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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12618088 No.12618088[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was it always like this? I seem to remember it being less schizo. All it is now is race realism threads masquerading as IQ threads, COVID is just a flu bro threads, climate change denial, some religion threads and a bit of holocaust denial. I have no pronlems with all this, but the belong on /pol, not here. And all the alien shit should go on /x.

>> No.12618100

That picture is so cool.]

>> No.12618142

yep, i realy do enjoye molecular cellular biology. Its basicly like reverse engineering an alien technology. We are learning about a complex machine, we didnt build, that is more advanced than anything we can do.

>> No.12618160

the first three things are science-related so i don't see the problem

>> No.12618177

i fucking hate it too. it’s not just sci, either. 90% of threads on /his/ and /lit/ are all made by /pol/ mouth breathers with retarded loaded questions that they already have their canned answers for about race realism or why nazi germany lost or whatever. it’s cringe how they try to masquerade as people looking for discussions

>> No.12618208
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Multiple reasons. I won’t write all down.
Psy-op is an easy explanation, any people who question things today are now brainwashed to become racist so the current administration can attack them and alienate them.
It’s the fate of many internet communities that are open like this to get filled with larpers in time and the people actually interested in the discussion get pushed out.
It’s the same with /his/ and /lit/, really any forum.
It’s also pushed by total objectivity types that don’t understand science and that objectivity and knowledge degrades and changes because we only have our limited human interpretation and perception.

>> No.12618222

Because /leftypol/ invaded science. Not /sci/ but science. Of course there was eventually going to be blowback from that.

>> No.12618230

It's every board at this point. Doesn't matter the topic either someone will derail it with some pol talking point. The time has finally come to leave this hellhole.

>> No.12618238
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They clamp.
They vaccinate.
They halogenate.
They irradiate.
They circumcise.

Keep running if you wish, but even though it was never something you had sewn, you will reap these bitter crops nonetheless. There is no escape. Stop running, and turn around to face what has happened.

>> No.12618247

fugg sown*, now I'm going to be crucified! Oh well...

>> No.12618249

2015-2016 was when /pol/ and 4chan in general gained a fuckload of retards.
We have always had our fair share of /x/ shit.

>> No.12618266

I came here, cause im building a lab in my back yard and figured i could talk to other STEM students doing dumb shit like building stuff in there back yards or in there dorm rooms, or i could talk to people doing research or working industry, to see what my future holds. I found some of the later, a tiny bit of the former, and an everincreasing amount of non sicence bullshit, and /pol leaking in. Irl i have like tow friend who are int this shit. An almost noone is interested here. Why are people so disinterested? Am i alone in finding scienc, just incredibly fun? Mkaing caluclations for class is OK, but its so much more fun if there are tnagible resaults to them. Even if i occasionaly burn off all the skin from my hads with oversturated sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide soultion...

>> No.12618287

I have produced a few solid rocket motors and played with a little chemistry. I don't bother posting about it here because no one ever wants to talk about actually doing things,
/k/ and /diy/ are both much better for that.

>> No.12618318

leftypol is against neoliberal identity politics which is what's actually invading science

>> No.12618345

thanks, thats actually helpfull advice, ill go check them out.

>> No.12618354

I'm not arguing weather you are right or wrong. My politics aren't relevan on this board, because this isnt /pol/, where politics belong. This is /sci/. Polotics envolving science should still be containe on /pol/ because thats still just politics.

>> No.12618361

race/iq, coronavirus, and global warming are all purely science topics without political content

>> No.12618363

/k/ loves anything that deflagrates / detonates while /diy/ will talk about anything you might be doing at home.

>> No.12618366

Nice, what did you use as fuel and oxidizer? Seems rather risky to do it but I imagine you're not using anything too toxic right?

