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File: 819 KB, 1280x1440, fullstack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12567542 No.12567542 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>12564652

>> No.12567571

First for orbital hanitats

>> No.12567576
File: 550 KB, 1592x1044, Untitled45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is spaces birthday, say something nice about it

>> No.12567580
File: 65 KB, 810x539, 1588110390590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys like space right?
How would you sell it to someone who has top tier qualifications but no interest in space?
What's the motivation to go up there when you can get paid better down here with less risk. Is it purely the fame aspect?

>> No.12567657

>legs on superheavy

>> No.12567659


>> No.12567735

The abundance of resources is what attracts me to space. You can put solar panels in space and beam the power back down with microwaves to anywhere on Earth. There are also many resources to mine. Heavy industry will soon be more in space than on earth. No one to stop you from building your nuclear reactor on the moon!

>> No.12567749 [DELETED] 

> old thread on Page 7
Kys newfag

>> No.12567751

Oh sure, I like all that. I meant on the individual level why would you want yourself to go to space. You send expendables to do that dangerous work.

>> No.12567756

>How would you sell it to someone who has top tier qualifications but no interest in space?

>> No.12567757

>Heavy industry will soon be more in space than on earth.
You're a fucking retard

>> No.12567781

>first super heavies will be legless

>> No.12567782

Theoretical freedom from governments to conduct whatever morally fucked research you want

>> No.12567803

That's many many years into the future though Anon. I'm talking about now when you're only getting up there on a govt. or private company ship which is still going to exert control over your activities.

>> No.12567815

There's basically no good arguments for colonizing space. It's a hobby.

>> No.12567822 [DELETED] 

>page 8

fuck you reddit newfag cancer scum, stay on your shitty containment website

>> No.12567898

Space based solar panels require triple conversion which reduces efficiency.

>> No.12568007

Why not just attach the solar panels to the ground with a cable, then?

>> No.12568024

Zero g sex

>> No.12568079
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>> No.12568221

Multi planetary weed production?

>> No.12568283

asteroid mining, yes i know about supply and demand will crash the price, its still worth it, it would make materials that used to be rare common, therefore technologies that were only dreamt of a reality

0g organ printing

0g to 3g sports and training

and the best one

the incredibly utterly exxagerated rate of scientifical adfvancement that would occur if you have a colony made of people who come from wealthy educated families, excersise often, are disciplined and are extremely interested in science with no low lifes to distract them.
Like, imagine xx century tech? thats nothing, this would be like 1000 times more.

IT will be like to the XX century tech what the xx century tech was to all the rest of the human technology story history of advancemetnt

>> No.12568291

0g allows printing organs literally molecule per molecule, literal instaprint of any structure forever, a literal instant end of all disease


nowadays even if they dont admit it all sportsmen professionals that are professionally high use harsh environment training
causey, if you train 100 in environment harshnees 2, but race is in envoiroment harsnes 1, you train twice as hardernor.

instant forever argument of mine i won and youre an idiot forevcer who deserves to be punished if you disagree after my objective purposeful demonsration that athletes do absolutely 100% confirmor to seek harsher environments to train

nothing can be harsher than a high g low oxygen space station

therergorerfore, all athletes will have to go there yes or yes or lose, tjhis is not a discussion im telling yopu the objective reality and you should make me a monument for taking the time to answer

>> No.12568360

here you go bro its free

>> No.12568377
File: 14 KB, 736x315, trustme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla's will fly using cold gas thrusters bro
>We're going to air launch falcon 9 bro
>Falcon heavy is going to use asparagus staging bro
>Superheavy booster will be caught out of the air bro

As much as I love elon musk you have to recognize that catching superheavy is part of the BS side of his twitter. Anyone who thinks this is actually going to happen should fuck back off to Isacc Arthur and r/futurism

That 4 way wire thing that was posted a few days ago was cool tho

>> No.12568404

he said his cars would fly?

>> No.12568467


>> No.12568512
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>> No.12568526 [DELETED] 
File: 403 KB, 320x527, 1426424944993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the faggot didn't link from the old thread either

>> No.12568528

What specifically is this person? Are they a politician, businessperson, investor, what? Depending on what they are the argument would have to change.

>> No.12568539

Because breaking these frontiers for fun and profit is the Anglo way

>> No.12568549

>Want to run a cable up into orbit

>> No.12568553
File: 142 KB, 1600x1102, skylon ssto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even better

>> No.12568556

>As of late 2015, the SLS program was stated to have a 70% confidence level for the first crewed Orion flight by 2023,[125][126][127] and as of 2020, NASA is continuing to project 2023
As we know, the US's political and bureaucratic incompetence will run any project that isn't 100% certain into the ground, and even then they'll still try so expect delays until at least 2025 boys

>> No.12568579

>Dragging air breathing engines to space

>> No.12568607

Elon was always an optimist but in the end and after a few design revisions his main idea always materializes.

>> No.12568615
File: 18 KB, 495x619, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTER Supermegaheavy Starship

>> No.12568618

This but using methalox (to avoid hydromeme density) and conventional nozzles (to pack in more engines and get more efficient thrust with less dry mass) and a cylindrical body (for ease of construction and TPS simplicity) and an additional reusable first stage (because SSTO my penis).

>> No.12568619

Connect 4 of those in a star configuration

>> No.12568634

Meh, going to an 18 meter diameter and reusing all the same tech developed for Starship (albeit at a slightly different scale but all the techniques are proven) would offer much more performance gains (at least 4x the payload to LEO etc) with much less complexity and the same generally favorable reuse profile as 9m Starship.

>> No.12568647

>If I repeat "hydromeme" maybe the tribe of space nerds will accept me

>> No.12568660

Hydrolox is the retarded brother of methalox

>> No.12568661


>> No.12568663

Wait, scrubbed for today just as I posted lmao

>> No.12568664

Delayed due to poor weather.

>> No.12568680

>defending hydromeme

>> No.12568686

>much less complexity
>plumbing for 50.000 engines has to examined 10 times per day
>new field of mechanical-civil-aerospace engineering has to be created to safely evaluate all the intrincacies of this structure

yeah no

>> No.12568695

>this, but everything it should't be
I'll pass

>> No.12568700

More cargo, same volume? I think it will have the same problems as FH.

>> No.12568704
File: 35 KB, 674x266, planetorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favourite planet, /sfg/?

>> No.12568705

>90 raptors + plumbing on megaheavy are fine
>a wider vehicle is too complex
Which is it?

>> No.12568706


>> No.12568710

The Sun.

>> No.12568713

this may come as a surprise to you but bear with me.

a certain amount of complexity is fine

more than that will not be

when you complicate things
you get more complexity

sorry i had to cram that much information in a single text, try to get your special needs tutor to walk you all the way trough it, if necesary go word by word

>> No.12568714

I asked what your favourite planet was, I didn't ask for an insult.

>> No.12568723

Europa, fuck the Inners.

>> No.12568726

the fuck is that scale there, disgusting. Oh, and it's clearly Haumea, only mouth breathers like non dwarf planets

>> No.12568727

>reddit spacing
>refuge in affected patronization in order to cover a lack of cogent reasoning
You will never have a chin. Also Elon already learned his lesson with FH and stated SS 18m is the next step after Starship so get ready to cope.

>> No.12568732

Other anon here. Putting multiple busters together is very hard. Spacex had a lot of trouble with it and the result was not that good compared to what they could have achieved by going straight to starship.
A small F9 fairing is a big limitation for FH and would be an even larger problem with 3 starships.

>> No.12568737

Jupiter and Mercury

>> No.12568742

It's sad that the rest of our solar system is sterile. I can't imagine the disappointment of the scientists who thought Venus was a lush world only to discover that it's a barren and toxic wasteland. It must have been awful being the astronomers of the 50s and 60s who gradually came to realize how alone in our solar system we are.

>> No.12568745

There could still be small pockets of microbial life

>> No.12568749

Must've been pretty blown when those canals on Mars turned out to be optical illusions, too.

>> No.12568750

By the way I mean in the solar system in general, probably not on Venus.

>> No.12568763

Inceladus has salty seas and thermal vents, it could support complex life. Probably doesn't, but it could.

>> No.12568767

lmao planetlet

>> No.12568776
File: 794 KB, 1186x880, Martian moss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about Mars is a disappointment compared to the shit that people were expecting

>> No.12568778

sun isnt a planet retard

>> No.12568781

>You will never have a chin.
nigga you can slice steel beams with the edge of my chin

>> No.12568783

Wouldn't it be just better have 3 separate starships if it was like that?

>> No.12568785

europa is a moon retard
you people are retarded here

>> No.12568787

Even his description of a "dead planet" still has moss growing on it... how sad it is to be all alone. We must expand life to other planets and create the friends kind of solar system we dreamt of.

>> No.12568790

Anything rounded by its own gravity is a planet, until the brown dwarf transition point. Fuck urf and fuck arbitrary non-physical definitions.

>> No.12568805 [DELETED] 

Sick burn. I bet you're the smartest kid at your middle school.

>> No.12568827

Genuinely, it's a continual spirit killer. The more we look the more it crushes any hope of not being alone within the bounds of what we can reach, now we've fallen so low we are unironically saying "w-well maybe there's microbial life miles under the ice in Europa"

>> No.12568837

IAU Resolution 5A: Definition of a Planet in the Solar System

Contemporary observations are changing our understanding of planetary systems, and it is important that our nomenclature for objects reflect our current understanding. This applies, in particular, to the designation “planets.” The word “planet” originally described “wanderers” that were known only as moving lights in the sky. Recent discoveries led us to create a new definition, which we can make using currently available scientific information.

The IAU therefore resolves that “planets” and other bodies in our Solar System, except satellites, be defined into three distinct categories in the following way:

1. A “planet”1 is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit.

While planets have to be nearly spherical, they usually bulge at the equator, thanks to the fact that planets rotate. The Earth's diameter at the equator is about 12,760 km (7,925 miles), while from pole to pole it is about 12,720 km (7,900 miles). Scientists estimate that for a rocky body, hydrostatic equilibrium will happen for an object that is about 800 km (500 miles) and has a mass about 1/12,000 that of the Earth (Ceres is about 950 km and has a mass about 1/7000 that of Earth).

