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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 506 KB, 1149x1210, 2mask2weeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12629161 No.12629161 [Reply] [Original]

Well it looks like we are headed to wearing 2 masks now.
Does this mean that the public was inadequately protected for around 10 months due to the wrong information everyone was given?
Or does this mean the whole this is a joke and they're just seeing how far we'll go?
> wear a mask, now two, now three
> get the vacine, now two shots, now a shot monthy forever

>> No.12629163


I can't. I just can't. It's a self parody. They're just mocking people at this point.

>> No.12629168
File: 25 KB, 1024x588, GettyImages-1215224972-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Second year of COVID
>Second strain
>Wear second mask
>The year is 2045
>COVID has a 15th strain out
>Vaccines still failing
>Elon Musk develops new vaccine using Mars dirt
>Still ineffective
>Fauci decrepit and communicates via Hawking tech
>Tells us to wear 15 masks at once
>Says it's common sense
COVID deniers BTFO

>> No.12629173

Inner mask to get dirty and be thrown away
Outer mask to be /fa/

>due to the wrong information everyone was given
They lied about masks not protecting yourself and lied their way out of it.

>and they're just seeing how far we'll go
No schizo

>> No.12629179
File: 390 KB, 1280x960, jerkoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12629191

I feel bad at seeing people so bad at dealing with the pandemic that they have to rationalize the whole thing as a big conspiracy to cope. It's sad, really.

>> No.12629199


>> No.12629201

I feel bad for those retards that believe scareflu is coming for round 2 because they have to trust the squawk box.

>> No.12629204
File: 428 KB, 598x726, Wuhanlab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little monkey backed funding that shithole lab which unleashed this bs onto the world. KYS

>> No.12629206

Big eye ape gather around glow box to receive the visions and the sounds which give the knowings.

>> No.12629349

The most effective strategy is obviously just not opening your mouth + clamping your nostrils shut. I've been doing this for ~15 years now and have never gotten sick once.

>> No.12629363

How many masks should I wear in parallel before adding more will stop "helping"?

>> No.12629365

6 million

>> No.12629369

>They lied about masks not protecting yourself
Feel free to explain how a mask can filter something too small to be filtered and prevent droplets of water from deforming to fit any container and pass through those gaps in filter material?

>> No.12629373

>common sense
So, no actual science, just "trust me bro, it'll probably work". Why does anyone listen to this clown?

>> No.12629375
File: 92 KB, 400x400, woah-thats-heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12629395

Heavy, heavy..
Is there something wrong in the future with the earth's gravitational pull?

>> No.12629404

Its heavy in the future because everyone has to wear 6 millions masks to protect others now from a cold thanks to common sense now.

>> No.12629408

Anything that can limit the amount of viral particles you're exposed to is beneficial. This was true when WHO was denying it, and it is still true even if WHO are endorsing it.

>> No.12629413

Yea because its not like viral particles will exponentially multiply once they interact with the biology of the immunocompromised, its totally about the viral load and not the medium of infection.

>> No.12629418

>my specific example invalidates general principles
You're arguing like a tranny, m8

>> No.12629420

>I don't know what specific means.
Healthy people with working immune systems dying from covid is the exception, not the rule.

>> No.12629426

Actually, the US CDC was monitoring the lab. Year after year they reported they didn't have enough safety measures and were offering funding specifically for safety. Trump rescinded that, as part of his "get tough on China" strategy to boost the economy.

You could say because Trump was making that lab less safe and more dangerous, he was indirectly responsible for creating the virus.

>> No.12629434

>The American President is the world's daddy, its entirely their fault any time the children are irresponsible and mess up in any way.

>> No.12629436

I'm just saying, they knew how dangerous the situation was, and trump was like "it's not my problem if they release a deadly virus, that'll be on china"

>> No.12629440

>Poor China.. They need money from the U.S. to safely run a lab.
What a brainlet you are...

>> No.12629446

>the best way to address some massively dangerous fuckup is to give them all your money and hope they safely fuck your shit up

>> No.12629467

it's the kind of thing where you help them, not because they're your best buddy, but because if you don't and the fuck up it ruins the entire fucking planet.... case in point, covid19

but this subtly is lost on a low IQ childish moron like Trump, and apparently (You) too

>> No.12629477

trump and maga are over. You can stop your retarded propaganda.

