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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1258703 No.1258703 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this film?

Also, sci/ film thread

>> No.1258709

accurately depicts numerologists

>> No.1258713
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>> No.1258715


is numerologist even a "legit" profession/practice?

non-mathfag here

>> No.1258719


>> No.1258727

I found it enjoyable, but I know very little about math so that probably helps.

>> No.1258776

I enjoyed the film more back when I didn't study maths, but even back then I knew it was all a big load of shit.

The portrait of his paranoid personality is well crafted, no matter how shitty the math stuff is.

Good Will Hunting on the other hand sucks donkey balls, so does A Beautiful Mind. Don't even watch it as a joke.

>> No.1258789

purtty good movie

>> No.1258792


there are no words to describe my hate to Good Will Hunting.

>> No.1258799

"Legit" as in, can you take money for talking to people about numbers? Yes.
The film is not so much about that though.

Here, have some other /sci/-related films:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3909854615539675694# - Primer
http://www.novamov.com/video/4a71ac733afeb - 12 Monkeys

>> No.1258800

the only good math movie (it's also gay)

>> No.1258808


I've seen 12 monkeys. And Primer, I fuckin hate that movie

>> No.1258820

Thanks for informing us.

>> No.1258827


hey no problem.

>> No.1258856


OP, is this you?

>> No.1258874



>> No.1258884

hewbrew? WTFISTHIS

>> No.1258895

Go watch the movie.

>> No.1258931

watch seen, theory seems familliar, imdb it .. Alan Turing..

>i came.

>> No.1258936

coincidentally the name of the game they play in the movie is 'Go'.

>> No.1258951

So what does /sci thinks of the basis of the movie there are patterns everywhere in nature, therefore we can predict a pattern in the stock market)

is there any truth behind this?

>> No.1258988

Of course.

>> No.1258991

Yes. Of course. Yes.

>> No.1258994

Yes. One of the purposes of science is to be able to predict an outcome of a given set of starting conditions by analyzing the existing interactions of a similar nature.

>> No.1258998
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A Beautiful Mind is a good movie.

>> No.1258999

Bullshit, chaotic systems beyond a certain limit of complexity are outside reach of prediction.

>> No.1259006


>> No.1259015

What "limit" exactly? When does something become too complex to be predicted? It doesn't. And it's not like the stockmarket is an example of such a system anyway.

>> No.1259049

>What "limit" exactly?
Every chaotic system in the real world, basically.
Weather, turbulence and the stock market are only three examples.

And if you think the stock market is in fact not a chaotic system, you must be a fucking retard.
There's a lot of feedback and you have the human equation in the mix.

Believe me, it completely defies accurate prediction methods.

>> No.1259088

depends on the timescale.

I predict the stockmarket won't change.
(For the next 86 nanoseconds.)

Your god, where is he now?

>> No.1259094
File: 6 KB, 424x383, population.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not what I'm sayin', man. You're not getting what I'm saying. Take population, for example. It can be modeled surprisingly well by graphs(pic related). Not perfectly, but well enough to make a prediction.

We can do the same thing for any system. Including the stock market.