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12616338 No.12616338 [Reply] [Original]

Don't remove your wisdom teeth!!!

>"Following a thorough review of the literature, we may conclude that the removal of third molars to avoid late incisor crowding is not justified."


>"Routine prophylactic extraction of asymptomatic third molars in young adults cannot be recommended."


>"The results of the present review indicate a lack of scientific evidence to justify the indication of the prophylactic extraction of third molars. The only scientific proof points to the non-indication of prophylactic extraction for the purpose of preventing late crowding of the lower incisors."


>"Third-molar extraction appears to be a risk factor for TMD. The adjusted relative risk of experiencing TMD after third-molar extraction was 1.6"


>> No.12616347

>they are literally called WISDOM TEETH

>retards take them off

makes sense to me

>> No.12616356

People remove them when they don't have to? Only people I know that get them removed is if there is some complication caused by them, mine were growing sideways for example and had to be removed surgically.

>> No.12616361

But I had mines taken out and I is still smart.

>> No.12616367

Apparently not

>> No.12616370

and this is what aspergers looks like for anybody who didn't catch that

>> No.12616419

Oh yeah. You're probably not from the US then, everyone in the US gets them removed even when they aren't causing problems.

>> No.12616472

I'm not in the US, no, and that's crazy, why do something you don't have to do? It's not like it's fun to have done.

>> No.12616488

I didn't get to choose.
My mum made me take them out when I was 14, under a dentists recommendation because they are sideways or something.
anyways I'm 18 now and I have scars in my mouth and my mum wouldn't let me take the pain meds because she was afraid I'd get addicted.

>> No.12616621

>my mum wouldn't let me take the pain meds because she was afraid I'd get addicted.
That's pretty fucked up honestly. Sorry to hear that anon.

>> No.12616943

wtf. let me guess, this is some meme they forced on people so they can make money from artificial demand?

>> No.12616952

Isn't this the entire point of dentistry?

>> No.12616985
File: 133 KB, 1080x1303, 16d7a5413f72945a918b92f9b574aeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to dentist with mom
>"anon, dr shekelberg says we need to extract some more teeth again. says your teeth are overcrowded"
>but i barely have any left
>"now anon he's a trained medical professional why would he say you need them removed if you don't really"
i now only have 12 teeth in the top of my mouth and 14 on the bottom. when i smoke weed i can feel phantom pain in the empty sockets squeezed between my remaining teeth. dr shekelberg also gave me braces that shrunk my jaw so i look like i have no chin from the side. luckily i'm white so i managed to get a girlfriend anyway.

>> No.12617007

>why do something you don't have to do?


>> No.12617013

Yes. Literally

>> No.12617018

This fucking sucks. Sorry anon.

>> No.12617316

>Oh yeah. You're probably not from the US then, everyone in the US gets them removed even when they aren't causing problems.
Still less retarded than getting circumcised.

>> No.12617350
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I already did, am I fucked:?

>> No.12617354

they're called that way because they erupt in the wisdom age (after 20-22 years old), retard

>> No.12617426

>20-22 years old
>wisdom age

It's the exact age where people are most unacceptable to joining various forms of cults due to the feeling that they need some 'identity'.

>> No.12617440

they're called molars
if you leave them in you'll turn into a mole!

>> No.12617448

Stop skipping your ESL classes

>> No.12617450

Unironically just start mewing instead.
I have a way better defined jawline since I started doing that and apparently it does gradually make your jaw widen out if you stick with it

>> No.12617499

Sorry, I was very drunk and didn't notice that 'susceptible' was auto corrected.

>> No.12618625

OP don't be a faggot. If you have overcrowding -- or think you might, get your wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible (and I mean yesterday). If they get infected and you hang onto them expect skin disorders, severe cognitive malfunction, heart disease, loss of jawbone, hallucinations, cancer, and a slow painful and disgusting death in the long run.

>> No.12618636 [DELETED] 

>Amerifat healthcare

>> No.12618639

thats not true, retard

>> No.12618660

dentist said mine were fine to stay
t. burger

>> No.12618711

My dentist has been hounding me for a few years to get them ripped. They're straight up perpendicular

>> No.12618715

But it basically is.