>> No.12629481

Yes because helping them fuck up in a more spectacular way by giving them exponentially more investment will cause just as much damage as if they were still rural rice farmers doing their experiments with bug money.

>> No.12629482
File: 22 KB, 480x360, Kary Mullis on Fauci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR) on Fauci

>> No.12629490

What a retarded solution. Imagine if the roles were reversed - America has a level 4 biosafety lab and they are seemingly not taking all required safety precautions to diminish potential risk. The UK jumps up and offers funding to babysit the mongoloid America’s, and a few years down the line the UK says, “why the fuck are we funding laboratory research in the worlds economic superpower?” And withdraws funding. In the next couple of years, America releases a virus upon the world.
If you place any blame on the UK in that scenario you’re a retard. China should be receiving draconian sanctions from every country in the fucking world right now.

>> No.12629643

Why just not stop breathing? That will probably make it much more harder for the virus to enter your body.

>> No.12629652
File: 87 KB, 292x204, 1596371437761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan was a mistake. There should be a minimum IQ requirement to posting.

>> No.12629662

frogposting is the brainlet filter, and you failed

>> No.12629685

He is a fucking scammer who said the complete opposite a few months or a year ago.
Just like when the WHO said there was no people to people spread or that masks didn't work.

>> No.12629702

Fuck you commie

>> No.12629726

Right yeah ok so next time my neighbor's kid doesn't do his homework I'll be sure to give him a talking to since his dad couldn't be fucked to, seems fair.

>> No.12629737

Surely 3 is better than 2 and so on and so on

>> No.12629776
File: 183 KB, 688x658, EVq6zbsWkAMv3Zj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this mean that the public was inadequately protected for around 10 months due to the wrong information everyone was given?
medical "science" strikes again

>> No.12629821

>no evidence of human-to-human transmission

>> No.12629828

>conducted by the chinese
>january 2020

>> No.12629862

How long until they mandate ballgags and buttplugs to prevent back-door infection?

>> No.12629867
File: 495 KB, 1600x1309, Headline Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no evidence means nothing to worry about
>t. experts

>> No.12629945

What you already were forced to do (and did without much complaining) is nothing compared to the double muzzle, so why bother at this point?

>> No.12629959

Those shitty fashion masks were always shitty except nobody made it clear that "these are not as good as N95 masks, you idiots".
Then dumbass fashion took over and everyone bought ineffective scarves from China in their favorite football team's colors (which was fine, because we didn't have nearly enough N95 masks for people working in health care and around people all day)
I still don't think we have the production to get everyone the best protection, unless Biden's authorized some national defense spending, but even if we did, those N95 masks are gonna be "too ugly" for people to wear
So yeah, two masks: your N95 diaper that might actually do something underneath your fashion-statement headscarf.
Also shut the fuck up and stay home for a couple weeks. But we're too dumb for that, too.

>> No.12630047

Almost everyone wears mask to avoid being fined/denied service. So triple masks will change nothing: they will be worn only in special cases, but then either pulled of completely, or chinned.

>> No.12630097

>Also shut the fuck up and stay home for a couple weeks. But we're too dumb for that, too.
Logistically impossible and you're an idiot for believing otherwise. Stay in your lane code monkey, logistics is for real men.

>> No.12631126

Respirators have been recommended for a while and surgical/cloth masks were deemed inadequate for crowded indoor exposures. This isn't new, only respirators are designed to deal with aerosols.

>> No.12631152

Look, you dumb fucking /pol/tard crossboarders (and you are /pol/ posters, don't dare deny it, your style of "argumentation" i.e. low IQ and emotional takes, give it away), masks reduce transmission. Two masks will further reduce transmission because it provides another layer over your fucking mase. Why didn't they tell people two wear two masks the beginning? 1) Not enough masks 2) Probably didn't have the data to support it.
Now seriously, fuck off and die. I'm sick and tired of having to explain basic things to you because you're fucking retarded. Give me a break, kill yourself so I can have peace and quiet.

>> No.12631155

>and prevent droplets of water from deforming to fit any container and pass through those gaps in filter material?
Ever poured some droplets on a surgical mask? They won't go through unless you completely saturate it.

>Feel free to explain how a mask can filter something too small to be filtered
That wording is an oxymoron. Maybe you should go after the HEPA filter business, I bet you could make a fortune proving they can't filter fine particles because the gaps are too large.

