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12625362 No.12625362 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ so I have to ask what you all think can be done to solve the Psychiatrist problem.

Having just had experience with these 'people' I have found them to be the absolute worse sort of person for helping people with their emotional health. They are without a doubt the people with the least understanding of what it means to help a person.

They think everything can be solved with pills and without even realizing it they have convinced themselves they have the right to force medication on every single person they meet.

I'm not making this up. I asked a psychiatrist if she had ever met a patient and not tried to write them a prescription and she refused to answer.

What do we do about this malignant tumor on all of science known as psychiatry?

>> No.12625378

Chemical lobotomies for psychos and heart attacks for children

>> No.12625398

If you don't want medication, then go see a psychologist or psychotherapist instead because psychiatrists are specifically trained to use pharmaceuticals and chemical interventions for various disorders.

>> No.12625407

Bluepilled. In my experience 99% of talk therapists begin and end the sessions with
>“are you taking your meds”
And if the answer is no or not regularly half the session is brow beating you into seeing a doctor and taking meds and how wonderful they are and how you just need to tweat the dosage and mix and they will start working, psychologists are 100% in bed with psychiatry (some exceptions).
Red pilled op

>> No.12625412

Take your meds.

>> No.12625414

>Bluepilled. In my experience 99% of talk therapists begin and end the sessions with
Yes because 99% of people in therapy are court ordered into therapy and have mandatory state enforced prescriptions.

>> No.12625417

They're fucking it up is what though

>> No.12625450

That’s completely not true and a smear of people in therapy

>> No.12625461

yes, you can look at all the replies to your previous thread.

>> No.12625469

It is completely true, most people are mentally ill by society's standards not their own personal standards, so they only "seek help" involuntarily when compelled by a court.

>> No.12625507
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>> No.12625520

>I'm unemployed.
I thought you were the assistant secretary for health in the Department of Health and Human Services?

>> No.12625521

My therapist is a dude who is basically anti-psychiatry but can't say it out loud because lawsuits. I don't know what your mental problem is but if they're asking you must have done something crazy.

>> No.12625536

> be cop fag
> (feel free to respond with a 6 paragraph blog post mostly consisting of the same tired slurs I already tune out literally all day)

We got a prosecutor who used to be a lawyer for a big mental health company, coincidentally, our prosecutor tries to turn everything into a mental health issue so he can kick back tax-funded buisiness to all his former buddies. Your typical case goes like this:
> meth head does some typical tweaker shit
> gets arrested for it
> "your honor! I believe this is a mental health issue, the state reccomends a psych eval!"
> wouldn't ya know it, the company who does those are his former good ol' boys club members at mental wellness inc
> oh, hey, they are proscribing a bunch of drugs (cuz those weren't the guy's problem already) and mental health counseling, big fuckin suprise
> guy gets put on psych meds, committed to thier counseling program, and released from jail
> oh, hey, its only been 3 days and he's back in jail cuz he smoked a ton of meth and got arrested for disruptive tweaker shit
> "your honor, mental health is an ongoing process, the state reccomends we release him so he can continue treatment!"
> repeat ad nauseum

They ain't ever taking the meds for long enough to pass the loading period. Also, getting submitted to a new eval every 3 months and released just to go back to doing drugs and not showing up to treatment until they get popped for dumb junkie shit, or for an arrest warrant for not participating in mandated treatment isnt actually treating the issue. The issue is, theyre on fucking drugs, and you can order them to attend treatment until you are blue in the face, they are just gonna walk out the door even assuming they bothered to show up at all and be back in jail next week.

Im not fucking kidding about the turnaround either. I got like, 3 dozen guys who are all in jail every other week on an endless cycle of ineffective mandated treatment programs they have no interest in.

> s

>> No.12625539

The only thing I did was be very depressed when I was 14 years old, be given meds that sent me manic and caused a suicide attempt. This is actully fairly common in some small nontrivial population, the sudden upswing gives you “the engry” to go through with it.
For a decade and a half afterwards I was in the psychiatric system of therapy and pills, dispite the fact that virgious exercise is known to work better than pills. I never really got better despite everyone always saying “pills work” I only got better when ai got away from my parents and got a therapist that did cog. Bean. Ther.
For these threads you should point out how pills make your brain change the amount of neurotransmitter receptors on cell walls, literlty changes your brain physical makeup, which is why they always have to change pills, you will just go back to your default state in relationship to your habits and External environment

>> No.12625552

Because they are doctors. They have no patience for your bullshit. You are looking for a nanny, i.e. a therapist.

