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File: 28 KB, 500x436, hypersonic aerothermodynamics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12599986 No.12599986 [Reply] [Original]

Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics edition.
previous thread:

>> No.12599988

Looking for competent applied physics enthusiasts with nothing better to do


>> No.12599998
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>> No.12600003
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>> No.12600005
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of course

>> No.12600011

Kys discord tranny

>> No.12600012

Baka 9, get back in the LOX distiller where you belong.

>> No.12600029

>Discord tranny looking for rope to hang itself

>> No.12600052
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Tintin subedition

>> No.12600056
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I can't believe they bought this beauty for only $3.5m.


>> No.12600060
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Speaking of ladders

>> No.12600063

Elon got Freemont on the cheap too, industrial assets become liabilities when they lie fallow

>> No.12600067

You can always find deals for things no one else wants

>> No.12600076

>3.5m is the best I can do, but only if you're gonna strip all that shit off the launch pa- I mean deck

>> No.12600097

Hm, that chopper pad doesn't look that much smaller than their drone ships and launch pads. Reinforce it, chuck a couple of extra metres a side on it, chop out the middle for a flame diverter and you are good to go. Based cheap as fuck international water launch pad.

>> No.12600111
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Alright, how do we make these bad boys more mobile?

>> No.12600119

booster raptor engines

>> No.12600125
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>> No.12600126

terrible idea. the whole reason for having a fuckhuge oil rig like that is because it's designed to support a massive drill, so it can support starship. That helipad wouldn't support a fully stacked starship super heavy. Maybe you could make it the starship landing pad though, and then it's lifted by a crane onto the booster.

>> No.12600133

What would the full takeoff mass/thrust of a SS stack that far off axis do anyway? I feel like it would be listing hard. Landing is a lot lighter so that seems more workable.
Clearing the center for the actual launch makes the most sense to me.

>> No.12600141

If you consider the base superstructure of >>12600111 you can see that the thing is a giant steel square frame with a bunch of additional shit on top of the platform.
Sweep all that stuff into the bin, install a big crane, install prop tanks, put a bottomless launch 'platform' frame in the center of the square, golden launch vehicle.

>> No.12600150
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Will BN1 do a hop this year?

>> No.12600178

I'm listening...

>> No.12600264
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Hate to break it to you, but that steel frame is what make it semi-submersible and stable.
Pic related, first semi-submersible I worked on.

t. former rig builder.

>> No.12600268

That's possible, but unlikely before winter 2021.
They still have to:
>build more raptor engines
>pressure test
>static fire
>fix whatever they will fuck up
While also
>12,5 km hop SN9
>static fire SN10
>do whatever they plan on doing with SN10
>figure out how to make Starship survive re-entry
However I'd bet Starship will get into space before SLS and Vulcan.

>> No.12600295

>t. former rig builder.
I know pretty much nothing about this stuff, what you you tell us about these?

>> No.12600302
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*what can you

>> No.12600305

They float and can be towed. That's really all there is to it and that's why they settled on semis I suppose. Downside is that they're not as big as other forms of rigs and are therefore limited in not just how many starships they can serve, but also thrust etc, but I suppose they know what they're doing.

I used to build the fuckers, not design them.

>> No.12600320
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foggy boca chica is pretty kino

>> No.12600349

>león degrelle visits the moon

>> No.12600368

I know that. I meant clear off everything mounted on top of the upper deck area, and cut a hole in the middle to put the launch mount overtop of. I didn't mean getting rid of literally everything except the submersible lower steel frame.

>> No.12600369

Well, I misunderstood. I'm tired.

>> No.12600372
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>drilling depth, 40000 feet

>> No.12600380

Drills aren't physically attached as such to a rig as if it was a power drill, think of it like a semi flex straw with a drill in the middle that you drop down.

>> No.12600387

so was you a mig man or a tig man

>> No.12600392

>cost: 720 million
>elon got it for 3.5m, or ~99% off

>> No.12600406
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>> No.12600409

Fire sales are best sales.

>> No.12600410

How do they stop the drilly boat from spinning once the tip hits the ocean bottom?

>> No.12600418
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what will be the first words on mars?

>> No.12600440
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I remember reading somewhere that rocket engines are actually so loud up close that the sound can actually KILL you where you stand.

How dafuq does that even work? Sound is just vibrations in the air right? Yeah, I can understand going deaf but dropping dead from this shit?

>> No.12600441

"I'm pissing on Mars! Take that you bald motherfucker"

>> No.12600448

>Sound is just vibrations in the air right?
So are blast waves

>> No.12600458


Vibrations of that intensity make your individual nerves disintegrate throughout your entire body.

No nerves = no muscle power = no heartbeat.

>> No.12600489

>Lone Star Mineral Development LLC are attempting to lease 2 gas wells in Port Isabel (LA PITA 3 & LA PITA 2R).
>Rachel Lovejoy from SpaceX will be attending the hearings (January 22, at 9 am), which seems to confirm their ownership of the LLC.

>> No.12600496

it’s like shaken baby syndrome except it’s God shaking an adult

>> No.12600498

me too, kid

>> No.12600501

I'm 43. Been a while since somebody called me that.

>> No.12600505

Boat big

>> No.12600521

is spacex extracting their own methane too now?

>> No.12600533

Are there offshore LNG platforms? I thought it was all land-based.

>> No.12600538

Umm...no...spacex cant just launch from oil rigs. havent you heard of a little thing called infrastructure? something elon is a little to dumb to understand. cant wait to see this failed venture go nowhere

>> No.12600545

you mean the thing he's doing at the moment?

>> No.12600549

Anyone have the nuclear SRB copypasta? The utterly insane one?

>> No.12600567

based. It’s all doomed to fail until congress starts a committee to approve the construction of some space roads which fall apart in a few years and are never repaired. What we really need is a tax funded organization who engages in random, massive transportation infrastructure projects that are completely pointless and poorly planned and take years or even decades to complete so that they can keep inflating their budget. Make sure that they can still levy tolls and fuel taxes on top of everything else.
As everyone knows, american infrastructure is the best in the world, nothing is wrong with it, and the government is very skilled at handling a budget.

>> No.12600573

Oil rigs renamed to Phobos and Deimos last September. Shouldn't this have tipped someone off?

>> No.12600577


>> No.12600586

Literally we got retards everywhere. Also wtf ever happened to ASOG? Did someone outbid Elon on the naming or wut

>> No.12600588
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Space Force ranks have been found, though people are wondering if they're placeholder names or legit


>> No.12600593

>master chief

>> No.12600594
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>yeah bro just tell me if anything happens

>> No.12600599

No.... my dream of becoming Space General is ruined

>> No.12600605
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Based Elon is based.

>> No.12600613
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>Based on sentinel 2 images it looks like the work tents were put up in September 2020.

>> No.12600614

Should have named it after Bezos' mom lmao

>> No.12600621

where is this

>> No.12600623

I don't know
the name "Deimos" sounds too good for Elon
he always comes up with completely retarded nonsense - Of Course I Stil Love You, Just Read the Instructions, Starship, Hyperloop, Cybertruck, Saxon, Kai, etc.
Oil rigs renamed to Phobos and Deimos make me more skeptical about the fact they are indeed Elon's if anything

>> No.12600627

Elon stop it there are childr--

>> No.12600634

The Brownsville port where the oil rig is docked. The oil rig is in the water near the tent.

>> No.12600649

I R8 IT 8/8

>> No.12600659

>Mannequinn Skywalker
More like Prince Valium, what a sedentary ride. Hope SpaceX does something similar with a Starship flight profile some time starring Browny McBrownpants.

>> No.12600666

ASOG is a droneship name, not a spaceport name. there's some evidence a starship drone ship is under construction however

>> No.12600667

>We’re ready to unveil to you today SpaceX’s revolutionary floating launch platforms -

>> No.12600685

I wish I could be as insightful and productive as Elon. Being average IQ sucks.

>> No.12600736

>Green Run Update: Data and Inspections Indicate Core Stage in Good Condition
>As planned, the thrust vector control systems gimbaled the engines to simulate how they move to direct thrust during the rocket’s ascent.
>During gimballing, the hydraulic system associated with the core stage’s power unit for Engine 2, also known as engine E2056, exceeded the pre-set test limits that had been established. As they were programmed to do, the flight computers automatically ended the test. The specific logic that stopped the test is unique to the ground test when the core stage is mounted in the B-2 test stand at Stennis. If this scenario occurred during a flight, the rocket would have continued to fly using the remaining CAPUs to power the thrust vector control systems for the engines.
>Initial data indicate the sensor reading for a major component failure, or MCF, that occurred about 1.5 seconds after engine start was not related to the hot fire shutdown. It involved the loss of one leg of redundancy prior to T-0 in the instrumentation for Engine 4, also known as engine number E2060.

>> No.12600744
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Wow, it sure is a good thing they have operational auxiliary power units. Never operate without a backup, right?

>> No.12600746
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Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't want to miss a thing

>> No.12600747

Turn Falcons into taxis and land them on the helipad.

>> No.12600748
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>> No.12600752

literally who?

>> No.12600761

Steven Tyler, you uncultured swine

>> No.12600767

>tfw no military variant shuttle with cooler-looking wings and big SRBs strapped to the top for traveling out to evil space-rock
God I need to rewatch that shit movie, I still love it.

>> No.12600782

why did nasa name a rocket steven tyler? is it some dr who reference i don’t get?

>> No.12600788

Pretending to be retarded is the same as just being retarded.

>> No.12600790

You're a "rocket" nerd

>> No.12600796

Burnin' up his (you)s in here alone

>> No.12600799

So it was a sensor failure?

>> No.12600803

>Intentionally narrowing the alarm limits to trigger an early shutdown that justifies additional tests and funding

>> No.12600806

Is it actually redundant or is it redundant in the same way the O rings on the SRBs were redundant?

>> No.12600813

You'll never know because NASA investigations are set up to clear NASA of any wrongdoings and everything always went well.

>> No.12600817
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>If this happened in flight nothing would’ve went wrong
>Which is why our sensors are programmed to shut down with these parameters
>Space is hard :)
Why is NASA like this?

>> No.12600819

"Heil Hitler."

IIRC they'll eventually Sabatier it out of the air for ISRU.

>> No.12600820

it’s called a joke you fuckin idiot. of course i know about the tyler, how else would we get to the phil collins international space station?

>> No.12600824
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>Everything is fine no need to panic
>Oh and we'll need some extra time and funding to re-do the entire green run
>Space is hard

>> No.12600827

>Space is hard
>Elon launches massive sheet metal ship to orbit

>> No.12600829

On that note, I imagine all the tech they're setting up at Boca is trials for platform equipment. All they need to do for shipping is load empties on barges (so low local water depth at Boca doesn't matter much) with the platform producing/storing LOX/Methane.

>> No.12600830

You live in a land of confusion.

>> No.12600834

SpaceX already BTFO Chinese


>> No.12600838

Berger tweet
>Heard from a couple of people regarding NASA's update on the SLS Green Run test. Basic gist is: the engineers developing and testing the vehicle definitely want another core stage hot fire. If there's not one, it will be for political reasons.

>> No.12600840

ELF thrusters with 10,000 Isp when?

Sounds about right.

>> No.12600841

based Musk single-handedly holding back the CCP space program. I hope at least the CIA is sabotaging their program and assassinating their scientists because otherwise what the fuck is the government doing about it?

>> No.12600843
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What alternative fuels and/or oxidizers do you wish you could learn more about? What could be some potential game changers that everyone ignores?


