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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12565006 No.12565006 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone confirm this:
Signal was heard in late 2020 for the first time, and has apparently reappeared now.
Originally posted in /pol/, but the discussion soon revolved around xenocide, space jews and electrokinetic weaponry. It was as much fun as it sounds, but I was interested in more sober takes on the topic.
Also, general seti-thread.

>> No.12565008

>Originally posted in /pol/
stopped reading there

>> No.12565009
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>Originally posted in /pol/

>> No.12565015

>Getting your news from a blank twitter profile which hasn't posted anything in 6 months.

>> No.12565023
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, Truthrd443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most exciting thing to look for in radio astronomy is the LOFAR exoplanet aurora-borealis observations.

They were one of the theoretical arguments for making LOFAR as sensitive as it is.

During the last year observations were being carried out so successfully every news website was writing about them. They observed them a few years ago too, but now its becoming mainstream, because they are realizing it might be a new, effective way to detect exoplanets.

The way aurora excite electrons tells a lot about the planet including about its potential to support life.

As much as i want to believe alien radio signal, lets be honest. Theres a higher chance that Santa is real.

>> No.12565028

How is that even considered a source?

>> No.12565038

It's not, that's why I'm asking.
Even the paper on the last observation is not published yet.
Thanks, I'll take a read.

>> No.12565039
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You shouldn't be so negative.
Next time you'll take the covid vaccine without even asking yourself what terrible long term effects it could have.

>> No.12565042

do you eat bread without the crust?

>> No.12565056

Like, increasing my sperm count?

>> No.12565081

Btw, learned about it first on the event horizon podcast, that's why I was excited to hear about it again, even if the source is somewhat questionable.

>> No.12565088

>somewhat questionable

>> No.12565121

What if this is real?
I wonder what our place in the universe is if it is real. God sent his son down to Earth so we are something special. But how can we be special if he allowed other intelligent beings in the universe?

It can't be real, right?

>> No.12565129

there are literary a tausand radio stations listen to proxima all the time.
if there was signal we messure it.

if there was signal it would be there all the time,
so is the signal from earth to them

it's not far. 4.2 lightyears
it has no planets

>> No.12565130

It has planets and even if we hadn't detected any, we couldn't say it doesn't have them.

>> No.12565134

>It has planets
name 'em

also the starsystem would not allow for for orbits stable enought for the development of life

>> No.12565138

Proxima b and Proxima c

>> No.12565139


it is believed that basically every star system has planets

>> No.12565148

well you seem to be right on this one

>> No.12565294

I saw the other thread on /pol/, but it archived, so I came to /sci/ hoping to find anything more about the cool music coming from the apparent vicinity in our night sky of Proxima Centauri, and am happy to find this thread.

The signal may simply be some sort of "radar" used in bursts by the approaching vessel to know the positions of the bodies in our solar system, but it's just as likely communications (intended for us... or someone else nearby).

Where the fuck can I *listen* to the signal? (Link to websdr freq settings or w/e plz).

>> No.12565300

The paper on the signal is not out yet, but it had no "content" in it so it was pretty much static.

>> No.12565318
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Checked & Signalpilled; can't wait for more!

>> No.12565324

If radio astronomers actually had heard anything from Proxima last friday, we would've heard of it by now.

>> No.12565326

radio amateurs**

>> No.12565354

Which radio astronomers? Links?

A confirmation is a HUGE deal, so I call bullshit until proven wrong

>> No.12565363

The problem is the star itself, this type of red dwarf is believed to have massive, periodic flares that would strip away the atmosphere of any planet in its habitable zone pretty quickly.
It's not unusual for them to take time. Nothing is more emberrassing than rushing to publish your findings, and to find out two weeks later that your ET signal was actually a microwave oven in your cafeteria, or something like that.

>> No.12565369

The real scientists working on Breakthrough Listen or other organizations might take time, but OP's "source" claims that multiple astronomers picked up more signals last Friday.

>> No.12565422

OP here, that's the reason for making this thread, since I can't verify the source, thought maybe /sci/ might know more.
Yes, the signal would just be a long "beep", essentially. Not very exciting on it's own, but such narrow-band signals are unheard of from natural sources. (Even so, it could come from a natural source that we don't understand yet.)

>> No.12565445
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cant wait when you plebbitors will be eating yer words when its proven extraterrestrial

>> No.12565455

could be, source is still bullshit

>> No.12565519

Check the rest of that twitter profile.
It's more likely that an alien is hiding under my bed right now.

>> No.12565846
File: 688 KB, 707x707, QxXvk8S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude i fucking WISH there was an extraterrestrial signal.

But after you have been following radio astronomy for 10+ years and every single *new* signal is Aliens!Aliens!Aliens! you just stop believing.

Same as realizing that my dad is never coming home, it is never going to be aliens.

>> No.12566237
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even though young minds greatly lack of knowledge and wisdome, predominantly young scientists make breakthrough discoveries. now take a slow breath and deeply re-prosess it again.

we dont know, untill that, both outcomes are equal. lets wait the paper, should be soon in the month.