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12603629 No.12603629 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of depression? Why would something like that evolve?

>> No.12603636 [DELETED] 

Self criticism to become better and survive

>> No.12603637
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It's a perfectly normal response to modernity. People who aren't depressed nowadays are the fucking crazy ones.

>> No.12603639

And if you don't become better you just kill yourself. Pretty healthy

>> No.12603644

An internal mechanism that evaluates the utility of the individual organism for the species and, if it falls below some threshold, directs the organism to kill itself.

>> No.12603645

Depression is the antithesis of survival. It removes your drive and desire to live, let alone get better.
Why would this be the case? In many countries, living conditions are better than at any point in human history.

>> No.12603646

The idea of self-improvement is kind of flawed because you're just filling your schedule with surrogate activities instead of imposing your will on nature like you're supposed to do.

>> No.12603653

To keep you from wandering around the snowy landscape in the middle of winter when you should be in a near hibernation state. This is also why depression is so much more common in population groups that are traditionally from higher latitudes.

>> No.12603658
File: 389 KB, 1000x1147, Uncle Ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We attribute the social and psychological problems of modern society to the fact that that society requires people to live under conditions radically different from those under which the human race evolved and to be-have in ways that conflict with the patterns of behavior that the human race developed while living under the earlier conditions. It is clear from what we have already written that we consider lack of opportunity to properly experience the power process as the most important of the abnormal conditions to which modern society subjects people. But it is not the only one. Before dealing with disruption of the power process as a source of social problems we will discuss some of the other sources.

>> No.12603685

I think depression is, unless there is a biologic underlying problem, a systemic issue. A weak or non-cohesive family, poverty and the like can really dig a hole in the human spirit in the long run.

>> No.12603698

This, but the subconscious program for turning it on and off can be DDOS attacked by modern society's high incentive to think excessively about the future, modern society's array of dopamine superstimuli and living in environments with more than about 200 people.

>> No.12603707

>a systemic issue
Yes, but the systems in place are far bigger than than families or social groups. Institutions and organizations run by men with ambitions that we can't even begin to fathom are steering humanity in directions that we have no control over.

>> No.12603714
File: 96 KB, 350x350, Ted Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>environments with more than about 200 people
Uncle Ted talks about this too. It's called oversocialization.

>> No.12603719

there is no "point" to depression in the same way there is no point to an atherosclerotic plaque rupture leading to a heart attack, they are both diseases (genetic and environmental factors are involved) and result due to byproducts of the evolutionary process

>> No.12603725

I agree. A good start would be banning smartphones because I'm 100% positive that being "connected" all the time watching cat videos
and receiving likes have destroyed humanity's dopamine cycles. This is the great filter. The only solution would be destroying everything so we can start from scratch, nuclear war.

>> No.12603727

How is that thing you mentioned similar to depression? One is a physical issue, the other mental.
Nobody forces you to live in cities

>> No.12603740

>watching cat videos and receiving likes
Don't forget pornography which has poisoned the minds of billions of young people who have access to 60fps 4K incest fantasies so long as there is a stable wi-fi connection. I wouldn't be surprised if the average age where children are first exposed to pornography gets lower each year.

>> No.12603742

If you're a failure it's good for the group if you get out of the way on your own, increasing the chances of successful survival and reproduction for other people with your genes.

That is to say, nature doesn't put all her eggs in one basket.

>> No.12603746

>In many countries, living conditions are better than at any point in human history.
We also desire more, and are exposed every day to the lives of people who have it better than us. We know what we're missing out on.

>> No.12603757

>nobody forces you to live in cities
>nobody forces you to drive a car
>nobody forces you to use a smartphone
You definitely have a point and I think we're going to see unprecedented levels of young people moving to rural areas in the coming decades due to the extremely high cost of living in major urban areas. However, you are basically ostracized from society if you refuse to utilize new technologies as they emerge. It can be liberating not to use social media or whatever, but you have to realize that you are much more limited in terms of social mobility (which isn't necessarily a bad thing considering how gay and retarded most cityfags are).

