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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 532 KB, 1512x912, wojak-IQ-distribution-meme-template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12603332 No.12603332 [Reply] [Original]

Are online IQ tests bullshit? I've never seen anyone get a low score. Although I guess you wouldn't be eager to share if you did.

>> No.12603353

yeah, they're bullshit. They usually bump your IQ score by at least 30 points.

>> No.12603384

I wondered the same based on the scores of my close friends. I regret convincing some people in my life who seemed a bit more normie to try them, all at the same time. They didn't do very well by comparison, all hovering around 105. Not a good feeling.

It doesn't seem to matter what kind of test it is, they just don't see the structure and pattern in the subtests once they move beyond a format that might be familiar to them from life, regardless of how much time they take. If you try to explain it to them, they'll listen and try to memorize it, but they still won't get it, and especially with things like the matrices, there's no flash of insight where they suddenly realize why the correct answer makes sense.

That said, I've never seen someone get under 100.

>> No.12603399

>If you try to explain it to them, they'll listen and try to memorize
blame the school system

>> No.12603426

Depends on the test. Realistically, IQ tests have a margin of error and they aren't the most accurate. But it's still undeniable that it measures some parts of intelligence. Albeit not very accurately.

>> No.12605464

There are very few tests online that present themselves as serious and determined to measure IQ.
So it depends on the test you are taking.
And your theory is correct, most people wouldn't share a low score, but there's another side to it. Most people who volunteer to do an IQ test or puzzle, are usually above average, it's really striking, usually between 105-115 on average. This is why you don't see people getting below average scores that often, they don't post it, or they don't take the test at all, or don't even know what IQ is in the first place.
Most people on here are very ignorant about the lower end of the intelligence spectrum because they have spent most of their lives with people like themselves; above average, curious, engaging, whether they think they have or not. It's only until you meet a real person with an IQ of 90 that you realize your social circle isn't very normally distributed, and there's a lot of bias occurring when you opine on topics like these lel. I'm probably being biased myself.

>> No.12605487

They work at a basic level but are skewed to avoid low scores. People who say they are useless have never seen normal people take the tests and get 100~.

>> No.12605973

I got 159 on an online IQ test

I hope they're real because that would be rad if I'm really that smart.

>> No.12607721

>I got 159 on an online IQ test

Did mensa norway's online test, raven matrices only, result: 95 at fucking 31. Total Brainrot. 37th percentile.

Feels bad.


>> No.12607810

why do people take these things? society has no rewards for the intelligent

>> No.12607953 [DELETED] 

No, they're extremely accurate. Anyone taking them is 100% guaranteed to be a brainlet. The number doesn't mean anything, the actual test is whether you take it.

>> No.12608120

Yeah, they're bullshit, my IQ ranged anywhere between 102 - 135 whenever I took anyone of them (one even gave me a score of 140, but I don't count that)

>> No.12608188


Ah fuck I'm a brainlet midwit

>> No.12608433

Yeah, while they use actual test questions from legitimate IQ tests, they pick from an extremely narrow subset of questions (usually the visual pattern section) that are actually on these tests. Having taken a real IQ test twice, there a half a dozen sections and hundreds of question I had to go through, along with an interpretation from the psychologist you take it with to factor in how you answered the questions and if you had trouble on certain ones and an easy time on others. So in real life it can be quite complicated, aka the online tests mean nothing.

>> No.12608472

I never saw anyone scoring lower than 100 either, but once I gave the mensa norway one to a girl I was fucking to do. At question 6 I felt so bad I stopped it. She got two or three right and spent more than half the time.

>> No.12608495

boredom, fun

>> No.12608551
File: 69 KB, 1274x962, eziq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the mensa test good? I think I'm a certified for the record

>> No.12608557

certified retard*

>> No.12608614
File: 70 KB, 710x823, ff252c077aab7eaa9980c702142ae3abff-wojak-00.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've scored 156 on one and was able to convince myself through my superior intellect that there's nothing wrong with online IQ testing and that it's totally legitimate

>> No.12608642

Too bad you can't see the correct answers after, would be interesting.

>> No.12608696

then you could easily cheat

>> No.12608805

to mog other people

>> No.12608815

the smartest people are often retarded in other ways

>> No.12608824

Yep, its fake

>> No.12608827

I still have the tab open, u wanna see it?

>> No.12608896
File: 41 KB, 1188x855, Bow down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down to your master who clicked finished with 4 minutes left after getting a soreneck
to be fair, These tests are only good for things like pattern recognition. Intelligence is a very vague thing and incredibly difficult to measure.

>> No.12609003

Does this test control for age?

