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File: 294 KB, 432x745, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12591867 No.12591867 [Reply] [Original]

Coming up...
>Virgin Orbit - ELaNa XX - LauncherOne (747) 1/17/2021 10:00am PST (6:00pm UTC)
>Rocket Lab - Another One Leaves The Crust - Electron/Curie 1/17/2021 11:30pm PST (7:30am UTC)
>SN9 - ????hop???? - ???????? NET January, 2021
previous >>12590223

>> No.12591872
File: 1.18 MB, 2952x3047, KeepBuying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgin galactic might actually go up dramatically in the short term because HONK HONK CLOWN MARKET

>> No.12591878

>SLS ??????????????????????????????????

>> No.12591883







>> No.12591889
File: 57 KB, 365x290, 1607469008787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now lads. It's time to put the failures of yesterday away somewhere. A-at least Orion can probably be salvaged right?

>> No.12591891
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>> No.12591892

The good Orion, you mean.

>> No.12591902

Scaled up

>> No.12591908

I found articles on it that dates back to 2006. Has it been stuck in development hell all this time?

>> No.12591915

Yep. That's part of what prompted my bitchpost about funding.

>> No.12591921
File: 17 KB, 497x432, 1518905530731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how many companies are out there at the moment who have the goal of space industrialisation and asteroid mining? At present Mr. Musk seems entirely focussed on colonising Mars but Starship should be a real enabler of other space activities.

>> No.12591923

Look at a delta v map and transit time and you’ll see why asteroid mining will never happen

>> No.12591925

LEO transfer stations, propellant depots, and orbital tugs are prerequisites for sane architecture.

>> No.12591928

Asteroid mining is a meme until you have either a huge inner system space based infrastructure or some bullshit magic drive that lets you move a billion tonnes for practically zero cost.

>> No.12591929

Static fire tomorrow? Cameron county shows primary road closure for the 18th

>> No.12591938

The only good Orion is a nuclear Orion.

>> No.12591939

>He doesn’t know

>> No.12591950
File: 13 KB, 782x543, 1605692177220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the deltaV requirement for most NEOs less than that required for reaching lunar orbit? And shouldn't transit times be little more than a year at worst? I know Hayabusa took about 3 years but it was using a gay little ion drive so no surprises there
But isn't there potential for supplying space-based manufacturing facilities with low volumes of materials that can be turned into high quality high value products like crystals and substrates? You probably don't have to transport huge amounts of material, just process and transport semiconductor materials and maybe PGEs to generate value in the early days. Also if you choose the right asteroids and propulsion system you could probably refuel at them just fine by boiling water off the mined material.
In addition once you have processing and manufacturing facilities set up in orbit you could probably just build simple miners and propellant (read, water) depots that you can then use to supply further mining voyages. Start with small craft then gradually scale up as your ferrying capacity to I dunno L5 or LEO becomes greater and greater.
Spitballing a little here but it should be perfectly feasible

>> No.12591958

Bezos claims he wants to industrialize the moon but based on his actions he seems to just be chasing a cost+ contract the size of SLS.

>> No.12591959
File: 86 KB, 535x810, 82a58f33530d721160cc6bb1be88e85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX Martian Defense Forces against the UN.

>> No.12591962

Imagine the timeline right now where they just don't have SpaceX. How suicidal would a space enthusiast be waiting for oldspace, BO, or the virgin Galactic to produce anything worthwhile?

>> No.12591970

>space is hard
>this is why we test
>blue origin will usher in a new era
>cant wait for airtimes

>> No.12591979

If you are producing high value, low volume items (crystals, proteins, glasses, fibre cables, whatever) in earth orbit then there is no need to ship materials from asteroids as it will certainly be vastly more expensive than just shipping the precursors up from earth.

If you want to produce low value, high volume items such as refined iron, water ice and other mined materials then you either need a huge entrenched infrastructure throughout the inner system to support these operations with millions of tonnes of supplies shipped backward and forward (see any existing mine site), or you need a magic engine to either ship all this stuff to and back from your site on the cheap or move the site to a really easy orbit to work with.

>> No.12591986

what is the Dacia Sandero of space?

>> No.12591989


>> No.12591992

The asteroids in horseshoe orbits are nearly free delta v to get to earth. Even less energy than L4 or L5.
In fact you can go from any planet's associated horseshoe orbit and slingshot to anywhere.

>> No.12591994


>> No.12591996

Atlas V

>> No.12592001

You are likely correct in the assertion that for low volume, high value products it may be cheaper to simply ship up the precursor materials (indeed I reckon some material like dopants would probably be best to ship up given how little of them you would need and how doing so would simplify your initial refinement requirements), however this is not a good long term outlook. Looking towards the long term it would be wiser to simply swallow the expense and construct your refinement infrastructure in space, starting with elements that are required the most and are the simplest to extract and refine then working down to the more difficult ones. Full self sufficiency from earth-based materials should be the ultimate goal. It will save you money and open up the potential for projects far greater in scope.

High volume material is indeed trickier, and considering current or near-future tech propulsion systems will present a major restriction. But by using some of the infrastructure I proposed above it shouldn't require too many steps to simply make more asteroid mining and hauling craft in situ. The bulkiest parts of which would be structural elements which you can initially make from shitty basic iron or steel that will be easy to refine from asteroidal material, the more technical parts could be shipped up or even made using the infrastructure intended for low volume high value components. Sure their individual capacities may be limited but get enough of them and that becomes a non issue - refuelling can also be simplified and cheapened by simply leveraging the water available in asteroidal material or - if you've got the ships and infrastructure - lunar ice.

>> No.12592004

Sure, and there is a very limited number of those. Of which most will be useless ice/chondrite type asteroids. Of those that are actually useful, you will have a transfer window just like any other planet where access will be impossible outside of it. If you want a serious asteroid mining industry then you can just go ahead and forget the fuck out of any earth intercept asteroids and head out to the belt.

>> No.12592010
File: 47 KB, 941x546, Elon_Musk_on_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12592012

In an ideal world yes, companies would front the multi billion dollar bill to setup huge mining facilities in the belt, railguns to ship it back and processing/refining facilities in orbit. In reality this kind of expenditure won't happen until there is already a huge investment in space industry.

>> No.12592018

I had this idea about water capture for an asteroid because mining in basically zero g seems fucking basically impossible without some sort of insane scaffolding around the entire rock.

Idea would be that you create a kind of fucking massive lock in the shape of a bowl with massive walls extended grossly above the water line somewhere in the ocean or one of the great lakes and then deorbit the asteroid into that.

Let the materials collect as silt along the bottom and gather that using a dredge/vacuum or depending on the size you pump the water out and filter for the roaming particles, then scrape the bottom once the water is gone.

This would be a massive investment and surely piss off a huge number of environmentalists but if you did it somewhere in international waters and targeted asteroids with the right composition it's free real estate.

>> No.12592020

I don't know why but I think that a picture of Elon with a Pith Helmet would seriously trigger all leftists of this world. I initially thought he was wearing one of these helmets.

>> No.12592022

It's pretty much impossible to deorbit anything of a useful size without a thermonuclear tier impact.

>> No.12592024

fake image, don't spread pictures that could cause problems to our Mars weeb overlord

>> No.12592027

Based Musk image defender

>> No.12592029

I don't even hate that Viv is a tranny, I hate that He/She/Xhe claps for every little thing that Musk does

>> No.12592030
File: 60 KB, 964x912, pepe acared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kn-know what?

>> No.12592041

If I had a decent source image of a tropenhelm at roughly that angle, nothing would be easier.

>> No.12592043

I'm award, but under water detonations for nukes are far smaller because water is just that much better at energy absorption than anything else we have for what is essentially free. Genuinely compare a surface level nuke detonation to an underwater one - night and day. Either way, I wasn't really exaggerating when I mentioned the size. Plenty of "smaller" asteroids out there of useful size that wouldn't be infeasible to build for, and more importantly, wouldn't require special technology, incredibly cumbersome infrastructure, etc.

And yes, I know you are talking about something for extraction of resources meant for colonies and vessels in orbit and so forth, but this would be meant purely as a way to extract tremendous amount of wealth from the one and only location capable of generating wealth for a very long time.

Ideally you'd want to be a Martian/Belter/whatever that just slamming rocks into Earth, selling the heavy metals, and then shipping that wealth back home in the form of resources or capital to use to exert influence like a certain country fond of small hats does.

>> No.12592045

The moon has more mass in its crust than all asteroids combined outside of Ceres
And Ceres is a disaster to get to

Mining raw resources are the most trivial part of industry

>> No.12592051

we should have that AI image rotational manipulator that Karoly Zsolnay Feher was showing lately and generate the angle ourselves

>> No.12592056
File: 27 KB, 456x600, pith tropenhelm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is at the correct angle, even if the helm in itself is low quality

>> No.12592059

Not even slightly correct angle.

>> No.12592060

or almost correct... impossible to get 100% correctness

>> No.12592062

The angle that matters is the upwards tilt, not the lean of the head.

>> No.12592063
File: 58 KB, 577x583, 1518906935202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scaling back a bit and thinking about how to do it more economically with lower initial investment I see a couple approaches. Exploitation of NEOs is pivotal though due to lower deltaV requirements to reach them.
1. Send up a moderate orbital manufacturing facility (e.g. something like a souped up Wake Shield Facility for substrate printing among others for proteins, crystals etc.)
2. Use profits from this to send up asteroid mining rig and basic refinement facility

3) The refinement station specialises in elements like silicon and other semiconductors - whatever elements are being used the most in your low volume manufacturing. It stays in LEO or L5 and the mining rig delivers asteroid material to it - you refine these materials and feed them into your orbital manufactories - you are thus weaning yourself off earth shipments and increasing your profitz.
4) Using these profits you send up more mining rigs and refining facilities specialising in other elements such as those useful for structural elements e.g. iron, nickel, titanium. Along these you ship very basic manufacturing facilities that can construct heavy structural and power elements (think trusses, tanks and solar panels)
5) With your new rigs you start delivering higher volumes of material that are refined and constructed into the skeletons of more mining rigs and processing facilities
6) Leverage this by now only shipping up the more complicated functional parts of your infrastructure (think control processors, servos, robotics etc.) Thus you get more facilities and ships per shipment
7) Repeat ad nauseum until you have facilities to refine most elements in the periodic table and a full fleet of mining rigs regularly bringing in material
8) Then start aiming for belt asteroids ramp up resource harvesting and processing capabilities by orders of magnitude
9) Go engage in groovy space construction projects, giant interferometers, space habitats, space ships whatever you like.

>> No.12592064

Mineral rights is absolutely not, and neither is the ecological impact. China has parts of it that are basically uninhabitable now because of their coal run off, they are functionally at war with India now because they have lost so much of their fresh water supplies to pollution and their fish stocks (if they weren't depleted from overfishing) are functionally nonexistent due it this as well. Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. also have this exact same problem. Australia is in a similar state as well, but not a lot of people want to talk about that because China is an easier target.

>> No.12592069
File: 78 KB, 197x346, sadjim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Big Jim feeling right now?