>> No.12603760

>We know what we're missing out on.
This is especially true for young men without options for romantic partners. This is a demographic time bomb.

>> No.12603767

Just stop using social media.

>> No.12603775

Good advice. People seem to get addicted to it, though. I hear from family and friends when they get upset over seeing all of the things other people are doing that they aren't. It almost becomes masochistic, but they won't delete their accounts.

>> No.12603780

Except they're seeing carefully curated shit that people post to show off how amazing they and their lives are. Perhaps it even gives people inflated egos as they get praise and likes on their pictures, thinking they're greater than they really are. Doesn't make any sense to me. I never got into social media.

>> No.12603783

>Doesn't make any sense to me.
The way people who grew up using Facebook (as in they made accounts in middle school) use social media a lot differently than how it was originally intended I think. There are all these unwritten rules that people seem to adhere to about when it is appropriate to "like" certain things or how to respond to comments. I dunno, it's weird. It mostly spread via imitation too. Also, people you are in group chats with might have secret group chats without you. It's Machiavellian for some people.

>> No.12603837
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Because it tells us when it's time to stop being a part of society, sort of like when you burn your hand on a stovetop the pain tells you to move your hand away. Also when you have mineral deficiencies and eat bad food you become depressed with your circumstances so you figure some new food out or seek help

>> No.12604380

To survive slavery.

>> No.12604446

I think it adjusts perspective:
1. you sit/do nothing
2. you start thinking
3. you take action based on your interests and the force of questions you've asked
4. you manifest passion.
it may have been rare, or normal to have depression in ancient times. however, i also think exercise can cure depression, in some cases. in the day you'd be working, figuring out work puzzles and solving the problems of life and dreaming about thoughts. so it may or may not have been less rare. but neuroticism may have been higher as well. if you get passion, you might get obsession.

>> No.12604514

>There are all these unwritten rules that people seem to adhere to about when it is appropriate to "like" certain things or how to respond to comments

Can you explain some of these zoomer rules?

>> No.12604523

people with major depression don't take action

>> No.12604543

>What's the point of depression? Why would something like that evolve?
>What's the point of any disease? Why would something like that evolve?

>> No.12604548

ah. well. I had depression and that's what happened for me.
took several years to realize that I needed to think about my problem(s). of course, I see a therapist and that helps me think and work my mind through it all.
anyways, 'major depression' sounds like an imbalance.

>> No.12604551

if several people give a uniform response you must give a uniform reaction. lmao. fucked that one up recently. ow.

>> No.12604560

diseases are physical issues, depression can be the consequence of bad life experiences and internal states, all mental, hence they're not the same.

>> No.12604565

Product of a rational mind, it wasn't meant to be so frequent.

>> No.12604571

I think it has to do with the conditions we live under, yes living standards are better these days, but it takes a lot for an individual to have a relatively high standard of living.

>> No.12604639

Depression does have physical repercussions, that's why when you have depression you get prescribed SSRI. As with any mental health issue subjects can be more or less at risk depending on congenital physical factors. Life events can cause the disease, but for all intents and purposes mental illnesses are not dissimilar to any other malfunction of the body, except that treatment has to also involve the cognitive and emotional aspects of the patient. OP's question is preposterous, it's like asking what's the point of kidney failure, or diabetes, and why would they evolve.

>> No.12605497
File: 422 KB, 1600x1072, shit makes me hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea of self-improvement is kind of flawed because you're just filling your schedule with surrogate activities instead of imposing your will on nature like you're supposed to do.

How do you take my darkest desires directly out of my head and put them into words?

t.depressed underachiever

>> No.12605513

Compare a caged lion to a wild one and understand the flaw in your argument. Modern life is easier and offers much more security, but it lacks the primal aspects that humans evolved to exist in. Men crave physical conflict and challenge and find it in videogames.

