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File: 355 KB, 1200x800, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12565708 No.12565708 [Reply] [Original]

do ADHDtards really have to take this forever?
i've heard that 90% of people with ADHD just have some sort of nutritional deficit, either due to poor diet or some sort of genetic metabolism issue
why not just take nutritional supplements?

>> No.12565721 [DELETED] 

adhd isn't real

>> No.12565728

it kills your appetite

>> No.12565756

i've read this in academic papers as rationale for nutrient defect, but it makes no sense
>have ADHD symptoms
>take adderall
>appetite dies
>no longer taking in nutrients
>nutrient deficit causes ADHD-like symptoms
>writer of paper says nutrient deficit causes ADHD

>> No.12565921

they dont, they can just elope to great rift valley and become hunter gatherers

>> No.12566325

what about if they don't want to?

>> No.12566393

it's awesome!

>> No.12566475

yeah, for a while, but then you either become tolerant or it makes you go nuts
plus, i'm still retarded on 30 mg
i'd like something that fixes my retardation, and i think only a supplement could do that

>> No.12566588

i'm only on 10mg of rubifen.
one in the morning, one after lunch, depending on the sprint, could take another.
only do it in big software sprints now, not everyday like when I was younger doing concerta.
feel like an animal when i do rubifen, very concentrated, but yeah, basically a retarded zombie still

>> No.12566616

any long term solutions? magnesium supplements?

>> No.12566650

i take multivinamins, fish oil, garlic oil, magnesium,
but do they work?

>> No.12566937

are you sure you're not low on glucose? try some peach/apricot juice or glucose supplement.

>> No.12567021

Go to sleep on time
Eat iron
Don't watch porn and jack off
Stop eating fried and or processed foods
Lift weights
Wait until late 20s or early 30s when adhd clears away

>> No.12567032

I had ADHD. I took these for years. Now I don't. I have trouble reading now but for the most part I grew out of it. Basically, I have to read a sentence, do something else for a while, then read a sentence or two, etc.
I'm not a brainlet. I have an IQ of 142. ADHD is real.

>> No.12567274

Fish oil is a scam. There are NO studies that show its positive effects on the body. Look it up (and read the bottle, it even says)

>> No.12567570

>Wait until late 20s or early 30s when adhd clears away

>> No.12568744

Google adhd, it's essentially the prefrontal cortex growing at a slower pace compared to the rest of the brain, lag time on average by 5 to 7 years, some people grow out of it by late 30s, depends on the severity and if your brain became dependant on drugs, very important to practice discipline sleep well and meditate to increase prefrontal cortex thickness and connectivity during this time of late brain growth

>> No.12569583

I need to do my fucking homework

>> No.12569585

even when on adderall i feel intense brain fog
pls god save me

>> No.12570477

Alter your gut microbiome with a change in diet to less heavily processed foods and eat more natural stuff, especially oily fish (but not too much, maybe twice a week). Also eat pickled foods more and yoghurts and curd cheese, they do wonders for your gut. A healthy gut is a healthy brain and you'll notice your ADHD symptoms getting better.

>> No.12570481

can't i do an analysis of the microbes and fungi in my gut, check which ones are harmful, and eradicate them with medication?
for example, i think i might have candidia overgrowth due to a white patch on the back of my tongue, along with adhd symptoms
shouldn't i just take whatever kills candida?

>> No.12570541

I typed a big effort post but accidentally clicked away and lost it. So instead jsut take this video:
Don't take everything he says as gosbel, some of it he's talking shit but the ADHD part is good, give it a watch and make up your own mind.

Your candidia problems could just be normal bacteria growth from foods throughout the day. When you brush twice a day, make sure to brush your tongue well, as that's where most mouth bacteria is and one of the main causes of bad breath. And introduce pickled foods and dairy to your diet to help your gut biome. If you feel the gut analysis will help then go for it? But you can always affect your gut biome through diet. For example, if you only ate meat then the veg and sugar loving bacteria would struggle while protein and fat lovers would thrive. This is very oversimplified but the gut will respond to your diet. So keep it natural, less processed foods and keep it balanced.
Try a diet change and see what it does for you. Good luck.

>> No.12571662

I started taking adderall a week ago. I'm 24, I've been diagnosed twice now. The first time I was 100 percent sure ADHD was just some shit they made up to give little boys pills to sit still in class. Now, I'm just going to listen to my doc and take my pills everyday for a year. We'll see if there's a noticeable difference.

I don't feel like I'm speeded out, or hyper or anything like that. If anything I feel a bit more focused, a bit better at remembering things, and the procrastination is completely gone.

>> No.12571665

I love how the fucking /sci/ence board sounds like fucking Joe Rogan.

>> No.12571752

that will probably last a month or two, then the brain fog will set in and you will become retarded
it happened to me
pls help me get out of it someone pls

>> No.12571973

ADHD is like a spectrum. There is no fine line between having it and not. I had noticeable ADHD until it died down at the age of 16. You can overcome some of the symptoms of it through just growing up. ADHD should only be seen as a "mental disorder" if it's severe enough that you can't do things even if you desperately wanted to.

>> No.12571981

ADHD is a meme. They diagnose a child with ADHD because he would rather play outside on a sunny day than sit inside a grey classroom reading a book about Pythagoras. There would be no ADHD if teachers knew how to teach kinesthetically

>> No.12571982

>nutritional deficit, either due to poor diet or some sort of genetic metabolism issue
those are just americans, they don't eat vegetables and their kids don't read books

>> No.12572072

i read that thyroid issues could be misdiagnosed as adhd

>> No.12572077

what about adult adhd then

>> No.12572167

Another myth, Benjamin Franklin would have been diagnosed with it, pumped with Ritalin and never gone out to fly his kite in the rain

>> No.12573073

>i've heard that 90% of people with ADHD just have some sort of nutritional deficit
I've never heard of this and it might be true for people diagnosed with ADHD but real ADHD brain is structurally different than neurotypical brain. ADHD people are not lazy, they cannot see the future. I mean it in a literal sense. "I will lose my job, I will lose my house" in ADHD brain is realized in the same degree "I love you" is realized in a psychopath's brain. They know what losing the job means, they understand the consequences but can't really grasp it. Another way it expresses itself is that there is no roadblock to emotions. Say you are sitting at a table with your boss. If you are a neurotypical person, you may think "wow my boss is a piece of shit fuck this guy" but you don't say or do anything. If you have ADHD, there is a very high probability you will be confrontational with him and call him out on what you perceive as bullshit. ADHD brains are very immature in emotional control, but also very honest in a sense. ADHD person might rage at you in one minute and dance with you in the next.

Of course everything is on a spectrum so it's not all set in stone, however there are certain markers of ADHD brains. The downsides have their upsides, typically insane creativity or at least perceived creativity. Society just can't really put a value on it. Most creative people fail and are miserable. Most ADHD people fail and are miserable. It's hard to find a niche that pays your bills and it can become impossible to get up to go to work if that work is a meaningless rat race.

>> No.12573096

Here’s everything I take

Depakote (epilepsy)
Vitamin D3
Stress B Complex w/ Zinc
Fish oil
Adderall here and there

Is fish oil a meme? Should I add L-theanine? What changes would you make to this? Are there any interactions I should be aware of?