>> No.12625553

Actually had a run in with this. My wife had post partum depression. After 15 kinutes in the doctor's office they just whipped off a prescription for Seroquel. We thought it wasn't a big deal because they so readily prescribed it, and they werent even shrinks. Nobody talked to her, no therapy or being seen by an actual psychiatrist. Doc just said "post partum depression? okay, take this." In and out of the office in like, 35 minutes. Take these and go away.

So they seem to work great, no side effects, wife is like "fuck yeah, over that shit, im just not gonna renew my prescription." I come home to my 12 year old son taking care of the baby while my wife is locked in the closet trying to get away from the voices that are telling her they're coming to get her for being an unfit mother. What the actual fuck? Renew her prescription, all better again.

Take her to doc. "Oh, well, thats post partum psychosis. Quitting seroquel can cause psychosis."


Long story short, she ended up having to take that shit for 18 months and slowly wean off of it in order to treat something that normally goes away on its own in 6 to 8 weeks anyways.

>> No.12625560
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>> No.12625577

just awful.

>> No.12625607

Did some at University, just to fill out credits and vaguely interested in the scientific side ( how the brain works ). What fascinated me, in a horrible way, was my classmates. The overwhelming majority were fat, ugly and extremely unpleasant women with unbearable personalities and chips on their shoulders. Plus the odd weirdo creepy guy for good measure. There were only a few guys like me padding out their STEM majors with some easy papers.

Now the thing was the guys doing STEM majors grasped the basics of it real quick. But the bitches majoring in psyc were stupid beyond belief. They really had no firm grasp of the subject. Mostly they just regurgitating. For example they would learn about displacement behavior from the lectures and texts, but they couldn't actually identify it in real life. Imagine an engineer learning about aerodynamics and then asking why birds have wings. Yeah, that level of face palm stupid.

But they could get passing grades. So could a monkey. Getting an A was a joke, honestly. I realized that these fucks were going on to become shit like education administrators, HR managers and some would become fucking Psychiatrists.
>They think everything can be solved with pills and without even realizing it they have convinced themselves they have the right to force medication on every single person they meet.
So yeah, this makes absolute sense. They dont know what the fuck they are doing but they are so arrogant they think they know better.

>> No.12625612

Imagine living in a USA

>> No.12625621

It's some kind of a cult or something. They know the meds cause brain damage (as did physical lobotomies / electroshocks) and they do it on purpose to ruin people who they know they don't hallucinate.

>> No.12625627 [DELETED] 

Kind of like that. People who are extremely stupid, or themselves insane, plus some sadists who do it on purpose.

>> No.12625663 [DELETED] 

Thre seem to be three kinds: sadists, who enjoy torturing people. They take to pick the nicest people.
Idiots, who diagnose any sort of original thought, no mater how mundane, as a sign of mental ilness, because sane people regurgitate what they were taught and trained to do, like them.
The insane, who think they can see on people when people hear voices or something similar.

>> No.12625667 [DELETED] 

There seem to be three kinds: sadists, who enjoy torturing people. They take to pick the nicest people, and often are particularly mystified by emotions, and think having them isa sign of being borderline.
Idiots, who diagnose any sort of original thought, no mater how mundane, as a sign of mental ilness, because sane people regurgitate what they were taught and trained to do, like them.
The insane, who think they can see on people when people hear voices or something similar.

>> No.12625684
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>go to the doc
>prescribes me Clomipramine (Tca, strongly serotonergic)
>doesn't seem to work
>adds fluoxetine
>I get serotonin syndrome
>discontinue meds
>go to the doctor again, tell him what happened
>"yeah, it probably was serotonin syndrome"

Those people have 0 understanding of neuropharmacology, how the meds work and how they interact. All they know is "if the patient is depressed give them meds X Y Z, if anxious A B C, etc."
Never ask them for help. Try exercising (cardio and strength), a healthy diet, supplements if you need them, and if you'd ever need medications such as benzos once in a while for anxiety or a stimulant to get through the day when you didn't sleep the night before, get them online.

>> No.12625770

Stop spamming this thread and take your meds schizo.

>> No.12626019
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No, YOU take YOUR pills!