>> No.12605516

Apoptosis. If a person feels that they are a burden on themselves or others, or are not contributing enough in some way, they will end up depressed.

>> No.12605520

>nobody is forcing you to live in cities. The only way you're living outside the city is if you were born there or have expendable money.

>> No.12605525

this is so stupid i think im leaving /sci, withdrawing all submissions and revoking all accesses.
>have good dumb

>> No.12605534

You can be depressed and do martial arts anon. People don't crave physical conflict, they crave meaningful work, which video games provide in large quantities. Physical labor (i.e. exercise) is just one way to make your lizard brain think that you are doing good in life and pulling your weight. Although I do agree that modern humans are not aware enough of the meaning and practicalities of physical conflict. It's not just men either, everyone should do martial arts and get their shit kicked in a few times.

>> No.12605549

Martial arts training isn't conflict anon, it's training. Men crave to USE the marrial arts

>> No.12605556

By this logic miners and loggers should be the happiest people right?

>> No.12605564

What do you think sparring and competitions are? Have you ever competed in martial arts? You're not really gonna get any better than that without injuring each other. Besides, as I said people crave meaningful work, not beating the shit out of each other.

>> No.12605614

hugely low impactt comparatively to most industry.. but ok

>> No.12605864

You have zero evidence to back that up.

>> No.12605875

Depression can come with other mental health issues like trauma. Asking for its purpose is like asking what’s the evolutionary purpose of broken legs.

>> No.12605956

Martial arts is gay, go squat 400 pounds instead

>> No.12606173

There are a few weak beta soiboys that have been artificially selected to be good slaves for the system, and they are more than happy to be in a position of power where they normally would not be in a healthy society

>> No.12606197

Whats the point of getting high? Why would something like that evolve?

>> No.12606715

Men absolutely 100% crave beating the shit out of each other, its what war was for before guns.

>> No.12606798

as adaptation to sickness, you get depressed: sleeping a lot, being slow, conserving energy, self-isolation, avoiding contact with others so they don't get infected.

>> No.12606898

What? Will spells start flying once we get enough wizards? Instead of dying in war or disease at a young age, the men will toil away for as long as they're useful then die old and lonely. Or by suicide. More of a wimper than a bomb.

>> No.12606904

Implying lonely men are useful, and will toil away and contribute to society instead of sabotaging it. Without responsibilities, people who depend on them, or anything to lose.

>> No.12606936


it's been observed in both human and animals to be engaged in recreational activity just to pass the time, depression has not.

>> No.12607479

depression is biological as well

>> No.12609128

>muh everything is pragmatic natural selection
>crams rectangular solution in triangle shaped problem by cutting off the edges

>> No.12609133

There are two things:

Psychiatrist and psychologist way to obtain money

Both coeexists as depresion.

>> No.12609142

>How is that thing you mentioned similar to depression? One is a physical issue, the other mental.
What a brainlet take. Yes everything manifests out thin air. No atoms are involved in anything. See that car? Just lift it up bro. Your world, your rules.

>> No.12609203

>Why would a random process that doesn't have a conscious or any goals randomly generate an emotion?
Asks the moron who should have understood what evolution is back in 4th grade but still refuses to learn.

>> No.12609224

>what is learned helplessness

>> No.12609379

They crave it until they get the shit beat out of them. Then 90%+ give up and fuck off back to where they came from.

>> No.12609389

Depression is trying to live in the past.

Anxiety is trying to live in the future.

Since it's only possible to live in the present, if you don't focus on the present, you'll get sick.

>> No.12609393

Macroscopic apoptosis

>> No.12609398

Because it did. Stop asking "why" and just ask "how" because you'll never answer the "why."

>> No.12609621

Sometimes it is with depression but not always. Sometimes you just feel depressed (doing nothing, no will to get out of bed, nothing makes you happy, etc).