>Ethane (C2H6)
>Propane (C3H8)
>Butane (C4H10)


>Nitric Acid (HNO3)
>Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
>Potassium Nitrate (KNO3)

>> No.12600846

what possible political reasons could there be? Because then it would be virtually 100% that they get beaten to orbit by starship?

>> No.12600848

Here are the options
>They’re felling the truth and everyone in the live stream was freaking out, taking forever to get things set up, and shutting it down over literally fucking nothing, too early to get real data. Also something failed but it’s not important, they just have too many redundancies and fail safes to manage a single static fire test in a decade
>the professional grifters who knew about and hid the failures leading up to previous disasters, and who have taken a decade to do nothing, are papering over a major failure that would make them and their project look really bad next to spaceX, because funding
neither really make them look good

>> No.12600859
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Pretty sure maniacs in the 50s/60s tested everything they could think of. There's basically no chance that stuff that basic could be a sensible improvement

>> No.12600861
File: 63 KB, 600x744, 41B1F5DA-6FC0-4DD8-98A3-89652AF8D75A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s precisely it. SpaceX beating SLS to orbit is more than just a space thing. It’s also a political move. It signifies the end of government as being THE BIGGEST player in space. It shows that space will be a corporate domain.

>> No.12600869

Gonna have to revoke space community's autism card then.. You may have it back once autism is reproven

>> No.12600874

but being able to redo the hotfire quickly is also good optics for whatever political shit they're cooking
there's no reason not to do it

>> No.12600878

I wonder what NASA will say if starship reaches orbit before SLS. Probably they'll just act like starship doesn't exist, or say SLS is the only vehicle capable of sending americans to lunar orbit in a single launch.

>> No.12600885

Hop when???????

>> No.12600890

Yeah that’s exactly what’ll happen. What they don’t know is that Starship on its own can reach the NRHO with no refueling if it’s stripped down a bit

>> No.12600891

Just put all the traits of Methane and RP1 on a list and meet them somewhere in the middle and you have the basic profile of most of the "hydrocarbon but it's not as light as methane" fuels. Biggest reason Methane wins out is it's the cleanest and cheapest/most available.

>> No.12600895

>SLS has setback, beaten to orbit, humiliated and the incompetence of NASA demonstrated. They still get deep throated by boomers
>SLS pushes forward, anti climactic failure to launch. NASA tries to spin it as a successful test, lose funding, starship still first in orbit, boomers still throat NASA
>SLS pushes forward, fails spectacularly in orbit, makes headlines. NASA claims its a minor setback, brags about how they got to orbit first, and says something about the importance of american tests before you put american astronauts on american rockets. best meme potential for /sfg/. Boomers PTSD is triggered and try to spin this as why SpaceX is so dangerous
there’s no outcome in which this ends well for NASA

>> No.12600897

I’m allegedly fairly high IQ, and I’m lazy as fuck. Above some minimum barrier of intelligence, work ethic is infinitely more useful than processing power.

>> No.12600899

>>Boomers PTSD is triggered and try to spin this as why SpaceX is so dangerous
>SLS explodes
>Starship blamed
kek I could see it happening

>> No.12600904

Did people really think they were gonna come up with unique ranks?

>> No.12600917

Based NASA is DONE waiting around for SLS. Time to PUT UP OR SHUT UP, "ENGINEERS". Either your precious shitter rocket works or it blows the fuck up. NASA has no more fucks and wants a big beautiful RUD on the road to cancellation

>> No.12600923
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>It shows that space will be a corporate domain.
An American* corporate domain.
Look at the robber baron/captain of industry past to see our future.
It'll be glorious!

>> No.12600950

of course it would happen. Three little words
>space is hard

>> No.12600952
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>> No.12600962


>> No.12600967

no starship in the reflection. fake news lmao
>muskfags stay coping

>> No.12600971

This is moveable right?

>> No.12600972


>> No.12600973

Is starship really that hueg or is it the angle? I thought the rig would be able to fit like four of the fuckers just from the pics earlier

>> No.12600980

>he doesn't know it was revealed in the last starship presentention that it is now a vampire
delightfully counterintuitive

>> No.12600981

Not sure, I just got it from the bird app

>> No.12600987

definitely not to scale. Looks like they just used the tower as a guideline, but that tower is probably as wide as highbay and twice as tall

>> No.12600988
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I think they have to move it to another platform, don't they? I am not an oil worker I might be wrong but I thought rigs like that sat on top big-ass towers like pic-related and those are permanently set.

>> No.12600993

if there’s to be no garlic on mars i’ll stay on earth, thanks

>> No.12600994
File: 113 KB, 600x236, Types_of_offshore_oil_and_gas_structures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

him flot

>> No.12601004

Oh neat, thanks for correcting. I imagine something that big doesn't rock too much in high-seas but even so I'd think they'll try to anchor it as much as possible. I wonder where they wanna put it? The sea obviously, but what part?

>> No.12601015

>everything has been already tried
Is this peak brainlet cope?

>> No.12601026

What are the actual chances that it will RUD? I originally thought that there's no way it would RUD because they've spent too much time on it but now I changed my mind.

>> No.12601027
File: 28 KB, 640x480, FD947B59-BE5D-4F79-B216-9A26AE2A31E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After BN1 does its 150 meter hop, does the next Superheavy go straight to orbital?

>> No.12601029
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Well I'm not a rig surgeon but the depth of the design roughly corresponds to the middle depth zone (200m-2000) here, just gonna stick the early ones close to Brownsville port I would guess. Plenty of local service infrastructure.

>> No.12601036

Is there a static fire test today on esenine?

>> No.12601038

but this rig isn't drilling and it's a floater so it's designed depth doesn't matter at all does it?

>> No.12601039


>> No.12601049


>> No.12601051

You're saying that you think a drill pipe is strong enough to rotate an enormous oil rig?

>> No.12601064

Minimum depth is gonna depend on the mooring design regardless of intent to drill, not sure what the exact figure on their specific rig is though. It's not like it's gonna be that big of a difference anyway, the optimal range is still close to port.

>> No.12601102

>Ethane (C2H6)
>Propane (C3H8)
>Butane (C4H10)
>I'm sure nobody thought of using the most basic alkanes as rocket fuel
Ok Dunning–Kruger elemental

>> No.12601113
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SLS will prevail.

>> No.12601118

>Oh geez! I would hate to damage all four of our engines in flight!
>Okay so what we will do is shut down all four engines and fire the LES and the SLS will just eviscerate instead
>Wait, the engines get destroyed no matter what?
How did they manage to make something as shitty as shuttle?

>> No.12601119

so only like a year now until it launches?
what do they even have to do apart from stacking?

>> No.12601130

http://s1.q4cdn.com/651804090/files/Documents/Brochures/ENSCO 8500SeriesBrochure_web.pdf
According to manufacturer specs, the main deck is 240' x 255', so a Super Heavy would be about as tall as the rig is wide (about as tall as the tower?), and the Starship would be 2/3 that.

>> No.12601132

Ummm, Orion has a power supply problem that they have decided not to fix. Same thing with the software, they aren't even going to test it. They need to mate all the upper stages and interstages, and they need to do another green run test because they don't even know if the engines will gimbal during flight yet

>> No.12601138

what is that supposed to carry

>> No.12601146

Look two posts below that, it's one of those.

>> No.12601147
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>This would not have been an in flight abort
So why stop the test early? Wouldn't you want to see how they perform after a few non-flight critical failures?

>> No.12601152

See >>2599482

>> No.12601153

I know right? Amazing mental gymnastics on NASA’s part

>> No.12601156

Oops, see >>12599482

>> No.12601161

warrant officers and upper level NCOs have stupid names, yes

>> No.12601164
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But they didn't get to the minimum 250 seconds so they will have to re-do the test right?
They weren't even able to test the gimbaling for Gene's sake.

>> No.12601181

That's exactly how they'll behave and for some years with political support it'll go. In terms of history however it's over.

>> No.12601187

This is literally retelling of the boing and nasa defense of the shitliner
>Well... if there were astronauts on board, they might have taken control over the spinny spinny capsule manually! There's nothing to worry about! The test was mostly successful!

>> No.12601208

I'm no chemist, but I heard somewhere, that the more bonds alcane molecule has, the less efficient it is a fuel source. Although I may be completely wrong here.

>> No.12601209

>Gimbal coming up
>Oops looks like our engine cut out

>> No.12601220

the stats sheet (gimme density plox) for those at various pressures and temperatures isn't available in a place where I know how to look
also the combustion efficiency for gas-gas mixing

>> No.12601233

>MCF on engine 4
>so we've still got four good engines, right
>we have shutdown

they still had four good engines, but the gimbal actuators had an MCF that stopped the test

>> No.12601237

that's so fucking Boeing

>> No.12601248

yes, another sn9 scrub test is planned for today

>> No.12601253

how quickly could they redo the hotfire at this point, something like 30 days right cause they have to refurbish the engines and transport new LOX

>> No.12601263
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>starship when it sees an SLS payload in orbit

>> No.12601264
File: 3.10 MB, 4639x3711, Big Jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will not be forgotten

>> No.12601267

NASA could crash a rocket into disney world and they would spin it as perfectly fine

>> No.12601268

test CONVENIENTLY stopped just before the gimbaling began

>more money pls :)

>> No.12601271

where's his mountain dew

>> No.12601278
File: 190 KB, 1064x709, firefighters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also say a prayer for the NASA firefighters, who will inevitably have to deal with SLS exploding on the pad

>> No.12601279

What is picture?
If it's SN5 or 6, this is pretty bad.

>> No.12601280
File: 238 KB, 1280x853, 1280px-NASA_Selects_First_Commercial_Moon_Landing_Services_for_Artemis_Program_%2847974872533%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one don't want to see CLPS fail so if SLS goes for Artemis 1 I hope it works out to the end

>> No.12601285

Maybe we were his mountain dew the whole time bros

>> No.12601299
File: 78 KB, 197x346, sadjim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12601305

Punished Jim makes me sad

>> No.12601317

>everyone thinking MC4 engine 4 was the end of the engine

lol, that was hilarious

>> No.12601319


>> No.12601329
File: 28 KB, 199x220, Jim sulks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim sulks, knowing he has to leave after the shit show that is the SLS.
He wishes he could have done more, but as a final nail in the coffin, the hot fire fails due to some shitty wiring
Jim, sulks.
Not even mountain dew can cheer him up now.
The bottle lays untouched next to his crossed feet.
He crosses his arms, showing his maddened stance on the situation.
Jim sulks.

>> No.12601334

>next to his crossed feet.
This is the saddest part, he looks like an innocent child who has lost all faith in the world

>> No.12601336


>> No.12601343

It's hopper

>> No.12601345
File: 57 KB, 194x342, sad jim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12601353

First 'Woman' on Mars will be transgender.
Look at how progressive we are.

>> No.12601355

Should have guessed from big legs.

>> No.12601356
File: 64 KB, 730x430, impatientasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reading this makes me think NASA should be funding, and researching, going full in R&D on near future propulsion rather than designing probes/rovers/helicopters that will take a decade or more to reach the outer planet

Why not design the engines and spacecraft to shorten the trip significantly and THEN design/build the probes/landers/rovers to send there? It's completely backwards and asinine right now, how little funding and manpower goes into near future engine design, production and testing right now at NASA

>> No.12601361
File: 1.70 MB, 1292x850, Hopper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing she landed, hard as it was.
Now that would be deeply ironic.

>> No.12601363

time traveler anon plz

>> No.12601383
File: 95 KB, 1358x614, 876 million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX stans BTFO. W- we will get SLS under $1 bil we swear!!!!!!!!

>> No.12601389

>which is so unrealistic the no faith in it ever working as promised
is this the SLS subreddit or something? can't wait to see that guy kill himself when starship reaches orbit

>> No.12601395
File: 1.16 MB, 1528x1528, ranger dunno shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Go back.

