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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12617868 No.12617868 [Reply] [Original]

This one person I know
>Perfect SAT
>Perfect ACT
>Got into Stanford with a 2.8 from rural Arkansas
>3 Published papers (2 neurology and 1 entomology from an insect farm she ran by herself)
>Won a national spelling bee
>Physics degree at 18
It's kind of terrifying how dizzyingly smart this person is in everyday conversation. They never stutter, swear, or make any kind of errors in their speech while discussing unbelievably complex stuff. They also seem a bit forlorn and don't know what to do with their life. Thoughts?

>> No.12617873

I've never met anyone smart in general. Then again I don't talk to any one ever, and I'm always massively surprised when people know my name.
Because I don't know them at all, I didn't even know the existed and then they stop existing later.

>> No.12617891

I have found that people with perfect scores in everything have perfect environments in which to achieve as opposed to being that much smarter than everyone else.

>> No.12617897


>> No.12617928


>> No.12617933


>> No.12617935
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>> No.12617974

Yeah that's the even weirder thing is that it's a woman. I'd say the odds off the smartest person I've met being a woman are about 1 in 10. There were a few guys from my high school who got into places like MIT (one in particular was a state-ranked math prodigy) but he wasn't exotically smart like this girl. He was just a straight-A high school student who was great at math and coding. Impressive but not unimaginable.

This girl has read 90% of the books I've read and probably 10x the number total. I'd bring up authors when talking to her and she's cheerfully say she liked them and pretend to be interested in what I was telling her about them until I asked her which of their books she'd read and she'd rattle off twice the amount of books by them that I had read. This is in all facets by the way- Russian Literature, Physics, Science Fiction, Biology- literally anything except history she completely outclassed me. And I'm a STEM double-major who's been a no-life voracious reader for large stretches of my growing up. She almost felt like some kind of deity of wisdom

>> No.12618002

This. A great kid always has great parents. However it doesn't always mean that they'd be great adults, as they've lived the rest of their life with the world revolving around them

>> No.12618057

Not always, but generally yes.

>> No.12618746

is she pro-life or pro-choice?

>> No.12618754

what the fuck does "not stuttering" have to do with being smart?
tao stutters like a motherfucker

>> No.12618757 [DELETED] 
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She better be pro-life

>> No.12618768
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I fucking hate women bros

>> No.12618771 [DELETED] 


>> No.12618775

I personally don’t equate high SAT or IQ scores with intelligence. I usually use politics, religion, or philosophy to gauge people’s intelligence. Ask them a question about perception or the experiencing mechanisms of our body and see if it’s something they have actually thought about or they repeat some answer from a textbook that they know is “the truth”. Also creativity is another form of true intelligence, they should have a novel way of approaching problems in their life, not just math problems but living problems as well.

>> No.12618793
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what arguments does she give for her position? I will assess her smartness with that

>> No.12618801 [DELETED] 

Pro-choice antinatalist

>> No.12618805

>btc billioinare in high school
>few very successful start ups
>involved in all kinds of very shady shit
>philosophy phd two years out of high school
>read everything imaginable

>> No.12618808 [DELETED] 

The low IQ thief:"I steal, so what?"
The high IQ thief:"I do not steal, I borrow."
The low IQ pedo:"I rape, so what?"
The high IQ pedo:"I do not rape, I seduce."

>> No.12618824

Was she pretty or did she have extremely masculine traits?

>> No.12618827 [DELETED] 

Midwit then, shame.

>> No.12618829
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This guy gets it. Tests only measure whether you're good at taking them.
>t. 35 on ACT but actually pretty fucking stupid

>> No.12618834

So in other words she secretly acknowledges that she is killing babies but still puts on a pro-choice facade

>> No.12618835 [DELETED] 

Pro-life antinatalist

>> No.12618841

Based and antianalistpilled.

>> No.12618846
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Shut the fuck up

>> No.12618852
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Nobody refuted.

>> No.12618857

>They never ... make any kind of errors in their speech while discussing unbelievably complex stuff.
How would you know if they made an error brainlet?

>> No.12618864 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12618866


>> No.12618883 [DELETED] 

The truth burns, eh?

>> No.12618891

What truth? To believe in something that don't have any evidence and a book full of contradictions? Well, to me you seems burned.

