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File: 497 KB, 1161x1219, smart-coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12571030 No.12571030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nofappers try to live for a "cause" because sacrificing a fun endeavor makes them feel in control of their pitiful lives. Porn is great. Sex is better but still, porn rocks.
- Smart coomer

>> No.12571042
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Shut the fuck up paid shill seek help

>> No.12571052

Case in point, nofappers delude themselves into a state of psychotic paranoia.

>> No.12571113

fuck off, you're a bot made by [redacted]

>> No.12571201

piggybacking off of my post kike?

>> No.12571204

dude just consoom the porn! Dont question

>> No.12571205


The scale of addiction is directly proportional to the amount of denial one engages in.

>> No.12571299

Are you just going to post those links in every thread?

>> No.12571318

OP here, no faggot, I will add this aditional link for you: (experts)
I masturbated every day since ten years and no problem, why do you delude yourselves?

>> No.12571324
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Yes keep consooming, good goy

Never think only consoom.

>> No.12571494

>Sex is better

>> No.12571551

idk man, I quit porn long before I started coming here. It made me feel bad, so I quit.

>> No.12571920

Have you ever proven to yourself that you can quit porn if you wanted to?

>> No.12571947

The JIDF is paid to shit up /pol/, not all of 4chan. Go back.

>> No.12571976

>browses 4chan
>no problem

>> No.12572271

There is not a single good thing about porn

>> No.12572428

Fuck off racist

>> No.12572491

It's hot

>> No.12572557

imagining having a corpus collosum lmao s.m.h.

>> No.12572574

No. You feel good for 10 minutes then the side effects start

>> No.12572601

Porn is not bad or good you goddam dumb coomers or anti-coomers

Not mastubing is bad, this I'm pretty sure, there are plenty evidences and yourselves can check it, relieving yourself in a bad day is actually god, although really better with a gf you virgins, *but*

Watching porn is different from just cumming, when you try to nofap but your urge is not on your penis, but on your fingers to search for your porn, this is the proof of your vice. Watching porn has 2 main problems related between each other:

1. You start needing it to cum or thinking it is the only thing that can excite you
2. Know that memes from people who take 10min to choose an ultraspecific porn? Here's the second problem: you start needing more cringe things or things that you cummed before start feeling like "insufficient".

And that's it, you just end a slave of your own pleasure, and if you are at least a little bit intelligent you'll check that neither ascetism and fapping denial or hedonistic coomers are right.

>> No.12572669

>Nofappers try to live for a "cause" because sacrificing a fun endeavor makes them feel in control of their pitiful lives.
what exact "fun endeavor" are they sacrificing?
you do realise that the reason most nofappers go on nofap is because they feel like shit mentally after jerking off, right?
I fail to see how something that makes you feel like shit is a "fun endeavor"
sentence I quoted is massive cope, you trying to shit on others because they have the dignity to admit that they could improve themselves

>> No.12572681

>Not mastubing is bad, this I'm pretty sure, there are plenty evidences and yourselves can check it
source: your ass
>relieving yourself in a bad day is actually god
you're retarded
replace masturbation with alcohol or smoking and reread this sentence in that context
that is literally one way that an addiction is formed - the addictive substance becomes a coping mechanism for bad days
that exact argument has been used to defend alcoholism and smoking too

>> No.12572685

>and if you are at least a little bit intelligent you'll check that neither ascetism and fapping denial or hedonistic coomers are right.
le epic enlightened centrism "guys NEITHER side is right"

>> No.12572687
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>Not mastubing is bad, this I'm pretty sure, there are plenty evidences and yourselves can check it, relieving yourself in a bad day is actually god,

>> No.12572711

I've been jerking off since I was 12 and I still masturbate to the same stuff at 23. Though I mostly only masturbate to foreplay instead of some dude rod hammering a girl's cannonhole for 12 minutes. I feel like people feel depressed about watching porn because they watch degenerate shit. I don't feel any guilt whatsoever about jerking off to a girl getting a massage or showing off her body. Maybe coomers should instead focus on limiting their degenerate fantasies instead of cutting porn altogether.

>> No.12573658
File: 116 KB, 720x720, 88251E01-42AA-4835-9095-86EB1DFEEB3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn damages your head, you can feel it in your brain when watching so fuck that

>> No.12573674

Did you ever think, 'damn, that must have hurt?'

>> No.12574266

yeah, it's called hormones.
If you spend five minutes with a women you will also feel yourself go equally as retarded.

>> No.12574309

Obsolete hypothesis. Trannies on antiandrogens are still fapping 8 times a day and sticking shit up their ass.

Behavioral inputs, subsequent habit, and neuroadaptions that follow, play a MUCH larger role than hormones. My testosterone peaked during and after puberty. Yet I didn't watch porn then. I might have masturbated once a week. I started using video porn in my 20s. Guess what? Every single day. I'm in my 30s and I'll masturbate or fuck 4 times a day which doesn't make any sense with a reductionist hormone only hypothesis. Im much more sexual now and it's all because I indulged this stupid habit. My advice is to quit it before it's too late. I feel like an actual slave now.