>> No.12626031

address the point about thorazine , vegetamin and haldol being neurotoxic and you and your ilk getting rich from them for 60 years against all good evidence and concience?
>cant even admit it was a mistake. let alone give back what you stole.
hey heres sum xanax kiddies
huuur duuuur real doctah dis iz safu

>> No.12626036

there is no incentive otherwise.
there is incentive because folks get paid good money to organise lunches and seminars for these retards to attend as a paid holiday.
"its good networking"

>> No.12626045

Look at the incentive structures in place. I guarantee you they earn a commission for every prescription they write. Psychology will be the biggest scar of our contemporary scientific generation. It will seem laughable that we relegated something as complex as the study of the human mind to these people.

>> No.12626098

you guys seem smart, what's to be done?

>> No.12626102 [DELETED] 

Post on 4chan in perpetuity

>> No.12626128

like any animal whose behaviour you would like to force into compliance.
threaten their food source and forcibly link it to responsibilty to their actions.

hold them responsible and starve them out.
make the industry unattractive for high-earners and attractive for low-earners and reduce the level of respect shown to the field.

i'd probably start by showing the reproducibility studies (generally sub 50%) and how plagued psychiatry and psychology is with trash stats and misapplied "science"

give no respect and expect none in return.
these people bought a lab coat and demanded to be doctors.
>thats why real doctors hate them, same as most GPs

>> No.12626170

>be me
>have trouble sleeping
>make an appointment with a psych
>(((doctor))) instantly prescribes me Risperidone, an antipsychotic, before bed
>a fucking antipsychotic as a first line treatment for insomnia rather than melatonin or simply fixing my sleep hygiene
>get hyperprolactinaemia and gyno and have to get boob surgery due to his ignorance and utter disregard for normal clinicla practice

Over time it became more and more obvious to me that psychiatrists(and most doctors to be fair) are just glorified minions of Big Pharma.

>> No.12626254

Take your meds schizo.
>t. Psychiatrist

>> No.12626260

jesus christ
my situation sucks dick but i hope i just read a larp

>> No.12626312

> be cop fag

Learn the board lingo at least. You're clearly new here.

>> No.12626318

To be fair I didn't grow C cups like some posters I've seen on /fit/ did, just some lumps under the nipples. Pretty annoying, still.

>> No.12626829

did you know psych pills only have to work 1% better than a placebo to be approved?
(1) if your environment is shit pills are only going to do so much. A 15 year old with no friends that live with screaming parents has problems a pill can not and should not help
(2) exercise and diet do work wonders in many cases, and they work better than pills for many cases but they never check, hey are you getting enough exercise for your health and sleep?
>hey know the meds cause brain damage
no one ever fucking talks about this! and if you bring it up to normies you sound insane "that cant be true anon"
>they do it on purpose to ruin people
I dont think this is true, I think they think it helps to addle over active brains a little
I was lucky I had really good rigorous pysch courses, both in general psychology and in neruobiology, but I know what you are saying is true a lot of places

>> No.12628158

Keep coping
T. Psychiatrist

>> No.12629292

Stay beta
T. Psycho

>> No.12629462

Do you need surgery even if you suddenly discontinue the meds? I was taking low dose amisulpride for depression, after 3 days I started getting gyno, I discontinued it and I was back to normal.

>> No.12629470

i can get a legal speedball of amphetamine, pregabalin and clonazepam so thats nice

>> No.12629484
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You know how I know this is a larp? Because you don't just "see" a psychiatrist you have to wait months, and they don't just see someone because they have trouble sleeping. What a load of horseshit this post is

>> No.12629639

>However it works where I'm from must be the only way things work.
I was just looking for talk therapy and first day they sat me down in front of the office psych anyway. Didn't wait months for anything, but he seemed interested in my request NOT to be put on pharmaceuticals. Showed me some supplements online that might help, called me a "smart guy", and sent me back to the therapist I was actually there for.
But you sure do like to post transpobia, make flawed sweeping assumptions, then speak with entirely unfounded authority.
>You know how I know I'm still on 4Chan?

I want the shit to work, talk therapy is the only treatment with any kind of verifiable positive prognosis for my condition and there's no "Cure" But most people are lonely and reactive, like who WOULDN'T benefit from a dedicated consistent conversational partner being paid to make it all about you? Regardless of education, half the time I genuinely think most people would be just as well off with sugar pills and a totally unqualified "life coach." And probably even better off with just a personal trainer and consistent gym attendance honestly.