>> No.12631165

Had an appointment with a pulmonologist yesterday. I was telling him about how much less I'm able to exercise today than a year ago. He said it's like that for everyone including himself. He thinks all of the mask wearing is fatiguing us all. He didn't recommend not wearing a mask but said being less able to be as active as we were before the masks is something we'll have to endure until the pandemic is over.

>> No.12631170

How would you know what a /pol/sters look like unless you're one yourself?

>> No.12631174
File: 8 KB, 280x227, 2808fo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tested positive last week, I had 2 days of headache and heightened temperature. Since last Tuesday I have only had a mild cough. But about 30 minutes ago I suddenly lost my sense of smell and got a mild headache. WTF is going on.

>> No.12631227
File: 80 KB, 500x501, badb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12631253

Burqa makes more sense. Its scientifically proven. Biden will now mandate Burqa for all non-Muslims.

>> No.12631266

>masks reduce transmission. Two masks will further reduce transmission
Condoms reduce STD transmission. Two condoms will further reduce transmission.

>> No.12631289

I've always been wearing a second mask to keep the first one clean. First layer is N95, second layer is normal to keep the N95 clean. Been doing it since the first time I left the house (have only gone outside 3 times since March) and people think I'm crazy apparently; I know better.

>> No.12631336

tritium from fukushima got into you dna.

>> No.12631340

shill. fuck you. kys. end of story

>> No.12631347

>it's the kind of thing where you help them
The only way America can help them is regime change.

>> No.12631359


>> No.12631369

>"expertise" is for sale
>mfw i'm too depressed to find an applicable meme

>> No.12631374

yeah that's what I was thinking based on the headline. He probably means double mask with cloth and surgical.

>> No.12631402

>Condoms reduce STD transmission. Two condoms will further reduce transmission.
Yes, they would actually.

>> No.12631827

This is the new normal. Cope, biggot.

>> No.12631832

I want daddy Fauci to crush the plebs. Biden Harris imperium nao

>> No.12631845

Wearing two condoms increases the risk of them tearing

>> No.12631853

>conducted by the chinese authorities
>chink CCP shills
>medical science
'chinese authorities' recommend traditional chinese medicine and accupuncture and qigong in their official covid protocols to this day

>> No.12633695
File: 43 KB, 942x540, triple mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear the triple mask goyim

>> No.12633716

>dont have to wear mask if you never go out in the first place

Checkmate /pol/tards now BTFO.

>> No.12633747

if that is a real picture, i expect they will somehow in someway extrapolate that logic to
"more masks will never reach 100% and people cant breathe with several masks so the only option left is to let the poor die"

>> No.12633755

Not to be That Cunt but i've been double masking for a while now. Medical mask + fashion mask that I got of redbubble. It's pretty comfy and makes me feel safer

>> No.12633815

Ripe for parody, why not wear 20 masks.

>> No.12633841

good job

>> No.12635049

8/10 larp

>> No.12635065
File: 1.11 MB, 2560x2999, 1609616258007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at fauci smiling, then look at him one year ago and he's all sad because there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.12635067
File: 213 KB, 1280x581, 1609616426291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did 98% of flu cases go?'
Why did child flu deaths drop from 150 in 2018 to 1 in 2020?
>masks reduce every airborne contagion EXCEPT corona virus!!!

>> No.12635070
File: 114 KB, 522x1024, 1609620159364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COVID-19 is a phony phantom, I waited until the year ended to see the statistics before I was adamant about it.

>> No.12635073
File: 224 KB, 2000x1405, global circulation of influenza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, tautological image. It's more concise at least.

>> No.12635077
File: 537 KB, 696x820, mockery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12635403


>> No.12635411

>>Elon Musk develops new vaccine using Mars dirt
I choose to believe this.

>> No.12635420
File: 36 KB, 398x378, OH GOD OH FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 GORILLION!!!!????

>> No.12635925
File: 107 KB, 535x680, 1598578435165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as you are liberal, make sure you wear 2 masks covering both mouth and face. Also, you WILL get injected, otherwise we will label you as racist.

Remember liberals, do as your told. Put the mask on, get injected and stfu.

>> No.12636473

>it likely does
these fucking people

>> No.12636515

You need to take a step back and think about what you're doing with your life