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12548911 No.12548911 [Reply] [Original]

AML -edition

Previous thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor) make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>inb4 not science
>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice

>> No.12548925
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...and the next piece is dedicated to especially to you my friends >>12548617 >>12548643

>fuck nursoids
>fuck advice
>fuck the inferior american medical system with its mid-level practioners, DO scum and pre-meds
>fuck all other countries that have any of those
>fuck the corona
>fuck the elderly
>fuck the masks
>fuck the vaccine if we can't go back to normal after it
>do not tempt the blade

>> No.12548932

refined and elevated

>> No.12548934

I am going to Puerto Vallarta to get treatment at Lymemexico for several weeks. Do you know anyone who have done this? I just wanna get better.

>> No.12548937

Final exams in less than a week lads

Pray I don't get shafted

>> No.12548942

Not an interesting case, could have been, but my excitement of the day was a nurse calling me to report a critical result. She warned me that the lab believes the phlebotomist fucked up with tubes. It was for a potassium of 12mmol/L, glucose of 0.3mmol/L, and a serum sodium of 66 mEq/L.
Patient was fine. Blood tech must have messed up tube order. We had a good laugh about it. Repeat bloods to be on the safe side came back completely normal.

>> No.12548953

>tfw interesting intership ends next week and I have to go back to school

>> No.12549008

i feel ya, this remote shit is really getting on my nerves

>> No.12549053

> We had a good laugh about it
> When I went to check on the patient he was convulsing on the floor

jk, it happens. I remember once someone messed up some x ray reports and the hospital got almost sued. damn

>> No.12549065

Why haven’t treatments for type 1 diabetes which have been successful in animal trials been tested on humans yet?

>> No.12549087

no money

>> No.12549091

I have $500,000 and would volunteer for free

>> No.12549102

Just use gene editing to get a new immune system
White blood cells get replaced like every day, right?

>> No.12549111

ADHD is caused by a nutrient deficit
The question is which nutrient
I say it's magnesium

>> No.12549117

Try cannabis, it lowers down sugar.

Also chicory and every plant that lowers sugar like raspberry leaves.

>> No.12549132

That does not bring your pancreas back

>> No.12549166

to be fair I don't know why t2d hasn't been cured yet neither... It's not like if we lack the technology

>> No.12549216

>We discuss research

What's the best time to take a PCR test for covid given my last in person contact with a positive case was 6 days ago.

When am I expected to have the highest viral load if I had got it during this interaction?

From what I understand rt-pct for covid has poor sensitivity due to false negative rate up to ~29%

>> No.12549234
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thank me later

>> No.12549262

cheers mate, that's exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.12549347

>he doesn't see the Auer rods

>> No.12549357
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>entered PhD program as a young resident
>no support on what I will actually research, no help from the supervisor at all
>barely any funds available, will have to buy the materials myself
>have to manage hospital work and student work every day
>I get dumped with the student groups no one wants for most days
>can't do hospital work properly
>covid rolls around and I can't put any patients in my study since 1% of people are coming now to the hospital
>feel like mind is rotting now from the online classes I have to give
>actual medical knowledge is very slim
>no luck with the ladies
>basically stopped doing any work and I legit want to kill myself
>parents are livid at the idea that I will fail my PhD

I have to vent somewhere else, I feel like shit and I want to give it all up, I've been scammed into doing all the menial work and student tard-wrangling while not getting any benefit in the long rung

>> No.12549366

forgot to mention that I have to write all these bullshit articles and book chapters just to pump up the resume of the higher-ups since they legit don't want to write any article now that they are bosses but still need them for their university salary

>> No.12549377
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Thinking of picking this book up.
Good or not worth it?

>> No.12549378

This is why I turned down an offer for MD/PhD. Clinical research as an MD is good enough for me and PhD's seem like so much busy work bullshit and academia is so fucking bureaucratic that I didn't want to go anywhere near that evil.

If you can just drop out, fuck your parents. Restart your residency and complete it. Do clinical research. Fuck academia.

>> No.12549386

Yeah especially the parts where he talks about how much he loves lolicon.
But yeah it's a decent beginner's guide.

>> No.12549392

Look dude, nose to the grind stone, just keep working hard, if you get through the hard moments you're just stronger later. If you don't then medicine just wasn't meant to be.

>> No.12549393

I used the ECG in 10 days book
of course it's bullshit ameritard marketing and you will need more than that for it, but it has lots of ECGs to practice, you will not get most of them at first

read the book you posted once or twice and then start practicing actual ecg strips from books like I said or IRL

>> No.12549414

Just get something that has a lot of strips to practice on and understand which lead show which infarcts and why and you'll be good. Once you understand the fundamentals you just read a shit ton of leads

>> No.12549492

Lowest false negative rate is 20% on day 8 following exposure

>> No.12549741

Got electrocuted at work one day, didn't really hurt all that bad but my shoulders have never been the same.

I believe I have a bilateral posterior dislocation of both my shoulders, that has gone misdiagnosed for over 4 years, I live in constant pain and suffering, it feels like my shoulders hinge on the wrong point of my scapula, and that I can not move my shoulder blade back and down correctly.
I can not sleep comfortably on either my left or right side or my back. Sleep and any kind of comfort is a struggle..
>What should I do?

>> No.12549807

Trying to get rid of what I think is excess gas in my intestine and taking some off the shelf tablets, should I notice the uncomfortable feeling less as I take them? I'm halfway through the packet but it hasn't got better at all.

>> No.12549866

see ortho
what tablets

>> No.12549884

Can hgh make peepee strong?

>> No.12549895

via androgens

>> No.12549896

The tablets are a product called Gaviscon, my friend recommended a different product called Eno but my local store doesn't have it so got what I assume is a similar product. Also not sure if I'm getting enough of the tablet since it says to chew it thoroughly before consuming but half of it ends up stuck in my teeth.

>> No.12549906

Do you have GERD? Think about going to a doc and getting protonix

>> No.12549916

Had to Google what gerd was and no I don't believe I do.

>> No.12549925

Why are you taking Gaviscon?
What problems are you having? Just gas? Nauseous, vomiting, diarrhea/constipation? Bloating?

>> No.12549953

The only problem Is an uncomfortable air bubble feeling in my lower chest that I can somewhat make go away by laying down or chugging a ton of water. I'm taking Gaviscon purely because I thought that would fix whatever I have.

>> No.12549962

How do I get ahold of some HGH?

>> No.12550189

go get a goddamn ct my dude ideally an mri

>> No.12550193

are you rich?

>> No.12550215

Also try coffee enimas you won't have to worry about insulin anymore

>> No.12550516


>> No.12550594

rich enough to pay 3k/month for a big peepee? sildenafil is about 10 bucks you know...

besides, I doubt there is any rational md that would prescribe you HGH to make your peepee big... I know I wouldn't.

>> No.12550609

add four zeroes

>> No.12550629

Oh and sitting makes the feeling very evident. Although that's probably a given if laying down makes it less noticeable.

>> No.12550648

Why do I feel bloated after drinking my 6th coffee for today?

>> No.12550672

>Le ebin automation meme
How Sam is still taken seriously after becoming Jordan Peterson redux is beyond me. Retards like this are why I'll never go into clinical practice. I wouldn't have the reserve to just play down someone like him who has the temerity to see a doctor while being so agressively stupid.

>> No.12550676

As a programmer, I regularly google things. That way, I always get the most current solutions, ideas, accompanied by people who have experience with it and know all implications and so on.

Why should I trust doctors, who learned some things in university, but refuse to google anything and updating their knowledge?

