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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 166 KB, 662x614, BENOTAFRAID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1260083 No.1260083 [Reply] [Original]

Why is transhumanism always treated like an impending horror show?

Are people actually afraid we'll look like the fucking BORG or a bunch of grotesque mutants? Has no one ever considered how in a market-driven global economy obsessed with image and ergonomics we'll eventually have these things so streamlined that post-humans will actually look BETTER than we do now? Can no one conceive how future genetic and cybernetic enhancements will probably be fused so seamlessly with the human form that they'll barely even be noticeable and probably look more like magic?

WAKE UP. Stop treating this like it's a disaster waiting to happen. It's the fucking future and it will be BEAUTIFUL.


>> No.1260087

Because Media.

>> No.1260092

transhumanism will no doubt happen but transhuman fans are fucking fags.

>> No.1260094

God DAMMIT! We just had this thread on /tg/!
If this turns into copypasta I'll probably drop a piano on myself.

>> No.1260106

if you would do cybernetic in to your body, could a EMP destroy it?
just wondering.

>> No.1260108


This. In a nutshell.

>> No.1260113


Because people are stupid.

You post on /sci/ you KNOW how fucking dumb some people are. people thing that cell phones give cancer, evolution didn't happen and genetic engineering is a sin.

And I have no doubt that most transhumans will end up looking like the girl on the right. (including Ray Kurzwiel you know that Ramona chick is gonna be his new body).

>> No.1260117

>Why is transhumanism always treated like an impending horror show?

no, its treated as a teenage masturbatory fantasy. the only people treat it as an impending horrorshow are alex jones nut jobs.

>> No.1260120
File: 52 KB, 658x512, transhumanist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1260121

Because people get their perceptions from fiction, and stories where things are pleasantly boring make shity stories, but one full of drama and suffering are interesting. So everyone is way more familiar with killer robots and body horror than useful robots and life helping prosthetics

>> No.1260127

reaching a posthuman state through technology is patently impossible. no matter how many gadgets you add to the human body, it remains a human body. only through countless generations of genetic improvement (if it's even possible) will get to the posthuman state.

>> No.1260131

yeah, but i think the transhumanism will begin with biological engineering, not cybernetic.

>> No.1260134
File: 611 KB, 960x1299, DresdenCodak-2009-09-22-caveman_science_fiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Counter pic.

>> No.1260142


>implying the argument against transhumanism in the other pic is any way related to "YOU'RE PLAYING GOD YOU MONSTER"

>> No.1260143

So in conclusion:

> singularity
rapture for nerds

> transhumanism
teenage masturbatory fantasy


>> No.1260149

Dresden Codak huh? Why amn't I surprised?

There's a middle area between rejecting all technological advancement and keeping it to a realistic perception.

>> No.1260152

OP, it's not like that at all...
We don't like transhumanists because you talk about how great things will be all the time for no reason.
Also, you don't do shit to help mankind you lazy fucks.

>> No.1260153

I hope it never happens. Evolution is a biological mechanism, not a blueprint for society. Transhumanism will result in a pretty unfulfilling human culture.

>> No.1260158

Also, Ray Kurzweil is a fag.

>> No.1260160

Where is this from?

>> No.1260163

Because religion and media. People think our human bodies are some divine sacred creation when it's full of poorly 'designed' systems. Transhumanism is the future. They worry we'll be borg or attaching dinosaur claws to our toes. Which I wouldn't mind doing, actually.

>> No.1260167

Pictures For Sad Children

I'm not really familiar with the comic much though.

>> No.1260168

No, the first is crap for using the "poverty exists therefore progress is capped" argument and the second is crap because Dresden Codak is a douche bag who uses nerd shout outs instead of actual writing.

>> No.1260181

Thank you, kind sir.

>> No.1260187

It is a blueprint, once you understand how to read it. You can rid humanity of some pretty horrific diseases.

>> No.1260191

>Transhumanism will result in a pretty unfulfilling human culture.
Unlike now, huh. Pitying laugh.

>> No.1260196

Nooo! Life with out suffering from arbitrary creeping diseases is spiritually vacant!

>> No.1260197


The reference to poverty and the third-world is that transhumanism will become yet another cause of social stratification as the only people who will be able to afford it, for a while, will be rich people.

Of course transhumanists like to go "oh well, it will soon be available to everyone like computers!" Yeah computers existed how long and they're still not affordable to the poor of the world.

>> No.1260202

that woman looks like a freakshow

>> No.1260206

I support that curing diseases. I don't support endlessly trying to improve humanity's abilities.

>> No.1260208

Because change is scary and older people are always afraid of the newfangled technology and how the kids are so in tune with it.

No git off mah lawn!

>> No.1260210
File: 289 KB, 744x1515, mind_of_god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic more related


>> No.1260218

No, culture now is pretty superficial, too. That doesn't mean we make it even more superficial and retarded.

>> No.1260219

I want cybernetic arms like TJ Combo from Killer Instinct

>> No.1260220
File: 8 KB, 251x197, 1269377638216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.1260224


Yeah let's suck more upper class cock as the top 1% of society will be immortal robots who can't be stopped and the rest of us are merely human.

It's not anime. You're not going to get a free robot arm that has laser guns in it.

>> No.1260230
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1276992491152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying social stratification hasn't been the norm for all of human history and that technological progress is some how undermining a solution.

>> No.1260235


>implying we should fuel stratification instead of fixing it

>> No.1260238

Why isn't that image named "pipe dreams" ?

>> No.1260239

I liked this thread better in /tg/...


>> No.1260249

It will be an interesting future being a transhuman superman and sharing it with sentient androids.

>> No.1260250

Didn't you guys read Frankenstein? There are some things we shouldn't mess with!

>> No.1260261

What non technological solutions to human problems don't involve epic expansion of stratification?
>protip: none of them

>> No.1260265

>implying androids won't realise they can function more efficiently without your half-human form keeping them back.

>> No.1260266

God save our immortal souls!

>> No.1260272
File: 46 KB, 225x329, 1277328551861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, yeah its anime kid.

You're a a dumbass little kid, with absolutly no special traits or skills, who can't cope with being just a medicore kid.

You turn to anime and all this fantatsy shit as a means of escape from your boring meaningless life.


>> No.1260278

Clever. =D

>> No.1260281

Yea, this thread is bullshit. Unsociable nerds will always be a minority, and people who are actually intelligent will outlaw this because it doesn't contribute anything to individual experience. All this will do is drive people deeper into a bullshit linear consumer society.

>> No.1260290

Can machines sing with feeling?
Can machines laugh sincerely?
Can machines feel emotions?
Can machines make a mouth watering omelette?

The answer is no.

Humanity confirmed for superior to silly wires and motherboards.

>> No.1260303


The reference to poverty and the third-world is that medicine will become yet another cause of social stratification as the only people who will be able to afford it, for a while, will be rich people.

Of course doctors like to go "oh well, it will soon be available to everyone like computers!" Yeah computers existed how long and they're still not affordable to the poor of the world.

>> No.1260306

I was trying to imply that with the adjective 'sentient' describing 'android'. But thanks for clarifying that to everyone. =D

>> No.1260309

because only losers whom society hates because they're fat/ugly dream of it.

>> No.1260310

Can humans sing with feeling?
Can humans laugh sincerely?
Can humans feel emotions?
I think not.

Can humans make a mouth watering omelette?
Most certainly!

>> No.1260313

>implying emotions are necessary

>> No.1260314

>I support that curing diseases. I don't support endlessly trying to improve humanity's abilities.

Why not?

>> No.1260315

Which is why transhumanism will occur. We already have implants and plastic surgery. What is labelled as 'transhumanism' is already occurring.

>> No.1260327


Not that poster, but do you know what will happen? The gap between the rich and poor will just become larger and larger.

>> No.1260328

You must not believe in assembly lines and General Mills.

>> No.1260331

That is already occurring and will continue to occur. If not in one fashion it will develop in another.

