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12565507 No.12565507 [Reply] [Original]

Professor Brian J Morris of the University of Sydney states circumcision should be legally compulsory, in the same way that vaccination is required to attend public school.


Thoughts /sci/?

>> No.12565510
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this fucking thread again

>> No.12565562
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>> No.12565577

Mutilation is never justifiable

>> No.12566078

So what the parents want matters when it's convenient and what the child wants never matters and what the government wants doctors get paid to agree with.

>> No.12566103

Professor Brian J Morris of the University of Sydney should be bludgeoned to death
Preferable sooner rather than later

>> No.12566113

pack it up boys. Thread is over

>> No.12566370

Brian Moore is a pro-circumcision shill. He's a lobbyist, not a scientist. Read Brian D. Earp's papers on this issue instead.

>> No.12566392

Good. Maybe then some of you retards can actually get laid and stop posting these threads.

>> No.12566400

Guy sounds based.

>> No.12566414

Goldberg? Go to bed, you're drunk.

>> No.12566441

I'm morbidly curious to know what kind of cut he has, honestly. I mean the guy is a circumcision obsessed fetishist, the question of what he's working with has to come to mind. Is it tiny or something? Low and tight? Botched and basically useless? What if he's uncut but has a sadism and domination fetish?

>> No.12566442

Why do you fags care so much about dicks

>> No.12566446

I literally explained in my post.

>> No.12566454

What post? You're talking about wanting to see some guy's dick

>> No.12566458

The post you quoted. I'm talking about Brian J Morris, the "circumcision should be mandatory" circumfetishist.

>> No.12566465

Yeah why do you want to see his dick? You a homo?

>> No.12566473

I want to know.

>> No.12567610

Is it bad that im 21 and still have foreskin. I did not lose it naturally or did not get the cut surgically? Although i clean and it never caused me any problem so far.

>> No.12567611

Go get cut if you want to. It’s more risky and difficult as an adult though

>> No.12567612

stop reposting this fuckhead

>> No.12567613
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>in the same way that vaccination is required to attend public school.
Kids are having sex at school?

>> No.12567627

Is it painful ? Is the patient sedated while performing the surgery?

>> No.12567637

Yes it's done under general anesthesia so you won't feel pain during the surgery. However your glans will be sensitive post operation for about 1-4 days. No pain with peeing but you might need to use an icepack or NSAIDs after the circumcision for a while.
No sex or masturbation for a few weeks after the circumcision.
Usually recommended only if you have a condition such as balanitis, paraphimosis, or phimosis when it's necessary or if you have a cultural/religious/cosmetic reason.

>> No.12567653

do the juuuz eatbthe 4skinz

>> No.12567717

Please watch
Eric Clopper's Sex and Circumcision: An American lovestory
Clopper is a saint

>> No.12567730

nah he's an autist psycho who lost his job, future, and all his lawsuits just to shitpost irl

>> No.12567736

>he's an autist
where in the world do you think you are right now?

>> No.12567739

Why the fuck would you want to mutilate your body and make your cockhead less healthy and more dry?

>> No.12567744

Kill him.

>> No.12567771

Why in hell do you want to get cut? You stated that you don´t have problems, so don´t mutilate yourself for nothing.

>> No.12567824

not having a foreskin is bad

>> No.12567848

>government seeks to dispossess their citizens as much as possible
wow who would have seen that one coming

>> No.12567855

>Is it bad that im 21 and still have foreskin
yes, nature is clearly wrong in engineering the male body; we can do better

>> No.12567862

This. Transhumanism is the future.

>> No.12567872
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>> No.12567890


>> No.12567955


>> No.12568649

Because if i release semen some portion can get stuck inside making my benis smell bad.

>> No.12569202
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Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jewsKill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jewsKill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jewsKill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jewsKill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews Kill all jews

>> No.12569209


>> No.12570824

>now you can fail penis inspection day
life imitates art

>> No.12570832

circumcision bad

>> No.12570944

imagine defending your jew masters' right to suck a baby's cock

>> No.12570965

>Censored Fact 1: Rabbis codified Circumcision in the Old Testament to Damage Their Children's Sexuality for Life and Permanently Brand them as a Member of their Baby-Cutting Religion
>Censored Fact 2: American Doctors Adopted Circumcision in the 19th Century to Damage Children's Sexuality and Impair their Ability to Masturbate
>Censored Fact 3: Circumcision Damages You for Life. The Foreskin is Important
>Censored Fact 4: The Complicit and Compromised Media Force Feeds the US Public The American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) Circumcision Recommendation, which is a Blatant Lie Unapologetically Motivated by Greed, Avoidance of Legal Liability, and the Baby-Mutilating Demands of the Jewish Covenant of Circumcision
>Censored Fact 5: Male and Female Circumcision are IDENTICAL Crimes


>> No.12571553

Just be patient. My foreskin didn't fall off until I was 25.

>> No.12571716

Is this bait?