>> No.12574343

>synthetic dopamine

>> No.12574438

>Studies have shown that consistent viewing of porn damages dopamine receptors
Does anyone seriously believe this? You are literally arguing that looking at certain pictures can damage your brain

>> No.12575941

> supernormal stimuli can have psychological repercussions, potentially causing neurological effects over time
yeah no shit retard, how do you think brains work? They re-wire over time in response to frequent stimuli.

>> No.12575948 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 425x456, 87021735_468962387325654_3098389403039432704_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> planned parenthood link

>> No.12575991
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>porn is not a weapon

>> No.12576001
File: 336 KB, 881x665, ath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism leads to porn.
Religion leads to love.

>> No.12576005

Take the amphetamine pill if you want to quit porn. Reminder, to never have sex or allow sexual arousal on it. Studies show it lowers sex drive unless it becomes associated with it by coitus (and likely by extension masturbation), where it leads to higher frequency.

If you've never used it. You have once chance to repair your life. If you watch porn, fuck or fap on it, unironically kill yourself because it's too late to fix anything.

>> No.12576009

It's the opposite.
>thinking there is a God to save you
This leads to coping with your habit instead of fixing it. There isn't a god. The body isn't perfect. It is subject to maladaptive behaviors like hypersexuality and religiosity.

>> No.12576020

There is no such thing as nofappers; only a nofap discourse. And the people behind that discourse are fascists who pretend to have a moral high ground backed by an appeal to purity yet secretly have gigabytes of hurtcore on their hard drive. If they’re not physically diddling kids themselves that is.

Oh, and cooming doesn’t reduce your T levels. That’s fascists projecting too.

>> No.12576028 [DELETED] 

Denying God means denying Heaven and suffering.
Loving God means accepting flaws, death, continuation and gives meaning to life.
Ever since the Western World became atheistic, porn is on the rise.
You are being dishonest, religion has always stood opposite to porn.

>> No.12576039

>This leads to coping with your habit instead of fixing it.
This is a funny perspective considering that materialists are all drowning in coping mechanisms all the time while the religious can actually sometimes manage to be morally-upright ascetics with no external crutch.
All the promise of science is getting pissed down the drain, arguably more people have been ruined by the freedom of the internet than enlightened or empowered in any way. People are crazed radicals, truth is dead, bread&circuses is so powerful that no citizen will ever stand for anything ever again, and it is only getting worse. That's the fruit of materialism
Muh opiate of the people metaphor is a joke in light of the self-same people abusing ACTUAL opiates

The people who took down r/coomer spammed it with literal child porn, and you are a coping projecting fuck. Rope at once.

>> No.12576050

Denying God means denying Heaven and the love of those whom you have lost.
Loving God means accepting flaws, death, continuation and gives meaning to life.
Ever since the Western World became atheistic, porn is on the rise.
You are being dishonest, the religious have always stood opposite to porn.

>> No.12576058

based and scpilled

>> No.12576064

>The people who took down r/coomer spammed it with literal child porn
That’s the pathetic excuse Nazis use every single time their subreddit gets banned for literal calls for genocide that go unmoderated for months. Of course, they have yet to provide evidence.

Reddit shows the reason why subreddits are banned, and the reason displayed on r/coomer is unequivocal. Get raped.

>> No.12576066

Only cowards and liars love mass censorship.

>> No.12576156

Yeah, they're so fucking stupid. I bet they think leaving their car in neutral then putting the gas pedal to the floor for a few hours would ahrm their engine. I mean bro, bro, it's a fucking engine getting some gas, how could that be bad?

>> No.12576160

They are stupid is no argument.

>> No.12576168

Ur dumb bro!

>> No.12576175

Are you not suppose to aspire being a scientist, if you, yourself are not already a scientist?
Do you know that the first who insults others in any debate is the loser?

>> No.12576181
File: 101 KB, 1200x900, 4ea9e01a-dfaf-47e5-aaf3-b116ba4bcec6_1.2a05fb51ab327b7593960797f5cc087f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12576183

I can't lose. My mom always told me I was a winner. I am a winner. I am winning right now, but I am not satisfied with this, and therefore, you must lose.

You lose! Pack it up Anon, I won. You lost and are a loser. If you leave now I'll let you go with just a warning.

>> No.12576220

Stop acting stupid, you are better than that.

>> No.12576551

> [no] evidence
KYS, nobody would miss you as you're a human failure

>> No.12576632

>planned parenthood
these are the same tards the US pays taxpayer money to throw babies into garbage bins

>> No.12576822

There is something uniquely twisted about circumcising an entire population, then still managing to get them completely hooked on playing with that very same sensually reduced member. Maybe it actually helps? As in they're not able to b fully satisfied and having the glans exposed all the time just keeps turning them on in some kind of tragic feedback loop? The more they fixate on their D the more the glans in open air is amplified.

