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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 331x449, conspiracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12596806 No.12596806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is going to happen to science and academia now that people who believe in and push provably false narratives like below are in power?

1. The gender wage gap
2. More than two genders
3. race is a social construct (unless it is somehow degrading and damaging to whites of course)
4. IQ isn't real
5. Trannies are w/e sex they claim to be not what they were born
6. Systemic racism (against non-whites when it is an objective fact it is done to whites)
7. Communism can ever work

>> No.12596838

It has already happened to science. Just look at all these "scientists" going on main stream media channel and talk about the deadliest virus of all, covid-19. Look at how they push people to get the vaccine. Science isn't science anymore, because logic and facts and proofs aren't too much good looking to the jews.

>> No.12596849

adapt or perish

>> No.12596854
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so it is the red dawn timeline?

>> No.12596860


>> No.12596870

Cry tranny

>> No.12596872


>> No.12596877
File: 474 KB, 596x487, twiiter nonsense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a look at this now those fags want to shut down STEM xd

>> No.12596936

its already happened, merit based systems far outclass the west in terms of technological research, this is evident in China and Japan. While the west is so concerned with inclusivity the east will literally just steamroll the scientific landscape. The regression of the west as a dominant world power is an inevitable and ongoing process.

>> No.12597258
File: 32 KB, 600x566, oink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop watching reactionary youtubers, read a book and stop browsing 4chan for a month, youll see whos really lying to you

>> No.12597334

The communists used to be normal leftists who all unanimously started banning any and everything they disagree with.

Now there is no representation for anything but the most pants on head retarded communist ideas, it can only go further, faster and harder to the left because all opposition is silenced, cancelled and brutalised.

"To help".

The schools, hospitals, universities, media and institutions are all going to unveil some new left ideas at some point, which will be even more obviously fucking stupid than this. They literally can’t stop even if they wanted to.

"To help".

They didn't build the universities they just kicked everyone else out, stole and ruined them.

"To help".

Seriously, that is what they are doing in their fucking retard heads. "Helping".

>> No.12597338
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ironic, leftards arent smart enough to figure out who is lying about what, sorry to burst your bubble. The sooner you face this the sooner we can fix you

>> No.12597376

>its da joooos man trust me its all tha joos that religious/ethnic group who dont all have common goals
>what? the bourgeoisie who demonstrably have a common interest and have been using it for 300 years to consolidate power? nah theyre cool as long as they look like me

tell me, which leftist or any other writers have you read? what careful evaluation and material analysis of the world has led you to those beliefs?
remember that you have more in common with any working class person of color than you will ever have in common with a white billionaire
vox articles and pol infographics dont count

>> No.12597403

>remember that you have more in common with any working class person of color than you will ever have in common with a white billionaire
Yah no shit this is what you morons totally shit the bed on. You completely lost the plot buddy when you started attacking white people and lobbying for pedos dip shit. The working class of every race- who you claim to represent from your macbook at starbucks- completely despises you retards why do you think that is?

Also I would demolish your asshole on any conversation on politics, economics and history so don't get uppity 101 freshman. You are babby

>> No.12597445
File: 8 KB, 249x202, 0760_-_iTJqBcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic was made by someone who:
-aborts millions of potential babies by jerking off to animu every 12 hours.
-will never have a wife, let alone a son or a daughter.
-spergs out about white genocide when he is the main responsible for natality plummeting
-believes in conspiracies and masterminds plotting against him when the only reality is that people are just plain retarded.

>> No.12597526

Yeah sorry m8, as much as I like getting riled up about shit like this, this is really the truth.

Not that there isn't anything wrong going on with the world, but the internet can make it seem like you're surrounded by braindead people.

>> No.12597543

This was made by someone who:

-was born a man but thinks they are a woman because they cut their dick off.
-is politically and historically illiterate

and believes in the following, provably false conspiracy theories:

1. The gender wage gap
2. More than two genders
3. race is a social construct (unless it is somehow degrading and damaging to whites of course)
4. IQ isn't real
5. Trannies are w/e sex they claim to be not what they were born
6. Systemic racism (against non-whites when it is an objective fact it is done to whites)
7. Communism can ever work

>> No.12597561

>when you started attacking white people
we dont
>and lobbying for pedos
we dont
>The working class of every race- who you claim to represent from your macbook at starbucks- completely despises you
this is pure projection, i work in a shipyard and im in a union which gives us bargaining power as a collective, which is what leftists actually believe
its easy to project and strawman if you dont even know your supposed enemy
>Also I would demolish your asshole on any conversation on politics, economics and history so don't get uppity 101 freshman. You are babby
are you gonna invite me do a discord debate now faggot? get a grip

>> No.12597562
File: 25 KB, 395x474, 1547971670855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong on all accounts but nice try.