>> No.12618381

It wasn't always like this.
t. Someone who's been on 4chan since 2005 off and on and recently came back to see how it's going now

Are there any good forums or sites remaining? It feels like the entire internet is trash now

>> No.12618388
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Science has become a religion instead of the tool it is supposed to be.
Science worshippers should humble themselves before /pol.
At the very least, they are smart enough not to believe in things like global warming, vaccines, the Holohoax, "incurable" myopia, atheism, etc...
You are free to disagree with pol/, but those people think for themselves and you, as a scientist, should not attempt to censor them.

>> No.12618389

Just R-Candy with some iron oxide / Al doping, I cast a nitrocellulose fuel grain but chickened out on actually using it.
Now I have a little more money I can throw at hobbies I'm thinking about getting a lathe and having a crack at a nitrous oxide mono-prop liquid and maybe a nitrous oxide / alcohol liquid if that works.

>> No.12618422

You post this in every thread. You're part of the problem.

>> No.12618437

He's right.

>> No.12618439

Awesome, cause i do both those things. I have been dicking around with making colourfulll explosions, and i have and am trying to build some lab gear thats too expensive for me. Also, im trying to build an FM radio from scratch. I burnt my hand making pure silicon for diodes, which i intend to turn into pelets and infuse with boron or phosphorus. I've already made tha Sodium Potasium Tartarate crystals... The problem is, /sci is the only place i know has biologysts, and next semester im getting about 1000 euros in scholarship for academic achievement, which i intend to spend on a nanopore gene sequencer. I dont know if there will be people on /k or /diy who understand what i do with a nanopore, a couple perti dishes of c. elegans and a shitton of EMS.

>> No.12618450

>making your own diodes
Impressive shit man, all the biology stuff is over my head but so long as it's not biological weapons I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.12618459

That sounds awesome. Do you just burn through the fuel and meassure the force, or do you actually launch something? I havent built any rockets yet, but my cousin is a chemist and has built a shittone of them. Automatic parachute release and all. It was a lot of fun helping him, though when the parachute release faild, it was pretty treifying when the thing crashed down at speed. Shame his research takes up all his time, i miss his insane antics.

>> No.12618466

Americans ruin everything with their shitty politics and their obsession with race.

>> No.12618467

What are the noninsane people here supposed to do? Is there any better place online? Or should we just unplug entirely?

>> No.12618474

There's no place to escape to. Just keep yourself focused on your own endeavours and your own circle of friends. It's kinda sad, but it's reality.

>> No.12618481

>as it's not biological weapons
god those things terrify me. I wouldnt touch that shit with a ten foot pole. Im more interested in just the process of entirely new genes being formed. Basicly an existing gene copies itself by accident, then since it exists in two copies, one is redundant and it goes on is own evolutionary path coding for a more and more different protein. I want to document that and see if i can apply conditions to make one code for a specific purpose. Its a long shot, but i find it fascinating.

>> No.12618487

Unironically they think they are smart and come here to shitpost

>> No.12618489

Did a bunch a test fires until I had a design I liked then flew it a half dozen times. I was going hard with ~0.7 mach out of a ~2 second burn and couldn't get a body design that could take it but the failures were spectacular.
Got buzy with work and just kind of forgot about it until a couple of months ago.

>god those things terrify me
Me too, I don't think the powers that be realize what can be produced in a shed these days and when they find otu it might be too late.
>apply conditions to make one code for a specific purpose
Very interesting stuff man.

>> No.12618497

I am so incredibly thankfull tha i have found atleast one friend who is as into this stuff as i am, and also a girlfriend who is also going into research, doing a phd and loves all the home shit i do. I am kind of bumbed out that throught all my years at uni i have found only these two people, but i supose is hould be happy i have found anyone at all. Im just kind of disapointed, i had imagined that at the MSc level, there would be nothing bu enthusiasts like me.

>> No.12618504

stackexchange for questions and answers and your local friend group for discussions

>> No.12618559

do you need any special permission to buy the sequencer? that sounds awesome, I wasn't aware that you could buy something like that for 'cheap' (i.e. less than 10k)
also, how hard was purifying the silicon? It's something I always wanted to do so I could do some microeletronic. If you followed a guide/paper, could you share it?