>> No.12592075

Re-entry is not kind to asteroids and I hope you like dealing with tsunamis you dummy. Also there are dozens of proposals on how to approach zero G mining, it shouldn't be that hard

>> No.12592081

>My ass hurts
>I have to bend to reach my Refreshing Mountain Dew
>It's cold up here
>Wish I was in a heated studio doing comfy shit with Elon
>Fuck Boing

>> No.12592094
File: 1.36 MB, 1536x1571, ohnoanyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS, when it gets delayed you reaction is pic related, just like the dacia.

>> No.12592095
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, spaceportxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12592107

>Australia is in a similar state as well

We're fine, as long as you don't live in Port Pirie, Whyalla or Port Hedland (home of the largest lead smelter on the planet and the largest steelworks in Australia and the busiest ore port on Earth, respectively). Those places are polluted as fuck and are horrifying industrial hellscapes, but they're also 2 small towns (sub 25k population) in remote parts of a massive empty continent, far from major population centres, water tables, or food production areas.

There are other places that generate a lot of pollution (see: any of our major mines) but they generally don't have any people living there in significant numbers on a permanent basis and aren't near anything important (again, water tables or food production. Nearly all of the mines are all in the middle of fuckoff nowhere outback desert country)

>> No.12592145

Only if they are nuclear

>> No.12592155

incorrect, solar electric (water microwave plasma) is the best option
nuclear thermal (methane) would also be pretty good but I don't think the hassle of nuclear is worth it

>> No.12592161

musk loves replying to him

>> No.12592162
File: 15 KB, 559x423, pepedisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is SLS such a shitshow? Team #USA has been making it since 2011 and still can't launch it. Meanwhile SpaceX has started working on Raptor engines in 2012, revelaed Starship in 2016 and made it fly in 2020.

>> No.12592166

what a painful press conference. i wish i could hug jim and warm him up and tell him he did his very best and we're so proud

>> No.12592180

The Russians are building a 100 MW tug.
Plasma is gay.

>> No.12592183

Is there any precedent for the first core firing of a rocket failing like SLS?

>> No.12592187

Russians will also build 4 new rockets at the same time and their own space station and a venus mission

>> No.12592193

One would think that reusing well tested shuttle parts would provide some kind of advantage.

>> No.12592199

So what about USA and Britain both stepped up their nuclear space program.

>> No.12592204
File: 3.66 MB, 2302x1480, sfg barrel section.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip SSME-2058
Shat his turbopump throught the flame diverter

>> No.12592205

we havent stepped up shit until they contract spacex to build an NTP drive

>> No.12592209

how do we know it was that engine #? they failed to tell us at the stupid press briefing

>> No.12592211
File: 22 KB, 860x622, engines02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured it out through some pictures

>> No.12592216

the fucking state of nasa

>> No.12592217

>A-at least Orion can probably be salvaged right?
I guess you can put one in Starship's trunk?

>> No.12592224

very based anon, we'll see if you got it right

>> No.12592245
File: 347 KB, 916x1500, N1_1M1_mockup_on_the_launch_pad_at_the_Baikonur_Cosmodrome_in_late_1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post YFW this monster managed to operate longer in its first flight than SLS' core stage.

>> No.12592255

>fuck niggers
>fuck jews
>fuck jannies

>> No.12592278

What even is viv ? German Student and Musk replies to vivs Tweets quite often

>> No.12592281
File: 900 KB, 1171x1701, 32B2F2C2-074F-4450-A0EB-4096BFA233DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based but N1 is still a shitty rocket. They never even static fired the first stage which meant that every launch was a leap of faith. This isn’t always a bad thing but when you have 30 engines it’s really retarded. However I would’ve loved to see it fly.

>> No.12592283

Fuck that actually scared me.
You're going to need to invest into long-term habitation first to be able to have workers for your rigs.
We flat out need to get spin stations built and learn how to make them well before we can get any long-term space infrastructure up and running.
Side ho.

>> No.12592286

Yeah they simply didn't have the facilities or the time to do a static fire of the first stage. All the other stages were considered reliable.

>> No.12592288

>He doesnt remember the SpaceX mars colonial transporter. MCT
Still, starship made the majority of its progress since the ending of 2018

>> No.12592291

but most of all, fuck BOING

>> No.12592295

The problem with NEO mining is that if you want anything bigger than a few meters across, it’ll weigh hundreds or even thousands of tons. That won’t be easy to put into Earth orbit unless you use some slow-ass electric propulsion. You could theoretically mine the asteroid on a heliocentric orbit then boost towards Earth, but that requires a high degree of automation that doesn’t exist today (at least with current probes).

>> No.12592296

christ that's a lot of stages

>> No.12592297

Development work on Starship really only began in 2018. The first Starship tanks were built in 2018. Starship is a very new rocket

>> No.12592311

berger has obscene bias, he hates SLS and loves SpaceX. sickening bias...

>> No.12592312

nuclear is a meme, especially nuclear thermal

>> No.12592316

reality has a pro-SpaceX bias

>> No.12592322

the Saturn V and the N1 used the same amount of practical stages (the Service Module counts as two or something IDK)

>> No.12592327
File: 1.11 MB, 3375x2250, SPARC_2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fusion drives when?


>> No.12592332

maybe helium tanks?

>> No.12592336
File: 139 KB, 1125x775, FD83BE83-1889-476D-A9EC-4BDE9AA535A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely helium tanks.

>> No.12592338

Nuclear Salt Water Rockets seem to shit on the current fusion engine designs. Fusion drives have shit thrust. NSWR doesn’t.

>> No.12592340

it's the only next step propulsion that's actually getting funding

>> No.12592342

Zubrin's Nuclear Salt-water Rocket is fucking terrifying if it works. I dont know if i have the balls to ride one

>> No.12592351

it could be nitrogen for spin-prime and RCS or something, or just regular high pressure methane and oxygen for pressurization

>> No.12592353

Wait, the correct spelling in English is "tropenhelm"?

>> No.12592354

No, I used the german spelling because twitter normies would most likely call it a nazi helmet.

>> No.12592356

hey, you know how the Orion drive stores it's fissile material in well understood, stable, solid bomblets?
that's gay and for pussies, let's just dissolve it in water and hope it stays evenly distributed and doesn't clump up and also that our neutron suppressant does its job

>> No.12592358

True all we know is that it’s a COPV.

One thing the Expanse never got was that anyone outside the Roci when the engine is firing would be melted and get cancer simultaneously

>> No.12592359

Ah, thanks. I got triggered because this is also the Dutch spelling.

>> No.12592361

Dutch is just German spoken underwater

>> No.12592364

Dutch is like Danish and German got drunk one night and had a child with chromosome errors that neither of them wanted custody of.

>> No.12592368

tfw im half danish half german and retard

>> No.12592372
File: 68 KB, 1200x800, yearinreview_bezos.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry fellas, looks like New Shepard is the only rocket that hasn't completely shit the bed this week. The future of space travel in the hands of a very wealthy sniffer

>> No.12592376

Good, no planet or moon shall be inhabited.

>> No.12592377

Calling New Shepard a rocket is very generous. It's a glorified carnival ride.

>> No.12592379
File: 518 KB, 800x160, greenrun20201207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12592389

When was the last time an SSME failed in flight or testing?

>> No.12592391


>> No.12592393

before that wise guy

>> No.12592396

this looks like a 2005 internet page banner

>> No.12592399

There were 47 SSME’s produced over the shuttle program, but only 46 flew. Out of 135 missions - 405 engine missions - only 1 failed in flight. That was STS-51-F, in 1985.

>> No.12592413

yeah, it's a banner ad on NSF forum right now. paid for by AJRD obv

>> No.12592419

It looks like an ad for a Minecraft server lol

>> No.12592423

it's not like a regular injected ad either, it's baked into the site lol

>> No.12592485

Will the virgin launch be streamed in some way?

>> No.12592490


>> No.12592496

They do nice videos after the fact.

>> No.12592498

>only a few hours to swap
>it's been multiple days
>still havent replaced both engines

>> No.12592501

they uh
they did, actually. We just haven't posted about it because it happened in the middle of the night.

>> No.12592505

Big mylar or other thin "fabric" to catch the bits of mined asteroid.
Or more likely you process what you care about and leave the rest. Dust and gravel isn't that big a deal, space is big and only retards think kessler's syndrome is a real thing

>> No.12592517

Because NASA is about milking taxpayer money to the right people.

>> No.12592520

They did replace both engines lol. How’s SLS doing?

>> No.12592525

Wow guys, just checked NSF. You are right, I was wrong. Guess I'm the one who is embarrassed now

>> No.12592537

TFRs added. currently set at
7200ft: Jan 18-Jan 21
Unlimited: Jan 19-Jan 21

>> No.12592561

>Jan is still on the table
Give snine your energy

>> No.12592580

Having a baby friends. What do you think of Orion as a girl name?

>> No.12592585

People should only be allowed to name their children Orion if I'm allowed to light a nuclear shaped charged under said child's ass

>> No.12592593

Holy shit it does.

>> No.12592599


>> No.12592605


>> No.12592609

Your son will never be woman

>> No.12592619

If you're looking to name a girl after an Oldspace project that's also a mythological hunter, go with Artemis.

>> No.12592632

you cannot possibly imagine how powerful your daughter will become if you name her Orion

>> No.12592645

1) that's not a girl's name
2) Orion and Artemis were the biggest assholes of the entire Greek Parthenon
3) the space project is a mess

go with Valentina or Mae or whatever

>> No.12592659

*hits pipe*

>> No.12592662

It's because the Esptein Drive supposedly somehow recoups like 99.999,999,999% of the waste heat and radiation from the plume either recycling it to turn into more thrust or into more electrical power, so the only danger zone for the drive is directly behind it, and when the Nauvoo is launched it does actually melt down a bunch of discarded construction girders, although that's the only time where the danger of the drive is ever illustrated so far.
It should be mentioned again this season.

>> No.12592667

Thanks guys. I'm hoping it's a boy anyway.

>> No.12592698
File: 2.93 MB, 427x240, honkler.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12592718

There was a company called Planetary Resources which was going to make small prospecting satellites. I haven't heard anything from them in years.

>> No.12592719

Please don’t pick an astronomy name for your child, male or female. Name them something normal

>> No.12592721

They're dead

>> No.12592722

I didn't watch SLS test, what was the number of viewers on NASA stream at peak?

>> No.12592724

The more I read about the Expanse the less realistic it seems damn.

>> No.12592725

sigh. Why did they take this future away from us, spacebros?

>> No.12592741

To piss off Elon Musk.

>> No.12592745

it is not even clear that Virgin Orbit going to launch today. The 17th was a NET date from weeks ago, and I haven't heard anything recently.

>> No.12592794

They were still on track as of yesterday

>> No.12592796

>breaks all the windows

>> No.12592802

Didn’t the Saturn V use common bulkheads with insulation?

