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12567899 No.12567899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much IQ do I need to get into Med school?

>> No.12567909


>> No.12567910

If you have a decent IQ 120 or so and can work hard you'll make a good GP.
If you have a higher IQ and can work hard then you can be a good specialist.
If you're high IQ (145+) and don't work hard, then you can be a good specialist.
If you're high IQ and work hard, you can be a good physician scientist.

>> No.12567919

what if I have 115 IQ and want to be a surgeon

>> No.12567929
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you don't need it

>> No.12567943

You won't be a cardiothoracic or neurosurgeon. You could try general surgery.
You will have to work very hard and study every day like crazy before and during med school and after.
Best of luck.

>> No.12567980
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Damn that was condescending

>> No.12567990

Sorry but it's true. I've seen many idiots in medical school have big plans and goals but the sheer amount of material, the inability to process it all quickly enough for exams and to have time left over for research which is required for good residencies, and then the inability to do well on Step 1/2 makes them realize all they're good for is being a GP.
Which is a comfy life to be sure especially in rural areas, but you won't get into radiology, neurosurgery, dermatology, or medicine subspecialties.

>> No.12568070
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That really sucks
I just wanted to work in a comfy, big, high tech hospital

>> No.12568080

I'm not telling you that you can't. Maybe you can. You'll just have to try harder than anyone else.
Stay humble, keep reading, listen to your patients and learn from their clinical signs and diagnostic findings.
Just don't go in with the assumption that you're going into cts or neurosurg. Go in with the assumption that you're a medical student learning the art and science of medicine. When you're done with Step 1 then you can figure out what specialty you can go into.

>> No.12568094

2 of my siblings are doctors who have around 120 IQ. They didnt have an easy time in Med school but would always say if you can just sit there and study for 15 hrs a day you can make it with an IQ of 95 even

>> No.12568227

Cosmological arguments are very hard to refute, since they use causality itself as the core of them, is hard to even approach it since there's nothing in physics that denies the principle of causality.

>> No.12568316
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>Cosmological arguments are very hard to refute, since they use causality itself as the core of them, is hard to even approach it since there's nothing in physics that denies the principle of causality.

>> No.12568446

What race are you?

>> No.12568484

Why does that matter?

>> No.12568485

First time I hear this? Is it only for big brains? Or is it thr competition that makes it a big brain only specialty?
How do you explain women accounting for 50% of the board certified dermatologists?

>> No.12568499
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>> No.12568510

Does this include DO and carrib schools?

>> No.12568527


IQ is nothing, if you have 100 you can literally learn anything you want you retarded piece of shit

>> No.12568541

Sure, but the guy with 120 can also learn whatever he wants and do it better. There aren't unlimited medical positions to go around. You figure out what that means.

>> No.12568544

Midwit IQ.
That way, you can be an unquestioning tool in the hands of modern science.

>> No.12568546

Bout teefiddy

>> No.12568551

A bit more than you need to get into osteopathy school.

>> No.12568559


>> No.12568576

OP here I don't live in the west

>> No.12568622


>> No.12568626

Obvious bait

>> No.12568670

Saying IQ only matters is cope by lazy shitters.

>> No.12568681

B-but what about the little bittle puzzles that need to be filled in. I-isn't the human body the same t-thing. You know, iddle biddle puzzles with a missing shape.

>> No.12568688

>he hasn't hit the iq wall yet
It'll happen eventually

>> No.12568694

none, you just need to be good at memorization

>> No.12568836

Nobody said IQ is the only thing that matters. The most well written response actually stresses hard work. Just, the guy with more brainpower can also work hard. So in a competition, IQ is a distinct advantage.

>> No.12568858

Radiology is for big brains. Lots of physics knowledge and pattern recognition within many variants
Dermatology requires high pattern processing and also is very competitive

>> No.12568866


>> No.12568882

Damn and I was interested in radio. At least you guys are honest unlike the rest of the internet where everybody pretends that anyone can specialize in what they like/want

>> No.12568922

You just have not to be a retard. Medicine is memorization, the type of "logical reasoning" they donis extremely shallow and linear, there's no abstraction needed.