>> No.12618911 [DELETED] 
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Typical mass produced atheist, needing someone or something to do the thinking for him.
Is this what you want to be?
"Contradictions" exist in science, since scientists can never agree on anything.
There is no contradiction in the Holy Book, since the spiritual meaning of words cannot be a lie.

>> No.12618920

Why is this so true bros?

>> No.12618921

Take your meds, schizo and go to /x/

>> No.12618928 [DELETED] 

Hey man. I'm a man of faith as well but God guides His own. Just provide the seedling and God will water it. We can't do His work.

>> No.12618930 [DELETED] 


>> No.12618932

No intelligent person blindly accepts science, kiddo.
There are those scientism retards who believe what pop-sci man wrote in a book.
There are those religious retards who believe what an ancient sandnigger wrote in a book.
Different flavors of retardation

>> No.12618939

4chan looks old, and it's "anonymousity" is idk? Cool? Except sometimes it can get out of ontrol.
(Sorry for bad english)

>> No.12618941

Just how many more of those shitty bell curve memes are you gonna make?
Leave /sci/ and go to church.

>> No.12618943

swearing is actually a sign of intelligence and trust

>> No.12618962
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>> No.12618969

WHat he fuck?

>> No.12618973 [DELETED] 

Dw great english :)

>> No.12618977

clearly trying to blur the lines between retard and genius so you don't get exposed.

>> No.12618996 [DELETED] 

Retards are people who do not care or are not smart enough to understand propaganda.
Geniuses naturally resist it.
Midwits on the other hand are the most easy to manipulate.

>> No.12619014 [DELETED] 

Not very tolerant and open minded of you atheists, eh?

>> No.12619098
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You sound really obsessed with this girl, desu. I don't mean that in a bad way, but I think maybe it's not her intellect that has you so impressed. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she's smart, but its sounds more like you have a crush on her, anon.

>> No.12619129


>> No.12619132

Wear a condom then.

>> No.12619154


>> No.12619155
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When I was 18 I had full epic gear on my mage

>> No.12619246
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>> No.12619325

Bullshit. Intelligence isn't just determined by a single factor. A lot more goes into cognitive development than just environmental factors. It's a complex mixture of genotypic AND environmental variables. The human mind is extremely complex, and genes and environment both play a major role. The human mind is not a tabula rasa , or a black slate.

>> No.12619331

BASED. Came here to post this

>> No.12619354

>They also seem a bit forlorn and don't know what to do with their life.

She feels like Jane Goodall living with apes. She also likely feels she doesn't have a purpose or direction to apply all the intellect she's been blessed with and is hungry for a meaning that will justify her being so different from the common person.

>> No.12619411
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Brandon, there is no decision in creation worse than betraying the Lord. I know you want to act like it's a non-criminal traffic violation but when I am done it's going to be obvious there is no more foolish course of action, ever.

>> No.12619610

I have found that the better you know a certain person, the less magic is there and plenty of stupidity comes out.

>> No.12619730

Cope harder faggot

>> No.12619752

Do you think Pompeo was really the valedictorian at West Point on his own merits, or is it more likely that he was gifted that accolade to flatter one of his relatives?

>> No.12620013


>> No.12620164
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>> No.12620697


>> No.12620703
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wow thanks doc I feel much better.

>> No.12620822

i have met one einstein that when he talks about math, its like poetry. And he was like 27 i think.

> I didn't even know the existed and then they stop existing later.

>> No.12620995

She was kind of pretty and svelte, but also plain. She'd be maybe a 7/10 if she were a normal person. She said she had poor spatial memory/capacity for directions and remembering where things were. And also had trouble visualizing stuff but was fascinated by mirrors. That's my only consolation here- her absolute brilliance in her fields of study is probably a result of aspergers or something which gives her mild difficulties in other areas. She wasn't awkward but at the beginning she would talk very rapidly and it was hard to get a word in- which lends more credence to the aspergers theory.
This is probably true. She seems very innocent and engages with the world in a kind of restrained way. There's no jadedness to her at all but also no interest really in anything social and only a couple basic hobbies outside of work.
Honestly I am a little bit because my few interactions with her have felt so odd compared with talking with a normal person. I'm a bit of a chad (6'+ with face) so I can usually have 1 or 2 decent thotties see me regularly. It's not really a physical crush thing

>> No.12620999

Not sure but she does want about 3 kids, so she's ok in my book
Holy shit are you serious? Where did he get his PhD?