>> No.12609163

Have taken similar tests with several months between and gotten everything from 105 to 140,

They test some particular aspect of pattern recognition and processing speed. I think they work OK for the more basic type of pattern recognition and the IQ number seems to have some meaning from about 85 up to about 115 or so.

As you go very high or very low however, I think it's flawed and less useful. For those who can't recognize a lot of patterns and up to the most advanced and abstract patterns I think they run into problems. On the lower scale it's not very useful as there are will be obvious mental issues way beyond pattern recognition. On the upper scale I think there is a problem of there not being well defined rules. In any real situation where you are looking at a very pattern of for instance 4-8 objects you can find several sets of rules that match, giving many possibilities for the next in the pattern. It gets more and more difficult to design this so that there is only one possible correct answer as the patterns become more abstract.

When it comes to people with low scores, as others have mentioned, your social circle is not evenly distributed, you tend to have friends and acquaintances that are not too dissimilar to yourself mentally.

>> No.12609356

All IQ tests are bullshit

>> No.12609401

Of course IQ tests on sites like MENSA give you an inflated score. They basically tell you how smart you are and that you should join their club for people who are smart and you should give them money for it. The real intelligence test is whether or not you join their club.

>> No.12609404


got 135, couldn't figure out the last 3 questions.

>> No.12609407

brainlet cope

>> No.12609409

the entire point of these tests is to check for mental retardation; if you can't do the test, you are retarded. simple as.

>> No.12609424

I've never heard of anyone actually joining mensa. You gotta be kinda self absorbed to do that.

>> No.12609594

i got 133 with 8 minutes on the clock
i am a retard tho

>> No.12609599
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A or E?

>> No.12609602
File: 33 KB, 1135x1080, iq as of 1-21-2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already did the test, so no cheating
not that it matters, its just an ego inflating money move to make you feel smart and join mensa

>> No.12609606
File: 2.07 MB, 1285x1069, bong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit bookmarks

>> No.12609649

I literally just clicked random answers a couple times and got around 95 each time

>> No.12609676
File: 275 KB, 1080x1920, mkh5uym73rg41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this board so obsessed with iq?

>> No.12609683
File: 433 KB, 1076x907, odn9p5ir4sh21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12609685

This. I scored 148 in my class on the IQ test and everyone else was below 120

>> No.12609688

no, its F

>> No.12609812

IQ tests aren't bullshit, just widely misunderstood. Human intelligence is a highly complex and nebulous concept that cannot be wholly defined by a mere number. IQ is only a measure cross-subject performance and cannot be used to determine performance of individual tasks. Basically, if you got high grades in most of your classes, you likely have a high IQ. This is why it is unlikely for people with low IQs to achieve a higher education. IQ tests are largely only effective within certain ranges and their only real use is determining whether the test taker has an intellectual disability, since someone who performs very poorly across most subjects is likely mentally deficient. Also, just because someone has a low IQ doesn't mean they can't perform well on individual tasks or become a financial success.

>> No.12609859

the last 5 are tough, guess its the main difference between gifted people and just intelligent one
got 121 first try then 131 second

>> No.12610172

wtf anon, are you retarded?

>> No.12610179

think of it like a cookie cutter from one column to the next
so you use one column to cut the cookie in the adjacent one which makes the third column pic
so it's b

>> No.12610185

come on now

>> No.12610730

As much I would say no. There is one It's from
Delosis, a company specializing in research studies.


Click on IQ it will take 6 min of your time.
Its based on the CFIT or Cattell Cultural Fair. keep in mind its a low celling test meaning it only goes up to 133.8.

>> No.12610821

This is way too easy, no way it gives an accurate estimation.

>> No.12610910

yeah what this anon says >>12610821
wasted af rn and scored near 120 can't be accurate in any way

>> No.12610971

>leveling guide
>browsing spooky 4chins in incognito mode
is this what 145 iq looks like?

>> No.12611028

that implies that it does work but they give you the wrong score though, are the tests themselves actually accurate? is there a way to reliably get your score other than from a licensed psychologist or however youre supposed to do it

>> No.12611048

based, school is fucking retarded

>> No.12611119

got 133.8 in 5 min, definitely way too easy

>> No.12611140

>Most people who volunteer to do an IQ test or puzzle, are usually above average
That's my current assumption as well.
Obviously Facebook tier tests where everyone gets 135+ are BS, but people who actually take the time to find Mensa's .no test would probably have a higher standard of conscientiousness, at the very least

>> No.12611195


>> No.12611202

To see how smart you are

>> No.12611203

I had to separate my /sci/ tabs from my porn/other tabs. Also that leveling guide is made by an autist who has leveled like 20 warriors in wow, it's very good.

