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12566917 No.12566917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How could you possibly support Trump, /sci/?

Pic related

>> No.12566924


>> No.12566941

>How could you possibly support Trump, /sci/?
Because he drained the swamp, he built a wall to stop all refugees and Hilary Clinton is now in prison. Also, there are now more jobs than ever.

>> No.12566945


>she can just marry

>is a thot

>> No.12566952

Ah yes, nothing false here

>> No.12566978


>> No.12567013


Indians are scammers, iq 85, nuff said.

>> No.12567075

this shit is even more pathetic than trump propaganda. simple as that

>> No.12567081

Why should I give a shit about some Iranian who's visa got denied exactly?

>> No.12567086

>Also, there are now more jobs than ever.
>Haha, a Chinese virus was leaked from a biolab that caused a global pandemic! Clearly this shows how ineffective Trump was as president!

Imagine my shock when it's revealed your IQ is sub 80.

>> No.12567089

stay in your own country mate

>> No.12567096

How is more jobs a bad thing?

>> No.12567113

I wonder what she looks like naked.

>> No.12567122

He built the wall to stop illegal immigrants, not refugees, refugees come through a port of entry after making an asylum claim dipshit.

>> No.12567126

He was being sarcastic now pointing to the dive our economy took after the pandemic, which before that we were seeing the greatest numbers of our lives with record-low unemployment.

>> No.12567131

So why is he disagreeing with me? I literally just listed all the good things Trump has done.

>> No.12567138

>border wall cut illegal immigration by half
>Drained state deparment when they tried to start a war with Syria and Iran
>Clinton friend Epstein finally in prison
>Greatest economic year in United States history in every metric

what you said is basically true

>> No.12567139

Boy you're one dedicated shitposter.

>> No.12567161

You probably get your news from (CNN) and (NYT).

>> No.12567163

You can quit pretending, you already gave away your agenda with the Hillary comment. By the way, how's Biden's agenda with China coming along? He bend over for them yet?

>> No.12567165

I get my news from Majority Report with Sam Seder and Daily Shoah

>> No.12567169

Name a single thing Trump promised that he didn't do. Pro-tip you can't.

>> No.12567173

Build an actual border wall (not a shitty fence) that Mexico would pay for and not bomb Syria lol

>> No.12567179

Name a single thing Obama did; protip you can't.

>> No.12567184

WRONG, he bombed hospitals and assassinated American citizens!


>> No.12567185

You're literally arguing on the same side as me, retard.
Oh, is that what (CNN) and (Buzzfeed) tell you?

>> No.12567192

>the false-flagger gets irrational when pointed out
>he recoils in fear and disgust

>> No.12567225

>Oh, is that what (CNN) and (Buzzfeed) tell you?
Yeah and Fox, Blaze, Breitbart, Daily Shoah, /pol/, etc
Trump is a Zionist cocksucker

>> No.12567227

>The seething SJW redditor can't accept that Trump is the greatest president since Andrew Johnson.

>> No.12567235

>He doesn't understand the concept of controlled opposition.
Trump is playing 5D chess blindfolded here, and he's a master. You could never understand what's really going on, because you're a retarded leftist.

>> No.12567238

He's also done more for Black people than anyone in history, aside of course from Abraham Lincoln; he freed thousands from prison, got millions of them jobs, and gave them the largest boost to their overall average wealth since the 50's.

>> No.12567250
File: 46 KB, 200x183, gimme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can make Iran, Switzerland or wherever else she wanders off to into better places. The United States isn't the only place on Earth to conduct research and she's not the only person on Earth doing this research. There's no reason why this particular person absolutely must come to this one particular country for there to be progress. This is simply foot stomping over not getting everything she wants at every moment in life. That she's so insistent that she needs to be let into the United States is more than a bit suspicious. Move on to other opportunities. If she's as good as she makes herself out to be, she should have tons of opportunities.

>> No.12567259

You're clearly not a scientist. Her data, research, contacts were all at BWH. She likely had projects planned, grants approved. Her work and livelihood is in the US.

>> No.12567372

why doesn't iran just ask the us to stop immigration restrictions on their country

>> No.12567429

You forgot to add "scientifically" you should take this thread to /pol/ instead

>> No.12567444

fake news, the iran ban was lifted 4 years ago

>> No.12567634

American hardliners strengthen support for Iranian hardliners. Iranian hardliners support socially conservative policies that help the Iranian birthrate. Frog faced feminist women like her do far more damage than trump ever could by lazily refusing to have children.

>> No.12567650

She is back in the US now.

And she loves Pepe:

>> No.12567652

Do you guys think she posts here?

>> No.12567668
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>> No.12567673

comfy, OP is a leftard tranny and forget the rules that of someone uses a pepe meme they are a nazi. Leftards are morons who would have ever thunk it

>> No.12567677

>non-white isn't allowed in America
>be upset


>> No.12567691

Gave nuclear secrets to Iran?

>> No.12567696

If Trump was a bad guy, how come he is so attacked by all the globalists and liberals?

>> No.12567796

Nothing of value was lost

>> No.12567814

None of that matters or refutes anything previously stated. It's still "BUT I WANT IT!!!"
The United States does exist for her convenience and if this causes her professional career to end, she's a moron for putting her eggs into someone else's basket. But go ahead and repeat again that the purpose of a country she isn't a citizen of is to cater to her desires.

