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File: 316 KB, 2661x1403, production increasing 20 years past peak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12623422 No.12623422 [Reply] [Original]

This paper on abiotic petroleum has never been systematically refuted. It claims that Russia has known the truth for years.

Oil and water are perpetually naturally renewed resources, the scarcity trope is bullshit.
The whole of the planet's humans population, including animals can fit into Texas..Over population is also bullshit, It's a trick to bilk us.


The modern Russian-Ukrainian theory of deep, abiotic petroleum origins is not controversial nor presently a matter of academic debate.
>The period of debate about this extensive body of knowledge has been over for approximately two decades(Simakov 1986). The modern theory is presently applied extensively throughout the former U.S.S.R. as the guiding perspective for petroleum exploration and development projects. There are presently more than 80 oil and gas fields in the Caspian district alone which were explored and developed by applying the perspective of the modern theory and which produce from the crystalline basement rock.(Krayushkin, Chebanenko et al. 1994) Similarly, such exploration in the western Siberia cratonic-rift sedimentary basin has developed 90 petroleum fields of which 80 produce either partly or entirely from the crystalline basement. The exploration and discoveries of the 11 major and 1 giant fields on the northern flank of the Dneiper-Donets basin have already been noted. There are presently deep drilling exploration projects under way in Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, and Asian Siberia directed to testing potential oil and gas reservoirs in the crystalline basement.

>> No.12623435

Look at image satellite of earth. Overpopulation is not a myth it can be seen from fucking space that we are everywhere.

>> No.12623487
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>Oil and water are perpetually naturally renewed resources, the scarcity trope is bullshit.

>> No.12623496

Abiotic oil is nonsense

>> No.12623512
File: 393 KB, 1920x1176, 1602531866678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calculate the amount of oil we use globally per year. Now multiply that by the number of years you believe abiotic oil has been being produced. Once you have that number, find out the amount of water the oceans of the world hold. Wonder why the oil number is much larger. So large that not only would all of the oceans be filled with oil but also all the land other than mountains.
Of course you might reply that abiotic oil production happens on a much smaller scale. That's why the planet's surface isn't a mile deep in oil. But if that's true, then it means we are using up oil faster than abiotic processes creates it, so we will eventually run out.
If you want to stick to the abiotic theory of oil production there's really only one way to make the numbers work: become a Young Earth Creationist. If the Earth is only 6000 years old, abiotic can be true and produce fast enough to serve our needs.

>> No.12623516

>Imagine being this retarded
We have not come close to using an ocean of oil

>> No.12623593

Abiotic oil is forbidden knowledge that will make normies angry when you talk about it. Godspeed.

>> No.12623595


>> No.12623605

read his post again, you understood none of it.

>> No.12623661

If petroleum has an abiotic source, why are there biomarkers in it? The hand-waved ""real"" source of petroleum somehow creates the exact molecules that living things do. With different oil fields showing different biomarkers presumably because they're produced by different non-biological processes with somehow mimic the effects of biological processes almost perfectly. Cool.

Also who gives a fuck? What matters for scarcity is how quickly we find new reserves vs how quickly we exhaust existing reserves, whatever their origins may be. More importantly if the world takes meaningful action on climate change we'll need to not extract all the oil we've already found, so running out shouldn't be a problem at all.

>> No.12623674

I got it now. The beginning reads like a dumb argument for abiotic oil.

>> No.12623813

That's why you should read entire posts before responding to just the first sentence or two.

>> No.12623818
File: 86 KB, 350x350, earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth has a juicy sticky caramel center. Pic is proof of abiotic caramel production in the center of the Earth.

>> No.12623828

>why are there biomarkers in it...With different oil fields showing different biomarkers
Because bacteria can live almost anywhere, including deep in the earth at the depth where oil is extracted, and different bacteria live in different places.

>> No.12623832

>climate change
You mean more CO2 which causes more green growth and stops atmospheric depletion?

>> No.12624218
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>> No.12624291

I've heard this as well. When you look at everything else, it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.12624616

Do they just block 14 families windows off or where do they find the wall space to put up something that big

>> No.12624629

>lets put 2200 rats in less than 3 squared meters, I'm sure nothing will go wrong.
You fucking mouthbreathing retard.