>> No.1260332


I think it's a little late to be crying over the poor now...

>> No.1260341

Real people love them bro, but you're probably too dulled by the internet.

>> No.1260343
File: 86 KB, 610x900, 1277409812500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /sci/ is for science fiction amine bullshit?
What a shame!

>> No.1260349

Transhumanism is reality, bro. Sorry to break you the news.

>> No.1260352

And yet we endure, we can still do everything I listed.

But machines. Well, look at where they are. Personal slaves and bitches of humanity to be bossed and ordered as we see fit. We are so far ahead of them it's not even funny.

>> No.1260353

If we held back technological progress just because some people would be left behind, we would never have gotten anywhere in the first place. Poverty is a seperate problem and needs to be dealt with seperately to (and concurrently with) advances in technology.

>> No.1260356

/sci/ is mostly little dumbass kids. Try another board.

>> No.1260360

>implying you didn't just describe all of 4chan

>> No.1260361

One could argue that the gap between rich and poor is smaller now than it ever has been. But only because people cannot properly quantify the gap. The truth is that there will always be a gap and the only thing that should be done is to remove barriers to social mobility.

>> No.1260362


This is what idiots fail to grasp when they call it a pipe dream. Which is like saying evolution is a pipe dream.

>> No.1260369

Because, like I said, I think it's just unfulfilling and pointless. We'll ironically become more backwards by trying to run society like a virus and trying to endlessly achieve perfection. Why not just be content with being human and trying to enjoy life?

>> No.1260371

You have a strange superiority complex toward inanimate objects.

Also quite an irrelevant one, since transhumanism is as much (or more) about biological engineering as it is about anything mechanical.

>> No.1260374

There are geological ages of difference between plastic surgery and the things transhumanists orgasm about.

>> No.1260375
File: 809 KB, 797x576, 1277256137270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Reality? Really?
And what scienitifc journal do you get your information from? Source?
(Anime doesnt count dumbshit!)

>> No.1260377


> implying stratification is caused by technology and NOT people just making bad choices in their life or living under an oppressive government.

>> No.1260380

Politician A
Politician B with similar ideas to A

Thanks for these two comments. I am writing a novel about transhumanism, androids, and a whole mess of other stuff about a hypothetical future.

>> No.1260388

Stagnancy would make it worse, frankly history shows the best way to get turnover in social power is technological change, the order that adapted to the last change is ill fitted to control the next and gets replaced. I can't think of an example of an attempt to make things more egalitarian through social fiat that didn't produce more stratified social control.

>> No.1260397

Nobody is satisfied with what they have. All the poor want to be rich, the rich want to be wealthy, the wealthy want to be famous or 'poor'. Commoners want to be kings and queens, royalty wants to be commoners. Nobody is satisfied with what they have.

>> No.1260404

Of course there is a vast difference. Transhumanism will not happen overnight. What technologies happened overnight?

>> No.1260411

>its not possible now so it will never be possible!

Your life must suck.

>> No.1260412

>All the poor want to be rich, the rich want to be wealthy, the wealthy want to be famous or 'poor'.

So what we need is more money, not be more Borg like?

>> No.1260417

>implying that I meant the way society is run now is fulfilling either.
I think most of you agree that a capitalist society is pretty unfulfilling. A society revolving around transhumanism will be worse.

>> No.1260421

I think the point of the statement flew completely over your head.

>> No.1260422

Pretty much this.

The rich, unsatisfied engineers wish they were physicists. The poor physicists wish they were engineers.

>> No.1260430

You talk about humanity like it's something stable and fixed. If someone has poor eyesight, we would 'fix' it by bringing it up to 'standard'. What would be so wrong about bringing the eyesight of a person with standard vision up to standards beyond that of any human? If you wait a hundred thousand years, the same thing could happen through natural evolution - why not cut out the middle man and make our own choices and our own changes?

Trying to enjoy life is good and well, but we wouldn't be anywhere at all if no one in the world had tried to make life even better. Technology would not exist.

>> No.1260443

Don't group all the engineers in with these transhumanists.

>> No.1260444

You know full well what I mean by transhumanism. Stop bringing up this bullshit about curing diseases and cosmetic surgery.

>> No.1260447

>What would be so wrong about bringing the eyesight of a person with standard vision up to standards beyond that of any human?

You are play God. You go too far!

>> No.1260448

No because I don't obsess over every piddling fault I may get, trying to find relief in transient transhumanist treatments with all the trappings of self-pride and perceived faulty superiority. If my body gets a virus or injury I take it with a stiff upper lip and do the best I can. I don't need no stylish stupid steroid stuff stuck up my natural structure.

>> No.1260453

I have yet to find a poor physicist though. They usually do pretty well.

>> No.1260455

I wonder if you believe a life living on the plains hunting animals and foraging for berries is a much more fulfilling life than what technology and science brings us today in our modern world of skyscrapers and computers. Transhumanism will expand our abilities just as all eras of technology have expanded what we can do. Dumbing yourself down and calling the sun a god may make your life more fulfilling but you will deserve any hardship you have omitted technology to overcome.

>> No.1260461

If giving someone superhuman eyesight isn't transhumanism, I'm not sure what is.

What do you THINK transhumanism is?

>> No.1260468


Actually, a society where you can start out as a pig auctioneer and end up making 6 million dollars a year building half of a state is pretty fucking satisfying.

>> No.1260472

We may know what you mean by transhumanism, but you evidently do not know what IS transhumanism.

>> No.1260482

So you think it's logical to try to improve every fault humanity has endlessly? Is that the road you want society to take? There's just something too programmed, and simplistic about that for me to accept it.

>> No.1260492


What's so logical about telling someone that they can't just do it them selves? What's your big irrational fear about someone having better abilities than you?

>> No.1260498

>person I disagree with doesn't elevate computers and skyscrapers to eternal uber-monuments of humanity
>person MUST be advocating a hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

>> No.1260500
File: 64 KB, 446x354, fail~1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, no one sources any evidence of this bullshit? No scientific journals at all? No sources?

This sounds like religious bullshit then.
Yall little kids are just looking for somthing to believe in. SUCKS TO BE YOU!

>> No.1260504

There is a world's difference between boob implants and implanting chips in your brain. Not that I support either.

>> No.1260505

So you would prefer children to be born with neurological diseases when they could have been cured during conception?

There is a 'programming' to it, but by 'too programming' you are implying that some humanity has been lost when instead it has been gained. Ask any sick child in a hospital if they would live a more fulfilling life if they did not have their inherited diseases.

>> No.1260511


All we ever need is biological immortality. The rest about transhumanism is not that important.

>> No.1260513

Right on the money.

>> No.1260514


They are normally poor compared to other equally skilled or intelligent members of society, and typically poorer even than dumber ones. That's the point I'm making.

>> No.1260518


What right do you have to tell someone they can't do it? Seriously, what ground do you honestly hold to tell someone they can't make a robo body for themselves and put their brain in it? I don't see what gives you the right to say they can't do it.

>> No.1260520

You don't support boob implants? Quaker! Go live life as an Amish!

>> No.1260521

Most pig auctioneers remain pig auctioneers, or something similar. It's poor form to structure society on the basis of anecdotes.

You don't need to obsess over the limits of the human form to acknowledge they exist, and working to overcome them is what technology is all about. Your line "I don't need no stylish stupid steroid stuff stuck up my natural structure" reeks of the naturalistic fallacy.

Not endlessly. If you give people the capability to change themselves however they want, they will change themselves however they want - no further. Lots of people would happily take better eyesight, but only as far as they feel they need or are comfortable with. What's so wrong with giving people the choice?

>> No.1260523


You seem to think that intelligence = one's ability to make money.

>> No.1260524

>So you would prefer children to be born with neurological diseases when they could have been cured during conception?


>> No.1260527
File: 35 KB, 335x363, trollshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1260537


Most pig auctioneers stay pig auctioneers because that's where they want to be. If you have a little ambition, you could easily figure out how to stop being a pig auctioneer and find a better line of work.

