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12578917 No.12578917 [Reply] [Original]

Just got the BionTech mRNA vaccine

>> No.12578930

First dose or second?
What was the reason you got it earlier? Healthcare worker or elderly or at risk?
Any fever, chills, myalgia, swelling? Any other problems?

>> No.12579010

>didn't get Moderna's
good luck OP

>> No.12579147

Keep us updated. Make a thread maybe a month or two from now, tell us how you're doing. You a healthcare worker or something?

>> No.12579189

first dose.
im a med student
>any fever etc.

>> No.12579194

if you understand the science you would now, that this pretty safe.

>> No.12579199

>if you understand the science you would now, that this pretty safe
You're not very smart.

>> No.12579203

you dont have to be smart to understand the vaccine.
and no one wanted to insult you.
just read some info about it.

>> No.12579218

Cool. Got my first dose of Pfizer too a few weeks ago. No sfx either

>> No.12579226
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>> No.12579231
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>source: bleepingcomputer.com

>> No.12579233

Wait until you find out about the sun

>> No.12579237


>> No.12579240


>> No.12579244

were you warned about this potential risk before taking it?

>> No.12579247

t. going to die of kuru in 20 years

>> No.12579248

imagine letting globohomo inject you with that shit. sad

>> No.12579252

imagine having schizophrenia. sad.

>> No.12579253

Understanding the biology behind the way something should theoretically work does not make it more safe. Biology is not like chemistry or physics: results can't always be predicted exactly, even if it's thought that the mechanism of action of a drug/therapy is understood. The human body, as well as the cell, are the results of hundreds of millions of years accumulation of semi-random complexities, and a holistic, complete understanding of the human body to the point where we can accurately predict the results of any experimental or new therapy is not something we are necessarily very close to.

Yes, the vaccine is a great idea and there's really no reason that having a relatively small number of cells express the viral spike protein temporarily to induce immunity should cause problems. As "good" as the idea might be, the fact remains that the vaccine is more complex than that, there are many more components in the vaccine that may be "secrets of the trade," (differences between companies), the mRNA sequences surrounding the spike protein will likely have somewhat significant differences between companies, and, in general, I don't know what the exact long-term effects of all of the components are (since there are many components) and I doubt anyone really does.

Of course, I'm sure extensive testing has been done of mice of the majority of the components of the vaccines and I do believe that they probably are safe, but the truth is that this is the first vaccine of this type being administered on a large scale and we don't know what the long-term effects are. This is an experiment whether you'd like to admit it or not. The only tried and true way to be sure that a drug is safe is through clinical trials, and, yes, clinical trials have show this vaccine to be mostly completely safe so far. I am of the belief that it's probably safe, personally.

But please don't act arrogant and tell me "it's safe if you understand :)))."

>> No.12579254

you do realize mrna vaccines haven't existed before being rushed through testing and development in 6months while normally vaccines take 10-15 years. even with this focus there is something that just needs time, the long term effects.

>> No.12579256

imagine being a bluepilled cuck. Many such cases! Sad!

>> No.12579257

the mrna technique already existed in cancer treatment.

>> No.12579258

imagine falling for pol memes. sad.

>> No.12579260


>> No.12579262
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>Understanding the biology behind the way something should theoretically work does not make it more safe. Biology is not like chemistry or physics: results can't always be predicted exactly, even if it's thought that the mechanism of action of a drug/therapy is understood. The human body, as well as the cell, are the results of hundreds of millions of years accumulation of semi-random complexities, and a holistic, complete understanding of the human body to the point where we can accurately predict the results of any experimental or new therapy is not something we are necessarily very close to.

>Yes, the vaccine is a great idea and there's really no reason that having a relatively small number of cells express the viral spike protein temporarily to induce immunity should cause problems. As "good" as the idea might be, the fact remains that the vaccine is more complex than that, there are many more components in the vaccine that may be "secrets of the trade," (differences between companies), the mRNA sequences surrounding the spike protein will likely have somewhat significant differences between companies, and, in general, I don't know what the exact long-term effects of all of the components are (since there are many components) and I doubt anyone really does.

>Of course, I'm sure extensive testing has been done of mice of the majority of the components of the vaccines and I do believe that they probably are safe, but the truth is that this is the first vaccine of this type being administered on a large scale and we don't know what the long-term effects are. This is an experiment whether you'd like to admit it or not. The only tried and true way to be sure that a drug is safe is through clinical trials, and, yes, clinical trials have show this vaccine to be mostly completely safe so far. I am of the belief that it's probably safe, personally.

>But please don't act arrogant and tell me "it's safe if you understand :)))."

>> No.12579265

Way to ignore my post you stupid fucking pajeet

>> No.12579272
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>> No.12579273

>the mrna technique already existed in cancer treatment.
wrong, it was proposed for that but never rolled out.

>> No.12579275


>> No.12579276

Up until 2020, these mRNA biotech companies had poor results testing mRNA drugs for cardiovascular, metabolic and renal diseases; selected targets for cancer; and rare diseases like Crigler–Najjar syndrome, with most finding that the side-effects of mRNA insertion were too serious.[22][23] mRNA vaccines for human use have been developed and tested for the diseases rabies, Zika, cytomegalovirus, and influenza, although these mRNA vaccines have not been licensed.[24] Many large pharmaceutical companies abandoned the technology,[22] while some biotechs re-focused on the less profitable area of vaccines, where the doses would be at lower levels and side-effects reduced.[22][25]

>> No.12579277

I want sperm counts before-and-after studies done on this thing.

Was there any word on it attacking proteins related to placenta formation? Seems like a side effect worth looking into.

>> No.12579279

dont give a fuck

>> No.12579284

>get sissy brainwashed soisperging btfo
>"dont give a fuck"
seethe harder

>> No.12579305
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>> No.12579422

no intelligent person ever says "globohomo"

>> No.12579433

Particularly concerning with the astrazeneca vaccine where it uses DNA instead and actually stays in your cells

>> No.12579498

Correction. Intelligent people ALWAYS say globohomo.

>> No.12579506

>getting vaccines


>> No.12579510

Actually, anyone who says “globohomo” unironically is very intelligent.

>> No.12579540
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>> No.12579551

This, because homo isn't neccessary a reference to the elites plan being very gay, but also shares a doubl meaning with global homogenisation, which is exactly what is being pushed.
Its a high IQ term.

>> No.12579555

yes yes but its also because the elites plan is very gay

>> No.12579702

did you read the leaked papers about it before you did it? you did...right?

>> No.12579717


Anybody who doesn't notice the confluence of government, corporations, and gay (((acceptance))) is fucking blind.

>> No.12579826

I did once, as a larp to see what a poltard would respond with. His rapid intake of air and slightly expanded pupils told me everything

>> No.12579922
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remember to expand your surgical "pussy"

>> No.12580269

>the mRNA sequences surrounding the spike protein

>> No.12580367

I can see your glow you globohomo

>> No.12580905


>> No.12580908

But making cells produce and express spike proteins is exactly what traditional vector vaccines did as well. It's not new. They're just skipping the vector step and made the mRNA not self-replicating.
Testing was done on a much larger population compared to traditional vaccines as well.

>> No.12580937

i am 139iq

>> No.12581692

also a med student, got moderna 1st dose yesterday, 101 fever last night, chills, sweating, myalgias that went into this morning. Starting to feel better