>> No.12550687

We have UpToDate and other websites like such to stay up to date with research we're interested in or if there are changes in guidelines, etc. I don't see your point.

>> No.12550694

All doctors I know don't use them. That's the point.

>> No.12550718
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can anyone recommend a review program for taking the NCLEX preferably in video format like boards&beyond. my oneitis needs it and all i can find are programs for USMLE's.

>> No.12550831
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based finn.

>> No.12550861

Jesus, you could not function without your faggy third party services could you
Is it paid?

>> No.12550863

It is paid. I said "we" but I don't use it, kek. I usually go for sci-hub or z lib for textbooks.

>> No.12551003
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PhDfag here. Would you recommend studying medicine (in Australia for what it matters)?
I went into research because I have absolutely 0 desire to deal with people or have any of my decisions directly influence people. But I still find the human body interesting as fuck.

I really want to study more of the doctor-level anatomy, physiology and pathology but it seems like the only way to get into those units is to actually be studying medicine. Annoyingly (though understandably) medicine is one of the few degrees you can't study part-time so I'd have to put my career on hold to study.

>mfw I know two people who have had gallbladder removals that did nothing to help their worsening pain symptoms
Fuck the local doctors.

>> No.12551026

Dr unemployed here: I changed my car's spark plugs and oil seals. Then I washed the bottom of my car with diesel.
My head has been hurting since then. I think I got mild intoxication lol.

>> No.12551042

How are you even unemployed. Don't wanna work or something?

>> No.12551058

idk if I got filtered hard, but I dislike obgyn so fucking much, I can't even...

>very close monitoring of the pregnant woman for some months
>plenty of shit can happen
>the mother is ready to deliver
>plenty of shit can happen
>the whole birth process is over
>plenty of shit can happen postpartum

and this is just ob.

>> No.12551085

I live in a shithole so the university held all paperwork due to cov 2. It's been a whole ass year since then.

>> No.12551219

I have seen 6 of them. I am large and healthy, 6'2, 200 lbs, I do as much yoga as I can, and I am double jointed. They take ONE look at me, and look at my complaint, and do some basic range of movement tests and tell me I have one of the following:

>exhausted the muscle...just rest it
>I have a very minor tear in my terries minor, or infraspinatus
>it will heal on it's own...
>nothing wrong, just chronic pain
>work related stress
>it's mental gotta relax

I've gotten an MRI, the doc who looked at it said it looked like I had hurt my self lifting weights, and that it would eventually get better.
never a CT scan though.

I'm not exactly sure what to do or where to go, every time I try to get help, I get rebuked, it feels the exact same as the day it happened, I am sore, and tired, and i feel out all over all the time. I can barely lift anything, I can barely do a push up, and it hasn't changed for years. I feel like my life has been stolen from me, I am in my early 30's, and I live in constant pain.

Nothing helps my shoulders, not;

and as I've said I've seen six different ortho's and they all are pieces of shit who dont even touch me or look at my problem.

When I lie on my back, it feels like I can't flatten my shoulder blade, and thus it sticks uncomfortably into what ever Im laying on, I often have to sleep with my arm over my head, constant popping and neck pain, and of course, laying on either side has similar painful issues.
>I went threw 11 different mattresses looking for a comfortable place to sleep
>I slept on the floor
>I slept in a hammock

Truly I can't even take a full deep breath with out my left shoulder buckling funny and i have no idea what to do or where to go to get help, everywhere I'v been has left me with absolutely 0 results and just a lot of frustration and heart ache. It honestly pushes me to the limits of my sanity and will to stay positive

>> No.12551459

>an ortho doesn't want to cut

>> No.12551464

nigga literally everyone uses databases daily, leave your third world shithole or stop going to boomers

>> No.12551468

databases unironically make for far better docs

>> No.12551508

Orthos in general are midwits that have to deal with old people falling apart half the time, while the other half is filled with people being unwilling to do basic exercise or fucking themselves up doing stupid shit. I've been through a similar thing with orthos, if it's something complicated, don't expect them to even understand it in the 5 minutes they give you. You probably have to take some money into your hands and either look for orthos with actual specialist qualification for your issue, or look for a good doctor of osteopathy. If you carry something like that around for a prolonged period of time, regardless of the actual source, it's not gonna be a singular thing anymore, both your muscles and your nervous system adapt to a chronic issue like that, so you need a practitioner that understands that. A good doctor of osteopathy is supposed to be able to do just that, give you a systematic approach to your issue instead of just working on your symptoms. Chances are you won't find get a clear cut diagnosis and treatment anymore, you'll have to progressively unfuck yourself from that point and you should look for a practitioner that can aid you in that, so my advice is look for a trustworthy doctor of osteopathy and competent physical therapist and see what you can do to alleviate the pain more and more.

>> No.12551527
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Assuming I hustle, pick up extra shifts do the most lucrative procedures and evaluations in each field, between psych and PM&R- which has the potential to earn me the most money?
If I went PM&R I would do a fellowship or at least a certification in guided injections. If I went psych I would pursue whatever fellowship would earn me the most money, including no fellowship at all.
Second question- how much free time would each afford me to work on my true passion of crafting high quality BDSM furniture from the finest materials, if I was following this highest-earning path?
Cheers lads. Glad this board exists so I can ask this question.

>> No.12551791

psych has the higher earning potential potential, no fellowships is the best choice. the tricky bit with free time is that the highest earning paths require a lot of time

>> No.12551937

Interesting, can I ask what raises the potential for psych?
Even when the interventional route off of PM&R?

>> No.12551958

just for fun. upload your mri here or in a new post, maybe someone will see something... you never know

>> No.12551969

Thought it was odd, but at least 4 of them swore to me I don't need surgery.
I appreciate the advise, had not looked at osteopathy. And you are quite right, the affects on my body are compounding, which truly makes the issues more stressful, especially since I dont have answers or relief. Thanks again for the tip though.

>> No.12551975

the fixed costs and capital requirements of running your own practice or even a clinic are miniscule compared to other specialties and this is where the big bux lie

>> No.12551982

>live in very black city
>being trained in blood bank
>supervisor tells us story about how a patient refused a unit of blood because it was labelled as an african american unit so they had to make a code for it to prevent prejudice
>leaves a moment of silence, expecting an exclamatory response from us
>nopony says anything
>little does she know in my mind I was going "based, and redpilled. Fuck that dirty nigger blood"
Have you ever had any experiences with blessed patients?

>> No.12551987

Sure, I have a 5 min video file here let me...either make a webm or create a throw away youtube account and upload it there

>> No.12552008

Sweet. Thanks bro. Just decided on a career path.

>> No.12552016

>Need similar ethnic backgrounds for organ transplants to work
>Not needed for blood

>> No.12552018

Why would you label the race on the bag in the first place? I'm assuming it's already been typed and screened and all that shit

>> No.12552021

I wish I was born in 2050. People born in 30 years will have cures for nearly every disease.

>> No.12552025

They blow the blood so full of radiation nothing survives. It's down to very few antibodies, much less than the shit they worry about with organs.

