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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1262916 No.1262916 [Reply] [Original]

what would one do with a Computer Engineering degree
? Any advantages of Electrical Engineering?

>> No.1262986


>> No.1263030

Both good; guaranteed job if you get a respectable mark. Go with whichever looks more interesting.

>> No.1263051

create AI so that SHODAN can destroy all organic life

>> No.1263059
File: 249 KB, 367x550, 1277409520130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you heard of Anal sex, now just imagine that with men!


>> No.1263069

Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering have similar course loads.

That's why many schools combine them into one major.

Truth be told, I'm quite surprised that there's still solo EE and CompEng majors out there in this day and age

>> No.1263074
File: 125 KB, 600x371, 1275243935176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thinking about "experimenting" in college?
Be careful, always carry protection!

>> No.1263084


I'm doing the same thing too. I chose to double major in those fields because of the similarity and you would have to take around 5-7 more classes in order to attain both degrees.

>> No.1263089
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4 year Engineering programs are being phased out (at least in the US), in favor of certification and 2 year programs. Engineering is more of a trade then anything.

>> No.1263098
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>> No.1263100

I am not so sure about that, at least in my country, the EE course is much lighter in the computing aspects, I am actually doing something they call "EE with emphasis in computers" and what I get is a single semester focused on computers.

>> No.1263119

faggot who saves pictures of cocks on his computer

>> No.1263125

Where I come from 2 year programs are only for the likes of Jesse, no offense.

>> No.1263130
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, professor-frink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I heard they were "phasing it out". Any idea why?

>> No.1263161

I am sure this has been said to death, but this dude is either butthurt because he can't get a job or a plain stupid troll, most of /sci/ ain't even out of high-school to care about this shit.

This engineer, though, is not bothered as he happens to be bisexual.

>> No.1263162

which country are you?

>> No.1263168


>> No.1263185
File: 38 KB, 450x450, three6mafia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not offended. In America alot of jobs are actually becoming certifications or 2 year programs. Especially since alot of people are dumbasses, and think 4 years of college is hard.

Its already happened ALOT in the medical field. They are starting to do it in engineering as well. Engineering is really is more of a trade, if anything (at least the way it is done in the US).

>> No.1263207

Not sure of what you mean by a "trade", mind to explain that? And how would you go about getting the same knowledge with half the time?

>> No.1263210
File: 11 KB, 251x226, 1277407129380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag: doesn't know about /sci/ memes, thinks it is one single dude

>> No.1263213
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>> No.1263235

Yeah, because ten different persons decided to do this shit at the same time. How likely is that? Obviously one person started it and I am questioning his reasons, yo.
Furthermore, p/sci/duck since day one, bitch.

>> No.1263251

Sorry, I wasn't aware of the grammer NAZIS in this thread!

>> No.1263284

Your logic is kinda off pal.
Isn't it more possible that a bunch of people came to the same conclusin that engineers were faggots, becuase they ARE FAGGOTS!

Wow, you need to go take a logic course.

>> No.1263303

Que estado?

>> No.1263315
File: 72 KB, 500x318, obama-got-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they cut-out all the Core-Classes and electives. That is about 2-years right there.
They also compress some courses.

I am using the basic defintion of trade, a "traded profession", a "blue collar job", a "labor job". Like a plumber, a nurse, or electrician.

>> No.1263323

Electrical engineering is more general, so you have more job opportunities.

>> No.1263397

That actually sounds pretty sweet. I can't wait until they stop giving engineering degress.

>> No.1263439
File: 85 KB, 1216x610, onlyfunnyengineertroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realize it's just another forced meme
The gay engineer thing has only been pulled off funnily once, pic related. This leads me to believe
1. It's one person spamming it who has only not failed once
2. It's one person, and some faggot tried to fit in by spamming it more.

>> No.1263460

anyone have more screens from this thread?
>Engineers are just glorified technicians
>Engineering is just a trade
Could be higher with some originality

>> No.1263467

LMAO, that is some funny shit. Thanks for the pic!

I have actually seen it pulled off at least 5 times though. Some of the shit they come up with is fukcing highlarious!

>> No.1263482

What are you taking about?

>> No.1263492

These are great! Do you have anymore?

