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File: 86 KB, 902x479, State Space Form and Linear..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12583885 No.12583885 [Reply] [Original]

Systems and controls anyone good at this shit ?
need your help with some really basic shit.

>> No.12583894


>> No.12584030
File: 59 KB, 600x760, 1610498313077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best part is nobody even uses this shit in industry

t. controls engineer

>> No.12584536

So what does the industry use? The only thing I've ever used for control systems is PID and it works for 95% of cases, the other 5% could be solved with 2 PID loops
t. embedded developer

>> No.12584602

They want both x(t) and y(t) = v(t)? Huh?

And eq 1 is nonlinear since you have v(t)^2 in the 2nd term.

>> No.12584969

x is usually the state vector & y the output vector, so it's perfectly reasonable to set the two to the same variable if the state is entirely observable (or if every element in the state is something of importance).

>> No.12586049

This is some basic shit
>[math] x(t) = v(t) [/math]
this just tells you the velocity vector is the state vector
>[math] u(t) = f(t) [/math]
this just tells you that the force on the vehicle is the control vector
>[math] y(t) = v(t) [/math]
this just means the output matrix of the measurement equation is the identity; the measured quantity vector is just the state vector, hence, the measured quantity vector is the velocity of the vehicle.