>> No.12568839

It's not a good newspaper either

>> No.12568843

Part “a” eliminates satellites of the planets as potential planets even if they are “round.” Part “c” is the major difference between the original draft resolution and the one that passed. This eliminated the Main Belt asteroid Ceres (only one of many asteroids) and Pluto and 2003 UB313 (two of many Trans-Neptunian Objects) and eliminated the possibility of there being dozens of other planets in the near future.
2. A “dwarf planet” is a celestial body that (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape2 , (c) has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite.

In the original resolution, “dwarf planet” was not an official IAU term. The terms “terrestrial” and “gas giant” (or jovian) are not official IAU terms. This resolution then creates a new class of objects that includes Ceres (and possibly a few other Main Belt asteroids), as well as Pluto and other large Tran-Neptunian Objects.
3. All other objects3 except satellites orbiting the Sun shall be referred to collectively as “Small Solar-System Bodies”.

>> No.12568848

Personally I think we should just get rid of the term planet and classify celestial bodies like how it's done in space engine

>> No.12568849

The term “minor planet” will no longer be used. Small Solar System Bodies include asteroids and comets. While most known asteroids have orbits between Mars and Jupiter in the Asteroid Belt, there are groups of objects that orbit in other parts of the solar system: Near-Earth Asteroids (NEOs), many of whose orbits cross the orbit of the Earth; Trojan Asteroids that share the orbits of several of the planets (Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune); Centaurs, whose highly elliptical orbits cross the orbits of the outer planets; Kuiper Belt Objects, objects in orbits beyond Neptune's orbit and that orbit in a relatively flat disk between 30 and 50 AU (30 to 50 times Earth's distance from the Sun); and Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), objects that have orbits beyond the orbit of Neptune (KBOs are a subset of the TNOs).

1The eight “planets” are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
2An IAU process will be established to assign borderline objects into either dwarf planet and other categories.
3These currently include most of the Solar System asteroids, most Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), comets, and other small bodies.

>> No.12568850

Hop when?

>> No.12568853

I know what the IAU definition is, niglord. It's a set of hasty back-rationalizations to maintain the status quo masquerading as a set of physical criteria.

>> No.12568856 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up you are a stupid fucktard I will fuck you up

you are all retarded here

>> No.12568857
File: 356 KB, 700x800, mesklin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While planets have to be nearly spherical, they usually bulge at the equator, thanks to the fact that planets rotate
*notices equatorial bulge*

>> No.12568859

tl;dr Pluto is a planet

>> No.12568863

Hop is just one week away. And always will be.
Invest in BA!

>> No.12568867

IAU Resolution 6A: Pluto

The IAU further resolves:
Pluto is a “dwarf planet” by the above definition and is recognized as the prototype of a new category of trans-Neptunian objects.

One issue that has been raised is: Are “dwarf planets” planets or not? In a statement by Iwan Williams, the outgoing IAU President said: “To the question is Pluto a planet, you can now give two answers. No, it is a dwarf planet; and yes, it is a dwarf planet!” While there is a general feeling that this was not the intent of the people who voted on this, it is not explicitly ruled out in the resolution and probably will be one of the many aspects that will be discussed over the next few years as debate on this issue continues.

>> No.12568873

dios mio

>> No.12568872


>> No.12568879

*shortstack planet

>> No.12568885
File: 11 KB, 290x174, JohnnyFuckinKim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spaceflight will not be available for the common man while we're alive
>It will be reserved for those with truly superhuman levels of accomplishment like pic related for at least the next few decades
>However your children and grandchildren will grow up in a world where manned spaceflight is becoming commonplace
>You will be one of the last people to come from the pre-spaceflight era
>You will die never having left the land you were born on
>One day when you are old and decrepit you will hear on the news that the first human was born today on a colony on another celestial body, after scientists somehow overcome the issues of fetal development in lower g while you cry about the opportunities you missed by being born when you were
>The closest you will get is discussing and fantasising about spaceflight with others online
How do you cope bros

>> No.12568887

Is a planet. So is Ceres, so is Charon, so is everything in the seething mass of rounded trans-neptunian objects. Call the space police, I don't give a shit.

>> No.12568895

>Spaceflight will not be available for the common man while we're alive

>> No.12568901

So you would work in diet-slavery if it meant you could go to mars?

>> No.12568905 [DELETED] 


>> No.12568910

>caring about IAU and the dude who proclaimed himself the "killer" of Pluto
You will never be a planet

>> No.12568918

By having kids, obviously. You phrase your post like it's some kind of conondrum or problem, but the answer is obvious.

>> No.12568926

>How do you cope bros
haha homemade rocket go whoosh

>> No.12568928
File: 153 KB, 1128x1564, BFR Super-Mega-Ultra-heavy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like little baby
watch this

>> No.12568944

Low T Bezos take right here

>> No.12568946

By not giving a fuck what some green text tells me.

>> No.12568947

Starship + OTRAG = ?

>> No.12568952


>> No.12568953

The Roadster shit is actually happening, I've seen it with my eyes

>> No.12568968

it took the spinpill.

>> No.12568976

planets are shit

>> No.12568989

Not a planet, neither is Ceres, neither is Charon

>> No.12569002

You cant lie tho, pluto-killer is a dope nickname

>> No.12569009

What is the point of this monstrosity?

>> No.12569011

Stop with discrimination, we need more diversity.

>> No.12569013
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not wide enough

>> No.12569019
File: 264 KB, 1280x720, 1606329841667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>static fire scrubbed due to high winds leading to a power outage
>undocking scrubbed due to shit weather in recovery zone

>> No.12569023
File: 394 KB, 1128x2124, Super-ultra-mega-mondo-gigante-giga-heavy deluxe plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not LONG enough

>> No.12569024

Let's do the check list
>Ceres, Pluto, Charon
>rounded under gravity
>not actively fusing anything through the force of gravity
Yep, planets.

>> No.12569031



>> No.12569045
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't fuck with eggman

>> No.12569048

I ain't reading this egghead shit

>> No.12569052

lol looks so gay

>> No.12569053

Is Jim Bridenstine a planet or a moon

>> No.12569057

How explosive would the launch be?

>> No.12569058
File: 54 KB, 500x375, haumea collisional family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't talk to me or my son(s) again

>> No.12569059
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>> No.12569060

To Hell with Texas-tier

>> No.12569071


>> No.12569087
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>> No.12569100

ULA spikestrip

>> No.12569102

Anyone in the hemisphere is immediately rendered deaf, those within 100 miles are ground to dust from the vibrations

>> No.12569104

>no I have no clue how I managed to suddenly swerve and block this perfectly straight well-paved road in broad daylight
>quietly pockets a check with bezos' signature

>> No.12569105

high winds, I guess. It's probably empty. I wonder if they're allowed to use their cranes to pick it up.

>> No.12569106


>> No.12569108

This does look pretty sexy, someone spam this to Elon's twitter so he can make it happen pls

>> No.12569109
File: 883 KB, 1486x829, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2021.01.11-11_12_55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569110
File: 555 KB, 606x502, 1394415300868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569113

To make Bezos cry

>> No.12569115
File: 1.22 MB, 2048x946, 1594013687001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

additionally the coast guard is having to rescue people off a boat in boca chica. What a day.

>> No.12569116

I reread Mission of Gravity a few months ago.

>> No.12569117

Jeff's out fishing again?
The madman!

>> No.12569120

This has been reposted since at least a few months ago, and I still think it's both kino AND feasible.

>> No.12569132

I don't know, better launch it from Israel just to be safe though

>> No.12569133

How would it land?

>> No.12569137


>> No.12569159


>> No.12569167

Mitään ei tapahdu (MET)

>> No.12569168

Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but the Electron user's guide now has four standard fairing options.
>Normal size
>Taller, same diameter (new)
>Slightly wider (new)
>Much wider and taller

>> No.12569175

:D vittu sit

>> No.12569179

Thought they moved today's static fire again but k

>> No.12569181

>fairing wider than the rocket
i know this makes sense but i hate how it looks, its so phallic

>> No.12569186

MET voittaa aina

>> No.12569189

It doesn't necessarily need to land, it can be a used as an interplanetary transport. Slap on some nuclear engines, and you are golden.

>> No.12569192

>The driver is a bald man with a wig and fake moustache+glasses named Beff Jezos

>> No.12569198
File: 52 KB, 474x590, salvage 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk was going to try building the original model.

>> No.12569203

they've also offered custom fairings before. Cool shit.

>> No.12569207 [DELETED] 
File: 461 KB, 750x1036, DB91F48F-E770-474C-9D6C-31DE682BA3F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569215
File: 474 KB, 1980x3272, 1591980243115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see the new Falcon Heavy fairing already

>> No.12569222 [DELETED] 

Yes but this is /sfg/ and that isn't spaceflight related

>> No.12569226 [DELETED] 

Spicy as fuck.

>> No.12569228 [DELETED] 

Checked and yeah perhaps not now, but in the future Musk will likely be the only arbiter for the entire planet of Mars and presumably he will be in charge of the way people communicate and share information and what type of restrictions the law of the land will possess

>> No.12569230 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 1024x1008, 1608282341048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 snowflake mobs. Again...

>> No.12569234 [DELETED] 

>Daddy Musk, the savior of spaceflight
>Not related to spaceflight
Anon.... I

>> No.12569239 [DELETED] 

guessing these are the actual reasons for the cancellation today. Shit I hope that salvage operations on that boat don't take too long. Could be a real problem.

shotwell ripping her hair out. Elon just can't let these things slide lmao.

He's right, though. I've already seen an article saying that Europe must make their own national internet b/c their nation's communications are now subject to the whims of a few mercurial American billionaires and their insane politics. USA as the hub of the communication age is dead.

>> No.12569240 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 945x721, cursedmusk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569246 [DELETED] 

>No jews allowed on Mars
>Fuck bojoing
>Mars Aeternum

>> No.12569248 [DELETED] 

>Elon eats some ice cream
Anon, no.
I have to believe that Musk has enough respect for the US Constitution, at least its intent, to try emulating some of it on a sovereign Mars. I'd be willing to bet he values free speech pretty highly given how he talks, probably 2A too though that'll be tricky on Mars for a while.