>> No.12552062

They used to have a high sickle cell population so they automatically added ethnic labels to units so they could ignore the non black ones or something. Mostly due to Dce and Kell antigen compatibility I think. It's better to give blood from similar ethnicity but not a requirement, especially if they are low in certain types

>> No.12552195

Setting out to treat a chronic issue such as yours is a difficult endeavor, chances are you're experiencing neuropathic pain far beyond what the initial cause may have been. Maybe look into pain therapy as well, but be sure to find a practitioner that actually takes your issues seriously, and being careful about not getting hooked on painkillers goes without saying. If an understanding of the cause is out of reach right now, the goal should be to at least gain an understanding of what furthers the pain and how you can influence it. From what you've described it seems you're in a vicious cycle right now, which comes down to
>physical pain/discomfort -> increased stress + bad/too little sleep -> heightened pain sensitivity -> increased physical pain/discomfort ->...
Eventually normal stimuli will create a pain response, finding a way to get wedge into this cycle is key to getting some measure of control back. I'd recommend tracking your pain and seeing what conditions increase/decrease it. You've mentioned you've tried a lot, in general massage and stretching are very broad terms that can be pretty useless if done wrong, I personally think competent manual therapy and following a spinal waves routine are a good way to bring your nervous system down, but as plain as it sounds, managing stress, both mental and physical, is extremely important.
I get how hopeless a situation like this feels, especially since there's no clear cut way of going about it and the health care system isn't really equipped to handle it directly, but you're not a lost cause, look for the right practitioner and keep trying, you can get your body back

>> No.12552207

we already have cures for nearly every disease

>> No.12552307

>we already have cures for nearly every disease

But we can't cure arthritis, GI issues, chronic pain, neurological diseases, tremor, neuropathy, ms, alzheimers, diabetes, cancer, parkinson, ME/CFS. If you get these diseases you're doomed

>> No.12552398

maybe go se a neurologist then, they tend to be more serious than orthos. And a differential could be crps or post traumatic neuralgia so you should be evaluated by a neurologist anyway. Bring him every test you have so you won't waste time retesting a thousand times.

>> No.12552514

When will humans be able to actually repair joints?

>> No.12552520

bros.. i've had two septoplasties (diff doctors) for deviated septum... both times my septum reverted to deviated state... now i've been recommended to a third doctor to do a rhinoplasty (not for cosmetic but for the septum) but this all just seems crazy. the fuck is wrong w my nose and i'm worried the rhinoplasty won't work either. I JUST WANNA BREATHE

>> No.12552524

when we manage to figure out how to unify neuronal circuitry with electric ones

>> No.12552556

He's a panderer at heart, and right now he's pandering to middle class failson faggots who only know how to lift weights and lose money on crypto

>> No.12552572

nothing wrong with you, it's not weird that recurrence nasal obstruction occurs after septoplasties. Often it is because of an undetected lesion not considered prior.
I'd go see a ENT doc ideally a rhinologist, ie a doc that sub-specializes in nose and sinuses

>> No.12552765

the ent I had referred me to an ent who did a fellowship in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. how the fuck do I find a rhinologist? there's like 4 in my state
and they're mayo clinic so idk if i can afford that shit

>> No.12552774

also they never did like xrays or ct scans or whatever. will the new doctor do that or need to? the facial reconstructive guy didn't do it and just said we'll have surgery in a year (for time to recover). sorry i'm super fucking anxiety about all this...

>> No.12552862

I said ideally, if you can't find a rhinologist then you just can't.

not necessarily but after two failed septoplasties you'd like to at least address anatomical variables that may be involved, at least a ct or mri, maybe even a nasal endoscopy, discard chronic untreated rhinitis, sinusitis or other types of local alterations of the nasal mucosa.

If he didn't order any testing then he probably has a clear picture of what is causing your recurrence based on your clinical history, relax

>> No.12553141

>tfw cant renew my ACLS this year due to covid
>all major hospitals in the area halted CME
>small hospital I work at doesn't offer any CME courses
I've only had to use the stuff taught in the program twice since I was certified 6 years ago, but still. Shit.

>> No.12553229
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Gaviscon is for heart burn (i.e. GERD) and probably won't help. I believe the mechanism is that it creates a barrier over the stomach contents so that they can't rise into the esophagus. Discontinue use.

If you think it's just flatulence in the GI, read pic related. Also, go to the pharmacy and talk to the pharmacist about beano or some shit. Don't self-select because you clearly aren't competent.

>> No.12553252 [DELETED] 
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Patient presents with futa cock, complains of painful swelling in overlarged testicles and prostate. Hips are flexing on their own and she is hyperventilating and drooling
diagnosis and treatment?

>> No.12553258

Because it's just becoming such an annoyance and distracting at work I'm just going to pop in to the local gp and see if hey can determine what it is. Also trying to Google my symptom just throws out more and more concerning issues.

>> No.12553288

Maybe young doctors, but the vast majority doesn't.

Face it, you're unreliable.

>> No.12553391

she just wants to fuck, you already know the appropriate treatment for that anon

>> No.12553568
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there are such things as primitive hormones.

estrogen is a primitive sex hormone which is seen in primitive things like yeast/fungus.
progesterone and testosterone are progressive and advanced, not seen in primitive organisms.

estrogen literally evolved first, and then superior hormones evolved and outcompeted purely estrogenic organisms. Because progesterone and testosterone make the organism consume more energy.


>> No.12553576

If it's anything like jaw/gonial surgery, it's because

1) your undesired thing is physically fixable, but
2) the conditions which made that thing happen still exist.

So if you have an environment which promotes your septum to deviate, and then you get it mechanically fixed with surgery, your septum will again deviate.

Look up jaw surgeries. In Korea, a lot of people will get get surgeries on their jaws to make them look more feminine/Western. What you find is that a lot of those surgeries fail, because the jaw REVERTS BACK after surgery.

There's also the case of a certain vitamin-who-shall-not-be-named doing similar changes to jaws, and within a matter of minutes.

>> No.12553592

Again, actual countries have had widely used databases for more than two decades now. Your banana rebublic experiences aren’t representative.

>> No.12553598
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>> No.12553656

>constantly shitpost on /pol/ that covid is fake in the hope that people actually believe my insane rants and get covid and spread it around so that we can get herd immunity

This. Learn what a NOF is and that's 90% of an ortho's work load.

>> No.12553693

>get herd immunity
Yeah like we have herd immunity for the other human coronaviruses right?

>> No.12553699

Just in this same afternoon my issue has become less noticeable, should I bother going to the to the gp now or just see if it completely goes in the next day?

>> No.12553703

No, but we have reduced transmission to the point nobody cares

>> No.12553827

just took 5 mg of bisacodyl to reset my shits. The conveyer belt just randomly stops every so often with my IBS. What am I in for tomorrow morning? I know it's supposed to be "gentle" but every little thing I ingest makes my spastic colon tie itself in knots. I probably won't see any responses until tomorrow so this will be interesting

>> No.12553837
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Can you survive being shot in the neck?
How long do you have to survive?
What procedures would have to be done if the bullet hits your windpipe?

>> No.12553854
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I trust 4chan more for helping me with life decisions than my real life friends.

>> No.12553856

An youg autist who does IT at home for his whole life came in to the ER for UTI. He stayed for 2 days. He refused the anticoagulant from the nurses, said he didn't need it. the nurses tried explaining to him that he needed it to prevent clots, and he said "im good thanks". He was obviously trying to avoid unnecessary charges because he knows medicine a little bit probably. when we were in rounds the nurses told their story but they called him a weirdo and laughed at him because he didnt want to take xarelto. and the doc laughed with them and agreed he was weird. Why are health care workers like this?

>> No.12553859

it boils down to u
1. go into medicine
2, just focus on the anatomy

>> No.12553861
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Do podiatrists learn real medicine?
Which is the least doctor profession that still gets a (medical) Dr title?

>> No.12553866

they do way more than what ur picture describes. they learned everything a general practitioner learns. they just specialized in feet. and that includes diabetic foot ulcers which is a diabetes problem. they need to know antibiotics and they need to know how to perform the surgeries to excise dead tissue. its not heart surgery but its still intense.