Also, anyone have experience with depakote?

>> No.12573106

Forgot to add Zyrtec

>> No.12573120
File: 267 KB, 1600x1600, tyvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12573151

Lmao I literally have epilepsy, am very allergic to dust/mold, and have been tested and confirmed for Vitamin D deficiency. I only take magnesium because it increases the bioavailability and absorption ability for Vitamin D. Addy I take to go autismo productive once in a blue moon. And fish oil I legit asked whether it was a meme. Most of these I need.

>> No.12573166

What the fuck.

>> No.12573316

i desperately want to read books and learn about physics, but i can't :(
i'm pretty sure minerals compete for absorption so take them at different times of day
also how much vitamin d do you take?
i had my levels measured in the middle of summer, and they were just barely above deficient
does that mean in winter it's safe to assume i am deficient?
should i take 5000 iu a day?
>2 grams of vitamin c
is that real?
good god

>> No.12573333

i just reread it
who is this tyvd retard?

>> No.12573415

Take Your Vitamins Daily. He was a common poster on /fit/ back in 2008-2010ish

People would take his advice and consume a shitload of vitamins. One guy actually died (probably)

>> No.12573445

jesus, that's fucked
what killed them?
probably not the b vitamins because those can be easily expelled
vitamin c is also expelled in urine, but taking GRAMS of it every day probably fucked him over
i'm suspicious with the rhodiola rosea, as herbal supplements are known to cause internal damage
is there anything i'm missing?

>> No.12573452

One guy added a massive dose of Vitamin K and suffered liver failure, that I know of.

Most likely taking a shitload of concentrated vitamins will result in damage to your kidneys/liver if you do it every single day

>> No.12573605

>2 grams of vitamin c
What's wrong about it?

>> No.12573611

>should i take 5000 iu a day?
4000 is a safe limit but always take it with fat. Eat a cheese or drink a milk or whatever.

>> No.12574283

>Attention deficit hyperactive disorder

>Counter acted by Stimulants

>> No.12576521

Shouldn't have lied to the Doc.

>> No.12576526

Because ADHD medication increase your dopamine. Most of the times when we eat, we're not actually hungry, we're just satisfying dopamine cravings.

>> No.12577543

but i really do have ADHD if it is real
if not then i have retardation but whatever

>> No.12577662

Why is ADHD only a thing in the U.S.? It looks like fake stuff
>You are retarded? It's ok, it's just ADHD
>You are violent? It's ok, it's just ADHD
>You can't listen for more than 2 minutes? It's ok, it's ADHD

>> No.12577681

yeah it's probably a mix of other random things but i don't care
i just want to be able to read books and not feel like i'm living in a cloud my whole life

>> No.12577699
File: 33 KB, 452x363, ead574b527b1138b39da7e30925f25b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have ADHD and the only time i needed the amphetamines was in school, not in driving not in my job not in day to day routine. i may have been diagnosed, but it always feels like I'm just getting bored than losing my concentration.
anyway read this
this is what people claim that the brains of people with our symptoms fail to produce, although i have not found a suitable study for this topic, maybe someone else here will help you with that

>> No.12577722

i take snris
i still feel like i have brain fog 24/7
what do?

>> No.12577749

i took ritalin 60 mg if I remember correctly, i would also branch it out sometimes for maximum effect and before sex.
go to your doctor and consult

>> No.12577775

i take 25 mg adderall
i feel awake, but still confused and foggy

>> No.12577825

i also practice in math 30 min a day, and i work in IT/system field so i need to solve problems and learn shit constantly.
maybe that will help you. just read a lot and learn new things everyday, eventually your brain will be able to withstand the fog.
If you're an obsessive type like me, take advantage of this

>> No.12578301

there is no rampant protestant work ethics outside of us.

>> No.12578316

i don't care about work or work ethic
i want to read books and not feel this strange feeling in my head like i am mentally slow

>> No.12578332

humans are not designed for reading books, they are designed for semi-continuous bipedal movement in the outdoors. go for a hike and u wont feel slow

>> No.12578342

this is actually very true and very depressing
why are we online?
why are we typing to eachother?
we should not be doing this
we should be hunting mammoth and forcing ourselves upon women

>> No.12580577

I think it is primarily associated with nutritional deficits in youth. Blacks have the highest adhd rates and look how poor they are. can't afford shit for food.

>> No.12581753

I read that ritalin and concerta can fuck up your ears and give you issues like tinnitus, is this true?

>> No.12581759

i'm not sure
i take adderall so i'm good, right? =\
i've taken stimulants for a year or two now and i don't think i have tinnitus, at least, not more than anyone else

>> No.12582886

Because they increase blood pressure it can happen. If you have tinnitus from blood pressure that's generally a bad sign.

>i take adderall so i'm good, right? =\
No. No human should be taking dextroamphetamine for years. You are at higher risk of cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

>> No.12582892

>If you have tinnitus from blood pressure that's generally a bad sign.
W-why? Is it reversible

>> No.12582924

Because your cardiovascular system is being damaged by it. Veins and heart are not built to work on high pressure for years. Tinnitus may or may not be reversed, but tinnitus is not what the focus should be on.

>> No.12582929

That makes sense, the more I learn about adhd meds the worse it seems to prescribe them to children

>> No.12583110

what the fuck are you talking about, there are several studies on omega-3 (DHA, EPA, LA)

>> No.12583113

Maybe. I think people mean well, it's just it is overprescribed and administered even in cases where ADHD is not seriously affecting the patient. Those who cannot function normally would perhaps say it's worth to trade 10, even 20 years for what they can do. Is medication warranted in mild cases though? I don't think so. It's like trying to cure creativity. Most creative people are absolutely miserable as there are very few jobs that really need creativity. In fact creativity is in 99% cases counterproductive for employers. I guess we are lucky creativity is very, very rare, much rarer than people think.

>> No.12583558

is there something similar to ritalin/adderall but safer that i can take to cram for the next 6-12 months while i go through an entire undergraduate curriculum? serious answers only please

>> No.12583574

It blows my mind that adderall supposedly calms people with add down. I just can’t believe that description of its effect when those people say that.

>> No.12583887

I was diagnosed with adhd at 18 when i went to my psych about how i always struggled to focus in class even though i knew i was just as smart as anyone else. got prescribed adderall 10mg XR and took it pretty consistently all through college, finished 4 years later with a physics bs and math minor, last day i took it was my last final for quantum.

that was about a year and a half ago now, I work in optics research and just have a cup of coffee every day in the mornings to get going for work. adhd meds are a helpful tool like almost all psych meds(excluding obv more severe situations) which should be used in conjunction with introspection and therapy to get to the real core of what’s going on with you. running has really helped me settle that itch in my mind and just eating better over the years really does a lot but i do not obsess over any of it like a lot of this thread.

not sure if this will be helpful to anyone, but i thought maybe my experience would have been helpful to hear about when i was a little younger.

>> No.12583890

yes and it's awesome

>> No.12584036

Ive been diagnosed with it, likely have severe ADHD. 54mg concerta has no benefits, only downsides like high blood pressure. I Was one test away from not graduating high school and flunked out of college. Get angry at people and quit jobs on the whim. I also have existential pain because I’ve wasted so much time and so many years doing nothing productive. Shit sucks.