>> No.12569250

Oh, that's the new driver we hired named Jeffrey Beetsoz

>> No.12569252 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569256 [DELETED] 

I imagine it will maintain a strict military hierarchy until the population exceeds a certain number of naturally born Martians of a certain age who would be eligible for election to president and a system very similar to that of the US, but with some dank memes secretly peppered into the constitution.

>> No.12569263
File: 884 KB, 3360x2240, Blue-Origin-New-Glenn-factory-interior-1-NASAc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me out /sfg/oys, the New Glenn is worlds better than St*rship, as I'll be explaining why:
It is literally weightless, lighter than air itself;
It consumes no fuel, at all;
Responsible for 0 noise pollution even when at full capacity;
Friendly to the environment, as it's literally wasteless;
Is owned and being developed by Blue Origin, the badassest company of all time;
Pic related is New Glenn

>> No.12569275
File: 40 KB, 240x280, 1602696720912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA's Europa Clipper has been liberated from the Space Launch System

>> No.12569278


>> No.12569284
File: 59 KB, 300x426, Europa Report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569292

Coast guard chopper over the boat

>> No.12569298 [DELETED] 

how do you even access that shit on a store ipad? i woudn't know how to get to it if i tried

>> No.12569299
File: 11 KB, 400x387, 1609964243392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Yeaaaaaaaah

>> No.12569301

Is this hypothesis that there was a large rapidly spinning kuiper belt object that got fucked by a collision and formed all those objects by debris coalescence?

>> No.12569303
File: 334 KB, 1948x1096, 1597983656090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't expecting to watch a rescue operation today


>> No.12569307

Why convince people? There are more than enough who want to go already, and I bet their IQ skews way higher than the average earthers.

>> No.12569308

Going to start reading Red Mars. Haven't read books in a long time so this better not be dry.

>> No.12569310
File: 35 KB, 451x679, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is the point of SLS having to do multiple launches just to land on the moon? Why can't the most powerful rocket just bring a lander and do a direct descent to lunar surface like Saturn V?

>> No.12569315 [DELETED] 

Elon, you retard, dont give them more ammo to shoot you down.

>> No.12569317

anon, i

>> No.12569321
File: 434 KB, 1181x855, Space_Is_Hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569325
File: 872 KB, 2487x1080, Dune_fields_in_Mars_Green_Crater_pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favourite planet, /sfg/?
Mars because it is a cool wasteland with huge colonization potential, close to home and to the Sun, also I would like to become the princess of Mars.
>inb4 you will never be a princess
Titan is my second choice because organic compounds and thicc atmosphere, cool view of Saturn, far away from home but still comfy.

>> No.12569327 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569329

Its almost as big as a saturn 5, but only because hydrogen has a ridiculously low density, the actual total impulse it can produce is much smaller, it just doesn't have enough delta v with the same payload.

>> No.12569332 [DELETED] 

The Babylon Bee is a satire news site

>> No.12569336 [DELETED] 

and Elon doesn't know?

holy fuck lol

>> No.12569338

Blessed day

>> No.12569342 [DELETED] 

there's nothing in his tweet indicating that he doesn't know

>> No.12569344

But is SLS cheaper than Saturn V to put man on the moon? Including the development costs, of course.

>> No.12569346 [DELETED] 

>also I would like to become the princess of Mars.

>> No.12569347

>sponcex is dead
>NASA is reborn
>China wants to colonize the Moon
>ESA is... sleeping I guess

Is it good for Space exploration?

>> No.12569354 [DELETED] 

Room-temp IQ detected

>> No.12569355 [DELETED] 

he knows (iirc he wanted to buy The Onion, but they refused so I think he's trying to groom Babylon Bee by giving them good press before offering to purchase them), but he probably doesn't want to legitimize a non-satire news site by replying to an actual story or reporter

>> No.12569357 [DELETED] 

>The Babylon Bee is a satire news site

Why is the best satire a satire site can come up with is what almost half the country actually believes

Also something something spaceflight

>> No.12569366 [DELETED] 

the satire is about people claiming he's a fascist while he's being censored and voted out of office.
>According to sources, the dangerous Nazi will be peacefully retiring to Florida and holding the occasional rally, as dictators love to do. The peaceful democrats in power have vowed to pursue Trump, his family, and his friends to the ends of the earth and destroy their lives forever, as democrats love to do.

>> No.12569371

Supposedly yes (if you trust NASA's Apollo cost estimates). The Saturn V cost $50B in 2020 dollars to develop compared to the SLS $20B. However, the Saturn V was estimated to cost $1.23B per launch to deliver 48.6t to the Moon while the SLS is projected to cost over $2B per launch to deliver half of that

There is also the fact that Saturn V was developed almost from scratch while the SLS is building upon preexisting Shuttle architecture. If we add Shuttle development costs to SLS, then the total development cost would make the cost of the two rockets more equal

>> No.12569382

Too small, not planets

>> No.12569387

Haven't cleared their orbits.

>> No.12569388 [DELETED] 

It's Elon so yes it is spaceflight related

>> No.12569390

Stop Anon, it hurts.

>> No.12569391

>This better not be dry
>Kim Stanley Robinson
There's an entire chapter about Martian geology. The author is also a hyper-leftist with a fetish for very tall women. I enjoyed Red Mars a lot (and many of Robinson's other works), but those are the facts.

>> No.12569394


>> No.12569396 [DELETED] 

Elon takes a morning shit. It's not spaceflight related just because it came out of his asshole.
Maybe if he was in space when it happened.

>> No.12569397

1st one is great. 2 and 3 become less about science and more about politics. Also Arkady is based.

>> No.12569398

>spacex is dead

>> No.12569403 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569406

>The author is also a hyper-leftist
this is not an exaggeration, there's a bit in aurora where he mentions that 30% of the ship's population is transsexual

>> No.12569424

Yeah something like that, and it's pretty much as solid a case as you're gonna get. The little guy's the fastest spinning large object in the solar system (which is why it's shaped so weirdly); and then there's a bunch of similarly fast spinning objects with the same composition, in a similar orbit. Statistically speaking, it's (probably) unique, all the simulations of the kuiper belt say there was only a 10%ish chance of something like it happening in the first place.

>> No.12569426


>> No.12569428

I thought it was bisexual? Also, fuck Aurora. There are perfectly valid objections and challenges to interstellar colonization, but instead of giving them a full debate he pretty much just says "yep so we agree, it's impossible, Earth only, also everyone who disagreed with me is dead now."

>> No.12569429

Mentally disabled people exist you must learn to accept that

>> No.12569430

So when Starlink gets spun off as an IPO, how long will it be from announcement to actually being on the stock market?
Is there a minimum amount of time that needs to be passed?

>> No.12569431 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569441 [DELETED] 

you're just saying buzzwords

>> No.12569443

If you have to ask you should not be investing

>> No.12569445 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569451

So did anything happen with SN9 in the last two weeks or so? After it was transported to the pad.

>> No.12569452 [DELETED] 

>implying you wouldn't want to live as a girl for a day just to see what it's like

>> No.12569453 [DELETED] 

Quick, hit him with a "dilate!"

>> No.12569456

It'll probably make Elon the first trillionaire or at least the first to 500b

>> No.12569461 [DELETED] 

It got cryo-tested and had a static fire.
Can you two shut up or something

>> No.12569478 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12569482 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569485

Wednesday has SpaceX's SN9 test flight at 9, and Virgin Obit's LawnchairOne at 10. And I'm off work. Feeling pretty spoiled.

>> No.12569487 [DELETED] 

Nice. I'm seeing from what few on-topic posts there are ITT that something was supposed to happen today as well. Boats again, huh?

>> No.12569494 [DELETED] 

Not sure, I'd thought at first that today was supposed to be the big hop but now that seems to be pushed back to Wednesday. One hell of a long boat I guess.

>> No.12569510
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>> No.12569517

>ESA is... sleeping I guess
ESA has some cool exploration programs, see ExoMars (the orbiter and the upcoming rover) and cool space tech research on the ISS like cell biology experiments, iron powder carbon-free flames, foam experiments, etc.
These are all unspectacular but necessary experiments that will enable future space exploration.
muh rockets suck though

>> No.12569537

What are they jamming to out there?

>> No.12569546

You can leave all your problems behind without killing yourself. Isn't that enough reason to leave Earth?

>> No.12569548
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, Project Orion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me with replacing liquid oxygen with pressurized liquid N2O.

>room temperature storable oxidizer
>room temperature storable non-toxic bipropellants (RP1 + N2O),(C3H8 + N2O),(C2H6 + N2O)

>> No.12569554


>> No.12569560

>It’s not E.T., said Patrick (((Wiggins)))

>> No.12569573

Thought the same lmao. Totally not suspicious.

>> No.12569590

LOX is denser and 100% of its weight goes into oxidation reactions. It's a superior oxidizer to anything but ClF3, but ClF3 eats metals and fucking SAND so good luck tanking it.

>> No.12569591
File: 66 KB, 1125x632, 0679EFE9-72BB-494E-8713-7DE6F2D640DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the more I read about the Dynetics lander the less I like it. It can only hold 2 people for 1 week or 4 people for a few days. It also lacks an airlock and requires the cabin to depressurize on every EVA.

Starship is neat but it requires at least a dozen tanker flights maybe more for every lunar sortie. It also needs hundreds of tons of propellant to be transferred, which has yet to be demonstrated. However it’s great that it has insane capability and landing just one on the surface gives more room than the entire ISS.

National Team’s Lander is definitely the most safe bet. It only needs 3 expendable launch vehicles to be assembled, and it does not need dozens of flights per sortie (looking at you Starship). It’s only partially expendable, which is not as bad as people talk about on here. Even better, the descent stage could be refueled with Hydrolox from the surface and function with a “bare” ascent stage as a 100% reusable lunar lander.

If I was NASA I’d select the national team lander just because it’s “safe” as an investment, but also fund Starship because 1) It’s fucking huge and 2) SpaceX is going to land on the moon later anyways, so why not help them out a bit.