>> No.12601398

being skeptical of something =/= not wanting it to succeed

>> No.12601403

being skeptical of something =/= thinking it has no chance of success because old space can't do it

>> No.12601404

Feminist analysis suggests that the space race was a dick waving contest between the world powers. In today's corporate space race is suggest that Blue Origin's lack of progress is because Jeff's dick has already been publicly waved

>> No.12601410
File: 15 KB, 696x93, Screenshot_2021-01-19 r SpaceLaunchSystem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck there is an SLS sub
I can't even comprehend this amount of cope and delusion

>> No.12601412

SLS will have a few launches, then gradually disappear as SpaceShip start launching every other day.
...is what I want to say. But leftists hate SpaceX so much I wouldn't surprised if they cancel CRS2

>> No.12601427

Who do you think owns the media, hello?

>> No.12601431

The only delusions are those experienced by muskoids who believe the gov't will risk everything on unproven technology to regain our national prestige. SLS might not be pretty but it's proven

>> No.12601438

this guy actually will kill himself when starship launches

>> No.12601441

As things stand right now, I'd rather take a ULA rocket to the moon before Starship or SLS.

>> No.12601449

I used to like watching thunderf00t when he dunked on elon, but when i found out he us a massive woman hater i just couldnt enjoy it anymore. terrible man

>> No.12601455

The SN8 launch must have had him a heart attack.

>> No.12601456

the whole point of commercial partnerships is to avoid risk by investing equally in everything. Eggs should not all be in one basket, regardless of commercial vs government. The point is to avoid investing too much into ANYTHING before it's fully developed and working. Giving up on SLS and investing into Starship the same amount is equally as retarded as the current legally binding SLS requirements.

>> No.12601474

Blunderfoot is a horrible person.
Most of his channel is doubting on everything.
If all scientists were like thunderfoot, we'd never have had fire to begin with.

>> No.12601478

The only proven capability of the government space program is killing astronauts and stealing tax dollars. No government on the planet earth wants real space development after they realized they didn't need space weapons to ensure MAD.

>> No.12601480

Starship is good enough for stuff within the solar system tbqh

>> No.12601487

Time to Saturn?

>> No.12601488

it gets questionable for getting to the outer planets and Mercury, but the Belt, Mars and Venus are ours now

>> No.12601492

Missions within the solar system should be easily doable within a human lifetime. That wouldn't be the case with Starship.

>> No.12601496

You might want to look at China.
They clearly stated they're invading the solar system with communism.
Now, you don't want that to happen?
Do you?

>> No.12601513

Unironically: If you never go anywhere or do anything you won’t be seen as a failure. People will trust you and love you and praise you endlessly because you never failed or made any mistakes because you never tried. All that’s there to vouch for you are your own words. It’s why weird western academics love Gramsci, why “physicists” and pop-sci types love untestable theories like string and muh simulation, and even why americans love JFK and germans love luxemburg
I can’t prove to them that SLS is shite, just like i can’t prove gramsci was full of nonsense or that God doesn’t exist. It’s all on faith.
If for some reason SLS gets canned before it ever launches and replaced with various SpaceX vehicles you will forever see retards say that it was the real answer and we should have gone with that instead, against any and all evidence to the contrary

>> No.12601519

that's why retards still love VentureStar

>> No.12601525

I guess their job depends on it, and/or some family member.

>> No.12601530


>> No.12601531

>Im a huge spaceX fan, and I follow starship progress daily. But Methane engines can simply not beat out HydroLox once your out of the atmosphere. The Raptors, are amazing, but no match to a Hydrolox engine for an upper stage. This means Starship (2nd stage) throw mass is very low without re-fuel. Starship cant send anything to TLI without re-fueling. SLS can send over 30 tons on a single launch. This is because of the better Hydrogen upper stages.

wtf, /sfg/ told me hydromeme bad and orange tank bad and everything but turns out its not? (at least in vacuum)

>> No.12601538

that wasn't a joke

>> No.12601539

You just know, if they cancel SLS, they're gonna come up with another Congress launch System, instead of going for Starship.

>> No.12601543

actually it's because Super Heavy stages very early in flight to ease recovery
Starship Super Heavy is very optimized for LEO throwing

>> No.12601544

hydromeme is REALLY GOOD at exactly one thing, which is vacuum specific impulse

the problem is SLS (and DIV and Ariane and others) use it at sea level which is just a waste

>> No.12601545

canceling SLS at this point when its so close to finally getting off the ground would be really stupid, so that's exactly what the next Administration will do I bet

>> No.12601546

I know, it's just funny because every /sfg/ thread has those SSTO autists who plug VentureStar like it "could" have worked

>> No.12601551

whats the best atmosphere optimized engine, aside from hydromeme aerospike or something

>> No.12601553
File: 535 KB, 2048x1988, EsHTaOMXEAIGafY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hop tomorrow?

>> No.12601555

It's literally all the chairforce's fault. Their single-orbital-pass satellite recovery requirement fucked every other aspect of the program sideways.

>> No.12601560


>> No.12601561

incorrect, it is VERY good at being lightweight for the same dv
you shouldn't care about the wet mass of your first stage
probably either Raptor or some hypothetical propane FFSC engine

>> No.12601562

February 31st

>> No.12601564

Isn't this the standard note for all static fires?

>> No.12601566


>> No.12601568


>> No.12601569

No, that rules out a hop tomorrow. They would've been told to evacuate if there was a hop. That sounds like they plan on static firing tomorrow instead.

>> No.12601570

And prefacing every criticism of Starship with "without refueling" is retarded because the entire architecture is designed around refueling. It's like criticizing SLS for not being able to lift It's own weight (without SRBs)

other than some air breathing meme engine like SABRE, an expander cycle hydrolox aerospike probably has the highest atmospheric ISP

but it would have shit thrust and probably not be able to lift it's own weight (like SLS)

>> No.12601571


>> No.12601572

right, those people are absolutely a joke

>> No.12601575

Yeah lol we never said anything about space. Hydrogen is just a meme at sea level. Once in space hydrogen is king

>> No.12601576

Who's even left in the village? Besides Mary?

>> No.12601578

Virgin Orbit's air launched rocket was pretty cool but does it have any practical use? $12 million per launch doesn't seem very cost effective.

>> No.12601579

static fire

>> No.12601580

this is bullshit. if you dont do anything youre a loser.

a winner is someone that actively wins

trying and failing and not trying is the same and thats how most people (correctly) perceive it.

A good sports player produces victories, his worth is the ability to produce victories, if he produces 0 victories, hes worth the same as a paralytic snail.

>> No.12601581
File: 435 KB, 2000x1574, Venturestar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12601584

But it could have...

>> No.12601585

I think it's just her and SpaceX employees now.

>> No.12601586

"it's something alright. Back to the ship everyone, we're done here"

>> No.12601587
File: 2.35 MB, 2400x2952, Venturestar_releasing_a_satellite_in_orbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12601589

It will absolutely fuck Blue Origin for smallsat delivery. Especially if Virgin can ramp up production and get cost down. If they can find a way to launch two rockets at a time (one from each wing) and do these flights twice a month, they will steal the show

>> No.12601590

ate newspace
ate musk
ate bezos
luv SLS
luv X-33 venturestar

simple as

>> No.12601593
File: 92 KB, 840x480, venturestar-dcx-roton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12601595

oh you're simple as ok

>> No.12601594

>hydrolox SSTO shuttle launching an LH2 solar moth spacecraft
Why can't I hold all this boiloff?

>> No.12601597

t. angry astronaut
Blue Origin isn't doing smallsats though. Maybe as rideshare or secondary payloads, but it's not gonna be New Glenn's bread and butter. And dual launching would be absolutely pointless.

>> No.12601599
File: 114 KB, 540x400, VentureStar_Shuttle_Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12601600

Really makes you think why they have to go through all that legal process of publishing warnings.
Can't SpaceX just hire Mary or something?

>> No.12601602

>And dual launching would be absolutely cool as fuck

I agree yeah

>> No.12601604

Starship/Super Heavy is entirely optimized to do exactly one job, and that's deliver shit to a VLEO and get both bits back again
turns out this is optimal for refueling from LEO which enables it to be good enough for everywhere else

>> No.12601605

>trying and failing and not trying is the same and thats how most people (correctly) perceive it.
no, a great many people take words at face value and prefer darling angels who never did anything wrong because they never did anything.

>> No.12601606

Sh-she's thick!

>> No.12601607

I should've elaborated that it's employees and their families I think. Those houses are still somewhat occupied.

>> No.12601608

Anything that is better than Hydrogen in a vacuum?

>> No.12601609

Well please enlighten me on what Blue Oldspace's bread and butter will be. Fixing the fucking breakroom coffee machine?

>> No.12601611
File: 90 KB, 900x506, ISV_Venture_Star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12601613

DCX could have been a good upper stage

>> No.12601615

skinny bitches vs PAWGs

>> No.12601617

I still don't get it, what was the SN8 maneuver supposed to prove? It exploded in the end, didn't it? So that must mean it was a disaster in every conceivable way, right? The only reason i can think of that there's still enormous amounts of shilling revolving the SN8 hop is that this general and social media are infested with Grimes wannabes but only for the sucking off Elon's BWC part

>> No.12601618
File: 1.77 MB, 2002x1485, HSV-X1_Joint_Venture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12601621
File: 86 KB, 640x632, 1AC1E015-A7FC-4664-9999-EB873DF03FFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait now you must return to Reddit

>> No.12601623

I wish, we need more rockets with that kind of shape

>> No.12601624

Well, yeah, but they could do away with notices if there's only SpaceX employees in there.

>> No.12601626

uh anon it proved like 99% of the system; it was just a pressure problem.

>> No.12601628

this is why we need a hydrogen mini starship

>> No.12601630

Dangerously based and zubrinpilled

>> No.12601631

They forgot about this
Hydrogen is a bitch to store

>> No.12601632

I still don't get it, what was the green run hot fire supposed to prove? It shut down early in the end, didn't it? So that must mean it was a disaster in every conceivable way, right? The only reason i can think of that there's still enormous amounts of shilling revolving the green run hot fire is that this general and social media are infested with NASA subcontractor wannabes but only for the sucking off NASA's BBC (big budget cock) part

>> No.12601637

Hydrogen is a pipe dream.
It's expensive as fuck because you need energy to make it on erf.

>> No.12601638

I wonder if Blue Origin are going to try to do a DC-X upper stage or a spaceplane
wait, their whole fucking meme is that they hired DC-X people to do their landing software, isn't it

>> No.12601643

I still don't get it, what was the supposed to prove? It in the end, didn't it? So that must mean it was a disaster in every conceivable way, right? The only reason i can think of that there's still enormous amounts of shilling revolving the is that this general and social media are infested with wannabes but only for the sucking off part

>> No.12601644

>panam over judy
Tastelet and coomlet

>> No.12601645
File: 344 KB, 2048x1365, robert-zubrin-fondatore-e-presidente-della-mars-society-e-uno-dei-molti-esperti-che-hanno-contrib-741b87e58382d5f54e8652e604871a650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12601647

shut up hater

>> No.12601648

What is the best music genre for space?

>> No.12601651

Didn't something with space policy open up the the possibility of nuclear propulsion testing, development, and use again?

