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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12567684 No.12567684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unironic affirmative action shills, china shills, race realism denial... has this board been infiltrated?

>> No.12567688

Affirmative action is good to ensure that disadvantaged communities can get doctors and engineers who will work for them
I have issues with China
Race "realism" is a cope

>> No.12567690
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>Affirmative action is good to ensure that disadvantaged communities can get doctors and engineers who will work for them
>I have issues with China
>Race "realism" is a cope

>> No.12567694

the right has been fucking up pretty hard in high profile ways lately so its detractors are feeling braver than usual. give it a few weeks and you'll see the equilibrium shift back to your preferred deluge of shitty threads.

>> No.12567701

Yep. Thanks for reiterating my points OP. :)

>> No.12567778

Propaganda, cowardliness, and lack of faith.
Jesus was fully willing to go to the cross for the sake of his beliefs.
Don't send your children to school, they get brainwashed by their teachers.
Don't be intimidated by men with diplomas, they are just like trained animals.

>> No.12567780

This. And stay in a bunker with your guns and barrels of slop waiting and never brush your teeth or wash your hands.

>> No.12567827

>Race "realism" is a cope
How so?

>> No.12567864

Satire is one of the ways of left wingers to ridicule right wingers.
That or insults, since they have no arguments.

>> No.12567866

Affirmative action and China aren't scientifically wrong but race denial is. Whole of academia is infiltrated along with this board. Cowards, liars, morons everywhere.

>> No.12567869

This. The left can't make frog pictures and pictures of guys that drink onions therefore we are superior.

>> No.12567875

>to ensure that disadvantaged communities can get doctors and engineers who will work for them
What does this have to do with affirmative action?

>> No.12567908

Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.12567913

This. Leftists need to realize that satire is an inferior form of humor created by negroid and mongoloids.

>> No.12567918

>Don't send your children to school, they get brainwashed by their teachers.
>Don't be intimidated by men with diplomas, they are just like trained animals.
the absolute state of sci. bloody hell

>> No.12567926

dude what

>> No.12567927


>> No.12567932

>has this board been infiltrated?
yes by the way, how to get rid of all these midwits and trannies?

>> No.12567931

He's right
College degrees are a positional good in today's society

>> No.12567937

Yeah, this current world, led by intellectuals full of diplomas sure seems to be working well.

>> No.12567958

this stance is defensible, but please defend it somewhere other than /sci/

>> No.12567965

go out christcuck this is a science board
people like you are another type of cancer plaguing this board

>> No.12567972
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Unfortunately it's full of trannies, brownies and people who share their opinion on topics they know nothing about.
Not to mention f*moids, the niggers of the genders.

>> No.12567988

Isn't science about defying authority in order to find truth?
What the hell happened to this board?

>> No.12568012


What authority? When you propose a hypothesis it does not need to be an antithesis to some standing thesis.

>> No.12568019

No it isn't lol.
That's just anarchic antiauthoritarian thinking which teenagers go through when their parents don't let them go out past 10.
You clearly don't know what science is.
Rectify your epistemology

>> No.12568029

who fucking cares
this board is shit, there is no real intellectual/scientific discussion here outside of maybe /sqt/
literally who gives a fucking shit if it's race anti-realists or race realists, etc. the quality of discourse is shit regardless
you are literally getting upset over:
X group not posting science Y group not posting science
the reason this board has gone to shit is not all of the things you mentioned but because there is no fucking science here

>> No.12568031

>X group not posting science Y group not posting science
X group not posting science --> Y group not posting science

>> No.12568038

My hypothesis is simple.
Every smart person defy commonly established myths.
See Galileo or Ignaz Semmelweis as exemples.
They are often either insulted or sent to an asylum.
Turned out they were right all along.

>> No.12568041
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>Rectify your epistemology

>> No.12568045

You're argument is fallacious and historically inaccurate.
So not only is your epistemology weak, so is your historical background and skills at rhetoric.

>> No.12568048

his rhetoric isn't as bad as "you're" grammar

>> No.12568054

"That's weak" is no argument.
Not minding the majority and saying what you think is something every smart man does.

>> No.12568057

your hypothesis only looks at evidence to support it and not evidence against
a lot of scientists didn't really defy any commonly established myths
see Tesla and Marie Curie as "exemples".

>> No.12568058

Sorry I'm tired and ESL. Fuck off.
You have no argument to begin with. All I can tell you to do is review your epistemology, relearn the history of scientific development, and exemplify your epistemology through experimentation.

>> No.12568061

this isn't to say that some did, btw, but I don't think you can attribute that as the key "factor" of smart scientists since not all did

>> No.12568068

>this isn't to say that some did
*didn't, sorry

>> No.12568076

>Isn't science about defying authority in order to find truth?
science is about finding truth, period.

>> No.12568077

Every thesis is false (or incomplete if you prefer).
Every theory will become outdated sooner or later.
Not believing commonly held myths is hence necessary for every major discovery.

>> No.12568092

out of curiosity, when you formulated this stance, and later this argument, did you consider at all the people sent to asylims who turned out to be wrong, or the possibility of the existence of celebrated scientists that worked on flushing out existing ideas? what about any other data that might falsify your hypothesis? have you considered any?

>> No.12568105

>Every thesis is false (or incomplete if you prefer)
the hydrogen atom is less massive than an iron atom. this thesis is true and always will. your entire reasoning is retarded

>> No.12568112

The smartest people are often bellited or sent to asylum is not equal to saying that people in the asylum do not belong there.
Of course, people who are in an asylum are often ahead of others in intelligence, but that is irrelevant to the current discussion.

I am glad for all celebrated scientists who did not go to jail for their ideas, but obviously their discovery was not as major as those who were mistreated, since there was not as much criticism and controversy.

Unfortunately, it will be hard to show me I am wrong, since people who do not believe in the Holohoax(like Bobby Fischer) are considered insane.
My theory still holds true. Of course, my formulation may not be perfect, but what I say is true, and that is what matters.

>> No.12568115

There is a scientific consensus on the Earth's shape and size. Do you disagree with it to "challenge authority"?

>> No.12568117

The theory of the atoms will become debunked one day.
Reality is everchanging. In the future, most of our current science will become laughingstock.

>> No.12568130

you're generalizing and also stepping in the realm of religion. logic and fundamental truths of the universe don't change (unless the universe, that didn't change in the last 13 billions of years changes)

>> No.12568139

>The theory of the atoms will become debunked one day.
perfected, but never debunked

>> No.12568143

That's an incomplete affirmation.
Are you certain the Earth will always keep it's size and it's shape in the future; no matter what?
Are you certain our measuring tools are perfect?
The time will come, sooner or later, for such a consensus to vanish.

>> No.12568145

In the end, we all believe in what we want.
Thanks for giving me some of your time.

>> No.12568149

Please take your meds.

>> No.12568193

The best reply there is.

>> No.12568198

>Affirmative action is good to ensure that disadvantaged communities can get doctors and engineers who will work for them
being a nigger isn't math or science
>I have issues with China
cry more
>Race "realism" is a cope
science is cope
now fuck off back to /pol/ you nazi
just tell them to fuck off back to /pol/
just call them nazi nigger homo anus lickers.

>> No.12568208

It has been conquered by pleb soi cucks for a looong time. since alpha soi cucks ban then on plebbit.

>> No.12568358

If you want more truths, you should listen to the testimonies of those who had an out of body experience or near death experience.

Everything we believe and know is very little compared to everything there is.

>> No.12568396

based response