>> No.12584189

does Adderall make your dick hard

>> No.12584207

Good question. How long do you have to take this stuff? Months? Years?
You constantly hear how bad amphetamines are and there are numerous bad side effects for the body and it is unhealthy and potentially very addictive. At the same time, I have the impression that there is no problem subscribing them to patients for years. Doesn't add up to me. What's the effective difference between just taking street amphetamine and professional drugs?

>> No.12584504

>Pharmacy grade amphetamine that is synthetically manufactured in a lab quality environment that also is required to pass rigorous standards set by the FDA which were established after a 5 year clinical trial
>Some high school dropout in his apartment who mixed together a couple boxes of sudafed and acetone and then sells it to junkies
Which would you prefer to take daily anon

>> No.12584518

Yes, but no studies on taking the fish oil capsules providing those health benefits. Something about how they're absorbed

>> No.12584584

Listen to us. You think nature knows you better than us? Calm down civilian. We will fix you.

>> No.12584591

My cook doesn't have lawyers to hide behind failures

>> No.12584594

Microdosing psychedelics.

>> No.12584601

Is papaya the fruit with the bitter black seeds? If that's the one, it was used to subside cravings when out of shards.

>> No.12584613

You know when your head is completely empty and you don't think about anything? You know that thing when you are focusing on something and don't think about your laundry or whatever? I don't. My head never stops talking. When I am doing something there are 3-4 parallel thought threads at all times. I don't know what it means to not think about anything. I don't know what silence means. Stimulants focus you on one thing. That turns off the chatter, brings in silence.

>> No.12584658

This anon is spot on.
Also, with everything going on my head I would get easily irritated when people in some way demanded my attention, such as talking to me while my mind was adrift. Not being able to get shit done also led to anger in some way, all this starts making dents in your mental health.
I've been taking elvanse, much better since. Those here talking as if it's nothing don't have a clue.

>> No.12584732

Perfectly described my ADHD. Non-stop intrusive thoughts but I can feel when my meds start working because "the voices" in my head go silent and shut up. It's actually hard to get used to if I haven't taken them in a while because I'm used to my internal monologue "talking and thinking" even if I stop speaking

>> No.12584762

I think ADHD is generally perceived as a big-pharma conspiracy to sell speed to lazy people, which is probably true with how over prescribed the meds are which just hurts people who actually need them even more. In reality ADHD is a developmental brain disorder that impairs executive functioning skills and people who don't have ADHD will never understand that you can't just "try harder". It's like telling a schizo to just realize their delusions aren't real or telling someone who is depressed to just cheer up. However I believe that even if you have one of these conditions you should still be held accountable for your actions, like a drunk driver who just killed someone would be held accountable even with their impaired brain, it's not an excuse it is something you have to overcome and plan for. The deniers are just idiots who don't realize other people can experience a different reality than them if the structure of their brain is different, however I can understand why they think it's fake when people with ADHD are just being bitches saying "Couldnt turn in my final project whoops adhd lol" when they really should be saying "I didn't plan enough to put myself in a scenario where my ADHD wouldn't hinder my success and it's my own fault for not knowing my own strengths and weaknesses and working around them"
t. ADHD-C who is fed up with people using ADHD as a cop out excuse which causes people to question the legitimacy of the condition

>> No.12584986

>head never stops talking
so with adderall you have no intrusive tougtht? No one?

>> No.12584992
File: 71 KB, 1878x509, How real is ADHD. How overblown is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12584993

>working because "the voices" in my head go silent and shut up
But this usually happens with SSRI too.. in fact they are prescribed for OCD which is a commorbid ADHD disorder... they help balancing with serotonin.. so how can you explain this?

>> No.12585026

Daily focus practice aka concentration meditation
Set aside minimum 15 minutes per day to sit your ass down and maintain concentration on one physical stimulus

>> No.12585028

>t. ADHD-C who is fed up with people using ADHD as a cop out excuse which causes people to question the legitimacy of the condition
On one hand you are explaining what it means to have ADHD and to be more understanding of how others might have different reality and on the other you are denying it. So which one is it? You can't have your cake and eat it too. ADHD is on a spectrum. Someone can have more severe form of ADHD than you and for that person it is literally impossible to "put himself in a scenario where his ADHD wouldn't hinder his success". I am not depressed, I am happy actually, and I have sometimes weeks when I can't even stand up from my bed. If the God descended before me and said "here is a paper you have to publish in the next 6 months and if you work on it every day for 3 hours you will make it, if you don't publish it I will blow up the planet" I would start working on it the day 59. I just can't. I know I have to, I know the consequences and I can't. Literally.

>> No.12585038

the day 179*

>> No.12585075

Yes, balanced died, excercise and discipline can kill ADHD...

Meth and similar can help focus, but is good for long run only if you adjust nutrition and replenish what it depletes.

But stimulants always makes you tired if you're without them, or if you are not replenishing your metabolism with necessary nutrients.

For stimulants, you need aminoacids, vitamines, potassium, natrium, NADH+, omega fatty acids...

It depletes those really quick and you need like 300% daily intake if you want to be on stimulants...

Stimulants mostly cause bad things, and like 0.1% of them only are used good.

>> No.12585112

>Stimulants mostly cause bad things, and like 0.1% of them only are used good.
How did you come to this number? If anything most addicts don't have problem with their addiction.

>> No.12585360

Using ADHD or any other illness as an excuse your entire life is pathetic, if you can't start a project before the last day you'd still fail even if you weren't depressed because something else would be "the thing that made you fail" since you're blaming a set of symptoms and not taking accountability of yourself. Millions of people have it worse than you or I that put in insane amounts of effort to overcome their hardships. I could not imagine how hard it would be to live as someone who was paraplegic, blind+deaf, severely disfigured, giving up their dreams to raise a disabled sibling, being beaten regularly by abusive parents, etc. My problems are that I struggle with motivation, starting things, and time management, so I have spent years finding ways to make myself more likely to get started with the help of medication, a psychologist, rigid schedules, white boards, sticky notes, lists, calendars, wearing a watch, setting an excessive amount of alarms, etc. Everyone has shit they have to overcome that makes life hard, but even if your brain structure is a little fucked you are the only person who can hold yourself accountable. Just like with a drunk driver, their brain is impaired but they are still at fault for their actions, there is no free pass. I still fail and procrastinate, but those tools help me be more likely to succeed and when I do fail I'm honest with myself and see what caused me to fail so I can plan around it for next time. If for example you're suicidally depressed that isn't a free pass to lash out and act like an asshole to your girlfriend, the proper thing is to break up with her because you're using the relationship as a form of escapism so you don't have to face your own problems or you have to be candid with her and take full responsibility and swear to yourself it will never happen again. Everyone goes through shit, are you just going to do nothing your entire life and make excuses instead of actually doing something about it?