>> No.12592806


>> No.12592808

Actually I just found a tweet that it's still on as of a few minutes ago
>It's launch day!
>Today at 1 p.m. ET (10 a.m. PT), the launch window opens for @Virgin_Orbit's #LaunchDemo2 mission that will carry the CubeSats of ELaNa 20 into space. Stay tuned for live updates and mission facts!
Good luck to the anon with a sat flying on this

>> No.12592812

Wasn’t that due to a bunk sensor?

>> No.12592816

Yeah hope they don’t blow up his shit this time

>> No.12592844

Neat. It sounds like Roci just has to have big radiators and be around 4X longer and it would be realistic-ish.

>> No.12592846

It isn't realistic, it's not soft scifi insofar as technology in the setting still has rules and doesn't just randomly arbitrarily change it's properties or behave magically for no reason. It's more of a Clarke-Tech setting.

>> No.12592851
File: 36 KB, 1293x697, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fingers crossed for today!

It was EXOS that crashed the rocket with my stuff on it.

>> No.12592860
File: 119 KB, 588x441, Frog_Space_Magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reality can be strange

>> No.12592863

it's shit because it's a male name, please for the baby's sake choose a normal name

>> No.12592873

Think about how awkward it'd she starts dating a guy named Ryan that plows her really good. Orion Oh Ryan oh ryan

>> No.12592877

Doesn’t Scott Manley have a son named Orion? Ridiculous name.

>> No.12592878

If the dude is moaning it’ll sound like that car commercial lol
>Oh oh oh Orion

>> No.12592880


>> No.12592896

>Doesn’t Scott Manley have a son named Orion? Ridiculous name.
really? top kek
anyways it's better for a male than a female.

>> No.12592910

also just tweeted
>LOX loading on the rocket has begun, and we're looking good to hit our target takeoff time of approximately 10:30 AM Pacific.

>> No.12592914
File: 99 KB, 590x350, amelia ulasniperson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast!

>> No.12592920

Ah, that’s right. My memory sucks. Good luck today anon!

>> No.12592923

Yeah, 1 km^2 of radiators, 200 meters in length, and 1/100th the thrust and it'd be almost realistic.

>> No.12592941

I have been interested in space my whole life, for more than half of it spacex didn't exist. It wasn't that bad because we had no idea how much better it could be.

>> No.12592944

I would've given up on it and taken up trains or guns

>> No.12592949
File: 750 KB, 1050x591, Screenshot_2020-12-02 1556645239670 jpg (WEBP Image, 1920 × 1080 pixels) – Scaled (54%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine the timeline right now where they just don't have SpaceX.

>> No.12592951

It’s not that bad. 1 km^2 of radiators is like two 40X40 meter triangles on the sides of the ship. The story would have to change though. Roci can’t sit inside a cargo bay and can’t land on a planet. Come to think of it though, the “Stealth Ships” would never work in real life because they’d have giant radiators too

>> No.12592952
File: 321 KB, 1200x675, virgin demo 2 timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So launch around 11:30 PST

>> No.12592956

Virgin Orbit in about an hour, no streams...

>> No.12592957
File: 309 KB, 500x498, 2rch5h (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12592958

China without SpaceX is literally just China now but without any reusability R&D instead of just starting it now.

>> No.12592976
File: 100 KB, 768x609, vFV1cxH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such was the NASA requirement

>> No.12592978

I strongly recommend reading the ESAS report from 2005 which gave birth to Orion and proto-SLS (Ares V)

>> No.12592982

>Scale something up
>"That'll be $50bn and 20 years of work!"
It's a sad fucking state of affairs, isn't it?

>> No.12593002

I’d suggest Valentina, after the first woman in space

>> No.12593022

The first bit of S1 I was willing to suspend disbelief, then it became the alien goo show and I sorta lost interest. I didn't sign on to watch fucking Stargate what is this shit?

>> No.12593039

>Esptein Drive
It's a shame he tried to explain it, when asked how the drive worked years ago he gave the good answer "it runs on efficency" which is fine even for harder sci-fi.

>> No.12593043

They should’ve just left the entire series as interplanetary stuff but noooo we need to have wormholes and FTL and aliens. I got to the ending of Book 1 on the show (S2E4 I think?) and I just left the show.

>> No.12593049
File: 481 KB, 1500x844, 20080127012449!CEV-ISS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention that as part of the Constellation program, Orion was also meant to transport astronauts to the ISS.

>> No.12593055

Well, what I posted is just the most common speculation, I don't think the authors themselves have gone any further than having it run on efficiency. All that's implied in the mainline books and TV show is that it's some form of magnetic confinement fusion torch powered by an inertial-confinement laser ignition fusion reactor which afterburns using water to achieve multiple Gs of thrust, and that it's waste product must verge on actual zero because otherwise ships would still need some form of radiators dedicated to removing the drive's excess heat.

>> No.12593056

It's a shame, I like the space-politics a lot and if that had been the main focus of the show it'd be 10/10 for me. All that protomolocule shit could have been left out and it'd still be an interesting story about conspiracies and politics between worlds in the near future.
>Mormons build fuckhuge generation ship
>OPAniggers carjack it

>> No.12593066
File: 1.99 MB, 4096x2730, 1610849482423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593069
File: 2.18 MB, 4096x2304, Er8lieoUYAIzLVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12593070
File: 132 KB, 1071x1340, EA3CD86B-B1A8-4A0D-BE86-37EA391852AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orion was supposed to fly like 4-6 times a year. There were 3 versions of Orion planned, actually.
1) Crew Transport Orion: Pretty much Orion as we all know. It was supposed to fly to the ISS twice a year for crew rotations, as well as go to the moon and whatnot.
2) Cargo Orion: Think of it like a bigger version of Dragon. This one used the crew capsule of the Crew Orion but filled it with cargo. It was supposed to fly to the ISS twice pert year.
3) Vacuum Cargo Orion: This one was designed to act like the Dragon’s trunk. It used the regular Orion’s service module, but instead replaced the capsule with an expendable cargo carrier that could be depressurized for stuff like station components.


>> No.12593072
File: 30 KB, 1154x480, 1524602836050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593075

Yeah the first two books in the series are strictly interplanetary stuff which is great. The third one introduces the wormholes and whatnot.

>> No.12593076
File: 89 KB, 1200x800, 1531874815288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead, we have got this thing.

>> No.12593077
File: 212 KB, 550x930, 18th_century_English_illustration_of_Chinese_fireworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that rocketry is literally archaic technology and we will go extinct sooner than we will reach any off-planet colonies.

>> No.12593078

W-we could get a tax bailout! There's a stimulus coming up-

>> No.12593079

At least that thing has flown. Remember Dream Chaser carrying crew? Neither do I

>> No.12593083
File: 122 KB, 483x509, Wan_Hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily reminder that rocketry is literally archaic technology
Sounds badass

>> No.12593086
File: 5 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way our careers will survive this you idiot!

>> No.12593089

Leave Dream Chaser alone. SNC wanted to offer the crew variant to NASA, but got turned down.

>> No.12593092

Because it sucked probably. It’ll be obsolete when Starship flies anyways.

>> No.12593093

Is Virgin going to try that "launch from an airplane" scheme?

>> No.12593094

they was robbed! at least they scavenged a cargo contract...

>> No.12593095

You have convinced me old technology is bad, tomorrow I'll remove every lever, wedge, wheel, pulley, screw and inclined plane from my life.

>> No.12593098
File: 401 KB, 2048x1365, 1552084003411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dream Chaser a cute

>> No.12593100

>a cute
looks more like a slut

>> No.12593101

>what if we put an expendable trunk on it?
>hey that's pretty cool, what a great little trunk
>now if only it didn't have that pesky spaceplane on it, anything we can do about that?

>> No.12593103

Given their previous issues with planelike vehicles using a proven plane makes sense

>> No.12593105

No dude, 1 km^2 is 1000m x 1000m which is a million square meters.

>> No.12593107
File: 177 KB, 2560x1600, Er8onQcVQAcTAND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically a missile

>> No.12593108
File: 165 KB, 1920x780, X-24A_M2-F3_and_HL-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liftingbody spaceplanes are cute

>> No.12593111

It’s cool but it’s literally just a capsule with extra steps.
>But 1.5 gee re entry!!!!!
Who fucking cares

>> No.12593114
File: 250 KB, 1600x1033, Martin_X-24B_USAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593116
File: 1.11 MB, 3000x2373, HL-10_landed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593129

who wouldn't want to take a ride in a "flying bathtub"?

>> No.12593138
File: 183 KB, 1200x686, 1557003324876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you wait

>> No.12593140
File: 768 KB, 2330x2700, RypzHJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't look at this and tell me Braben didn't get his inspiration here.

>> No.12593155
File: 1.12 MB, 873x1008, John_Manke_M2-F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Manke wanted to

>> No.12593157
File: 1.27 MB, 1338x765, McDonnell_XF-85_Goblin_USAF_(Cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a lifting body, but I got one cuter.

>> No.12593159

Doesn't it stall real easily?

>> No.12593165
File: 104 KB, 1008x507, Convair_YB-58A-1-CF_Hustler_55-661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines.
- Enzo Ferrari

>> No.12593170

the NSWR is badass but it is, optimistically, 80 years from flying,mostly due to current nukeophobia.

>> No.12593175
File: 182 KB, 1431x350, howtomakeagoblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593176

Will it ever go away? People in their 30s are old enough to have not lived during the Cold War.
Well, the last one anyway. It's disheartening that people can only imagine using nukes as weapons. We could have been at Saturn in the 1970s.

>> No.12593177
File: 259 KB, 1600x1008, BuMBdmK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HONK HONK Best rocket coming through HONK HONK

>> No.12593187

>Chromosome challenged smurf plane parade

>> No.12593189

>we are of late to make launch sergei
>da da light the engines, we will be of bullet train

>> No.12593188

>soyuz is launched from what looks like a scene from mad max
lmao how can elon compete?

>> No.12593195

Just name her Valentina or something. Suprisingly, kerbals have way more human sounding name than the Greek/Roman gods.

>> No.12593196

Do NOT bonk Sabre.

>> No.12593198
File: 67 KB, 719x600, american names.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kerbal names always remind me of this

>> No.12593200

How is Musk planning to deal with human chimpouts in cramped Starships or on Mars?

>> No.12593202

Virgin 747 spotted on the flight tracker, they're about to take off.

>> No.12593205

>make a fighter plane body
>attach XF-85 to the front with couplers
>major damage to the main body could cause the XF-85 to fly out like an escape pod
Why? Because it's cool.

>> No.12593206

>Hey and why did you name her Valentina?
>Oh you know a little green creature from a vídeo game
>Oh.. O-Okay

>> No.12593208

What game is this?

>> No.12593210
File: 388 KB, 1920x1258, Soyuz_expedition_19_launch_pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gagarin's start make my pp hard

>> No.12593211

By not crewing them with human chimps.

>> No.12593212

A lower pricetag.
But for real though, I hope Roscosmos finds a way out of the economic mess it's in, I want to see Orel fly on Angara and land propulsively, that would actually one-up Dragon.

>> No.12593214

Aerosolized Vicodin Gas
No clue, could be any number of old sports games.