>> No.12553873

>they learned everything a general practitioner learns.
Really? It's only a 4 year degree here but an MBBS is 5 years and that's before specialising.

>> No.12553874

idk ask someone else

>> No.12554000

took 1mg finasteride for hair loss
lost erection hardness
didn't like that as a side effect
but soldiered through cause I was single
now I need to use my dick and am in a tough spot
waiting for effect to wear off but is killing me
either that or I've got the rare case of having permanent erection problems due to finasteride noice

>> No.12554014

last tablet was almost a week ago

>> No.12554347
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>came in to the ER for UTI

>> No.12554364

How can a most likely virgo basement dwelling autist get a UTI? lmao

>> No.12554575

I'm losing my mind. I was diagnosed with nodular scabies in November. Took 2 ivermectin, derma also prescribed clobetasol for the nodules on penis. Didn't even know I had 2 nodules on scrotum. I took the ivermectin. But was afraid of the strong steroid. Applied it properly on the glans(3weeks bcd,3weeks once alternative day) but not on the shaft.(only 3 weeks bcd). On 15 dec all the nodules came back on my shaft but much smaller. Went back. He gave me clobetasol again, cream this time. I applied it for 15 days once everyday and went back. He said it's fixed and have me 15 days of mometasone or something (weaker steroid). Now today I woke up and 2 tiny blister like nodules came back again). *Told him about the scrotum and he told me to apply mometasone for 14 day once. No changes in 4 days. I feel like killing myself. Btw can the chronic inflammation of the nodules cause cancer?

>> No.12554582

Does UTI stand for urinary tract infection or something else? I'm not sure what I'm missing here since I keep thinking about deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

>> No.12554655

Shitting himself and stewing in his own excrement.

>> No.12555024

jesus christ you filthy fuck
get meds to kill the mites
clean your fucking home

>> No.12555030

What is peak comfy spec in med? Private practice wise.

>> No.12555053

this is literally what ERs treat all the time and then they get sent to inpatient cuz money

>> No.12555056

when you have scabies you have to sterilize your house as well otherwise the treatment was for nothing. you have to wash everything and then bag up things that have fur or cloth for 3 weeks so they die in the bag without food. then you have to take the treatment and u should be clean. scabies is not easy to make go away

>> No.12555058

>"oh so how were your symptoms? ok see you next month" *puts off BPH surgery indefinitely*

>> No.12555061

>fuck the masks
No you bigot! They work!

>> No.12555174

He's taking TRT, so maybe he's using that grift as an example.

>> No.12555193

Will there ever be a cure for chronic pain? Can we somehow reboot the brain in 30 years?

>> No.12555209
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anyone watching hataraku saibou?

>> No.12555248

you don't have to go to a doctor if you don't want to pal. why not just ask stack exchange you flaming retard

>> No.12555285

Wrong board moetranny. This is a shonen sub. The dumber and poorlier animated the better.

>> No.12555389

i haven't had corona so all the masks I wore were useless in protecting people. checkmate atheists

>> No.12555452

Which book (or any resource rly) would you guys recommend for clinical guidelines and treatments? I've been reading the actual clinical guidelines but I was wondering if there's anything more summarized, something similar to the mcmaster textbook that tells something like: step 1: do this, step 2: this and this, step 3: now fuck off. ?

>> No.12555700

Just keep doing it forever

>> No.12555812

You're supposed to use le ebin meme arrows so I know you're pretending to be retarded. With the amount of american posters it's hard to tell.

>> No.12556071

>You refuse to wear this basically useless cloth muzzle of le ebin socialist compliance forever and never leave your house? Typical freedomburger retard!

>> No.12556117


Lyme is due to testicle or ovary swap. You can’t do anything about it but take off your testicles or get compatible testicles.

>> No.12556198

Damn I hate working with social workers. They try to get their clients seen faster than anyone else, skipping over all of my clients I have to see as well, for non-urgent, stupid things.
Just needed to get that off my chest.

>> No.12556270

Everything rings true.

>> No.12556738

you really need to work on that reading comprehension

>> No.12556759

>steroids for scabies
>only applying it to the area where you think they are
Fucking retard.

>> No.12556762



>> No.12556788

I have taken the oral anti scabatic (ivermectin), topical steroid is needed for the nodules.

>> No.12556891

> steroids for scabies
Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Are you gonna have the poor man scratching himself to death?
Also it should be applied only on affected areas, do you want to give the poor man Cushing's?

You usually do 2 runs of scabicides, one immediately after diagnosis and a second one 2 weeks after the last day of the first treatment, this is because the larvae/eggs take about 7-14 days to develop into full adults, before that it isn't as effective. You did your 2 runs of ivermectin right?

Were you told to disinfect everything on your house? clothes, bed sheets, carpets, towels, anything that came in contact with your body may retain eggs. By heating everything with hot water at 60 Celsius is enough, can use washing machine and hot dry.
Also everyone that lives with you should be treated as well, either symptomatic or not, with the exception of pregnant women and newborns.

Another thing that can happen is resistance to the drug. In that case you may be told to change to local permethrin 5% or combine oral ivermectin with topical scabicides like permethrin 5%

Look, sometimes treating scabies can take some time, be patient anon. And most importantly follow the treatment exactly as you are told, it's the only way.

>> No.12556964

I took 2 ivermectin 5 minutes after food at a 7days difference as told. The nodules on the glans is completely gone after I followed the clobetasol treatment. But the shaft, it keeps coming back after I stopped taking it post 3 weeks. I wasn't told to disinfectant and my father who lives with me didn't get the treatment.

>> No.12556975

I'm also losing my mind. It's been 2 months since treatment and still my dick doesn't look normal. I literally cannot function mentally. I don't have a lot of emotional support. I was even suicidal one day.

>> No.12557155
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>Post 1:

That's possibly the reason why it is coming back.

If you are seeing lines reappear (like the ones on pic related), that means you are getting re-infected, those are linear burrows made by the scabies. Also since you are still symptomatic 3 weeks after your last treatment I think you should do another run of ivermectin again, but this time done properly. But only if your doc thinks so too.

There's a possibility that after you treat a patient, some residual allergic reaction called atopic dermatitis can persist but I don't think that's your case since there's a high possibility that you are getting re-infected from uncleaned fomites, and it usually manifests as continuous itching for less than a month.

Go to your doc and bring your father too if you can so your doc can explain him that he needs to receive the treatment as well, as long as he doesn't have cirrhosis he should be treated too. If your doc decides to re-treat you he may use ivermectin again since resistance to it is quite weird.

You should do 2 full clean up sessions in your house:

The first one: the day after you both take your first dosage of whatever scabicides you get prescribed, clean everything compulsively in your house. Your clothes and those of your father must be decontaminated by washing in hot water (above 60 Celsius) and drying in a hot dryer, by dry-cleaning or just send everything to a professional laundry where they ensure you your thing will get hot dried.

If this is too complicated or you don't have access to a hot dryer you can also decontaminate them by sealing everything on a tight plastic bag for at least a week. (the parasite dies in 2-3 days without human skin, a week is just in case there are eggs on there) Anything that can't be washed or dry cleaned should be put in a plastic bag too.

Thoroughly clean surfaces with Clorox and vacuum every room in your house, dispose of the vacuum bag immediately and make sure it's tightly sealed.

