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12606850 No.12606850 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it never made clear that there are two amygdalas. In fact the limbic system has a mirror copy on each hemisphere. No professor. NO PROFESSOR I have ever had has pointed out this distinction. Professors are so shitty they honestly teach making assumptions about our own personal knowledge. They suck.

>> No.12606854

Biology is a joke science full of opinions.

>> No.12606856

biology is a science about categorizing and identifying. that's pretty much it, youre a librarian, an archivist. and i guess a librarian is a type of scientist.

>> No.12606857

Because when you are clamped one of the two gets deactivated and calcified, so no need to mention it.

>> No.12606933

Does the calcification happen if there is no clamping?
I assume you mean the umbilical cord at birth

>> No.12606947

Biology isn't really like that. I say this as a physics guy.

>> No.12606953

I would add that circumcision hyperactivates the remaining amygdala. Even so, if the individual can manage to awaken the dormant amygdala, they can unclamp and have a chance of exiting the trance.

>> No.12606954

You’ve never read any textbook which said amygdalae? You’ve never seen sagittal MRI sections or dissected a brain?

>> No.12607010

No, that's why unclamped people are just better than everyone else. Yes, I'm talking about the umbilical cord.

I agree but unclamping is obviously an unsubstantiated myth. Get your facts straight, you sound clamped.

>> No.12607051

>cutting off crucial nutrients to a newborn baby
>permanently stunts brain development
I'm rearlding about clamping now and how the FUCK is this considered standard procedure?
do American doctors just hate babies?

>> No.12607083

Some scholars say that if you manage to reattach the foreskin to a circumcised penis you might actually become unclamped with some luck. This position has been widely criticized though.

>> No.12607090

Copying and pasting a (brutal) thread I made titled: "The World is a Vampire".

>> No.12607095
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First off, no doctor is needed to "deliver" the child, the mother does the delivery. Women have been getting on all fours and popping out children forever.

Second, he, in all his evidence based modern practice, probably did the birth wrong. A common mode of birth, put in very plain terms: He probably induced with pitocin. He very likely interrupted placental transfusion by clamping off the umbilical cord immediately, thus brain damaging the child as a matter of standard procedure. He increased blood viscosity by injecting vitamin K (resting bpm is 120-180 in neonates).Then, the child was taken into the other room, its arms and legs strapped apart in a "circumstraint", its penis was fondled, and then part of it was amputated. The list goes on, likely well beyond what I'm aware of. The child born into this place is treated as nothing more than a piece of meat. Chattel, cattle to be manufactured and milked, marked at birth, and given a birth certificate and SSN which is put up as collateral in the fractional reserve lending system.

The cord blood, placenta, and foreskin is parsed out and sold for exorbitant sums.



>> No.12607134

I guess that answers my questions about doctor's hatred of babies :)

>> No.12607165

And it says as much about my hatred of them. Doctors are golem. I could never get with that "forgive them for they know (and care) not what they do". That just lets them keep doing it forever, forgiveness and "seeing" someone, never crushed anything. That shit is for the movies.

>> No.12609643

stop being antisemitic

>> No.12610192

wait what the fuck
I mean that makes sense, but you're right that I've never had a professor who actually clarified that

>> No.12610225

Dangerously baste and unclamped

>> No.12612350

Based. Fuck doctors. They are ultimate slaves. 12 years or more of rote memorization in academia. Also, it isn't just the baby that is harmed, but the mother too. My mother almost bled out because they were tugging at the umbilical cord and tearing the myriad blood vessels between the uterus and placenta, which naturally separate after a certain amount of time anyway. The whole sacred process of birth is rushed and mutilated. FUCK IT ALL

>> No.12612362

While we're talking about birth in this thread, I'd like to know the best way for my wife to give birth to our baby later.
Do we absolutely need a medical person there? Should the umbilical cord be cut and if not how does it separate from the baby? The placenta, how does that come out anyways? All kinds of questions I'd like to know the answer to. This information will be put forward to birthing many unclamped white children.

>> No.12612419
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Basically just watch any mammalian birth, unhandled by veterinarians, and that should give a good idea. I'm not at that stage of my life so I haven't done any extensive research on it, but the umbilical cord falls off eventually when the body deems the baby ready, and the placenta falls out of the mother around when the baby disconnects. I've heard some people eat the placenta, I'm not sure how that works if it tastes good etc. just heard that's a thing. You might want a midwife who has some experience with other births, experience is always good because there can be complications like breech position which are easily solved from hands on experience. Try to find one that is as natural as possible. With how unhealthy everyone is nowadays, it's more likely that things don't go as smoothly as they would pre-industrially. Make sure your wife is drinking filtered water but getting all the minerals she needs, which the filter may take out. Fluoride wreaks a similar amount of damage as clamping, prenatally continuing throughout childhood.

I wish you many unclamped white children and no defects.

>> No.12612454
File: 229 KB, 1666x874, Salt and Iodine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prenatally continuing throughout childhood
I mean exposure through that time period is when it is most damaging, going into adulthood the effect tapers off, but it still reduces Iodine uptake. Also, get lugol's iodine or figure out how to get higher iodine for your wife if you don't feel supplements are safe. Iodine requirements are increased during pregnancy and they greatly affect IQ. The halides (bromide, fluoride, iodide) compete for uptake in the thyroid so fluoride in the water is antagonistic to any supplemental iodine you give

>> No.12612505

what's with the nazi whore in the middle, anon?

>> No.12612542
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Also don't get them vaccinated

whatever is this better

>> No.12612623

with so many artificial deliveries and c-sections women are probably going to be physically incapable of giving birth by their own. i'm pretty sure i read somewhere that this was the case but don't quote me on that.

>> No.12612816

>The whole sacred process of birth is rushed and mutilated. FUCK IT ALL
This is the take away. Strictly intellectual experience devoid of the emotive component will never spur you to separate from and turn against them. You need to feel what they did to you.

>> No.12612891
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>> No.12613145

Where the fuck did you study? I didnt have to wait till my neurology class to learn that most of the structures in the brain are symetrical, you learn that in elementary school. Did you thought people had 1 hippocampus too?

>> No.12613156
File: 9 KB, 225x225, prenos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high tech military gear good
>modern medicine bad
Which one is it Tedfags?

>> No.12613185

how do i know if i was clamped and if i have an inactive amygdala and how do i reawaken it if i do i was not circumcised

>> No.12613213
File: 448 KB, 444x438, 1607279653974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we live in a society

>> No.12613243

>putting who knows what kind of chemicals into your own body
>using who knows what kind of chemicals to blow up the people you're trying to kill

>> No.12615129

And the child not going through the birth channel is really bad for his/her immune system.

>> No.12615590

I don't think you've ever studied any biology in your life have you (looking up how to boost low T on google doesn't count)

>> No.12615994

More like
>the people who are trying to kill you putting who knows what kind of chemicals into your body
>using who knows what kind of chemicals to blow up the people who are trying to kill you

>> No.12617700


>> No.12618495

So does this mean I should stop drinking tea? I usually have a few cups of decaffeinated stuff every day

>> No.12619034

t. thinks biology is just anatomy and taxonomy