>> No.12624630
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>> No.12624638

Ok, I'm not saying abiotic is real or fake. All I'm asking is if we've ever found a fossil that's like halfway through the process of turning to ooze? Wouldn't that be the definitive proof?

Also I do find it weird they find entire underground lakes of this stuff, as if the dinosaurs and trees just had a giant orgies when they saw that comet coming. You'd tend to think reserve distribution would be as spread out as the animal density.

>> No.12624659

green growth should not be stimulated

>> No.12624665

Also overpopulation is not a myth. You seem to think as long as humans will fit together like jigsaw pieces that everything will be ok, but how do you plan on feeding them? Much less funneling away the sewage? You leave no room for infrastructure or comfort or reason to live with your Texas analogy. Then think about the land repaired to grow food to feed us. And then think that not all land on earth is good for growing, cultivating, building or living.

I mean how far do you think we can take this? 10 billion? 40 billion? At what point do we run out of electrical wire to power everyone's xbox or even refrigerator? Why are we pushing for so many humans to exist that our quality of life is reduced? We can't even effectively feed all the faggots that are alive today.

>> No.12624677

You forget about the mega cube. it is the area of texas but it is a cube structure with much greater volume. Every working person is thereby awarded an generous %10 bonus to sleep space or approximately a total volume of 1 cubic yard. Livestock will be kept near those that tend to them for ease of work. It is the perfect structure before our final resting place in the matrix farms. Think about how much better the simulation will be then living in cramped unhealthy filth?

>> No.12624732


Thing is, chances are the worlds population will never exceed about 12 billion. The continuous population growth we see today is mostly centered in developing countries which, if developed, will see drastically lowered birth rates just as in the rest of the developed world. Case example: Most european countries which went through massive birth rates in the 19th/early to mid 20th century saw continuous decline of birth rates till the 21st century, at which point birth rates actually dropped below the number of people dying, which means that the natural population would be shrinking were it not for immigration.
That said, if birth rates dont lower naturally then there still is the china patented one-child-policy.
So, no need to worry.

>> No.12624748


Also, todays food/energy crisis is mainly a question of wealth/food distribution. Some countries have way too much whilst many have too little. Same applies to energy, infrastructure and such.

>> No.12624797

feminism & lesbianism will soon take hold in these third-world shit holes, and their women will become educated. fewer babies.

>> No.12624881


>> No.12624889

completely wrong quantities you fucking retard

>> No.12625012
File: 370 KB, 464x571, consumer15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre asking a retarded religious fanatic that believes in fairy tales to rationalize his gluttonous consumption to make a calculation??
LOL that's some funny shit

>> No.12625016

idk about the oil thing, but Texas is about .46% of total land area. So about 1:217 ratio. Even if everyone could fit in Texas, how much land is used for the resources of those people? How many trees, how much wheat or potatoes, how much stone and minerals, so on? Certainly you can't live off only where you're standing. how close is that ratio to 217?

>> No.12625024

Grasping this concept is a few orders of magnitude beyond OP's capabilities.

>> No.12625028

Anon you're retarded

>> No.12625065

If finite oil is correct, then before life on earth was created there was no oil. But what occupied the space in which oil now exists? How did the oil get 1000s of feet below the surface, often under layers of the hardest rock which drills can hardly penetrate? Why is there oil in some place and not others when biomass has occupied all corners of the globe?

>> No.12625069

Cope harder, petrol-fag.

>> No.12625141

oil comes from dinsoaurs

>> No.12625161

>But what occupied the space in which oil now exists?
It depends what you mean by "space." Layers of sediment are buried consecutively, moving down from the surface over millions of years.

>How did the oil get 1000s of feet below the surface, often under layers of the hardest rock which drills can hardly penetrate?
Rock is just sediment that has been compacted.

>Why is there oil in some place and not others when biomass has occupied all corners of the globe?
Because not all biomass becomes fossil fuel. It has to accumulate in a specific way under specific conditions.

>> No.12625164

Plankton you mean.

>> No.12625180

i dont know this dino but it sounds O.K.

