been watching it pretty closely it's comedy gold, trading firms and hedge funds have gotten away with manipulating the market for centuries but now there are enough shitposters to push back.
They are showing how the market and reality aren't even remotely linked and boomers are getting salty as fuck about it.

>> No.12632867

Looks like some kind of climate control to keep the payload within temp / humidity limits.

>> No.12632869

When is Elon gonna stop pussying out and hop already? We’re all waiting to embark on the Great Journey

>> No.12632878
File: 83 KB, 634x950, Ariane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't tell if the Ariane 5 is based or cringe

>> No.12632882

It's very French - an excellent technical answer to the wrong design question. It was designed as Froggy STS, complete with a spaceplane to go on top... but the spaceplane was canceled. So now it does double-manifests of big satellites to GTO.

>> No.12632883

It's the best looking hydromeme, for what that's worth

>> No.12632887


>> No.12632888
File: 124 KB, 927x1280, what the hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Biden NASA bros

>> No.12632903
File: 755 KB, 928x401, Wernher's Original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632908

Ask yourself. Was the Peugeot based?

>> No.12632909

Those Citroens that can drive on three wheels are pretty based

>> No.12632918
File: 122 KB, 700x988, citroen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. That's what I was thinking of actually
Very, very based indeed

>> No.12632921

>reading spacex reddit
>people are upset that rich people are going to the ISS
what's with the crab in a bucket mentality? normal people going into space is literally the point of spacex.

>> No.12632926

>>reading spacex reddit
Well there's your problem anon

>> No.12632927

it's not like it's the first time either, there have been tourists on the ISS before

>> No.12632929

>reading reddit
>people are upset about the rich
>what's with the crab in a bucket mentality?
Anon, read your post again out loud and see if it makes any more sense.

>> No.12632937

reading further it seems like alot of them may be young because they werent aware that other tourists have been to the ISS

>> No.12632939

Someone post the reddit fanfic about aliens beaming capitalists into space

>> No.12632943
File: 35 KB, 1024x415, titan_seas_1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would one build a boat probe to sail around on Titan's methane lakes?

Solar power is out of the question as Titan receives 1/100 the sunlight Earth does, so the boat would need a nuclear battery as a power source for its screw. I'm unsure what hull materials NASA would peruse that could withstand those extreme temperatures, and a completely different set of buoyancy calculations (Titan's gravity, density of liquid CH4).

I was picturing something about the size of an ordinary fishing canoe on Earth that had single electrically driven screw that can move it at a modest 3 knots, a small mushroom anchor attached to a motorize winch, and for god-tier exploration a small submersible ROV attached to another winch with 100m depth capabilities.

>> No.12632946

>the Australian Space Agency's budget is only a measly USD 7.5 million a year. By contrast, the Canadian Space Agency's budget is over USD 260 million a year.
>Of course, Australia only has about two-thirds of Canada's population. But if Australia spent two-thirds of what Canada spends on space, it would be spending about USD 170 million a year, which is over 22 times more than it actually does.
get your shit together cunts

>> No.12632951
File: 160 KB, 1200x1140, ARSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australian Space Agency

>> No.12632954


>> No.12632959
File: 668 KB, 800x400, dick_shelby02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632960

yes or no

>> No.12632961

even the fucking journos arent happy with the axiom flight
>These may be great people going to space; but an older, non-diverse, affluent crew will reinforce the narrative of space as a plaything for rich elites. This matters. Could eventually become a political issue. Commercial space needs to be for all.

fuck these people. nobody cared that tesla first sold to rich people.

>> No.12632963
File: 110 KB, 728x546, based depot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one good thing about the 2020 election cycle is that Shelby is no longer in control.

>> No.12632964
File: 378 KB, 1170x1175, 1600204516862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should be allowed to act like crabs but only if we're allowed to toss them in pots of boiling water and rid their limbs off.
>reddit fanfic
Anon, that's a real belief of communism.

>> No.12632966
File: 115 KB, 1162x1122, arse-society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632968

>This matters. Could eventually become a political issue
>literally only two journojews trying to push it as a political issue
Fill in the blank: the ___ cries out as he strikes you

>> No.12632969

Furry porn?

>> No.12632970

berger a shit but not that shit

>> No.12632971
File: 9 KB, 308x258, Tfraulese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632973


>> No.12632974

I'd say light 'em up in the comments but then twatter would just remove them.

>> No.12632975

I can't take this shit. NASA sends rich well connected boomers to do glorified makework projects at billions of expense to the taxpayer and it's completely above reproach as long as the melanin and vagina quotient is reached.

>> No.12632976

That's why you do it as quote-tweets so they can't get shoahed as easily.

>> No.12632977

it's also wrong, since one guy is hispanic and one is a jew

how is that not "diverse"? the no women thing seems 100% incidental-maybe they had female candidates who balked at going first? maybe no women even applied. we don't know.

>> No.12632979

ffs can't we all just be happy that space stuff is happening?

>> No.12632980

a woman is part of the backup crew

>> No.12632981

I'm reading Aslee Vance's Musk Book. So apparently, Musk isn't just a typical CEO. He's an actual software engineer/scientists (intern researcher). One of the first few startups he worked on was at a ultracapacitor research facility and the other was video game startup where he was writing low level software drivers for joystick/mouse. That video game startup people would later work to create apple ipod/iphone, quicktime software, starwars effects team at lucas art entertainment. But his job was specifically to write menial drivers for joysticks LMAO. He was doing both of them at same time too.

>> No.12632986

>musk was able to work two white collar jobs at the same time
meanwhile people are now begging to work jobs for free because there arent enough to go around anymore

>> No.12632990

There are tons of accounts of Elon's colleagues talking about his active role in engineering and engineering genius but NPCs cannot process it

>> No.12632992

I don't know the tricks of that place, I abhor anything that requires me to sign up.
It doesn't matter if no women apply for the astronaut program, it's NASA's fault because something something sexism.