>> No.12569604 [DELETED] 

Yes it is, because if he doesn't take a shit, that means he isn't alive, and that means that spaceflight is ded

>> No.12569608

>astronaut gets injured on the moon
>with the lunar starship they go up an elevator
>only danger is the wait
>on ALPACA you go up a tiny step ladder
>even an injured astronaut can do this and if even if they're knocked out they can be easily dragged up it
>with the national team you must carry your team member up a ridiculously long ladder
>good fucking luck buddy

The national team lander is a huge safety hazard and picking it would just result in another shuttle era fuck up.

>> No.12569616 [DELETED] 

>wanting to live as a girl for a day just to see what it's like
>pretending you are one for your whole life while mutilating your body
Those are two different things anon.

>> No.12569622

>Starship is neat but it requires at least a dozen tanker flights maybe more for every lunar sortie
what exactly is the process here? SH+lunarSS, then SH+tankerSS? they can't exactly carry multiple SS worth of fuel on lunarSS, or is another tanker supposed to follow them for after they do their moon mission?

>> No.12569630

>fuel it up in earth orbit
>send it off to the moon and back
what do you not understand here

>> No.12569631


>Not getting completely annihilated by minor cosmic events

Ah yes, existential threats, terrible argument there

>> No.12569636 [DELETED] 

the more research we do the more it is becoming clear that male and female are different neural architectures, and most tranoids have the architecture of the sex they want to be. Once we can modify bodies or keep brains in vats it's basically a non-issue.

>> No.12569637

the part where you need a dozen tankers flying for every expedition. seems like you just need 1?

>> No.12569644

there's no "good arguments" for 99% of the things people do, if you just want to be alive then you could live in a 2x2x2 meter box eating nutrient slurry, but that's not a life worth living

>> No.12569647

you can't fully refuel a starship with one tanker, you need several tanker flights, this is true for the regular version too

>> No.12569652 [DELETED] 

imagine being insane enough to believe this

>> No.12569661

didn't know that. guess it makes sense since starship is like 1/4 payload. What sort of fuel to payload ratio would the tanker have? It's only going to a single orbit so it doesn't need range beyond that. can they get away with a lot more?

>> No.12569662 [DELETED] 

>make and female are different neural architectures
>Most tranoids have the architecture of the sex they want to be

>> No.12569664

Serious question: what if starship lands on unstable soil?
It's so tall it can fall sideways pretty easily.

>> No.12569675 [DELETED] 

I mean /actual/ tranoids. Like, maybe 1 in 5 is actually trans, most ftms are just lesbians, most mtf's are just agp's

>> No.12569676

That's why you glass the surface first.

>> No.12569678 [DELETED] 

>Once we can modify bodies
You'd have to replace every single cell in the body retard, that's just not gonna happen.
The only scenario in which I'd accept trannies is if they're fully digital.

>> No.12569679
File: 2.10 MB, 3103x1749, 2BE7762E-38BB-43DF-BFEF-99080DE11D2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly no one really knows SpaceX’s plan. A starship with a full tank still falls short of the Delta V needed to land a payload on the moon and come back up.

It seems like SpaceX is planning on using a dedicated “Reufeler” to top off Lunar Starship’s tanks. Presumably Lunar Starship launches into LEO but then pushes a bit further out to around 3-4 thousand kilometers. A second launch carries an empty starship without wings or legs into LEO. This starship is met with 12 launches until its tanks are full. It then boosts out to a few thousand kilometers and meets with the LunarShip where it transfers its fuel. Maybe the Refueler boosts down to LEO and is topped off again? Is it expended? Either way, a tanks full LunarShip with a “boost” of 1 kilometer a second DOES have the Delta V to reach the moon, enter a NRHO to meet Orion, land on the surface, and return to the NRHO. This is all speculation but google has a lot of neat speculation on the issue.

>> No.12569684

Starship is its own second stage, it can lift as much fuel as it can anything else, I don't know if its volume limited though.

>> No.12569687 [DELETED] 

Doesn't Starship only need like four refueling flights to have it's full 8+km/s of propellant? Four launches can get one Moonship to the Lunar surface and at least back up into Lunar orbit afterwards. Hardly what I'd call "dozens" of refueling flights.
No, the brain structure of gender dysphorics does not look like either a male or female normal, their physical appearance will never alleviate the symptoms, certainly not as well as batteries of anti-anxiety and anti-schizophrenia meds has provably done. Irrelevant to this thread though because the state of troons is not relevant to spaceflight.

>> No.12569690 [DELETED] 

>tired of tranny discussion on /lgbt/
>come here to talk about rockets
>you are talking about trannies

>> No.12569703 [DELETED] 

Thank the multinational megacorporations that funded the astroturfing campaign which made it a mainstream "issue".

>> No.12569706

would be so much easier with a d*pot. can send up all the fuel ahead of time instead of having astronauts putter around earth for a day or 8 as they refuel starship. just dock, fill the tanks, and go

>> No.12569710 [DELETED] 

God elon is so dumb about non-technical stuff, and so is anyone who agreed with this. Trump can just call a press conference if he wants, he doesn't need to use facebook or twitter.

>> No.12569711 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569716 [DELETED] 

bad bait, don't reply or post again.

>> No.12569719 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569721

I think that’s the plan. You have a depot sitting in an elliptical Earth Orbit that is topped off by a “Refueler” which is in turn topped off by a series of Tankers in LEO. Even if it takes 24 launches per lunar sortie, 1 Starship every other week is sufficient

>> No.12569722
File: 2.83 MB, 630x452, space_falcon_9_landing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd do whatever I want faggot

>> No.12569726 [DELETED] 

You are the cause of the problem. There is no reason whatsoever to be talking about transgender people on a fucking rocketry general. It's only an "issue" because closeted trumptards won't stop going on about it. If you care so much about trannies, go to /lgbt/, jerk off to some trans porn, cut your dick off, I don't care, I'm sick of seeing every fucking thread no matter how unrelated derailed by this shit.

>> No.12569728 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 722x1200, pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tale as old as time, and these kind of people never change. Same with furries in 2010

>> No.12569729

how long does the fuel take to expire?

>> No.12569734
File: 765 KB, 640x360, space x reuse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.12569738 [DELETED] 

I hate Trump but Elon is right. Twitter has a monopoly on public discourse. it's a dangerous amount of power that they have if they can censor even the US President.

>> No.12569739

I swear, scientists treat ET the same way they treat god. god himself could come down and stomp their tits in and they would still be all
>muh inconclusive evidence
they dont even wait an instant before declaring with 100% certainty
like ok, so you know what it is then?
Like how can you say so if you dont know what it is?

>> No.12569750 [DELETED] 

>Twitter has a monopoly on public discourse.
No it doesn't. Less then 25% of americans use twitter. There are millions and millions of ways to still exercise free speech. Especially for the president of the united states.

>> No.12569756

ayy fm

>> No.12569763 [DELETED] 

My school used to have trans flags hanging above every single doorway in the whole building (that was 5 years ago, i can't image what it is now). Right wingers are reacting to it so strongly for a reason, if leftist insanity wasn't there to start it there wouldn't been a reaction.
That being said, let's stop derailing the thread.

>> No.12569771 [DELETED] 

There is no acceptable argument in favor of censorship. I don't even want flatearth faggots censored and I hate those cunts, no censorship is good censorship.
>but muh private company!
Can follow the law instead of making up their own to enforce.

>> No.12569778

tom mueller is an amateur hack fraud who couldnt find his way out of a methane cycle engine

>> No.12569788 [DELETED] 

>There is no acceptable argument in favor of censorship.
Q-anon shit and brainless conspiracy theories and fake news are destroying the country. A mob of people was so brainwashed they tried to storm the capital building and kill politicians. These people need to be kicked off the internet so their cancer can't spread further. I'm 100% fine with that applying to flat earthers too.

>> No.12569797 [DELETED] 

You’re baiting right? Or did you come from Reddit? If you believe the Capitol protests are worse than BLM burning down buildings you’re too far gone man

>> No.12569800 [DELETED] 

But by age group this statistic is drastically different. The alt-right thrives on recruiting the youth with social media.

>> No.12569801 [DELETED] 

Opinion discarded, only faggots want censorship.

>> No.12569803 [DELETED] 

>and kill politicians
and that's supposed to be bad?

>> No.12569805 [DELETED] 

It's a fucking flag. What's it gonna do to you? Fly up your ass?

>> No.12569808 [DELETED] 

This. Censorship breeds the exact problems he’s complaining about.

>> No.12569814 [DELETED] 

would you say the same if that flag was a red oen with a swastika in the middle?

>> No.12569816 [DELETED] 

You're on the wrong site for this kind of horse shit anon, take a hike or start talking about space.

>> No.12569817 [DELETED] 

I don’t want my son being taught tranny shit at school I’m sorry Mrs. Harris. Now get off the subject and talk about spaceflight you moron.

Mueller did a good job but I think Raptor is beyond his scope.

>> No.12569821 [DELETED] 

>the more it is becoming clear that male and female are different neural architectures

>> No.12569827 [DELETED] 

I hated the BLM *riots*, but the storming the capital building was worse. If you can't tell it was the worse thing to happen in this country since 9/11, you are a completely blind FOOL about how bad things are right now.
Yes you fucking faggot. Just because you live in a deluded fantasy land where trump won the election, DOES NOT mean you get to start slaughtering politicians. It's fucking INSANE that you think this is ok. I hope you get a visit from the party van real soon.

>> No.12569828

To reduce the cost of HLS, its ladder will be replaced by steps.

>> No.12569833 [DELETED] 

It's incredibly unsettling that there's even a hint of pro-censorship attitude anywhere in this country. It's so antithetical to the entire point of the nation that it makes you wonder how many people even understand what they're saying.

>> No.12569840

I think we need to research the possibility of using shitposters as propellant.

>> No.12569847

Better to use them as fertilizer.

>> No.12569848 [DELETED] 

The internet is not the only place you can practice free speech. If private companies don't want you fantasizing about murdering politicians on their PRIVATE servers, it's completely in their rights to kick you out. The same way you can't rant about DA JOOS in a burger king, or any other private property.

>> No.12569849 [DELETED] 

Like 4 people died in the Capitol riot wtf are you on? How is it the worst thing since 9/11? You’re fucking insane. Post body.

>> No.12569851 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569852
File: 45 KB, 387x387, 1492709023542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glassing the surfaces of celestial bodies you say?