That is much more than just living in the past. Every fucking retard here pretending they know what it is, we have no fucking clue. We think being healthy and eating right can help (it can sometimes) but not always. We think its chemical imbalances in the brain so we have medicine for it, but it doesnt always work...

Why does everyone feel like they have to express an opinion here and just in general online? If you dont know just say so or dont comment. Everything here is just speculation with the autistic 4chan filter applied to it so lots of kill yourself, survival of the fittest nonsense.

Bunch of fucking autistic loser weebs living in their parents basement pretending to know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.12609635

All humans have a drive to solve problems. When a solution is not obvious, we isolate ourselves to better focus on the issue and generate novel perspectives which may present novel solutions. This is depression. In the modern world, 99% of our problems are solved, so we either create new problems or turn our problem solving inwards, or both. This results in a feedback loop, because WE are the problem we are trying to solve, leading to chronic depression, suicide, and so on.

>> No.12609671

It's a feature of social/group animals. You either become better and more fit and thus improve the survival of the group or you fail and remove yourself from the group, thus increasing its chances of survival.

This is why social animals do poorly in isolation but a-social animals are fine.

>> No.12609674 [DELETED] 

Depression repression is here

check this out

Its fun

>> No.12609701

Lonely depressed men become NEETs, drug addicts/drunks, or actively violent savages who will attack the system.

But that is meaningless in the modern world because all the work that was once done by these Men will be done by robots, the violent ones have been duped by the system into fighting for changes that benefit the system, and that's exactly the plan. Men basically made themselves obsolete with machinery, and women/minorities are universally dumber and easier to control, and make better consumers. Men are being ENCOURAGED to be lonely depressed NEETs, degenerates, and "revolutionaries," because it makes the most economic sense for them to do so.

>> No.12609710

>What's the point of depression? Why would something like that evolve?
Because in the absence of a modern entertainment media infrastructure(TV/internet) you don't sit at home and maintain your depression for your entire life. You go outside an do something to break up the monotony that causes your depression, you meet a girl, start a family, renovate your house, invent something amazing or sit in the bar having a chat with folks.

>> No.12609711
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 1589653209956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When moths are attracted to a light or flame, they're actually trying to escape it by flying upward. They assume the brightest light they can see will always be in the sky, because they evolved that way. They evolved in a way that makes them waste large chucks of their short lives in fruitless misery in the modern world. Just like us.


There is a science journal article on that topic (link above)

I like this quote also:

>“The tragedy of a species becoming unfit for life by over-evolving one ability is not confined to humankind. Thus it is thought, for instance, that certain deer in paleontological times succumbed as they acquired overly-heavy horns. The mutations must be considered blind, they work, are thrown forth, without any contact of interest with their environment. In depressive states, the mind may be seen in the image of such an antler, in all its fantastic splendour pinning its bearer to the ground.”

>> No.12609963

This cuts to the heart of the issue. Without TV/Interet/Games you would be forced to go out and do something else as you said.

Ive been depressed and I can say it was always kept alive by TV/Internet/Games. Even at my lowest low, if I didnt have these things I would have gone out and done something just to break the boredom.

Thats what sucks about the internet/social media, binge watching... It keeps you engaged just enough so you dont fall into that boredom that is actually useful for humanity. This is also supported by weed which makes you content with boredom.

Boredom turns out is incredibly important to experience. Its a very powerful motivator.

>> No.12610065

>Why did we evolve the ability to die while trying to breathe water? Why would something like that evolve?
Your question makes a wrong assumption.
Depression is an artifact of a complex mind. Meaning, complex mind has the ability to develop depression.
Modern life is forcing us into situations where depression can develop. As this is relatively recent, there are not a lot of natural filters present yet to help your brain not go down the wrong path.