>> No.12557157

> Post 2:

The second one: exactly the same as the first one but one week after the first one is done. (so that would be the day after you take your second dose of whatever scabicides you get prescribed)

The medical treatment is the same as the one you already did: 2 doses of whatever separated by one week, the same for your father.
The typical dose of Ivermectin is 200 mcg/kg per dose, that is if you weight 60 kg you should take 12mg of Ivermectin per dose
If you still have itching you doctor may prescribe hydrocortisone 1% two times a day on affected areas. Topical antihistaminic also help if you don't want to use corticoids.

Your doctor should tell you both that you need to be reevaluated by him 2 weeks after your first dosage and a month after that visit, for you and your father. This in order to evaluate if your symptoms still persist, that could happen if you got re-infected again or if you develop atopic dermatitis or post-scabetic itch and need further treatment with corticoids or antihistaminics.

Just on a side note... the first line treatment for scabies in the US is permethrin cream 5% 30g per person applied on every surface from under your chin to soles of feet. Ivermectin is reserved for refractory cases that do not respond to permethrin.
Maybe your doc has had good experiences with it, idk.

Do this correctly and you should be scabies free in a few weeks.

Also, skin lesions fully regress, the only chronic damage that could remain is from violent scratching your skin. So I know it looks ugly now, but it will heal, relax.
I see how stressful my patients get when treatment for scabies fail, it is extremely infuriating, I remember when I was doing my rotation on dermatology a guy had to be treated 4 times because he was getting re-infected from his gf while also having to be treated for ringworms so go figure!... so my dude, if you need mental help you should get it.

>> No.12557185

>Atopic dermatitis
Isn't that the genetic form that never goes away? Or are you talking about general dermatitis.

>> No.12557243

Cross reactivity to household mites due to scabies, what would it be? allergic contact dermatitis? idk
but yeah, atopic dermatitis probably wasn't the best diagnostic classification for it, thanks

>> No.12557263

Thanks. The original derm didn't think of reinfestation. I am visiting a new derm today to get a second opinion. I will try my best to stay calm. I've never had a disease that lasted for more than a day which is why I'm going through intense medical anxiety since its been 2 months since treatment. The fact that I didn't listen to my doc advice completely also comes into play.

>> No.12557277

Best wishes my dude

>> No.12557278

Also I find it a bit hard to believe that I've been reinfested since I've no rashes or lesions anywhere else on my skin. The one I had on the flexures on my hand went away after treatment. Its only my dick, scrotum and 1 on my thigh.

>> No.12557288

Yeah, I haven't examined you so I couldn't tell. Could be a residual reaction too. Your doc will know best.

>> No.12557343

How long until science will make sure there are real treatments for chronic illness? What about CRISPR?

>> No.12557395

You were unlucky enough to get the nodular version of scabies... it tends to persist for months after scabies get eradicated, generally only limited to the groin area.

It will eventually disappear but it will take months. Triamcinolone seems to work for itching and lesion size. Neither steroids or tacrolimus worked.

"Intralesional injection of triamcinolone (5 mg/ml) on the nodule resulted in 30–40 % subsidence in itching and 50–60 % reduction in the size of the lesion over 2–3 weeks."

>> No.12557457

Never, you're going to die in pain and alone. Accept it

>> No.12557801

Scabies guy here, went to the opd and say a new derma. She insisted to talk to my father after inspecting me. She then told my dad that I had used 100% of my brain and turned into a retard. Thing were fine and there was nothing to worry about. Leasions will improve in a few weeks. Recommend me to a psych.

>> No.12557964

>4chan autist sperging
>gets referred to psych

No one definitely could have seen that coming miles away.

>> No.12558167

>Recommend me to a psych
Love happy endings.

>> No.12558230

Yeah I've been very depressed ever since my mom died 2 years ago due to cancer. 4th of this month was actually the anniversary of that day. Add in lack of friends and College finishing this year and you get a nutcase like me. The scabies thing basically out that issue on forefront. The psych said that medical anxiety was due to depression.

>> No.12558752

They’ll likely solve many things at once with future advancements in CRISPR.

When they can fix cancer with it, it will be likely that other things will suddenly be just as easy.

There are, of course, like everything, exceptions.

But it will happen in 3-5 major waves.

>> No.12558881


> vitamin K

oh god... gamma carboxy glutamated?

>> No.12559101

share portfolio

>> No.12559121

Because we live in a dank world of death and shit in the hospital, we laugh at things.

>> No.12559127

They seem comfy, they just cruise around and drop foleys and stuff in my hospital. Come on cases and dip out the next day.

>> No.12559297

Hopefully your dad dies soon too, that might improve your mental health.

>> No.12559315

I had COVID and recovered just before Christmas, but I have been sub-febrile for almost two weeks now. As of now, I am taking aspirin(~2 g/day) which helps a little bit, do you know any better treatment than aspirin?

>> No.12559321

there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.12559411

If you get a tetanus vaccination, which is generally meant to be taken every 10 years or so, but somewhere in that time between shots like after 6-8 years you actually get a cut and come in contact with the tetani bacteria, would that essentially re-up your immune system response? Essentially set that 10 year counter back to zero? Now followup question, somewhat related. Say I were to have some number of small cuts on my anal sphincter, right where those cuts are both in contact with the air but also certainly in contact with my shit. When I shit, it basically rips these small cuts back open and hurts but nothing crazy, no infection, little bit of blood but then that's the point. I'm not dead, there has been no infection, only inflammation and been this for for about a whole week now.
>inb4 stop sticking shit up your ass
>inb4 just fucking go see a doctor
My question is simply: Is it possible my body is building an immune response to the bacteria found in shit? Theoretically, could this imply that my immune system would protect me if shit were to touch an open would on my arm or anywhere else? My body seems to be fighting off whatever is assaulting the often open wounds on my sphincter. Thank you for your time.

>> No.12559440


>> No.12559447

I for one find graveyards to be pleasant. Except when the sprinklers come on, that always startles me.

>> No.12559477

It seems suspicious why a steroid would prescribed when the antihelmenthic should be sufficient

The fluorinated steroid is too powerful for this area, and likely OP just suppressed his immune response with them

>> No.12559486

>Thoroughly clean surfaces with Clorox and vacuum every room in your house, dispose of the vacuum bag immediately and make sure it's tightly sealed.

The problem with this is that most homes simply aren't decontaminated easily. Carpets are basically devices for storing large amounts of mite shit, dead skin, bacteria and fungi inside your house.

And vacuums... Their primary use is blowing an enormous amount of small particles in the air including mite feces particles. I'm not suggesting OP rip out all his carpet and wet mop the floor, but... Ok I am saying that

>> No.12559593
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> anthelmintic
> S. scabiei being an arachnid
> is suspicious of steroids for eczema
> thinks hydrocortisone is a fluorinated steroid
> scabies eczema being a type IV hypersensitivity reaction
> questions local immune suppression as a treatment

>> No.12559639

I have recurrent severe leg cramps on my left calf.
I'm on uni and naturally eat like shit.
Could I be hypokalemic?

>> No.12559752

I heard aussie medcucks earn shitloads of money. How viable is it for a UK medcuck to start their specialty training over in Australia?

>> No.12559814

aren't medfags on the UK the best paid on the world?

>> No.12559841

Ekbom's syndrome huh? damn bro u crazy

>> No.12559938

Not even close.

>> No.12559945

when I jack off, my left leg (upper calf muscle) feels like it's cramping or dying. is this in my head?

>inb4 ask a doctor
I'm not going to pay a doctor hundreds of dollars to laugh at me for jacking off.

>> No.12559954

Also I think the muscle itself is fine, physically the leg seems fine, because I can jump up and down on just my left foot and everything feels normal and in working order.

>> No.12560052

do you overextend your leg while fapping?