>> No.12585371

i dont think so

>> No.12585383

Yes, ADHD is a genetic matter of dopamine receptors being inefficient.
/threading myself

>> No.12585393

Ignore the person you replied to they're talking out of their ass
>"Discipline can cure ADHD"
They don't seem to understand that ADHD is largely caused by the "discipline" part of your brain not functioning properly. Diet and exercise can help immensely but for people with severe ADHD it may not be enough. Not to mention that people with ADHD who take meds are ~300% less likely to turn into hard drug addicts later on in life compared to people with ADHD who don't take meds

>> No.12585440

Not sure because I don't have OCD and have never taken SSRI's, what I meant is that I have significantly less intrusive thoughts. When I take meds my head is "quite" in a sense that random unimportant thoughts are much less frequent and easier to ignore which means I don't get distracted as often if I need to write a paper or read 50 pages of a book, and instead I now have only my single train of thought focusing on what I'm doing. Normally one of the random ideas would be "loud" in the sense that it would be interesting enough for my train of thought to immediately temporarily derail and think about it until I realized what happened and then I'd try to get back on track before another handful of intrusive thoughts would pop into my head. I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly but I hope I have you better insight, I'm curious what exactly you're talking about

>> No.12585442

You are a fucking dumb cunt. I am taking accountability. I am taking responsibility. I am just saying it is impossible for me to step out of my bed sometimes. I also know billions have it worse and I am nothing but grateful for being a healthy white guy who was born in the Europe, and not in some shithole in Gaza, or to really bad parents. Being stuck in traffic is a gift for me and I mean it. So stop with the assumptions. I hold myself accountable, I never say it is not my fault. But the post I was reacting to and your post is literally:
>guys you have to understand different brains different realities
>well I don't have to understand different brains different realities because I can do it so it means you can too
You don't get it. You are the guy you are talking to to not be like you. Ironic.

Based on statistics, drug abuse is very common among people with ADHD. I was addicted to weed for years and now I am taking psilocybin mushrooms from time to time so I would be just another number in that statistic. Psychedelics helped me a lot. I started working out regularly and eating better and I am on a path to try other psychedelics. I would rather try mescaline, which also has dopaminergic activity, than amphetamines, because I know I would ruin my life with stimulants.

>> No.12585444

Also to add to this, people who take adderall are drug addicts. They just have clean and legal source. There is nothing wrong about being a drug addict.

>> No.12585511

You misunderstood the point I was making and I also have ADHD so I know what you're talking about. What I was saying is if you give it 100% willpower that may look like laying in bed for an hour before getting up, to a neurotypical they'd say you're "just being lazy and to get out of bed" but they don't understand that isn't possible, you're already giving it 100%. However you should know getting out of bed is hard so you should plan strategies around waking up like having an alarm on the other side of your room that's obnoxiously loud so you have to get up and walk across the room to turn it off, having meds next to your bed so you can take them when you wake up and be out of bed in 20-30 minutes once you start feeling them, purposely pour ice cold water from your nightstand on your face to get some adrenaline going, go to bed at a the same hour every night and waking up early with natural light, etc. If you start doing things like that and now you get out of bed 3/7 days on time (or even just earlier than normal) I'd say you were successful. It might not always work but you should be trying to set yourself up to have the highest percent chance of succeeding, and what matters is you're putting in the effort to improve yourself. The people I hate are the ones who I never see try to get better, they blame their illness and stagnate without trying anything else and their life stays shitty because of their victim mentality. You're the only person who can hold yourself accountable and make postive changes in your life, you know what little things will start adding up to make your life easier, so slowly integrate them into your routine one at a time and everything else in your life will start to become easier. What's the alternative, whine that getting out of bed isn't possible while you feel sorry for yourself? Become the person you want to be

>> No.12585532

>You misunderstood the point I was making and I also have ADHD so I know what you're talking about.
Just because you have ADHD too doesn't mean you understand me. We have the same diagnosis, but not the same intensity.
>The people I hate are the ones who I never see try to get better, they blame their illness and stagnate without trying anything else and their life stays shitty because of their victim mentality.
Self-pity is worse than ADHD, in fact it is perhaps one of the worst illnesses a man can have. I agree you should never stop pushing forward.

>> No.12585550

When I said I have ADHD I was referring to the points you made about procrastinating projects until the last day even if you're given 6 months and being unable to get out of bed, those are things neurotypicals usually cannot relate to. Plus don't be such a sperg I was trying to empathize with you because you got upset and started calling me a "dumb cunt" when I just didn't communicate my idea well enough. Smoke some more weed bro lol relax

>> No.12585611

>It's like telling a schizo to just realize their delusions aren't real or telling someone who is depressed to just cheer up.
that's what CBT is

>> No.12585682

>It's like telling a schizo to just realize their delusions aren't real
Fun fact: Almost every post that's anti-pharma on /sci/ is made by a schizo.

>> No.12586126

>Cock and ball torture (CBT) is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps people learn how to identify and change destructive or disturbing thought patterns that have a negative influence on behavior and emotions.

>> No.12586928

I still get them, but they don’t completely derail what I’m meant to be doing and I find it easy to get back to the task at hand

>> No.12586940

My elvanse 70mg fuck up my sleeping pattern, can another adhdtard give advice on how to fix this?

>> No.12587001

nigger the fish oil (fat) in your vitamin capsules are oxidized

>> No.12587180

yeah, that's a shit ton of vyvanse. try 20-30mg (open the capsule, pour half of it into water, stir, drink) at 10 am with a filling breakfast only on days when you're trying to get a lot done. 70 is way, way too much. 0 chance you're getting any sleep with that much in your system

>> No.12587288

The loss of nutriments happens when baby is in utero you fuck stick, not when the vegetable I out of the womb. It's not cause your dad didn't feed you enough, it's cause he didn't give your mom food either. Medretard out

>> No.12587317

retard schizo

>> No.12587327

>I'm curious what exactly you're talking about
It's pretty much what I have.. while I am focusing on a task I have on parallel a song playing or an intrusive tought

>> No.12587548

Thanks bro, I tried the 30’s to start and they just wore off quick but yeah 70’s are a bit much

>> No.12587723

>Daily focus practice aka concentration meditation
why should this help?

>> No.12587797

No, taking a stimulant several times daily is never a good idea

>> No.12587798

Brain fog?

If it doesn't help then why on earth are you taking an amphetamine

>> No.12587810

Haven't tried Adderall but I would wager that the latter would likely be far superior to a lot of non-racemic alternatives depending on the other substances introduced to the pill that is

>> No.12587823

Not recommending any medication for ADHD but Adderall would be a better option than alternatives with only d-amphetamine and a bunch of shitty additives

>> No.12588000

Bog standard homemade amphetamine works very well for focus increase though.

>> No.12588017

Wouldn't recommend either really but it would likely make you intoxicated isn't it what it does

>> No.12588020

>Why should practicing a skill make you better at it?
You're retarded.

>> No.12588026

>>Why should practicing a skill make you better at it?
no evidence tought

>> No.12588139

Not this guy but from my personal experience, I can say that it works as intended. Split 1g homemade amphetamine into 0.125g x 8. Focus for hours without undesired adverse reactions. That shit is a slippery slope though. Productivity boosts are insane and it is so easy to integrate into your daily life. Research with rats showed how 50% developed an addiction and 50% could control their dosage for their whole life. If you are weak-minded person with a tendency for addiction, you better not take it.