>> No.12601652

>Hydrogen, the second-tiniest of all atoms, can penetrate right into the crystal structure of a solid metal.
>That’s good news for efforts to store hydrogen fuel safely within the metal itself

well shit lets just use metallic hydrogen

>> No.12601653
File: 3 KB, 127x127, sagan wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12601658

>no, a great many people take words at face value and prefer darling angels who never did anything wrong because they never did anything.
no, youre objectively wrong. 99% of people just value achievements, which is logical. Claiming you tried and failed is indistinguishable from bullshiting

>> No.12601664

today.....is jim's last day

>> No.12601669

>no, youre objectively wrong. 99% of people just value achievements, which is logical
can i please join whatever isolated autism commune you live on?

>> No.12601671

/smg/ is completely overrun right now so I'll ask this here, why is Momentus valued at like 2/3rds the market cap of Maxar?

>> No.12601672
File: 1.67 MB, 498x330, bebop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So long, space cowboy

>> No.12601679


>> No.12601681
File: 48 KB, 680x437, comfyapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just discovered that this miniseries exists that is produced by Tom Hanks on HBO.
Pretty kino so far. It has that comfy late '90s feel to it.

>> No.12601682
File: 26 KB, 400x400, barrybbprofile_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to all known laws of physics, there is no way that a Starship SN9 should be able to land. Its flaps are too small to get its fat enormous body on the ground. The Starship SN9, of course, lands anyways. Because Starship SN9 doesn't care what humans think is impossible.

>> No.12601684

do you believe that Momentus is undervalued or overvalued?

>> No.12601686


>> No.12601691

>movie is about some bimbo fucking SN9 before it sues planet earth for stealing all its payload

>> No.12601694

It's on TPB too, I watched a bit of it and it's nice, reminds me of watching real TV.

>> No.12601698

If they're able to succeed in the roadmap they laid out in their S-4 filing, they should be able to get to $1B EBITDA by 2024, which would make them undervalued – but MAXR is also undervalued, and a much more established company. Momentus is venture capital tier.

>> No.12601701


>> No.12601704

New HULLO! video: https://youtu.be/Yi-fBKK7nME
Thanks to that customer anon sharing his screen, we go to witness it live

>> No.12601705

drop some, then
the stock market isn't logical

>> No.12601712

>ya like orbital refueling?

>> No.12601714

Redpill me on the fraud Elon Musk

>> No.12601717

Elon Musk is african, and africans are black, but he is white, thus he is a fraud

>> No.12601724

I used to like watching thunderf00t when he was a massive woman hater, but when i found out he dunked on elon i just couldnt enjoy it anymore. terrible man

>> No.12601726

humans don't naturally organize themselves into industry-breaking, innovative groups, so even in the case where he "just knows how to hire the right people" as his detractors like to say, it's still immensely impressive and undeniable that he is the central pin by which all his companies are held together.

>> No.12601728

Autism+smart+extremely hard work ethic==$$$

>> No.12601729

sure, its called outside your basement

>> No.12601730

The truth is he's been on Mars this whole time interacting with us through a complex series of holograms and magnets. He's funneling resources away from the Earth in order to fashion Mars into a Warworld and sail it out of the solar system after detonating the sun.

>> No.12601732

Pretty sure he still is.
He's got arrested development so he's stuck in the "le epic feminists owned" and infinite skepticism of everything phase.

>> No.12601735

>f they can find a way to launch two rockets at a time (one from each wing)
That would probably require a large redesign of the plane I think. I'm no aero engineer tho. But the nice thing about this plane is that it is made by design to support the extra weight on its wing

>> No.12601736

>that title

>> No.12601746

is this true? frightening

>> No.12601751

He actually bragged about this recently, how he is the same as always while his fellow atheist friends have all moved on

>> No.12601754


>> No.12601756

How do you load that behemoth on boats? That's so big.

>> No.12601757
File: 915 KB, 1297x911, newsreader4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.12601761
File: 15 KB, 320x240, megatron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be thinking of Megatron but I'm pretty sure it's Musk yeah

>> No.12601763


>> No.12601767

Many, many cranes? I have no idea.

>> No.12601773

>a much more established company
That is the problem, Maxar is old space and has trouble adjusting to new industry trends thus isn't afforded the same premium as Momentus or AST Space. The have limited smallsat production, their orbital servicing project is a meme, and to my knowledge they have no plans to get into space tugs so they don't benefit as much from the greatly decrease cost of entry to space. Of course their imagery and observation business is profitable but even with imagery constellations enabling constant surveillance of the Earth's surface, the data has limited use and they can be outcompeted by more agile companies.

I still like Maxar as an investment, and they'll benefit from all the money flowing into the industry, but I wish they had a better pathway to rapid growth and greater profitability.

>> No.12601775

thank you, fat roman news man

>> No.12601799


>> No.12601808
File: 46 KB, 1069x655, 71d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon M*sk is a fucking FRAUD, with all those brains working around and for him and he still takes all the credit for himself, even though he knows NOTHING about rocket science, physics or anything space-related! He is an ASSET in selling an IMAGE that very obviously translates to buying TESLA makes for someone COOL and QUIRKY!
If he was such a GENIUS, he would've already come up with a better engine than the raptor to power his "rockets"! Knowing that FRAUD, he'll probably name his next "rocket" CARNOTAURUS or something retarded like that, just because it'll have twice the ROAR and double the POWER of a raptor, that is, assuming he doesn't milk his slave ensemble of gigaminded scientists for every last drop of brain juice of theirs until then, rendering them useless except for feeding their soulless corpres to BRIDENST*NE

>> No.12601810
File: 68 KB, 1200x800, yearinreview_bezos.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Shepard flight goes perfect
>Virgin makes it to orbit
>SLS engines are in great shape
>SN9 shit the bed bigly and just barely getting back on her feet

>> No.12601812

My bait was better

>> No.12601819

>blue origin is 20 years old
>still hasn't even come close to orbit
its embarrassing

>> No.12601820

>BO admits to being beaten to orbit by a literal virgin

>> No.12601822


>> No.12601823

Raptor is the platonic ideal of a chemical rocket engine and cannot be improved upon

>> No.12601830

>literally BTFO'd beyond repair by a measly, itsy-bitsy triple static fire

>> No.12601834

Wait wtf, is this man genuinely autistic? Also I can’t help but think that he is pronouncing his own name wrong lol

>> No.12601835

>su..surely i'll get some orbit in college... right? i just gotta play it cool

>> No.12601836

Yours may be bait, i speak only the truth

>> No.12601837


>> No.12601838

good joke. i'm not even a musk hater, but even i know raptor is a piece of work. long way to go before we stop having to swap them out

>> No.12601840

have you ever seen the video of bill gates jumping over the chair? They're all autistic

>> No.12601842

Shahid Launch System?

>> No.12601844

He slurs his own last name, and has a slight slight lisp. It sounds like he made up the name on the fly lmao

>> No.12601847


>> No.12601853

is hydrogen even worth it as a 2nd stage? It's still a huge pain in the ass
>needs larger/heavier tanks
>boil-off is a huge problem
>low thrust

The ISP is nice, yeah. But does it offer such an advantage that it's worth putting up with all the above?

I feel like hydrogen as a whole is an oldspace meme, similar to isogrids along a rocket's entire structure, in that it's hugely wasteful and difficult for only a tiny improvement margin.

>> No.12601855
File: 507 KB, 3000x1688, 03p0b5yq1x561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12601858

You also have to have the ground equipment to fuel your rocket with two different propellants, which just increases complexity and cost.

>> No.12601860


The guy who figures out how to stabilize LO3 is gonna be a legend.

>> No.12601862

How in the name of God are we somehow regressing in spaceflight since the 70’s?

>> No.12601865 [DELETED] 

two words.

>> No.12601867

The Sh*ttle

>> No.12601873

Aerospace companies no longer spend money to do things. They now do things to make money. You think Boeing could’ve set aside $1 Billion per year to build a cool new space probe or a lunar lander pro bono but noooooo they don’t do anything unless there’s a government contract attached to it. It’s not just Boeing - Lockheed, Northrop, all of them are guilty of this.

>> No.12601883

First step is understanding that the regression is intentional.

>> No.12601891
File: 461 KB, 2133x3200, DxgSsNBWwAA4b7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12601895

This, the corporate world, unlike what lefties like to think, wasn't always like that. There used to be a whole other motives for having a company than profit. Probably the only person who still has a company for the sake of having a vision is elon musk(im sure i will get nice comments for this). But seriously, the vast majority fall into a logic in which either you make tremendous amount of profit by minmaxing everything to the point of ridicule or you get ass destroyed by the competition and get nothing, even if your intentions were good, you have to be really commited to do anything else that isnt the maximum amount of ruthless effort possible to make the literal physically maximum profit possible completely disregarding literally every other consideration.

>> No.12601896

Isn't the ISS getting deorbited this decade? What's next?

>> No.12601899

god I love you

>> No.12601900
File: 84 KB, 275x269, 1609206362991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the SLS /ourrocket/?
>makes meteorologists SEETHE by fucking up clear day forecasts whenever it goes for a launch with its cloud producing combustion
>stopped its core stage green run test fire earlier than scheduled, albeit having it been intentional, so other competitors wouldn't get MOGGED with their measly static fire durations in comparison to it
>general public mocks it while at NASA studios inc. they know better than that for "early" shutdown had been planned ahead, so they laugh at COPING losers on the internet for it
>makes reusability shills SEETHE and COPE
>more powerful than any other rocket in history
>isn't made by FRAUD El*n M*sk

>> No.12601902

SpaceX bought the Phobus and Deimos oil rigs CONFIRMED

>> No.12601908

Based Charon poster

>> No.12601909

>the only person who still has a company for the sake of having a vision is elon musk
honestly, I wouldn't even call it vision, I'd just call it awareness that the product is the focus and the better product will win in the end. I think Microsoft ruined this idea by making shitty products, but forcing everyone to use them because DOS was so ubiquitous, so a whole generation of entrepreneurs grew up thinking that the products doesn't matter, market domination matters.

>> No.12601910
File: 72 KB, 575x783, 296143023cb2460f765edc9bb5016af44afb63718ec5a3f0d7db4eb0fa47b332_1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FRAUD El*n M*sk
>pic is starhopper

>> No.12601911

perhaps not Oort cloud poster, but you sure are slow on things

>> No.12601913
File: 172 KB, 1800x1215, space_launch_market2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12601917

Can some turboautist guesstimate whether a second stage producing its own hydrogen is in any way possible? I know this shit would be heavy, just handwave it being lifted off Earth by nuclear sea dragon or whatever.

>> No.12601922
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>> No.12601924

>7 options
>4 shades of blue, all very close to eachother
>2 shades of green

>> No.12601925
File: 242 KB, 852x1193, A8B1E9A6-6083-4481-AD7F-F40AEC27D6ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS finally launches with crew in 2026
>Only 5 billion over budget
>everything going smoothly
>suddenly veers north
>ALLAHU AKBAR over radio
>crashes into one world trade center
>5,000 dead
>NASA deems it a mission success
>Iran invaded due to links to al-qaeda terrorist attack
>Patriot Act 3 allows warrantless government wiretapping of neuralink devices
it’s all coming together...

>> No.12601927

nigga WHAT

>> No.12601928

Saw anons in the thread speculating that it might not be SpaceX who bought them.

>> No.12601930

I’m surprised at how shit the US commercial launch market was before SpaceX. Also it’s funny seeing China get BTFO’d

Most corporations have a huge divide between the ones that have a passionate vision about a company’s direction, and those that want to maximize profit. I work as an analyst for a Big Pharma company and i realized a while back that we’re literally Boeing but instead of spaceships we make medicine. Trust me, it’s bad in every industry.

>> No.12601931

As in: 2nd stage has water storage and uses solar panels to do electrolysis?