>> No.12621004


>> No.12621011

Kek, touché

>> No.12621023
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Off the top of your head, what would you say someone with extreme intellect in the sciences should do with their life (assuming they would enjoy a serious job)? I'm honestly not sure and hope this person doesn't do something retarded and squander their intellect. I feel like it would be a loss for humanity and my duty as a decently smart midwit is to help them find a proper outlet for their intelligence

>> No.12621031

She has a lot to say about perception and philosophical stuff along those lines. Also carries a notebook everywhere she goes and is always writing stuff down

>> No.12621052

is she socially liberal or not

>> No.12621106

Crazy, I was just about to make a thread on this topic. I just found out that I work with a kid who got a 1600 SAT and 526 MCAT. He has 4 Bachelor's including a BSN, and is in pharmacy school while working a full time job. He fits the forlorn description well, as if he has more brain power than he knows what to do with. I've never felt like such a brainlet, he's only 21.

>> No.12621260

>Oh agent Stahhling, do you thing you can dihhsect me wth ths bluunt little toooole?

>> No.12621296

Holy shit I'm such a brainlet

>> No.12621440

I came here to post this unironically. Are there any smart anons out there? Literally everyone I’ve ever interacted with in my life is a simp compared to me.
@ me if you’re smart right now.

>> No.12621470

struck a fucking nerve lmao

>> No.12621645

Not much. Like I said she is kind of a detached observer from the world and is only preoccupied with science and reading. It's be like asking if a 9 year old piano prodigy is socially liberal. She admitted she knew nothing about history at all to me (but she did say -correctly- the average duration of empires is 250 years). I think she has some skepticism about it but also mostly goes along with what is popular with little interest in it. She was raised in a religious cult until she was 10 which she hated. And she still seems a bit dazed by the outside world
Why is this guy in pharmacy school? Isn't that relatively easy? Or is he pairing it with some kind of biochemistry to develop and research the creation of pharmaceuticals?

>> No.12621652

Holy shit you're right

>> No.12621682

If she were actually smart she’d be fascinated by the world and existence itself. Sounds like just another sperg,

>> No.12621693


>> No.12621694
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>if smart people were smart they would act like me, I know that because I score 115 on an IQ test on a good day
>using sperg as an insult

Go back.

>> No.12621961

I should rephrase: she finds the world fascinating from a distance. She finds engaging with most people a bit saddening

>> No.12621977

How good at math is she.

>> No.12622022

It's a mentality.
People with the capacity for optimal scores wil improve their lives or learn to work efficiently with their resources available to them instead of wasting energy flailing and whining about the unfairness of it all.

>> No.12622141


>> No.12622199

I assume very good (math is my weakest subject after all this time still). Perfect scores like I said, also tutors math up to Calc III at college plus several physics and chem classes.

>> No.12622227

OP Are you going to put batter in her? Do it pussy

>> No.12622231


>> No.12622255

The things you listed don't convince me she's smart.
They look good on a resume but they don't really indicate any cleverness/creativity.
At most, I can conclude she has a good memory and is very concerned with how she appears.
Is she asian?

>> No.12622257

Probably a 0 on the Putnam

>> No.12622288

No she got a 2.8 from shirking most of her classes. Her HS would have expelled her except they made thousands of dollars from her test scores. Also she declined to go to Stanford because she felt it too snobby and went to a chill uni instead

>> No.12622514

>former teenager bodybuilder with relative regional success
>graduates with highest grades in maths
>accepted into a foreign PhD before even graduating
>even then, he graduated a year earlier than usual
And is also a normie, good looking and charismatic. One of the very few guys I envy.

>> No.12622556

Take this bitch to Dick City

>> No.12622954

This. Impresion is everything.
People in uni think I am a genius because I get high grades (graduated Msc EE in record time) and I am interested in /sci/ topics and so (as well as having good memory). Most don't know me at all and I believe I'm really dumb (just kinda autist).

>> No.12622974 [DELETED] 

One of my friends was like this
>36 on ACT
>2400 on SAT
>Valedictorian and skipped a grade in middle school
>Won numerous math competitions and science Olympiads
>Got full ride at our state school which is a top 20 university
>Double majoring in mathematics and biology with a minor in some language
>Published already in Nature by the end of his second year

Then he got psychosis and a mental breakdown and had to dropout. I haven't been able to contact him since.

>> No.12622989

>Then he got psychosis and a mental breakdown and had to dropout

you'd think there would be more support.

