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12619390 No.12619390 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12619436

By visiting youtube

>> No.12619461

A need to feel special.

>> No.12619668

By trolling fedoras who always take the b8

>> No.12620407

By being a 200 IQ superhuman

>> No.12620411

that movie sucks as do all john hughes movies

>> No.12620442

You deny all of physics and become a religious fundamentalist.

>> No.12620460

Accept that the earth is flat.

>> No.12620525

By not being a onions-chugging faggot who believes whatever his overlords tell him to believe just to fit in with other basedboys from r/science.
Not eating the bugs.

>> No.12621594

By needing to live in an alternate reality because something bad happened to you.

>> No.12621671

A dude that glows gives you a paycheck to shill flat earthism.

>> No.12621673
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>not being a flat truther

>> No.12621721

By being dropped on your head as a baby.

>> No.12621741
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Fucking morons.

Flat Earthers are people who are scientifically illiterate who wake up to certain horrifying truths such as 9/11 being an inside job. The problem is that 9/11 actually WAS an inside job, creating a mountain of paranoia. The reason you can be certain it was an inside job is that it happened on the morning of several interlocked military and government drills simulating the events of 9/11. That's how you stage a false flag, and it's impossible for a real attack. Case closed.

The flat Earthers are people who realize this, and then go off the deep end because they are scientifically illiterate.

It is clear the the financial support for the flat Earth movement is coming from the same place as the UFO movement, from people who are conducting a social experiment on bogus ideas on the internet. It is extremely easy to disprove bogus ideas online, the flat Earth is refuted by the measurement of “how far can I see from a tower”, the law being that the distance the square root of the product of the height of the tower and the radius of the Earth. This law extends from ship mast-towers of 20 meters, where you can see about 10km to airliners at 10 km, where you can see things up to 250 km away. The law is very easy to check today, and it can be done by anyone from a local mountain.

>> No.12621743

Prove atoms exist.

>> No.12621746

weak understanding of geography, elementary physics, and basic astronomy
several predispositions:
1. to denial of authority
2. to forming emotional associations to ideas and arguments
3. to accepting romantic narratives of good rebel underdog vs evil big brother

tl;dr by being retarded

>> No.12621748

>a social experiment on bogus ideas on the internet.
like this, but only ironically

>> No.12621756

Stupid anon. Denial of authority is a necessary step towards scientific greatness, provided you have fluency in the old knowledge, and the honesty to incorporate others criticism. Clinging to authority is definitively retarded.

>> No.12621767
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By being a low IQ redneck and falling for free mason bait.

One becomes a mid wit by taking one look at the easily debunked flat earth "proofs" designed by free masons specifically to be easily debunked then believing themselves intelligent for associating the entire topic with nonsense.

One becomes enlightened by being high IQ enough to sniff out the free mason bait and dig to uncover what they are hiding with subterfuge and inception.

Where there is smoke there is fire anon.

Check the Vedas if you want to know what is beyond the Antarctic circle.

>> No.12621770

What does the NWO have to gain by telling us the world isn't flat and the Earth is in orbit around the sun and not the other way round?

>> No.12621802

Widely known ridiculous conspiracy theories make the more credible ones less likely to be believed.

>> No.12621807

Where is this? Looks beautiful.

>> No.12621827

house of lords in parliament?

>> No.12621845

I know that but I have no idea what actual flat earth even think the reason for the lie is.
I don't pay attention to the ridiculous theories since I can just go outside and jft look and see the horizon 11 miles away from me at all times.
How do flat earthers explain seasons and N/S hemisphere with Australia having their summer in December while North chads are shoveling snow?

>> No.12621851

Seems so, thanks. What a pompous piece of architecture. Damn.

>> No.12621856

House of lords has red leather seats those are velvet. Plus HoL doesn't have a disgusting American flag in it

>> No.12621858
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>> No.12621859

True. It looks similar though. The depictions on the wall are also different.

>> No.12621860

Most of them don't explain those things, and when they do they almost always come around. Very few espouse the consistency of the various niche flat earth models once they've meditated on them long enough. They don't have scientific training at first, but you can never hope to defeat your enemies without knowing how they think, and by the time you know enough round-earth science to refute the round-earth scientific, it's already too late, you're already a round-earther.

>> No.12621864
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Here's the answer

>> No.12621873

Also it's worth pointing out that there isn't a unified flat earth theory aside from the notion of the world being flat, and it's stupid of you to view the issue through that lens. You can't just go up to some flat earther and say "oh you believe there's a glass dome above us" because not all of them do.

>> No.12621911
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*blocks your flat earth*

>> No.12621922
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> He doesn't know about the special clubs in America that run everything and fake our history and science.

Bhagavad-Gita Book of Drona:
Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful Vimana, hurled A single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon and iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas.

The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. Their hair and nails fell out. Pottery broke without any apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all food sources were infected…, to escape from this fire; the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and all their equipment.

“Any target hit by the brahmastra would be utterly destroyed; land would become barren and lifeless, rainfall would cease, and infertility in humans and animals would follow for aeons of time.”