>> No.12611209

I got 96 on this a couple days ago

>> No.12611210

Because intelligence is important for doing scientific research

>> No.12611250

or at least it was very good, I'm not sure if it's been updated for shadowlands since I play classic now

>> No.12611258

it's completely irrelevant to know your own IQ score, all that matters is the result of your effort -- e.g. making big money -- whether you accomplish that with an IQ of 90 or 120, who gives a shit nerd

>> No.12611278

>tfw black and had a genuine 140 IQ score when I was young, taken because I was very successful in school

Me ans my Asian girlfriend's children will be attractive and intelligent. I win.

>> No.12611287

Brainlet cope kys

>> No.12611292

50%+ of the shit I do is irrelevant, why start caring about that now?

>> No.12611335

Sorry it's real. It's called the CFIT or the Cattell Culture Fair, specifically scale 2. It's used as a group tests and the norms are well validated.

>> No.12611739

You should black women of different races with you intellectual BBC like a true kang.

>> No.12611782

Take this it correlates heavily with the WAIS-IV on a sample of 1,000,000 people

>> No.12611787

to convert raw score to IQ do (score-25.7)/11.8*15+100 = IQ

>> No.12611808
File: 2.25 MB, 2274x1142, Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 9.14.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got ~125, it correlates well with my other tests :)

>> No.12611818

It B, they go on top of each other and that figure is needed to complete it

>> No.12611825

opensych is trash.. take the ICAR60 I linked below

>> No.12611866

Put it in PEMDAS format you retard

>> No.12611908

that is not how you convert raw score to iq you fucking brainlet

>> No.12611958

I think these test are not valid, they involved strategy. >>12609599 I solved easily because I always try to put one piece on another and see what fit. I can't solve some other puzzels about counting or rotating the whole pic because I never thought about them in first place

>> No.12612264

how can you be like 30 and need to take a test online to know if you're smart or not? Shouldn't you know from being able to solve problems in your own life?

>> No.12612346

I took the mensa test last year and got a 103. I took a similar mensa test tonight and got a 127. In short, it's bullshit.

>> No.12612351

I've taken a test administered by a psychologist, and several online bullshit tests. They all said 132.

>> No.12612396

you combine column 1 and column 2 and delete whatever overlaps

>> No.12612422

I feel like the only intelligence that really matters in society and in life is emotional intelligence. I think it dictates the majority of your life really, at least in America.

>> No.12612607

Rare glimpse into the brain of a dullard

>> No.12612615

This test is really scummy. The questions are very easy but they all have bait answers. Not very good for measuring intelligence.

>> No.12612620

I did the test and it didnt even give me a score

>> No.12612629
File: 8 KB, 728x728, wojak_in_the_dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only taken one online IQ test. If I recall correctly, I scored 122 despite having an officially tested IQ of 89.

>> No.12612707

which is easier: ravens or wechsler?
also what is you guy's working memory like?
I can hold 7 items very strongly and manipulation is easy at 7 is there a way to get better or is it just genetic?

>> No.12612715

>officially tested IQ of 89
what's that like? Not trying to insult just curious

>> No.12612737

I couldn't really explain it properly since I have no other reference point. However, throughout my education I remember being amazed that my peers could just instantly compute or remember something while I was stuck going through the laborious motions of trying to figure it out every time. I was never as "sharp" as others, though my fascination with the natural world and continual pursuit of knowledge has left me fairly well educated despite my below-average intelligence.

>> No.12612746

well shit I scored 119 once, on the longer form ones but scored 95th - 97th percentile on a real one more than one heheh
we all have dumb days

>> No.12612757

some have more than others

>> No.12612761

definitely having one today mate ;)

>> No.12613729

How? I barely even tried and smoked some weed just before and i got a 128?

>> No.12613832
File: 167 KB, 2076x1468, Screen Shot 2021-01-22 at 10.18.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good enough for a phd program?

>> No.12613844

I got 95 at 20 qs

>> No.12613882
File: 37 KB, 1106x721, ez dubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave the test another shot today and finished the last handful of questions. there were only 2 questions i struggled with and was unsure about. the rest were pretty easy.

>> No.12613916

You don't have an IQ of 89.

>> No.12614343
File: 69 KB, 1049x439, CFIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12614371

Proof that IQ is retarded
Don't live your life based on some number from a shitty psych test.
You're intelligent anon. You have a brain that displays consciousness and sapience. You can memorize and learn things.
Best of luck.