>> No.12625189

things is, you can't really say it will max out at 12B. whats to stop people like you from still saying "oh yeah, just keep on fucking, we got space, we'll squeeze in".
Also look at China- who curtailed their problem before they became a fully developed country. first they had the 1 baby policy, then their economy and quality of life boomed even further because their gdp was growing faster than their population.

But we can't have that if faggots like you keep telling everyone to fuck fuck fuck and move in even more people

Seriously, what is with the desire to be stuck in traffic jams and having water shortages and all the other crap that comes with over population? Do you not get that for the last 100 years the American west had pretty well handled its water issues? and that now theres a question of distribution brought on by - try to guess - too many people??

>wealth/food distribution
yeah, the wealth exists where the food is. why waste it trying to distribute food to the desert? so they can have more babies too? what does that do for us? what is the point of creating more and more mostly redundant people? especially in low educated regions? do you want a resource war?

>> No.12625191

doesn't his fairy tale tell him not to be gluttonous

>> No.12625239
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>> No.12625255

nah that's mars.

>> No.12625284

Ecological collapse pretty much sums this global civilization up. I wonder what the next doomsday clock prediction will be on the 27th? Humanities refusal to consider either the P or C word will lead to a twilight zone tier nightmare of escape.

>> No.12625377

>big oil releases propaganda
>according to recent research..

>> No.12625402

>will see drastically lowered birth rates just as in the rest of the developed world
NGO who push that lie are going to end up being the source of more misery than any other group in human history. NGOs have conducted very limited trials in third world villages where they've been able to reduce birthrates by lowering infant mortality, providing universal elementary education, sex education to children, easy access to birth control, and high food security, which reduces the need to have children to work in the fields.
It works great. Birth rates go down. Right until the NGO leaves. Even with the NGO policies still in place, once the NGO leaves, the birth rates go back to where they were. Even with the lower infant mortality, increased access to education, birth control, and food security, the villagers go back to pumping out huge numbers of children.
The only way to prevent this is to give every single village and neighborhood its own NGO that is permanently stationed there to babysit and nanny them.
As for you European example, you might not have noticed by Europeans and third world peoples are different. You probably believe in blank slate theory so you think if Europeans did X when they became economically prosperous, that all other population groups will do so too. But there's no reason to believe that will happen and as we've seen above, in practice third world people will reproduce out of control if given the resources to do so. Rather than lower birth rates with increased prosperity, they increase them.

>> No.12625465

cool excuse for the status quo, bro.

>> No.12625471

wow impressive exercise in mental gymnastics to justify "economic growth"

>> No.12625512

lets be honest there's no shortage of proper arguments as to why you're fucking retarded in this thread.

>> No.12625523

Ehh i believe it

>> No.12625593
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>> No.12626894


It is highly likely that oil is not abiotic in origin but I wish it was. If it was, we could have vast quantities of the stuff for basicaly forever. Oil as a substance is basicaly a liquid miracle, a gift from the gods and to have that stuff around forever and not get depleted would be a blessing beyond peer.

The only thing that can compete with that would be viable FTL travel methods.

>> No.12628294


>> No.12628523

forward it to CNBC maybe they'll pick up the story they cover good stuff

>> No.12629616
File: 471 KB, 497x760, kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oil and water are perpetually naturally renewed resources
pretty sure it takes longer to make than to use

>> No.12629634

>$10 and $30 for moving a barrel
This is waaaay too high. At least try to make it believable.

>> No.12629695

Caramel is a hydrocarbon, its entirely possible

>> No.12629697
File: 515 KB, 1770x1770, image_200b467a-0eff-445d-b44f-c0eaf9339dd8_2000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in the pod

>> No.12629699

Legend is oil is from plankton while coal is from forests. The dinosaurs are not a factor, not enough biomass.
Funnny this is that going by their own theory there should be at least 2000 years of coal left, as coal or as a mix of different fuels

>> No.12629706

I will deny overpopulation until the shills comply with 1 demand: State a desirable target human population. Just say some number like 2 billion humans or something like that. Pick a number. Why can't you pick a number? No one will care unless you pick a number.

>> No.12629715

Yeah. Hydrocarbon fuels have nothing to do with ancient life, they are produced in the mantle from methane.