>> No.12632993
File: 472 KB, 705x705, STARLINER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was/is a savant

>> No.12632994
File: 115 KB, 426x1346, 454dd17266ee3bc6d5e7962c5c492da4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alter ago account
Nibba's not even hiding it

>> No.12632996
File: 120 KB, 854x788, fuckin_sick_of_this_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop reminding me. All we do is act as a site for missile tests and a node for the DSN
>t. Australian

>> No.12632998

yep. musk did years of brutal coding gruntwork. eventually spun into getting into the dot com boom, but at some point he almost died of malaria and had a full blown crisis of purpose. he became autistically obsessed with mars thankspartially to Zubrin and here we are witnessing the second golden age of space

>> No.12633000

You can only be happy about space when the underdog is doing something, you know like when the second richest man is conducting his 10th suborbital launch after 20 years of development

>> No.12633004

Australians are lazy and stupid, what do you expect?

>> No.12633008

Also Musk is likely either a closet/subtle Japanophile. "My mentality is that of a samurai. I would rather commit seppuku than fail." Its not just a quote. He has wrestled a professional Sumo, has a samurai outfit, and a samurai sword(I think this was seen when one of the mainstream reporters tried to do an interview with him).

>> No.12633009

The indigenous Australians are human-shaped wildlife.
When did Woomera shut down? Aussies should be launching shit from there every other month. Don't tell me the UK still owns it, that'd be gay.

>> No.12633011

>pad ninjas

>> No.12633017
File: 274 KB, 709x525, sadninja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these astronauts are loud
>my feet hurt
>they wouldn't let me have my naginata
>shinichiro is on duty,i hate shinichiro he keeps talking about naruto
>I wish I was out fighting ULA snipers

>> No.12633020

>when you were partying I studied the rocket
>when you were having premarital sex I mastered the hover-slam
>while you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity I cultivated max thrust
>and now that the world is on fire and the cost-plus contracts are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help?

>> No.12633024
File: 223 KB, 871x872, 1572671608974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were launching Brit rockets there, then the Brits just stopped launching

>> No.12633025


>> No.12633026
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>> No.12633027

The Aussies should just seize it. I doubt the bongs are gonna come to collect anytime soon, they have more pressing matters to worry about for now.

>> No.12633028


>> No.12633030


>> No.12633031

Make it out of stainless. It's clearly strong and ductile at liquid methane temps, see starship.

>> No.12633033

Brits never owned it, they just used it. So did the Americans.
The RAAF and CSIRO still use it for aircraft testing, and some sounding rockets.

>> No.12633038

only thing of importance there is the goon bag

>> No.12633039

>I would rather commit seppuku than fail
Then why is he still alive after having to sell hyperlink to a greater idiot?

>> No.12633040

what is he thinking about?

>> No.12633041

Hyperlink still lives to this day. This is where you get your (You)s from.

>> No.12633043

It's still in use? That's good, I thought the whole site was shuttered long ago.
"Woomera" is a funny name. I like Australians.

>> No.12633047


>> No.12633050

>whaht should we cohl thiies plyce maera?
>nao idea oleevah mybee somethin profaessionul soundin loike spyce paor-
>woo maera! look at thiies big fuckin snyke Oy found!
>dahmn thaht is a faht bahstahd... hy yah just gyve me an idea

>> No.12633054

It's kind of funny how there's this intense seething circle-jerk of hatred around Musk of people without the slightest amount of self-awareness

>> No.12633056

>pad ninjas defending launch sites from BO diversity death squads

>> No.12633058

It's furry porn again isn't it?

>> No.12633061 [DELETED] 


>> No.12633062

Sorry, not this time

>> No.12633063

If there's any useful wind on the surface of Titan they could literally sail around in the lakes.

>> No.12633064
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>> No.12633066

The final Starship to Mars will launch under heavy fire from the ground, the pad ninjas staying behind to buy Elon and the final colonists time to escape.

>> No.12633068

Elon ends up making an ASCII Krystal pic in the sky from Starlink satellites because nobody is clicking his links

>> No.12633069

what the fuck was that? a rare audio recording of someone being melted alive?

>> No.12633070

Fuck Elon Musk and fuck white people
-literal whoberg on twitter

>> No.12633071

Russians and their god damn rocket tea cosies.

>> No.12633072

You know what they say, where there's methane there's wind.

>> No.12633074

>"People of Earth: Look at this. Eh? Eh?? Yeah you would"

>> No.12633081
File: 943 KB, 640x360, GJC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a webm I made years ago of the scene.

>> No.12633083

>When you do more for sustainable energy than anyone else alive but liberals hate you because you got rich doing it.

>> No.12633087

it's kind of surreal-before tesla electric cars were a laughing stock now they're exploding in demand.

>> No.12633089

Yeah and coincidentally, media started hating him once he became successful enough to threaten big businesses

>> No.12633090

>literal whoberg
I am surprised by how quickly that name caught on

>> No.12633092


>> No.12633096
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>exploding in demand

>> No.12633097

It's funny, most of them just don't know anything about what he does

>> No.12633098
File: 193 KB, 1280x853, dream chaser mockup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK the shooting star trunk for dreamchaser can only hold like, a refrigerator's worth of cargo. Fucking useless

>> No.12633102

repackages batteries?

>> No.12633106

lol is that sn8 fucking with me?

or are u memeing about electric cars blowing up?

>> No.12633107

let's even say it's that - he has pretty respectable goals for a big business type guy

>> No.12633108

you could say that Teslas are catching fire in demand

>> No.12633111

We use cubesats to do things in space. A refrigerator is more than enough for alot of use cases.

>> No.12633114

How much pressurized cargo can your airlock hold, anon?

>> No.12633115
File: 19 KB, 398x101, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could probably make some sort of life vests for liquid methane some how

>> No.12633119 [DELETED] 

I can shove 1 lb max up my asshole, but that's assuming I get a slot on any ship
Honestly I wonder if Musk masquerades under alter egos. Everywhere he goes he's gonna get a ton of attention no matter what he posts

>> No.12633122

teslas catch fire less than gas cars do.

>> No.12633133

my dad and my brother :)

>> No.12633136

do people really believe this is elon musk

>> No.12633138

freshman in college here. what should I major in if I want to be a space pioneer?

>> No.12633139

You're a good anon.

>> No.12633146

real estate apparently

>> No.12633147

he posted that at the same time he posted the discord tweet so its very possible is him

>> No.12633148

And more than most other EVs, like the Leaf.

>> No.12633149


>> No.12633150

twitter tweet* fuck im tired

>> No.12633153


>> No.12633154

futaba channel is almost exactly 20 years old.