>> No.12593218

Only when there are large bases on the moon. Pretty much all nuclear propulsion research is going to happen there, while Earthers screech about environmental protection and the Loonies laugh while firing up another test.

>> No.12593219

>not packing humans into starships like sardines in a can
>requiring passengers to not have a criminal record of violence
>having more than one crew starship per transit for redundancy
>space police escort

>> No.12593220

into a lightning storm.

>> No.12593222
File: 3.86 MB, 3600x1466, ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animegirls. Take your pick

>> No.12593223
File: 182 KB, 773x1160, Valentina_Tereshkova_(2017-03-06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a little green creature
oh no
look how angry she's now

>> No.12593227

>I really fucking wish that the US and Russia would openly cooperate on some space project. Not just some faggot composite station, I want a US/Russia blend rocket.
>We should put together an international coalition of rocket scientists and engineers for the express purpose of building a new generation of superheavy rockets using the combined experience of the space race. Fuck ITARfags, team up with the rooskies to make chinks and eurofaggots screech.
The better way would be to have a treaty to get rid of ITAR type of restrictions on both sides and then let SpaceX go multinational, hiring Russians etc and building there too. That's way better than inter-government design by committee bullshit.

>> No.12593228

He'll probably put like 20 to 30 max for comfiness. The longer your trip, the more space you'll need.

>> No.12593229

So yeah, Orbital Virgin. Will it RUD? My vote goes to yes.
No orbital cherry will be popped today.

>> No.12593230
File: 186 KB, 595x842, 10csg_595842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rollout does in general really

>> No.12593234

So they can just turn around and sell all of it to China? Great fucking idea.

>> No.12593237

Air launch is a meme. Air launch liquid fueled is twice as much a meme.

>> No.12593239

Yes and yes.

>> No.12593240
File: 330 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-12_35_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virgin taxiing.

>> No.12593242

Is any of this shit particularly useful for anything? This seems like a bunch of garbage with flowery descriptions.

>> No.12593248
File: 359 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-12_38_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take off

>> No.12593249
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x900, screenshot76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it as 'Monke' at first.

>> No.12593250

It's just NASA using students cubesats as glorified mass simulators to be honest and using that fact as a publicity stunt.
Because none of those are making it to orbit. At least NASA is footing the bill, at least I hope they are.

>> No.12593253


Is there a stream?

>> No.12593254


>> No.12593256

Since when did Branson ever fucking provide a stream for any of his flops? The whole fucking thing is a tax dodge.

>> No.12593258
File: 160 KB, 1262x688, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its private tho

>> No.12593261

Restream it faggot.

>> No.12593262
File: 853 KB, 1600x900, screenshot40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we design a nuclear saltwater rocket?

>> No.12593266


Maybe this will work

>> No.12593267
File: 572 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-12_44_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12593268

You better start sharing before I have to come over there to make you

>> No.12593271

Meant to reply to >>12593261

>> No.12593272

>colony name: New Australia.

>> No.12593273

Password required.

>> No.12593274

What website or program are you using for these?

>> No.12593277

It's in the image AND the filename come the fuck on man

>> No.12593279


>> No.12593281

Working, much obliged.

>> No.12593284

fitting 100 people into Starship is one thing
fitting 100 people and supplies, life support with enough solar panels and radiators to keep life support equipment running for them is another thing

you can't really fit more than about 30 people in there if you expect then to be there for more than a week or so

>> No.12593286
File: 673 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-12_49_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12593291

>Virgin Orbit uses a B*eing first stage

>> No.12593293

thanks anon

>> No.12593294
File: 1.95 MB, 2272x1136, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this professional?

>> No.12593296


>> No.12593298

you know (((why)))

>> No.12593300

>mmrmmrmmff mrmmfmfm rmem! mfffm mmmffm mmffgmmfm!
Fucking masklets you're on TV, you can't infect us.

>> No.12593301
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, branson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593312
File: 2.07 MB, 2535x3617, C3D84389-3409-474A-8684-16E3EDA6576A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried drawing out a realistic Warship. Advice would be appreciated (and greatly needed).

>> No.12593314

>mike truk

>> No.12593315

Quite like the background art

>> No.12593317

If you're having trouble getting in, I guess I'll post the non-watchtogether link.


Put that after vimeo.com/

>> No.12593320

Manliest dude since Beef McSlab.

>> No.12593321

direct link

>> No.12593323
File: 898 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-13_01_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over the water now

>> No.12593325

Caricature is truly the lowest, dumbest form of art

>> No.12593328

need password

>> No.12593333


>> No.12593334

see >>12593279

>> No.12593335

see >>12593279

>> No.12593338
File: 497 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-13_05_42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighter jet approaching, presumably with a camera.

>> No.12593340

>ULA snipper

>> No.12593344

How the fuck? It works. Also
>That godawful synthwave

>> No.12593345


>> No.12593348

>we're still celebrating our virgin pride

>> No.12593350
File: 956 B, 125x112, 1610843729983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin pride

>> No.12593353


>> No.12593354

>virgin pride

>> No.12593358

stream keeps pausing

>> No.12593361

The fuck is the carrier plane doing?

>> No.12593363

Well yeah my bad. Forgot that the Kerbal names are after real people kek

>> No.12593365
File: 374 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-13_13_45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding pattern so the fuel can cool down

>> No.12593366


yeah it's doing a loop on flight radar

>> No.12593367

Is someone trying to dial a phone number on stream or what?

>> No.12593371

password : Venture2Orbit

>> No.12593374

Don't bother with that shit stream, random users keep controlling the stream and scrubbing back to previous points and pausing it

>> No.12593375

it's looking good so far, have you read the whole project rho webpage?

>> No.12593376

Got a better option?

>> No.12593378


>> No.12593380

The vimeo link a few posts ago

>> No.12593381

The vimeo link is available too. Sorry I would've turned off controls to other people if I knew people would do that.

>> No.12593382

>A-at least Orion can probably be salvaged right?
probably, btuw hy would you want to do that?

>> No.12593385

why not publicly stream if you're doing this lol

>> No.12593387

>do not touch here

>> No.12593389

Why railguns as opposed to say, lasers, or laser-cooled particle beams? If you have enough reactor power to charge a railgun, you have enough reactor power for a laser or particle gun instead and either would be a much more effective space weapon.

>> No.12593390

Password is Venture2Orbit

>> No.12593391

>to better understand our understand of ah...we'll be right back

>> No.12593395

>to better understand our understanding
Damn, that's advanced

>> No.12593399
File: 330 KB, 1142x643, yeehaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12593400

Thank you

>> No.12593403
File: 41 KB, 640x640, Waiting for launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it fucking detonates
>destroys the plane
>virgin goes bankrupt

>> No.12593404

When is the actual launch?

>> No.12593405

Yeah. I’ve been bingeing a lot of their stuff for advice. I used to be a fan of Fusion-Fission Fragment engines but then someone redpilled me on NSWR. Only problem is that I kinda understood FF but I don’t even know what the propellant in NSWR is. I want to do more math in the future.

Don’t really know I didn’t add a lot of detail. I guess railguns look cooler and make explosions and whatnot. Torpedoes would be great too I’ll add them.

>> No.12593407

It's going to draw a dick!

>> No.12593408

16 minutes roughly

>> No.12593409

One day we may be able to look forward to breaking the ground towards a future generation being able to understand our understandings in preparation of the first boots on Mars in 2130!

>> No.12593410
File: 247 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-13_24_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12593411

>15 minutes to drop

>> No.12593414
File: 106 KB, 960x960, 1607059594962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would NASA let Musk send some lander mockups as mockup payloads?

>> No.12593418

>ladies and gentlemen, never mind the bollocks

>> No.12593419

>nevermind the bollocks! let's get this candle lit!

>> No.12593425

this is a cool screen

>> No.12593427

>Starship crane lands Starliner on the moon
>Boeing takes credit

>> No.12593433

What does the SLS timeline and a toilet have in common?

They're both full of shit unless they get scrubbed constantly!

>> No.12593437

Will there be a recovery attempt for the plane today?

>> No.12593440

>I don’t even know what the propellant in NSWR
check out scott manley's video, which explains more or less the same as in aromic rocket

obviously its not table salt, a salt chemically is a compound with specific properties but that's not important.

Picture it like this, the fuel and propellant is a solution that's fisile. Meaning it could be fuel for a nuclear reactor. Trough a complex mechanism and a pipe that's made of basically what would be the control rods in a nuclear reactor the fuel is ejected in a way that's just close enough to criticality, in a way that it enters a state thats constantly 3 times more energetic than what it was in the chernobyl core during the worst moment for a fraction of a second. By keeping this delicate balance you're ejecting a constant stream of particles at a retardedly high speed. Bare in mind this is not a safe design. A modern nuclear reactor is prepared to not have an accident even tough everything goes in the worst way possible. A NSW engine is designed in a way that it will have a horrible accident unless everything goes in the best way possible. So that's why its iffy

>> No.12593441

Yes, but it will just parachute into the ocean without plans for reuse

>> No.12593447
File: 469 KB, 1080x1268, 1610777576216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're trying to stop a launch failure from affecting Virgin Galactic's share price by limiting public interest. It's stupid that they're even being associated because Virgin Orbit is private but that is SPCE investors for you.

There are rumors that Virgin Orbit could be going public soon via a special purpose acquisition company and people are already speculating that will happen and buying the stock so that's another reason to limit public interest for now.

>> No.12593448
File: 413 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-13_33_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawker Hunter spotted nearby neat

>> No.12593449

space is hard, spacex just blindly tests random shits, corrects something random and see if it works, they work in the dark, thats amateurish, we do all the math first like pros and then when we fly its exactly as we want it, testing is merely a formality, shit test failed? change something random and see how it goes

>> No.12593450

I've never understood this 'reusable pilot' meme

>> No.12593451

>Space names
I can see them become far more popular in the next 20 years as space becomes accessible again

>> No.12593452

not economically feasible, especially with so many grounded planes to choose from due to the COVID travel depression

>> No.12593456

frankyl he could name his boy "sissy-faggot" and he would still be a chad with those balding ultra high test scottish accent genes

>> No.12593457

Also we cannot even THINK about halting airframe production, the number of jobs lost would be anudder sho- I mean it would be economically unfortunate

>> No.12593458

Internal power

>> No.12593459

>scott manly
>high test

>> No.12593460

Brace for RUD.

>> No.12593461

did it crash?

>> No.12593462
File: 322 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-13_37_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593463

dubs and it blows up

>> No.12593464

What's it doing out there?

>> No.12593469
File: 260 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-13_38_36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12593470

>decently muscular tough doesnt work out
>deep voice

its textbook high test

>> No.12593472

Were off!

>> No.12593475

Uh is it supposed to shimmy like that

>> No.12593476
File: 476 KB, 332x292, launch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12593477

It doesn't look very stable no

>> No.12593479

These fuckers couldn't have made both windows any smaller, right? ffs

>> No.12593480

>doesn't agree with my faggy conservative politics
>must be a soiboi

>> No.12593481

Where are y'all watching from? Any links?