>> No.12588151

Just dont feel like recommending people to take stimulants on a daily basis really is such a good idea but then again that pretty much goes for caffeine as well

>> No.12588167
File: 215 KB, 754x1024, iodine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and autism and every other fucking thing

>> No.12588218

>far superior to a lot of non-racemic alternatives

>> No.12588251

I'm often amazed at how stupid /pol/ can be. 10 posts of pseudoscientific gibberish that boils down to fluoride bad, iodine good.

>> No.12588262

That's a good question maybe someone should find out why it is that way

>> No.12588288

Maybe, but you are taking toxic residues and septic material, and it's also overpriced.

>> No.12588313

yet you actually went and looked up nothing.
>ask how i know

>> No.12588336

its not even close to being about fluouride..
fucking bromide you colossal dipshit..
go and cite a paper where this is incorrect.
you fucking cant because its all real. not even speculation.. from verifiable and peer-reviewed sources..
fuck the nu-academy. you kids are dumb as shit.

for the record before they started screaming fluride is good for you they hid it from you..
"Dr. Marcus’ removal was purposefully orchestrated. After EPA attempts to destroy evidence to obstruct Dr. Marcus’ documentation of collusion and the EPA’s subsequent refusal to settle the case, Dr. Marcus prevailed on every count, being reinstated with full pay alongside compensatory damage awards and full attorney fees and costs.?
then this guy pointed out its links to cancer and it escaped gag order and they lost..
hence needing to spend 100million convincing you it's the best thing using the WHO..

not even conspiracy. fluoride is good unironically.. im just sayin dont go defending them too hard there..

>> No.12588376 [DELETED] 

not an argument. Also stop spamming this thread with a screenshot of a thread you made three years ago.

>> No.12588387

>no evidence that practicing a skill improves proficiency at that skill
You're retarded.

>> No.12588408

ADHD doesnt exist

>> No.12588474

>It's like telling a schizo to just realize their delusions aren't real or telling someone who is depressed to just cheer up.
>that's what CBT is

No, CBT for ADHD is about developing coping mechanisms, organisation techniques and other behaviours and habits that allow you to work around the problem.

>> No.12588528

How to cope with my ADHD if Adderall is not available in my third-world shithole?

>> No.12588657

There is plenty of evidence, use a search engine of your preference.

>> No.12588841

>do ADHDtards really have to take this forever?
We are having a massive flood of zero and single reply threads in /g/, /sci/, and /co/ so the sure conclusion is that someone *should* have taken their pills but decided not to. It is so intense that the regular appel shills are also flushed out like so much warm poo. Mods are apparently asleep.

>> No.12588851
File: 1.84 MB, 3840x2293, DSC05081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the bottle
I did. It states it is beneficial. No qualifiers other than don't take too much of it.
Like a large part of Norwegians I have used "tran" for decades. Life expectancy here in Norway is pretty good.

>> No.12590692

ADHD anons, I've got a motivation question. Let's say you have two tasks with similar time frames and levels of effort required. One is boring but important while the other is a creative hobby you love.
In general, how much does the necessity of the former drive you to get it done? Does your enjoyment of the latter alleviate your ability to start the task and stick with it? Or do you have an equal lack of motivation for both?

>> No.12591326

Start the fun one, give up at first hurdle.

Ignore the boring one and be anxious about it forever.

>> No.12591342

Is it safe to snort ritalin? I want to get shit done and the 20mg pills I've been taking orally only have a mild effect now.

I heard putting the pill in your ass also works, unironically, but im scared the body might absorb too much at once.

I just wanna make sure I'm not gonna die of a heart attack, I've never sniffed anything.

>> No.12591348

>I just wanna make sure I'm not gonna die of a heart attack

that sounds lovely at this point. there really isn't any downside for me.

>> No.12591351

It won't kill you but snorting shit is the first step to becoming a fuckin cracked out addict

>> No.12591355

>becoming a fuckin cracked out addict

that also sounds wonderful

>> No.12591356

Holy fuck shut up

>> No.12591358

Yeah only because you're a fuckin moron
Quit being an edgy faggot and man the fuck up

>> No.12591362


why don't you try and make me shut up? i just take it orally desu.

>> No.12591363

is it really that bad?

arent the vast majority of politicians and CEOs avid consumers of cocaine and manage to live well?

Surely it cant be that dangerous to snort a single crushed ritalin pill to see if it pays off?

>> No.12591368 [DELETED] 

i totally get why addicts do it though. spending every day checked out on heroin and/or meth sounds like a goddamned dream

>> No.12591373

i totally get why addicts do abuse drugs though. spending every day checked out on heroin and/or meth sounds like a goddamned dream. i am compelled to use it responsibly, however.

>> No.12591385


you'll get less out of it if you do. just take it by mouth.

>> No.12591400

> monkey noises

>> No.12591485

they do keep you going though. if i couldn't get my doctorate i'd jump off a bridge.

>> No.12591499

just take it with some booze to enhance the effect to a safer degree

>> No.12591535

Sometimes it makes my dick hard and really sensitive.

Sometimes it makes me really horny but my dick is a limp noodle.

It's a double edged sword.

>> No.12591566

Ironically I used to snort and then just went to oral for adderall. Snorting had the benefit of kicking into gear super fast which just made me think "its time to get shit done", but honestly was distracting in how hard it would come on and then didnt last as long. Oral is smoother but the downside is that you have to wait for it to kick in and you can get distracted in that time. Ive also been too scared to ever try putting it in my ass lmao.

>> No.12591934

Be happy we hook you up, neurotypical.

>> No.12592324

>arent the vast majority of politicians and CEOs avid consumers of cocaine and manage to live well?
Add to this lovely lot the people in the finance industry. It is a miracle the world has not collapsed yet.

>> No.12592614

Snorting adhd meds causes faster onset for an intense rush that can be very alluring
It also causes the duration of effect to be shorter
Enhanced rush on the come-up + less time till the comedown = a recipe for stim addiction
By the way, you watch too much TV - coke may be an occasional indulgence for a lot of successful people with the means but they're not railing lines all day every day

>> No.12592618

You don't know a single fucking thing about addiction to hard drugs and you should be very happy that you don't

>> No.12592693

>rear ending stuff
I hear stories about people soaking tampons in alcohol and inserting it where the sun never should shine. Apparently it works but hasn't exactly caught on. It is not so much that I wonder why that I instead wonder how people came up with this idea.

>> No.12592985

I'm starting to think that people with adhd are psychic sensitive due to having random obsessive thoughts with things and how often they hear small voices in their head

>> No.12593029

I'm starting to think you're an idiot

>> No.12593057


>> No.12593062

I find that you may still have intrusive thoughts but you are able to rationalize why you are having them and continue your train of thought.

>> No.12593067

I'm able to rationalize without drugs. My only problem is my memory recall is shit. And because of that I can't perform under pressure, exam situations scare me because no matter how I study, I always seem to forget when I get into a high pressure situation.

>> No.12593115

This sounds more like an anxiety issue which can also mimic symptoms of ADHD. The only way to really know for sure is with neuropsychological testing.

>> No.12593339

>I instead wonder how people came up with this idea.
suppositories are a thing you know

>> No.12593842

>Is it safe to snort ritalin?
The shorter time between dosing and effects the higher probability of rekting your life. Take it orally.

You are going to destroy your ass doing this.

>> No.12593886

>You are going to destroy your ass doing this.
I am not going to try this, believe me. Rather I boggle over the deranged thinking that made them do this. Personally I rarely drink anything stronger than tea.