>> No.12601933
File: 448 KB, 1590x1533, EsHvF4vWMAAaHHc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BN2 (B2?) spotted

>> No.12601937
File: 217 KB, 1800x1187, 7756bf0e20c11617ada0ddeda5530881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design wise, we don't have people like Galina Barashova making aesthetic interiors.

>> No.12601938


>> No.12601939

Welled by: Miguel G

>> No.12601944

AND Federico V.

>> No.12601945
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>> No.12601946

I don't understand this reusable Mexicans meme

>> No.12601947
File: 168 KB, 889x1333, 574142e0-7310-11e7-8eac-856e9b33761e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll mark the transition to the BEZ0S AGE. All will tremble at the sight of mighty Overlord BEZ0S, first of his name, second to none.
Blue Origin, the SS of the future but in space, will be the maximum authority over the black void, and it does no less than make BEZ0S's will come true.
All hail BEZ0S.

>> No.12601948

>Welded by Miguel G. Federito V:th

>> No.12601949
File: 1.49 MB, 801x800, 1605043849074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The welders sign it after they finished

>> No.12601954

I'm a professional Thunderpodiatrist
he has 3 creative phases
Chritianitydeboonking where he proves that some schizo boomer who believe Bible word for word is wrong
stopped because all the schizoboomers died of old age and dementia
Feminismdeboonking where he proves BPD dangerhair with victim complex is not being literally raped by incel gamers playing Mario alone in their basement
stopped because the market got oversaturated with other Skeptics™
Starupdeboonking where he proves fresh of the diploma mill art and design degree graduates, who know nothing about nuclear engineering make for terrible nuclear engineers
one day he will prove to all Elon is a fraud with a fancy 3D graphic slideshows all along, just like them - you will see!

>> No.12601955

In situ but with a twist.

I guess. If there are no better options. Although something tells me loading fucktons of carbon dioxide and scooping up hydrogen from interplanetary/interstellar medium and using Sabatier reaction on them would be leagues better anyway. Can even eject water as reaction mass too.

>> No.12601957
File: 2.07 MB, 2535x3617, 14BAB496-14DB-4A24-ADD8-8D7E278A65E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welded by Mexicans
Is Castizo futurism real?

>> No.12601958

>I work as an analyst for a Big Pharma company and i realized a while back that we’re literally Hitler

>> No.12601959

Thats pretty typical actually. Well not on the thing you weld but I had to sign my name off on paperwork for every weld at my job.

>> No.12601962

>you will NEVER have a weld that gets into space
>you will never get your signature into space

>> No.12601965

Thank you Elon

>> No.12601968

Many such cases

>> No.12601970

They used skids and hydraulic jacks. Look up the Bullwinkle platform

>> No.12601971

Isn't the gas density really fucking low in space? So unless you put a straw into Saturn or Jupiter it might be easier to capture ice asteroids if you're looking to use hydrogen as an interstellar fuel.

>> No.12601975

Now that the dems are in, we will listen to scientists and FUMD NASA YEEAH!

>> No.12601981
File: 93 KB, 1196x807, 1597523165012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. Hydrogen is a nightmare on the ground just as much as it is in the air. And Elon thinks it offers superior delta v regardless

>> No.12601982

>NASA becomes a glorified NOAA

>> No.12601983

we should put obama on the moon

>> No.12601988

Very low, yes. The idea is about avoiding the storage of hydrogen along with all the problems it entails. Until we get the metallic one.

>> No.12601989

Very autistic, but thank you nontheless

>> No.12601990

we'll listen to scientists except when they tell us why their research is important. We only care about research that directly, tangibly keeps individual humans alive and exactly nothing else.

>> No.12601991

They had massive whips, Anon. Massive, massive whips.

>> No.12601992

I guess "that's one small step for man" has already been done

>> No.12601993
File: 275 KB, 638x602, 1591286912382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never shitpost on a newly-welded starship component

>> No.12601994

>products doesn't matter, market domination matters.
they are not wrong, that is the way things work now, how they got to be like this is irrelevant

>> No.12601995
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>> No.12601997
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any time

>> No.12601998


>> No.12601999

>. I work as an analyst for a Big Pharma company and i realized a while back that we’re literally Boeing but instead of spaceships we make medicine.
if at any point you thought you were doing anything but profit from the suffering of literal children then you deserve to be punched in the face

>> No.12602000
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>> No.12602003

the seethe from oldspace is thick like lard

>> No.12602004
File: 65 KB, 1196x304, 1598412268368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is interesting. I guess high thrust allows you to get more out of certain orbital maneuvers?

>> No.12602007
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>> No.12602011
File: 640 KB, 2560x1298, 324io34j23ofpmreks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros...tell me it's not true...

>> No.12602012

>I guess high thrust allows you to get more out of certain orbital maneuvers?
Yup. You thrust as hard as you can at perigee to raise your orbit proportionally more. It's a thrust-constrained maneuver, not an Isp constrained maneuver.

>> No.12602013

>RS-25 to be reusable one day
yeah, if LMT finds a customer willing to put an RS-25 on a rocket that doesn't throw itself in the ocean

>> No.12602015

I see. I thought that ISP was the end-all in space, but it looks like things are more nuanced than that

>> No.12602017

It's a pretty fucking bold statement to say the least, not that some journalist would be able to give a usable estimation

>> No.12602020
File: 165 KB, 681x1024, SLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, except you're wrong about one thing. SLS is beautiful.

>> No.12602021

>criticizing elon time
get new material

>> No.12602022

It's completely impossible. You need 1 period for starship test that it can arriva 1 period to send equipment for ISRU, 1 period so it can show it can return.

thats an insanely accelerated schedule and its 6 years total, you dont make it in time even if you start in 2022

>> No.12602024

Yes. It is so because the optimum window to perform a certain maneuver is instant, but you can't dump all the dV you need to instantly, so some of the propellant will be used out of the optimal window. If you have higher thrust you can spend your dV in a shorter amount of time and be more efficient.

>> No.12602026

>yahoo life
>b-buh nasa says it can’t be done! mike pence! untested!

>> No.12602029
File: 38 KB, 1196x132, EsGgMuRUcAIhvlE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paid spacex shitposters when

>> No.12602030

all-glass buildings are so soulless

>> No.12602031


>> No.12602033

Saturn color scheme > orange with bare boosters > orange with worm on boosters > orange with racing stripes on boosters

>> No.12602036

it lets you get ridiculous performance out of your first stage, which is a bad thing to optimize for
Centaur is probably the lowest wet mass stage possible for its capabilities

>> No.12602038

Love that Musk is inspired by the Soviet space program.

>> No.12602041

literally me

>> No.12602042
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, independence and freedom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602050

Imagine living there and being advised to leave your home EVERY time there's a static fire

Also the only time it gives is between 8am and 5pm so presumably they expect people to vacate their houses for that ENTIRE time


>> No.12602053

A small price to pay for an autistic Mars colony

>> No.12602057

So this thing - >>12601553 - means there's a static fire tomorrow right?

>> No.12602061

typically you just put a number down but maybe the mexicans went all The Prisoner

>> No.12602066

Only in a perfect scenario: Starship and Super Heavy both work in 2022, base building robots or prefabs get sent to Mars in 2024, and humans arrive in 2026. It's possible, but not feasible. My bet is on 2030, with lunar Starship sending people to the Moon in 2026.

>> No.12602090

isn't it only asking you to vacate when the siren goes off?

>> No.12602092

Almost no one lives there anymore besides SpaceX employees and those left renting their homes after SpaceX bought them out. They made out pretty well, given something like 3x what their properties were valued at.

>> No.12602093

no, the only time when they should leave is when the siren goes off

>> No.12602110

Striving for it is better than just assuming it's impossible and being like NASA

>> No.12602114

I think there is a 50% chance of reaching mars in 2026 with humans. Depends on if they get orbital this year or not.

>> No.12602117

no shit dumbass, it's all about density

>> No.12602122


>> No.12602129

why doesn't nasa just rebuild saturn v?

>> No.12602131

The Caribbean and Seychelles look like good locations for the oil rigs.

>> No.12602136

if density is the actual deciding factor why does everyone talk about isp instead?

I wish the conversation would shift to delta v. ISP is just a single variable in the equation and only so informative by itself.

>> No.12602138

BE-4s are installed

>> No.12602143

Christ what has taken them so long, and why a video on installing the engines?

>> No.12602149

>And we do it for free.

>> No.12602150

shame they're not going to do anything

>> No.12602154
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>> No.12602173

I'm okay with this. Apollo is over. What are they using the space for though?

>> No.12602182

Couldn't they have modified it to fit SLS?
The tank diameter is the same and the SRBs too

>> No.12602195

>he's never taken advantage of the oberth effect
Play KSP

>> No.12602196

I think SLS is going to 39B?

>> No.12602199

>out of space

>> No.12602204

Why launch from oil rigs?

>> No.12602211

they were 600 million new. 3.5mil used. why not?
in the end it saves money vs building a brand new sea platform.

or do you mean launching from sea in general?

>> No.12602212

Later one

>> No.12602216

can get the fuel pumped strait into the rocket from the earth, obviously.

>> No.12602217

launching on land is a pain in the dick with a ton of regulatory hassles

>> No.12602218

How can they do cost projections when they are only launching once a year and the budget is well over 1 billion a year

>> No.12602223

less regulations. less risk of killing people like china. less complaints due to sonic booms.

>> No.12602226
File: 796 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210119-235410_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's confirmed bros.

>> No.12602228

You can move the launchsite to wherever it is required to be.
For 0° inclination you want to be on the equator or you need to fly a dogleg maneuver wich costs you quite some payload capacity.
And 0° is realy popular for communication sattelites as GEO is 0° inclination.

>> No.12602231

Old news, and those are just pathfinder engines, not flight articles.

>> No.12602233

launching a rocket is the kind of thing you can never do far enough away from people.

>> No.12602235

>implying teslarati's sources aren't just the tweets we have already seen

>> No.12602241

Why making a rocket from the sixties, when you can drown billions pretending that you are making a rocket from the eighties, while trying to convince the public it's all new, filled with latest technologies?

>> No.12602243

Why else would Elon like the tweet?

>> No.12602245

Biggest reason: no overland travel. SS big. F9 is sized the way it is specifically so it can get around on semis, but size is the limiting factor on rocket performance.
Other reasons: High cadence means the necessity of multiple launch platforms, this will ultimately be easier to scale than grabbing up land mass every time an expansion is needed. Launching SS is a huge sound hazard, taking it 50-100 miles offshore to launch it eliminates evacuation measures. In the future, they could move the platforms more equatorial for a slight performance boost.

>> No.12602247

It was shut down over a redundant component failure or perhaps a sensor malfunction
Normal in testing
Which should mean they refill and do another test a day later after confirming the failed component is unnecessary for launch

NASA’s failure is not being able to do another test

>> No.12602253

Ahhh hadn't noticed that detail
Well maybe he's just fucking around but you have a point

>> No.12602263

I don't know anything about moving oil rigs around, but I can't imagine they would be moving it around a whole lot once it's out at sea, especially if they have a high launch cadence. I'm sure they'll keep their platforms near the US at least at first.

>> No.12602265

to get the flight cadence needed for rapid reuse/orbital refueling you can't do it on land

>> No.12602270

Don’t be color blind

>> No.12602275

That's the interesting part:
If you launch from the equator, you have no payload penalty for higher inclinations and can launch efficiently to 0° inclination.
That's half the reason ESA launches from south america near the equator.

>> No.12602276

>seeing color
What are you, racist?

>> No.12602277

True, it says "it is recommended that you consider temporarily vacating yourself... during the Space Flight Activities. At a minimum, you must exit your home... when you hear the police sirens"

So yes, at a minimum vacate when the siren goes off. But that's only the minimum recommendation.