>> No.12633158

Also, one thing Musk is really, really, really good at Quake III. He and his team is said to take home second place and win few thousands back in the 90s when Musk had started Zip2. This skill later came in handy with SpaceX when Musk would beat out SpaceX employees who were playing Quake3 matches against each other.

>> No.12633159
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>> No.12633163

how the fuck is he successful at so many things

>> No.12633164

we could 100% build this now, but it's not worth it-a TSTO that's fully reusable is better in prettym uch every way.

>> No.12633165
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>> No.12633168

big brain + dedicated autism

>> No.12633169


>> No.12633171


>> No.12633173

He's a genius amongst genius(not a light statement). Literally, we has worked with other geniuses and come out on top a good chunk of the time. If his works, the biography from Ashlee Vance, is of of any truth, then even that's underselling it.

>> No.12633174
File: 110 KB, 985x785, EbpPbLqX0AEuuFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheaper, and easier to do? Sure.
Better? Never!

>> No.12633176

c-c-c-combo breaker

>> No.12633179

Kek sounds like Larry Ellison.

>> No.12633183

bureaucrat gang will truly be the death of us all

>> No.12633190

Wait could someone still play well in game, that they played like 10-20 years ago?

>> No.12633191
File: 10 KB, 250x332, Traffic-Signal-Base[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not underground. They're in those grey boxes that are usually near traffic lights. Why do you think those boxes are vented? If you sneak up to one late at night, you might hear them muttering
>me love make red light

>> No.12633193
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>> No.12633194

Yes, an experienced boxer who hasn't done any real exercise in 10 years will still shit on amateurs. Muscle memory is still there, however at a bit lower level.

>> No.12633196
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>> No.12633198

I'd still kick your ass at UT2004 so yeah. Last time I played was less than a year ago.

>> No.12633200

Nah sometimes it can get fucked though. Downloaded the Halo MCC recently and got my ass handed to me. I used to be really really good. I assume it would be really easy to relearn though, compared to a noobie

>> No.12633204

Also Musk has near photographic memory. So that also helps a lot.

>> No.12633206

Good point. There is a certain breed of people (such as a lot of my old professors) who can stare at a textbook page and they remember shit for the rest of their lives. I don't understand it. If I don't actively study stuff every few months it leaves my memory completely

>> No.12633210

This is a pretty normie-tier meme.
Still made me chuckle though.

>> No.12633212

people don't seem to understand that a lot of emerging technologies start out as stupidly expensive and as playthings for the rich. What are companies supposed to do? Bend over backwards and take a 99% loss on each customer wanting to go to space?

>> No.12633214

Careful, it's another furry fox.

>> No.12633216

>emerging technologies
The advanced unheard of technology of human spaceflight

>> No.12633219

In the US, that's White and White. Not diverse.

>> No.12633220

space is hard okay?

>> No.12633221
File: 1.42 MB, 2329x3000, 7b9uf9ns93r31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disagree, the wideness gives it an arrowhead shape/resemblance which is much more aesthetic and cool than the pencil shape

Saturn V, and the previous manned rockets give off a tip of the spear shape especially with that launch tower, but for fairings the arrowhead is more aesthetic

>> No.12633224

>NASA/Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is hereby soliciting information from potential sources in anticipation of a full and open competition for the acquisition of launch services of the Europa Clipper mission.
>The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/KSC is seeking capability statements from all interested parties, including all socioeconomic categories of Small Businesses and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)/Minority Institutions (MI), for the purposes of determining the appropriate level of competition and/or small business subcontracting goals for the contract. The Government reserves the right to consider a Small Business, Small Business Disadvantaged, 8(a) Business Development, Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB), Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB), Veteran-owned Small Business (VOSB), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone), HBCU or MI business set-aside based on responses received.

>> No.12633225

also regarding that picture, boattail or no boattail? I feel like its aesthetic in some designs (SLS) but in that rocket its better just hanging the full engines out naked

>> No.12633229
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Shitposting to fuck with stocks, destroy hedge funds, screw over shorters, and btfo bankers is absolutely top left.

>> No.12633230

I mean if you put a boattail on an Titan II it basically becomes a Cygnus

>> No.12633232

I always wonder how those relatively flimsy looking bracing can support the force of the rockets

>> No.12633235

richest shitposter in history

>> No.12633238

Speaking of Cygnus apparently it has down-mass capability now?


>> No.12633239

Using the power of the open market to smite your financial competition and troll the government body that's trying to regulate you is far from authoritarian.

>> No.12633240
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>> No.12633241
File: 53 KB, 1100x619, 23942-elon-musk-quote-failure-is-an-option-here-if-things-are-not_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is horseshit, successful people fail so they know how to not fuck it up the next time around

>> No.12633243

Who has received more stimulus and funding from the government than Musk?

>> No.12633246

he's being quoted selectively-he explained that he dislikes the pork laden and often corrupt big packages that the gov churns out and states that direct aid to people is much better.

>> No.12633249

Reminder than Mueller pushed the Merlin design team to shave weight off of the engine by pointing to "green" test figures from components (green meaning minimal deflection under operational loads) and saying "I'm seeing too much green, these parts are too heavy, get more yellow in there".

>> No.12633250

Gemini is so aesthetic

>> No.12633254

looks good from this angle

>> No.12633255


>> No.12633260

Do you have any idea how much money he has saved the government by popularizing electric vehicles/solar/battery grid storage and greatly reducing launch costs? It could very well be the best investment made by any government in history, fossil fuel pollution kills a over million people every year and devastates the world economy.

>> No.12633281

It still can get to launch Dream Chaser for ESA missions.

>> No.12633284

I kinda want to put my dick in SpaceX bros

>> No.12633299

Any Hedge fund in 2008? The trillions of printed money?

>> No.12633302

I wanna use SpaceX as a living fleshlight.
Why didn't he make the logo of SpaceX a rabbit? He should have.

>> No.12633310

One big thing, he learns and accumulates his knowledge. Try imagine a simulation where a younger Musk in his 20s has to debate the current 50 year old Musk. Younger Musk, who is considered a genius, would be eaten alive by Musk of today in terms of knowledge base. Now understand that most people do not grow that much once they reach their peak in 20s. Musk has continued to grow even today.