>> No.12569853 [DELETED] 

>Just because you live in a deluded fantasy land where trump won the election
politicians should be slaughtered regardless of who won

>> No.12569855
File: 480 KB, 350x316, lewd mev_anim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569859

That's a start, but this is a spaceflight thread so at best we could justify talking about using them as fertilizer for extraterrestrial colonies.

>> No.12569860 [DELETED] 

Neck yourself redditor

>> No.12569863 [DELETED] 

>le private company
shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.12569864
File: 248 KB, 2000x1125, 07E17FE5-75B7-43A8-A25D-9D0A9E6F42F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t respond to him he’s a fucking r/SpaceX migrant. Let’s just talk about Spaceflight.

>> No.12569866 [DELETED] 

Just report him so he'll fuck off for a few hours and we can talk about space again.

>> No.12569875
File: 55 KB, 963x542, gainzstation13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attention all /fit/izens this is your zyzz speaking
>due to a rat infestation there is a shortage in whey
>rationing will begin immediately and will continue until the next shipment comes in 4 months
What would your reaction be?

>> No.12569876 [DELETED] 

>The only way we can compare tragedies is in body count
Retard. This showed that all china needs to do to take over the country is run a 4 year psyop on 4chan and retarded americans will do it for them. THAT is the problem, not just how many people died.

I can post my body, but want to get this in before the ban

>> No.12569880

I thought that was a given but yeah, for sure.
What's the best way for reducing a human cadaver to plant fertilizer? There's no way we're going to waste bodies on Mars by just putting them in graves or burning them, not at first I'd think.

>> No.12569883

It's a /fit/izen eat /fit/izen world out there, gotta get my protein somehow

>> No.12569885 [DELETED] 

>China will take over
>By inspiring the most nationalistic people to revolt
Retarded take. China is taking over by buying off social media platforms to censor dissent. Post body and neck yourself

>> No.12569888 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 600x315, space_masked_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you nigger, I've been here for years. It's you MIGA tourists who need to leave.

>> No.12569890 [DELETED] 

this is probably the least pro-china place on the internet you retard

>> No.12569891

Search the ship libraries for rat recipies.

>> No.12569893

Why not go to a neighboring stations to eat their people to gave on the gainz of your brothers and sisters?

>> No.12569894 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569895 [DELETED] 

>Dude fuck MIGA!!!!!
>Yes President Biden please open my asshole
How the fuck you leftyshills can continue while being shit on by your own party is insane.

>> No.12569898 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 514x757, me_on_the_left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By inspiring the most nationalistic people to revolt
you mean *DELUDING* the most nationalistic people to revolt. If you don't get how much of a problem this is, you are LOST.

>> No.12569904


>> No.12569905 [DELETED] 

Sometimes I wonder if this is one asshole just roleplaying with himself out of boredom.

>> No.12569909

Is it worth bagholding the rest of the oldspace giant that is NOC just to get a piece of the sexy MEV action?

>> No.12569910 [DELETED] 

It doesn't have to be chinks, they are just the most likely. The problem is ANY foreign actor could drive our most retarded and schizo citizens to start destroying their own country.

>> No.12569911 [DELETED] 

>allowing the persecution of Jews is the same as allowing transgender people to attend school without harrasment
>parents should be in charge of the school curriculum
For a science board you lot sure act like a bunch of fundamentalist hicks.

>> No.12569916
File: 123 KB, 750x675, Untitled3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to Mars :)

>> No.12569917 [DELETED] 

98% chance the dude is conservative and just gets off on trolling people lmao

>> No.12569918 [DELETED] 


>> No.12569919
File: 8 KB, 235x215, green_wojack_blurred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It paid off for my aerojet rockeydyne.

>> No.12569924

If you have enough flora and fauna in the soil then putting them in graves is the least resource-consuming way of recycling indeed. So imported biomes in controlled environments I guess.
The only difference is that digging out bones years after death, pulverizing them and administering them directly as fertilizer where necessary might be efficient.

>> No.12569926 [DELETED] 

I'm very conservative, loved people like kyle rittenhouse, or the zim zam. But I can't believe how many people are ok with crazy cultists attacking the heart of our nation.

>> No.12569933

I still can't believe they actually can make rocket land upright on sea platforms.

>> No.12569937 [DELETED] 

>Post body
>post body
>Post body
*posts body*

>> No.12569938 [DELETED] 

He is experiencing post tranny porn fap guilt
what you don't understand is the politics doesn't matter, this is a spaceflight general, talk about this shit on a politics forum.

>> No.12569945 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 1024x1317, space_cute_ana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is experiencing post tranny porn fap guilt
hardcore projection

>> No.12569947
File: 57 KB, 540x720, stop snowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of god just leave, go, get the fuck out if you're bitching and moaning about anything other than SPACEFLIGHT.


>> No.12569948

The existence of ayys is a direct sacrilege to Catholic/Christian canon. The Bible says God created the universe but only bestowed Earth with life.

>> No.12569951

Hope there's enough snake juice for all of us

>> No.12569952
File: 66 KB, 676x800, thiokol-td-339-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12569953 [DELETED] 

I want her to choke on my cock bros. She can ride my cock to the stars on zubrin's nuclear salt water rocket

>> No.12569954
File: 1.61 MB, 1196x938, 1602073662318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wind is kinda shit this week

>> No.12569955
File: 665 KB, 720x1280, space_falcon_9_abort.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12569957 [DELETED] 

Jesus fucking Christ there are so many OFF TOPIC and EXTREMELY LOW QUALITY posts shitting up the thread.
If only there were a procedure to deal with such things!

>> No.12569961
File: 204 KB, 1024x956, musk-general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore shills
Return to the embrace of the Machine God and the Omnissiah

>> No.12569962

Why are you repeating to me, poorly I might add, my own copypasta?

>> No.12569963
File: 977 KB, 1024x1535, Surveyor_vernier_thruster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569965

I don't want to be a redditor but Jesus I wish the jannies could do their fucking jobs once in a while and ban off topic political shit. There is a whole fucking board for this.

>> No.12569966 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 1188x2208, 89B89FAA-CBE7-48CA-88A1-163F06730B5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother that is a retarded take and I am truly dumbfounded as to how you think that the Capitol Protest was the worst thing since 9/11.

Yes please

>> No.12569973
File: 365 KB, 1600x2143, thiokol-td-339-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569974
File: 67 KB, 1041x781, 1604339966476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just once or twice but with such regularity that it's become commonplace, success expected.

>> No.12569976 [DELETED] 
File: 2.61 MB, 920x556, space_flow_expansion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already explained it. Nice gyno faggot.

>> No.12569980
File: 1.28 MB, 1440x810, 1605481721235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting a whole booster for an abort test
Oldspace btfo once again

>> No.12569981 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 710x613, disgust_visible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That body
You were better off not responding

>> No.12569982 [DELETED] 

Just have sex with each other already
alternatively shut the fuck up you pair of faggots
go there now or talk spaceflight

>> No.12569986

rumor has it that that's the direction spacex is headed

>> No.12569989
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x2202, F-1_assembly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12569994

Probably winds. Or ULA paychecks.

>> No.12569995 [DELETED] 

Ah it’s good I’ll keep it down. No more politics from me it’s good

I’m sorry Elon Sama

>> No.12569997 [DELETED] 

I already cut my dick off (figuratively) But you don't see me going on and on about trannies. Only you. I came here to talk about rockets and nothing else.
Why is everyone talking about the NSWR meme and not fission fragment rockets which are more feasible with still crazy isp?
Would be nice to have a replica to display on a shelf.

>> No.12570000
File: 52 KB, 900x534, 1606656687546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12570001 [DELETED] 

low T naked mole rat over here lmao, is it waxxed or lasered off? shame if you were born that way

>> No.12570002 [DELETED] 

It would be spaceflight related, even if it would be mundane and uninteresting

>> No.12570004

Guys I just figured out how SpaceX can use Lunar Starship. It has a bunch of autistic math but it seems to work out. Should I type out my thesis or nah?

>> No.12570006

We /beer stein/ now.

>> No.12570007
File: 522 KB, 2700x1500, BlueOrigin_BE3_Diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big head
>small body

>> No.12570009

Use embedded TeX and show your work.

>> No.12570010 [DELETED] 

He is 100% right, only room temp IQ person here is you.

>> No.12570015 [DELETED] 

Second guy is way hotter than the first guy.

>> No.12570019 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 768x768, space_falcon_gliding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom likes it like that. Sorry, can't say no to her dump truck ass

>> No.12570022

Assuming there is liquid ocean under the crust, how the fuck are they gonna blast FM radio in it?
Sounds like meme, or some crazy reflection involving Ganymede's magnetic field.

>> No.12570023
File: 323 KB, 787x1257, Merlin_Elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12570025 [DELETED] 

You have to go back

>> No.12570031
File: 87 KB, 879x485, Bezos_BE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12570032 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 453x402, 4913545b8b0b667a8b6e0f61b8bb3323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he looks like this guy, gyno is a bitch to your aesthetic.

>> No.12570033 [DELETED] 

They've already been doing it, except its on reddit.

Looks like you've already been caught too.

>> No.12570040
File: 103 KB, 879x485, AR1_vankleeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12570042 [DELETED] 

la creatura

>> No.12570043
File: 55 KB, 353x428, Gamma_8_engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12570044
File: 237 KB, 1920x1161, astronaut-watching-sunset-on-mars-um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes you just want to get away, doesn't it

>> No.12570057
File: 122 KB, 483x509, first astronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many model rocket engines do I need to get from Hobby Lobby to achieve a sub-orbital hub, 4ASSbros?

>> No.12570062
File: 275 KB, 843x1083, dead astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12570071

the proportions on this thing are terrible

i don't recall the merlin having all that piping. I guess they simplified it over time?

the fuck is that posture

>> No.12570074
File: 64 KB, 481x903, OTRAG_big_rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically this.

>> No.12570076

>the fuck is that posture
Turtle sans shell

>> No.12570084
File: 204 KB, 1080x1350, Merlin-1D-Block-5-SpaceX_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess they simplified it over time?