>> No.12597578

Sophists have existed for ages. You just have to keep denouncing them. In two hundred years people will look at your efforts and cheer you. That's how it has been in the last two thousand years.

>> No.12597593
File: 1.09 MB, 2434x2110, fakePrivilege2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are obviously politically illiterate and have no clue wtf is happening in this world lol. You're opinions can be completely discarded as useless. You are completely out of touch with reality as 99.99% of leftards tend to be. Why dont you try getting your head out of books and watching some jewtubes and getting caught up on what is really happening in this world boyo

>> No.12597767

keep projecting. I know all of you proud boy incels wish to inject yourselves with estrogen to cope with being a sad failure.
talking about white this white that but you secretly jerk off to furry porn and bbc threads on /b/

>> No.12597851

>pic related
how the media is used to distract the population from the real issues is something the left has been studying for decades
adorno, horkheimer, chomsky or mark fisher have written about exactly this extensively, the difference being they see the reason for this deceitful nature of the media in capitalist, not in some jewish plot
you and i might have a lot in common, you just have the wrong enemy in mind. by focusing your attention on jews or people of color you are playing right into the hand of the people you claim to condemn and your class consciousness is gone, youre just another cog in their machine
again, you have more in common in any working class person of color than with a white billionaire and when an immigrant does your job for cheaper dont be angry at the immigrant, be angry at you boss who doesnt give a shit about you and will replace if someone more desperate will do some meaningless work cheaper

>> No.12597939
File: 1.99 MB, 956x2224, CommunistPress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the media is used to distract the population from the real issues is something the left has been studying for decades
Someone was doing it long before "your left." You are hopelessly clueless so this is your last (you)

>> No.12597961

I am just being dramatic btw, we do have a lot in common, that was my point. If the left didnt go full antiwhite racist and full retard idpol, we could have accomplished something. As it is however your left are just the shock troop foot soldiers of the very forces you claim to despise and be against. You got played and your inability to be able to see this makes you dangerous to people like me until you can be shown that which you are unable to see atm

>> No.12598166

You literally have no memory of the Obama administration do you?

>> No.12598173

Yes, I remember very clearly ass smashing your mom during that time period. Why?

I am probably your father btw

>> No.12598776

>Your unborn needs aborted
What's your native language?

>> No.12598816

>remember that you have more in common with any working class person of color than you will ever have in common with a white billionaire
Worker's solidarity is dead, the working class in the modern West does not even really exist, and this was never true anyways. You have to cope. I am nothing like a gypsy in temperament or upbringing, while I could absolutely see myself screwing over the lower classes if I had become massively successful at a different point in my life. The same is true for Westerners and Arabs / Blacks / Hispanics, they are simply thought-policed and banned from realizing it, plus the media is lying to them. In reality racial politics is all about power and no reconciliation will ever be enough. And you think you have any common interest with such a person!
Racial identity is indelible and genetic, ethnic identity is almost as powerful, gender and sex are expressions of the most powerful human impulse, whereas class identity is fragile, emergent, and most people turn class traitor the instant their position changes. You are done for, the neoliberals have you fully enslaved.

>> No.12598830

>Infographic can't even decide if occupy wallstreet ended in 2012 or 2013
Oh no, it's retarded.

>> No.12598835

blessed and based post.

the retard calling everything retarded meme never gets old mate

>> No.12598892

>this is pure projection, i work in a shipyard and im in a union
why are you on a board for educated smart people, you retard wagie?

>> No.12598932

does anyone here know what those library scanners at the front of libraries do and how they work? I walked through one with a pair of wired ear nubs and got a weird ringing sound in them. Is there anyway that can be boosted for idk some sort of involuntary hearing loss of idk federal agents with ear pieces idk.

>> No.12598940

1. This is real. Granted, it isn't like the same job pays differently, but it is a average of what men and women make overall.

2. Gender by definition is non-binary. Are you thinking of sex?

3. Race is a social construct.

4. IQ is real but also man made and only measures one aspect of intelligence.

5. No one claims you can change your sex.

6. You okay?

7. Who said that?

People like you are much, much worse for science. I don't know any that think like you. Many are in undergraduate courses, but they tend to be weeded out. Right wing extremist and such are not prominent in science.

>> No.12598941
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>> No.12598964

>social "sciences"
Not science or math take this cringe shit somewhere else.

>> No.12599026
File: 1.14 MB, 1006x930, soyman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like you are much, much worse for science.
You people are impossible to parody you are such a joke. You are delusional and mentally handicapped

>> No.12599044

You talk like this hasn’t been the case for over a century. Scientists are just glorified mercenaries, they work for the highest bidder and they will ‘prove’ anything you want as long as you have the money.