>> No.12633317

>this entire post
see attached picture: >>12633096

>> No.12633330

I don’t get it, I’m a brainlet when it comes to Freud besides freudian slips

>> No.12633340

One summer I spent literal weeks in the DC Air and Space. It was heavenly.

>> No.12633353

I’m jealous, sounds like a dream

>> No.12633373
File: 63 KB, 518x800, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon is basically saying the other post is one big Freudian slip. That all the metaphors he uses are unwitting innuendos. Something sick involving children, adults and erections.

When most people say "Freudian" they just mean this kind of thing: sexual interpretation of your allegorical speech.

Freud was certainly about this, but he wasn't ALL about this. He had very interesting things to say about the way dreams are structured into our daily lives. And he was also a dangerous quack who should have never been allowed anywhere near a prescription pad.

I know this is a rocket (OMG PHALLUS LOL) thread but if you want to stop being a Freud brainlet without having to slog through Freud, read this:


ALSO, The Oedipus Complex was bullshit and Freud knew it. Most of his early patients were Viennese Jewish adults who came to him with mental problems stemming from child molestation. He presented this finding to his colleagues, also Viennese jews, and they persuaded him to cover it up. And so the Oedipus and Electra complexes were born: the first formalized victim blaming.

I just listened to REM cassettes over and over while memorizing the exhibits. Also watched every Imax film twice. And the planetarium shows.
My childhood was lonely, but not without its consolations.

One of the great things about the Smithsonian is that the Capitol Mall museums are free.

>> No.12633380

Both replies were to me nice. Thanks, i’ll check out freud. My roomate was obsessed with him and always tried to get me into this weird rabbit hole of Freud and Nietzsche and whatnot. And yeah my childhood was lonely as well but I spent every summer at the natural history museum and fell in love with science at an early age. Kids should be exposed to that sort of stuff, it stimulates the brain

>> No.12633381

Chinese carmaker Geely invests $637 million for a satellite constellation providing Internet and GPS.

>> No.12633387

As someone who dabbles in occult mysticism I find Freud invaluable. Can't imagine what the Frued-Nietzsche rabbit hole might be. Seems antithetical on its face.

Which Natural History museum? I used to volunteer at the Smithsonian one when I was in HS.

>> No.12633390

blessed digits

>> No.12633396

Psychological is gay pseudoscience and anyone peddling it should be tossed out an airlock.

>> No.12633398

hello sfg, been out of the loop for a couple of days, i've migrated to biz recently to monitor the gamespotgate, but i came back to visit. I assume i can safely ignore SN9 for a few weeks while i'm away, right?

>> No.12633403

The qaulity of player on MCC is much higher i find.

>> No.12633407

You have to suss out what's signal and what's noise. It's not for hylics or plebs.

Where can I get a good rundown on gamespotgate? I saw that their stock was making news a few days ago, and now in the last five hours there's threads on every board about how the jewish financial system is collapsing. I feel like a guy who woke up in the middle of an earthquake.

>> No.12633437

>Where can I get a good rundown on gamespotgate?
Ill give it to you friend-o.

Here's the deal, there's something called shorting, which means selling more of something you dont have in the hopes youll get more of this later. Its kinda slimy but common.

A very powerful hedgefund did this with gamespot stock. Being the stocks of basically blockbuster after the dvd was invented and them being an ultra powerful wall street titan it didnt even ocur to them there was any danger in shorting, whatever the case they could buy more of those shitty stocks.

thing is once they promised those stocks to others in a contract they are FORCED to produce them, Some anons in internet figured out what was happening because this is really public information and they coordinated a massive buy, so that started driving the price up.

So did the hedgefund bought them out? nah, they went all "ahh these retards are buying worthless stock to piss with us, im not gonna buy 8 dollar stock for 11, ill wait for it to drop and fuck them.

The problem is people kept buying, so long story short, it was at 11 a month ago. It was at 105 yesterday when i bought, it was at 122 today when i checked and it closed at 155. (By the way, i put in 10.000 and have already made around 5000 will probably hold a bit more)

The thing is, the contract in which this hedgefund shorted is due on friday. That means that when that day comes, they are forced to buy a shitton of stock at whatever the price or go bankrupt.

But thats not the end, this fund was slated to go bankrupt when stocks hit 50, but they are backed by another bigger fund, and that fund has insurance, and that insurance has insurance, and that chain eventually reaches to the us goverment.

So basically its a debt that has to be paid and is dependant on the price of the stock, which is dependant on the amount of people who are interested in doubling their money.

>> No.12633438

Will Blue Oregon ever reach orbit? What does /sfg/ think of the man with the plan (Jeff Benoz)?

>> No.12633441

>I feel like a guy who woke up in the middle of an earthquake.
you really did, long story short
if you buy and sell on the same day you have potential to 30-100% hold till friday and 200%-500% seems reasonable, hold for the long run and theres no telling 1000% 10000%.

of course the longer you wait the bigger the risk, but anything before friday is extremely safe investment wise. There now exists a mechanism to safely double the amount of money you have and a vast amount of people know about this, its bound to get weird eventually

>> No.12633449


>> No.12633453

Blue Waffle will never reach orbit. New Glenn will RUD on the pad and drive an endangered species extinct. Biden's EPA will devour the company in fines and legal fees.

>> No.12633462

redpill me on Virgin Galactic.

>> No.12633467

Branson is handsome

>> No.12633486

The one in Houston. The fossils are absolutely mind blowing, and the hall of minerals and gems is a must see. I did a bunch of science camps that ran all summer, and I spent a few summers at johnson space center although it’s lame as fuck compared to places like kennedy

>> No.12633489

are you drunk?

>> No.12633495

>Blue Waffle
Kek Im adding that to my list

>> No.12633497

Anon, SN9 will do its job even without you watching it at all. You (and most other autismos out there) can quickly and easily catch up with the progress through numerous videos on youtube and social media at any moment and save yourself a lot of time for more productive activities.

>> No.12633499
File: 3.85 MB, 4727x6929, 1608944406442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek wtf
I guess he was trolling... liking Holo style characters doesn't mean being a furry

>> No.12633500

surely some AI or transhumanist robot gf thing
he's also a weeb and he likes lolis and catgirls (but he's not a furry... I hope)

>> No.12633503

>jewish book

>> No.12633508

freud is a complex read. You know as much about it as people who read about quantum mechanics on wikipedia know about physics

>> No.12633516

they like to think of themselves as the Mercedes of launch vehicles (kek)

>> No.12633520
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>> No.12633534

fucking kek

>> No.12633537

It sucks.