>> No.12629902

>I'm not making this up. I asked a psychiatrist if she had ever met a patient and not tried to write them a prescription and she refused to answer.
Stop blaming the psychiatrist when you are clearly mentally unstable. You need medicine to stabilize you and therapy to help you process your life in a healthy way.

>> No.12630002

You need to be executed with all your descendants, and all those like you are, in order to clean up the gene pool.

>> No.12630118

psychiatrists are med school (the hardest field to get into) graduates and they have the highest starting salary, retard.

>> No.12630807

>You need medicine to stabilize you
You mean the emotionally blunting drugs that neuter you into a walking zombie? You mean a chemical lobotomy?
In the 22nd century you will only be remembered for crimes against humanity.

>the hardest field to get into
med school isn't hard when you are already in. Only hard to get into because supply is limited and demand is high because of the prestige brainlets attribute to it. Sure starting salary is high because nobody wants to be a psychiatrist. It's a shit job and you aren't helping anybody.

>> No.12631300


>> No.12631338

Interesting to see my OP copy and pasted. Should at least add an attribution to previous anon.

As the author of the OP (though this thread is a copy-paste by someone else) I can tell you, I was put in a mental hospital not because of an actual condition, but because someone signed a petition against me as a legal attack.

The psychiatrist spent more time talking to the person who signed said petition ( a career nurse who knew all the right things to say) than actually observing me to render her opinion.

She then took me to court and denied the notes from the rest of the hospital staff being admitted into evidence.

Truly evil.

>> No.12631350

It is almost as if they are all prioritizing profits above the well-being of patients.

>> No.12631368

>asking a pointed question means you are unstable

Psychiatrists everyone. They believe they are unquestionable authorities on the brains of strangers.

>> No.12631372



>> No.12631377

Previous threads:

Thread#1: >>12576331
Thread#2: >>12610257

A good quote from the end of thread#2 (it nearly hit reply limit):

>Even my psychiatrist admits most of her colleagues are completely vraindead idiots that drench all their patients in drugs.

I'm glad to see this is an outlet for so many to voice their abuse at the hands of midwit drug jockeys.

>> No.12631542

This is the better of the two threads.

I hope more anons share their stories about how psychiatry has impacted their lives. I am grateful to everyone ITT that is sharing their tales of malpractice.

>> No.12631595

>probably even better off with just a personal trainer and consistent gym attendance honestly.

The personal trainers I've met were more intelligent than the PHD psychiatrists.

>> No.12631628

psychiatrists have covertly established an ontology, and want to naturalize it to prevent you from seeing that they are actually doing philosophy. this ontology mistakes labels for things-- what we mean when we call a person 'depressed' is that they exhibit certain behaviors. what a psychiatrist means when they say a person is 'depressed' is that they have 'depression', which is taken for a real agent that CAUSES its symptoms. this allows them to sidestep the problem of causality, treat the brain like a chemical vat isolated from social concerns, and sell people ssris (which are not even proven to be effective for alleviating depression symptoms).

>> No.12631633
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Look. You are all getting bogged down with the specifics. If not inside an institution or a lobotomized state, where the hell else are you gonna keep the crazies?
Exercise and stasis pools? Cryonic freezers?

>> No.12631636

>waaah everyone in the world is wrong but meeeeee
Grow up, manchildren.

>> No.12631638

> They think everything can be solved with pills

Oh my god you dumb bitch. You stupid cunt. That's literally what psychiatrist do. It's like going to a foot doctor and you're all "they think everything's about feet". Please do not reproduce holy shit

>> No.12631640

That depends. Do they generate energy when they move? Cause if so, it would pay for their upkeep while allowing for their thrashing around.

>> No.12631647

I'm sure with some pressure graduation they could use their motions for displacement pistons to do that. Yeah. Lol.

>> No.12631663

>oh my god i'm a totally normal person and this evil psychiatry cult is forcibly medicating me
bless psychiatrists for keeping the psychos and schizos away from the general public
be really they should be just vegetized and used as biomaterial for medical research

>> No.12631682

Is this an American problem or something?

>> No.12631686

That was an hypothetical question. You answered it pretty friggin well. Why aren't we doing this?

>> No.12631687

>It's like going to a foot doctor and you're all "they think everything's about feet"

And if your feet problems are actually caused by knees/hips? Shouldn't a foot doctor be able to assess that and send you to the appropriate place rather than mistreating you?

Your emotional reaction shows you are unstable and need to take your meds.