>> No.12570086


>> No.12570088

>just have 100+ stages bro


>> No.12570090
File: 49 KB, 645x500, Merlin-1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to the older version

>> No.12570091
File: 130 KB, 1002x1024, space_dangerous_mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12570099

I'd ride that for a dollar

>> No.12570103

>both my shops get reposted

>> No.12570106

hey we're not past autosage anymore

>> No.12570110
File: 1.61 MB, 1706x3000, Navaho_missile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard you like sexy space hardware

>> No.12570111

Mods = Gods

>> No.12570120


space planes/darts will always be more aesthetic

>> No.12570123


>> No.12570127

using medieval level technology, even before rifling and muskets, would it have been possible to make, using the chinese gunpowder available at that time, a rocket launcher that propelled soldiers over a wall and have them use a gigantic parachute made of fabric? this would have been a huge advantage, you could send them at night and infiltrate the castle they wouldnt have been able to get them all

>> No.12570136
File: 122 KB, 415x500, sizing000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how /sfg/ imagines the /sfg/ KSP 2 server

>> No.12570139

>manned infiltration SRBs
Can you put a silencer on a rocket? I'm pretty sure there were some early attempts at parachutes going far back, though they tended to kill their creators.

>> No.12570143
File: 161 KB, 807x649, roks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how it would be like

>> No.12570145

>no tether
I couldn't do it

damn that does look nice

>> No.12570147
File: 57 KB, 1600x1245, shuttle_concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12570152

>370 posts to 270 posts
>100 posts deleted
That's how shit the thread was.

>> No.12570158

>needing a cuckrope to go outside the ship
I think it'd be scary, but also exhilarating. Floating disconnected, a spaceship unto yourself.

>> No.12570164
File: 140 KB, 900x491, 1604600412185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partial to this thing. At first I hated it but it's really grown on me. https://youtu.be/ywbfCBxZ2uA

>> No.12570168

If it worked at all they'd figure out some kind of long-term gliding variety eventually. Maybe even an actual glider.

>> No.12570170

right, but I'd still like a plan B in case the pack malfunctions

>> No.12570171

No. Rockets were god-awful until Tippu Sultan invented steel combustion chambers in the 1790s I think

>> No.12570179
File: 624 KB, 4012x3045, haas_2C_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could it work?

>> No.12570184

remember these are the same guys who made the that "hoverboard"

>> No.12570191
File: 240 KB, 900x1200, En6cnyjXYAE47pz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're also the same guys who came up with the ecorocket

>> No.12570196

still waiting on my zubrin shop faggot

>> No.12570201 [DELETED] 

Do it yourself you lazy nigger

>> No.12570202

Ideally plan B would be "stop laughing and come get me, asshole!" presuming you're not on a solo flight of some kind, but I understand you. I'd take the risk of going unleashed though, just for the thrill of it. Not like you need to be miles from the ship either, right outside is fine in case of emergency.

>> No.12570207 [DELETED] 

i've made many, now it's your turn

>> No.12570216
File: 1.17 MB, 1913x848, Apollo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is Apollo 13 kino or not?

>> No.12570229

Is that even a question?

>> No.12570231

yes. Hank's obsession has given us many great things

>> No.12570233

>The author is also a hyper-leftist
I've only read Red Mars so far, so maybe things change in the later books, but I got the strong impression that he's more of a lolberg anarchist type of guy. 'Hyper-leftist' conjures images of tankies or dangerhairs, whereas KSR seems to just be someone who really really hates heirarchical structures and heirarchical authority. I honestly found myself agreeing with a lot of his opinions in Red Mars, if only because they're thoughts I've had myself prior to reading it.

>> No.12570245

Linear airospike on a cylindrical rocket is antikino

>> No.12570249
File: 62 KB, 608x648, confusedcia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only two more planned Falcon 9 launches for January
Did we get too cocky Muskbros?

>> No.12570253

Freeze with liquid nitrogen, then crush it into dust.

>> No.12570260

You didn't tell me what you wanted. I need direction.

>> No.12570281

hoppening when. I heard tomorrow.

>> No.12570289

There’s 2 more Starlink missions planned and the Transporter-1 mission still in the books.

>> No.12570304
File: 117 KB, 1160x594, 1598786909102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only two
some organizations only get two launches a year. spacex getting 3 a month is huge for a spaceflight organization. that's on the level of a super power's entire launch manifest for a single year.

>> No.12570305

Shuttle opened nothing, only closed shit off.

>> No.12570311

They said they will wait until they have a very stable revenue stream so probably one or several years from now.

>> No.12570324

static fire tomorrow. Hop 13th at earliest, but personally I'm betting on it getting delayed till next week

>> No.12570333

Goes to show how little the space industry cares about reduced prices for launch, or actually wants to do new things in space
SpaceX has to be their own customer, no government agency will produce payloads for them

>> No.12570336

Not entirely true. SpaceX just ended up launching all of their customers already. They have $$$ rolling in from their NSSL launches which they earned because of their lower cost

>> No.12570352

maybe they're reallocating resources internally if they feel financially secure enough to slow down F9 launches. No need to keep up constant F9 launches if reallocating the resources will get to Starship quicker.

>> No.12570356
File: 899 KB, 2838x1544, 191929E1-4DC5-4AD8-9DE5-39843BAC7614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when will Starlink reach full capacity? How many more satellites are needed before it becomes commercially available?

>> No.12570360

Most USSF launches will be going to ULA regardless of price

>> No.12570369

Isn't it supposed to be commercially available this year? Or maybe early next year or as late as late next year, depending on launch availability.

>> No.12570393

It’s like a 60/40 split so there’s not much of a discrepancy. The fun stuff happens in 2027 when NSSL Part 2 is carried out and the Space Force/AFSC has to choose between Falcon Heavy, Vulcan, and New Glenn

>> No.12570396
File: 110 KB, 1145x835, rlv-td-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indian Starship when?

>> No.12570399

honestly, I hope India becomes a space power because they hate the Chinese more than Americans hate the Chinese. India and American can collaborate on the strong foundation of a disdain for China and communists.

>> No.12570406

His earlier works line up more as anarchist (he was a pupil of Ursala Leguin, for instance) or anarcho-syndicalist. During the Bush presidency he got pretty pro-Democrat, mostly over climate change, and he's gotten more and more "progressive" over time. Now he's pretty much abandoned the cool parts of anarchism in favor of Big Government enforced progressivism. Very much falls into the trap of "fuck the government, unless it lets us mandate diversity and environmentalism, then it's cool, fuck companies."

>> No.12570408

ISRO is great but their reusable launcher program is a mess they have like half a dozen programs all at once

>> No.12570413

Ribbed, for Mother Russia's pleasure

>> No.12570419

*Starship, Vulcan, and New Glenn

>> No.12570422

Falcon Heavy with that new fairing is going to be pretty sweet. Will finally be able to leverage its power

>> No.12570446

>giant liberal writes scifi about terraforming
>is some sort of nutjob mystic
>thinks a small increase in carbon ppm will destroy the Earth
>lives in a rich exclusively white/asian small town

I’m sure he loves all companies that are on his side and supports the oligopoly of big tech

>> No.12570448

USA + Japan + Russia > China + India > ESA > Blue Origin + Boeing
Am I missing anyone?

>> No.12570453
File: 110 KB, 1920x1797, 2449E2DF-F338-49E4-9673-F4FCD603EB40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys hear me out. Imagine a 5 core Falcon Heavy with the extended fairing.

>> No.12570455

Nobody that matters.

>> No.12570456

>shakes so much the payload reduces to atoms

>> No.12570475

hi tunderfoot

>> No.12570494

Also worth considering that the rest of the industry is simply too slow to develop new payloads for SpaceX's launch capabilities. Especially with COOF-1984 things are going to be slow in essentially every sector.
>Hey guys I know we build this satellite in a clean room equivalent to a BL3 lab but we're going to be halving our staff and restricting hours due to Covid-19.

>> No.12570497

Some of his stuff is better than others. Red Mars is great, and I liked Aurora (despite it being very anti-colonization). Shaman was pretty cool too, though about 50% longer than it needed to be, and zero percent spaceflight related. But New York 2140 was pure proggy wank, and that's too bad because the setting was generally neat. His older stuff is typically more nuanced, and more anarcho- and less -communist.

>> No.12570505
File: 1.19 MB, 631x1569, KSR-manletconfirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so he's a manlet confirmed then?

>> No.12570525
File: 298 KB, 1938x2160, L7gNQ3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be great but they'd have to build an entirely new Falcon Superheavy core, as it is they're pushing the structural limits of the current core stage, with the power of the boosters threatening to collapse it like a pop can during takeoff. A four booster Falcon without an enhanced core and reinforced fairing would pancake the upper stage flat with aerodynamic force and peel the core apart in four directions.
You'd have to halve the number of Merlins on each booster as well as rebuilding the core and aerodynamic shell, and the entire second stage.
Falcon is actually too powerful to uprate or upgrade much more without fundamentally altering the design. If you did make Falcon Superheavy though and took the opportunity to utilize fuel interchange between boosters (3+4 to 1+2, 1+2 to core) and assuming that the amount of payload added is the same 54 tons extra that FH adds to F9, you'd end up with a highly efficient lifter that could take a payload of up to 116 tons.
Give it an oversized 2S and larger diameter fairing and you'd be competing directly with next generation heavy lifters at least for raw payload.

Imagine the THROOOST!

>> No.12570529
File: 2.25 MB, 320x240, 552313FB-7B06-493D-B7C3-BF2186621265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh...nothing personal kid

>> No.12570533

9 meter steel Falcon 35 when

>> No.12570534
File: 1.29 MB, 674x544, Falcon Heavy double-landing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 F9 boosters landing in the same shot

>> No.12570540
File: 71 KB, 630x508, I_can_fap_to_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop! I can only get so hard

>> No.12570565
File: 3.88 MB, 333x250, aerospike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that is kino
I want to be a gazillionaire so I can redesign and R&D the shit out of these

>> No.12570594

Big fetish for tall women, of that says anything.