>> No.12614566
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (153).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well its trash, I maxxed it and I'm a loser (get poor grades all the time)

>> No.12614586

this test is inflated, i sent it to someone that scored 120 on the WAIS in matrix reasoning he maxed it out at 133.8

>> No.12614589

ffs you are supposed to look at the list of other tests at the end and it has a link that says "show me my score"

>> No.12614601

no, they aren't you retarded shit bag

>> No.12614603

how do you get a fuck buddy?

>> No.12614605
File: 7 KB, 231x218, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't even figure that out, how much could he have possibly scored

>> No.12614651

probably 100, lol

>> No.12614697

I still don't get question 8.

>> No.12614738
File: 140 KB, 750x1334, B52051CB-E025-4295-AD5A-388F8B1B5AB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as I can tell, it’s just that column 3 is column 2 but rotated 180 degrees

>> No.12614771
File: 106 KB, 2302x1671, lowiqfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to see any patterns in these things

>> No.12614792

I too scored 95 when I first took mensa.norway
after that the same day at night I took mensa.hungary and got 115
and a week later I did mensa denmark and got 124
and then I did JCTI, the first sort of valid online IQ test and got 123-133
and then icar60 130

>> No.12614825

I said C. Column 1 was extraneous info in my mind. Weird q.
Got a 140 something on this a couple weeks ago

>> No.12615150

What was his Fullscale? What was his PRI? The test is not inflated. It's a real test made by Raymond Cattell. Sometimes IQ tests give different results.

>> No.12615261

his PRI is 120, his full-scale IQ is 95, his PSI is low and his GAI is 120. His psi is what brought down his FSIQ score

>> No.12615266

decent scores

>> No.12615274

Still acceptable, 5%-10% confidence interval.

>> No.12615293

what is a confidence interval?

>> No.12615313

Each IQ score comes with a confidence variable. Meaning "if I test you again you will be in the range".

>> No.12615319


>> No.12615350

dont worry bruh, nature didnt engineer the majority of humans to be 2d pattern recognizing autists. theres nothing wrong with you.

>> No.12615372

no, become a carpenter or plumber. guarantee youll make more than a phd nowadays.

>> No.12615403

I got an 86 when I only did 19 questions and got bored. It’s literally pattern recognition and has nothing to do with your ability to memorize, improvise, and how easily you adapt to any given situation. All of those traits are far more important in my book when considering intelligence because pattern recognition is for computers.

>> No.12615469

judging from your post results are accurate

>> No.12615533
File: 127 KB, 1080x1586, _20210122_160115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12615546

higher iq people can easily memorize, improvise, and adapt to a given situation. What are you talking about?

>> No.12615600

bahhaha yea it is brainlet cope

>> No.12615615

in fact, they are better at all of those things higher the IQ

>> No.12615974

results are important for doing scientific research, brainlet.

>> No.12616358

higher IQ people are better at ideation and innovations/discoveries are reliant on ideas... So yea you need IQ to get results.

>> No.12616522
File: 3.35 MB, 5920x7080, youre welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear retards you are welcome. if you and unsure how i got these answers feel free to ask.

>> No.12616580
File: 568 KB, 2268x2835, IMG_20210120_155027_456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a tested IQ score of 118. Will I be able to make it or am I stuck in midwit-wagecuck-tier

>> No.12616646

Jesus, why did you look up the answers then do all of that.

>> No.12616673
File: 230 KB, 486x448, drink the soop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did you look up the answers then do all of that.

>> No.12616677

how long did it take you to make the retard cheat sheet?

also that manga is so fucked up

>> No.12616685
File: 40 KB, 89x160, vanilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty long, like maybe 5-10 minutes using the snipping tool to copy and paste the questions from the site. I'm sure there's an easier way but i'm too lazy to bother learning and i have nothing better to do in my life than shit on other people. So wasting my time doing stupid shit like this isn't a bit deal for me.
Here's an Icecream.

>> No.12616740


118. I swear iq drops with age.

>> No.12616749

I just figured out exercise 32 cause of this, those bastards snuck in a flip.

>> No.12616944

IQ tests are easy if you keep in mind the creators are probably "high IQ" aswell, hence are autistically obsessed with Math, so trying to count, add or subtract something is usually a good start.

>> No.12616954

This is a good example for what i mean.

>> No.12617011
File: 96 KB, 1920x1046, 131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contributing to /sci/'s worst kind of thread

>> No.12617404

realised i made an error. exercise 19 should be A instead of F. i made a dumb mistake by just glossing over what looked like the right answer my bad.