>> No.12621923
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Sir James South of the Royal Observatory in Kensington wrote in a letter to the Times newspaper April 7, 1848, that, “On the 15th of March, 1848, when the moon was seven and a half days old, I never saw her unillumined disc so beautifully. On my first looking into the telescope a star of about the 7th magnitude was some minutes of a degree distant from the moon’s dark limb. I saw that its occultation by the moon was inevitable … The star, instead of disappearing the moment the moon’s edge came in contact with it, apparently glided on the moon’s dark face, as if it had been seen through a transparent moon; or, as if a star were between me and the moon … I have seen a similar apparent projection several times … The cause of this phenomenon is involved in impenetrable mystery.”

monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society for June 8, 1860, Thomas Gaunt stated that the “Occultation of Jupiter by the moon, on the 24th of May, 1860, was seen with an achromatic of 3.3 inches aperture, 50 inches focus; the immersion with a power of 50, and the emersion with a power of 70. At the immersion I could not see the dark limb of the moon until the planet appeared to touch it, and then only to the extent of the diameter of the planet; but what I was most struck with was the appearance on the moon as it passed over the planet. It appeared as though the planet was a dark object, and glided on to the moon instead of behind it; and the appearance continued until the planet was hid, when I suddenly lost the dark limb of the moon altogether.” I have personally also seen stars through the edge of the waxing/waning Moon. It actually happens fairly often; if you are diligent and specifically observing for the phenomenon".

>> No.12621924
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“Philosophical Transactions” for 1794 it is stated:
Three persons in Norwich, and one in London, saw a star on the evening of March 7th, 1794, in the dark part of the moon, which had not then attained the first quadrature; and from the representations which are given the star must have appeared very far advanced upon the disc. On the same evening there was an occultation of Aldebaran, which Dr. Maskelyne thought a singular coincidence, but which would now be acknowledged as the cause of the phenomenon.”

>> No.12621931

I think technology and science has advanced quite a bit since 1784-1848

>> No.12621965
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Kek your reading comprehension skills are shit fren.

>The star, instead of disappearing the moment the moon’s edge came in contact with it, apparently glided on the moon’s dark face, as if it had been seen through a transparent moon; or, as if a star were between me and the moon

>It appeared as though the planet was a dark object, and glided on to the moon instead of behind it

>> No.12621973

Opinion disregarded. Secret societies are so 18th century, and fuck outta here with your ancient aliens tier brainlet shit.

>> No.12621985
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>> No.12621990
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> Links actual historical astronomy recording people seeing stars shinning directly through the moon.

> Gets compared to ancient aliens.

Please take the vaccine anon.

>> No.12622036

I will not take the vaccine, you sordid faggot. The moon isn't a hologram, btw, no matter what some retards wrote down in print. I can fucking see the moon, and I know how holograms work, though I doubt I can convince you of this. Also the wojack is a bad look on you anon, stop posting them if you want to be taken seriously, unless you're paid to do controlled opposition or some shit in which case you should kill yourself.

>> No.12622066
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I am going to keep posting Sanskrit quotes and other dissident information. When they come for me I will see them in Valhalla.

>> No.12622085

You cite shit from over 150 years ago and take their word for it because it fits into your narritive.
>Hurr look at these Middle Eastern flags they prove it
Wow it's almost as if Christianity and the symbolism of the Star and Cresent in the played a huge part in countries, who would have known. I mean it's not like it's the birthplace of the so called prophet who plays a huge part in religion and can always be traced to the middle east. Take your meds you historically illiterate schizo

>> No.12622100

>> He doesn't know about the special clubs in America that run everything and fake our history and science.
Politics and religion are forbidden subjects at freemason meetings. For good reasons. You're deluding yourself.

I like the imagery though.

>> No.12622106

could be a comet

>> No.12622113


>> No.12622114
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Step One: Take all of the evidence regarding earth as a globe, a short list of do-at-home experiments that produce results only consistent with a globe, and lay them out in front of you.

Step Two: Shut your eyes, put your fingers in your ears, and shout loudly to block out the offensive information.

Step Three: Push your fingers all the way through int your brain, and then wiggle them.

You are now a Flat Earther.

>> No.12622121

>Star and Cresent
Its an Ottoman symbol and Byzantine before that you mong. It is just a hold over the average Muslim has no idea what the fuck it means today and will give you some crap about Mohamed placing stars there or some crap.

>Politics and religion are forbidden subjects at freemason meetings.

Because both of those things are irrelevant to those who know it is all just a farce to distract the proles from jewish fractional reserve banking having all the actual power. Get back to me when you guys do something other then stage school shooting and helping the jews spread lies Shabbos goy.

>> No.12622125

Ever considered he was lying/mistaken/fatigued/shill/drunk?
All you have to do is just look outside at night to see what he said isn't true

>> No.12622140

It's to do with the Star of Bethlehem and virgin Mary you dipshit. Christianity predates Islam you idiot.

>> No.12622159
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>Star shinning directly through the crescent moon means something other then you can see a star shinning directly through the crescent moon.

Remember all those "religions" were created by Jews for you to consume. You have to go way back to the Vedas in order to get something that has not been jewed.

>> No.12622165

>Retard doesn't understand the power religion has had in shaping the world.
You are legitimatly low IQ, but go on, keep believing someone from 150+ years ago that can be debunked by just observing the moon in the current year.

>> No.12622174
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Fucking sheep, I will build a Vimana to explore terra Vista and if I ever return it will be to kill off 90% of the population.

You should be glad people like me exist who would willingly devote time to ensure the race did not stagnate into low hopeless and helpless mulattos ruled by jews.

>> No.12622176

Poo in loo

>> No.12622778

Prove you exist.

>> No.12623145
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by being a redneck freak who's paranoid by media and government conspiracy .

>> No.12624390

>as if
>or, as if
yeah i take more credible sources than 3 dudes from 200 years ago with zero evidence other than their word, thank you very much

>> No.12625394

I'm tired rn and probably won't reply anymore after this, but I just wanted to thank you for explaining this.

I'm so sick and tired of people either believing every fucking conspiracy or literally none at all. It is possible to keep your head on straight and come to the logical conclusion certain conspiracies may actually be true, while dismissing the crack-pot and baseless ones.