>> No.12633549

Why do even brand new things in Russia look like decades old relics?

>> No.12633551

The virgin Virgin Galactic

>> No.12633552

They're built by Russians.

>> No.12633556

>Everything is despair
>Actually believing that their constant state of despair is as good as life gets

>> No.12633558

russian stuff seems like they were created by vidoegame designer to all have the same kind of aesthetic

>> No.12633579

Remember the last time we sent a normal person to space (not rich but working/middle class)? The fucking shuttle blew up.

>> No.12633581

Christa MacAuliffe didn't chew on the SRB O-rings, anon. That wasn't her fault.

>> No.12633582

Since stocks are the talk of 4chan right now I would like to point out that SPCE keeps mooning from meme power despite the fact that Virgin Galactic has done fuck all to turn a profit.
Not touching any space related stock until Starlink gets spun off or Elon ever actually takes Spacex public.

>> No.12633589

I know but the optics of a rich person dying in space is different to that or someone further down the chain.

>> No.12633594
File: 275 KB, 400x400, ZXJrtWtu_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.12633597

Severe Judaism.

>> No.12633601

>Starlink gets spun off or Elon ever actually takes Spacex public.
im thinking about buying tesla eventually
check this shit:

this is where their autodriving is. Bare in mind its currently at "DO NOT FUCKING TAKE YOUR EYES OFF THE ROAD" and this is the result and they have the firm intention of taking it into fully autonomous.

electric cars are a guaranteed part of the future and elons has a head start, other most important part is batteries which he also has a head start on.

oh, and not to mention the tesla semi. this is often overlooked but will be a revolution comparable to when amazon was introduced.

imagine you could buy stock on amazon before it took off, well this is gonna be much much bigger. Go see the tesla semi presentation, ill wait.

ok basically, the way goods are transported now is:
-By truck: expensive but flexible
-By train: cheap but tied to schedule and track laying, doesnt get everywhere.

Well, a tesla autonomous semi can work 24/7 AND it saves you the salary of the driver, with those two simple things it manages to be EXTREMELY CHEAPER than the railroad while extremely flexible. The revolution this will mean is hard to describe. The price of goods is now the same in remote locations ALL OVER THE WORLD, and the difference of what was being paid before will go into tesla stocks. imagine that

>> No.12633602
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>> No.12633617

Why does this read like a bot automatically responding to certain keywords?

>> No.12633625

who let GPT-3 loose

>> No.12633628

not native english speaker autistically sperging, after being exposed to the internet which is mostly bots thereby imitating their style probably.

my best guess (im the one who wrote it)

>> No.12633630

The primary indicator is directly in the middle of her face

>> No.12633634

I can hear the meth in his mother's voice

>> No.12633666

unequivocally based

>> No.12633691

I've started reading The Ordeal of Civility by John Murray Cuddihy for an explanation to this.

>> No.12633717

Their breakthroughs for the next 5 years and the resulting massive surge in profits are all already priced in. Only thing driving this thing right now is fomoing zoomer investors.

>> No.12633720

That's GPT-2 at best

>> No.12633759

nah, when they say" ok the machine which costs the same as semi truck but you can have running 24/7 and you can save up on the driver salary, effectively reducing your logistics costs by 200-500% is tried and tested "it will be a whole different deal

>> No.12633810

Anon, Tesla is 500% up over its peak early last year, which was already up 300% over late 2019. Their valuation is already way beyond any automaker. And they still barely make any profit right now.
It'll take years and years to even ramp production of this stuff to a point where they can actually flood the market and that's assuming that the market even wants to be flooded and nobody else is able to compete at all.

>> No.12633828

Every other company that he's competing against gets more gibs.

>> No.12633834
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>> No.12633839
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>> No.12633853
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Spacewalk rn for those who are up

>> No.12633857


>> No.12633882
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>> No.12633885

Whats the poop pressure?

>> No.12633887

nobody fucking knows because SpaceX haven't told us

>> No.12633891
File: 47 KB, 683x601, Toripalaveri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 Pascal :DDDDD

>> No.12633903

Australia shitposting again

>> No.12633949

thanks patrick

>> No.12634012

If you put a 4k camera up there, what stream quality would you be able to achieve?

>> No.12634024

You're probably going to be limited by bandwidth. This begs the question, could you stream data from the ISS to the ground via Starlink?

>> No.12634035

>NET January 28th
Surely they could have a launch today though?

>> No.12634048

I cant believe how unimaginably based Elon is. He is fucking up oldspace and short sellers. While posting memes on twitter. And being the richest man in the world.

>> No.12634075


Apartheid money.

Brutal labor demands.

Cryptofascist Trump supporter.

High on his own supply.

Take your pick.

>> No.12634084

>musk gets investigated by SEC again

ruh roh.

>> No.12634092

And that's... bad?

>> No.12634104
File: 83 KB, 1500x1000, Grimes-We-Appreciate-Power-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>surely some AI or transhumanist robot gf thing
would make sense having grimes as a gf

>> No.12634110

it's based
he is the God Emperor confirmed

>> No.12634116

Please respond. I want to see the hop so fucking bad.

>> No.12634121

70 min shop talk on building solid rocket motors at home;

>> No.12634127

Who's Glover out there with? Hopkins?

>> No.12634131

>getting investigated by SEC for posting a tweet linking to a subreddit

>> No.12634136
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, MARS_KING_ELON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634139
File: 32 KB, 600x450, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow wouldnt that be weird haha

>> No.12634144

Come back when you finally get Blue's Clues to orbit, Bezos

>> No.12634146

Starlink sats and their antennas are pointed away from it, aren't they?

>> No.12634153
File: 2.90 MB, 2476x1356, Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 8.39.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12634155

Road closure cancelled today. Very windy still tomorrow.

>> No.12634164

Not good enough, try harder

>> No.12634166

Starlink antenna angle is set for ground coverage, not an orbit halfway up. The cones of the signal angle would be too small to get any useful coverage, then the relative orbital speeds would make it worse.

>> No.12634176

I want to sniff Zubrin, I don't really care whether it's socially acceptable.