>> No.12610135

>Because in the absence of a modern entertainment media infrastructure(TV/internet) you don't sit at home and maintain your depression for your entire life.
Unfortunately I suffered from this condition since I was very little, and at that time there weren't any modern media, I'd just play with toys ot listen to the radio, later a walkman.
Depression isn't something new, it used to be called melancholy

>> No.12610219


Normally we find meaning, purpose, and a place in life, but in the modern world almost all people have an inhibited power process. They can't fulfill the will to power which leads to anxiety and depression, as it should. Just because you feel bad doesn't mean that you are defective, there is a reason built into you for that feeling.

>> No.12610542

Shits good right thurr.

>> No.12610549
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Depression=brain malfuction due lack of good feelings, which typically come from e.g. cuddling with a girlfriend.

If you are an incel, depression is a direct consequence of your incapability to reproduce.

>> No.12610634

These are why depression exists

>> No.12611143

>I want to be violent
>Oh shit I nearly died
>Life is difficult and has value
Honestly seems like a decent system

>> No.12611149

What about the ones who opt out and don't contribute anything

>> No.12611371

You misunderstand depression. What you’re referring to is the benefit of plain old sadness and melancholy. Actual depression pretty much sedates every aspect of your life, your cognition etc

>> No.12611383

Then they drag society down on some level

>> No.12611411

Some something group selection

>> No.12611859
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>inhibited power process
He was right about everything.

>> No.12611894

>In the modern world, 99% of our problems are solved

This is why we should build a culture and society built upon scientific, artistic, and philosophical inquiry. The problems of knowledge, beauty, and meaning are both inexhaustible and universal to human experience.

Instead our society as it is, is based around the accumulation of wealth and power over other people, essentially creating new bullshit problems to keep people from cooperating on more coherent and less exploitable scales.

>> No.12611910

>inquire into science
>invent advanced AI or super intelligent humans
>everything gets destroyed
gg no re

>> No.12611924

The story of how humanity developed the ability to contemplate its own extinction is fascinating: https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/how-humanity-discovered-its-possible-extinction-timeline/ It couldn't even be imagined until a few centuries ago.

>> No.12611970

Anyone got a picture or video of this happening in the wild?

>> No.12612176

human extinction is tikkun olam
tikkun olam is the great filter

>> No.12612316 [DELETED] 

>Men absolutely 100% crave beating the shit out of each other, its what war was for before guns.

Such bullshit. It is expected and you get pressured to participate. So the few truly antisocial individuals who constantly misinterpret social cues or don't care get enable to spread their violence and people constantly wonder why shit hits the fan with psychopaths in high positions. A concrete problem I always had was that it is all highly irrational, these individual don't follow any patterns like wanting to get rid of academic competition in middle school or anything it's just aggression for aggression sake and maximum hedonism. All the unsolicited posturing and transgressing into others spaces just made me contemplate ways to get rid of some school"mates" permanently like pushing them onto the tracks or some shit when they acted daring while we waited for the train to come on class trips. They did this to get our young female teachers anxious on purpose. I didn't use windows of opportunity because I thought that will guilt trip the nice teachers and the stakes were pretty high with the chance of classmates seeing me shoving one of them which would have stigmatized me further, these were self critical and inhibitory thoughts they probably weren't even capable of at the time, I they wanted to kill somebody they would have, one of them always told people how he killed a cat some years ago. This kind of behavior is only incidental to being male, these people should be killed or neutered, just my 2 cents and we should stop enabling this shit with all these boys will be boys memes, I didn't profit from this bullshit going on unhindered.

>> No.12612323

Psych theories view it as a survival mechanism. When an organism undergoes more stress than it can handle, shutting down its emotional response centers allows it to function. Of course, too much of this cripples you anyway, but you asked for the function. It's similar to schizotypals originating to lead groups, but when pushed too far you get schizophrenia.

>> No.12612329


>> No.12612348

>schizotypals originating to lead groups

Wat? Sauce on this?

>> No.12612358

Robert Sapolsky's Stanford Lecture on the origin of religion.
Video quality is shit because of age, but the content quality is too notch.