>> No.12619555

>unfounded fear mongering

>> No.12619561 [DELETED] 

Same lol. Good dentist and I like the guy but he really needs the extra cash I guess for his business.

>> No.12619809

Unless your dentist is malicious they will know better what is the best approach. In doubt, ask another too, though I imagine it's not very simple nor that much more reliable to do. Overcrowding can be an issue and slowly displace nearby teeth out of place. I was concerned with mines that were growing slightly below other molars and was suggested waiting it out a bit more, and in the end it seems it turned out fine, for now. Could've had them ripped but I was told it wasn't a good idea unless strictly necessary, that is after a check up.

>> No.12620235

Uh, we've known this for many years. Even the US chamber of dentistry noticed it and changed their guidelines at least ten years ago.

>> No.12620285

My wisdom teeth are impacted and I already have trigeminal neuralgia and probably TMJ issues to some extent. Yes, I don't like the idea of removal, but what can I do. All have largely emerged except for the lower right. I am aware I probably goofed hard just going along with what my mother said I should do, and letting them put braces on me. They were incredibly painful the entire time, the wires on the side tore up the inside of my mouth even with the wax you can put on them, tightening them was incredibly painful for several days. I said fuck all of this why did I ever need these to begin with, I don't give a fuck. Had them taken off early. Besides the shame of allowing the money to be wasted and failing to wear the rubber bands consistently, it probably did further fuck up things which were already fucked up (namely the cervical spine which influences jaw position). Not sure if i had bruxism prior, but I certainly had it after.

Not a high opinion of orthodontics. Every time I have gone along with what this place wanted me to do and trusted others to act upon me in any way, it has always been a mistake, and I have been severely punished.

>> No.12620301

What would she have done if you refused? Did your parents threaten to send you to military school or something?

>> No.12620484

I only got mine removed because all 4 were impacted on my other teeth and causing headaches.

>> No.12620500

>my mum wouldn't let me take the pain meds because she was afraid I'd get addicted.
Pussy. Got my wisdom teeth taken out under local anesthesia, was eating a burrito 20mins after I got home. Ez work

>> No.12620509

Look into jaw surgery. It is probable you have sleep apnea because of your recessed jaw. If you have a sleep study done and you have apnea, you can get jaw surgery covered by your insurance.
t. anon who's going to ascend soon

>> No.12620556
File: 112 KB, 742x960, circumcision stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get phantom pain in my dick on the scar where my foreskin used to be attached. I get these sharp pinching and itching sensations in my dick at random times on almost a daily basis.

>> No.12620565

This happens in other countries too.

I live in NZ and every dentist is like this. They really push the removal surgery on you as soon as they can see you have wisdom teeth coming through now or in the future. They put a lot of pressure on parents of teenagers as well, and make it seem like it HAS to be done. It's actually quite predatory practice.

I was told I HAD to get them all out before they came through. I didn't do it, and one did end up having to be extracted (they were able to pull it out with their hands and it was a cheap and easy procedure) and the rest have caused no issues.

>> No.12620596
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god bless ye anons and thank ye. i actually don't have many hang ups from it. i do have sleep apnea, but through a combination of mewing and taping my mouth shut at night i've managed to overcome the condition on my own. i did not know what true sleep was until then. jaw surgery seems too drastic for me. i hope by the time i'm an old man people will see orthodontistry for what it is: a hideous scheme by medical frauds ruining the beauty and health of young children across America all for the sake of a pretty penny.

my girlfriend has perfect teeth and a health square jaw. i will have children with her and not subjugate them to the barbarism of circumcision and orthodontistry so they may enjoin their heritage in a rightful and wholesome human body, as god intended.

my parents, sadly, have all the same feature and symptoms, but they can't seem to swallow the orthodontistry redpill. it's sad because my grandparents all had strong jaws and handsome faces. they seem to think god decided everyone should be a long faced mouthbreather in the 60s. i digress.