Ah right okay thanks

>> No.12602280

test shot starfish (spacex webcast music)

>> No.12602291


>> No.12602296
File: 879 KB, 1837x926, Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some OC for you.

>> No.12602299

You don’t need to waste a period testing... you can test it by going to the moon and back
Test reentry on Earth from interplanetary velocity
They will send people before any return flights

So it’ll be one “test” period with multiple starships carrying earth movers to dig out and create a landing area + set up initial solar power + send out rovers to prospect around the area + send out flying drone to map

Then you have people going the next synod

>> No.12602301

I'd say humans on mars in 2030 (latest)

>> No.12602305

It's good because it lets you make a smaller, lighter lower stage and that's literally all there is to it. Unless you need to sling very heavy satellites past Jupiter there's no need to waste money on hydromeme.

>> No.12602307

wtf am i looking at

>> No.12602309

>landing attempt 1
>serene drone shot following the boat as it drifts along
>cut to pilot, strapped in his chair, in tears, begging for mercy

>> No.12602310


>> No.12602314
File: 54 KB, 612x615, B17070BD-FB71-41E7-9653-70D70B772F59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Blue Origin boat operator
>New Glenn comes in for a landing
>Engine fails, New Glenn crashes into the deck and skills the crew

>> No.12602316

I wonder how much the upkeep an oil rig needs. I can't imagine they're cheap to maintain.

>> No.12602317

I hope they're going to armor the bridge

>> No.12602319

Because it's wrong, you need three things, the mass ratio, ISP, and the thrust. You can't simplify this further and expect realistic or accurate results.

>> No.12602336

most of the upkeep should be in the pipes and such on deck, it's about the same as a launch site on land

>> No.12602341

I tried to find a figure for the rigs they bought and only saw an unsourced 20m/yr, whatever it is it's significant but would easily pay for itself with any amount of launches. Easy to understand why they were willing to practically give them away though.

>> No.12602342

I know the benefit of equatorial launch. I'm just questioning whether SpaceX would go through the hassle of moving a rig there starting out.

>> No.12602349

Without actually needing to maintain a working oil drill and storage system I would imagine the upkeep is significantly lower for a glorified floating brick.

>> No.12602356

Hey guys I’m not really a spaceflight guy but I’m having trouble with a crossword puzzle. What’s the name for the maneuver Falcon 9 uses to land. I tried “suicide” and “suicide burn” but it doesn’t fit. Something about getting your velocity to zero just as you touch the ground...

>> No.12602358

>france literally already on the equator
is this how europe regains dominance

>> No.12602360

Yeah. I don't think it's quite going to be a floating brick though, they're still at the very least going to be running water suppression and desalination and modifying for methalox storage, probably eventually going to produce on site.

>> No.12602361


>> No.12602362

I feel like there's a subtle troll here I'm not seeing, but hoverslam is the SpaceX word for it

>> No.12602363

Do you think they'll ship Superheavy out to the rig by boat, or hop it there?

>> No.12602367

I think producing on site would be far into the future when it is ultra reliable. One bad RUD and you are out all your investment.

>> No.12602369

hopping would be awesome so i hope they do that.

>> No.12602376

They will do neither, Jeff Who will sue the fuck out of Musk for stealing his patented boat recovery technology. It’s only a matter of time. Musk is finished; gradatim ferociter

>> No.12602379

>Storing fuel
>On a platform purpose built to receive pipelines


>> No.12602384

Hopping it there would be fucking based, but I don't think they will risk prematurely kamikazeing their brand new million dollar launch platform for a while lol

>> No.12602387

Because they need to fuel their rockets?

>> No.12602388

VO can just launch one rocket, land the 747, load another rocket, take off and launch again. What they need to focus on is making the rockets simpler and cheaper. They should really take another look at using solid fueled 3d-printed engines which could be fabricated quickly and easily customized for the desired launched profile.

>> No.12602391

The best quote from that book is the one about Chroline Trifluoride.

>> No.12602392

Well, oil platforms are meant to tank hurricanes and thus are built like brick shithouses, and thats before whatever modifications SpaceX adds to these things. If they do hop Superheavy over to the platforms and something goes wrong, I expect the platform to come out of it intact, especially since a hop means by the time the booster gets there it'll have little more than fumes in the tanks.

>> No.12602394

Did you think they were going to pipe in lox and liquid methane with the same equipment you would use to pipe out crude?

>> No.12602395


>> No.12602397


>> No.12602400

Surely some of it could be repurposed. Regardless, the long term costs of building and running a pipeline would be way cheaper than shipping thousands of tonnes out there for every launch.

>> No.12602401

Good point, plus even if they painstakingly bring it out there via boat, they are still gonna have to hop it and catch it soon. So they might as well just hop it to the platform anyways

>> No.12602403

>footage from the leaked stream
Heh, thanks again Virgin CubeSat anon

>> No.12602404

given the current cost reduction of starship, and if it really works. Couldn't they just ignore the isru aspect of it? I mean for the price of one sls launch you could send 40 starships filled with jerry cans of fuel. Then the first crew just unloads those into their starship and yeet the fuck away. You also have 40 starships for spare parts.

Like, for a boots mission it makes sense as long as youre not using nasa level of space is hard payment for things

>> No.12602410

Even if they did, they would still need on site storage. Going straight from a X mile long pipeline to rocket with no intermediary storage would be a logistical nightmare.
And no it would very much need new pipelines. Trying to pipe low temperature liquids through undersea pipes made for a room temperature liquid does not get you a low temperature liquid at the other end, it gives you a high pressure gas followed by pipe failure.

>> No.12602416

>wrap pipe in insulation
>put it inside another pipe
>wrap that in insulation
>pipe at subcooled temps
Problem solved

If necessary just buy another oil rig at the halfway mark to cryo cool the fluids again

>> No.12602420

I want to draw a Kirby in that dust.

>> No.12602423

>you don't need new pipes
>you just need... new pipes
Okay, glad we settled that.

>> No.12602425
File: 142 KB, 1336x1781, 254497f4f996082806655fb98567e4f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw a Yuno instead

>> No.12602430

These welds are disasters
Is SpaceX really...

>> No.12602431

yes, SpaceX needs some serious help re: welding shit in a field in Texas, but it seems to be working

>> No.12602436

Chinktoons are so soulless

>> No.12602439


>> No.12602441
File: 143 KB, 638x680, c6d7fbdc0b6293cdebe5453b568a23d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take that back

>> No.12602448

>Going straight from a X mile long pipeline to rocket with no intermediary storage would be a logistical nightmare

I don't see why.

>> No.12602451
File: 141 KB, 1600x901, 1564772364996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were they thinking?

>> No.12602455

Yeah, that's what happens when you don't hire competent white craftsmen. Funnily enough the shit beaner welds still seem to be working well enough though.

>> No.12602457

They were thinking Dragon would fall behind schedule so they would be okay

>> No.12602458

you need to cryocool it at the launch site anyway with liquid nitrogen in order to get it subcooled, so if you can keep it liquid the whole pipeline (is this possible?) with insulation then it's fine
nah, that's what happens when you're not hiring from an established base of welders
they're probably not paying enough to attract the really good traveling welders

>> No.12602470

If cheap Mexican welders from brownsville is good enough then good for spacex

>> No.12602471

We can send humans to Mars right now. But, similar to the clickbait headline, there is this minor detail that they will die on the way there.

>> No.12602476
File: 310 KB, 799x1024, 799px-Apollo_Saturn_V_Test_Vehicle_-_GPN-2000-000615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602480

They will eventually replace them with robots anyways. It doesnt matter what they look like now as long as they pass inspection and dont explode.

>> No.12602481

>massive retarded slow overbuilt joke

Ahhhh NASA

>> No.12602493
File: 2.04 MB, 1169x1500, GPN-2000-001854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your launch platform and tower

>> No.12602494
File: 259 KB, 1600x1008, BuMBdmK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trains are better anyway

>> No.12602501

Piping in methane using LNG hardware seems trivial? I'm not an oil rig though

>> No.12602511

Because now your fillup sequence requires coordinating across 50 miles to keep things in sync when you could have just topped up from tanks right next to you. Good job saving pennies on making a tank, your reward is a communications deadlock that keeps your rocket from flying.

>> No.12602514

>I'm not an oil rig though
Neither are we man, neither are we

>> No.12602515
File: 75 KB, 380x247, 1422140193092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not an oil rig though

>> No.12602520

>I'm not an oil rig though
HAHAHAHAHA imagine admiting that

>> No.12602521

Well I asked this before, but would there even be LNG wells or pipelines? I'm only aware of LNG production on land.

>> No.12602522

>I'm not an oil rig though
That sounds like something an oil rig would say.

>> No.12602524

>MLP-1 (ML-3) is presently being loaded with concrete blocks to simulate the mass of the SLS rocket and its launch umbilical tower. Once it is heavy enough, MLP-1 will be picked up by one of NASA's two crawler-transporters and driven along the river rock-covered crawlerway that extends from the VAB to the launchpad. This "conditioning" will ensure the crawlerway is ready for the weight of the SLS.


>> No.12602526

Isn't that one of the big problems N1 encountered? That it was too big to be shipped by train so they had to disassemble it, ship it part by part, and then reassemble it on-site?

>> No.12602537
File: 718 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210120-013040_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I know that the SLS is not reusable, but holy fucking shit. The core stage can only be fueled NINE times. Wtf is going on at boing and NASA? Is space really that hard?

>> No.12602543

Oh boy.

>> No.12602545
File: 529 KB, 1600x1067, Proton_SES6-Roscosmos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's also why Proton looks the way it does. But, and I don't know why they didn't think of this, the answer as always is more trains. Use five, fuck it, use ten

>> No.12602550

HAHAHAHA WHAT, hydromeme really is a meme

>> No.12602555

>1 fueling left
>Historic crewed mission on the pad
>Clouds on the horizon
>NASA tech, sweating: I-it's fine

>> No.12602556
File: 863 KB, 500x270, ORANGE ROCKET GOOD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602559

LH2 sucks

>> No.12602560

Just to clarify, this is for SLS Block 1B. Crawlerway's already been conditioned for SLS Block 1.

>> No.12602562

Challenger 2 - Cryo Boogaloo

>> No.12602564

Makes sense, I didn't even know they did something like that

>> No.12602571

the bottom of that rocket looks really cool. Though that empty space in the middle is a bit odd

>> No.12602573

HOLY FUCK this thing was literally designed from the ground up to scrub, break, and require as much money as possible.

>> No.12602576

It's like how those steamrollers go over building sites and compact the dirt. Except since they don't build steamrollers that big, they're just sticking a load of bricks on the crawler and driving it back and forth.

>> No.12602579

what are they gonna do to these oil rigs? scrap all the towers and buildings and pave it with cement? will there be a building on there for people (during operations) or too dangerous?

>> No.12602580

SLS delayed by another 20 years

>> No.12602594

but why? Temperature stresses? Hydrogen being a bitch?

>> No.12602601

hydrogen embrittlement?

>> No.12602602

i heard that there was also another time constraint regarding the solid boosters. Which have to be assembled at least a certain amount before but they have a very strict expiration date and if they miss it they have to assemble new ones

>> No.12602607

>what are they gonna do to these oil rigs? scrap all the towers and buildings and pave it with cement? will there be a building on there for people (during operations) or too dangerous?
you dont even need to pave it, leave the frame alone so the flames get diverted into the ocean

>> No.12602611
File: 1.96 MB, 2100x1500, X_band_radar_platform_entering_Pearl_on_Heavy_lift_Marlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space X should use the X-Band platform

fuck, sea platforms and oil rigs are so fucking cool, especially if you're launching rockets from them, extra cool

>> No.12602615
File: 1.35 MB, 2100x1500, Blue_Marlin_transporting_sea-based_X-band_radar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12602616

cyo cycling and thermal shock.