To understand this, Thomas Gold's book "The Deep Hot Biosphere" is important, but it is largely summarizing Russian language work. The abiotic origin of petroleum was understood in the Soviet Union in the 1950s, it was hotly debated in Russia through the 1960s, and it became conclusively established by 1970 (and the Russians subsequently proceeded to kick everyone else's ass in oil production). The idea was moronically politically rejected in the West due to incompetent private science inside oil companies, based on money, not on truth.

Oil never comes from living things. This was proposed in the USSR in the 1950s, during the All-Union push for petrochemical sources, the Stalin version of the Manhattan project, it was tested and debated throughout the 1960s, and it become dogma by 1970, as deep boreholes proved the theory correct beyond the level required for scientific certainty.

Although the Soviets weren’t keen for stupid Westerners to catch up, some people did try to publish these findings in the West. They were universally heckled and derided. It is still dogma to this day that there is a biological source for petroleum. This is a pure lie. Petroleum is formed in the mantle, from methane, whose source is the same as the methane of Titan, it’s primordial. It's more correct to say life is a petroleum product than to say that petroleum is produced by living things. The chain of formation only goes one way.

But because oil science is not public, it is nearly all in the hands of a heirarchical oil industry, this is impossible to say. Similar Capitalist stupidity in the West is “Global Warming denial”, “IQ”, “String Theory is Bullshit”, and all the other flat-Earth level denials of Soviet scientific advances. Reading Soviet science is like reading Hellenistic science in the Roman Empire, makes you weep for the civ that has just been lost forever.

>> No.12630042

Oil comes up through the mantle. You would be smarter to pretend that biomass was caught in subduction zones and cooked into oil there.

>> No.12630290

I hate to point this out. But China didn’t do shit. They gave out punishments instead of sterilizing people and this lead to millions of people being born but not being allowed to participate or being recorded in their system.

>> No.12630676

isn't oil basically swamp gas?

>> No.12630691

>$30 a barrel to transport $50 a barrel oil
i doubt that

>> No.12631215

Comes up at what rate? If it has taken millions of years for the amount currently in the crust to get there, we will run out because the flow out of the mantle into the crust is too slow to replace what we are using.

>> No.12631224

We have a number: 500,000,000. We even engraved it on a stone in Georgia. Not our fault you can't be bothered to pay attention.

>> No.12631293


monopoly prices

>> No.12631411

There probably used to be a building next to it.

>> No.12631450

Why don't people that complain about overpopulation just kill themselves?
What makes them so special that others should die but not them?

>> No.12631468

Take your pills anon

>> No.12631500

cool excuse to disregard evidence for the trend in declining birth rate and population growth, bro

>> No.12631505

What are your thoughts on Trofim Lysenko and his work?

>> No.12631537

Are you claiming that abiotic oil doesn't exist because it came from the same country as Lysenkoism? That would be guilt by association. I am not saying the theory that the oil drilled out of the ground is abiotic is true or false (it would be foolhardy to base energy policy on it as it stands right now), but saying abiotic oil theory is false by it came from the same place as the pseudoscience of Lysenkoism is erroneous thinking.

>> No.12631576

cool excuse to ignore the basic common sense and logic that literally every living creature known to science multiplies and fills every available niche when resources are plentiful.

look. i know its sad that people are starting to figure out that you're all just a bunch of deluded gangsters and ideologues willing to do pretty much anything up to and including betraying your own people to maintain that sweet seet "economic/population growth" that you need to continue enjoy your bloated status quo, but it's over for you. now go away and have a good cry somewhere.

>> No.12631664
File: 151 KB, 1125x621, birth_rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, you're ignoring basic science. Worse, you're doing it for your quasi-religious political beliefs.


The only reason why the current population growth rate is +1.05% and not a negative value is the developing nations. Every single industrialized, develop country has negative birth rates that are below the 2.1 child per couple replacement rate. Even a lot of the developing nations have average birth rates that barely keep up with the death rate (pic related)

>look. i know its sad that people are starting to figure out that you're all just a bunch of deluded gangsters and ideologues willing to do pretty much anything up to and including betraying your own people to maintain that sweet seet "economic/population growth" that you need to continue enjoy your bloated status quo, but it's over for you. now go away and have a good cry somewhere.