>> No.12631697

The hypocrisy. You cherry pick posts and are just as violent in your fantasies.

>> No.12631700

The real American problem is that they're too soft on schizos and allow them access to the internet(and all they do is post on anonymous imageboards) in their asylums

>> No.12631701

Foot doctors don't take people to court to forcibly treat them. You are pretty mad though. Makes me smile.

>> No.12631707

Because something something human rights something something moving around is one. Also because there's only a handful of chamber filling fluids that would do the job well enough and I'm sure there are probably laws against covering someone in amniotic fluid against their will. Unless you could make an alternative in a lab and start mass production or make the stuff in a lab, modify the formula slightly and slap on a fancy sounding label to make it yours
>tfw you add tang food coloring
LCL anyone?

>> No.12631715
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>LCL anyone

>> No.12631717

The simpler answer would be manual labour or electricity generating-treadmills in exchange for food and water; even crazies are subject to basic biological needs

>> No.12631719

Not only that, they allow them to vote, too, apparently.

>> No.12631732

>Pro-psychiatry apologist has disdain for human rights

Just proving psychiatry is an institution of deranged sociopaths.

>> No.12631737

Psychos aren't human. Conscience and rationality is what differentiates humans from other animals. A psycho stabbing someone because the voices in his head told him to is no different to a tiger mauling someone because he got spooked by a loud noise.

>> No.12631809

>implying you have a voice that matters
Lol hush up sweetie. The adults are talking now.

>> No.12631813

Psychiatry clamps, vaccinates and circumcises. Just on the mind directly.

>> No.12631875

You are forcing people to take drugs that turn them into raging momsters. That isn't just having an opinion.

>> No.12631881

Is there anything more satisfying than injecting haloperidol into a psycho and watching him turn into a vegetable?

>> No.12631892

>Conscience and rationality is what differentiates humans from other animals.
Are you saying that psychiatrists are animals?

>> No.12631899

They are both conscientious in trying to protect the normal people from psychos, and rational in choosing the optimal way to do it
They are not there to help you, they are there to be the bulwark between murderous psychopaths and the general public
Psychos belong in chains and hooked up to sedatives

>> No.12631916

Psychiatrists recruit from completely soulless people. I've read of a case where a psychiatrist declared a boy who shot other children who poured a bucket of feces on him must have done so because of "hearing voices".

>> No.12631923

>a boy who shot other children
case in point
>they are there to be the bulwark between murderous psychopaths and the general public

>> No.12631934 [DELETED] 

Are you unable to finish reading a sentence? You may argue if his reaction was excessive or not, but calling it a mental illness is just completely bizarre.

>> No.12631952

Wow it turns out that reality exists. They can predict the course of your symptoms and therefore decide that you have a certain disorder. Unless you just went psychotic from a drug overdose or sheer inability to COPE... and even then... you’re not unique and neither is your pathology.

>> No.12631956

Wanting to hurt people who hurt you is perfectly normal. You don't need to "hear voices" for that. You are a psychopath yourself if you don't understand that.

>> No.12631960

We get it, you want to stab people with a knife over perceived insults to your cosmic psychotic ego.
Take the meds and get in the restraints.

>> No.12631994

Getting feces poured on you isn't a "perceived insult". Yes the reaction was excessive, but it isn't a result of mental ilness. Why don't you protect society from psychos who pour feces on others instead?

>> No.12632004

The shitpourers deserve corrective punishment
The murderer deserves meds and/or prison
Simple as.

>> No.12632036
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Protip for any burger Anons who get involuntarily committed: if you want to get discharged immediately, just call up your insurance provider and cancel your medical insurance. I witnessed people who wanted to stay and who the doctors thought needed to stay getting kicked out on their ass because their insurance refused to pay any more. If you don't want to risk somehow being kept in involuntarily despite that (doubtful, since any private hospital will want their money), just consent to being there voluntarily at first (they'll usually give you the option and then make it involuntary if you later withdraw your consent) and then call up your insurance so you're technically voluntary when the insurance money runs out. To survive in clown world, you have to pit the clown systems against each other.

>> No.12632041

The only psychopath here is you.

>> No.12632052

Regardless of what anyone deserves it's bizarre to think he must have heard voices.

>> No.12632055

>uh oh
>nurse, time for some thorazine for this one!

>> No.12632118

4chan should require a mental evaluation before you enter, and all who are at risk must provide video evidence of taking their meds

>> No.12632179


>> No.12632201
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Writing you a prescription ≠ forced treatment.