>> No.12593484

Probably aggressor training for the USN/USAF

>> No.12593485

OH NO NO NO, it's over for us, SpaceX bros. We cannot compete with this.

>> No.12593486
File: 133 KB, 680x545, 1588202409911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see if it makes orbit

>> No.12593491

Read the fucking thread you goddamn niggers

>> No.12593492

Commentator is so happy lol

>> No.12593496

pretty cool cams tho

>> No.12593497

They're doing it!
scroll up

>> No.12593498

hope someone is recording the vimeo stream

>> No.12593500

Found it. Why the fuck do they have an official stream but it's hidden behind a password, on Vimeo of all places.........?

>> No.12593501

Read the thread even more

>> No.12593502

If Branson beats the turtle to orbit I'm going to die of laughter.

>> No.12593503

It's the family / friends / customers stream that I wasn't supposed to share.

>> No.12593505

You fucks are all homosexual

>> No.12593507

You will need to get rid of your skeleton.

>> No.12593508

>BO BTFO'd by virgins

>> No.12593509

god bless

>> No.12593513

Lurkmoar newfag

>> No.12593514

PROUD Virgins.

>> No.12593516

How are you involved? Do you have your very own cubesat? Thanks for sharing

>> No.12593518

Okay now stop reading the thread and go back to R*ddit.

>> No.12593519

how do I youtube-dl this stream on the highest quality? Must preserve this footage

>> No.12593520

I'm recording 20 minutes of it with shadowplay relax

>> No.12593522

Thanks anon. Very appreciated

>> No.12593523

Just log in and save it

>> No.12593524

Good one.

>> No.12593525

200,000 km altitude? wtf?

>> No.12593526
File: 1.05 MB, 4056x2484, Lunar_Electric_Rover_at_2009_Presidential_inauguration_parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh. honey, look!

>> No.12593531


>> No.12593532
File: 548 KB, 2106x2639, Astronaut_Rex_Walheim_at_2009_Presidential_inauguration_parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's cute. Remind me to cancel their space program.

>> No.12593537

I'm glad you did anon, rules are for pussies.

>> No.12593540

congrats on reaching orbit
and thanks anon for the stream!

>> No.12593541
File: 197 KB, 1024x1021, 17648843-E427-4A66-88BA-6126A70F8F9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LauncherOne is orbital!

>> No.12593543
File: 1.01 MB, 748x975, sfgproposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the Muslim outreach program?
Fuck yes. Air launching is kind of gay, but no one else cares about it anymore and if Virgin can get good at it, it can be used for Venus missions

>> No.12593548


>> No.12593549

I was a core member of one of the CubeSat teams, a completely useless CubeSat but it's still nice to finally see it off.

>> No.12593550

the gui showing their tank pressures and other telemetry was very nice

>> No.12593552

Assuming a Starship dominated launch market, a nuclear space tug sounds like one of the best things Russians can do to stay relevant:
- It does not compete where SpaceX is good. (Between the body and orbit)
- It takes advantage of superior tech SpaceX won't touch for a good while.
- It can work in synergy with Starship: Starship carrying heavy cargo between bodies and orbit, while the tug can carry that heavy cargo through space without having to do many refuelings, thus freeing up capacity for Starship's human missions.
- A big version can launch is a Starship and become the 3rd stage / service module for deep space missions.
- SpaceX can launch a huge spaceship in modules and the tug can attach and become the nuclear propulsion and power module.
- Big sample returns, asteroid mining experiments

>> No.12593551

>teleports to LEO

>> No.12593553

NSF gatekeeper admins are removing all stream screenshots

>> No.12593555
File: 468 KB, 1492x1268, screenshot-globe.adsbexchange.com-2021.01.17-13_52_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real kino footage is on that CF-116D

>> No.12593556

>a completely useless CubeSat
Well that doesn't narrow it down lel
Still, not like I have a cubesat in orbit right now. Cool job anon.

>> No.12593563

Vey nice, happy for you

>> No.12593566

>ASMR typing noises
>The comms channel is nice and confident; no one is yelling at eachother like the SLS test the other day
>Synthwave background music

>> No.12593568

Congratulations, fren

>> No.12593569

nice to see virgin orbit providing RESULTS and a sick stream

>> No.12593571

This was the first launch that made me genuinely happy for a company other than SpaceX. I loved how the announced was like
>Trust me we have a lot of adrenaline too right now
>Oh I really like this GUI guys these GUI’s are great
>We did it!!!!

>> No.12593573

Congratulations on your mass simulator making it past 'glorified' status, sir.

>> No.12593575

Congratulations bro
The SLS communication channel was embarrassing.
>Well I need you to VERIFY that

>> No.12593576

That is just part of the fetish, the NSF paypiggies pay money to their NSF doms and then have them deny them good content and insider information.

>> No.12593577

>no one is yelling at eachother like the SLS test the other day
Based covid restriction removing the hype crowds from SpaceX events

>> No.12593580

>We have MCF
>Oh shit yeah haha abort

>> No.12593582

500x187km initial orbit bretty gud

>> No.12593585

>>Oh I really like this GUI guys these GUI’s are great
Bless him, it's a nice GUI albeit with windows for ant sometimes

>> No.12593586

I used to meme on Virgin but now they've made orbit. I don't know if this is the first time they have done this, but they are now cooler than Blue Origin and SLS

>> No.12593590

agreed, there was a lot of good energy on the nets for this launch. Congratulations everyone! And thanks based anon for sharing the stream. I'm sure they will share it officially once they achieve mission success. Virgin is all about publicity, after all.

>> No.12593592

>we have mcf hmmm
>but we're still running hmmm
>oh here's the shutdown
monke red button be slappe

>> No.12593593

>no one is yelling at eachother like the SLS test the other day
I may be deaf but I didn't hear anyone yelling during the SLS test

>> No.12593594

>They have unintentional ads on their GUI right now
Hahah god bless you, Virgin

>> No.12593599

>virgin orbit is now orbital virgin

>> No.12593604

Telemetry in 2 mins

>> No.12593608
File: 163 KB, 1036x691, orthodox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, Eve

>> No.12593612
File: 153 KB, 750x1334, DA2E7CB3-3F20-4AE6-B735-5C63803CBD99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS fails Green Run
>NASA be like “fuck it, ship it”

>> No.12593613

Yeah what was that about?
>Guys the engine is falling apart
>Dude don’t worry it’s still running
>Oh wait a minute yeah abort lol oops

>> No.12593614


>> No.12593616
File: 18 KB, 239x208, officer shaggy feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For Eve

>> No.12593621
File: 35 KB, 300x300, DCD6E3A1-D9B1-4B03-9A0B-D2A1BB8085CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS is going to explode on its maiden flight holy shit

>> No.12593623

Better HQ stream here with no ads:


>> No.12593626

Shrapnel Launch System

>> No.12593627

people were getting pissy and snapping at each other. It was very unprofessional and no one sounded like they knew what they were doing lmao

>> No.12593628

Best outcome we could wish for to be honest. Bury that fucking disgrace of a rocket once and for all.

>> No.12593629


>> No.12593631

>orion power module
>sls engines
>srb expiration date
Artemis 1 is going to be an embarrassing disaster isn't it?

>> No.12593637
File: 70 KB, 167x168, 2020 Moon Olympics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593639

Is that what it was. I thought they were gone already but makes sense.

>> No.12593640

Based SSME's martyring themselves to shut the program down and save the rest

>> No.12593643
File: 168 KB, 991x670, RS-25_container.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>witness me
>remember me
>i will be exonerated

>> No.12593644

Lol. I thought SRB's were designed to have an infinite shelf life. Maybe Northrup is just secretly based and they lied about the one year shelf life to get the rocket off the damn pad

>> No.12593651

based, you got me again

>> No.12593653

>single-use shipping containers designed/built and road-tested over 9000 hours before being engine-rated to carry one RS-25 from point A to point B
If you want to look into reusable containers that'll cost $20mil and take a decade of development. Probably more.

>> No.12593654

Cool view of the launch from shore

>> No.12593655

Where can I rewatch the stream?

>> No.12593657
File: 21 KB, 427x427, E93C5BB9-A200-4512-8C3B-735D0CEA8A20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593659

Solids, yes. O-rings, not so much. If only they were cast in one piece, it wouldn't be an issue, but they just had to make them in Utah and ship them across the country which means segments which in turn means o-rings that rot after they start taking load.

>> No.12593660

it was basically yelling over comms by aerospace ops standards

>> No.12593666

They would just launch the Orion on Delta IV, or something. Artemis might become Trump's success, but SLS would be Biden's disgrace.

>> No.12593669

How the hell do airliner pilots even land planes that big? The cockpit is so fucking far from the ground

>> No.12593670

How the fuck do o-rings expire? They're plastic doughnuts

>> No.12593671

This never stops being funny

>> No.12593674

Lots and lots of practice in a simulator.

>> No.12593675

>How the fuck do o-rings expire?
Ask Challenger

>> No.12593676

Put them under heavy load and see what happens with time. It's fucking rubber, man.

>> No.12593678
File: 102 KB, 480x360, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593682
File: 10 KB, 250x250, ROiL09K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593683

Will virgin be the first British launching platform?

>> No.12593684

Just check it out man

>> No.12593685

Pretty much all o-rings take a load. That is how they seal. If they can't take the load then design ones that can

>> No.12593688

>Hey NASA solve this problem
Well there's your problem right there

>> No.12593690

No they’re still technically an American company

>> No.12593691

Congrats to Virgin but won't Starship make this obsolete?

>> No.12593692

They probably *could* but they've been too lazy to change the design.

>> No.12593693

You do know how much the fucking SRBs weigh, right? Not even Wakanda tech will carry that load and seal. They should have been cast as single castings, but politics demanded they be made on the other side of the country, so there it is - a flawed fucking system responsible for 70% of the thrust on the orange turd.

>> No.12593695
File: 149 KB, 1000x639, BAindesert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593697

>that sexy tail shot

>> No.12593699

that was such a comfy stream, why wasn't it public

>> No.12593700

It'll have it's use.

It's at a lower threat than other vertical launch systems.

Starship would have to be very very cheap to crush the small payload market. Plane launched rockets are kino as fuck so more power to them.

Why it's not mastered 60 years after the X-1 is beyond me.

>> No.12593707

Even if Starship gets its cost per launch within seven figures, there's still a clear market for dedicated smallsat launch that a single Starship launch can't compete with, especially for beyond LEO. I'm not sure if Virgin will be the ones to make it, but at least one small launch company will survive Starship and rideshare as a whole.

>> No.12593710

>Starship would have to be very very cheap to crush the small payload market
*Orbital transfer vehicles stand menacingly in your path*

>> No.12593713
File: 200 KB, 530x482, 1598908707506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed it
fug. Still, glad they made it to orbit. Happy for them. And glad that anon got his sat into orbit

maybe, but it's still pretty sweet. Watching a plane pull away from a firing rocket is kino.