>> No.12599048

I get you anon, but I’ve noticed that all the porkies also happen to have large noses for some reason. Pure coincidence I bet.

>> No.12599050

the actually interesting stuff might find a way to survive. It usually does although the administrative burden seems to be killing off a lot of cool sounding experimenting because of environmental concerns especially wrt. nuclear
all that other crap you mentioned will take over. There is so much trash that gets researched it's unbelievable. It's massive scale fraud. But don't expect con artists to admit. If you ever try to cut their funding to their soft sciences departments they'll cry and rage about muh anti science

>> No.12599215

It already happened. Undergrad is fucked for the average student, but who cares. Graduate is less fucked since PIs have the most say in who gets in (at least in universities/departments where research matters) and no PI wants to have unproductive idiots in their labs, no matter how much diversity they want. That goes double for post-docs (who will get shit on by PI and PhD students if they are less than perfect) since they're hired directly by PI. Biggest impact is PIs having to waste even more time on even more pointless meetings.
Mid-tier universities will probably benefit the most as extremely talented students get shunted to them instead of concentrating at Ivies
Ironically, URM students will be hurt the most since talented minority students will get thrown into institutions that they're not prepared for and have their spirits crushed. Additionally, a lot of departments want to reduce stringency which goes against the best STEM pedagogy research on retention (which indicates that challenging students with intellectual adversity, especially first gens and URMs, increases retention and success; see CURE course research for example)
Lots of shitty adjuncts and probably a rough few while for new hires (once departments waste enough money on startup funds on diversity hires that leave because they can't get tenure, they'll course correct).

>> No.12599230

>only measures one aspect of intelligence.
It measures general intelligence, what other aspects of intelligence is there?

>> No.12599234

>IQ is real but also man made
IQ tests, and IQ scores are man made, but general intelligence is not man made.

>> No.12599243

Nobody ln politics cares about science. For example, right wings will whine about abortion becauce they are a real person even before conception. And Democrats will deny differences in races.

>> No.12599255

You haven’t noticed that, and no one human falls for /pol/shit
Also aquiline noses have fuck-all to do with Judaism, just to add a bit of extra emphasis on how stupid your cult is

>> No.12599266

>Communism can ever work
Hey, wait a moment, mate... not cool. Leave communism out of this.

>> No.12599271
File: 178 KB, 733x385, 1496465451837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu rabbi, dont tell me what I do and don't notice

>> No.12599304

That is false. IQ by definition only measures one thing; your IQ score. This can also differ wildly even among the same person depending on when they take it, their mood at the time , etc. If you want to argue that IQ and 'general intelligence' are the same, then you are laughably wrong. IQ problems are some of the most easily programmed. For example, they can be solved with simple computer vision. If someone has an 150 IQ yet believes in Flat earth, would you claim they are extremely intelligent? If so, your usage and definition of 'intelligent' is extremely flawed.

>> No.12599309

Killing babies is wrong even when they’re inside the mother.

>> No.12599312

>2. Gender by definition is non-binary.

You are insane.

>> No.12599321
File: 70 KB, 492x492, conniseur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent post anon have a pepe

>> No.12599326

This is all wrong. The field of psychometrics is robust and you have no idea what you're talking about. I suggest readers try Arthur Jensen's "The G Factor" for a proper introduction to the validity of IQ & g.

>> No.12599331

>proud boy
Hi fed. Nobody but Twitter drones fell for that one.

>> No.12599334

Freedom is more important than human life, change my mind.

>> No.12599339
File: 8 KB, 327x154, TJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12599346

So long as you're okay when yours is taken. Mad Max in the US, one of these days...

>> No.12599350


>> No.12599356
File: 887 KB, 800x508, russel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is closer than you think little buddy. Only 3 months ago you fuckwits on this board were calling me "schizo" for telling you where we are now. I have been prepping for a decade, thanks though

>> No.12599375

Putang ina iyo nanaman kapatalan kang pol. Bumalik ka sa board mo gago!

>> No.12599376
File: 147 KB, 1200x1200, Gerber Life Abortional Grow-Up Plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Killing babies is wrong even when they’re inside the mother.
RIP caviar then

>> No.12599448

I never said IQ is not 'valid'. IQ has uses. However, it is an idiotic standard to use as a base of what is considered 'intelligence' , because it is too narrow. Also you didn't debunk or answer of the items I brought up. If you actually care about reality, read Race, IQ and Jensen (1980). OP likely is one that spouts off about IQ, but actually knows just as little about it.

>> No.12599709

if you truly believed that you wouldn't be sitting here whining about it but do something about it regardless your own safety