>> No.12623001 [DELETED] 

I think it was a genetic thing. He had an uncle who was a physics professor and the same thing happened to him.

>> No.12623025 [DELETED] 

fuck that sucks man

>> No.12623086

and then everyone clapped

>> No.12623389

>Off the top of your head, what would you say someone with extreme intellect in the sciences should do with their life (assuming they would enjoy a serious job)?

At this point I think one of the most pressing concerns is the history/philosophy of science and the culture of academia. There's a thread up on /sci/ about how science is regressing into dogma. Dedicating yourself to being a positive force in academia fighting this cultural subversion is likely the most critical job at this juncture.

It also allows you to engage with a broader part of all of science as well as the parts that are more in need of having a good communicator to the layperson. This is in contrast with pursuing some niche problem nobody is even aware of let alone caring about.

>> No.12623403

My fascination and curiosity have often led me to being depressed at the state of humanity.

I still find plenty to be fascinated about, as OP said, from a distance. Talking to some of my 115 IQ friends is often quite tiresome as their ego prevents them from understanding. You sound like a naive child if you don't realize the anguish that humans inflict on each other and the world around them.

>> No.12623581


>> No.12623609

what's the point of these threads

>> No.12623612

I am the smartest man my sons have every witnessed

>> No.12625374

That's what I don't understand either, this kid should be a preeminent scientist doing cutting edge research at Yale but he's just going for a basic bitch pharmacy degree at a state school. He'll probably switch tracks again in a year when he gets bored. He's still young.

>> No.12625604

Probably she was raised in a Christian household.
Also it is inappropriate for women to swear.

>> No.12625608

That's not a swear word.
Nigger in the ancient proto-indo-european term for Homo Erectus Africanus

>> No.12626208

You know that's a parody, right?

>> No.12626238

I'm not as smart as him, but I'm a dilettante, and there's usually a reason for such a digression, often along the lines of scouting enemy territory.

>> No.12627235


>> No.12627294

wrong, swearing is a sign of lack of intelligence because usually you use a swear word when you can't be bothered to think of a real word to use. this has been proven before

>> No.12627595

obviously myself

>> No.12627679
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me cause i have a scat fetish and im a zoophile

>> No.12627685

I think you should try to get in her pants, OP

>> No.12627690 [DELETED] 

I’m scared of this happening to me

>> No.12627724


She sounds like prime breeding material. Wife her before I do OP

>> No.12627731


certified homosexuals

>> No.12627734


>> No.12627860
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We made out for an hour in my car it was based lol. Trust me I'm trying and have a decent chance of succeeding

>> No.12627872 [DELETED] 

is that you and her?

>> No.12628074

Yes, more or less

>> No.12628154

I've never met someone, irl, my age, that is as smart as me. It's discouraging how shit my schools were, but whatever.

>> No.12629729


>> No.12629769
File: 72 KB, 1024x595, jfyETBg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep a genius looked up in a closet he's gonna end up dumber than he could have been. On the other hand, giving a retard the perfect environment won't make him into a genius. It just ensures that he achieves 100% of his potential. However limited that may be.

Tldr: proper nurture/environment IS important, but not in the way you think.

Overeducating a child will do more harm than good. The main objective of nurture should be to prevent damage, not to force growth. You can't disregard nature.

>> No.12629928

To keep myself humble

>> No.12630263

this just makes me really sad desu

>> No.12630285

Nice larp.

>> No.12630298

Why its all just luck anyway? Think of it as baulders gate and he rolled perfect 17s on everything

>> No.12630635

Unfortunately I'm 24. Im too old to get motivated by tales like this. Only what matters now is money.

>> No.12630907

This but unironically. But I've only met handful every one else seems to preoccupied with normal life.

>> No.12631157

>Perfect SAT
>Perfect ACT
These types of standardized tests aren't known to be very fair to be honest. Depends if she scored it on the "first try".
>supposed research papers
>national spelling bee
Now I know you're lying. You make it sound like all these things are effortless for a genius.
>Physics degree at 18
God, /sci/ is so gullible. So if it took Isaac Newton his whole life to develop the theory of gravity, what makes this chick a suddenly a genius in everything at a young age?

>> No.12631189

Nassim Taleb I guess. He was retarded in the matters of history and culture though.