That said I think air-launches do offer a few advantages. You need a runway instead of a launch stand so you can enter orbit from just about anywhere. And you don't have to worry about buying expensive coastal land because you can just fly over water. There may be a few other advantages but I'm drawing a blank rn

>> No.12593714

With how professional that stream was, I can guarantee the next launch will be streamed, now that the odds of an embarrassing failure on stream are low.

>> No.12593715

Who the fuck is gonna wait for 4000 cubesats to get together for a rideshare to materialize or hope that SpaceX has room for theirs on a no doubt long waiting list?

>> No.12593716

by only sending autists

>> No.12593717

Goddamn NASA is retarded. No wonder they've been stuck sending dinky probes for decades

>> No.12593719

only on some of the stages

>> No.12593722

All Starship needs is a cheap bus to BTFO any and all possible dedicated launchers in one swoop. They could develop one easily by reappropriating Starlink tech.

>> No.12593725

>Starship would have to be very very cheap
Is that not the entire point of Starship?

>> No.12593727

Just rideshare them with Starlink

>> No.12593728
File: 2.86 MB, 1140x640, home.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all of those foreign airliners

>> No.12593731

The same exact people who wait for dozens of cubesats on an F9 manifest, nobody. They do rideshares on Starlink launches.

>> No.12593734

He might think that Starship may end up like another Shuttle

>> No.12593736
File: 1.20 MB, 1578x883, 30747EAA-77E6-4D88-A337-3473B1F6D8A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is now a high possibility of the SLS falling apart on Artemis I

>> No.12593745

It is yea but it's still going to be super heavy launch every time. Fuel cost can only get so low.

It's hard to justify that for smaller payloads compared to small rockets but Virgin has their niche with Eurocentrics and the UK.

>> No.12593746
File: 945 KB, 2723x2234, 1610592655174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is impressive. That's 2x the production capability of rocket lab. Not that I'm dunking on them RL is a smaller company

>> No.12593748

Fuel cost is like 400-500k on Starship. You're not even attacking it from the right metric.

>> No.12593749
File: 907 KB, 1024x576, 1602178208184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a nightmare to engineer

>> No.12593750

what the fuck is that? eli9
i mean i consider myself a flight space expert and i dont know whats that

since im a spaceflight expert and not an "obsolete shit that goes nowhere and is no good and you are automatically an odd faggot for liking" expert i only know about 3 things: spacex, spacex, and spacex

i mean look at the fuck on on that piece of shit. They just bought an airplane, wrote "orbit" on it, also wrote "virgin" on it for some reason and thought that was it, then some other shit comes off it and explodes sometimes not killing anyone, yet the whole thing is super expensive and no one achieves orbit, what the shit is this fuck?

>> No.12593751

another advantage is no more weather delays. If there is bad weather, you just fly over it or around it. The advantage is flexibility rather than cost.

>> No.12593754

How much does Virgin Orbit cost per kg?

>> No.12593755

>I've been told before I have a face for radio

>> No.12593760

Apparently 747s were already designed to carry a load there for a spare engine so at least the structural work has already been done

>> No.12593763

lol, aircraft design is such a joke.
"yeah just leave some structural reinforcement there in case we decide to add more engines later"

do you even have to go to college to do that half assed work?

>> No.12593765
File: 57 KB, 220x220, creamysheev.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593767
File: 504 KB, 850x635, j-leg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srb o-rings don't get compressed axially. that's not how they seal. That point is moot anyways as the shelf life of the srbs is more directly related to the j-leg seal, basically how springy it is:
“Field Joint J-leg function and proper contact is the primary reason we have the 12 month stack life requirement,” Anderson said in an email. “The J-leg is a redundant sealing feature in the motor field joint molded into the insulation that depends on contact with the adjacent segment to create a seal when pressurized.”


>> No.12593772

Just like Pegasus, it took advantage of unique abilities of the carrier plane. For the L-1101 tri-engine, it was a dual spar in the back, so they could make a slot in the back for the dorsal fin without compromising airframe strength. For LauncherOne, they are taking advantage of the extra hard-point built into every 747, normally only used for transporting replacement engines from the factory to other airports.

>> No.12593774

so you pay more for a guaranteed launch and a custom insertion? I guess that sounds reasonable. At least virgin has a way to differentiate themselves now.

what kind of fuel does this thing use? I'm guessing RP-1? What engine cycle?

>> No.12593775

Many times more than F9, let alone Starship. Again you aren't even targeting the right metrics to help your case.

>> No.12593777

Doesn't matter. They should have been single castings and that's that.

>> No.12593778

I wouldn't be surprised if it was done incase they needed to be used for military purposes for some reason, mounting missiles and stuff

>> No.12593781

I'm not that anon, just curiouis

>> No.12593782

gotcha. I was wondering why they chose a 747

>> No.12593783
File: 55 KB, 512x317, ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, this was baked into the design way back in the '60s because there really was no other good method of ferrying 747 engines at the time just because of how fuckhuge the 747 and its engines were, so it wasn't really a half assed job

>> No.12593784
File: 321 KB, 1400x952, 747 spare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only to transport the engine. It doesn't turn on.

>> No.12593786
File: 39 KB, 549x418, AJ-260_onthemove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy checked and based

>> No.12593787

NEVER stop doing this anon, I love you. I want you posting links on the pinned thread when Starship is going orbital for the first time.

>> No.12593788

how about, and bare with me here cause this is hard, just reinforce the 1000 aircrafts that will need it instead of the 100.000.000 that wont

>> No.12593789

fucker beat me to it by less than a second

>> No.12593790

wow, so many boeing lovers, why dont you go to indonesia and cruise around 737 maxes?

>> No.12593792

Because if Starship is as cheap and as quick to turnaround as Elon promises, it would make more financial sense to launch Starship for a single cubesat than to launch on anything else

>> No.12593795

In that case, 24k per kg vs. 2.7k per kg for F9, ~ten times higher before factoring in F9 reduced rate for reusable or rideshare

>> No.12593796

Virgin Orbit drops a small kerolox rocket from under the wing of a used 747. Because the 747 is massive and adaptable, this works fine.

>> No.12593800

>Because if Starship is as cheap and as quick to turnaround as Elon promises

It won't be

>> No.12593801

I was just replying chill out nigger

>> No.12593802
File: 89 KB, 1196x571, 1584717511153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593806

what if it is

>> No.12593810

Elon wants 1m fly cost and something ridiculous like hour long turn around times. For reference it could be ten times more expensive and be cheaper per flight than a single virgin orbit launch which has a turnaround time of NaN

>> No.12593811

Promised costs are extremely optimistic and is something that they might approach after a very long time of operating them at that.

>> No.12593817

people don't get how much more convenient starship is to other systems.

imagine you have two kinds of dishes. One is a regular dish that you can just wash after youre done using.

The other one is made from pure diamonds, teh only way to manufacture it is to hire 1.000.000 blind men who will do random shapes in a dark cave and toss them around, you need to have a team of professional baseball pitchers outside the cave waiting to catch the one that ocassionally makes it out AND is shaped sort of like a plate. Once you have enough, the ones that are most closely shaped like a plate are carried (by foot) 20.000km to the top of a particularly rainy mountain. Abrasive components are seeded into the clouds so that the rain corrodes the diamond faster, and bomb squad robots with tiny umbrella parade around them in a syncronous dance that takes up 20 supercomputers to coordinate to make sure the diamond erodes just in the shape of a plate.

after its done it has a curse that if you use it for more than 45 minutes a leperchaun will shit in your mouth and rape your entire family, so you have to eat fast and then dispose it.


>> No.12593818

Also Virgin Atlantic had a lot of 747s, which are no longer economical to fly, so they may as well use it for this instead. The Pegasus carrier aircraft isn't too different: it was probably an aftermarket airliner, and it's the last of its kind.

>> No.12593819
File: 57 KB, 350x550, F1191507-D07D-4568-A2FB-377CE4115163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593822

Consider this; even if Starship bottoms out at $20 million per flight, or approximately 2x the cost of an Electron rocket, if you're a smallsat company you may still choose Starship because you don't need to be a smallsat company anymore, you can weld together a steel frame shitbox satellite that has 10x design strength safety factor and masses 100 tons rather than trying to fit all the functionality you want into a literal lunchbox.

>> No.12593823

>If there is bad weather, you just fly over it or around it
Pussy shit, you fly through it

t. Soyuz
None of those advantages make up for the inherent price increase of having a much smaller rocket. Smallsat launchers don't have much of a future outside collecting government money and possibly for rapid payload deployment. It's like a small airplane trying to compete with a 747 in transporting passengers or cargo and niche orbits will be serviced by space tugs so there is no remote location equivalent like there is in the airline industry.

>> No.12593824

good points all around

>> No.12593828

>do we build a meticulously engineered smallsat, saving every gram
>or do we take a 1992 Toyota Corolla, put all our instruments in the trunk and launch it on Starship

>> No.12593831

Reminder than launching through a blizzard is easier than launching through a rain storm because the water droplets in the latter are about ten times more dense than the snow flakes in the former, and this high density makes them act like tiny hammers flying at mach 3 into your rocket.

>> No.12593833

Thank you, I will. I plan on Krystalposting from Mars via Starlink in the future.

>> No.12593836

can't argue with that calm rational and scientific logic

>> No.12593838

Someone's going to make a literal carsat, now.

>> No.12593839

Yeah. It will take a while for the shift to take place though, because "overbuilt with no regards to mass concerns as long as it costs less" is not an approach anyone is taking with sat tech yet.

>> No.12593840

literally this

>> No.12593844

>Stick MOOSE in the trunk
>"here's your semi-sealed space capsule, bro. Have fun in LEO"

>> No.12593849

and im just replying incoherent rage like a crazy person, whos gonna make me chill ,you?

>> No.12593852

People are going to be making satellites that use 100% consumer grade electronics and shit, and they're going to get around the issues of functioning in space by putting everything that's used to atmospheric pressure inside of a steel tank, and do thermal management by filling the vessel with parrafin wax.

>> No.12593853

>Texas space adventures, you must be at least this tall to ride

>> No.12593858

>here's your hardened, advanced avionics system bro
>it's smartphone internals in a lead box
>outperforms just about everything else in orbit

>> No.12593879

Any indication on if the second stage reignited?

>> No.12593891

the thing most people don't understand is that no part of particularly hard per se, it's just a mountain of complexity and cost that forces every step to be more difficult than the last.

>Launch costs 150 million, even if you can pay for it, you cant launch again for 6-12 months. maximum weight is 1 ton. A 0.1% chance of failure is too high.
>Ok then then if those are the conditions then the only way i can guarantee,like really guarantee it doesnt fail is to make the chassis of the satellite in such a way that it costs 500 million. Hey i could make it for 1 million, but it would have a 1% chance of failure, wanna risk it?
>Ok im doing an instrument on a 500 million dollar chassis that launches on a 150 million dollar rocket a 0.001% chance of failure is too much, so my instrument will cost no less than 300 million.
Repeat to infinity and you get a small idea how even without corruption old space tends to be retardedly expensive.