Going by your unintelligible rambling, I can tell you're no different from the typical religitard arguing for creationism. The fucking data is right before you very eyes. The population will eventually stop growing and will probably go into decline once the remaining third world nations industrialized, but because you're so beholden to your pet ideology, none of that matters to you.

>> No.12631789

>try to guess - too many people??
Governments/countries would do well to set limits on population relative to resources.

>> No.12631803

not buying it.
if lower birth rates in developed nations were such a good thing then why try and compensate for that by importing millions from places with higher birth rates? contradictions everywhere in your fucked up infinite growth religion.
stop lying. stop making excuses.

>> No.12631808

Wouldn't that still make oil as finite a resource as fresh water? It may be vast and self producing, but abused, used up, exploited, at least. How long can we rely on it being 'self-perpetuating' enough to provide for increasing demand?

>> No.12631841

>contradictions everywhere in your fucked up infinite growth religion.

Point out where I even claimed there would be infinite growth or retract your fucking lie.

>> No.12631848

point out how if lower birth rates in developed nations was such a good thing then why import millions from places with higher birth rates to compensate for it.
stop evading. its just like you to latch on to some minor point of a post to redirect attention. just answer the main point of the post, liar.

>> No.12631865


Yes, your argument is that nonsensical.

>> No.12631867
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This is currently the dumbest post on 4chan(nel).

>> No.12631900


How do we know that sandnigs/nigs/chinks are so different? I mean, for how long did those NGOs even stay there? One decade? A couple years? Thats not even comparable to the monumental effort required to raise a country to the sheer economic standing of the western world. Giving those villagers a small school building with maybe one teacher, a couple pamphlets on sex ed and a few condoms wont help things, its a slow process that takes generations of people to become accustomed to massive changes in education/economics. Also its not just europe who had this pattern occur, japan in particular also had it. Good points but ill stick to my point, not because i accept the status quo but because i think that the alloted timeframe for overpopulation to really sink in is more than long enough to develop technological/societal/economic measures to cope with the added strain on society.

>> No.12631909

My argument makes perfect sense.
On the one hand you are saying that decline birth rates is good because it leads to lower population.
On the other you are saying the places declining birth rates need to compensate for that by increasing their population by importing foreigners - foreigners who leave their lands freeing up niches for their people to continue their high birth rates.
Your arguments are scientifically nonsensical and fundamentally illogical. They must come from the mind of some kind of deluded economics orthodoxy devotee.

>> No.12631919


I never said that people were supposed to keep fucking, dipshit. I said that people, given time and a few generations to become accustomed to material security/education, will generally choose to have fewer children, especially in a society that favours flexbility in regards to work/love interests.

>> No.12631940

Sounds believable

>> No.12631959
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>> No.12631961

>On the one hand you are saying that decline birth rates is good because it leads to lower population.
>On the other you are saying the places declining birth rates need to compensate for that by increasing their population by importing foreigners - foreigners who leave their lands freeing up niches for their people to continue their high birth rates.

I never said either of those things. I gave no value judgment concerning the global declining birth rate. I did not say it was good. I did not say it was bad. I said the global birth rate and population growth is declining, which is true.

>> No.12631996

>I never said either of those things.
Funny that you don't say those things because mostly people who do say those things also say:
>the global birth rate and population growth is declining
which seems to be their favorite excuse

>> No.12632027

>Funny that you don't say those things because mostly people who do say those things also say:
"Take your meds, schizo."

>which seems to be their favorite excuse
Yeah! Never let the facts be an excuse for...whatever got sand in your vagina.

>> No.12632044
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It's possible that people will continue to reproduce, certainly. However, take a look across the board, the NIR of nearly all developed countries has plummeted significantly in recent years. Why? Because there is no economic incentive to have children. If it was that simple, there wouldn't be any need to import migrants by the millions. Pic related, the progression of the development of a country and the implications it has on birth rates.