We stopped forcing people into psych hospitals back in the 60s, to the detriment of everyone.

>> No.12632202

Circumcised and sadistic psychopathed. Or perhaps, clamped and obsessive compulsive pilled.

>> No.12632215


>> No.12632236
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Nigger if there's anyone who acts like an OCD robot with infant brain trauma it's you.

>> No.12632238

I'm uncircumcized, clamped only after cessation of umbilical pulse, blue-eyed and light-haired, /fit/ and 130 IQ
You are a literal worm to me

>> No.12632246

Not false.


>> No.12632707

>Conscience and rationality is what differentiates humans from other animals

So a psychiatrist that conflates every mental illness with a murderer is not human.

>> No.12632715

>Writing you a prescription ≠ forced treatment.

Taking me to court=forced treatment.

>> No.12632719

Medical people are subhuman by default. They start out kind of human, then get turned into golem during their education and residency.

>> No.12632756

>The adults are talking now.

About how best to save society from the mental illness that is psychiatry.

We will not be silenced and we will be successful in destroying this abusive system.

>> No.12632775

Reading this thread really proves that psychiatrists are psychotically violent towards the people they are supposed to be helping.

>> No.12632781

The medical systems clamps, vaccinates, and circumcises. Everything they do is barbaric, predatory, and violent. Just imagine inducing birth with pitocin, just think what it takes.

>> No.12632957

Garret they never put cobalt pellets in your yard or your furniture you're just crazy

>> No.12633073

This is true in more ways than might seem immediately obvious. Capitialism has made peoples lives so easy they don't need others, they don't need families, then they become anti-social, and want to suicide themselves and bring the rest of us and society down with them. Life should be not so easy.

>> No.12633771

It's from the iron, which is toxic to the brain and makes people insane. People live with 4 with no symptomes, the levels declared sufficient are insane and the iron gets into the brain. People have blackouts, time doesn't speed up with age.

>> No.12633794

Psychiatrists are trained in medication, not talking to you until you feel better. That’s like complaining that your plumber didn’t fix your car.

>> No.12633798

you shouldn’t beat up people and expect everyone to be okay with it. Stop projecting.

>> No.12633823

If we keep this up in 6 months we'll have a anti-PSY movement taking over big pharma as they get shorted to oblivion

>> No.12633838

Psychological diagnoses are overdetermined by a host of factors
does someone who has schizophrenia:
1. have trauma
2. antisocial, anti-thinking negative suffering spiral
3. dementia praecox
4. dissociative experiences
5. sympathetic and magical thinking, or repressed consciousness
6. distressed socially
7. poor sleep/too much sleep
8. melatonin/dmt disarray
9. obsession w/ 'pattern matching' (int++) or 'thought insertion'
10. personality disorder complicating and complicated by the above.

Anti psychotics can help stop the progression of the brain disease, perhaps reverse it with the right behavioral interventions, mental tools and models, and potentially cure it. But there will always be facts and further complications to worry about.

>> No.12633862

forgot to say smoking the ganja doens't help1
caused me 'possession' and 'depersonalization'
somebody else was basically using my body while I was trimming marijuana once to smoke.
pretty good shit.

>> No.12633892

and don't forget compulsive fapping can short circuit you........... i think?

>> No.12633912

Psychiatric doctors self medicate. Like a bad drug dealer, they grow addicted to what they pedal. Seen it many times before.

>> No.12634152

ah, good old anecdotal evidence to lead to a fallacious conclusion. Never change, /sci/

>> No.12634231
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>What do we do about this malignant tumor on all of science known as psychiatry?
Fix the burger health-care system. Any self-respecting country has state-subsidized health-care at this point I don't care for your ideals, if you want the medical industry to stop pushing pills on people you remove the profit motive behind it, and having a (at the very least partially) socialized health-care system would do this.

>> No.12634268

Calm down Nurse Ratched

>> No.12634286

>Regardless of education, half the time I genuinely think most people would be just as well off with sugar pills and a totally unqualified "life coach." And probably even better off with just a personal trainer and consistent gym attendance honestly.
Absolutely agree with this. I have rarely seen such common sense so eloquently expressed on this board.