>> No.12620613

Look up ways to break down scar tissue. I've heard infrared and vibration at the correct frequency can dissolve scar tissue. Alternatively try applying herbal extracts (eg water extract, like a tea) topically. Try frankincense essential oil. Always use a carrier oil with essential oils, never apply directly. Could help soften up the skin.

The sensations are probably caused, if not due to the skin being taut and dry, by a mess of axons tangled up when schwanna cells become confused near the amputation site. Don't know what to do about this, but you could try stretching it. Between having loose skin and coverage, the expansion itself could unconfuse the schwann cells.

Sucks anon, hope some of that helps. Don't just accept it, there is probably a solution. The broader literature on amputation site phantom sensations will probably bring some leads.

>> No.12620620

Also, if you masturbate a lot, give your dick a break. Apply oils, vitamin E, etc, stuff that's good for skin health, let it heal. That sounds like internal irritation.

>> No.12620637

Not religious, but amen.

>> No.12622265

Good advise.

>> No.12622267

She kinda doesn't look all that Asian.
What is she?

>> No.12623371

Pushing the knowledge out in this thread. Thanks.

>> No.12623734
File: 289 KB, 1170x627, emax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe only Americans have them removed before they become a problem. I would never recommend removing them unless the person had some kind of trouble with them, many people have pericoronitis when they are young adults but stop when the third molars have fully erupted.
They are very easy to remove at this age, due to not having any finished root development, and I doubt you have "scars" though you will get a bony defect that might heal up to feel like its a cup-shape. There are legitimate reasons to remove them this early but they are uncommon.
12 upper teeth, I assume this means you had 2 premolars, one on each side removed, along with your third molars. This is normal if you had severe crowding, and the third molars in the maxilla are kinda easy to remove so it's a no brainer to remove them if they cause any problems at all.
Wisdom teeth never cause TMJ. They can cause trigeminal neuralgia, but unless they were severely decayed I would not have them removed. If they are impinging that close to the nerve then there is a real risk of nerve damage during extraction.
If you want your kids to have perfect jawlines you need to feed them hard, chewy food kinda early. Stop with pureed stuff and drinks as early as possible. This is literally why we have crowded teeth and misaligned wisdom teeth, people in medieval times never had these problems due to chewing harder foods.

t. Dentist

>> No.12623916

>If you want your kids to have perfect jawlines you need to feed them hard, chewy food kinda early. Stop with pureed stuff and drinks as early as possible
Anecdotal, but my parents did feed me hard and chewy stuff early on and my wisdom teeth are close to perfect. I wouldn't wanna miss 'em. They crush everything.

>> No.12624090

>Wisdom teeth never cause TMJ. They can cause trigeminal neuralgia, but unless they were severely decayed I would not have them removed. If they are impinging that close to the nerve then there is a real risk of nerve damage during extraction.
The lower right is impacted and unable to emerge, I've dug the gum away from it as much as possible in the hope that it will adhere to the tooth surface more completely lower down, but it doesn't seem to be possible. The TN comes from the nerve root. It used to affect both sides, but these days it's just the right.

The nerve is pretty clearly already damaged. Won't go into details, but I'm not sure I care at this point. It's probably a net positive regardless with the exception of further motor involvement.

>> No.12624105

Mutilate your genitals
Pull out your teeth
Eat the bugs

>> No.12624145


like foreskins

>> No.12624243
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plastic surgery and photoshop

my incisor was rotated as a kid but i didn't have severe crowding. my orthodontist was just too liberal with extraction i think. thanks for the advice. i'll have them chewing vigorously as kids.

>> No.12624282

Cute Asians almost make me wish I was capable of feeling love.

>> No.12624312

My wisdom teeth came in at like 13-14, do people really get them that late?

>> No.12625396
File: 991 KB, 1580x2238, ray peat food diet redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orthodontistry is only necessary for people with bad diets. Bad diets cause recessed jaw, crooked/crowded teeth, and rotting teeth. Make sure your kids have a good diet if you don't want them to require orthodontistry. Raw grassfed milk and meat and raw pasture raised eggs and only organic food. Expensive but worth it

>> No.12626903

But are you wise?