>> No.1263530

with that pic being the best.
Most of the time it's just uninspired "THEY LIKE IT IN THE BUTT CUZ THEY'RE GAY ENGINEERS", it was tiring, then funny, then like any meme, it got tiring again.
I'm an EE, so maybe I'm just butthurt (get it?), but only think it's funny on very rare occasions.
The "Engineers are just laborers" trolls are slightly annoying, but tolerable.

>> No.1263533

EE major going for masters here. EE is better because we get to design new pieces for those pretty green boards.

>> No.1263537

only screenshot I took :(
anyone know if it were archived?

>> No.1263552

>implying this wasn't you engineers' fault for trying to claim your work as science

>> No.1263564
File: 64 KB, 966x678, 1277215612634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yeah your probably just BUTT HURT. I guess you're used to it though, FAGGOT!

>> No.1263587

"All engineers are gay" is /sci/'s "all Minecraft players are autistic."

>> No.1263590

But aren't they laborers? How can that be a troll if it is true? I mean I have respect for the engineer, just like I respect the janitor. We need them both!

>> No.1263596

Just got here from /v/, that is a great explanation thank you.

>> No.1263606
File: 18 KB, 194x200, coolface holy fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when this thread is filled with asspained computer science majors making half the pay and doing twice the work as engineers, while working under them.

>> No.1263618
File: 17 KB, 266x306, holyfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot has no idea what hes talking about.

>> No.1263628

No, that is actually true. Don't be so butt-hurt guy.

>> No.1263637

Thats Electrical Engineering Technology dumb fuck. Theres a difference. Hard pressed to believe that 4 years of school is more irrelevant to engineering than it is to any other lib arts degrees.

>> No.1263651
File: 72 KB, 300x467, walt_becker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face as engineers do the grunt work all day, and I just sit back and relax

>> No.1263664

>My face as engineers do the grunt work all day, and I just sit back and relax, waiting to get my unemployment check.

Fixed that for you bro.

>> No.1263675
File: 16 KB, 624x352, 1265062182964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one guy says he's annoyed with engineer=laborer trolls
>out of nowhere, said trolls
>high schoolers talking about scientists
>no subtlety, no humor
>remember I'm on /sci/

>> No.1263681
File: 158 KB, 621x900, re_pri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, It hard to remeber all the "engineering" names. I got in trouble once for calling the "Chief Janitorial Engineer" just a "janitor".
Engineers like to feel important. I guess it has to do with the whole "homosexuality" thing.

>> No.1263701

still doing it wrong, see

>> No.1263704

Just having the tittle of engineer nets you a job these days, of course you want to called by it.

>> No.1263723
File: 73 KB, 500x820, 1276398812468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh, your a funny little engineer aren't you.
I'm suprised they let you use the computer.
You won't find any gay porn here little guy, try /cm/ or /y/, I think those are more for engineers.

>> No.1263740

Doing what wrong?

>> No.1263747

Molecular biologist here.

This gay engineer meme is unfunny and unsubtle trolling and you know it. It's just yet another example of how goddawful terrible 4chan is right now.

>> No.1263749
File: 4 KB, 184x211, blue grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your a funny little engineer

Confirmed high school kid.

>> No.1263758

More like confirmed troll, mirite?

>> No.1263779

I'm certain he's not a troll. I've come across his kind before. Asspained fag with a bad major hating on the successful people who played the job market and actually get payed to do what they love.

>> No.1263788

Always thought
EE = Hardware Emphasys
CompuE = Software Emphasys

>> No.1263878

From what I've heard CE works more on embedded systems. It's sort of like EE and CS combined, but during your last year or so you may get to specialize a bit in a field of your choosing.

>> No.1263908

CE here.

CE is basically a merger of CS and EE. At my school, you choose whether you want to specialize in hw or sw. I chose sw so I'm more leaning to CS than EE.

Basically I would say go with CE if you are more interested in hw only in terms of computer components. Personally, I don't give a fuck about power systems or whatever other shit EEs deal with.

>> No.1263948
File: 56 KB, 654x468, kashima_34_meter_space_antenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well im studying EE and I can choose subjects in one of these fields:
-Digital Electronics;
-Control & Automation;
-Production & Quality;

>> No.1266126