>> No.12570603
File: 972 KB, 400x300, kKOABCK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contemplate this, Falcon Superheavy

Stage 1.5: four Falcon 9B boosters 5x Merlins each. Fuel crossfeed to maximize efficiency.
Stage 1: reinforced Falcon Superheavy Core 9x Merlins.
Stage 2: Enlarged autogenously pressurized LOX/CH4 5m wide stage with a single vacuum raptor.
Gross mass: 3500 tons.
Marginal cost: 300 million.
Per-reflight cost: 30 million.

>> No.12570610

F2O2 (also known as FOOF) is better than ClF3. Chlorine is a shit oxidizer, fluorine is even better than oxygen, and FOOF essentially replaced chlorine with oxygen.

>> No.12570616

>Shuttle style upper stage
Is this design feasible?

>> No.12570631
File: 1.30 MB, 978x503, Saturn_ChVbby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fetish for very tall women
>not a fetish for very large rockets

>> No.12570642

Honestly I always thought the “Next Gen SpaceX Rocket” before ITS/BFR was announced would either be a Falcon Super-heavy, or something like New Glenn.

>> No.12570649

Why not just take the Falcon 9 but expand it so it'll have the same number of Merlins that Starship has with Raptors? Falcon 28?

>> No.12570651
File: 112 KB, 640x290, C61B5323-55CE-45FC-B80D-6F9F34BB2F99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a bad idea. The First stage detached at like 1.7 km/s and glides back to the launch site while the upper stage makes orbit. It deorbits and glides back to the launch site too. The only problem is that this thing has a small damn payload

>> No.12570654

>FOOF) is better than ClF3
Not at setting raw flesh on fire it isn't.

>> No.12570664
File: 288 KB, 1654x1160, Future_launchers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough due to it's inherent desire to flip over, but modern avionics should be able to handle it. Would be best to reduce the spaceplane's wings to the minimum necessary profile for flight and add at least four large fins to the booster to move the center of control further down toward the base.
It should have an acute cranked arrow or OG delta wing blended into the body seamlessly, something like pic related but longer and larger with chines blended along the entire body up into the nose.

>> No.12570665

Why not just build starship?

>> No.12570670

Actually wrong, FOOF is better at that too.

>> No.12570677

I was trying to keep it mostly Falcon in size, obviously if you step up to a grossly larger frame then you end up with what we actually have, Starship/Superheavy where the whole thing is just larger outright. Larger stage, larger payload, larger uprating potential, new and larger engine, etc.
SpaceX have obviously decided that while Falcon has been successful, rather than remake it over and over with an ever-growing performance envelope they'll leap to completely new technology instead and leave it behind.

>> No.12570679

holy shit that looks cool
>watching 5 boosters land

>> No.12570680

The list of things which FOOF will oxidize pyrotechnically is basically the whole periodic table.

>> No.12570681
File: 103 KB, 900x600, 7F80620E-2A36-444F-AE98-ED5B91D204F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m curious as to what it would take to affix landing gear to the bottom of Starship and have the thing be able to land like a plane on the Earth

>> No.12570686

>not liking big women and big rockets both

>> No.12570687
File: 26 KB, 650x488, arocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane and tetrafluorohydrazine rockets when?

>> No.12570689

Rockets powered by Mayan deities when

>> No.12570690

You'd have to change the control surfaces.

>> No.12570691

You couldn't it would need substantially larger wings, huge wings in fact, to glide in the same way the space shuttle does. There's a reason the shuttle was made with aluminum and glass fiber blankets and why big passenger aircraft are made (almost) entirely of aluminum instead of structural steel.
Starship's dry mass is quite high, so while it's flaps and canards are sufficient to allow it to glide and move throughout the hypersonic down to subsonic regimes, no practical amount of wing could allow it to glide like a normal aircraft.

>> No.12570693
File: 39 KB, 700x473, erecting-rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big thicc women being carried by big shaky rockets

>> No.12570694

Imagine the jiggle.

>> No.12570702

Cheaper materials In Steel
Engine better in every way, likely cheaper in the end.
Fuel is way cheaper than RP-1
No COPV’s and their associated cost in Helium
Sized to their needs rather than stuck to road transport size

It’s like SpaceX is the only real space company that’s actually trying to improve rocketry, rather than just doing the same thing everyone has done for 60 years now

>> No.12570711

Scientist or engineer, talking about individuals going to space. Why would any of the people you listed need to be in space they're not useful.

>> No.12570737

>Sized to their needs rather than stuck to road transport size
That's literally the one thing everyone else does right. Ariane, Soyuz, and Delta IV are all too chubby for road transport, so they use boats or trains. Falcon being road sized was smart for reducing up-front costs and turnaround time for a company based out of California, but since Texas is east of the divide water transport is king again, or just hopping directly to KSC.

>> No.12570749

>or just hopping directly to KSC.
>we're hopping over to Florida, clear the airspace
>U-um Elon you need to talk to the FAA and file-
>Did I fucking stutter?

>> No.12570752

>permanent NOTAM over the launch corridor
>have to give special orders to SpaceX to allow passage of military planes

>> No.12570759

call pornhub tell them to book a dragon 2 flight.

>> No.12570764

Get Bad Dragon to help fund it.
Don't everybody thank me all at once.

>> No.12570770

Guess it depends on the field but space has a ton of fields of cutting edge research, xenogeology, high end teloscopy, physics, shitton of pure theory fields involved in space technology and space transportation.
Space is pushing the envelope of probably most of engineering's big fields in some way, material science, electrical science, power and propulsion systems, computer design and non-standard machining techniques. Lots of unique problems to solve in space.

>> No.12570774


>> No.12570785

That thing is not even entering orbit.
The wing will prevent it from maintaining correct attitude due to lift. It will also add weight and aerodynamic drag.
Too litle wing and it won't be able to glide to the runway for landing.
The first stage will have a suboptimal ascent trajectory compared to both a plane and a normal rocket. As per your image, it doesn't carry enough fuel to put the second stage at the doors of circularization.
Your only option if you want to keep that design is to add 2-4 large boosters that climb vertically and can take that ugly first stage out of the denser parts of the atmosphere. And for that you don't need wings. The wing will only be useful for landing, but if you are not reaching orbit you cant really pick your landing site.

The solution is to forget about that design and either launch a 2 stager from a B-52 or from a proper booster.

>> No.12570787
File: 437 KB, 1125x1113, 0601041A-B3EA-4CAE-B70C-F27E32DECF88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bob and Doug are the only passengers on PRNHB-1 flight

>> No.12570797

I don't think we've gotten a dry mass update on SS, MK1 when it was absolute garbage was 200t and the goal after that was 120t. Shuttle orbiter was 78t and it's shorter and much skinnier. Assuming SS hit the goal it would if anything need less wing, proportionally, to glide as the shuttle. I wouldn't recommend it, but not on the basis of "muh dry weight".

>> No.12570809

None of those things require the person to take the risks of going up to space themselves. Reread the post it's not why should humanity go to space, it's why would a smart rational individual personally risk going to space.
The pay doesn't cover the risks at all. There's less risk in something like mining and they pay better.

>> No.12570817

Hullo's video on nuclear salt water rockets makes me want the usa to build one.

>> No.12570823

>it's why would a smart rational individual personally risk going to space.

Getting off authoritarian nightmare prison planet is very smart and rational.

>> No.12570827

The people say "it definitely isn't aliens" are usually the ones who want it to be aliens more than anyone else.
By adopting a pessimistic mindset and assuming it isn't aliens until incontrovertible evidence is found, they avoid getting their hopes up all the time.

>> No.12570834

>riding a constantly detonating nuclear explosion

absolutely insane, more insane perhaps than Orion

>> No.12570840

It is just Orion but a meme design that doesn’t even work, and all the energy supposedly contained in a nozzle

>> No.12570849

lol ok go ahead and publish your paper then

>> No.12570852

I think he just did anon.

>> No.12570856

>get off the planet to be on a 1000x more authoritarian international space station
Well done Anon, you've made it.

>> No.12570858

>Like, imagine xx century tech? thats nothing, this would be like 1000 times more.
I don’t like how technology changed the world since 1900 so I dunno why I’d like even more.

>> No.12570861

Anyone who doesn’t say earth is lying or a retard.

>> No.12570864

>It's sad that the rest of our solar system is sterile

No proof of that

>> No.12570865

I honestly think they're only going to happen after we've got a significant presence on the moon. By design, you can't really test one on Earth without Chernobyl-ing an area, but on the Moon you can cordon off a lava tube for a testing range and just blast it with radioactive exhaust all you want.

>> No.12570869

There’s other humans and animals so we aren’t alone. Who the fuck cares if there’s some bullshit aliens or not?

>> No.12570878

They're faggots, what else does the universe have to offer?

>> No.12570879

Like Starship does

>> No.12570887

If you don't like humans or animals how the fuck would you ever like aliens? Anything with recognizable intelligence would end up having convergent traits with earth life anyway because niches.

>> No.12570894

This system is fulla fags, dunno about the others yet. Might be all pricks too but let's see.

>> No.12570899

If you don’t like Earth life then you won’t like any other life, and you won’t ever see any non-earth life except maybe some Martian lichen and microbes so who cares?

There’s more here than anyone could ever fully comprehend.

>> No.12570905

>If you don’t like Earth life then you won’t like any other life
Let's find out, loser.

>> No.12570911

If you can’t appreciate earth bacteria then you won’t like Martian bacteria either

>> No.12570914

maybe use that pic of elon and baby X and replace elon with a fatherly, warm-smiling zubrin swaddling a miniature starship?

>> No.12570915

Demonstrate that your nuclear salt water can even work first

>> No.12570917

Your bacteria is gross and old. Martian bacteria is new and cool.

>> No.12570919
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>> No.12570920

preemptively deciding what it is and is not is not a good mindset for a scientist. they are allowed to say "we dont know"

>> No.12570931

the burden of proof is on you, who makes the claim it doesnt work. proof it

>> No.12570936

>no 3 point seat belt for properly holding back those jerky motions

>> No.12570947

I think you might just be too autistic to understand that when they're saying "it definitely isn't aliens," it's actually just hyperbole that means "I am holding the alien hypothesis to the absolute highest standard of proof."
It doesn't stop them from investigating something, it's a mindset that encourages even more thorough investigation.

>> No.12570948

Non-literal language should be banned.

>> No.12570949

Tomorrow might be static fire.