>> No.12618565

David Goodsell

>> No.12618572

Nanopore is nice even if the error rate is dogshit. But as long as you have enough sample and patience for replicates it's all true random so you can statistically infer the real sequences.

>> No.12618575

That's sad. Honestly don't have too many friends in academia or in general though
Thanks for the suggestion.
Does stackexchange also have bio discussion? I've always seen it in context of cs

>> No.12618631

A better question is why would you ever think to begin with that an anonymous image board with no standards would ever be a suitable forum to discuss topics that so few are qualified to participate in? /b/ defaulting to 90% porn despite their already being plenty of boards to facilitate the coomers should tell you all you need to know about the demographics of this website.

>> No.12618651

Because I'm an oldfag who saw the absolute boundless creativity and fun on /b/ back in the day and good threads on /sci/.
Something about 4chan and the internet changed significantly.

>> No.12618654

This. It's disappointing that /b/ became so shit, but overall 4chan is about unfiltered discussion. Whining about schizo and wah why isn't someone wanting to discuss my extremely specific niche interest with me anonymously, is just ridiculous. Go to fucking reddit, stackexchange, special moderatd forums, literally anywhere, and shut the fuck up!!!

This is what is called ALLOPLASTIC DEFENSE. Basically you're insecure and afraid of interacting with the world so you want everything on your terms along with anonymity, and when people refuse to be what you want them to be, you claim they aren't doing 4chan right and cry about how they need the boot. So 4chan can be and do everything you want, your way, for you.

These fucking retards are the worst.

>> No.12618667

Same man, but don't be such a bitch. Make your case properly. There's no way to get rid of the retards now, it's too late.

>> No.12618675

I'm not bitching. Just asking what happened and where do we go.

>> No.12618693

I don't know. I thought I could go back to l***chan, but the same thing seems to have happaned there. I guess it's over. I've had threads on here previously about new types of communities, but we never really solved it a priori, and real world trials would be needed. here are certain problems that are just difficult to solve without abandoning the chan model for something more like a traditional forum.

>> No.12618700

lol you fucking faggot

>> No.12618703


>> No.12618709

Yeah that's what I'm worried about. It's like the wild west days of the internet are dead and the remaining enclaves have all been intentionally or otherwise ruined.
Used to have hope about chans but now it's all disappointing

>> No.12618712

But there are legit quality boards like /n/ and /k/. Current-day /sci/ being a shithole has nothing to do with anyone being able to post and everyone being anonymous.

>> No.12618734

stack exchange has no discussion, it's for questions and answers in basically all fields.

>> No.12618744

If you don't like /pol/ go to plebbit where you can have your safety net.

>> No.12618749

Of course I am!

>> No.12618767
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The average /sci/ poster.

>> No.12618778

They're people who have structured their entire personality around their obnoxious political views, because like any religious fanatic knows if you believe in something then you don't have to have any actual personality when talking to people, just shoehorn your bullshit into everything like an obnoxious Harry potter fan and when people tell you to fuck off you can pat yourself on the back for triggering another lib.

Having taken a break from 4chan for a while, I'm not surprised to b fine back and give they've basically taken over every previously interesting board on here, they can't help themselves.

>> No.12618779

If I don't like /pol/ I won't go to /pol/. Which is why it's leakeage is annoying, because they already have an entire board to their matters.
Well, that and because they do the same topics ad nauseam. Do we really need that many IQ threads when the topic has been run into the ground? These topics are fine on their own, but the rate at which they're reposted with the same arguments makes it clear that it's not just because it's an interesting /sci/ topic.