>> No.12632297
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If the world was orderly and decent, with most of it a nature reserve, and only a small part of it populated, it could support up to 100 billion people, relatively sparsely populated (compared to some contemporary cities).
I did the calculations myself. Space, energy, production, food, water, that sort of thing. Didn't do pollution, went for a techy context.

>> No.12632326
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>He hasn't taken the redpill on Young Earth Creationism

>> No.12632524

>that stupid Texas shit

Yeah, you can fit into Texas if you ignore nearly every aspect of society (food production, water use (rivers dry up real quick), psychological impact), but even then it still doesn't even work logically. Presenting a single POSSIBLE case does not negate the other cases of "I don't want to live so close to other people."

>> No.12632548

I agree there will eventually be a asymptote to reach, but I disagree with any assertion that the general standard of life at that asymptote won't be absolute shit except for a small percentage of the population enslaving the rest.

The aggregation of people is an aggregation of power.

>> No.12632555

you are talking to a bunch of NPC's who have their faith on Science.

You won't ever convince them

>> No.12632564

Address this you utter moron.

>> No.12632565

How can rocks, primarily calcium, iron, silicon, shit like that, and ocean water, primarily h2o, create a sticky black liquid containing carbon? Don't tell me the ocean is a fuckin particle accelerator

>> No.12632581

mama mia! Fusion in the core of the Earth, Science BTFO!

>> No.12633157
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>abiotic petroleum

>> No.12633282

Not that I don't believe you OP, but care to detail the mechanism of abiotic oil, uh genesis?

My background is in synthetic organic chemistry and I have a working knowledge of crystallography

>t. too lazy to look it up

>> No.12633590

For anyone interested, there is substantial evidence that oil and gas are biogenic. There are many molecules such as steroids that retain their structure for a long time, and the ratio of odd to even length chains depending on the origin also supports a polyketide origin

>> No.12633610

>there is substantial evidence that oil and gas are biogenic.
There's substantial evidence of OP being a badly written bot as well

>> No.12633611

The mechanism is the same, only it doesn't require biomass, just carbon, hydrogen and other elements down in the deep with heat and pressure.

There are hydrocarbons all over the universe including long chains and complex sugars. Titan is the nearest example.

>> No.12633640

>Brown people who have shown over and over again that they don't behave like westerners will act like westerners if we make their societies western
How many times does this have to fail before you stop your religious belief in blank slate theory of everything? Of course a westerner whose culture worships GDP maximization above all else is incapable of understand any motivation beside accumulation of currency.
>Well, it works on my ̶m̶a̶c̶h̶i̶n̶e̶ society. Should have worked here too.

>> No.12633648

>We must destroy every other culture on the planet and replace them with my culture. Then there will be peace and harmony. Surely everyone will happily give up everything they love and believe in so they can shop at The Gap and see the latest Marvel movie on opening day. Why would anyone not want that in place of their millennia long culture?
Don't see a problem with your imperialist sociopathic plan?

>> No.12633816

That's a pretty nice strawman from "have less kids".

>> No.12634443

This is a religion, there is no ushc thing as overpopulation as population is what drives progress. The result of getting what you want would be reduced progress and eventual decline.

>> No.12634466
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Make what believable anon?

>> No.12634654


No, because there is no fundamentally better or worde culture, country or people. Morals are a weakness in the face of technological progress and if you fail to see that then there truly is no helping you.

>> No.12634685

It's an exact summary of what that anon is advocating for. You want to pretend the details of how "have less kids" will be implemented don't matter. You likely are a CS major in his third year. CS majors love to abstract away all the difficult details and insist they don't exist.
So tell me Mr. Strawman, how do you propose to make people whose cultures prize having large families "have less kids"? Remember, these are not people who are members of your GDP cult. They have different values than you do. Your glib and shallow analysis that everyone does everything in order to maximize their economic productivity doesn't fit in with observed human behavior outside of one particular religious/ethnic group.

>> No.12634694

>what is sunlight
honestly sounds like bs. prove it

>> No.12634699

>dude trust me it's predestined to happen. it happened in europe, so ignore all the factors, it WILL happen then in3rd world shitholes too

>> No.12634753

see >>12629715

>> No.12634899

Your answer to OP's post is vastly more informative on the subject than >>12633157

>> No.12634916

>end Keystone Pipeline
>buy more oil from Russia, the Saudis, and Venezuela

And how has this helped anyone other than the above mentioned oil exporting nations? It's the worst of both worlds: dump CO2 into the environment while transferring trillions of dollars to dictators?!?