>> No.12593990

So why did you stop?

>> No.12594074


>> No.12594938

That just sounds retarded using any drug without any reason for it, just using for the sake of using doesn't make any sense.

Guess it sounds like it makes sense in a way but so called stimulant addiction is pretty much bs if you ask me as it doesn't really give you any physical dependence worth mentioning and is way easier to stop than most things

>> No.12594946

Especially when referring to ADHD medication which is mainly d-amphetamine (other than Adderall) which is worthless from a euphoria standpoint more like negative euphoria if that's a thing

>> No.12595059

The reason for using drugs is to get high lol
Are you like legit autistic

>> No.12595119

>>have ADHD symptoms
>>take adderall
>>appetite dies
>>no longer taking in nutrients
don't people use marijuana to stimulate appetite. and coffee as a stim. natural drugs... adhd is meme coward disease. so obvious when so coward rappers brag about it as well

>> No.12595125

>Google adhd,
>impulsive behaviors
my prefrontal cortex was stroked out and I didn't have any of this. are ya certain people with this meme disorder aren't just genetic fuckups.

>> No.12595131

>some people grow out of it by late 30s,
or they get shot and killed before that for fucking around with someone's family

>very important to practice discipline sleep well and meditate
no. these individuals are put on earth to fuck around with other people .

>> No.12595141

>If you have ADHD, there is a very high probability you will be confrontational with him and call him out on what you perceive as bullshit.
this is what I was drving at when I posted
>or they get shot and killed before that for fucking around with someone's family

>> No.12595153

Not really, the reason would more likely be to perform better in certain situations, remove or inhibit things that makes stuff harder than it necessarily has to be when accounting for possible negative effects that is.
Although I guess I can see some merit for just tedium to make the time pass I guess except it being a stupid idea for obvious reasons and using anything in the hopes of forgetting doesn't really work unfortunately.
Using something for the sole reason of getting high instead of for some purpose where a side effect is getting high (euphoria?) doesn't really make that much sense isn't that a bit like burning a candle in both ends for no apparent reason..?

>> No.12595158

What if other people are basically just fucking around with them?

>> No.12595160

you mean like... poking a violent dog with a stick and then being surprised when it chases you?

>> No.12595180

>so with adderall you have no intrusive tougtht?
the one's I worked with. that criminal mind will just keep going.

>> No.12595182

>My only problem is my memory recall is shit. And because of that I can't perform under pressure, exam situations scare me because no matter how I study, I always seem to forget when I get into a high pressure situation.
the criminal mind just goes back into normal mode when around others

>> No.12595186

Not really more like it isn't surprising that it turns violent in time if someone keeps poking it other than that well pretty much I guess

>> No.12595190

You have no idea what you are talking about, do you have any idea how many people break the law or are criminals in different ways without being diagnosed with that.

>> No.12595201

>You have no idea what you are talking about, do you have any idea how many people break the law or are criminals in different ways without being diagnosed with that.
yet certain individuals certainly have a genetic predisposition for it. you can see it in their eyes. their brains are pattern matching machines. why i mentioned poking a violent dog with stick. can define a individual on how they react

>> No.12595202 [DELETED] 

>break the law or are criminals
I broke some madeuplaws and some coward blue suits locked me in a cage. I'm still a mother fucking soldier

>> No.12595214

>The loss of nutriments happens when baby is in utero you fuck stick, not when the vegetable I out of the womb. It's not cause your dad didn't feed you enough, it's cause he didn't give your mom food either.
pretty much this. woman are the gene filters. shouldn't allow cowards to reproduce

>> No.12595228

>d being unable to get out of bed,
isn't this a evolutionary disadvantage. if the zebra can't outrun the lion in the morning it gets eaten

>> No.12595238

>What I was saying is if you give it 100% willpower that may look like laying in bed for an hour before getting up, to a neurotypical they'd say you're "just being lazy and to get out of bed" but they don't understand that isn't possible, you're already giving it 100%. However you should know getting out of bed is hard so you should plan strategies around waking up like having an alarm on the other side of your room that's obnoxiously loud so you have to get up and walk across the room to turn it off, having meds next to your bed so you can take them when you wake up and be out of bed in 20-30 minutes once you start feeling them
thinking about my incarceration reading your post. which makes me think my theory on adhd being criminal mind disorder is accurate. like you're are literally built for jail. only leaving the cell to collect your meds...lol

>> No.12595244

it's cause they know they are built for jail. the successful ones are corrections officers at best

>> No.12595245

>The people I hate are the ones who I never see try to get better, they blame their illness and stagnate without trying anything else and their life stays shitty because of their victim mentality.
when i was incarcerated most of them were like this

>> No.12595249

>every single day
Nah, I took 40 supplements a day for a year and doctor said my liver and kidneys were perfect. I guess if you're young though you need to get your liver use to it, and not dump it all at once, like start with 5 supplements max. Though some people have just genetically weak livers. You could always just open the cap and sprinkle your supplements into some milk and take 1/20th to test it out on your liver, but it's mostly snake oil anyways so it's up to you if being 5% more fit or energetic is worth possible liver failure.

>> No.12595251

>drug abuse is very common among people with ADHD. I
drug abuse is common in jail as well

>> No.12595258

>I know the consequences and I can't. Literally.
the same way criminals know the consequences of crime and still commit crimes. scorpion and the frog. it's in their nature

>> No.12595265

>it's about social control, keep people profitable.
notice a pattern? we put prisoners in jail to work

>> No.12595271

>they cannot see the future. I mean it in a literal sense. "I will lose my job, I will lose my house"

>They know what losing the job means, they understand the consequences but can't really grasp it.
you'd be surprised how quickly they grasp the concept of police jailing them. they understand that very well

>> No.12595450

That's just hogwash and it all depends on what the laws would say at the moment as well doesn't it but it's nice of you to say that they are extremely intelligent.

No it just can't it would all depend on the surrounding circumstances not to mention the state of mind which very much have everything to do with food and overall health as well as life overall and poking someone with a stick for the sole purpose of making them become violent says a whole lot more of how sick and demented the person with the stick is not about the subject being poked repeatedly.

You can't just say a single word like it means something without any context why not offer anything worthwhile doing or something that actually means something or changes something for the better enough instead of seeing the steps and realizing it doesn't really change the present situation enough to a positive and if doing something that doesn't really matter last minute and still actually making it then what is the actual issue at hand in the first place?


Well self medication seems to be pretty common in order to more easily trick or force oneself into doing things one might not have bothered with otherwise yes probably in some sense.

Of course it is seeing as using drugs without a prescription is illegal more or less everywhere.

>> No.12595463

Doesn't really say much I mean are you talking about corrupt politicians selling out their country, people and coming generations, economic criminals screwing countries out of taxes, people in all manner of public office that takes bribes or "help" people they know and so on what do you mean by simply saying criminal it doesn't really say anything does it not to mention that I believe a lot of people would go out of their way to make sure they are actually not breaking what the law says no matter what industry or whatever we are talking about, are you talking about people downloading a game or movie perhaps?

>> No.12595470

what art is to us. crime is to them

all influence is a bad influence.