To add, I think part of the problem is that many people place too much importance on qualifications and credentials. They run off to see professionals at a drop instead of applying a bit of logical reasoning of their own.
This sort of shit exemplifies what I mean:
>gf has skin rash on her tits.
I suggest: Try wearing looser clothing, different fabrics, less laundry powder, different laundry powder, unperfumed soap, dont scrub your skin, run shower water cooler, change your diet, avoid exotic foods, etc etc. Oh fuck no, shes got to run off to the doctor.
>HERE! Take these pills, smear this cream, see me again in a week! $50 plus pharmacy costs.
No change.
>HERE! Takes these different pills, smear this different cream....$$$$
No change.
>repeat 3rd week. Its getting worse not better.
So I buy her some new tops cos she's put on a little weight and I suspect its just skin friction against fabric, aggravated by her scrubbing with perfumed soap in a hot shower. Tell her to try my suggestions or shut the fuck up about it. Surprisingly she does try my suggestions. Point in her favor I guess.
One week and its gone for good.

>> No.12634292

It starts in the schools- kids get picked up and targeted for being different, and it's not little girls most of the time. It's little boys who our feminized, cucked society and school system treat as defects because they don't take well to being forced to sit still 8 hours a day

They target people who don't have a choice and exploit parents' care for their kids. Then once you're in that system and are convinced your brain is broken and you need pills to live, it's near impossible to get back out. And psychiatrists don't operate in a vacuum- mental health is an interconnected system that includes them alongside other types of professionals- everyone involved agrees that how we handle things is OK.

>> No.12634294

single payer removes the absurb price tag but it doesn't solve the underlying, perennial ideological issues that prevent mental health care from being effective. Or the miasma of inverted and distorted reality we live in that causes mental illness rates to get worse every single year

>> No.12634302

>trying to hitch circumcision and antivax together to discredit opposition to circumcision

Glow harder faggot. Men have a right to intact bodies. Sorry Milton, but your nose cream made with ground up baby dicks is going to be a lot harder to come by soon

>> No.12634312



>> No.12634314

More like self mutilate.

>> No.12634368

It's not about the price tag per se, but about solving the issue of atrocious psychiatric practice. The most pragmatic solution to OPs problem (if he is a burger, which I've so rudely assumed) is a removal of the material factors which motivate the continued reliance on the current psychiatric ideology, of incessant diagnostics and SSRIs and downers as panaceae. This can in large part be done by socializing those sectors of health-care most negatively affected by big pharma. It's a politically tangible goal with the Biden administration slowly settling into office. The idea of a psychiatric practice centered not around pseudo-compulsory medication should be appealing to the comparatively liberal conservative block, as well. The goal, afterall, is a mental health-care system that treats its patients not as customers but as people with life-impeding problems. Sorry for getting political on a science board, but OP sort of invited this kind of digression in the first place. I take only partial blame.

>> No.12634371

Have you tried NOT committing crimes?

>> No.12634374

Also, I forgot to add, clamped.

>> No.12634382

and then there are some who pose a really serious danger to themselves or others. The 'forced treatment' is there to reduce the harm these individuals may cause (through no choice of their on) to themsleves or others. Mostly others. It's what most good societies are set up to try to do, to protect the majority of its members from internal and external threats using the least damaging and cost effective methods possible.

>> No.12634425

I committed no crimes. That's why it wasn't a criminal hearing. Instead it was a hearing because I refused to consent to treatment I didn't need. The hospital did not like being denied my money so took me to court because they don't believe I should have bodily autonomy.

>> No.12634525

>and then there are some who pose a really serious danger to themselves or others
The law inforcement is meant to take care of that. Thry commit a crime, they go to jail.

>> No.12634599

Ha, I love it anon.

>> No.12635578
File: 392 KB, 533x716, done with you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12625553 >>12625621
>>12625684 >>12626170
>>12626829 >>12631338
>>12631628 >>12634425
This is heinous shit. Psychiatrists/therapists/psychologists obviously enjoy destroying people's lives for money. The people who are doing this should be executed

>>12629902 >>12631300
>>12631372 >>12631638
>>12631663 >>12631737
>>12631881 >>12631899
>>12632201 >>12632236
>>12633794 >>12634382
Fuck you

>>12632707 >>12632719
>>12632756 >>12632775
>>12632781 >>12634292

>> No.12635602

the meds
take them

>> No.12635655

your foreskin
restore it

>> No.12636135

Read about Joanna Moncrieff MD if you really think that mental illness is a brain disease.

>> No.12636143

Thank you for the meds kind stranger