All of the "solutions" to anthropogenic global warming are just political cronyism schemes. If they were fucking serious, we would be building thorium reactors by now.

>> No.12635009

Maybe it's just that people in the states think Canadians are a bunch of backwards in-breeding cousin fuckers like what you find in west virginia, and simply don't like their style?

>> No.12635040

They actually charge around $2 per tank car. $800 for the lease, and it holds 400 barrels. Recently the price fell to $500 though. Unit trains usually carry 100 tank cars. So they move about 40,000 barrels at any given moment, BNSF makes about 80 grand per unit train per month. So I would estimate about $700.000.000-1.5 billion yearly, depending on price fluctuations and leasings

>> No.12635043

$2 per barrel I mean*

>> No.12635058

>whose cultures prize having large families
Wow, you literally have no idea what you're talking about.
>They have different values than you do.
I don't think so, since I AM them.

Nice argument though, good to know this board is as pretentious as ever. The personal attacks really helped your point.

>> No.12635096

Overpopulation hits psychological consequences far before material feasibility concerns.

>> No.12635097

You sound like someone with 417 cousins.

>> No.12635100

I can almost guarantee most of the people saying shit like "overpopulation is a meme" come from very large families.

>> No.12635111

I don't understand Gibbs free energy. Give me the non-wikipedia breakdown for someone familiar with entropy/physics.

>> No.12635157

>lel dead things found in oil
>therefore oil comes from dead things

>> No.12635274

hue, you don't even deny it shill, guess the environment is worth more than human life huh.

>> No.12635278

what a dumb nigger

>> No.12636353

You're every culture on Earth? WTF is it you're trying to say because you sound like you just declared yourself to be God.

>> No.12636367

Canada's economy sucks frequently because it's highly dependent on commodity prices. Instead of finishing their natural resources into market ready goods, they ship out raw commodities for others to turn into products with much higher profit margins. Most of the profit on Canadian natural resources is made by non-Canadians because of this refusal of Canada to invest in adding value to their raw resources.
Instead of building a pipeline to US refineries, Canada should build their own refineries and then use/sell the resulting petroleum products.

>> No.12636384

Overpopulation is a myth. The real crisis we face is overcrowding.

>> No.12636395

Gibbs free energy is just the energy available (free) in the system to do non-expansion work.

See >>12635225

>> No.12636526

thats like saying
density is a myth, the crisis we face is one of volume

i.e. you're an idiot

>> No.12636549

That it costs 3/5ths of the value of the oil to ship it.

>> No.12637531


Nuclear safety is actually on par with solar and wind and because nuclear is cheaper, it can displace more fossil fuel power sources and save more people from fossil fuel pollution.

>> No.12638040

>If you want to stick to the abiotic theory of oil production there's really only one way to make the numbers work: become a Young Earth Creationist. If the Earth is only 6000 years old, abiotic can be true and produce fast enough to serve our needs.
Would not be more retarded than what he already believes.

>> No.12638052
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>> No.12638143

Not enough. I want that number to be shilled 24/7 by Greta, AOC, Bernie and Klauss. Some obscure meme monument signals cowardice.

>> No.12638154

Because killing is unnecessary. Sterilization suffices and reproduction is possible, if everyone had 1 kid that would halve the population every generation.
The elites are cowards, this is is why they walk on eggshells and make harebrained plans instead of just issuing orders like the Cut, copy and Paste (CCP) government of China.

>> No.12638841

why do people keep shilling this obvious globalist's propaganda site? might as well shill "the economist" - they're all friends

>> No.12639040

>having children is a logical, planned decision based on economic incentive and feasibility
>not a spontaneous passionate lust based on the desperate, several millions year old need to COOOOOOOOOM

lol nerd

>> No.12639229
File: 40 KB, 736x412, shill_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hue, you don't even deny it shill
>why do people keep shilling

Why are you doing double duty as both a faggot and a brainlet.