I understand all laws are madeup but they're some logic to the laws. like driving drunk is against the law cause you might accidentally crush someone with a 2ton hunk of aluminum

>> No.12595478

Also doesn't really make any sense whatsoever, what are you baseing this bs on.

Someone with such a diagnose can most definitely see the things you are mentioning and see things several steps ahead but might not just care or just go along with it just because they are curious to see what would happen or more like why because understanding what will come to be isn't satisfying without knowing the why but that answer is commonly just stupid or some petty squabble that isn't even close to proportionate so in a sense it doesn't make any sense as to ever care about why seeing as the answer tends to be disappointing and lackluster.

Honest well yes but miserable no I highly doubt it.

>> No.12595480

I would never support driving drunk so it's a shitty analogy to well anything

>> No.12595486

I meant like, crime is when your actions have an impact on another person's life. like if you throw rocks into traffic and it goes through a windshield and hits you in the face

>> No.12595493

No it's not a whole bunch of laws regard things as being illegal despite it only impacting and doesn't even account for when an action doesn't in any way impact someone else in the slightest if an inaction still wouldn't benefit them.

Not to mention that people can have a huge damaging impact on someones without it ever even being illegal so no your reasoning doesn't make the slightest sense whatsoever.

>> No.12597241

>My head never stops talking.
Is this a sign of ADHD?
>When I am doing something there are 3-4 parallel thought threads at all times. I
Same here, and a strong associative streak plus good memory gives my head a LOT to talk about.

>> No.12597908

just so you know >>12567021 is a /fit/poster

>> No.12598310

Whenever i take this shit i feel great for 3-4 hours then i have a terrible headache and feel like shit for the rest of the day, yall get this shit too?

>> No.12598491


melatonin suppresses dopamine production and makes you lazy, which would make sense since it puts you to sleep.

>> No.12599884

It's only beneficial to Norwegians because it has dietary vitamin D which counteracts the deficiency they would have because of low winter sunlight without it, which is enough of a benefit to outweigh the inflammatory effects that are still present

>> No.12600151
File: 229 KB, 1666x874, Salt and Iodine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct. Being antsy or restless can be taken as a sign that your body is deficient in thyroid hormone which causes a lower metabolic rate than your body requires to maintain homeostasis, which causes hyperactivity in order to seek out nutrition to increase thyroid. Your thyroid is basically a secondary brain. Get lugol's Iodine and remove fluoride from your water as it is an iodine antagonist. Headaches can be a sign of deficiency especially in dehydration but also when deficient in certain minerals. Same for chronic anxiety. These signs and symptoms are not just pains for no reason, usually it is your body telling you something is wrong and it is trying to upset your normal routine to get you to seek out nutrition in a novel way

>> No.12600153
File: 71 KB, 750x528, adderall ritalin adhd add school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12600185
File: 209 KB, 800x1013, food-borne-minerals mineral-defiency-deseases-e1486670460717 combined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Ray Peat

>> No.12600206

hexafluorosilicic acid bad iodine good yes

>> No.12600208

>its not even close to being about fluouride..
>fucking bromide you colossal dipshit..
it literally talks about bromide in the pic hexafluorosilicic acid is badfluoride is bad

>> No.12600281

It is almost like WWII had zero impact.

>> No.12601247

I would say try microdosing

>> No.12602895

sure it did. The same forces of capitalism that dictated a need to protect profitable industries from fascist expansionism dictated that more profit on food production needed to be accomplished through automation and industrialization of farming. WWI didn't work so WWII had to finish it off

>> No.12603338
File: 71 KB, 597x684, 000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so wat ya guys think of my theory that people with these symptoms are mentally built for incarceration. kinda harsh but even skimming through pic related... I'm like ya most dudes in jail are like this. eek.

>> No.12603360 [DELETED] 


ineffective. in my experience more mg's more better as long as you can get an okay sleep at the end of the day.

>> No.12603465


This is a racist Caucasophobic meme. You never see them giving the meds to orcs and they can never sit still and they always cause problems in the classroom

>> No.12603479

100% this but add in the racial factor. They never give orcs adhd. And people wonder why they act more aggressive in school

>> No.12603592 [DELETED] 

that's a corrections officer being nice, fuck with them good and proper and they will call the blue suits on you and use the system to have you locked in a cage

>> No.12603593

They cant give meds(meth) to orcs because when you give orcs meth they're able to climb buildings and take 20 bullets before succumbing to their wounds

>> No.12603902

The assertion made in this post is disingenuous about how it got there in that context. The heart didn’t have BP in mind when it decided to exist, it simply “rose the meet the needs” of homeostatic dynamics. Sure, you can say a heart was not built to work on high pressure for years, but let’s recall this anon was probably taking low enough doses to elicit the desired mental affect while NOT eliciting a racing or severely inotropic cardiac effect. You’re scaring him with your slippery slopes.

>> No.12603924


Just to be clear

Adhd is not real
Serotonin "imbalance" depression isn't real (or exceedingly rare)
Bpd is from child abuse and trauma
Autism is a bit overdiagnosed but still real
And bipolar is real

>> No.12605252

>Just to be clear
This is /sci/ so I am not alone in expecting sources rather than rhetoric.

>> No.12607001

it does. ive gained weight since going off of it. after covid happened i no longer have to control my power levels since im at home

>> No.12608194

Sommer weed hverdag for 6 years, kept my ADHD in check enough to work and function normally in my day to day life. Though after losing my job I ended up trying lots of drugs and eventually becomming an alcoholic in the process. Amphetamines were something I didnt even want to try, but after starting to try to turn my life around I was prescribed lisdexamphetamine(first 30 mg, then up to 50 mg, 50mg is equvialent of 15 mg amphetamine released over 14 ish hours) and it made it insanely easy to stop drinking and abusing other kinds of drugs. Back in work again and life is looking better than ever.

Just wanted to share my 2cents of amphetamines and how I've changed my opinion on them.

>> No.12608205

Sorry no clue, only on 50mg but they fixed the sleep issues I had for years, sleep like a baby now and can actually fall asleep fast when going to bed now

>> No.12608237

Thats what I get for writing on an tablet with autocorrect...

First sentence is supposed to be "Smoked weed everyday for 6 years,"

>> No.12608256

Edging on adderall is fun until you have to baby your beaten meat later from too much friction

>> No.12608270

What nutritional supplements fix it, and what studies support it?
A friend of mine is worried she has ADHD, and symptoms fit, but she's also worried that taking stimulants could lead not to addiction, but getting used to the effects. She's worried she'll just keep having to increase the dosage forever in order to function properly or something.

Does Strattera work.

>> No.12608890

Therapeutic dosages don't really build up that much tolerance. And you can take tolerance breaks once a year or so.

>> No.12609458

bro science trash with no sources.
Why is /sci/ filled with these supplement hucksters?

>> No.12609700
File: 109 KB, 524x380, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is strattera any good vs the usual stimulants?

>> No.12609942

Strattera's entire purpose is to be an ADHD treatment not prone to abuse, and for helping kids (or adults) who are worried about traditional remedies because they are heavier stimulants.

If it works for you, great. If not, that's not surprising since stimulants have a better track record for efficacy.

>> No.12610011

why did stratera get developed as a non abusable medicine? was it on purpose or just something discovered by accident?