>> No.12602617
File: 62 KB, 600x450, Angara_A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. If someone made a list of everything that is wrong with SLS it would take a week to read it all

>> No.12602618

that's no x band radar! that's henlein's torchship/time machine in disguise!!!!

-damn these communists are onto me
*takes off and vaporizes half the port*

>> No.12602621

this thing just sits out at sea collecting SIGINT, it's fucking cool

>> No.12602624

How much propellant does that ball store?

>> No.12602633

Underslung GSE hardware, flat top with bare steel/other very tough material.

>> No.12602634
File: 2.39 MB, 3000x2311, tkQIiNJzoaU5u_A8F9YNA2zbCJz8hUIDBG3VnN_2psE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602638

The Artemis 1 SRBs only have about a year left on them.

>> No.12602639

That is a lot of words, anon. Like a million or more.

>> No.12602650

I just think it's great that the diameter and overall design of Proton is was governed by how much Russian railways were able to carry. That's not something you usually factor in while bolting something together is KSP

>> No.12602654
File: 2.99 MB, 800x1026, SLS_contractors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The list would have to be broken up into "technical", "political", "run-off", and "cultural" sub-lists, but it can be done

>> No.12602659
File: 155 KB, 760x1098, Peter Elson (69).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602661


>> No.12602665
File: 49 KB, 645x773, wojak sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fewer regulations, smaller risk, fewer complaints

>> No.12602668
File: 298 KB, 1156x1600, Peter Elson (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12602671


>> No.12602672

looking up rocket porn?

>> No.12602679

what we really need is a spectacular failure so that congress finally pulls the plug on that shit.

Like, right now if they launch as is they risk launching with one engine less on a craft that DOES NOT have engine out capability.

but if they schedule another test? how long will it take? what if they find another failure? what if the testing CAUSES another failure and they end up not making it cause the srbs expire. Frankly i prefer a spectacular explosion so that light is shedded on it.

Its also very likely cause im not sure if there's one person left on it without the "hey i only get paid to do this task " mentality

told ya

>> No.12602685

>what we really need is a spectacular failure so that congress finally pulls the plug on that shit.
Would they really though? Why would they do that instead of using the failure as an excuse to further draw out the development?

>> No.12602692

>Would they really though? Why would they do that instead of using the failure as an excuse to further draw out the development?
there is a point in which the failure does get too ridiculous. If they spent 50 billion on a firecracker and the james webb telescope is on it, then there's a point in which someone wil ldraw the line and say. Nope, that's it, we're just buying starships and thats the end of it

>> No.12602694

>direct matter-to-momentum drive
is there any more chad propulsion system? no.

>> No.12602698

>Crew Dragon looks like a mini spaceship
>Starliner looks like a flying ricecooker

>> No.12602702

how long do we have again until the srbs expire?

>> No.12602703

>If they spent 50 billion on a firecracker and the james webb telescope is on it
I don't know man, that thing's funding is more solid than anything science has discovered

>> No.12602714

A little less than a year now

>> No.12602717
File: 2.81 MB, 640x480, British_Space_Program.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flies years before sls

>> No.12602720

Lol it's over. No way is this heap of shit launching in less than a year.

>> No.12602725
File: 1.08 MB, 420x230, Ferris Brothers space program.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more flight-time than SLS

>> No.12602726

thats great now they HAVE to launch this year

>> No.12602734


like, congress steals, ok, they are accustomed to steal, fantastic, there's a rigid structure made of private companies and branches of goverment that has been put in place so that congress steals, teeeerrrific i accept all of this. But they have a certain class, they have a certain method to their madness, if they're stealing apollo levels of budget in exchange for literally nothing, or even better, for destroying a sensible portion of apollos budget in infrastructure then

>> No.12602747

then they should be swinging from lampposts, is how that sentence ends.

>> No.12602748

>Lol it's over. No way is this heap of shit launching in less than a year.
please don't make fun of the SLS, each booster can onle be made fun 10 million times until it has to be replaced, we're last to the last thousand

>> No.12602750

What the unholy fuck is that thing

>> No.12602758
File: 167 KB, 240x240, spinning crane IRMA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind of rocket-powered merry-go-round I don't know, I saved it in a random .webm thread one day.

>> No.12602759

Chinese anti-rocket village defense system

>> No.12602766

>rural villagers evolving natural defenses against spent stages
Did the orange smoke make them...stronger?

>> No.12602768


>> No.12602770
File: 351 KB, 1920x1080, artemis suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602782
File: 391 KB, 993x1500, rocket_festival_yasothon_thailand_2016+(16+of+29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thai Buddhist festival thing

>> No.12602790

>the james webb telescope
literally forgot this nigga existed. He’s gonna launch in 7 years and then be broken so they have to design a vehicle to fix him in orbit

>> No.12602795

They have a rocket festival?
That sounds awesome, I want a rocket festival. I'd trade the county fair for that, or fuck it combine the two so I can eat deep-fried butter and watch rockets all day while drinking.

>> No.12602806
File: 5 KB, 1683x28, justwst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He’s gonna launch in 7 years
It WILL launch this year

>> No.12602810

Don't jinx it

>> No.12602811
File: 198 KB, 1080x1080, apollo_17_-_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new space suit look like ass.

>> No.12602812

Bro I barely even noticed you attached an image. And fuck naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw it ain't launching this year

>> No.12602817

I'll do anything within my powers to

>> No.12602818

pls no bully, it's way more mobile. And will probably be used by SpaceX (unless they are prepared to make a suit themselves)

>> No.12602821

I hope if it's SpaceX they make it a man just to laugh at all the REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that'll occur

>> No.12602823

>please don't make fun of the SLS
This gives off the vibes of "please don't make fun of mentally impaired children". I didn't think it could get sadder.

>> No.12602824

have you heard about the time they grabbed a random nigga and said:
-hey random nigga why dont you go clean up my premium telescopes anus, now you be very careful it aint any telescope anus

and the nigga replied

-nigga bitch please you think its the first time ill go gentle on her dont ya worry homie i got you covered aight

so the nigga went and bought like the randomnest of soaps and caused 500 million dollars in damages

-nigga what the fuck you wreckted my telescope's anus

-ohhh niga my bad, i didnt think like, there would be a problem or anything

-you know what homie dont sweat it aiiight ? imma call my homie congress and hell fix us right up, while youre here, want an extra mil or something?

-ahhh thanks my homie you the man

>> No.12602833

Don't kid yourself, they'll probably use some sort of fuckhuge elevator. Multiple people will be able to take the first step together. Although if I'm somehow on that flight you can bet your ass I will purposefully step on the soil first just to ensure no w*man can get the honors

>> No.12602835

imagine if china plays 5d chess and sents a probe to mars in the next sinoid, which at the last possible moment sends a transmission back to earth claiming it identifies itself as a woman man cat and whale and several other things, therefore making china the first person to send people to mars as well as many other firsts

>> No.12602836
File: 334 KB, 1920x1200, Traveler_s_rest_desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602839

So the legend goes

>> No.12602842

They already designed their own suits (which also look kind of bad), so I think it's safe to assume they'll also make any EVA suit themselves.

>> No.12602844
File: 259 KB, 600x800, havesuit7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602852
File: 217 KB, 1200x675, EBE85A65-57C0-4F40-B739-77F7BFC1B2B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee wizz, it sure is a nice day to be a telescope today, december first, 2020.
Hey, whats that fella doing with a sniper rifle?

>> No.12602853

It’s gonna be in orbit around the sun not the earth so if something breaks you can’t fix it.

>> No.12602857

How much will it cost?

>> No.12602859

i so wish more of that was made up


>In another error, the wrong solvent was used in cleaning thrusters. And the wrong kind of wiring led to excessive voltage. Those three errors — the screws, the solvent, the wiring — set the project back 1½ years and about $600million, the review board concluded.

> $600million
> $600million
> $600million
>1½ years
>1½ years
>1½ years
>the wrong solvent
>the wrong solvent
>the wrong solvent

have you ever got screamed at by your boss because you put less coffe in his sugar than he asked?

>> No.12602871
File: 67 KB, 388x535, megaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602880

Im guessing you meant less sugar in his coffe, but frankly, if i have to rate worst work screw ups, whoever gave the ok for this game cover >>12602871
is way worse than anything nasa ever done

>> No.12602883
File: 599 KB, 2036x1508, Please be patient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602884

>screw thread fittings
so advanced

>> No.12602893

you're just jealous because you can't do cool action poses on the moon in sexy space suits

>> No.12602897

Well I guess that crosses SpaceX's "alcohol in the sensors" landing failure off as the worst failure cause by engine cleaning solvents. Congrats, NASA.

>> No.12602905

And here’s our billion dollar vertical assembly building
Is there a reason for vertical assembly? Well no... but the military likes it and what’s a few billion dollars between pals

>> No.12602906
File: 2.36 MB, 320x310, laugh-bismuth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12602914

It's just funny the diagram pointed it out

>> No.12602917
File: 207 KB, 900x1200, Highbay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey that's pretty cool, let me try!"

>> No.12602918
File: 1.09 MB, 1714x2926, Mark-III_D-RATS_2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck did you say?

>> No.12602935

>And the wrong kind of wiring led to excessive voltage.

Electrician here, absolute pure incompetence on display. Those wires are probably specially colour coded with one off special snowflakes fittings to ensure they only go in the relevant ports. How the fuck did they manage to screw it up?

>Six hundred million dollars to fix some seals, replace some screw and rewire a few components

Sasuga oldspace, need to get into the space hardware wiring business and get a cut of that.

>> No.12602943
File: 25 KB, 554x554, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being one of the dudes who worked on some space related shit, you see it catastrophically malfunction and all you can think about is that one bolt that you couldn't quite get to fit right or the grease your post lunch fingers left on a wiring terminal.


>> No.12602957

Yeah, I've seen all those haunted looks from mission control after columbia and challenger. I feel like the looks of the VAB crew must be absolutely haunting

>> No.12602958

imagine being a russian worker, you hammered a sensor on upside down and screwed a 100 million dollar rocket. Now you got a funny story to tell at bar, haha next round on me comrade have i told you the time i broke a rocket? if roscosmos manager asks, im not here

>> No.12602962

That man fast traveled to the gulag

>> No.12602964

-ahh, this train scene take forever, when we arrive siberia?
-Don't worry comrade, press triangle to fast travel

>> No.12602970

looks ridiculous but highly functional at the same time

>> No.12602972

>White man lands on Mars to become first human
>Steps back into spaceship, changes identity to woman
>Steps back onto surface to becomw first woman on Mars
>Does the same thing but as a black man, then black woman, etc.
>Gets through all the races, genders, sexualities and species, then becomes a white man again and remains so for the rest of his while getting to be the first [everything] on Mars
>Calls everyone who complains a racist, sexist, transphobe, etc

>> No.12602974

or the idiot who switched the cables on the last vega launch

>> No.12602978

-Hey Sergei, this soyuz has hole in it, is no good of go to space station
-Da da Ivan, i know. Don't worry so much it will cause you health problem. Hand me that crazy glue.

>> No.12602981

Leftists don't hate SpaceX, it's not that simple. Purple-haired lesbians on the left hate it, just like toothless hicks on the right hate it.
But the latter don't know how to use computers so you don't hear from them.