>> No.12617433

love those 5 question ones that have fuck easy questions and if you get the all right you have 220 iq

>> No.12617447
File: 62 KB, 1079x852, 1611353748813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the muh-IQ spamming on this board so much. (Posting score to avoid "seethe brainlet" responses)

>> No.12617463
File: 87 KB, 980x1024, 1611142272598m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just lowkey bragging about your IQ. Fuck off.

>> No.12617509

The legit tests are done by psychologists. I did one and got 133. IQ is overrated, there are more important factors in success, like conscientiousness, tenacity, luck...

>> No.12617594

33. Got 125. I'm a brainlet in daily life however.

>> No.12618725

no he's not.
/sci/ will not take you seriousoly if you have low IQ

>> No.12619192

You merge the two figures from the first two boxes, and remove the common lines to get the figure in the third box. Following this logic, A

>> No.12619206

Kek, that's B

>> No.12619673


Did you ever attend university?

>> No.12619810

he was so close to getting it too

>> No.12619837
File: 53 KB, 1920x1080, RavenMatrices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the answer is F actually.

>> No.12619864

i scored at 95 iq and i did 20 of the questions available, does that mean anything?

>> No.12619915

It means you didn't finish the test.

The questions get harder, so no that's doesn't mean much.

>> No.12619954

Wherever you go, Hitler will always be there for you

>> No.12619959

If it’s that important to you, just pay a psychologist to take a real one.

>> No.12619983

I am so fucking tired of being a midwit abd realizing I'll never make it. I'd much rather be completely retarded and not worry about this shit at all since it doesn't produce any benefits.

>> No.12620127

I'm not sure what you mean by this.

Yes. I had taken some "difficult" math courses at the local community college during high school, which is likely what got me in.

>> No.12620154
File: 314 KB, 480x468, glitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did an official IQ test with a therapist when I was 16 years old, they didn't want to tell me my number because it was embarrassing but they reluctantly told me I had 105 IQ according to the test.
I rushed through it because I thought I was doing terrible on time but I finished it in like 25 minutes. The time limit was two hours. I wonder today if I'm cucked out of important positions because that's on my record or something. With online tests I'm able to get around 150 based on the patterns.

>> No.12620179

IQ is not a thing, grow up.

>> No.12620194


>> No.12620616

Yeah I was about to comment. But all good man.

>> No.12620801

agreed, anon is a retarded fag for thinking IQ is not a thing

>> No.12620888
File: 727 KB, 1024x683, hoes mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. double digit iq retard.

>> No.12620894

what the FUCK the glitter is in the eyeballs

>> No.12621300
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x2000, 1610895373550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the Mensa.no test I scored just a lil bit above what I did on weis some years ago.
Not all tests are good though, I scored fucking 170 on a random one.

>> No.12621313

In my mind they've always been 3 dimensional.
Like a small space ship, they show you the front, top, and bottom

>> No.12621333

So what's the deal with 32?
Are they just there to hide the dots?

>> No.12621350

on 32 you add the overlapping parts of column 1 and 2, then flip it vertically

>> No.12621667

I was tested as a kid and got low 130s. Then when I took reputable online tests as an adult I got a range from 120ish to 140ish. Curiously enough, Mensa Norway was my lowest score too.

>> No.12621676

Yeah, if you hadn't gotten bored, you'd have gotten a nice, accurate double digit score.

1. Pattern recognition helps you in all those tasks.
2. There are tasks that more accurately predict aptitude in general tasks. Pattern recognition is one such thing.

>> No.12621686

>Also, just because someone has a low IQ doesn't mean they can't perform well on individual tasks or become a financial success.
Nobody has ever said otherwise. But given the same starting circumstances, who do you think will be more likely to succeed between a 90IQ and 110IQ?

>> No.12621722

There's a huge selection bias; brainlets don't generally do IQ tests.

Also they're bullshit.

>> No.12621729
File: 499 KB, 1518x1032, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12621753


>> No.12622090

Flexing on others is just about the only reason people do things. Just look at WoW or any competitive online multiplayer game. In wow you literally just collect mounts and gear to parse 99’s and stand in a capital city and show off how good you are at the game.

>> No.12622251
File: 32 KB, 1060x800, 347358567967580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like others have said, Mensa Norway is my lowest test score. If you check up on the Mensa Subreddit, Mensa Denmark is the harder of the two tests and will often score you lower than what you'd get taking the officially proctored exam. I bring this up because despite this claim, I score higher on Mensa Dk than I do on Mensa No. Can other anons relate? How does your Dk compare to your No scores?

>> No.12622513
File: 35 KB, 493x352, 1559672592729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 133 and that's about where I've hovered for my entire life. I don't use it for much however and I was honestly expecting a significant drop based on the other posts and how I've been feeling mentally the past few years.