Wed/thur/fri are potential for flight with TFR update.

>> No.12570952

>Quetzalcoatl + oxygen tanks
>Macuahuitl engine
>requires human heart to ignite

>> No.12570972

Stack overflow error but with technology and in reality.
Tech gets so good that it completely nullifies all of the bad stuff it's previously brought about.

>> No.12570973
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>no practical amount of wing
Inflatable wings

>> No.12570980

what if instead of huge wings you gave it 3 sets of wings like the red baron

>> No.12570988
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It might work, depends on whether or not the wing can remain rigid at a much larger scale. And of course you'll still be sacrificing a good number of tons for the structure of the wing, the aerodynamic pods the wings will be contained in to protect them from reentry heating and such, and the pressurant cylinders to rapidly inflate wings which would probably need to be 30m long and maybe 20 in span or even larger.
You could also potentially use an inflatable glide wing and thermally protected skids instead of full wheels, you'd just pop off the skates and replace them after each flight, although I'm not sure if a vehicle as large as Starship could perform a high-speed skid landing at any normal runway.

It might rip up the runway surface with it's sheer mass coupled with a relatively high speed at touchdown.
That's what I would assume, a sort of rapidly inflatable paraglider wing with multiple decks of lifting surface to reduce it's overall size. Still, even with three decks it will probably need to be at least as long and possibly up to three times as wide as Starship itself. Enormous, in other words.

>> No.12570989

wonder if they're cool with winds x2 higher than SN8 dealt with

>> No.12570994

>spaceplanes demand that you make them fragile as fuck
a fundamentally flawed concept

>> No.12571003

It seems that way, and what Starship has proven is that you don't strictly speaking need wings so long as you can propulsively land instead. Now the upside of a gliding body is that it can perform a landing with no propellant at all by simply using it's leftover speed judiciously, however that isn't going to be practical on other worlds until you establish a well kept runway for one.
Propulsive landers with tough legs are better for the rugged conditions implied by colonization and exploration efforts, and they have a wider functional envelope when it comes to mass, as powered landing helps to make up for excess vehicle weight that a glider couldn't afford.

>> No.12571006

Anthropocentrist gang.
Don't care. If you put Earth in orbit of Jupiter it doesn't stop being a planet.

>> No.12571013
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>Spaceflight will not be available for the common man while we're alive
Speak for yourself, old man. Us zoomers may be overwhelmingly retarded and destined for horror, but at least we get to grow up with Starship through our college years (and highschool for the younger ones).

>> No.12571025

Don't need to because I'm not a boomoid and I take very good care of my body, I plan to die in space away from this faggot Earth.

>> No.12571028

Oh, so he's just lying

>> No.12571058

are u guys excited about space flight? :D
i am training to go to mars, high weight low reps, eating nothin but beans

>> No.12571068

Who knows, but they'll be stress testing it

>> No.12571074

Thinkin' about those beans?

>> No.12571081

Leading Europe Clipper scientist actually tweeted this, so SLS just BTFO and Falcon Heavy likely got the most important mission ever.


>> No.12571089

I have no doubt that Starship orbital excursions for under 100k will be available in less than a decade. And maybe 10k will be possible a decade after that.

>> No.12571091

9/11: The Revenge

>> No.12571096

umm....sorry flamalam but that sucker's going on a delta...hate to be the bearer of bad news...

>> No.12571098
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You already can go to space for $250,000. Imagine where we’ll be in 20 years. 30. 40 even. I’ll be 48 by 2050, and I hope I can go to Mars by then.


>> No.12571107

that is just starship, make it propane lox

>> No.12571109

you'll die of covid first. during the 2034 season to be exact

>> No.12571116

>remove engines as needed. Target longer burns
>strengthen core and 2nd stage as needed
>bigass fairing
>return as many boosters as you can but clearly some of them are going into space
Doesn't sound too hard. Would be extremely cheap considering its tonnage but then again starship exists so eh.

If they wanted to be extremely lazy about it couldn't they just not turn on some of the boosters until later? Or get things started with all 5 and turn off engines as acceleration demands. Turn off the center core entirely shortly after launch and relight when needed. Center core + upper stage would be like its own 2nd stage. Having a mostly full Falcon 9 in orbit would enable some pretty crazy shit.

>> No.12571119

What, are they gonna turn on the part that makes it actually deadly then?

>> No.12571120

Gigabased. I doubt it will be Falcon Heavy unless they concentrate a huge effort to design a new 2S from scratch to give it that necessary extra dV kick, but it might be worth the prestige of yoinking an contract from a rocket in an entirely different size class being built by a major government.

>> No.12571126

no, you'll have diabetus, and then catch a cold

>> No.12571130

Even if it launches on Delta or Vulcan, that would be a massive step up from SLS, so I'd be okay with it.

>> No.12571132

You can probably have 9 engines on each of the boosters but 3 on the center core for efficiency’s sake. A triple core Falcon 9 (Falcon Heavy) can put 3X the payload into LEO, so a five-core Falcon 9 (Falcon Superheavy) can probably put maybe 4X the payload into LEO. Falcon 9 can carry 22.8 tons into LEO, so expendable Falcon Superheavy can get like 90 tons or more. Give it a 5 meter wide upper stage that is stretched and you easily have a 100+ ton launcher.

>> No.12571138
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>Allo? Ze economy iz recovering?
>Activate COVID-20
True, no matter which contractor takes it, it's a black stain on SLS basically implying that it's development is so slow and badly handled that even smaller, older generation rockets are a better option to launch with.
I would legitimately hate to have my name attached to the SLS portion of Artemis at this point.

>> No.12571139

The cool thing about Jezero crater is it has carbonite layers, which is usually a sign of microbial fossils in Earth's ancient deltas. Shame sample return wont happen before spacex gets there (unless NASA contracts spacex for the earth return)

>> No.12571142

KSP 2 VR support when?

>> No.12571146

Guys-- what does the SLS subreddit think about this?

>> No.12571150

>Virgin Mars 2020 "stashes" a few grams of soil
>Chad Starship returns several tons of 20 foot core samples

>> No.12571153

I don't have the beetus and the common cold fears my immune system. Stay brittle sickfags.

>> No.12571154

perseverance will be the last of the old flagship mars rovers

>> No.12571157

Who cares?

>> No.12571162
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Perseverance cost like 20X more to build than a complete Starship stack it’s insane.

>> No.12571163
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SpaceX has been mogging every aspect of spaceflight. Throw poor ULA a bone >>12571096

>> No.12571165

I hope they keep throwing them up. Hell, they should put one right on the landing site, get images as the Starships touch down. It can be a pet.

>> No.12571166

ULA tried to get Elon investigated by the feds I don’t forgive them

>> No.12571168

spacex would make rovers from stock rc cars

>> No.12571169
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I checked, they deleted the post :/

>> No.12571170

Fuck ULA, siccing the government on your competitors is the ultimate admission that your company is beshitted and a failure that can't compete even when it's already been gifted with favoritism for years.
Hopefully the suicide sticks on Vulcan malfunction and RUD it.

>> No.12571176
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What a bunch of dorks. That's as much thought as I want to give them, let's move on.

>> No.12571177
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Please explain more. What did they do?

>> No.12571191

I think he might be talking about how ULA recently asked the government to investigate Elon for ties to China. (Tesla has a factory in China.) This is in spite of the fact that Boeing (an owner of ULA) has factories in China.

>> No.12571203

This >>12571191, they maliciously tried to abuse the outgoing administration's (extremely justified) hatred of Ch*na to tie up SpaceX in investigatory bullshit. The hypocrisy is what really pisses me off on top of the obvious malevolent intent because pretty much every other aerospace giant including ULA also does a shitton of business with China as well.
Obviously a desperation move because they haven't got shit to offer on the actual rocket design front.

>> No.12571216

wow, that's a real dick move. FFS virtually everyone at the top has ties/obligations to china. This really lowers my opinion of ULA.

>> No.12571239

As it should.

>> No.12571281

ULA is right tho
any corporation that interacts with China should be shut down.

>> No.12571286

>Chad Starship brings 10 scientists and a full lab with 4 different kinds of mass spec

>> No.12571295

Unless the US embargoes or otherwise eliminates China's 3 billion consoomers, they can't complain. And SpaceX doesn't do business with China.

>> No.12571297

1.3* billion whoops

>> No.12571303

How is it “extremely justified” ??? The fuck have the chinese ever done to the Republican Party
The only espionage that has ever occurred is them literally hiring ethnic han for key positions

>> No.12571339
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This. I hope to die on a non-earth celestial body. I want to have left a major impact in this convenient opportunity I was born into.

>> No.12571342

SpaceX has no interaction, only Tesla.
If you want a full embargo ok, I'm not even opposed. Most would be though, which is why we don't unfortunately.

>> No.12571352

>I want to die in a depressing bunker millions of miles from a green lively paradise
Suit yourself I guess.

>> No.12571360
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>implying i'm not living in a similar situation minus the wow factor of being on a body like titan

>> No.12571366

How can a nuclear salt water engine even work
How does it maintain a continuous massive reaction without the explosion disrupting any fuel behind it
How is it “pinched” at a certain spot outside the vehicle....

>> No.12571367

Go outside

>> No.12571379

It's gay out there

>> No.12571386

It can't do any of those things. Just another meme drive.

>> No.12571416


Anyone has this video with sound?

>> No.12571424
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He's crying because the road closures have been cancelled

>> No.12571425
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I wonder if the SLS will be abandoned in a warehouse one day.

>> No.12571432

It will RUD so hard there won't be anything left to store in a warehouse.

>> No.12571437

>risking a 50+ billion dollar product by trying to launch it
Space is hard.

>> No.12571452

I really liked First Man....

>> No.12571461

new >>12571459

>> No.12571520

How can a nuclear salt water engine even work
How does it maintain a continuous massive reaction without the explosion disrupting any fuel behind it

By controlling the flow of propellent they can outrun the neutron flux, so that it can't go back up the pipe.

>How is it “pinched” at a certain spot outside the vehicle....

The fuel is moderated until it gets into the chamber.

>> No.12571543

stupid retard idiot

>> No.12571700

you realize this is a bad article and bullshit

>> No.12571887

it's the best option aside from Starship