>> No.1260545

>Make post stating that intelligent people may be poorer than less intelligent ones
>hurr durr you think that intelligence = one's ability to make money

>> No.1260549

Plastic surgery. Organ implants. Prosthetics. The recent advent of robotic prosthetics. These are all examples of the developing era of transhumanism. People are already implanting chips in themselves for purposes other than tracking or evil government conspiracies. Right now transhuman means altering our bodies to function like a normal human being. You can include medicine, vaccines, hearing aids, those chips they install in the minds of the blind and crippled to interface with computers, all these are the current stage of transhumanism. It is human to have all limbs and all senses. It is also human to be blind or crippled. It is transhuman to give a blind man eyesight with science!

>> No.1260550

The answer to these questions:
Not YET...

>> No.1260552

Then why are you in /sci/? Just askin'

>> No.1260562

Religious morality.

>> No.1260564

>changing the things I say to match your argument.

Oh you!

>> No.1260568
File: 41 KB, 600x820, 541529965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this thread.

When it becomes possible to give human being enhancements some people will take them and some people wont.

How hard is that to accept?

I intend to start the process as soon as possible... presumably some of the people on this thread will never have it done because they think it's wrong for some reason or another.

I don't care if they don't take advantage of it and they shouldn't care if I DO take advantage of it.

It's pointless arguing over if the technology is possible. Personally I think the theory of exponential technological growth is very strong but who gives a shit if some meme spouting /sci/duck believes otherwise?

>> No.1260572

First time in /sci/ I was hoping you guys could tell me how magnets work.

>> No.1260578

Though I support transhumanism I won't jump at any body-altering technology until it's been tested first. I'm just cautious.

>> No.1260579

inb4 your robot arm goes out of control and strangles you, or your body rejects its unnatural foreign substance and you have to have it removed.

>> No.1260582

You're saying an apple is the same thing as an acorn because they both come from plants. NO. Fuck off with the arguments about genetic defects and diseases. You cure a disease once and it's over with. You allow that person to stop suffering and you allow that person to live and enjoy life.

Trying to improve someone's memory when that person has no issues with his memory is completely different. Pretty soon you'll find an even better way and other until people are just obsessed with increasing their capabilities.

>> No.1260583


I've never heard of the body rejecting surgical steel before.

>> No.1260588



>> No.1260589
File: 48 KB, 750x600, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thinks Boob jobs are a sign of transhumanism
LMAO, go back to reading anime faggot

>Right now transhuman means altering our bodies to function like a normal human being

Shaving is transhumanism? Cutting my finger nails? organ transplants are transhumanism? You're a fucking retard.

>> No.1260590


That's just a retarded post.

>> No.1260596


Why do you care. If I'm a stupid idiot who wants to do dangerous things it's none of your business is it?

As long as I don't force you to become enhanced and you don't try and stop me form getting enhancements there is no reason we can't both be happy.

>> No.1260604

True. They are two different arguments. The first one should be supported. You'd have to be religious in order to deny supporting helping those in need. The second argument is the one that truly needs to be the focus of this thread.

>> No.1260610


You also forgot not doing dangerous things like breaking into people's houses. But being on 4chan, that should be a given.

>> No.1260616

>You cure a disease once and it's over with.
Then, suddenly, you get cancer.

>> No.1260619
File: 67 KB, 600x750, fail_square_wheel_tricycle_gtfo_n00b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets all agree "transhumanism is bullshit"

Only faggy little kids talk and think about such nonsense. If you go to any univeristy or an science lab anywhere in the world, and start talking about "transhumanism" you will be fucking laughed at for being a dumbshit.

>> No.1260623

I don't think you understand the statement. Sucks for you, bro.

>> No.1260624

I obviously meant one type of disease.

>> No.1260631
File: 110 KB, 532x800, preach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1260633

This whole thread, and not one of you underage transhumanfan fags have posted the original of that chick.

Waste of fucking space.

>> No.1260634

>Why do you care. If I'm a stupid idiot who wants to do dangerous things it's none of your business is it?

Ho ho ho, say that to my face when your "dangerous things" end up with me putting a feeding tube up your nose into your stomach because you can't use your mouth any longer. Oh wait you can't say that.

>> No.1260635

You're on your own, pal.

>> No.1260638


A valid point.

But this is the real argument here. People who think that transhumanism is possible don't give a flying fuck if a segment or the majority of humanity doesn't take advantage of it.

All we care about is being allowed to do it to ourselves.

The problem is that the 'transhumanism is wrong' fags not only want to not do it themselves they also want to prevent other people from doing it.

>> No.1260639

Err. I didn't change my post retroactively, and I'm sure you know that no edit button exists.

>> No.1260641

Started with Wikipedia citations and kept going.
To the lazy idiots: Don't use Wikipedia as a source. Use it as a starting point to find more credible sources.

>> No.1260655

You must have not understood that poster's comment. What is your definition of transhumanism? If this thread is going to 'discuss' it we should clarify the definition.

>> No.1260656

inb4 your arthtritic joints are replaced and your body rejects its unnatural foreign substance and you have to have it removed.

>> No.1260663

>Trying to improve someone's memory when that person has no issues with his memory is completely different. Pretty soon you'll find an even better way and other until people are just obsessed with increasing their capabilities.

Holy shit, that would be horrible. Just imagine, a society where people keep improving their memory - and then once it is improved, they improve it again!! What dystopian horror science will unleash on the world!!! Think of what would become of us!!!! It's almost too horrible to think about, but one day we might all have perfect photographic memory!!!!!!!

Oh wait, remind me why this is a bad thing again?

>> No.1260672


LOL giggling as I type at your wit.

Anyway why do you care? if you think it's bullshit and that I'll end up hurting myself and requiring medical assistance... why not sit at the side lines and laugh? You'll have plenty of time to make 'engineers are gay' and 'how do magnets work?' jokes and no one wants you to become transhuman.

What have you got to lose by not being a dick?

>> No.1260674

You must have an apocalyptic view of transhumanism.

>> No.1260675

You can't stop being 16, so I won't suggest it, but you can stop posting until you're an adult.

>> No.1260677

>The problem is that the 'transhumanism is wrong' fags not only want to not do it themselves they also want to prevent other people from doing it.

Don't you get it you mad fool! We're trying to save you from yourselves!

>> No.1260685

If you don't have a valid response, you can just not post. Calling me underage isn't going to convince anyone of anything.

>> No.1260687

>implying I'll live long enough for that to happen.

Smoking and drinking and dancing and suiciding when I'm 30. Life beyond 30 = pointless.

>> No.1260689

So, explain to me the point of increasing your memory over and over again?
How about being raised in a house that was already nice and buying houses with more and more rooms throughout your life until you have a house that has 50 rooms. What the fuck is the point!?!?!?!

>> No.1260691

Your posts are, ah, "convincing" enough on their own. This was just a little heart to heart we were having.

>> No.1260695

Agreed. Since when is having a good memory, or an even better memory, a bad thing. There are quite a few public figures in important offices that could use such an enhancement. I wouldn't complain.

>> No.1260705

> life beyond 30 = pointless
are you fucking kidding me, video games haven't stopped getting better just because I am 34

>> No.1260713

Full transhumanism/posthumanism most likely won't happen in our lifetimes due to cost outweighing demand but it will happen in the future.
Probably in a few centuries.
Extremely unlikely on a scale of decades.
If not in a few centuries then a couple of millennia. (I know, I can't spell for shit..)

>> No.1260716

If you can't find the use for having more and more rooms in your house you shouldn't have built them. Do you understand what I'm saying here, bro? If you can't find a use for having more memory then don't but it! Duh! The rest of us, who can find a significant use for having a more plentiful and agile memory, well, don't cry when we're the ones who saved the world from the big asteroid when you huddled in your mudhut and prayed to the coyote god you sacrificed your first daughter to.

>> No.1260723

>implying any game can best chip's challenge.