>> No.12576938

Somebody should make one of those iq memes where the tail ends say porn is not bad while the middle midwit says porn is bad and underneath him is pictures of nofap on reddit and antiporn blog sites

>> No.12576952

> not enough agency to make the meme himself
> has the idea to make such a meme in the first place
you're the midwit faggot in this situation

>> No.12576960

Ok cool. Just don't have time.

>> No.12577806

Porn addiction comes with the problems of addiction. Sugar addiction comes with the problems of addiction.

Porn and sugar are addictive.

Consumption of these materials is a necessary condition, but not a sufficient one, to develop an addiction. I.e. consumption alone is not problematic.

If these losers only way to feel in control is to abstain, cool. Dont act like everyone is a weak willed bitch like you.

>> No.12577872

Yes. It’s a good thing I don’t, right Trump simp?

What’s that?
WRD isn’t banned?
This one was banned for a completely different reason that has nothing to do with CP?

Then you failed miserably to provide evidence. Neck yourself.

>> No.12577935

I understand the nofap thing but different people have different ways of dealing with different things. It seems like some people think going nofap is the only way to get yourself out of that rut, which isn't necessarily true.

>> No.12578259

Nofap without a gf to fall back on is just sexual poverty. If you are not filling the void with anything its just masochism.

>> No.12578364
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>> No.12578413

>not enough time

>> No.12578445

I fixed my diet (no more refined sugar, lots more vegetables) and my fetishes mostly went away. Before I made the change I was 24/7 distracted by women's assess and cooming daily. Now I don't.

Porn curiosity is a natural result of sexual maturity but porn addiction is an unnatural symptom of bad diet.

>> No.12579999

>completely different reason that has nothing to do with CP?
Well, my bad for not having on-hand SPECIFIC, reddit-admin-validated statements regarding specific instances and reasons, retard. As if the fact of their spamming CP is dependent on that, or requires that type of acknowledgement, or the reddit admins are complicit and wouldn't provide that it anyhow. In any case there's more detailed reports available:
Do you think you're a smooth talker? You are a disingenuous liar without any arguments.

>> No.12580009

these normal dstribution memes are pretty fucking funny.

>> No.12580780

I'm circumcized and I need porn for the mental excitement because the lack of physical sensation.
Nofappers are putting the blame on porn when really the problem is male genital mutilation.

>> No.12580803

A lot of people don't feel that way. Including athletes, scientists, and philosophers.

>> No.12580815

correlation != causation

>> No.12580824


enjoy prostate cancer


>> No.12580849

>making a whole thread trying to justify your addiction
bro just don't touch your dick. not that hard. sorry that some people wanna develop grit in their life.

>> No.12580850
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>synthetic dopamine

>> No.12580853

meant for OP my bad bro

>> No.12581040


>> No.12581042

The thing about porn. It's like eating food. You could just eat something very utilitarian to get it done with, but people like all kinds of flavors and spices. Same with fapping, I could just go crank one out real quick, but it's fun to look at all kinds of stuff on the side

>> No.12581538

>that is literally one way that an addiction is formed - the addictive substance becomes a coping mechanism for bad days
This. I've tended to use masturbation as a mental reset, or self soothing mechanism.

>> No.12581555
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ill just leave these here

>> No.12581560
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>> No.12581562
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>> No.12581567
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>> No.12581571
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Godspeed to all you anons walking your path

>> No.12581577

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4channel are always willing to help you clear this problem right up.

You appear to have saved and reposted an image from your mobile device without checking for if it has been compressed or not. Whoops! Did you know, phoneposting measurably reduces the quality and fidelty of images circulated across the Internet? This is because opening large images on a phone redirects to a resized image that is capped at x1024 and converted to .jpg! If the user downloads these images without checking the url, they will be getting the converted image, not the original! Once these inferior images are reposted by the phoneposter, and saved by another, they lose their m.jpg tag, which is a primary indicator of their origin and the malicious act perpetrated by the phoneposter!

Phoneposting is already poor form due to its pernicious effect on the post quality and culture of this imageboard. If you must phonepost, please check your image urls before downloading them! If you see the "m", remove it and launch the page. If you get a 404, replace ".jpg" with ".png" instead. It's foolproof!

Now, there's no need to thank me. I'm just doing my part in ensuring that the greater image pool on 4channel and the Internet is not being degraded!

>> No.12581600

Based as well as redpilled. Nay, transcended pills altogether, achieved enlightenment and the rainbow body, became a new universe...

I shall restate. Based.

>> No.12581702

I find NoFap interesting, but also somewhat disturbing. I haven't gone more than a week or two between orgasms since I learned to jerk off. If there truly is this profound transformation ~60+ days, is this not like committing suicide? What will become of the goals and notions I had developed previously, what will become of the "self" I had to struggle so much to know to begin with? I'm still going to try it and they are right about the addiction component, but these questions linger. I've been tampered with, transformed, and fucked with enough in my life. Perhaps the correct course is to simply cast off all stability.

>> No.12581703

Jesus you nofappers are delusional lol