>> No.12560058
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Based and medpilled

>> No.12560063

What’s the time scale though - a doodle although conveys a generality doesn’t present much useful info

>> No.12560157

AAFP journals, anything else is for nerds

>> No.12560226
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Maybe this one's better

>> No.12560490

I don't think so. I've tried sitting/laying down in different positions, thinking it might be bad posture causing a cramp, and I've also tried to not tense my legs, but the pain still comes regardless of what I've tried.

>> No.12560523

Just supportive care, keep your temp low and rest. I've seen my different critical care pulm docs prescribe the whole vitamin regime and others don't. So you're best bet is just chilling out and not doing thing's that would make you short of breath. If you feel like it's progressed to pneumonia, it's worth a urgent care or ER visit for an x-ray.

Avoid the bullshit like hydroxy and Ivermectin

>> No.12560524

It's only chronic steroids that really suppress your immune system? However idk what that means in regard to a potentially long infection of scabies

>> No.12560716
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How do I stop hiccupping?
It's been going on for years and I would like suggestions.

>> No.12560754

what do i need to add to my diet so my shits stop tearing my butthole? i already drink 2 l of water. last time i wiped there was blood. save me /med/bros

>> No.12560779
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> S. scabiei being an arachnid
Good catch
> thinks hydrocortison is a fluorinated steroid
OP's doc prescribed Clobetasol propionate
> scabies eczema being a type IV hypersensitivity reaction
Theres no reason to believe this is atopic dermatitis. There is a proximal cause (the mite)
> questions local immune suppression as a treatment
Yes, I do. This doc has given him 4 courses of this treatment.

scabies lit:
>... the immune and inflammatory responses associated with the different clinical manifestations remain poorly characterized.
>Given the parasite’s long co-evolution with its hosts, it is believed scabies mites have developed the capability of modulating various aspects of the host immune responses resulting in the delayed onset of symptoms

Interestingly, crusted scabies (rarer reaction) might start with immunosuppression:
>It is generally believed that immunosuppression and immunomodulation might be predisposing factors associated with CS

Inasmuch as the steroid is helping the mite with the job of immunosuppression, how is that helping?

150 years ago we would have taken a hot knife and a bottle of whiskey to it. Today, we have steroids and an antihelmenthic. Gentlemen, we have barely proceeded in the direction of knowledge.

>> No.12561041
File: 69 KB, 724x594, 1522824347234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> doesn't understand the natural history of nodular scabies
> believes that infestation persists on residual eczema
> criticizes the use of steroids on a type IV hypersensitivity reaction
> thinks that by "type IV hypersensitivity reaction" I was referring to atopic dermatitis
> messes up AD with nodular scabies
> confuses crusted scabies with nodular scabies
> doesn't knows the posology of clobetasol, believes that 3 weeks on separate runs is too much
> believes that the therapeutic action of the steroid is an adverse effect
> proposes to let OP suffer the disease off
> proposes to drink whiskey and make OP a Jew as treatment

Vesalius would be proud.

>> No.12561196

lol no

>> No.12561438
File: 10 KB, 164x170, 7f8fb766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it slowly dawns on you that healthcare is a giant money sucking bureaucratic mess that can never be fixed or made sensible

>> No.12561452

Should I become a general surgeon, lads? I can't imagine going into any other specialty, but I have a lot of hobbies so it's something that makes me think twice

>> No.12561462

Doctors are lifelong learners so we're constantly updating our medical knowledge. If they've stopped educating themselves right after residency, find another doctor.

>> No.12561471

Just because you can't afford a subscription that keeps you up to date on your field, doesn't mean we can't :P

>> No.12561474

dead spec

>> No.12561481

Planning to practice in a rural area so I'm sure I'll have work. I'm just wondering if it'll be worth it

>> No.12561648

>dead spec
No, are you retarded?

>> No.12561653

Should I keep up the aspirin. I feel that it really helps. Also, should I take methylprednisolone?

>> No.12561992

>> criticizes the use of steroids on a type IV hypersensitivity reaction
>> messes up AD with nodular scabies
Not type IV, not AD.
> doesn't knows the posology of clobetasol, believes that 3 weeks on separate runs is too much
Yes it is too much in my opinion, in fact it should not have been used at all, back to my original point.
> believes that the therapeutic action of the steroid is an adverse effect
In the course of normal immune response interference with a steroid that can interfere with it is not necessary and
> proposes to let OP suffer the disease off
OP is mostly suffering from a lack of insight. As for the Doc and his biggest cheerleader (you) I guess if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail, or AD, apparently

>> No.12561999

All it takes is leadership

>> No.12562006

Consider vet surgeon

>> No.12562057

It was 21 day clob only on the spots(10+) bcd and then 21 days once every 2 days. I failed the second part due to fear. Next was clob cream not ointment for 2 weeks once every day. I dont see any side or systemic effects honestly.

>> No.12562111

why endocrinology is so comfy?

>> No.12562118

>treating overweight diabetics all day long

>> No.12562217

Thanks, keep us updated

>> No.12562222

>telling a bunch of obese people that they need to eat less and exercise more every day for 40 years
Opposite of comfy

>> No.12562225

Stop both. Sub-febrile is not a problem

>> No.12562293

This. Emergency shit for pets and cattle will be more often than human medicine in rural practice.

>> No.12562634

What kind of spinal issues can cause pain/tingling in legs and arms?

>> No.12562656

Are there any full-face respirators designed to filter both inflow and outflow? One suggestion I've seen is to get one with an unfiltered outflow valve and then just glue the outflow shut. That seems like it would increase the dead space, how much of a problem is the added dead space likely to be?

>> No.12562669

Eating lots of sultanas helps for me (100-500g/day, ymmv)

>> No.12562692

I'm already an MD dipshits. I was asking regarding medical specialties for humans

>> No.12562733

General surgery with your own clinic in a rural town is a pretty comfy life. Know some people who went that route

>> No.12562739

Why not just use an N95 with a face shield? It would be much more comfortable then that

>> No.12563073

True, that would be very nearly as good, it's just that those little gaps around the edges of the face shield bother me, it doesn't feel like it's doing my best if I just leave it at that.

>> No.12563167

What sort of work are you doing? Are you in a hard hit city?

You could combine that with a disposable HazMat coverall but idk if you'll be able to have access to one.

>> No.12563340

Patient care attendant/orderly/nurse assistant here. I'm doing my first week in the ICU and take care of people who are semi-conscious yet are on the ventilator. How uncomfortable is it? They open their eyes, give yes-no responses, just have a big lookinh tube down the throat.

>> No.12563407

Hello /med/, i soldered a 9 volt battery to 2 wires and then wet my temples and placed the wires on them. I am feeling extremely alert and focused, before I put the battery on I was feeling somewhat sluggish and tired. Is this a placebo effect or is it possible that this retarded experiment of mine actually did something?

>> No.12563433



>> No.12563975
File: 355 KB, 990x755, ea701e6c03ec6ac31b2f380b4a668ac5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an aspiring artist who wants to learn anatomy as deep as I can. Any good resources you can recommend? I tried to search for 3D models but the free ones are trash and I can't pay for the premium ones because >lmao poorfag.

>> No.12564224

I don’t know what’s good for artists but Netter’s atlas is a beautiful depiction of human anatomy.
If you want to learn anatomy beyond just for art, then Keith L Moore

>> No.12564353

>I really want to study more of the doctor-level anatomy, physiology and pathology
>I have absolutely 0 desire to deal with people or have any of my decisions directly influence people
Don't do it anon.

You can still learn about the human body through textbooks if you're interested in it though.