>> No.12602983

>goes back into spaceship
>gets other member of the crew to top him
>can say he has not only explored the surface but also the insides of an extrasolar planet

>> No.12602985

Read about how many soviet Venus landers where fucked for random reasons, they had the worst luck ever on those missions. Fucking expensive mission rekt by a stuck lens cap

>> No.12602986

shutout to whoever fucked up the wiring int the fourth Vega stage on it's most recent launch

>> No.12602988

Why the FUCK was EVERYTHING in Apollo so FUCKING AESTHETIC??? Literally nothing looks bad, it all looks so fucking cool.

>> No.12602989

>just like toothless hicks on the right hate it.
I live around toothless hicks and can tell you flatly they know nothing of SpaceX or space in general. What are you basing this idea on exactly?

>> No.12602991

>Why the FUCK was EVERYTHING in Apollo so FUCKING AESTHETIC??? Literally nothing looks bad, it all looks so fucking cool.
well, a whole generation's (at least 1) aesthetic was shaped around those images, that's probably why

>> No.12602992

>Identifies as Earth
>Colonists take turn standing on him
>Gets to say the crew returned safely

>> No.12602993

>ISRO green run test.webm

>> No.12602995

Because it had soul

>> No.12603006

The anti-science types that think space is a waste of time and money. Conspiracy theorists/flat-earthers/moon-hoaxers. People who hate Musk for being an immigrant and making electric cars to take away muh oil jobs. People who think global warming is a scam so solar panels are gay.

>> No.12603008

Why would the right hate spacex?

>> No.12603014


>> No.12603017

You need to get off the internet.

>> No.12603024

It's a leftoid cope and strawman based off the GOP cuckservatives paid off by oil companies. Leftoids by far make up the biggest anti Elon block.

>> No.12603027

Strawman: built
Strawman: destroyed

>> No.12603032

Left hates him because he's rich and white, boomers hate him because space is hard

>> No.12603033

Whoever invented the captcha gets the airlock

>> No.12603037
File: 66 KB, 680x509, 91FE91B6-A1BB-4CFF-9045-E77ACBADA90F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space exploration is faggot shit, when are we going to get space WARS?

>> No.12603048

You should have seen the site before captcha you newfag. Absolute fucking impossible shitshow of spam and bullshit. That being said, implementing the Google one is horseshit and no doubt all of your 4chan posts are logged and recorded in some Google server somewhere.

>> No.12603049

First space war will be SpaceX v Blue Origin

>> No.12603056

Whenever Musk’s heir declares Mars independent of earth.

>> No.12603060

>Absolute fucking impossible shitshow of spam and bullshit
gee i’m glad they stopped the spam. BTW you hear about the one electron universe?

>> No.12603063

How can BO have a space war if they have never been to space?

>> No.12603066


>> No.12603067
File: 302 KB, 750x406, 1E37AECB-7782-425E-A28C-1568E3706EC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who exactly is NASA trying to troll? SLS is one big joke, and they just posted this

>> No.12603072


A small minority do; just as a small minority of the left do. The narrative being pushed on /sfg/ is that everyone on the left hates Musk/Spaceflight which is utter bullshit. The vast majority of scientists are left-wing. /pol/tards see everything in black and white so space=good, left=bad, therefore left=no space.

>> No.12603073
File: 811 KB, 2048x1387, Screenshot_20210119-174938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12603076

>Street race between a McLaren and a Hot Wheels

>> No.12603078

Is your worldview constructed entirely from memes or are you shitposting?
-t. rural retard who actually lives with the people you're attempting to describe

>> No.12603092

Linus is doing a video on Starlink

>> No.12603112

>Some """astronomer""" sperging and crying the in the comments
>Click on his profile
>Covid worshipping libcunt

Like clockwork

>> No.12603116
File: 1.15 MB, 627x632, Wall-E Eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12603124

Lad you are strawmanning a too hard.

I’m pretty sure the only group I have ever seen get salty at spacex has been the left and /pol/ seems to be pretty fond of Musk especially after he called out who owns the press and the censorship of social media.

And I’m starting to become convinced that you are baiting by saying the right can only see things in a black or white vision as throwing stones in a house that fragile seems incomprehensible to me, but then the left have been doing that an awful lot lately so maybe you are serious.

>> No.12603125

>Is your worldview constructed entirely from memes or are you shitposting?
You just described 90% of conservatives online

>> No.12603127

that's a very kerbal looking rocket

>> No.12603131

It seems that you're not using an approved browser, citizen!
I've found that what it craves is mouse movement. If I circle my pointer around ten times before each time I click (including the button at the bottom), it rarely makes me do a third round. If you get any slow fades, that means you're going too fast.
Captcha still sucks, but it sucks less when you know how to appease it.

>> No.12603132

You could have just said "yes" with fewer words

>> No.12603138

Source? I can't find a connection of that image with NASA

>> No.12603140

With a PhD in astronomy

>> No.12603142

What conservatives online? They just got purged again. Retards like you shout into an echo chamber of ignorance knowing that anybody who tries to call you out will be purged and thus lacking an actual opponent to argue with you resort to straw men as you have shown this thread, but this isn’t r*ddit and we aren’t going to jerk you off in agreement.

>> No.12603143

I can't think of a more worthless stem degree. Liberal arts tier.

>> No.12603156

Those people are fucking fictional, it's a strawman people living in big shithole cities always make when talking about more rural people. All right wing people I know love SpaceX, I've only ever seen pissy commie journalists being mad at Musk.

>> No.12603176

Moved rurally a few years ago, can confirm. Ruralfags are, for the most part, are total bros and top tier cunts in general. Would never move back to a city again.

>> No.12603181
File: 3.88 MB, 333x250, aerospike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily post

>> No.12603182

Retards on both the left and the right see things in black and white

>> No.12603185

astronomers are the new old space, crying about a changing world instead of changing with it.

>> No.12603210

>called venture star
>could never leave LEO if it worked as designed

Really makes ya think

>> No.12603212

They should be fucking celebrating, starship will allow them to spam the solar system with telescopes

>> No.12603217

How will I take silly long exposure pictures through my backyard telescope and post it on insta though

>> No.12603221

But muh shitty pictures I take in the yard totally contribute to #science

>> No.12603223

>BTFO by fucking hawaiians
>Can’t even get one (1) telescope into orbit on time
>literally don’t do anything, psychologists of space.
>graphic designers do all the work to make their garbage into the cool space propaganda pumped out to get nasa it’s welfare bucks

>> No.12603226
File: 211 KB, 2048x1126, just like the old days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crowdfund a few hundred bucks
>rent an hour on one of the many, many space telescopes launched via Starship
>post results to your gay-ass followers, soak up all the (you)s and more donations
Rinse and repeat, it's filthy but it's a surefire moneymaker in the event that space-based observations get real cheap

>> No.12603260

Uh based.

>> No.12603265


Check the comments about anything Elon on reddit. Hating Elon is 100% reddit teir.

>> No.12603268


>> No.12603279

Libs hate space, takes away for their welfare programs.

>> No.12603298

Reddit's opinion on Elon is
>evil white man
>evil billionaire man
>evil factory owner man
>evil journalist trolling man
>stupid anti masker that doesn't understand science
>thunderf00t DEBOOONKED Elon's twitter joke
Those motherfuckers always show up during scientific discoveries, saying how the money could have been better spent on breeding Africans.
>we must solve the HUMAN problems on earth first!

>> No.12603303

>thunderf00t DEBOOONKED Elon's twitter joke
Which was?

>> No.12603307

And he called that diver a pedo

>Hint you don't go to thailand for the food.

>> No.12603314

Thrusters on a Tesla if I remember correctly.
kek, forgot about that debacle.

>> No.12603323

iirc they made that guy out to be a hero and he was literally just some peanut gallery fuck

>> No.12603327

Is that supposed to be growing out of regolith?

>> No.12603329

Thai food a shit but the music industry and architecture scene are growing there. I've been thinking of going for a visit. Phuket is also a popular beach destination for wealthy foreigners.

>> No.12603334

musk has a couple of terrible ideas and his weird sub was one of them. the hyperloop continues to be terrible, he should market it as what it is: secret tunnels for the rich to get around faster and without the plebs

>> No.12603337

and in near-vacuum.

>> No.12603341

Dude was 100% there to fuck little kids.

>> No.12603342

Should be "OF GERMANIA"

>> No.12603347

Having some shit ideas seem to push his success a lot. He really isn't scared of throwing money or time after dreams, even though they might not be viable all the time. It's a billion times better then 99.99% of all companies that no matter how rich they get never take any chances or do anything crazy.

>> No.12603348

The Boring Company is doing well though?

>> No.12603349

>"There's just one way out of this cave boys, and it's going to cost you. Now line up, this is gonna take a while"

>> No.12603364

kekus maximus

>> No.12603369

Looks like an endocrine failure case too.

>> No.12603389

>click on his profile
>every post is snarky bullshit
>he's angry at two women for taking a walk
Fuck these people are cumbersome, at least engineering students seem pretty levelheaded.

>> No.12603400

Sweaty, Boring Company tunnels are almost exclusively used for public transportation projects because the cost of tunneling is still too high for any other use. The sub likely would have worked and they were building it under the directive of those leading the rescue mission. The pedo guy wasn't on the dive team, he just gave them advice about the cave and then sat around collecting media attention.

The thing is that there is a lot of valid criticism to hurl against Musk or his companies, this almost never happens because the people that have Musk derangement syndrome just repeat the same easily disproven lies over and over again. It's like the apartheid emeralds accusations, the mine was located in Zambia, not South Africa, and his father didn't own the whole thing.

>> No.12603403

>Conspiracy theorists/flat-earthers/moon-hoaxers

The real issue are liberals who hate "rich man going to space"/those who would rather defund space for global warming and those conservatives who would rather cancel space because they didn't win jobs for their states.

>> No.12603404

why would anyone get mad at him for his father? he seems to loathe the man for pulling a woody allen.

>> No.12603406

It is always commies like you using terms like "the rich" to collectively shame white people who didn't parasitically steal their wealth and cheat their way through life.

>> No.12603408

it would be kinda based if we could engineer plants to absorb co2 through its roots and somehow withstand vacuum conditions

>> No.12603420
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>> No.12603421

Muh intergenerational wealth gained from oppressing the black man. Discard the fact that It's not even true lmao...

>> No.12603427

They aren't that bad honestly

>> No.12603432

No, you go for the rocket festivals >>12602782

>> No.12603433

The temperature variations are probably even more difficult to get around. There's also UVC and less water than a summer in the Sahara.

>> No.12603445

gwynne said they'd make their own spacesuits i think

>> No.12603448

I will pray that skintight tech explodes in the next few years, and SpaceX will have access to cool spacesuit technology

>> No.12603452
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>filthy white racist opposing expanded internet for disprivileged groups
>so he and his fellow racists can look through their million-dollar telescope, a monument to white privilege itself
spacex should literally use this line of thinking as a defense against telescope libs. Yeah it's dumb but it's the world we live in now. Gotta know how to use this stuff to your own advantage

>> No.12603460

Deciding between looking at stars in their backyard, and pacific island tribes having netflix will cause a lot of cognitive dissonance in the marxists.

>> No.12603461

>skin tight cameltoe in micro gravity
Imagine the smell

>> No.12603474

Any space habitat would luckily have enough ventilation to avoid astronauts vomiting over each-other after taking bag-baths for a month.

>> No.12603476

>Gwynne in that MIT mechanical pressure biosuit

>> No.12603481

Absolutely devilish

>> No.12603490

Speak for yourself

>> No.12603497
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>> No.12603502
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cool story bro

>> No.12603503

Thread has staged.


>> No.12603505

They're going to spin it as satellite colonialism if he doesn't make it free

>> No.12603523

Awful excuse. In fact, the average normie needs LESS internet