>> No.1260726
File: 10 KB, 300x300, I give you blowjob one dorrar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1260727

>So, explain to me the point of increasing your memory over and over again?

Have you never forgotten anything? Can you seriously not think of any situation where having perfect recall wouldn't be useful?

>How about being raised in a house that was already nice and buying houses with more and more rooms throughout your life until you have a house that has 50 rooms.

I wouldn't need 50 rooms, ever, and it would in fact be detrimental to my living because I would have so many more rooms to take care of. There are many occasions when a better memory would benefit me, and no conceivable downside.

So, why are you so afraid of letting me get myself better memory?

>> No.1260732

lol ITT: Proof that Ray Kurzweil is a cunt and people should take more than just engineering courses in college.

>> No.1260741

>implying it was not the coyote god who answered our prayers and guided you by touching you with a portion of his brilliance so you could find how to stop the asteroid.

>> No.1260745

I'd have to argue it occurring in less than a century. Consider what we accomplished since the 50's. Economically I mostly agree with what you're saying, but I do believe the technology itself will be closer than we think.

>> No.1260749

>implying that I'm not also an atheist, but with a more well-rounded education

>> No.1260755

>Can you seriously not think of any situation where having perfect recall wouldn't be useful?

Oh fuck you, I'd totally forgotten that day when I visited the zoo and 17 angry marmosets raped me when I fell into their cage. I didn't need remembering of childhood traumas.

>> No.1260765
File: 39 KB, 300x395, epic-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.1260769

Wow. I laughed so hard. I can't believe you wrote that. Religion. Wow. Can't stop laughing. 'It wasn't the Coyote God who saved us from the Asteroid! It wasn't the hard-working scientists with the enhanced memory! It was god, who worked through the scientists! God!!!!'

>> No.1260779

At this point I'm just having fun with all the transhumanists because their ideas are just falling so flat and laughable.

>> No.1260786

Lol. I missed the 'implying it WASN'T the coyote god...' anyhow. Still funny comment.

>> No.1260800

The COYOTE god.

By all that is blessed by canis latrans, at least get THAT right. I'm not talking about some silly bearded old dude in a toga sitting in lala land on the clouds, I'm talking about the motherfucking COYOTE GOD!

>> No.1260802
File: 41 KB, 400x456, 219807-146644-mr-sinister_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are actually a few people born with perfect recall faggot.



Go get a job and stop reading so much Anime!

>> No.1260812

I support weaboo genocide.

>> No.1260813

> in a market-driven global economy obsessed with image and ergonomics
Protip: Poorfags get the borg shit. It's a subtle critique of capitalism and the class divide /caste system it creates over time.

>> No.1260822

The anti-transhumans haven't made a single valid argument in this entire thread.

And they are still dodging the question: if I want to improve myself through technology, what right do you have to stop me?

1. I neither like nor watch anime.
2. If perfect memory is a bad thing, people won't get perfect memory. They will improve their memory as far as they want, and stop there. What, do you think the FBI is going to storm into your room and hold you down while they give you perfect recall if we allow transhumanism to go ahead?

>> No.1260828

Thanks for actually posting something to look at. I'm checking it out as we speak. But you're assuming that Transhumanism won't develop the power over selective memory recall.

>> No.1260829
File: 15 KB, 194x145, 1239273851149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't read anime you watch it
manga is for reading

>> No.1260830
File: 135 KB, 600x926, 462535-miss_sinister_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ALSO This thread is not about Sinister!

>> No.1260834

This is why communism is necessary. A few dumbasses who think they're being smart will fuck the world over for everyone else.

>> No.1260838

And they are still dodging the question: if I want to improve myself through technology, what right do you have to stop me?


>> No.1260841
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>> No.1260843

You, sir, are implying that communism doesn't do the same thing. Human beings, no matter how capable, will always try to control other human beings. Also, this thread is about transhumanism.

>> No.1260848

>2. If perfect memory is a bad thing, people won't get perfect memory. They will improve their memory as far as they want, and stop there.
>They will improve their memory as far as they want, and stop there.
>They will improve their memory as far as they want

This is what transhumanists actually believe and to think I wasn't going to mention pipe dreams again.

>> No.1260854

People have often said that communism is a perfect system for perfect people.

You want communism? You need perfect people first. Guess what you need to deliver on that?

>> No.1260859
File: 77 KB, 550x817, 1102898372-sinister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1260863

This thread is so awesome. Transhumanism in a fucking nutshell. Oh man.

>> No.1260865


>> No.1260866

>I think I will improve my visual perceptivity so that I can drive better and not risk accidents.

>> No.1260869

>implying the transhumanist pipe dream of physically perfect will mean mentally perfect and not uphold old differences of race/class/nationality

What's that transfags, human failings refusing to be wiped out by technology. Where is your digital god now?

>> No.1260872

Fuck your rights. Look, laws exist because people don't necessarily know what's best for themselves or those around them. We can already clone humans, but don't. Likewise, singularity will never materialize.

>> No.1260882

Not who you're responding to but:
1. You intend to do harm to others and seek the technology to make yourself more capable of doing so; a gun is a much better killing weapon then a knife for murderers to murder people with.

2. Others would intend to do harm to you. While it would theoretically be possible to avoid these people, if you walk down the street long enough someone who is in the set of mind to "destroy all robots" will do it to you.

3. It would harm yourself, either by faulty technology and methods that would endanger your life, or by dumbass technicians who are doing it without proper training and organization. There are cases where surgury doctors will 'forget' very large medical instruments such as sponges INSIDE of someones' body during an operation.

4. It would harm others' views and memories of you and what you are. Corpse desecration is usually treated very seriously by alot of people, because fucking around with a corpse can be considered a mental assault on the people who remember who that person was and still have latent empathy for them, despite them no longer existing. Chopping off your face is a good way of doing something similar to the people who know you.

>> No.1260883

I analyze and I verify and I quantify enough
100 percentile no errors no miss
I synchronize and I specialize and I classify so much
Don't worry 'bout dreaming because I don't sleep --

I wish I could at least 30 percent
Maybe 50 for pleasure then skip all the rest

If I only was more human
I would count every single second the rest of my life
If I just could be more human
I'd have so many little babies and maybe a wife

I'd roll around in mud and have lots of fun then when I was done
Build bubblebath towers and swim in the tub
Sand Castles on the beach, frolick in the sea, get a broken knee
Be scared of the dark and I'd sing out of key

Curse when I lost a fight, kiss and reunite, scratch a spider's bite
Be happy with wrinkles I got when I smile
Pet kittens 'till they purred, maybe keep a bird, always keep my word
I'd cry at sad movies and laugh 'till it hurt

I'd buy a big bike, I'd ride by the lake
And I'd have lots of friends and I'd stay out too late

If I could just be more human
I would see every little thing with a gleam in my eye
If only I was more human
I'd embrace every single feeling that came in my life

Would I care and be forgiving?
Would I be sentimental and would I feel loneliness?

Would I doubt and have misgivings?
Would I cause someone sorrow too? Would I know what to do?

Will I cry when its all over?

When I die will I see Heaven?

>> No.1260890

>implying both of those things can't be acquired if you know where to look.

And where does it stop? Smoking? Drinking? Driving a car?

>> No.1260893

Someone sat something about an internet g̢͎͙ͩ̓̍ͣ̒̇͋o̺̪͖͒͗d̬̥̥͒ͥ̾ͥͮ̂̾̆͒?

>> No.1260898
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LMAO, You assume you are free, and have all these rights. What are you like 16?


Some shit you just can't do. Society will forbid it. You may not understand, but thats cause your a fucking child. When you grow up, it will make sense.

Sorry little guy

>> No.1260906


Well hell yeah man. If my wife dies before me, I totally won't even care about my biological self anymore, and I'll just become a cyborg to watch over my future generations and be an international bounty hunter. Fuck all those fags who think it should be illegal.

>> No.1260910

>but thats cause your a fucking child.
Oh sweet irony.