>> No.12567816

She contributes more to science and to the United States than you currently do and ever will do.

>> No.12567833

The Trump administration was by far the worst in modern US history for politically-motivated appointments, suppression of publication of research, and attempts to cut funding for research.

It is in our best interest to keep this fucker and the GOP as far away from influence over funding and positions in scientific institutions as much as possible.

I don't like libs but they "Fucking Love Science" and we should want to take the money and independence they're largely ready to defend and fork up.

>> No.12567842

I never did.
Democracy is a sham. I unironically cheered for the Taliban in 2001 and considering what the West had become in the past two decades I feel no regret.

let it all burn

>> No.12567850

If you honestly believe this then you haven't been paying attention.
I recommend you read up on Lysenkoism.

>> No.12567856


What does that have to do with anything

>> No.12567859

Because It's the precendent

>> No.12567863

nice off-topic thread, but it belongs on >>>/pol/

>> No.12567874


What is your point?

>> No.12567987

Iranian scientists are a national threat to the USA, wherever they live. She's not swiss, she's iranian. Now shut the fuck up and go back to plebbit OP.

>> No.12567998

>kill or imprison all biologists that say race is real
aah another communist cultural revolution achievement... so poetic

>> No.12568000

no, it's about science, it belongs here

>> No.12568003

>it's about science
How is it about science?

>> No.12568010

are you actually retarded?
it is about scientists belonging to a certain nation (Iran, enemy nation of the USA and a theocracy) being allowed to freely move and potentially be a security threat, it's about the people who are part of the scientific world thus it is about science.

>> No.12568016

>How could you possibly support Trump
this is politics. it belongs on >>>/pol/

>> No.12568018

No, it's an excuse for you to make a political thread.
But you already knew this, didn't you, you dishonest sack of shit?

Say in your containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.12568022

yes this is the surface topic of this thread, but actually main the discussion is about the propaganda picture, and the right of scientists belonging to a certain nation to move freely.

>> No.12568027

it's not my thread, I'm not OP (a leftist)
another example: do you believe that chinese scientists should have unlimited access to US and European research?

>> No.12568032
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who's gonna tell OP?

>> No.12568034

>That she's so insistent that she needs to be let into the United States is more than a bit suspicious.
exactly, I agree on this

>> No.12568037

she probably doesn't even know what pepe's meaning is

>> No.12568049

she's pretty redpilled about genetics tho... she should renounce to her iranian citizenship if she doesn't support a theocratic regime.

>> No.12568055
File: 58 KB, 800x530, cope .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-she doesn't know what MAGA means!

>> No.12568063

as all women, she is statistically less likely to be interested in deep political analysis than men. so yes.

>> No.12568069

Pepe is the original person of colour and ambassador of peace.

>> No.12568072

This Pepe and Apu are frens to all ethnicities, creeds, genders, sexes, beliefs, ideologies, and more.
Be frenpilled :)

>> No.12568093

>all genders
All 2 of them?

>> No.12568095

Solid troll comment, but to be fair Trump at least tried to do those things and failed to by virtue of a bitter conflict with the establishment he wanted to disrupt. Compare that to Obama's failures to keep promises, where he went in pushing for an end to foreign wars and universal healthcare and left having personally nucleated several conflicts in the Middle East/Northern Africa and having mandated people purchase private health insurance.

>> No.12568109

three, we recognise attack helicopters

>> No.12568152

>deep political analysis
>talking about /pol/
Holy fuck

>> No.12568165

She should have checked the policies before quitting her day job on a shot to get to new york. It's all her own fault and she doesn't sound very smart based on this story. Trump did nothing wrong here.

>> No.12568173

Go back nazi

>> No.12568280

>If Stalin was a bad guy, how come he is so attacked by all the globalists and liberals?
>If John Wayne Gacy was a bad guy, how come he is so attacked by all the globalists and liberals?

>> No.12568286

N-Noam Chomsky?

>> No.12568299

There should be a law against white font on a black background.

>> No.12568582

>How could you possibly support Trump, /sci/?
i dont, but if i would, still dont give a fuck about the literal who females that might aswell not even exist

>> No.12568589
File: 199 KB, 360x360, me_in_your_moms_pov.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deeper than my cock in your moms anus last night, faggot.

>> No.12568625

>American citizens
nigga please. he killed terrorists and their families, big whoop

>> No.12568720

Go fuck yourself

>> No.12568733

Science is a past time anyway. She can still play doctors and nurses in her home country.

>> No.12568747
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>be in Cold War with known belligerent pariah nation for forty years
>share potential bioweapon information with one of their nationals

Are there genuinely people this naive?

>> No.12568766
File: 2.63 MB, 996x5137, asianwhite2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm massively retarded and politically illiterate
>the post

>> No.12568775

She's Iranian, they're closer to Arabs than Asians.

>> No.12568782

>implying politically and historically illiterate leftards know wtf Lysenkoism is
This is why history repeats itself because 99 percent of people just in a constant state of delusion and retardation while seeing themselves as informed and smart. It's all so tiresome bros