>> No.12568932

Try have a higher IQ and you'll realize everything boils down to memorization. There is no creative thinking or abstraction. It's all memorization.

>> No.12568937

>Dermatology requires high pattern processing

oh wow tell us more

>> No.12568974

In medicine you may be right. The individual doctor gets his knowledge from studies and his tools (medicine) from big corporations.
But entrepreneurs and others do make use of creative thinking and can't just memorize everything.

>> No.12569010
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So if medschool is only memorization, any midwit can do it, right? Or is IQ directly tied to memorization capabilities too?

>> No.12569017

Any midwits can do it.
As a matter of fact, midwits do better, since they are the most easy to shape.
High IQ people are stubborn, and low IQ could not care less about med school.

>> No.12569028

No everything boils down to memorization
Mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine, biology, engineering
The Greeks realized this
You need a high IQ to understand this blackpill

>> No.12569033

In response to your image, all cosmological arguments have the same fault. They state that something cannot exist without precursor, and then use this to somehow reason that God exists without precursor. All you do is shift exactly what it is that happens 'first' from the big bang or beginning of the universe or whatever, to your God. It's not even a real argument

>> No.12569047

that is why i liked pathophysiology so much is all about the logical systems of the human body and diseases and also helps with diagnosis and treatment

>> No.12569051

You don't know the kalam cosmological argument

>> No.12569056

Diagnosis is the same way.

>> No.12569072

>The most prominent form of the argument, as defended by William Lane Craig, states the Kalam cosmological argument as the following brief syllogism:[4]

>Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
>The universe began to exist.
>Therefore, the universe has a cause.
>Given the conclusion, Craig appends a further premise and conclusion based upon a conceptual analysis of the properties of the cause of the universe:[5]

>The universe has a cause.
>If the universe has a cause, then an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe exists who sans (without) the universe is beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless and enormously powerful.
>Therefore, an uncaused, personal Creator of the universe exists, who sans the universe is beginningless, changeless, immaterial, timeless, spaceless and infinitely powerful.
>Referring to the implications of Classical Theism that follow from this argument, Craig writes:[6]
>"... transcending the entire universe there exists a cause which brought the universe into being ex nihilo ... our whole universe was caused to exist by something beyond it and greater than it. For it is no secret that one of the most important conceptions of what theists mean by 'God' is Creator of heaven and earth."

I do, and it has the exact fault I mentioned

>> No.12569083

is not the same diagnosis requires images and laboratory test that are based in your clinical diagnosis and if you only rely in algorithms many things can escape your diagnosis like many medical societies can't define many diseases and you can't expect to be just like your book or your flash cards says

>> No.12569086

>You disagree with me so you don't know what you're talking about
Forget about medicine, you're too low IQ

>> No.12569091

Im not talking bread and butter cases. I'm talking rare presentations of classic diseases or rare diseases. As a diagnostician in an academic center you get to see many cases textbooks and guidelines don't cover. The cases that make great case reports in NEJM or JAMA

>> No.12569096

Science is little more than the communication of ideas using another language.

Formulas, numbers, etc... do not have meanings, only the thoughts of the person who wrote those do.
Exploring the thoughts of others is a good way to learn.

However, by producing scientists who all think in a certain manner, you create little more than a memorizing machine.

>> No.12569130

Memorization is one part of the equation. Understanding the material is the other. That is why the average IQ is higher in math, engineering and physics degrees. If what you say is true than any old fart could do these.
>inb4 muh there are a lot of midwits in these degrees
The IQ charts tend to disagree with this

>> No.12569138

IQ is a hoax, if you do enough IQ tests, you become 145+ IQ.
Saying "only the first one matters" is also thrash, you have grown ever since you took your first IQ test and the present is what matters.

