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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 178 KB, 3027x3028, transport_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12617797 No.12617797 [Reply] [Original]

rip smallsat launchers edition

Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSIcspDHbu0
Launch window: Saturday January 23 9:40 AM EST / 14:40 UTC (42 minute window)

Probability of violating weather constraints: 40% (https://www.patrick.spaceforce.mil/Portals/14/Weather/Falcon%209%20Transporter-1%20L-1%20Forecast%20-%2023%20Jan%20Launch.pdf?ver=vDML9LPMuePSfBFWx6WTzA%3d%3d))
Backup launch window: ?
Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1058.5 (prior launches: DEMO-2, ANASIS-II, Starlink-L12, CRS-21)
Launch pad: SLC-40, Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida
Fairings: New
Fairing recovery: On fairing recovery vessels 'Ms. Tree' & 'Ms. Chief'
First stage landing: On autonomous spaceport droneship ‘Of Course I Still Love You’
Payload: 133 commercial satellites & 10 Starlink satellites
Payload mass & deployment orbit: Unknown mass but roughly 5000 kg total; ~500 km sun-synchronous orbit

Launch viewing guide for Florida: http://www.launchphotography.com/Delta_4_Atlas_5_Falcon_9_Launch_Viewing.html
SpaceX twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceX

F9 stats: 105th launch, 66th landing, 48th core reuse. This is the most satellites ever deployed in a single launch, and the first polar launch of Starlink satellites.

>> No.12617811
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00:01:12 Max Q (moment of peak mechanical stress on the rocket)
00:02:28 1st stage main engine cutoff (MECO)
00:02:36 1st and 2nd stages separate
00:02:40 2nd stage engine starts
00:02:51 Fairing deployment
00:07:47 1st stage entry burn begins
00:08:35 2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO)
00:09:42 1st stage landing
00:54:35 2nd stage engine restarts
00:54:37 2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-2)
00:58:59 36 Planet SuperDoves begin deployment
00:59:00 17 spacecraft aboard Kepler’s port begin deployment
00:59:09 NASA’s V-R3x mission, 3 CubeSats aboard Maverick’s Mercury dispenser, begin deployment
01:08:19 Nanoracks’ Eyries-1 mission's 9 payloads begin deployment
01:08:44 EXOport-2, with 28 spacecraft aboard, begins deployment
01:13:58 Capella-3 deploys
01:14:10 EXOport-1, with two ICEYE satellites aboard, begins deployment
01:14:23 Spaceflight Inc. customer iQPS's second SAR satellite, iQPs-2, deploys
01:15:38 Capella-4 deploys
01:16:10 Spaceflight Inc's Sherpa-FX1 spacecraft deploys with 13 spacecraft on board
01:16:28 D-Orbit’s Pulse mission deploys with 20 spacecraft on board
01:31:10 Starlink satellites deploy

>> No.12617824
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>SpaceX recovery fleet status as of Jan 22nd

>> No.12617840
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SpaceX rideshare program user's guide

>> No.12617864

less than a bong to go.
It's difficult to find a full list of the satellites onboard, but this does an alright job

>> No.12617874
File: 2.99 MB, 800x1026, rideshare satellite list.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12617883

mission control audio is LIVE

>> No.12617887

Will this be the 9th flight for that Falcon-9 booster, or that a different one?

>> No.12617890

>Launch vehicle: SpaceX Falcon 9 with first stage B1058.5 (prior launches: DEMO-2, ANASIS-II, Starlink-L12, CRS-21)
The current flight leaders have 8 flights; B1051 and B1049 iirc.

>> No.12617893

my bad; B1049 is still sitting on 7. So B1051 is in the lead currently (as of last Wednesday when it launched some Starlink satellites )

>> No.12617896
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Weather will be good and launch will proceed as planned.
Landing will be successful and look very cool, once again.
Reporting/commentary will be extremely homosexual, as always.
Chat will consists of 90% ledditors and 10% brainchads.
In conclusion: NASA fags once again eternally BTFO

>> No.12617926


>> No.12617931

it's a banger

>> No.12617939


>> No.12617942

ahh hell yeah my boi tranny

>> No.12617943

fuck this

>> No.12617947

So is this a generic patch that'll keep getting used like the Starlink one? Guess we better get used to it.