>> No.1260911
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>> No.1260926

Besides, Ray Kurzweil believes that transhumanism will bring us closer to God. Yes, he actually believes in God.
This is what these faggots actually believe.
I am now so ashamed of engineers that I'm thinking of switching to physics.

>> No.1260929
File: 55 KB, 483x479, MrSinisterprofile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sinister agrees, this is some funny shit.

>> No.1260932

>Yeah let's suck more upper class cock as the top 1% of society will be immortal robots who can't be stopped and the rest of us are merely human.
Oh, you're poor. Well, sucks to be you.

>> No.1260951

An interesting note about the article a poster posted. It turns out Jill Price, the focus of the article, does not have perfect memory. She in fact has an OCD dealing with remembering everything about her own life. Whatever doesn't apply to her life retains an ordinary memory. With her supposedly 'magnificent' memory she has attained nothing more than a school administrator. I mention this example the poster because obviously he just googled it instead of actually reading it. And, also, if a person were that obsessed with their self of course they won't be able to forget a negative memory. This just illustrates the poster's lack of research and degrades the foundations of their anti-transhuman agenda.

>> No.1260956

>ashamed of engineers that I'm thinking of switching to physics

You are a smart man

>> No.1260960

>1. You intend to do harm to others and seek the technology to make yourself more capable of doing so; a gun is a much better killing weapon then a knife for murderers to murder people with.

Guns are banned in certain countries because they have no use except for the purpose of killing (and in such countries they are usually avaliable on a license to people who want them for other activities, say hunting). We don't ban working out at the gym because it makes it easier for an individual to kill people if they are fitter than average.

>2. Others would intend to do harm to you. While it would theoretically be possible to avoid these people, if you walk down the street long enough someone who is in the set of mind to "destroy all robots" will do it to you.

Luddites used to smash machines because they feared the march of industry, you are saying we should bend over backward to accomodate THEM rather than protecting the people just exercising their right to personal choice? Fuck, we might as well ban homosexuality because some people are homophobic to the point of violence.

>3. It would harm yourself, either by faulty technology and methods that would endanger your life, or by dumbass technicians who are doing it without proper training and organization.

You said it yourself, these can happen in normal medical procedures. That doesn't mean we ban medical procedures, it means we do them very carefully and only stick to things that have been thoroughly tested. Transhumanism would be subject to all the same restrictions.

>4. It would harm others' views and memories of you and what you are.

If I shaved my hair off and lived for ten years as a Buddhist monk in Tibet, you can be damn right it would harm peoples memory of myself. It's my right. What, should we ban all sudden personal changes now, in protection of people's memories?

>> No.1260963


ReMOEV_Yuor IlLgeal CloEN_FO hTTP://Www.cOCKsTAlK.SE/_(rePLacE_Cocks with aNON)_iMMeiDAtelY. m twej fp t rxsanscph qbr cq lhmznki oniidv

>> No.1260980
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>> No.1260981

Whoa, you expect me to read all that shit?

Are you an engineer? This post keeps getting faggier and faggier?

>> No.1260986
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>> No.1260987

Why would you post a reference in support of an argument when you are not confident in your reference. This seriously degrades your credibility to debate anything. Are you seriously defending yourself here after this? 'You expect me to read all that shit?' Evidently, yes. It's part of science, religionfag, checking sources.

>> No.1260991

He probably hacked his leg off so he can cheat at sports.

>> No.1260997

Explain why we should respect any of your arguments when you've destroyed your credibility.

>> No.1261002

>Evidently, yes. It's part of science

Yeah, but this thread isn't science.
This thread is 5 little kids talking about anime bullshit, while a couple of others are laughing there ass off.

This thread is pure comic gold!

>> No.1261010
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>> No.1261022

No, this thread is science because it is in a science thread. It is talking about transhumanism, which is a science concept and everyone here is talking about it seriously except for you. You claim people who are offering supportive arguments for transhumanism are acting childish and immature, but when it comes to debating the issue your offer arguments and sources that have nothing to do with your argument. Then you expect us to respect your arguments. Your position has so many logical fallacies it's embarrassing and I am having difficulty understanding why you are still defending yourself. Transhumanism also is a moral issue, but even here you are not offering arguments.

>> No.1261029
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, MrSinister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debate? Why would I debate with children?
I am just here for the laughs!

>> No.1261033
File: 12 KB, 228x251, CalvinHobbesChillBitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot for taking my points as reasons *against* improving your own body. Go ahead and improve your own body, i don't fucking care. The 4 points i made are examples of what would happen in real life as reactions to you upgrading yourself.

Someone works out in the gym too hard they're going to blow a fucking tendon. If a machine is going to cut 50% of jobs in a factory, the workers will protect their jobs. These are reasons against working out in a gym or putting in a machine in a factory to do menial jobs. These are examples of what would happen in real life if these things happened and their possible outcomes.

Chill bitch, shit ain't reasons against shit, just reasons *why* shit.

>> No.1261037

>It is talking about transhumanism, which is a science concept
ha ha oh wow!

Also, I know there's at least 2 or 3 people who aren't talking and haven't been talking seriously about your fantasies ITT.

>> No.1261040

You are like the kid who hogs the ball and runs around the basketball court when you are losing the game.

>> No.1261044

> These are *NOT* reasons against

fucking whole-word typos, how do they fuck up my statements

>> No.1261084

The first part of your post broke my brain.

'You're an idiot for taking my points as reasons *against* improving your own body.'

In a thread that deals with this debate. With statements that support an anti-transhuman side.

inb4 does not know how to green text

>> No.1261103
File: 64 KB, 675x600, STFU_and_GTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) I have no idea WTF you are talking about?

2) I didn't make any fucking argument. I'm just listening to you silly little kids.

3) Transhumanims is not a science "concept". It is not science, it is "pseduo-science". Go to any respected scientist and talk about transhumanism, and he will laugh at you.

4) Only dumb little kids try and talk "seriously" about this shit. It's just like the "singulaity", "or the 2012 astroid", its just /sci/ bullshit. Not science.


>> No.1261123

ITT: this thread = two middle schoolers debating anime concepts

>> No.1261126

So, what exactly is your argument, transhumanists? Why should we support this? And please, don't bring up diseases, accidents, or defects. We obviously mean a specific subset of transhumanism and you keep reverting back to the same argument that boob jobs should be included in this debate.

>> No.1261127

Putting your fingers in your ears and shouting 'la la la' doesn't change the reality which you are running away from.

>> No.1261133
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>> No.1261152 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 800x533, glofish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, what? It's the same concept behind genetically modified crops, or these engineered fish, just applied to humans. We can't do anything spectacular yet but we could certainly tinker around with human genetics, and that would be transhumanism in practice.

>> No.1261153

Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities. The movement regards aspects of the human condition, such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death as unnecessary and undesirable. Transhumanists look to biotechnologies and other emerging technologies for these purposes. Dangers, as well as benefits, are also of concern to the transhumanist movement.[1]

[for the sake of debate]

>> No.1261164
File: 225 KB, 576x720, Butthurt-ad-de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude? WTF are you talking about?
Seriously? Are you Ok?

>> No.1261166


>3) Transhumanims is not a science "concept". It is not science, it is "pseduo-science". Go to any respected scientist and talk about transhumanism, and he will laugh at you.

And...this is your argument? That he laughs at me? So transhumanism is stupid, horrible, bad, useless etc?

>> No.1261172
File: 89 KB, 800x533, glofish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not science

I'm sorry, what? It's the same concept as behind genetically modified crops, or these engineered fish, just applied to humans. We can't do anything spectacular yet but we could certainly tinker around with human genetics, and that would be transhumanism in practice. As genetic engineering becomes more sophisticated, we will be able to tinker with genetics in ways which produce measurable benefits to the individual. From a scientific standpoint, it's no big deal.

Think of GM crops as transcrops

>> No.1261182

>Think of GM crops as transcrops

I knew no good would come from tampering, whether fruit or human.

>> No.1261186

>Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities.
The rest is fine, but what is the point in doing this?