Now with starship:
>Launch is 2 million, your budget is 100 tons, and if you screw up you can launch again next week. For something unmanned a 2% fail rate is probably playing it too safe.
>ok then, under those conditions the chasis is a dumb steel box i bought at an auction for 100.000 dollars
>ok then if i have so much margin of failure and so much mass budget, then this main instrument will cost 50.000, yeah, ill just make 2 or 3 in case one fails
>ok i have to do the second instrument, since its going on a satelite that can literally fail and nothing will happen and i have such an extense mass and volume budget our college will do the secondary payload for free as advertising, the engineering department puts similar stuff together as a hobby for free anyway.

>> No.12593897

imagine a shipping container satellite

>> No.12593899

Imagine sticking a bunch together and pressurizing them.

>> No.12593905
File: 7 KB, 225x225, fedex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got you covered beratna. sasa ke?

>> No.12593907

God why is SpaceX still allowed to pollute our shared planet with those tiny ass satellites when his "for all" internet is still too expensive for 80% of population.

>> No.12593909

They claim to have downloaded the raw telemetry, but it is taking them a while to process it to confirm that all the actions happened correctly (reorientation, circularization burn, correct orbit, and multiple payload deployments)

>> No.12593911

>turn shipping container into one of those shitty shipping container homes with a window
>seal it proper
>add an airlock and stuff a space suit in there too
>sit inside
>launch on starship
>have them send fresh oxygen tanks with the milk in the morning
>live in space now
WTF earth bros we got too cocky

>> No.12593913


>> No.12593914

why did you type those words therefore wasting our shared energy in this universe? why are you breathing, oxygen is not infinite. No one can do anything for any reason until 100% of everyone votes on it and each of those votes has to be corroborated to have been true by 100% of the population, anything else is literally facism

>> No.12593920
File: 167 KB, 1400x757, ulw4Zsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better design than some

>> No.12593926

I told you fuckers :) NASA is all out of fucks, theyre desperately trying to get it to RUD so the program is cancelled

>> No.12593927

I haven't done the numbers but if you told me that a modern processor encased in a one ton block of plastic rad shielding gets better flops/gram than the conventional rad-hardened stuff I would believe you.

>> No.12593929

Gives me Metroid Prime vibes and I like it

>> No.12593932

To blow us [the fuck] out? What does it mean? To end the program?

>> No.12593934
File: 143 KB, 1196x1026, 1585092189952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still too expensive for 80% of population.
I don't know the details but apparently there's a program to get starlink to underprivileged groups.

>> No.12593937
File: 1.04 MB, 2700x2700, tim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E. stronaut live soon:

>> No.12593939

Why aren't we allowed to track down nihilistic anti-natalists and use them as fertilizer

>> No.12593940

No way, he got the interview/tour????

>> No.12593944

Were it not for the laws of these lands

>> No.12593958


no he's just going to be driving around : /

>> No.12593959

You dont need to see outside really. You have the instruments and altitude callouts.

>> No.12593961

oh so it's fuckin nothing lmao dropped

>> No.12593963

SLS will fly the tests were mostly successful.

>> No.12593965

It was a mostly peaceful static-fire.

>> No.12593966

In that orange suit?

>> No.12593968

Hooking up rural communities with internet in the US has quietly become a bit of a crisis. ISPs are too big and have too much power so they would rather pay the government fines than maintain wired infrastructure to rural areas. $100/mo for starlink is a bit steep, especially when thinking about rural communities in poorer countries, so hopefully they can drop the price a bit or work on some programs where states/countries supplement this cost.

>> No.12593977

shrapnel launch system

>> No.12593979

They got confirmation just before ending the stream: made the burn at the correct time and got to the desired orbit!

>> No.12593984

Why is everyone posting the SLS blew up? What the fuck did I miss?

>> No.12593986

Very nice. I missed it, but I see they just confirmed the burn on Twitter, though not the orbit.

>> No.12593987
File: 2.86 MB, 1276x718, static fire major component failure.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593992

TW: Racism, Colonialism, White Privilege

Why are you denying indigenous peoples access to fast and affordable internet? Do you seek to keep them colonialized forever?

>> No.12593998

It wasn't such a good idea to use museum piece engines after all.
No problem that can't be solve with few more years of R&D. Space is hard, that is why we do it!

>> No.12593999
File: 1.46 MB, 576x720, 1609822735690.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would SLS just completely blowing itself up mid flight or on the launch pad be justified at this point or is it too cruel to the engineers that worked on it?

>> No.12594000
File: 92 KB, 1196x868, 1606488258467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The payload separation command was issued
>not that payload was deployed
well, even if that final step screwed up still impressive. They got 99% of the way there.

>> No.12594002

the death of SSME-2058

>> No.12594003

The engineers are scamming America.

>> No.12594006

>virgin made it to orbit
well that was unexpected

>> No.12594007

They'd still get paid regardless. Fuck their programs though.

>> No.12594011

They started their jobs with it and are about to retire with it. Why would going out with a bang be cruel?

I'd have said they might feel shitty for not being able to build a rocket that can get to space but then that seems to be a common problem with rocket engineers seeing as how BO is acting.

>> No.12594016
File: 318 KB, 1920x1080, Copy of Copy of Copy of The Salyut Program.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Video on the Green Run, wanted to experiment with current event stuff. Also talked about Jim leaving, completely forgot a lot of the shit he got for being a politician administrator.

>> No.12594020

How will Virgin survive in an age of Starship?

>> No.12594025

defence contracts

>> No.12594026

The virgin Orbit
The Chad BO suborbital

>> No.12594027

From what I've read: For much, MUCH smaller payloads that even a 1 mil per launch starship is too expensive for.

>> No.12594031

without ITAR bullshit they could just fly the plane to you and launch instead of sending your satellite into murica

>> No.12594033
File: 16 KB, 480x360, spurdo well fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fug

hypergolig solids :DD

>> No.12594040

They have launch sites in the UK and Japan in the works.
>Virgin Orbit and the British government are continuing efforts to begin flights of the company’s air-launch system from an English airport by early 2022 despite challenges on both sides of the Atlantic.
>Virgin Orbit said that, working with ANA Holdings and Space Port Japan Association, it selected Oita Airport on the island Kyushu as its preferred site. The company and Oita Prefecture, the local government, will work together on a technical study to confirm the feasibility of carrying out launch operations from the airport starting as soon as 2022.

>> No.12594042

they've got the connections and cash to pivot to some kind of profitable line of business, but it will certainly not involve SpaceShipTwo or their own launch vehicle.

>> No.12594046

Do you think that Virgin's rocket costs less than $1 million per launch? Nah dude.

>> No.12594047

>Normie chat, sage

Kek which one of you was this in estronauts stream chat.

>> No.12594055

Anon, have a few people chip in and share the network between a few households.
Set up wifi in the middle of your mud hut village or whatever. It's all massively better than no internet access at all.

>> No.12594057

who the fuck cares, this isn't le ebin secret fight club so you can feel part of something, if you get excited about shit like this you deserve to die and arent really a true old fag chan channer of the shizzles

>> No.12594062

t. hothead

>> No.12594063

>freeze nitrogen tetroxide into pellets
>freeze hydrazine into pellets
>coat both types of pellet in a thin polymer layer
>gently mix both types of pellet with a liquid resin
>allow resin to cure
>now you have a resin matrix containing a fine mixture of hypergolic liquids kept separate by thin membranes, giving the fuel grain a jellylike texture
>to light off the booster you only need to cut the fuel grain, which allows hydrazine and N2O4 to contact

>> No.12594067

get this hothead out of here

>> No.12594071

>streaming from his tesla
damn. didn't expect to get flexed on at this time of day.

>> No.12594072

EverydayAstronaut about to do a live tour of SpaceX Boca Chica

>> No.12594073

proof that normie sympathizers need to die

>> No.12594075

>Elon overrides Tim's Tesla remotely to redirect him outside

>> No.12594076

Does the estronaut get pussy? It'd almost seem worth it if he's smashing boca chica puss in the meantime

>> No.12594077

yes, already on it

>> No.12594079

>Mask on while trying to speak to a live camera
>Mask on while driving


>> No.12594083
File: 1.36 MB, 4096x2731, 1609461513435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On Cosmic Girl's upper deck, launch engineers Bryce Schaefer and Sarah Barnes will monitor the health of both rocket and aircraft as we fly out to the drop point, with our third LE Jason Panzarino on console down in mission control on the ground.
Sounds like a cool job.

>> No.12594084

there's someone with him

>> No.12594086

Based everyone in chat agreeing that Tim should take his mask off.
Those reddit upvotes aren't worth it Tim

>> No.12594087

Wait he's not even touring the site?

>> No.12594089

They are both in the same car and breathing each other's air for an extended period. The mask will do nothing.

>> No.12594091

>monitor the health of the plane
what an incredibly retarded fluff exageration of your job which is proof that they are useless because its objective truth that if your job is important you dont have to needlesly inflate it.
ever seen an engineer travelling with a plane to make sure its working allright? this is a regular fucking plane.

>> No.12594092

>smashing boca chica puss
What pussy? There's no one down there besides Mexican welders, white engineers, and that grandmother who works for NSF.

>> No.12594096

In India, for example, the average rural household makes $100 USD (8000 rupees) a month. They spend 90% of that just surviving so the total combined surplus of 10 households would be needed, leaving them without the ability to buy anything that isn't strictly necessary to live. There may not even be 10 households in some of these rural villages.

>> No.12594098

rip video quality lmao wtf

>> No.12594103

The best kind of pussy: boypussy

>> No.12594105

Comfy looking trailer park desu.

>> No.12594106

uhhh, no honey....

>> No.12594108
File: 76 KB, 644x596, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wants to eat too

>> No.12594109

Make fun of Tim all you want but he gets to do way cooler stuff than anyone here

>> No.12594110

Not even the cute cashier in the Taco truck?

>> No.12594111

We need a /sfg/ anon to go down there to find out, for science

>> No.12594116

I can fit a large sized Mr. Hankey Seahorse in my bum

>> No.12594117

Some cynical anons just don't like seeing someone so happy.

>> No.12594120

>Payloads successfully deployed into our target orbit! We are so, so proud to say that LauncherOne has now completed its first mission to space, carrying 9 CubeSat missions into Low Earth Orbit for our friends @NASA. #LaunchDemo2
mission accomplished

>> No.12594121

>professional streamer
>Can't stream for shit

>> No.12594122

That is WHY I will make fun of him all I want.
JK Tim. Love you baby

>> No.12594124

I regularly take my Medium Chance from Bad-Dragon (unflared) to the hilt

>> No.12594125

welcome to the club, Virgin

>> No.12594127

>live tour of remote spaceship construction site
>electric driverless car
>deadly global plague mask
This stream is futuristic.

>> No.12594129
File: 932 KB, 711x919, 1606264839165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chad Virgin

>> No.12594130

you can't get your dick up without test in your blood.