>> No.12617948

" SpaceX has worked with Planet to devise a means of attaching the Planet satellites on top of its stack of 60 Starlink satellites. These rideshare missions came together quickly, as Planet and SpaceX only signed an agreement about six months ago. "This is the result of SpaceX dramatically cutting the cost of access to launch," said Mike Safyan, vice president of launch at Planet. "It's significant. They cut the price so much we could not believe what we were looking at." "

>> No.12617950

fog is the "in thing" this week, it was all over the snine static fires

>> No.12617951

perhaps. the patch URL has _01 in it, which suggests it will change for Transporter-2...

>> No.12617954


>> No.12617956

Holy shit it's Ryan Higa!

>> No.12617961

man florida is fucking weird, I've been there a few times—it can really just go from sunny to downpour to sunny over the course of 5 minutes.

>> No.12617966


>> No.12617967


>> No.12617968


>> No.12617969
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wtf scrubx

>> No.12617970

pack up boys....it's over

>> No.12617971


>> No.12617972


>> No.12617973
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>> No.12617977

What a disastrous payload. spacex the new nasa? Bankrupt soon...

>> No.12617979

What did they mean by this? Static discharge?

>> No.12617978

Wasn't this a non-instantaneous launch window though?

>> No.12617981

see you all tomorrow morning then

>> No.12617989

honestly I have no clue. I assume it has to do with
"Do not launch within 10 nautical miles of the edge of a thunderstorm that is producing lightning within 30 minutes after the last lightning is observed."?

>> No.12618106
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>> No.12618492

Some lightning goes from the ground to the cloud. Storms affect everything around them for miles.

>> No.12620178

saving the thread for tomorrow's attempt

>> No.12620211
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>> No.12620237

i prefer the oc seth/summer
or emily in paris
or cinderella with lily james or rapunzel
or sleeping beauty or beauty & the beast

i can't stand the sight of blood

>> No.12620246

or blair waldorf and chuck

or before sunset/sunrise
or the theory of everything
or mr. and mrs. smith
or any james bond film
and talented mr. ripley for the fashion

>> No.12620253

or roman holiday :)

>> No.12621982

good morning everyone

>> No.12622000

what did he mean by this?

>> No.12622187
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>> No.12622262

25 bings

>> No.12622285

Stream is live

>> No.12622286

Looks like former NASA's Associate Administrator Bill Gerstenmaier at SpaceX Mission Control.


>> No.12622294

>Cape Canaveral Space Force Station
life in the future is cool

>> No.12622295


>> No.12622296


>> No.12622297

Damn that sooty grey booster is kino

>> No.12622301

>clover on the patch
Alright which one of you fucks is involved with this?

>> No.12622302
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Imagine the money oldspace lost out on with this single launch...

>> No.12622303
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Bros... if something goes wrong, they'll lose 143 fucking satellites
How much is this payload worth?

>> No.12622307

f1 flight 4 had a clover on it. it worked, and saved the company. every single patch since then has also had a clover. It's a spacex tradition

>> No.12622310

Probably not more then others, those sats are tiny, so not worth much

>> No.12622317

Cape SSO kino inbound

>> No.12622318

That payload stack is pretty kino

>> No.12622320
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>> No.12622321
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Let's roll

>> No.12622324
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>> No.12622325
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>> No.12622328


>> No.12622330

holy shit, that stage2 cam was WOBBLY as fuck

>> No.12622331

earth looking pretty as always

>> No.12622332

Stage 1 landings are always exciting

>> No.12622333

Pretty views of the bahamas from the first stage

>> No.12622335

Is this the first polar launch from Cape Canaveral? Is the recovery vessel in the Bahamas or something?

>> No.12622337

There was a polar Cape launch last year, though it was a RTLS landing

>> No.12622339

See >>12617824

>> No.12622340

2nd polar launch since the 60s, previous one was last year.
see >>12617824

>> No.12622343
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nearly hit something there.. getting awfully crowded in those skies.

>> No.12622345
File: 18 KB, 489x857, SEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking beautiful. Every time!

>> No.12622346

nice dogleg

>> No.12622349

map still has the starlink launch trajectory? lol

>> No.12622350

That's a seagull

>> No.12622352

Son of a Bitch!

>> No.12622354

ez landing

>> No.12622356

He was about to become a spacegull

>> No.12622357

Seems like it.
What a weird oversight.

>> No.12622359
File: 442 KB, 940x836, 1212121221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure furthest leg from camera is broken

>> No.12622362

why would you think that lmao

>> No.12622365

If it were the thing would have tipped already

>> No.12622366

If it were broken, I'm pretty sure the whole thing would fall over.