>> No.12634177

I blame the fucking mexicans

>> No.12634191
File: 106 KB, 595x593, Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 7.56.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you is dunking on this SLS-shill journalist?

>> No.12634197
File: 50 KB, 635x357, Slaying the dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634200

Falcon heavy has its fourth flight scheduled for Q2 2021. Will SLS ever fly once?

>> No.12634202

I hate how fucking potato NASA's stream is.

>> No.12634203

>lying is not a good look for an aspiring journalist
neither is mixing up tons to LEO and tons fot TLI

>> No.12634204

Kek I know that's one of you because I saw you posted my Von Braun anime photo. God's work anon. You make me laugh whoever you are

>> No.12634206

Pure engineering, they are made to work, not to look good.
It's actually the same mindset behind starship.

>> No.12634213

Did we ever get more anime stuff from the Japs with Hayabusa 2 being a success? I remember the troves of stuff and the music video from the first one


>> No.12634214

Function > aesthetics. It's like brutalism in architecture.

>> No.12634218

Brutalism is a travesty.

>> No.12634220

Why are the japanese like this

>> No.12634222

Yes it is, but the Soviet Union was on the forefront of that kind of thinking and Russia is just using old designs and ways of building shit.

>> No.12634223

Build public interest I guess?

>> No.12634226

Pretty cool desu

>> No.12634230

I was okay until they showed that photo then I felt a tear. Fuck me that mission went through a lot

>> No.12634233

forever traumatized by you know what. imagine an entire nation curling into the fetile position, sucking its thumb, and rolling around for 70 years

>> No.12634237
File: 395 KB, 597x624, Tenga Rocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder this only happend yesterday

>> No.12634239

*fetal lol

>> No.12634254

nothing actually happened, just more money laundering

>> No.12634256


>> No.12634263

>nozzle under-expanded at sea level
For what purpose?

>> No.12634284
File: 76 KB, 1038x576, Blade Runner 2049 Spinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634287

So is the hop happening today?

>> No.12634288


>> No.12634329

Does anyone have a link to that website that tracked every contractor used on SLS / Orion? I remember it being blood-boilingly long.

>> No.12634334

>what SLS can do right now
What is "nothing", Alex?

>> No.12634335
File: 100 KB, 1015x670, EsPp-FMW8AA3aaU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no hop

>> No.12634337

>bernie meme
>teslarati watermark
you have to go back

>> No.12634341


>> No.12634344
File: 309 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot 2021-01-27 at 15.11.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a good source for this?

Nextspaceflight.com says that the road closure today is cancelled - is that true? If so I guess the hop isn't happening today?

It would be so much better if SpaceX just announced when it was happening on their Twitter feed.

>> No.12634359

I don't know the actual website with road closures, so Twitter posts from people who know are the best I have. They're in solid agreement though.

>> No.12634360


>> No.12634362

>bernie meme
They're waiting on FAA apparently

>> No.12634363

>FAA allows thousands of aircraft of all kinds to fly whenever the fuck they want
they need to fix the process for spacecraft

>> No.12634376

There is literally no justification for Elon being required to wait for government approval to fly his own rocket over his own property.

>> No.12634378

>biden comes to power
>suddenly the FAA isnt so cooperative with spacex anymore
really makes you think

>> No.12634381

They need to make a federal space administration with minimal bureaucracy which can trump FAA and NOAA bullshit. Immediate no-fly and no-boat zones. Although I suppose the word "federal" implies it will inevitably be run like a shitty DPS/DMV

>> No.12634384

I would agree with you, but the area directly surrounding the launch site is public land.

>> No.12634385

I don't want to post the screenshot but there was a twitter reply to Berger bitching about how Starship test vehicles are "basically flying bombs", and represent a threat to wildlife and spacex workers, thus it should need as much paperwork as possible to fly. I wanted to reply to him and call him a retard because they own the fucking property and all the workers want it to fly. But my account has already been suspended for calling people retards

>> No.12634386

I would honestly not be surprised if Pete Buttigieg was directly involved with this holdup

>> No.12634392


>> No.12634394

>represent a threat to wildlife
My god, think of the birds and bugs.
I bet Berger presents more of a threat to wildlife when he's driving home and hits a deer.

>> No.12634399


>> No.12634402

Wen day?

>> No.12634406


>> No.12634407

Does anyone have this? I've seen the video before, but where is the website?

>> No.12634410

I know what you're talking about. I tried looking earlier but couldn't find the website. I'll keep lookin'

>> No.12634414
File: 2.99 MB, 800x1026, SLS contractors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you, anons.

>> No.12634415

Found it. Sorry, I should have found this a long time ago when you originally asked

>> No.12634417

I think it's this one

>> No.12634428

The streams are always spotty so you have to try a few to find a working one, one of these should work


>> No.12634431

Amazing, thank you!

>> No.12634432

deep rooted trad religion where spirits that are the living embodiment of pretty much anything you can think of are everywhere

>> No.12634435
File: 161 KB, 666x707, 1600468881757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634436

>Men and women in all 50 states have been hard at work building NASA’s Deep Space Exploration Systems to support missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. NASA Prime Contractors Aerojet Rocketdyne, Boeing, Jacobs, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman currently have over 3,800 suppliers contributing to the building of the Orion spacecraft, the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, and the Exploration Ground Systems program that will modernize the spaceport at NASA Kennedy Space Center.

>> No.12634438

Motherfucker actually said the SLS is reusable...

>> No.12634442

look at all those jobs~

>> No.12634453
File: 209 KB, 453x682, 1608981980955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634467

Think about all these patriots

>> No.12634468

Why the fuck is NASA using Lowes from Hawaii when those stores are everywhere?

>> No.12634471

In what way? Does the launch escape tower parachute back down for recovery or something?

>> No.12634478

Is he putting a camera lens on that science rig?

>> No.12634493
File: 30 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.371902373_5jfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Fool doesn't even look at 4chan links he clicks

New around here? I myself fell for such joke once, never did again.

>> No.12634494

I wonder what Consume Mike would say when Starship is fully operational. "No other operational rocket can do what SLS can right now. Not even Starship. It's TLI mass per saftey point is 10t/point, Orion requires 5t/point."

>> No.12634505

>no Dr.Comet

shame on you

>> No.12634527
File: 59 KB, 607x277, 1611761553792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not getting SEC'd, right?