>> No.12633433


A friend from college:
> Independently learned AI and math, and published a paper using functional analysis (graduate school level math) while he was in high school
> Joined college at 17, finished math and CS degree in 2 years, again while taking the most advanced math courses offered by the university.
> Immediately accepted into the best robotics graduate program in the world (CMU), doing some great work there now.

Another friend from college:
> Started college at 16
> Physics, Math, CS major in 3 years
> Finished that CS major in 3 semesters
> Landed a $600k offer at a hedge fund.

A friend from grad school:
> Undergrad at MIT, worked with some of the best profs in the field
> Published 4 papers as an undergrad
> The professor says she was comparable to the top 10% of PhD students at MIT
> Catches on to new/weird ideas faster than anyone else I know

>> No.12634217

my cousin
and i got unironically huge complex about it since my mom would always compare me to him

>> No.12634321

tell more how did you become acquainted?

>> No.12634354

damn anon, where did you go to college to know so many intelligent people? assuming this isn't a larp, which I would be lying if I said i didn't doubt it

>> No.12634355

NECSI’s strategic analytics conference. I was the only Turk to attend, and being a Byzantineboo he took special interest in proving I don’t know about Byzantine history (I can teach a class), my name sounds Greek (it’s ancient Turkish and Greeks can’t pronounce it), Turks are assimilated (eh) and shit like that. I liked his class but called him out on his Extremistan theory since he didn’t factor in recurrence rates when calculating risks. He got very upset lol

>> No.12634390

Everyone I consider smart I can at least imagine how they came to be. Even if intuition had a role to play in a persons development I havent seen a person so intuitive who hasnt just read all their life attentively. Ive never found someone so smart that they transcended their upbringing.
Basically this

>> No.12634395

I fucking hate all the "x at only 16 years old!!!"
I was born in Mexico and school system didn't let me skip grades like them.
It makes me sad.

>> No.12634408

Calling bullshit. As someone with a PhD, that's not how they work

>> No.12634732

You're lucky to skip bullets.

>> No.12634751

I don't want to doxx myself as much as possible, but it's one of the best science/engineering universities in US, and we have dozens of nobel laureate faculty.

Especially when it comes to grad school, you frequently run into some of the smartest people in the world (the kind of students who won olympiads, ranked first in the top universities in their countries etc.), but these three are the most unnaturally smart people I have ever met.

>> No.12634783

My best friend is surprisingly similar to the woman you describe, down to being from a rural area, except he's a dude.

What's with rural areas producing these geniuses? Better diets and selective pressure for intelligence?

>> No.12634802

Have you seen city people? All the fumes makes them braindead angry idiots

>> No.12634970

Is there any evidence (apart from your anecdotes) that rural areas are actually better at producing geniuses?

>> No.12634976
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You are both right, people who suffer from all kind of mental illnesses can hardly be considered right.

>> No.12635075

can't wife someone who doesn't exist

>> No.12635177

> Weird fucking asian kids working uncritically because of their controlling 5'5 dad
> Empty academic achievements with no real world impact
> OMG published ML shit as an undergraduAteEE
> got good grades in HS (WOW)

fucking retards all of you. all these niggas gotta put in insane work to get results. its not something innate. Terrence tao is medaled at the olympiads at like 11 yo, 200 iq, won ~4 millions in math prices and still says he has to work excruciatingly hard day in day out. you kids have no idea how painful it is to work hard.
fuck you might not win, you might not have it, but not matter fucking what you have to work, so stop with all this gatekeeping

>> No.12635194

Why so mad? Should people not appreciate smart and hard-working people?

>> No.12635198

Same. I always feel really bad for them if they figure out that I don't know who they are (maybe we used to be good friends, hell if I know) because they always look really sad and start asking questions about things we supposedly did together and experiences we apparently shared. Usually it doesn't seem like they're trying to save their own ego/sense of self-importance, but more like they want to help me fix my brain. But on my end it never feels like a problem so I dont really care.

>> No.12635210

Because all this genius jealousy is unwarranted. This thread isn't a source inspiration/appreciation, people are just bitter. No reason to be bitter. Most everyone here has the capacity to do amazing work, if they commit themself fully.

>> No.12635214

How does this even make sense? You're telling me some dumbass got a perfect on SAT and ACT (why take both then?) and he ended up with a 2.8 GPA? Kek.

>> No.12635220

>she doesn’t exist
I know that feel.

>> No.12635481

Based. 90% people are retarded. I'm one of them. So is my neighbour. Yet people like us make the world go around. There are only so many tao's in the world