>> No.1261187

No one calls GM crops "transhumanist"....LMAO.

>> No.1261193

Walking into a bank with a gun and walk into a firing range with a gun will get you two very different reactions.
Does that mean that you can't do the first? No, you can still do the first, and you can do the second without a gun. I'm just telling you want would happen if you did and no one in the bank expected it, or the firing range has a bring-your-own-guns setup.

Walk into a bank with a gun and you get your ass killed by the cops. Walk into a firing range and ask to shoot guns when they have no guns gets you a "GTFO" by the range owner. Are there exceptions to these? Of course.
Could you walk into the bank w/ a gun if the gaurds knew you meant no harm? Sure. Could you stay on a range and watch people shoot if the range owner wasn't a dick? Sure.

Do those exceptions cease to exist because i failed to mention them in the original post? Fuck no, and you're an idiot/troll for not realising it.

>> No.1261195

Not many people support eugenics; why the hell would they support transhumanism? The ethical concerns are the same.

>> No.1261200

Man, why does anyone give a fuck about this?

There's no such thing as "humanity." It's an abstract concept invented to make people feel special. People will modify themselves as much as they feel is appropriate: if piercings are as far as they can go before they feel uncomfortable, that's as far as they'll go. If they can upload their thought patterns into a massive robot and still feel good, they'll do that. There'll always be some people who don't want to mod themselves, and there'll always be those using whatever tech/science they can get their hands on to improve perceived deficiencies.

Nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.1261201

That is wrong. Are you not aware how many of the foods you consume on a daily basis are the products of genetically modified crops?

>> No.1261218

>What's the point of improving ourselves?

Some people want to do it. Maybe you don't. That's fine. But are you really so stupid that you can't see why another person might want to be smarter, or have better reflexes, or run faster?

The ethical concerns with eugenics are that it requires some kind of institutionalised control of reproduction, sometimes to the point of killing 'undesirables'. Transhumanism involves no such thing. In fact, it's more disturbing that some people think the government has a right to stop people making these kind of enhancements to themselves.

>> No.1261224


Oh here we go again, "ethics hurp durp we can't do this."

If we abide by ethics then science will never ever get anywhere because there will be dicks going "THIS IS IMMORAL UNETHICAL BAN THIS RESEARCH"

>> No.1261226

Is your question concerning the inclusion of the definition or what was written in the definition?

I included the definition as a crutch in the debate to lean back on when someone flies off on a tangent or claims another's fallacy.

If it is why transhumanism is a good thing, many people would like to stop diseases at the genetic level or improve our abilities to deal with genetic diseases. On the issue of improving humans beyond peak Olympian physique or genius intellect, that is hopefully where this thread's debate will steer.

>> No.1261233

I live in Bhutan, we don't even allow foreigners unless they pay a huge wad of money so our culture is not tainted by your degraded eugenic morals and monotheistic ethics.

>> No.1261234
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>> No.1261236



I love the fact that you try and put me in my place and yet merely show your ignorance, base instincts, stupidity and cowardice.

Transhumanism isn't a science... no one has ever claimed it was. It's an idea of what the future can be.

We can improve the human body... we can make it last longer, more durable, stronger and faster. We can improve the mind... we can give it instant access to information and increase it's memory.

These things have not been done YET. Nor have we travelled to other planets YET. But we will do. Because that is what we wish to do. And that is the purpose of technological progress. It is to allow human beings to do things that they are unable to do without technology.

The technological singularity is inevitable if one thing is true. Is it possible to improve the human mind or create an artificial mind better and smarter than humans are today? If this is true then humans will be able to build on this foundation and the singularity will eventually happen. If it isn't true then every nay saying faglet in this thread is right and the singularity wont happen.

And if anyone really thinks that it is impossible to do that one thing? that we as a species are incapable of doing it? then they are cowards. I wont say they are wrong... I cannot because the future has not happened and no one can accurately predict it. But they are people who have said that there is a limit human beings can never pass and that makes them cowards.

>> No.1261250


Yeah, good fight, appealing to age sure does win an argument.

No argument can be said against transhumanism that doesn't involve taking away a person's free will to modify themselves.

>> No.1261251

I support ethical debate only because it reminds us not to overlook basic human rights. Eugenics, not criticized by ethics, would be a valid science. But we know those folks getting killed still have the right to live. What is good about transhumanism is the pursuit of ridding inherited diseases by direct genetic manipulation. It is ethically more sound because nobody is dying in the process. Rather, lives are improving. Fuck euguenics.

>> No.1261263
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>> No.1261264

I don't want to read any of this because it will just make me angry.

However, I have a message for the OP and his ilk: Shut the fuck up, you're not helping. You're not fucking helping at all. You realize how fucking hard it is for those of us actually studying Computer Science and other relevant fields to be taken seriously with any sort of human-machine integration because of you assholes? VERY FUCKING HARD.

You are anathema, douchey mcgee. You're like some sort of twisted avatar of luddite sabotage given life.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.1261272

This thread can be summarised in one quote from Einstein

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."

>> No.1261277


nope, not samefag. Just not retarded.

>> No.1261280
File: 12 KB, 200x239, n1809489715_6264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>douchey mcgee


>> No.1261284


An addition to this.

Some people here may be not know what transhumanism is or what the technological singularity means.

For those individuals I would like to recommend two essays both by Vernor Vinge... a scientist and writer.


Vinge's talk on the singularity given at NASA


Essay about the possibilities of a non singularity future.

>> No.1261289
File: 18 KB, 460x276, einstein460x276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Transhumanism? you mean that Anime bullshit? - A. Einstien

>> No.1261296

>implying anyone cares

>> No.1261297

Asking if I'm stupid won't help your argument. I can obviously see that someone would want to become smarter and faster, etc. Almost everyone that does, though, only wants to do so to raise his or her status in society in respect to everyone else. But in the end, it's still childish. You probably agree that if someone's only goal in life is just to be the richest person in the world, he probably has the mentality of a 5 year old. I think this is pretty much on the same level, because you don't see the consequences of this beyond that we would be smarter and more capable physically.

>> No.1261298
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1275235266291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you even try?

>> No.1261303


Get over yourself. This is the obvious end point of direct man machine interface. Complaining about it is a stupid as a rocket scientist complaining about people considering extrasolar travel.

>> No.1261306

No fear of us "hampering" great minds here, this is 4chan.

>> No.1261312


Don't apply your convictions to everyone.

>> No.1261315

These subjects get pretty interesting and impressive when you begin to look at the technology-human intergration of modern war casualties. How many scientific pursuits were laughed at before they were realized?

>> No.1261317
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1267841658438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... in other words, you have no argument, and are trying to divert people away from this glaring fact with the most pitiful ad hominem attacks seen today on /sci./ Why not just come clean and admit that you are scared pissless of cyborgs? Its all right, no one is going to think less of you, I mean, how can we?

>> No.1261319

"I know this is how things will turn out becuase it's what I want it to be and I've read books justifying my own viewpoint"

>> No.1261321

HURRRR DURRR WE WILL BE SMARTER AND CLOSER TO KNOWING EVERYTHING. Science, outside of improving quality of life, is humanity's hobby. It's not a reason to structure society.

>> No.1261323

reason to restructure society** sorry

>> No.1261325
File: 96 KB, 542x800, Heisenberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Transhumanism? Does that have something to do with engineering? I don't follow homosexual culture" - W. Heisenberg

>> No.1261331

If you offer a clearer explanation why transhumanism is a childish pursuit instead of

1. Point
2. Another point
3. ???
4. Childish!

we may actually understand your side of the argument. At least you are offering more debate than some of the other anti-transhumanists. You have given a few but you should spend more time instead of jumping around.

>> No.1261334
File: 29 KB, 461x357, locutus_of_borg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why should i care about my looks when i can add more functionality to my body?

gimme those nanoprobes!

>> No.1261337

Who the fuck cares about poor spics and niggers? All I care is that white europeans will get to be transhumanist supermen.