>> No.12618792

I did the formulas myself, and used just raw sand from a local quarry as a resource. (went there with my bike and a backpack full of mason jars, climbed the fence and stole what is probably 3 euros worth of sand. im an idiot) Purifying wasnt hard, though a bit unpleasent at times, but its probably not more than 98% pure. Good enough for larger diodes, but i probably couldnt make solar panels from it.
What you do is clean the sand with HCl, wash it, then add NaOH, heat it to 500 C to make sodium silicate, which is water soluable. Then you filter everything else. this will take a while... Finaly you add H2SO4 to make silicic acid, which with the water will make silica gel, which you can filter out. Bake tah for a couple hours and youll get pure SiO2. Make a mixture of you pure SiO2 and aluminium powder, you can use sulfure as a catalyst (be carefull of deadly fumes if you use sulfur) Add Hcl to turn Al2O3 into AlCl3, filter one last time.
Thats the process i came up with, though im probably not the first.

>> No.12618795

which scams was thunderf00t wrong about?

>> No.12618796

Were taking over the internet and you can't stop us. We memes a president into office and own the entire republican party. We own 4chan and reddit. There's no wear for you snowflake s to go

>> No.12618806

i know, i would love something better, but im not made of money. What do you suppose is the cehapest propper sequencer? Regardless, patienc is something i have in droves, time, well, i have some of that too i guess.

>> No.12618814

haha this post is just like a @dril tweet

>> No.12618850

Unfiltered discussion kinda implies people want to discuss the matter. These topics being mindless spammed is annoying exactly because they don't seek actual debate, they just want to convince people of something. It's, to some extent, a bastardization of the intent of these forums.
I think I saw a video of a similar process once, the filtering part took a long time in the video though haha
Maybe it's more pratical to just buy pure Sillica, even if the process is fun. Making it pure enough for some uses might be too costly in a small scale.

>> No.12618874

Well that depends entirely on the relative standards held by the types of people that typically populate it. /b/ is a quality board if you value porn and gore.

>> No.12618879

zoomers are literally obsessed with politics

>> No.12618880

i forgot to add, when you mixed up your SiO2 and your aluminium dust with a bit of sulfur, thats thermite, you have to light that. It can be lit with anything from a propaane torch to a bit of magnesium or even a sparkler

>> No.12618894

>Making it pure enough for some uses might be too costly in a small scale
probably. ofcourse you can scip half of that if you just buy silica gel, you can buy taht in large quantities as catlitter.
Making everything from scratch is just part of my hobby. one night, stoned with my friends we asked ourselves: if we had nothing but a lab, or nothing at all, how far could we go? So i do a lot of sourcing materials.

>> No.12618895

They're brain damaged. It's their identity now. Even more than us milennials, they were told the world is broken and you must save it. So they align with their chosen tribe, fight the righteous fight, crusade along. and there is nothing which is not justified, the ends always justifies the means, you must do whatever it takes to achieve the greater good. They're like golem in a cult. And people won't listen, a big component is the goddamn wireless devices, it softens and hypnotizes the mind.


>> No.12618906

Unironically we should leave 4chan. It's clamping our minds.
It's not like it used to be 10 years ago. It's now an experiment to soften our minds and make it more malleable to propaganda

>> No.12618907

If you think /sci/ is bad, try /his/
That board is literally dead now, just zoomers waging their commie v nazi culture war among roaming incoherent schizos

>> No.12618949

people are waking up more and more to the fact they have been lied to by the mass media and main stream science in general.

For example, it is very obvious that the african race is not up to the levels of other races. ALL science and observation points to this, but for some reason the main stream science the media and other interests all seem to saying the exact opposite. Even sub par people are starting to have a hard time correlating observation with the mainstream thought.

For example, if the black race is truly as awe inspiring as the media claims, why is that EVERY race on the planet has dominated them? A truly powerful race would never have allowed that to happen. The reality does not match the main stream view

This is leading more to people to wonder what is actually going on. Why is the media lying?

>> No.12619149

if the white race is so great, why are they ruled by the jews? A truly powerful race would never have allowed that to happen

>> No.12619173

Samefag kike