>> No.12622367

Not sure what you guys are looking at, but you know this is a polar orbit, right? They precess like that as Earth rotates. I see three orbits, the third being almost perpendicular to the camera.

>> No.12622368

144 sats in one go, amazing.


Yeah, that was a bit confusing for me too.

>> No.12622369
File: 2.19 MB, 1126x1154, 41564564156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it look slanted

no they have crumple section

>> No.12622370

This I'm pretty sure there's a shadow on the left.
That being said it might be able to stand on 3 legs if the 4rd isn't extended because the mass would be slightl shifted to the extended sides.

>> No.12622371

yeah that's from last week's starlink launch

>> No.12622375
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, weird.
Not sure what's happening here.
Check out pic related, there's a second trajectory in grey.

>> No.12622377

>Not sure what's happening here.

it's what happen when they land too hard

>> No.12622382

Oh yeah, it was already gone over the edge by the time I looked. It's even got the first stage landing path.

>> No.12622386


>> No.12622393

This music is fire! I seriously want to know where they got it from.

>> No.12622399

Test Shot Starfish, all tracks are on spotify

>> No.12622401

Newfriends don't know about Test Shot Starfish.

>> No.12622404
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For real

>> No.12622407
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Thank you anon, that was very kind of you.

>> No.12622414

They used to list out the song names on stream. Sucks that they don't anymore.

>> No.12622425

accidentally posted to the wrong thread

>> No.12622427

first time they've showed that camera view I think

>> No.12622429


>> No.12622440

I think someone decided it didn't fit with their new "curved timeline" layout. Isn't that about the time they stopped mentioning TSS?

>> No.12622442
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faggot doomerposter BTFO

>> No.12622444

They could just briefly show it at the top of the screen periodically

>> No.12622457

>Elon is browsing the thread
>Asks support ship to change views for this

>> No.12622472
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I thought the main point of watching the second stage live was the music?

>> No.12622480

good orbit

>> No.12622499

deployments aren't very dramatic. Blink you you miss it!

>> No.12622500

off they go!

>> No.12622545

both fairings caught successfully

>> No.12622548
File: 1.64 MB, 1917x737, Screenshot 2021-01-24 111307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12622551

6 million dollars right thar

>> No.12622553

How heavy are the fairings?

>> No.12622555

wow, that was quick. Nice job this time

>> No.12622558

woo hoo! is this the first time they got both of them?

>> No.12622564


>> No.12622566

It's gonna be back in sunlight soon. Maybe we'll get better views of the last few deployments.

>> No.12622570

rumor is these starlink sats have laser links

>> No.12622575

Can y'all actually see any of these deployments, I cant see a thing?

>> No.12622578

yep some earlier ones you could see them tumbling out

>> No.12622593
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>> No.12622594
File: 1.17 MB, 1226x686, transporter-1 deploy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only illumination for the rideshares was basically the equivalent of a cheap flashlight.

>> No.12622602
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wow, that actually isn't clear at all. Here, 3 eons in paint.

>> No.12622605
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we sun now

>> No.12622616

sick spins of the second stage underway
are they just gonna let the payload adapter drift off?

>> No.12622619

think it burns up with s2

>> No.12622625

That was a kinda concerning loss of signal

>> No.12622626

What a mission. The absolute madmen.

>> No.12622628

next up, sn9 hop

>> No.12622640

Also on Soundcloud
Some of his older tracks are even better

>> No.12622641

>no more music
booo, now i have to create my own playlist

>> No.12622791

"Starship Rideshare" incoming. RIP Small satellite launchers :(

>> No.12623340
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if there were enough satellites on orbit, wouldn't that literally solve global warming

>> No.12623463
File: 1.71 MB, 3508x2480, 1586843116546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would require a FUCKTON of satellites. I mean billions if not trilltions of them. What the space debris doomers don't understand is that space is huge and sats and small. Pictures like this only look bad because they inflate shit until each object is many times the size of a large city.

>> No.12624372

The point of kessler syndrome isn't that there are like 1000 decommissioned sats slowly deorbiting, it's everything from that to spent staging bolts, frozen liquid and so on reaching a point where they aren't trackable anymore. Like when they collide with several times the speed of sound and then you have even more junk. It surely isn't a problem yet, but do you really want launch windows and courses to get cucked because they have to wait before that Zimbabwean space station (dissassembled, plus) can be asked to vacate the area?

Space is huge is just half of the formula
Humanity is also really retarded.