That's all that fucking matters in this world. The underbelly of humanity can rot in a pit of their own cess for all I care.

>> No.1261341


If you wish to discus something with someone it is usually better to stick to the truth. Lying not only hurts your credibility but is damaging to the overall debate.

>> No.1261342

You are assuming - for no particular reason - that people who choose to improve themselves would be doing so just to become better than other people. Is it really so hard to believe a person might want to become more intelligent because they want to be more intelligent? Or are you so mired in your contempt for those 'mindless consumerist sheep' that you can't concieve that they could want something for the sake of self-improvement?

>> No.1261344

That's a good analogy.

>> No.1261346
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>> No.1261350

Well yes, transhumanism IS the rapture for nerds, but comparing it to the flying car is bullshit.
Transhumanis does have basis on science, even if you don't agree with the conclusions of its fans.
I mean, genetic engineering, nanotech and artificial intelligience are more than just nerd masturbatory fantasies.

>> No.1261352

Because of man made virus's infecting our cybernetics.
I also prefer the well tested evolution.

>> No.1261356

But who will hoe the fields then? Who will make sure the assembly line machinery is well oiled? Who will eventually rise up in a ball of anger and passion and kill their masters?

>> No.1261359
File: 35 KB, 480x307, 611444-prv1382_pg5_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't arguing with anyone you dumb faggot! No one would waste their time with you.


>> No.1261363

You forgot to tack on cybernetics.


>> No.1261366

Transhumanism is more to do with genetic engineering than anything mechanical.

Also, there is a kind of natural entity which is like a computer virus, only it affects living things. It's called...a virus.

>> No.1261369

Right, Mr. 1337. Lol.

I'm sure there are people out there in the world who would want to be superior with that technology. Just like there are today. I don't think they will be in the majority, thuogh.

>> No.1261372
File: 5 KB, 156x165, 1277409134873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, aren't we doing this already?

>> No.1261378


Who? Besides you I can't see anyone else going "HAHAHAHAHA ANIME FAGGOTS LOLOLOLOLOL"

Which quite shows your intelligence level. How does it feel to be inferior? :>

>> No.1261381
File: 39 KB, 446x402, crying_girl-2072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually understand your side of the argument

There is no argument here. It is a waste of time to argue with little kids. I'm just here for the laughs. This is currently the funniest board on /sci/!


>> No.1261383

Attention all. Look at this. A valid anti-transhumanist point. All you anti-transhumanists, if you want to offer good arguments on your side of the debate, start offering stuff like this. This is a valid point. Look at it. Read it. Learn from it. Offer points like it that support your argument.

>> No.1261385

>>No one would waste their time with you.

Except for you of course. Look its okay to admit your fears, for example, I'm afraid of bodies of deep water. See how easy that was? And its quite cathartic too, I'm sure once you can admit to yourself and the people around you that you are nervous around the concepts of cyborgs and black people, you will feel a whole lot better about yourself.

>> No.1261386

Robots will do all of that, and they'll exterminate the useless masses when they're no longer needed.

>> No.1261389


Not the anon you were replying to but the only thing more pathetic than an idiot is someone that tries to feel superior to one.

If you are really just in this thread to make fun of people you consider idiots then you should seriously reconsider the abject failure that is your life.

Also I doubt that you did start off making fun of the anon in question... far more likely you tried to debate him and when you failed you resorted to 'trolling' in an attempt to convince yourself that you won. There is nothing to win here... it is merely a discussion. Get over yourself. If a /sci/duck wished to discuss a possible future technology so be it.

>> No.1261394

Look at it this way: People tune their cars. It looks like shit. People tune their computers. It looks like shit. Now I wonder what would happen if you could tune the human body...

*Prepares for Cyborg-Furries, Cyborgs-Otakus and Cyborg-Douchebags*

>> No.1261397

No one is actually anti-transhumanist. Transhumanism is inevitable. We're just not masturbating to our 100th viewing of some fucking animu.

>> No.1261400

The big point in favor of transhumanism is that moralfags who right now say "immortality is B-B-Baaad" will drop any moral caution as soon as a life extenction tech comes out. And even if they dn't actually do it, they cetainly won't be able to stop the hundred thousands who will.

If said tech comes out.

>> No.1261405


>implying this is what transhumanism is

>> No.1261407
File: 419 KB, 1400x1050, 1275152366630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another /sci/ meme

We all know that engineers = faggots
but what about transhumanist?
any ideas for the next /sci/ meme?

>> No.1261410

People may look like shit when they tune theirselves. Just look at Michael Jackson when he was trying to compensate for his Vitiligo. But that won't stop people from doing it.

>> No.1261414

>No one is actually anti-transhumanist.

There are plenty of people willing to throw a shitfit when people suggest genetic engineering on humans, even if it was only for medical purposes. It's culture war waiting to happen.

>> No.1261419

I can't fucking wait for this.
New minorities to mock.

>> No.1261431

Just a question. Would it be possible to create your own clone, kill it's brain functions with chemicals, let it grow to mature age, then transplant your brain in it and live on in a younger body?

That would be awesome.

Also could we develop an artificial womb (and create babies artificially, with some interface between the baby and the womb so that the baby gets the right nurturing)? Then women would be useless.

>> No.1261433

We're chatting up about transhumanism not because we learned about it in anime. I would prefer to watch about it in Adventure Time. We're chatting it up because it is inevitible, like you suggest. Since you accept that it is occurring anyway, what are your opinions on it (outside the realm of anime).

>> No.1261437


Good point. As soon as extreme body modification becomes possible I have no doubt some people will be using it in bizarre ways.

Although most of the people using it wont be doing so out of any 'transhumanist ethic' they'll just be getting medical procedures done and buying interesting toys.

The only non medical implant anyone would NEED to get would be a brain/computer interface... everything else could be run remotely.

>> No.1261439

Then let it happen.
Seriously, it's the first time in history we are in a better position than biblefags:
they can't burn scientists on the stake and they are too busy trying to deny evolution and pedo priests.

It's time to strike.

>> No.1261444

Plenty of speculative fiction about that topic. It will continue to be speculative until it occurs, however. =D

>> No.1261445

Yes we will stop them. We'll have the Republican party take out some legalise to halt your neo-eugenics. because that's what transhumanism is.

And don't think about escaping to work on it in Europe, we'll bomb you to freedom if you start it over there.

>> No.1261447

Transhumans are just neckbeards who want to fuck a usb socket.

>> No.1261458

Your brain ages too, so unless we find a way to invert the aging process, we are pretty much fucked.
On the bright side, giant steps have been made in this direction.
Also, the advancing of nanotechnology could help solving the last problems.

>> No.1261459


Theoretically possible but extremely unethical. Killing an adult clone of yourself is the same as murdering your brother.

But by the time it is possible it should also be possible to repair your body so it works, looks and feels like a younger body.

And the artificial womb thing would probably happen as well. it would save women the trouble of carrying the child for 9 months and would allow better health checks during the development.

>> No.1261461

Also could we develop artificial sperm? Then men would be useless.

>> No.1261467

He's talking about stunting the growth of the brain

>> No.1261471

Actually, I hear we're getting pretty close to this.

>> No.1261472

I agree with that. A slow migration from the mobile phone/computer interface into a full integration of some sort. Will be interesting to use if we see it created within our lifetimes.

>> No.1261473

He's a transhumanist, I bet he knows about stunted growth in his mental capacity.

>> No.1261475


How about 'sinister is a tripfagging coward?'

>> No.1261476
File: 11 KB, 300x318, d9e43af0ecc50ac2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transhumanism is reality wake up sheeples

>> No.1261480

Some of us like their sperm attached to a cock sweetie.

>> No.1261481

You're right, I'm afraid that society will remain nothing more than 'mindless consumerist sheep'. After a certain point, there will be no benefits of obtaining more knowledge. After we cure each disease, end poverty, etc, there will be no need to continue pursuing science other than for recreation. So, why would we built an entire society around it? I'm afraid of anything that's linear and I'm afraid that society will ironically become more mindless as a result of transhumanism because advancement past a certain point is not worth achieving. I'm content with owning decent leather shoes; I don't need or want world-class shoes made with carbon fiber and diamonds and I sure as hell will not work for years to get them.