>> No.12634530

fake you stupid ass hedgenagger

>> No.12634532
File: 30 KB, 300x428, 0af55fd21f5d317885dbaae554c53986fe9a0e7eecc95ae3834136241f23b07e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too if that's bad it's a shame he's not worse.

>> No.12634536

Yes, but not because of that fake tweet. Lot of headlines already fingering him as the ringleader behind the GME pump, and they just write themselves

>> No.12634537

not a real tweet btw

>> No.12634540
File: 12 KB, 527x85, SElonsC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634541

The most based tweet ever sent

>> No.12634552

Anyone know who is Biden's pick for NASA's administrator?

>> No.12634560

The least qualified one he can find.

>> No.12634561

Al Sharpton

>> No.12634562

It's me, he promised I'd be a woman

>> No.12634567

Whoever he's told to sign off on. Lets not pretend otherwise.

>> No.12634571

new video from primal space, very cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdU9RzlHm-o

>> No.12634570

the FATTEST and BLACKEST lady he can find with a degree that is at least mildly related to climate science.

>> No.12634572

you will pick a woman
she will be black
she will not know anything about space

>> No.12634581

but who would that be? any hints?

>> No.12634582
File: 27 KB, 247x249, greece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoe Saldana
Or that chick who plays Bobbi on The Expanse.
She's black, right? What the hell is she anyway?

>> No.12634586

pacific islander

>> No.12634588

The media decide if its real or not.

>> No.12634592

Fs in the chat for Apollo 1 lads
Today is the anniversary of the accident

>> No.12634594
File: 11 KB, 196x139, depothaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally a real tweet btw

>> No.12634595
File: 42 KB, 1043x348, atmosphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything we can do to remove the media?

>> No.12634598
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>> No.12634602
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>> No.12634604
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>> No.12634608

"heat was hot" -Gus Grissom

>> No.12634612
File: 267 KB, 926x764, 1407357814412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the rundown, fren.

>The Ordeal of Civility by John Murray Cuddihy
This is a very good book. Thank you for recommending it.

>> No.12634617
File: 156 KB, 883x653, 17-53-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634620


>> No.12634624

It turns out there were unforeseen difficulties in reaching orbit simply by lighting a stack of contracts

>> No.12634631
File: 24 KB, 226x218, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634634

The tortoise will be vindicated

>> No.12634633

>still reading the far left rag arstechnica

>> No.12634636
File: 1.01 MB, 1257x1015, famous last words.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And tomorrow is Challengers' anniversary

>> No.12634638
File: 654 KB, 877x493, roblixidea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a futuristic Mars life simulator, any suggestions?

>> No.12634643

Better make KSP2 before the spics.

>> No.12634644
File: 364 KB, 928x621, roblixidea2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inside of a buried inflatable hab

>> No.12634646
File: 46 KB, 800x450, tylerthecreator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Launch parameters? Heh no it'll fly fine don't worry. The engineers are just being sissies.

>> No.12634650

What program are you using

>> No.12634652
File: 313 KB, 832x464, roblixidea3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fusion reactor core
Aren't they also like LGBTards and shit too? Shit, I bet the KSP modding community could just add the better kerbals in and suddenly, KSP2 is not the hot shit that's being hyped anymore.

>> No.12634655

>what? the accident that the engineers warned us about happened?
>fire them

>> No.12634656
File: 347 KB, 695x462, roblixidea4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roblox. Its popular games are shit, but its LUA engine has gotten surprisingly good for developing stuff like this.

>> No.12634658

Kek NASA is full of assholes

>> No.12634660

>Aren't they also like LGBTards and shit too?
First I've heard about it

>> No.12634662
File: 606 KB, 709x528, roblixidea5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificial park
And cowards. And mutts.

>> No.12634663

No shit? Lmao I always assumed Roblox was just a shitty minecraft-ish game. Didn't know it was an engine you could play with

>> No.12634668
File: 558 KB, 709x432, roblixidea6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go to the KSP channel's newest presentation of KSP2 with the cute kerbal faces and all that, you'll see frail ass skeletons wearing shirts bearing the PRIVATE DIVISION company with the oh-so-familiar rainbow.

>> No.12634675

I deliberately clicked on it despite knowing what it would be. Yes, I'm based.

>> No.12634677

LGBT culture is degenerate and is invading spaceflight at an ever-increasing rate. Burn it all

>> No.12634679

I don't see the big deal about it. Cute model btw

>> No.12634681
File: 182 KB, 814x375, roblixidea7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gotten really powerful as of late. However, you pretty much have to make any space game some surface-level stuff, as zero gravity is pretty much impossible to emulate correctly.
The slippery slope was never a fallacy.

>> No.12634683

Oooh pic kinda gives me Goldeneye N64 vibes
>The slippery slope was never a fallacy.

>> No.12634687


>> No.12634689

Private Division is the publisher. Guys who are making the game are called Intercept Games (no previous games). It's big unknown for me, with bigger funding they can make a much better and detailed game but they need people with knowledge, not diversity hires. However, I don't like the fact that Take Two is their owner.

>> No.12634693

The guy’s developing a game for Roblox. He’s probably around 12 or so.

>> No.12634704
File: 2.54 MB, 1898x2604, 1591052791920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634710
File: 437 KB, 691x555, stupidassAIchamber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, okay.
You'd be surprised by how much this game changed, I'm just deciding to give developing a game like this a shot. If I pull through with this, I might be able to make some good shekels with this. Went from a comfy childhood classic to a legitimate dev tool.
No really, look at this: https://youtu.be/fzRE6TaNaaI?t=60

>> No.12634712

>reddit being upset about people richer than them existing
is it really surprising? they fucking love socialism and communism

>> No.12634713
File: 224 KB, 850x637, __hayabusa_and_minerva_original_drawn_by_dei_shirou__sample-20e0d956e332ae604562aede10007a8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that music video.