>> No.12612443

Most of the things people do are stupid.
Some of the stupid things people do make them kill.
If people aren't doing anything exciting, they aren't doing a lot of stupid things that could cause their death.

>> No.12613936

>citation needed
I'm continually impressed by how dumb /sci/ is. In particular, how infested it is with bro-science from the likes of /fit/
Every mental illness thread features anons (most likely without education in the field) recommending supplements, exercise (as though that fixes everything) and, now, physical fights as a cure or treatment.

All so very very stupid. Depression is a disease because it lowers quality of life and affects one ability to pursue the things they enjoy, and function at a normal healthy standard. That healthy standard isn't "this person cannot work" it's "this person can't get out of bed sometimes, has no energy" etc. This can lead someone to be unable to work, ture, but doctors are thinking about well-being, not suitability in the capitalist systems of the world.

>> No.12614236

>That healthy standard isn't "this person cannot work"
>doctors are thinking about well-being, not suitability in the capitalist systems of the world.

>> No.12614514
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Should I start taking antidepression tablets that have been prescribed by my doctor? Kinda worried about the long term effects on the brain and especially given how it could be permanent and isn't understood 100%

>> No.12614553 [DELETED] 

I'd take them if you absolutely need them. Zoloft saved my life and my career. Had a really bad episode of what's called atypical depression. I was practically a vegetable. Couldn't move, slept all day, just wanted to be buried in the ground.
I've tried going off it but I'm one of those people who need it for life I guess because when I lower the dose I'm back into that state.
If you're not that bad, you could try therapy or maybe only go on the meds for a couple months then taper down.

>> No.12615814

talking with family and friends, eating healthy, exercise, etc, are safer.
but whatever you do, don't abruptly stop taking drugs if you've started. taper down slowly.

>> No.12616137

If they've been prescribed take them. Remember that the first one or two weeks you'll have some minor side effects, but they'll go away on their own. More importantly NEVER EVER interrupt abruptly like I accidentally did when I inadvertently ran out of pills for a week. It was one of the worst weeks of my life and I can tell you that antidepressant discontinuation syndrome is not fun. Personally I suffered of depression for most my adult life, but never got proper treatment (just a bit of cognitive therapy here and there) until a year ago or so I had a really bad depressive episode and I got prescribed SSRI for the first time and I got scared: my concern was that it would fuck up my brain biochemistry, but my psychiatrist answered that it has been demonstrated that it's depression that actually fucks up your brain biochemistry and antidepressants try to rebalance things, same with other mental illnesses. To me that was all I needed to hear, hope it's enough of an answer for you too.

Also remember that meds are only half the solution: have a path of cognitive therapy in parallel as meds are not a magic solution and in my experience they only stop you from feeling miserable and hopeless, but they don't make you happy and strong.
Good luck anon.
>I've tried going off it but I'm one of those people who need it for life I guess because when I lower the dose I'm back into that state.
Some have to take insulin, some have to take sertraline. It's no big deal. Good luck anon.

>> No.12616288
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The more people that take antidepressants, the worse things will get, because the worsening will not be stopped or reacted to

>> No.12616380

People like being depressed the same way people like doing opiates.

>> No.12616541

Evolution only filters out a trait if it causes your premature death or compromises your reproductive success. Random diseases that pass through that filter remains in the population.

So the blame is upon sad chads or people porting the genes but don't manifesting.

>> No.12616612

Thanks for the feedback, was worried about the potential permanent chemical imbalance it could have
Still not certain if I want to take them desu,sorta scared and im not too sure why

>> No.12616994

this, depression is agony. why do we get headaches? it's not like we can avoid them, but they still happen.

>> No.12617019
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Obviously an artifact of intelligence.
evolution isn't perfect, NO ONE evolved to live like this. Uncle Ted explains this all.
just give yourself a chemical lobotomy and you'll feel better.