>> No.12564373

You mean the NHS wagies? Fucking lol

>> No.12564525

Rx and then if its results are inconclusive (maybe cause your thing isnt bone related) mri so you can find the spot where your inflammation is and how it presents itself on the main sequences

>> No.12564849

Can you guys post more medical pepes? I need to enlarge my collection.

>> No.12565232

What portable research materials do you use? A tablet,laptop or just books? I’d like to get tablet that I’d be able to study PDFs any recommendations?

>> No.12565255

just go on libgen, look up "anatomy" or "anatomy atals" and download whatever catches your eye and then just scroll through the illustrations

>> No.12565267

I got a cheap as fuck printer whose cartridges are produced by some Chinese knockoff firm, I can actually print out shit extremely cheap, so at times I just carry a printout of whatever chapter I want to go through, it's also nice to just take notes on the paper. Tablet wise, you're probably free to choose, even a cheap tablet is fine for reading pdfs, though reading long texts on screens isn't something everyone is comfortable with. My combo is a laptop, printouts and an older Samsung galaxy tab s3 since it comes with decent touch pen support so I can take notes on pdfs or slides when I want to. If you have the big bux you could buy a large e-reader for pdfs, though they're expensive as shit.

>> No.12565537


>> No.12566609

What's the maximum number of days I can not study before it is impossible to catch up?

>> No.12566619

A week

>> No.12566636

Okay that’s pretty based

>> No.12566643

I plan to study med in the UK - but I’m not planning of staying in Public care for too long.

>> No.12566646

Casual, try 8.

>> No.12566655

Someone in another thread was talking about how nice remarkable 2 is and that’s $300 but I have no clue on the tablet market. I’m in the military so I’ll be in different climates so I hope they don’t damage easily.

>> No.12566666

Okay I did 6 straight days. Tomorrow I will get back on the horse

>> No.12566689

>6 straight days
Maybe I should start today haha...

>> No.12566721


>> No.12566931

wow congrats on those numbers

>> No.12567245

What's a non surgical field that avoids midlevels

>> No.12567252

If private practice, you can avoid midlevels easy.
Otherwise, pathology.
Midlevels will never encroach upon pathology.

>> No.12567296

Computers probably will

>> No.12567298

I want to learn hands on stuff though. Are there any disciplines tangential to doctors which learn similar things but can be completed part-time instead of full-time?

>> No.12567305

I doubt it in our lifetimes. And pathologists will always be necessary to check over the programs and reports.

>> No.12567306

And research into pathology will always be needed as well.
EMT, Physician Assistant
You won't learn medicine though. You'll just learn to perform certain actions.

>> No.12567346
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I don't think either of those exist in Australia. We have paramedics (fulltime) and there was some failed PA thing which gave the graduates no job (not that that would matter for me as a stoodier) but I don't think it even still exists.

>> No.12567363

Research. Midlevels are brainlets that can't cope with academia.

>> No.12567366

Don't forget that.

>> No.12567370

Anyone else had people turn up at your hospitals taking photos of corridors near the entrance at some buttfuck time of the evening like 2330 and then claiming that it's empty without ever going near a ward?

>> No.12567373

The only part-time one I found under the medicine category at USyd is Nursing. Course fees are also the lowest I've ever seen, damn nurses OP.

>> No.12567376

Very. Ignoring the whole covid situation, lots of UK grads end up doing F3s and potentially specialising over in Australia due to better work conditions, etc. Some deanaries over here allow you to do your F2 year in Australia/NZ too. I know quite a lot of people that are specialist training in Australia because fuck the NHS desu.

>aren't medfags on the UK the best paid on the world?
You top out at 110k (before tax, so take home is like 66k) if you stay on the NHS, which most consultants do, with some private work on the side, which might increase that by half at best. It's absoulte dogshit in terms of pay; you'll be comfortable but never well-off.

>> No.12567380

I'm a DO, it's over for me

>> No.12567384

>2 year nursing degree costs less than 1 year biomedical science degree

Should I take the nurse pill Anons?

>> No.12567391

Sure but know your place. You sit around gossiping with other nurses and hit elderly patients while crying about how everyone is mean to you and how much work you have.
Don't pretend for a second you're a doctor.

>> No.12567395

Oh I'd never actually work as a nurse. I work as a research scientist in industry, I'm just a stoodier.
Original post: >>12551003

>> No.12567405

You could self-study or go to medical school and become a physician scientist. You don't have to work in clinical practice.
Nursing school will not be useful if you truly want to learn medicine.

>> No.12567554

I have been doing anatomy and physiology content available on edx and going through textbooks but I doubt that's anything like doing it in practice.

>> No.12567635 [DELETED] 

This shit cured my constipation after trying a million different things which didn't work.

Why didn't anyone tell me about this? Why isn't it more widely known?

>> No.12567640

What shit? You best be talking about psyllium husk.

>> No.12567646
File: 13 KB, 360x260, sorbitol-delalande-5g-bags-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit cured my constipation after trying a million different things which didn't work.
20-40 grams
Why didn't anyone tell me about this? Why isn't it more widely known?
Sugar alcohols

>> No.12567852

Great play
Definitely recommend watching it
Being a doctor in America is so fucked

>> No.12568271

>He's just now learning about sugar alcohols.


>> No.12568282

why isn't this prescribed to people with constipation?

>> No.12568357

applied for medical school and currently on the waiting list, but got accepted into dental school. I have no idea what to do - dentistry would be alright because its more hands on but I've always wanted medicine more. Any advice/talking me out of medicine or dentistry? (not premed gunner because I don't post instagram photos of my notes in 80 different colours)

>> No.12568378

post graduate medical application in Australia is honestly the shadiest and worst experience of my life. The way the testing and matching authorities, and universities treat you is so shit you'll barely believe it. On top of that, our health infrastructure is so backward and the power of universities is so great that states are now running out of internship positions for graduates in NSW (the effect of not enough hospitals with too many medical schools containing too many students). You are measured by your GAMSAT and GPA. You could get bonus considerations or higher GPA scores by having 1st class honours, masters or a PhD but if that's not the case for you as you are in the middle of it, you'll go up against people who do three year arts degrees to get as many 7s as possible for the GPA component.

If you are on the fence about medicine, I'd really recommend having a big think about how much you are willing to commit. The GAMSAT process is hell on earth, and average number of sittings to entry is now 4 with average age of starting now 27 at UQ and 25 at USyd.

>> No.12568414

>you'll go up against people who do three year arts degrees to get as many 7s as possible for the GPA component.
My undergrad GPA was 6.55 and I have a PhD. That sounds like a shitty situation re: internships though. I already don't want to dedicate 4 years to only stoodying. I'm 28 so would be a bit shitty to take time off during prime career years.

>> No.12568455


>nearly $300 to give someone some saline and vitamins

Explain to me why I shouldn't set up a clinic and just do this as a side hustle.

>> No.12568473

Bumping cause I also want to know. Also will dentistry ever lose its high pay grade?

>> No.12568479

You could do dentistry then graduate medicine and become a maxillofacial surgeon. In the UK I think you need both degrees to do it

>> No.12568515

Kek, 2 degrees and 10 years of uni. Are you mental?

>> No.12568517

You also have a massive pension contribution to pay so your take-home after tax and pension is less than half your salary.

For example, specialty surgeons who are finishing their residency/registrar training have a salary (before tax and pension) of £52k. Consultants have a salary of £80-100k.