>> No.12634716
File: 111 KB, 1019x744, the-roster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634718

lmao /k/ommandos always give me good laughs

>> No.12634729
File: 199 KB, 496x581, waifu bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12634741

>roblox is one of the best most stable, least janky, and most professional looking ones there apart from the vanilla games

what the fuck

>> No.12634779

it's probably coming straight out of the combustion chamber throat
by which I mean, there's probably no nozzle at all for testing

>> No.12634788

>Sirius XM Holdings Inc. (SIRI) said that it successfully launched its SXM-7 satellite on December 13, 2020, and in-orbit testing of the satellite began on January 4, 2021.
>In a regulatory filing, the company said that during in-orbit testing of SXM-7, some events occurred and caused failures of certain SXM-7 payload units.
>The company added that at an evaluation of SXM-7 is underway and the full extent of the damage to SXM-7 is not yet known.

>> No.12634805

Do the japanese belief in machine spirits?

>> No.12634808

>oh boy sure today is the day sn9 will lift off!
>"no lauch today"
I sleep.

>> No.12634810


>> No.12634816

Watch the launch get delayed at least one more week due to FAA.

>> No.12634821

theres a game on that platform that has a full sized earth atmospheric mesh and a 1:1 mostly accurate ISS, plus 1:1 SLS and soyuz rockets with accurate flight trajectories

>> No.12634827

theres somebody who made a super high quality starship model

>> No.12634839

In-orbit testing implies something went wrong with its own thrusters.

>> No.12634847

Shit, I gotta see it.

>> No.12634858


>> No.12634863

to those non biz guys, the stocks i mentioned which were 11 a month ago 122 yesterday afternoon 155 yesterday at closing are 350 now, i strongly suggest you find out why

>> No.12634867

Today is Apollo 1's anniversary.

>> No.12634874

What are the chances, as a percentage, of the SN9 hop happening tomorrow?

>> No.12634884


>> No.12634885

who knows. An adversarial FAA could push it back virtually indefinitely. Let's hope that's not the case and it's just a hiccup of changing administrations...

>> No.12634887
File: 165 KB, 1200x800, uhaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the FAA allow it? That's the only holdup right now.

>> No.12634894


>> No.12634896

Imagine the smell in those suits after a six hour space walks

>> No.12634900


>> No.12634908
File: 906 KB, 998x651, 9B76A067-E983-4626-AF2C-456E29DC84BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This towns only big enough for one of us, faggot

>> No.12634946

damn thats pretty cool, do you have some more pictures? and did you only build superheavy or did you also build starship?

>> No.12634953
File: 151 KB, 951x830, C2AFB7FF-CEA0-4429-892A-E5BB6733C806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Starship yeah, just gotta finish working on the interior and window shit

>> No.12634975

isa it happeneing today?

>> No.12634978
File: 38 KB, 678x525, hmmm pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf why am I just now learning that there's a niche community of Roblox spaceflight fags?

>> No.12634983
File: 376 KB, 1914x937, firefox_2021-01-27_14-23-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a literal link

>> No.12634985

what ever happened to the spacex EOY presentation? we saw those internal mockups through a tent that one time but nothing else

>> No.12634988

The whole program is just a scam and Musk got cold feet, decided it would be better to just shitpost reddit links on twitter instead of flying rockets. SN8 will be the last thing starship ever does

>> No.12634995

Holy shit, is that a different engine or are you seriously just making me job like a bitch?

>> No.12634996

It better have a good text to speech program to be just like Moonbase Alpha

>> No.12635000

Kek the TTS in moonbase alpha is hilarious. JPL makes some really good software

>> No.12635010
File: 46 KB, 554x632, blutoearnsitsname.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it gold?

>> No.12635016
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>> No.12635020

My game's actually out. It's far from finished and probably looks like pig shit in the meantime, but I just thought I could have visitors.

>> No.12635023
File: 169 KB, 416x721, primecrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12635024

I'm retarded, here's the link: https://www.roblox.com/games/6222743237/Mars-2045-Sci-Fi-RP-UNDER-CONSTRUCTION

>> No.12635026

i'll check this out i guess

>> No.12635032
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x847, 1593998467342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof. Wonder what went wrong.

>> No.12635036
File: 289 KB, 1440x823, 1601798370015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 they get more corporate bailouts

>> No.12635037

what a fucking fucker way of putting it, why even mention spacex, why damage their stocks like that

>> No.12635039


>> No.12635041

Maxar is public. It won't effect SpaceX stock, but will effect rideshare trust from launch customers.

>> No.12635044

but spacex did their job flawlessly?

>> No.12635047

maxar is down 8% on the news, time to buy cheapies

>> No.12635048

the insurance payout means they never lose even when payloads fail. Although reading the article it sounds like SpaceX didn't do anything wrong, it was the satellite's own internal operations that fucked up.

>> No.12635051

how much does sat insurance cost? what are the premiums like?

>> No.12635052
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x1027, 1592231071081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they made bank regardless

>> No.12635056
File: 189 KB, 1262x842, BA4BE02B-C6B9-4DB9-A253-4D7BD7E7A2B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright then. Also it was gold because cash cash shekel shekel money dollars

>> No.12635060
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 454922B6-B75C-4B66-BF62-654AEF2C88FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s Roblox

>> No.12635066

Holy shit you're good at this. Are you planning to put that starship in a game or something anytime soon?

>> No.12635068
File: 583 KB, 1200x901, 1595864111554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12635072

Seems like there's a good number of religious astronauts

>> No.12635076

It was gonna end up in Space Sailors but I’m planning on just taking it and making my own game

>> No.12635078


>> No.12635082
File: 339 KB, 862x463, USSAvalon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you're Pulsar? Damn. If I may recommend something, maybe you could build a gargantuan orbital ship like pic related or something for the starship to dock with in orbit or something.

>> No.12635087

still up by like 200% in 6 months, dunno what is cheap anymore

>> No.12635095

Not pulsar but I’m one of the three devs working on it, image limit reached because of your spin station. I’ll post proof if you want next thread

>> No.12635103

Boeing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Airbus

>> No.12635105

>page 9, image limit reached

>> No.12635109

>trailing twelve month P/E of 9

>> No.12635110

A lot of astronauts come from the military. Generally those in the military come from the more conservative and religious section of the american population.

>> No.12635114

Thread is staging:

>> No.12635116

a fair point, any info on what happened ~year ago when the stock was under 10$?

>> No.12635152

Based McVeigh poster.

>> No.12635197

damn, we've been hitting the limit a lot lately

>> No.12635244

And that's a good thing™.

>> No.12635532

Elon je Srb. Mars je Srbija!