>> No.1261483

Nothing really cowardly about what he's saying, just useless.

>> No.1261488

We already have, just remove the eggshell from a woman's egg and you got a sperm, it went something like that.

>> No.1261489

>>Then women would be useless.

Fag detected.

>> No.1261490



>> No.1261492

Are headphones transhumanist? Because I use them to enchance my ears' audio reception capabilities where no headphones seem inadequate.

>> No.1261497

Eugenics is the study and practice of selective breeding applied to humans, with the aim of improving the species. In a historical and broader sense, eugenics can also be a study of "improving human genetic qualities." Advocates of eugenics sought to counter what they regarded as dysgenic dynamics within the human gene pool. Specifically, in regard to the continuation of congenital disorders and factors impacting overall societal intelligence relating to the heritability of IQ.

[for the benefit of debate]

Transhumanism and eugenics may have the goal of improving humanity, but one is like pollinating flowers and smashing the ones which don't fit your definition of 'perfect flower'. The other is personal, subject to the needs of the individual, and doesn't go about killing things. You can argue they shouldn't even be used in the same sentence.

>> No.1261501

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.1261506

Being a fag isn't.
Being detected is.

>> No.1261514

Theoretically. But the same also applies to women. I don't think we'd get rid of either genders, but it would be a good bit of knowledge to have if we are unable to develop a better interstellar technology. My example: the Voyager probes and modern rocketry. Not very good technologies for interstellar travel. Anyone disagree?

>> No.1261524

Transhumanists will see people who remain pure and unsullied by your neo-eugenics as inferior and kill them because despite it all, they will still have a bit of humanity in them. That violent, savage, uncivilised portion of humanity.

And when they see what they've done they'll shed their last vestiges of humanity and become total unthinking unfeeling automatons, just cogs in a machine.

>> No.1261526

I don't care, just don't exterminate my dickslots.

>> No.1261533

Something like this happened to the Romans. Have you seen A Space Oddyssey: 2001? It dealt with this theme as well. Just some FYI for thinkers around here.

>> No.1261534


Sure is pulling claims out of your ass.

So you think people who get enhancements become murdering freaks? I don't murder my neighbour cause he didn't buy a good car like me.

>> No.1261539
File: 71 KB, 1060x595, 1231439537415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transhumanism and genetic engineering is wrong, it will only lead to Gundam Seed Destiny and Jesus Yamato, don't you see your own folly?

>> No.1261540


So what do you think we should do instead? if you do not think that technological advancement is a good thing past a certain arbitrary point... what do you think we should be doing instead? and what would stop you from doing that should transhumanism occur?

>> No.1261549

Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder, and sieve it through the finest sieve, and then show me one atom of humanity, one molecule of mercy. And yet, you try to act as if there is some ideal order in the world. As if there is some, some rightness in the universe, by which it may be judged.

>> No.1261557

I think this is the apocalyptic anon who sees any tech-future as a dry husk of a carcass.

>> No.1261566

Okay, finally a sound counter argument.

>> No.1261569

>Something like this happened to the Romans.

No it didn't.

The factors behind the collapse of the Roman Empire were complicated and many. Lots of people who think civilization is on the verge of collapse like to appeal to the Romans, often ignoring a lot of historical research in the process as well as the fact that we live in a very, very different time.

>> No.1261571


How many posts before 404?

>> No.1261592

>I don't murder my neighbour cause he didn't buy a good car like me.

Exactly, because you haven't got your transhumanist neo-eugenic implants yet. But when you do, ohhh boy, you'll be a-hackin' and a-slashin' and a-stabbin' like there's no tomorrow. Because there really will be no tomorow with transhumanism.

>Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder, and sieve it through the finest sieve, and then show me one atom of humanity,

How about looking at history and how we wiped ourselves out. Oh wait, we didn't do that.

>> No.1261597

>>How about looking at history and how we wiped ourselves out. Oh wait, we didn't do that.

We tried buddy.
We tried hard.

Also, you completely missed the poit, but that's ok.

>> No.1261596

Definitely a different time but they did indulge in their success so much they became apathetic to issues they should never have overlooked. One aspect of a grander tapestry of downfall but still a major one.

>> No.1261603

No dude this is the troll-anon who can't give two fucks about pro or anti transhumanism in reality but finds advocates of this fantasy sooooo easy to get a reaction out of.

>> No.1261610


>> No.1261612
File: 73 KB, 755x1255, trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1261618
File: 50 KB, 642x674, 1273068863809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it, can't believe its taken me this long to realize. 10/10 fags

>> No.1261621

Dude this has gone on way too long.

>> No.1261640

There have been countless people who gave themselves willingly or not to help others, who devoted their life to healing or helping. Sometimes it didn't matter who they were. Just to do some good in their own small way.

If you pass humanity from a universal sieve you're not only going to lose it, you're going to lose your focus on what's happening here down on earth while staring at the stars. Becuase like it or not, everything you know, everyone you like, every possibility for the future is here around you.

>> No.1261683

It's not about what I'll be doing. Hypothetically, if it were to occur, it'll be long after I'm dead. I think life should revolve around experience. Maybe we'd become some Brave-New-Worldish society and have gratuitous amounts of sex. I don't know, just anything more satisfying than "improving" humanity's characteristics endlessly for no real foreseeable benefits. You act like we can't pursue science without transhumanism. And would some transhumanists prevent others from experiencing and enjoying life? Sure. Humans, by nature, are conformists. I'm guessing most would not want to be left behind and do the same without measuring what that would mean for society.

>> No.1261705

Swet mother of christ, I hope you are a troll, if not I weep for the future of humanity.
What the post said is:
there is no objective definition of "humanity" and assuming we'll lose this phantomatic quality by improving ourselves with technology is just like saying that a camera will steal your soul if it takes a picture of you.

Please be a troll.


>> No.1261739

If someone puts comformity before what you consider happiness he probably consider comformity a part of his concept of happiness.

>> No.1261763

I think you guys are all forgetting that the rapture is going to happen in a few years, a decade at worst, so all of this speculation is wasted.

>> No.1261791
File: 138 KB, 462x460, poorly_disguised_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a troll.


>> No.1261832

Not really. You can't think of things people conform to but hate?

>> No.1261861

A ton, actually, but it's their fault for being such faggots.

>> No.1261925

Lets forgo the distant starry eyed stuff and look at the proto singularity advances right now:

DNA vaccines being tested in human trials right now, they are much more targeted than first and second gen vaccines and can be used to kill cancer cells as well as communicable diseases.

Stem cells drawn from the patients own blood are healing heart damage, fuck, City of Hope has affective leukemia treatments that use patients own marrow, no other donors, just cell selection in the lab.

Tissue cultivation making fucking organs in a lab, been talked about for decades, fuck we started doing that 4 years ago, now it just needs to get cheaper and make more complex things and hey, that's happening right now.

Actually this is all getting cheaper and more effective, and to all you 'juz the rich iz gona git it' fags, this stuff wont really pay for it self till it can get wide market penetration so its in the companies best interest to make the per unit cost as low as possible.

>> No.1262409 [DELETED] 

it is techno fantasty op.. we'd have to be smart to do such things... as is we are wasteful as fuck, so what makes you think we'll have resources for such trivial things in 20-30 years? hell we're going to have troubles getting essential things like water soon enough... just look at anyone near at any state near the tale end of the colorado river.

>> No.1262508

it is techno fantasty op.. we'd have to be smart to do such things... as is we are wasteful as fuck, so what makes you think we'll have resources for such trivial things in 20-30 years? hell we're going to have troubles getting essential things like water soon enough... just look at anyone near or around the tail end of the Colorado river.

holy spelling and grammar batman.

>> No.1262644


That was a great book, btw.