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File: 1.21 MB, 1647x2240, Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12576497 No.12576497 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, Sigismund Schlomo Freud (1856-1939)
>figure out that daughters unconsciously want to fuck their fathers and sons unconsciously want to fuck their mothers
>tell anyone asking for evidence that they're only asking because they're in denial and hiding own repressed urges

Does it get anymore based?

>> No.12576537

He killed himself

>> No.12576575

Tell me more about how you want your mother to fuck you to death.

>> No.12576604

i want to fuck my sister

>> No.12577124

Does it count as Freudian if I want to fuck YOUR mother?

>> No.12577129

Possibly if OP's mother's appeal to you stems from shared traits with your own mother.

>> No.12577160

And psychologists followed in his footsteps by never requiring hard evidence for anything they believe. What a based discipline

>> No.12577162
File: 34 KB, 615x462, Cathy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is that I get to fuck two moms at once?

>> No.12577170

Yes you get to stay in an infantile puer aeternus state 4evah

>> No.12577186

That's not even really accurate. The child wants to HAVE and KEEP the mother, and resists individuation. The sexual manifestation only comes about because the relatonship with the mother forms the template for all future relationships. That's the part people cannot face and repress, the idea that you're just acting out your childhood with future partners. I find it difficult to be attracted to anyone because I was parentified, therefore I either view women as elders or as children, with little in between. The burden of having to feel like I take care of someone (with futility) yet again is too great, so it disgusts me. Yet I can do nothing else. The stuff about defeating the father to have the mother is another matter, and I can say I've definitely 100% certainly seen the oedipus complex play out several times in my life.

People who reject the GIST of Freud are just deep in denial and hardcore cope. Alternatively, they lack Jew ancestry and are therefore more or less another species. Can't discount that possibilty.

>> No.12577250

Freud was based but everyone after him was cringe.

>> No.12577268

you sound like you watch too much jewish porn

>> No.12577335

I don't watch porn much, less and less. I prefer amateur and solo stuff, that or hentai where you can appreciate the technical aspects of the art style and scene composition, and be freed from the notion of real people.

>> No.12577379

I'm African and only want to sex up white lolis, fuck you Freud

>> No.12577486


That makes too much sense, anon. Hear me out. Black that crack, right? Well if black don't crack, blacks represent youthfulness. The ultimate representation of youthfulness are lolis. So your desire to fuck lolis represents your desire to fuck the ultimate form of your mother. Based and Freud-pilled.

>> No.12577499


How did you put the pieces together?

>> No.12577557

Sometimes when I'm jacking it, my mother's face pops up in my mind and I instantly go limp and stop out of disgust.

>> No.12577683

That was the only based thing he did

>> No.12577734