>> No.12619319

I am sincerely happy that you shitpost your meme uninformed opinions, because it probably means you didn't have to deal with depression.

>> No.12620579

Teleology means the explanation derived from aim or purpose instead of the origin or cause.

Natural selection is not directed or orchestrated, traits like depression don't evolve for a reason, so there is no why.

However they stay in the gene pool if:
- they do not manifest at a stage where the reproduction is hindered (eg. male pattern baldness)
- they provide some benefit

As some have postulated there is a hypotesys of apoptosis which falls under the second, the first option is also valid or could be if in the recent history depression would not affect the survival of the individual or it's expression was not as noticeable, i.e muh modern evil world.

>> No.12620601

famine. lowers energy use

>> No.12620602

Natural reaction to a fucked up world

>> No.12620607


>> No.12620755

because if the tribe doesn't like you then you are a liability to your gene pool and you deserve death

>> No.12621678
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>> No.12621702

the way i see it, human intelligence has finally evolved to the point where it can see the world for what it actually is: fukn pointless. entering depression is that final tipping point for each individual, where they finally realise.

>> No.12621905

>traits like depression don't evolve for a reason
of course they do

>> No.12623525

You are such an asshole that your brain -- evolved to be member of a social whole -- takes you out of commission and slows you down so you can't drag down the society as much.

>> No.12623556

Tells yuo something is up with the way you're living

>> No.12623614
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>How do you take my darkest desires directly out of my head and put them into words?
None of my ideas are original. I'm literally just spoonfeeding you Uncle Ted quotes.

>> No.12623666
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>> No.12623676


Evolution isn't perfect or magic but it works
I guess what you have to realize is that as an individual you are more or less insignificant to the overall process
Human level intelligence comes with a lot of shitty things and humans are susceptible to even more bad stuff beyond that same with any other species but regardless the number keeps going up and at the end of the day that's all that evolution is really built to do

>> No.12623756
File: 97 KB, 750x563, africa holy fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Satan. How do you think we're going to feed all of those people?

>> No.12623768


>> No.12623772
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, stagnant wage growth inflation wagie wojak slave society hell world black pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm agreeing with, just showing the insanity of society. Everybody should be depressed

>> No.12623779

Daily reminder that the 1% will continue to eat filet mignon while YOU eat the bugs.

>> No.12623789
File: 307 KB, 720x463, clown world distopia netflix bugs pod porn soyboy soyjack soy fluride water rfid chip police state facial recognition vaccine mask tracking redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and you *will* be happy

>> No.12625184
File: 84 KB, 700x880, africa foreign aid population growth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12625186

deep rooted fear of the gay. worlds is pretty gay right now so depressions are normal

>> No.12625346

Texting is gay and has greatly cheapened social interaction in my opinion. I've stopped pursuing friendships because somebody got uptight about late responses or misunderstood what I sent. One chick I was into also stopped talking to me because she texted something embarrassing when we hung out, something I didn't even think much of.

Socializing is a chore now, I used to be able to say "no" or "i have to go", now someone has a tether to me in my pocket

>> No.12625451

Technology both shrinks the world and atomizes us at the same time, sort of like returning the universe to the small infinitesimal point that it came from in terms of qabbalistic theology

>> No.12625474

Why do some people get brain fog depression and others creative one? Does it have to do with different type of brain structure or just random trait?

>> No.12625516

amish teens are choosing to stay amish instead of become "english" at an all time high. I doubt it has anything to do with amish culture changing

>> No.12625618

Let’s of things are just error.
If you really need in evolve exlaintion: thier are a lot of traits knocking around a gene line that are fine, but when they get combined in the wrong way you get problems

>> No.12625661

Source? Googling turned up some stuff confirming what you're saying, but it would be nice to look at the data to see what timeframe the shift has been over and the magnitude.

>> No.12627524

Animals didn't have that and the ones that did statistically couldn't override the survivability of having emotions. Evolution isn't a computer scientist, we've pushed it this far too quickly to not expect things at that level.