>> No.12568529

To be a surgeon you've got to be fucking mental IMO

The pay isn't good enough to justify having to live to work

>> No.12568588

Tbh I consider surgery to be only for the highly gifted. If I had to choose between the high IQ, A type personality znd the midwit who tried reslly hard, then I would go for the first one. And no "but I really luuuv it" is not an excuse to larp as a surgeon. Midwits need not apply (saying that as a midwit)

>> No.12568598

I would be entering into dentistry through a graduate pathway, meaning I am a bit older and if I wanted maxfacs I'd be 40 before I could start. I also spoke to some ENT consultants and they said maxfacs is going through a bit of an identity crisis because plastics is slowly taking over facial reconstructive work, leaving maxfacs with wisdom teeth removal for 11 years of uni plus training. It's apparently awesome money, here at least, but I have to be pragmatic given my age so it would be medicine or dentistry. That's why I am looking for some guidance because I'm pretty fucked if I choose incorrectly as I'd be stuck in it forever.

>> No.12568631

>highly gifted
Gifted with what? Its only barely even an academic profession and its closest to menial manual work out of all medical professions. Sawing and nailing bone is not taxing on anyone's mental capacity.

>> No.12568648

Yes, most of the time. But when things go south I want my surgeon to have the capacity to think fast and stay calm. Hence not for everybody

>> No.12568808

>think fast and stay calm
Which has less to do with mental capacity and more to do with work experience. Being a good surgeon isn't about having big brain its about doing enough certain type of operations and keeping on doing just those. Which of course always leads to the problem where a senior surgeon can practically do only a few type of operations

>> No.12568813

Only neuro and ct/vascular surgery
Other surgeons are legit glorified barbers

>> No.12568913

Redpill me on this

>> No.12569029

Do covid vaccines make me less likely to catch and transmit covid?

>> No.12569061
File: 119 KB, 640x785, 1610326884522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What specialization do I need for such a GF?

>> No.12569066

anything will do

>> No.12569067

Psychiatry or rheumatology

>> No.12569077


>> No.12569081

>dumb enough to be suckered into shitty jobs by prestige
glorified barber is where it's at, i sleep in my own bed every night and have hobbies outside of commuting

>> No.12569084

thank you, I'm assuming oxford one follows this

>> No.12569135

Wth? No way surgeons are "glorified barbers". Unironically why would one believe this?

>> No.12569140

Is there a reading list you would recommend for pre-uni/uni students?

>> No.12569219

Read classical lit. You ll have plenty of time to focus on science books in school

>> No.12569238

I’ve read the standard 20th century dystopias and planning to start Iliad and Odyssey soon. Im rereading the art of war as well. Any suggestions?

>> No.12569244

go to /lit/ and start with the greeks

>> No.12569254

Neurologists know how to cure or treat almost nothing, so everything to them must be in your head. I'm not even sure why the field exists at all beyond counting cases. How about actually curing something like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Lewy-Body, MS, SMA, Autism, GBS, Dementia, ALS, Huntington's, Friedriech's, etc, etc, etc. They've only had decades and billions of dollars to do so with nothing to show for it...the entire field is a clown show that exists only for it's own benefit.

>> No.12569312

I'm on day three of my week long fast with a small meal every day. Are people just pretending to do this? This is fucking TORTURE. I refuse to believe people have this much willpower. It's insanity. Why am I even doing this?

I bet most people cheat with snacks and shit. Not me though. Something is clearly wrong with me.

>> No.12569498
File: 29 KB, 619x453, a3bgq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tasted the comfy but I have to finish med school to get back to it

>> No.12569627

If you are eating any meals, i have some bad news, you are not fasting.

>> No.12569634

A worthless, uninformed opinion. Get lost

>> No.12569646

Whats the comfy bro?

>> No.12569651

This is retarded. Why don't you have any self directed interests? Spend some time in a library lately? The lack of curiosity in people who have pretensions of intellectual ambition never ceases to amaze me

>> No.12569685

has there been any advancement within the field the last 20 years?

>> No.12569696

Have you really not heard of Zolgensma?
You sound like a dumb contrarian.

>> No.12569705

Finish your prereqs, do research, and get a high score in your classes and your admission exam
Most of your undergrad doesn't matter

>> No.12569761

Any ENT specialists, or at least people who are knowledgeable enough about ENT, here?

I have been having this problem for 3-4 months. Basically, whenever a loud sound (baby crying, truck honking, me laughing really loudly while others talk in the background) happens around me, I hear "static noise" in my right ear ONLY. I haven't experienced any pain or anything like that, just the noise.
Also, 2 months ago I did an earwax removal when I accidentally blocked my ear canal while trying to clean it myself. Stupid, I know but I don't think this is related because I've had this problem before.

>> No.12569770

Sounds like cerumen impaction. Just go to any primary care doc. They'll examine your hear with an otoscope and relieve the obstruction.

>> No.12569813
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 2493jon2gtk01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clinical lab
i just want to chill and master my niche, now i have to go back out to the cold to deal with coughing boomers, crying children, angry idiots, constant hurry, lack of sleep etc.

>> No.12569822

But, I literally had a doctor clean both of my ears like 50 or so days ago? And it's only my right ear.

>> No.12569825

What year of med school are you in? In the US?

>> No.12569838

Earwax accumulates over time. Cerumen impaction is when your earwax blocks your ear canal. If that happens, you need to soften it and then remove it so you don't cause damage to any internal structures or nerves.
Please go to a doctor.

>> No.12569871

>you need to soften it and then remove it so you don't cause damage to any internal structures or nerves.
Already did that 50 days ago. I went to an ENT doctor. He gave me an ear drop and told me to come in a day to get it cleaned.
I don't expect my ear to get blocked again in 50 days, plus I had cerumen impaction before and this doesn't feel like it.
>Please go to a doctor
This isn't something you should be saying.

>> No.12569901


>> No.12569927

Go see your doctor. I can't give advice like this over the internet without seeing you. It's possible to have recurrent impaction if you play around with your ear canal like you did.
>This isn't something you should be saying.
Sorry but you aren't a telemedicine patient and I can't do a full H+P on you. All I can do is give some basic advice and tell you to see someone in your vicinity.

>> No.12569935

Why doesn't China contribute anything to medical research? Why don't they invent cures for anything if they are such a world power?

>> No.12569941


>> No.12569985

>if you play around with your ear canal like you did.
I didn't. I can't exactly tell when this noise started happening even.
Also, I meant like you shouldn't be telling me something so obvious. I am not even American and doctors are pretty affordable here. It's just that it's midnight and I'm planning on going to a doctor tomorrow or the day after. Could it be something else, other than an earwax problem?

>> No.12569993

have you had a haircut recently?
you can get hair or small strands of cerumen which can lie against your eardrum. when you experience loud noise, the eardrum vibrates which jostles the hair/strand and causes the static noise.

>> No.12570028

Hmm. I don't really remember a haircut, but I feel like what you said is very possible. desu (you) are very good at explaning unlike that other Anon who just comes off as passive aggressive. Thanks.

>> No.12570056

still see the doctor though. unilateral tinnitus can be caused by more serious things as well as some hair on your eardrum, and you really need an in-person review.

>> No.12570063

He told you the right thing. Go see a doc. Stop asking for advice in this general. That's not what it's for.

>> No.12570811

>This isn't something you should be saying.
That's the only thing anyone other than your GP should be saying.

>> No.12571152

If you want to wipe buts take it

>> No.12571160

I'm a medfag front line covid worker; we are burned out with PTSD and all the shit. Ask anything

>> No.12571597

I just want to be a better intermediary between retarded family members and retarded doctors.

>> No.12571612

>Ask anything
Why not live in a better country?