>> No.12594131

I'm training my hankey centaur now. The texture is IMO much more interesting than chance

>> No.12594133
File: 39 KB, 600x722, 1429479243449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sfg/ Spaceflight General

>> No.12594132
File: 126 KB, 1080x987, harrison ford sudden perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12594135
File: 227 KB, 737x529, Tiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tiki bar with a glass floor on top of rocket

>> No.12594137

guess this means they can use LauncherOne to orbit OneWeb satellites now

>> No.12594141

Reminder that Virgin Orbit is lead by a PC sycophant.


>> No.12594151


Has anyone found a penetrable that's suited for larger guys? I have a Janine and a Sofia and they're both too tight.

>> No.12594152

looks like the launch stream password changed

>> No.12594153

fucking nice! I guess the blip at the end was just coms issues

>> No.12594158

Get a fleshlight. BD's penetratables suck to be quite honest.

>> No.12594163

Dubs and I donate 420.69 and say its from Krystal

>> No.12594167

dubs and you tell him it's from ice wallo

>> No.12594168

Singles and you don't.

>> No.12594169

trips and all your base are belong to us

>> No.12594170

Damn maybe next time

>> No.12594171

>birds with long legs

>> No.12594173

He's not reading supers this stream

>> No.12594175

I'll do it when he does a livestream and can read the donation comments (seriously)

>> No.12594177


>> No.12594180
File: 166 KB, 1200x1000, X7fQkrX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12594181

Post a link to Krystal porn on his stream when you do

>> No.12594183

You could get two bad dragons with custom colouring for that

>> No.12594187

please do this

>> No.12594188

So now we have two launch providers with a reusable first stage. Nice.

>> No.12594189

It's a shame bad dragon really hasn't put out anything good lately. The last toy that really did it for me was Diego the Direwolf...

>> No.12594196

>thank you nate higgers for donating 14 dollars and 88 cents saying, 13 percent of components cause 50 percent of scrubs... yeah i'm not sure what that means but thanks again for the super chat

>> No.12594197
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1080, 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2021's kind of cool I guess. Whatever.

>> No.12594200
File: 50 KB, 1024x464, p1xnpwye31251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will

>> No.12594201
File: 436 KB, 982x737, BadSeaDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a shame bad dragon really hasn't put out anything good lately.

>> No.12594203

>self fucking general

>> No.12594205

>wear a mask
>keep the nose out

Good job retard

>> No.12594206

When I was 13 I went to laser tag and entered my name as Digger Nick and the guy had to say it over the intercom when I won

>> No.12594211
File: 808 KB, 225x249, haha oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete kek. I don't know what happened to this thread

>> No.12594214
File: 2.45 MB, 2000x3008, F-1_rocket_engine_at_KSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather a penetratable F-1

>> No.12594216
File: 76 KB, 246x385, Carl_Brutananadilewski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they all get sepsis from shredding their friggan' insides, freaks.

>> No.12594217

>Writes the N word on the ipad


>> No.12594218

his nose is covered. did you think it was out? faggot how small is your nose to think that ahahahahaha

>> No.12594219

Beats politics or antihumanists

>> No.12594222

Next launch tonight at 2:30 AM EST for RocketLab

After that it's SpaceX on Monday morning 8 AM EST

>> No.12594224

It's pretty obviously that furfag samefagging and injecting his fetishes into the thread. They do this shit all the time.

>> No.12594225

Based reminder trips

>> No.12594226
File: 22 KB, 588x232, elon_rascal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tim is with good company

>> No.12594229

It's at least 3 different people

>> No.12594230

Who is Krystal? Estronaut's ex wife?

>> No.12594231

>Tim has uncut footage from his interview of Elon dropping the N word by accident due to autism

>> No.12594232
File: 1.08 MB, 3424x2560, 1606003310681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I leave for a goddamn hour and /sfg/ turn into a dildo review corner. I am judging you

>> No.12594234

>turns into

>> No.12594239

But what if the insider anon that worked on one of the satellites that launched today is one of them shitting up the thread

>> No.12594240
File: 3.04 MB, 1084x2126, sexyspaceplanes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sfg has always been like this right below the surface

>> No.12594241

blue space fox from Starfox videogame and gets posted here sometimes. Exclusively fucks human men.

>> No.12594242

These specialised autistic fat fuck furries are experts at IP hopping to samefag threads to make their fetishes seem popular.

>> No.12594244
File: 20 KB, 500x375, 7d1272dfd8b8fd1c9bfb10a9f31f2d5aec9fec440c72d517505320d93bf23416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know we had furries in here, dammit.

>> No.12594248


>> No.12594249

>censoring a silicone tube

>> No.12594250

No no, I'm glad he did.

>> No.12594251

you aint a furry until you consider donning a fursuit.

Just call me a mare man.

>> No.12594253
File: 42 KB, 400x570, 1600441700341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm sweaty being a furry is pretty mainstream now btw

>> No.12594255
File: 49 KB, 593x394, Japanese censor approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be japanese

>> No.12594257

launch schedule shows
>chinese government launch
>chinese newspace launch

>> No.12594260
File: 142 KB, 1024x681, soyuz_rear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a plebian furry
>not being a patrician rocketphile

>> No.12594261

Is Krystalposter and KSP fapper the same person?

>> No.12594263

not taking any chances

>> No.12594276
File: 103 KB, 1000x562, xwk2naduj9u51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore the furries anon it is simple

>> No.12594279
File: 83 KB, 2000x1333, 1595009088360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS - 0
>Iran - 7

>> No.12594280

>non genderbent Wolf
Damn, nevermind. This Krystalposter is cringe, not based.

>> No.12594284

This entire thread is just Elon shitposting to himself and you

>> No.12594285

Th-those are missiles of peace, right?

>> No.12594289
File: 60 KB, 690x334, welcome to the club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12594292
File: 978 KB, 4256x2832, 282410main_200810100017HQ_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soyuz makes my penis become the big penis

>> No.12594293

t. Krystalposter.

>> No.12594295

Jeff WHO is seething right now

>> No.12594299

t. Krystalposter.

>> No.12594300

prove it by posting your collection

>> No.12594301

I'm gonna miss Big Jim

>> No.12594308

Checked but seriously you guys should fuck off

>> No.12594309

If retirement turned Bolden anti-SLS, imagine what it'll do to Jim.

>> No.12594310

I doubt he cares enough to seethe about it

>> No.12594313

>/sfg/ - samefag furfag general

>> No.12594315

I made a thread a while back https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/33472594

>> No.12594316
File: 28 KB, 619x453, apu_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press F for Big Jim

>> No.12594319
File: 714 KB, 2000x1720, EC96-43631-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that this is the future we could have had...

>> No.12594322

SpaceX should hire Big Jim. How awesome would that be?

>> No.12594323

Hopefully he reveals some juicy details about how fucked the SLS program is

>> No.12594327

Now I know why /ftg/ can't stay alive. You're all in here.

>> No.12594332
File: 379 KB, 1024x1493, 55658CFC-4F5E-4C25-803A-6A1DB9CA57FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VentureStarfags get out!

>> No.12594342

How fucking huge do you have to be for Janine to be tight? It's loose as fuck.

>> No.12594353

it’s not fat fuck friday anymore, go home

>> No.12594354

No but we should all just start pretending that she is.

>> No.12594359

Yes. iirc the divorce was fairly nasty. Poor kid

>> No.12594365

>Tim divorces Krystal
>She starts dating Elon
>She's sitting on his lap while he gets interviewed by Tim while pretends to ignore her

>> No.12594369

It was pretty fucked up how she cheated on Tim with their own son. Don't know if he'll ever recover from that. Fuckin' foxes man.

>> No.12594382

So we might have launches from UK soil soon

>> No.12594387

Good thing he knew how to use the boost to get through the difficult parts

>> No.12594409
File: 380 KB, 588x367, BE-4_pathfinders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are they now?

>> No.12594412

My living room, we will be test firing tomorrow

>> No.12594418
File: 189 KB, 490x708, ErTZs4pW4AA-5jW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the rocket

>> No.12594425

>Rocketdyne e621 engine

>> No.12594430
File: 684 KB, 758x723, kerbalsexual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a kerbalphile

>> No.12594437
File: 153 KB, 433x368, kussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12594438

>letting private entities even remotely close to the most destructive kinetic weapons known to man
Beltalowda never gonna happen, sasa ke

>> No.12594442

Vulcan is supposed to launch this year right? What are the chances of that happening?

>> No.12594445

We really need spaceplanes to be a thing. Travelling to other worlds is half as cool without spaceplanes.

>> No.12594448

LabPadre stream chat is saying Tim flipped his car, lol wtf happened

>> No.12594450

Anyone have the uncensored original?

>> No.12594451

You guys don't really, do you?
Kerbals legitimately don't even register in my mind as something that could be sexualized.

>> No.12594452
File: 2.52 MB, 4096x2731, 1591666776370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12594454

tag: shortstack

>> No.12594455

It's possible but unlikely. Launch is currently NET November IIRC, and they still need the flight BE-4s (those are just pathfinders).

>> No.12594456

No. My thread will NOT reach bump limit with a picture of a fucking fleshtube. FUCK YOU.

>> No.12594457
File: 9 KB, 694x86, 1593894088906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12594458

Suicide after the loss of his space vixen wife.

>> No.12594460


>> No.12594461


>> No.12594464

Spaceplanes never registered in my mind as something to sexualize either and look what happened.

>> No.12594465

no im not posting it because i dont want to get banned

>> No.12594466

>Still havent scrapped Mk1's nose.
The hell are they gonna do with it then?

>> No.12594467

image limit .whatever

>> No.12594469
File: 1.51 MB, 1196x1208, 1585561817598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit it's real lmao

>> No.12594471

>we have it recorded in 6k

>> No.12594475

I hope the choice to use only the shiniest of stainless steel airstream RVs was made by Elon for petty aesthetic reasons

>> No.12594476

holy shit lmao

>> No.12594477

Oh, he's still alive.

>> No.12594482

>image limit
Best image limit cap ever.

>> No.12594483

The fuck?

>> No.12594485

lmfao I will now watch your stream

>> No.12594487

wanna see the slowmo of that.

>> No.12594488

Based beach boomer physically removing estronaut.

>> No.12594493

Considering delays in aerospace are as certain as taxes and the first launch is planned for the fourth quarter of the year, my guess is next year

>> No.12594502

I hope he uploads the crash

>> No.12594503


>> No.12594509

Would it have been better if it got sls budget?

>> No.12594511

It's a Tesla, the panel gaps are normal bro.

>> No.12594513

Wut pls explain

>> No.12594559


>> No.12594567

Image limit was hit bro

>> No.12594580

it's not like spaceplanes work on any worlds other than Earth and Venus and Titan

>> No.12594595

>he doesn't know
Anon, Krystal is a notorious pedophile and child molester.

>> No.12594606

Did anyone ever tell you that you're a nigger?

>> No.12594770

trips orders

>> No.12594783

No, no, no

>> No.12594807


>> No.12594814

No, you don't. Lasers are much more complex and have much shorter range than railguns without going into vacuum UV/X-ray spectrum. Electrically speaking railguns are king.