>> No.12569143

"Understanding" is just memorization and familiarity with the material. It's your brain feigning confidence in the subject matter. All of it is the same repititive neural pathways on repeat. All memory
>Any midwits could do it
No you need a great memory to do it. If you have highly eideticic memory and sufficient time you can become proficient in any field.>>12569130

>> No.12569147

if that was condescending wait till you see people discussing anime girls on /a/

>> No.12569161

I can get you through Med school with just a couple IQs a week, but you must keep your mouth shut or I'll have to vaccinate you

>> No.12569182

Why go to Med school if you're religious?
Just sprinkle magic water on people to treat them :^)

>> No.12569197

IQ is stable once you reach adulthood, even earlier. In fact once it reaches its maximal capacity it is more likely to go down due to different factors, than up
>and sufficient time you can become proficient in any field
Pretty much. So a smart person would understand a highly complex idea faster than a dumb person. This is what makes that person intelligent.
>"Understanding" is just memorization and familiarity with the material
No, they are different things. You can memorize an equation without understanding it

>> No.12569206

Passing IQ tests is a skill that can be learned.

>> No.12569210

no medical specialty requires a high IQ. once you are in medicine and you realize that people are fucking stupid you will understand that

there is no other subject/field where you can grind as easily as in medicine. maybe biology and neurosciences and other soft shit but medicine is all about grinding

it requires no talent whatsoever

>> No.12569211
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seething atheist midwits

>> No.12569212

Yes it is true, so? Its the first time that counts

>> No.12569217


haha you are fucking retarded. cardiothoracic and neuro are the easiest to get into

because the workload is so shit , only the dumbest faggots go in there

smart people don't go into surgery in general , usually the ones with high egos and no friends who aren't too bright end up in surgery

>> No.12569227

>usually the ones with high egos and no friends who aren't too bright end up in surgery
Thats weird. All the surgeons I know are alpha, extroverted type of dudes

>> No.12569229

How about you do one day of honest labour in your life before vanishing up your ivory tower? Ya can only memorize tools and techniques, but you have to apply them yourself.

How do you memorize starting your own practice as a doctor? Writing a book? Or opening a restaurant?

>> No.12569242


not in neurosurgery. neurosurgery workload is really, really bad. as in, you stand around doing nothing for 20 hours and if yo uare unlucky u dont do anything in 6 years. in addition to that its a clusterfuck of huge egos, largely unwarranted - because smart people don't let themselves get abused by a system

its usually

> friendless
> very insecure
> high egos
> not very skilled

people that go into neurosurgery

its not hard to get into it either, and everybody who has been through med school knows this. people just dont mock neurosurgeons because there are very few willing to let the system literally rape them lol so you better not piss the 2-3 neurosurgeons off that exist in your proximity

other than that, these specialties also require a very large team to operate, you can't really work alone, which means you are bound to working in a hospital - which is a horrible environment

actually surgery really attracts very stupid people but you dont see it if you arent in medicine yourself

the smartest people probably go into radiology or something that doesnt require you to deal with a lot of humans

imagine dealing with failed women that are hysteric because they will never find a husband 24/7 both as teammates and also as patients

its absolutely horrible

im in med school and im preparing to go full online/e medicine and avoid any people ive ever met in real life because they have all been completely retarded and i wouldnt trust them with anything

>> No.12569247

False, the present self is what matters most, not the past self.

>> No.12569260

>Radiology is for big brains. Lots of physics knowledge and pattern recognition within many variants
Yeah, that's why it will be completely done by ML algorithms in less than 5 years..

>> No.12569266


it wont. anesthesia has already been automated. but the lobby of anesthesists successfully fucked up any attempt to introduce the automated systems

medical lobbies are very very powerful and sadly the people who were with you in high school , they are exactly the same people in med school

so if your friends were nerds that went into physics/math you are going to never meet anybody like that ever again in med school

you'll only meet absolute normies who shit on eachother behind eachothers backs 24/7 and will do anything for a crumb of pussy

also 18 yr old girls that have a higher N count than many a professional prostitute

im getting mad just thinking about this

>> No.12569322

>midwit Incel starts to ramble incoherently about women

>> No.12569326

Yeah, but how are free will and the cosmological argument consistent? One can exist ex nihilo, but the other can’t? Makes sense.

>> No.12569334

It’s also operationally null for religion. If true, all you can extrapolate from the essence of God is that ‘it’ consists of being a causal force. All other attributes inferred would be conjecture.

>> No.12569352

Not an argument

>> No.12569375

being exposed as a bitter incel refutes anything you have ever said, actually

>> No.12569588

120 if you're white
80 if you're non white