>> No.12627542

>Why would something like that evolve?
It didn't, some people are born defective and some people are put in positions that make it impossible for them to change their environment to one that doesn't make them depressed.

>> No.12628682

>He hasn't taken the Ted Pill.

>> No.12628693

But people are born there retard. Conditioned to believe it's all there is.

>> No.12628708

It’s to stop you from doing things that are normally ok even beneficial but are detrimental in your circumstance. It’s also to bring awareness that something is wrong and needs to be changed. Chronic depression is usually caused by mental illness though either that or inability to change your fucked up self or environment.

>> No.12628710

What is the point of cancer? Why would something like that evolve?

Its not survival of the fittest, but survival of the fit enough

>> No.12628731

>They crave it until they get the shit beat out of them

Well yea men crave conflict where they are winning. Nobody likes to get injured or lose. But not all give up up upon a single injury or loss

>> No.12628777
File: 23 KB, 474x456, frog annoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using google

>> No.12629144

I used DuckDuckGo, but I'm not a sperg and used to talking to normies. Question stands.

>> No.12629195
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, Depression-Inflamation-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point of depression? Why would something like that evolve?
I'm talking just about my own personal experience, hope it will make sense. I suffer from what's called HLA-B27, It's a very strong inflamatory factor that makes me suffer from several symptoms incluiding: Colitis, lumbago and reumathic arthritis among other things. From the evolutionary point of view having this thing makes my immune system more aggresive and succesful against infections, but makes me prone to have very aggressive inflamation from triggers like mood and lifestyle. In recent times the consensus is that many depressive symptoms are correlated to inflammation, not in all cases of course. I've been off from anti-depressives since I changed my lifestyle completely, I'm making exercise, doing yoga (stretching releases SPMs, revolvins), sleeping better, eating less pro-inflammatory food, etc. Also I take NSAIDs the days I don't exercise, to keep the inflammation at bay. My depression is totally under control now without the need of SNRIs. I also noticed an improvement on my mood with stuff that lowers TNF, but I'm off those nowadays and still stable.

>> No.12629200

People who HECKIN LOVE MODERNITY are depressed at extremely high rates so idk what you're getting at

>> No.12629205

In this talk Sapolsky explain a lot of the current paradigms about depression, the seratonin, dopamine and norepinephrine connection. Also points to the possible reasons why evolution promoted depression in individuals with inflammation, like social distancing and energy conservation, etc. Hope this will be useful.


>> No.12629212

>cont'd P.S.
Also don't forget to floss!

>> No.12629853

it's a goal seeking regulation mechanism, exploration/exploitation schema. first you start procrastinating because your current activity is meaningless, your brain giving you signal you should move on into something else, but if you're perpetually stuck in a situation like this with no way out depression starts. maybe it's about energy conservation, i don't konw.

that is if we believe depression really exists, and it's not normies being overdramatic because they got the saads

>> No.12630540

lol what do you mean pointless? As opposed to what? what would the point be? What change would make life worth living?

>> No.12630572

People used to believe in God and objective meaning and morality. How is this hard for you? Ever thought about what humans of era's past believed with the whole of their being?

>> No.12630747
File: 991 KB, 1580x2238, ray peat food diet redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat organic grassfed meat, organic grassfed raw milk, and raw pasture raised eggs. Most of the inflammation people experience in the modern day is due to their diet and the PUFAs therein

>> No.12631384

>People used to believe in God and objective meaning and morality
people still believe in those things, in fact enormous amounts of people still believe

>> No.12631458


they are subhumans who have half-souls who wouldn't have survived a few thousand or hundred years ago, they aren't fit to live, they need to die.
Depression from modernity is a very real thing though, your faggot ass clearly wouldn't understand though.

The solution for any man suffering from depression from modernity is to join an army and go to war, that's what you're here for, don't kid yourselves.