>> No.12610022

I don't know the history of the drug, nor do I care, but my guess is some company was working on a new type of anti-depressant. The only notable anti-depressant on the market with norepherine-dopaminergic properties was Wellbutrin I think, so they probably saw an in that way.
Entirely speculation on something that's easily googleable though.

>> No.12610571


>> No.12611420

were you that bad before you started medication or do you feel that the symptoms are worse now that you're off them?

t. got diagnosed just today

>> No.12611465

one time before I got diagnosed my stupid ass scored 30 pills of Dexedrine XR with the orange beads on the inside. i used to crush those little shits up with a spoon, cut the powder into creamsicle-coloured lines, and snort it like coke. at first I thought this was extremely effective and the coolest thing ever because it had a pleasant orangey tasting drip. but I started using my head and realized that I don't know what the fuck kinds of shitty fillers they have in those beads, tearing up my sinuses. I bet a lot of the actual drug content was being wasted as well. I can't believe I used to be so trashy.

>> No.12611478

yup, you're autistic

>> No.12611710

remember someone saying if people in their 40s have a child there's a higher likelihood of the offfspring having autism symptoms compared to a person in their early 20s reproducing.

>Adhd is not real
wat ya think of my theory that people with adhd symptoms are mentally built for incarceration haha

>> No.12612728

i have yet to do something illegal. i dont do illegal things cuz it's wrong.

>> No.12612758

Adderall promotes rapid aging

>> No.12612762

How to repair short term memory loss from long term marijuana use?

>> No.12612763

worth it desu

>> No.12612783

Adderall doesn't do shit for me
It just tricks you into thinking you're doing stuff but you're just as unproductive

>> No.12612786

Generic vs. Brand is dumb as fuck. Horrible side effects with generic and brand is 1k cash per month. Generic doesn't work at all. Neither do after few years of use.

>> No.12612799

sounds like a (you) problem niggas git gud

>> No.12612838
File: 210 KB, 593x635, 1609730707388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havd untreated ADHD since childhood
>brains going into 10000 directions per minute deconstructing everything that happens in my 10m radius, while engaging in conversations and reading their mimick, etc.

>play soccer where I breathe my lungs out and have no problem concentrating
>brains suddenly calm and my semeanor focused/peaceful

As I grow older I realized I have to physically exhaust myself to calm my mental state down, but it gets worse and worse year by year. There was a month I was running 20km+ per day to keep my mind in relative peace and feel grounded.

the fuck I do bros, my mental state is forcing me to run 30km+/day in next 2 years, just to stay sane

I have to redirect that ADHD insane energy into somethinf else that will keep me peaceful

maybe drawing for 3 hours straight might exhaust me the same

>> No.12612844

Because I think that it's not the best of ideas to take drugs for no apparent reason seeing as everything have negative side-effects not saying that I don't understand that people like taking things for the way it makes them feel

>> No.12612856

what was your first clue that he couldn't get through a comment without saying something about lifting? I swear these fucking faggots are as intolerable as being locked in a room with a vegan.

>> No.12612858

m8 ADHD isn't something you get well from.

>> No.12612861

Why not medicate? It helps me immensely, but then again physical exercise never helped me any, so I obviously have it different than you.

>> No.12612871

I was told by the Clinical Psychologist who diagnosed me as ASD, that she thought I had ADHD as well. Don't recall the doctor she wanted me to see.
Think it's time I go and see them.
Thanks for your post.

>> No.12612873

I'd rather run 100km per day than eat pills.

>> No.12612874

What's an alternative for Adderall if it's not allowed in my country? It's not allowed since I recalled it's pretty similar to meth (I think?).

>> No.12612881

I use ritalin. Never tried adderall though so can't compare. Ritalin works great for me

Do you percieve me as weak for relying on medicine?

>> No.12612897

Maybe a different brand would make a difference? Talk to your doctor?

I've noticed one brand of a med I take was making me angry, changed to another brand and it's fine. Different brands do different things even though we think they're the same thing.

>> No.12612901

>Do you percieve me as weak for relying on medicine?
"LOL why don't you drink bro? Do you think you're better than me or something? Do you have a problem with me drinking?!"

Almost all drugs are a hard kick to the brain.

>> No.12612903

No. You shouldn't be forcing yourselves upon any women at all. Not under any circumstances.

>> No.12612922

no, I used ritalin for fun before, but after a month or two I told myself this is my battle that I'm going to do on my own.

do whatever suits you, people are different

>> No.12612926

Grateful for this thread.
What you've said & the person before, is exactly where I'm at. It drives me absolutely fucking insane. I end up punching myself in the head sometimes just trying to shut it up. So glad to come across this thread.

>> No.12612945

Thankyou for this post.

>> No.12612958

Good for you that you've been able to overcome.
That's not the part everyone is able to take.
Please quit your relentless judgmental comments.
Not everyone has the same abilities as another.

>> No.12612971

You ever heard the story of the guy who refused help during the flood claiming god would save him? What exactly are you trying to prove to yourself here?

>> No.12612976

I'm not trying to prove anything, but I know I'm capable of functioning normally when I put my shit together and am disciplined.

>> No.12612994

Agreed this is what it's like

>> No.12613011

The meth addiction isn't good. Been there. Psychosis, stabbed someone I cared about after being up for 5-7 days straight. Unable to contain emotion at all, seeing things demonic spirit things in my curtains, carpet and walls coming to take my soul away. Used to watch them and tell them i could see them so don't try any tricky stuff. ran at a wall at a spirit i saw there in defiance of fear. stabbed the eyes out of another one i saw on another wall. didn't know what was real anymore. it's not fun. it also didn't help my mental conditions. it's a completely different drug to regular speed. Completely different. Not fun at all.

>> No.12613018


>> No.12613026

stuff putting something so drying and toxic insurance a vagina. Sounds like garbage to me.

>> No.12613039

You have a condition that directly impacts your ability to be disciplined and pulling your shit together.

Even with medication it takes me a lot more effort to keep good habits, exercising etc, but at least they make it possible. Sorry if I sound like I think I'm totally in your head, I know I'm not, it's just that I hate this condition so much, and I've suffered under it a lot. Do me a favor and just double check your reasoning against medicine for biases, and I'll try to be less patronizing.

>> No.12613057

I've been up for 3 days max on adderall, I don't know if it's strong enough to keep you up more than that. After three days your blood pressure is super high and your fingers and feet get all red, it just feels unhealthy, your body feels sickly. One day of sleep deprivation will not kill my mathematical ability, but destroys all of my ability to compose written paragraphs and sentences. You see insects for the first bit of no-sleep, like flies in your vision. The one shadow person that appeared next to me scared me shitless and I forced myself into bed. You can kind of see shapes in the dark, which is trippy, but the shadow people are LITERALLY THERE, like a real physical person, humanoid and shit. I let them sneak into my periphery. Fucking hell.

>> No.12613076

fuck you and your prison bullshit.
ADHD doesn't equate to being a prisoner, criminal or likelihood of either. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.12613091

Fuck off idiot

>> No.12613105

You don't know what you're talking about. Kindly stfu

>> No.12613150

>Adderall promotes rapid aging

>> No.12613162

Ritalin made me grow the fuck up and get a job, maybe that's what he means?

>> No.12613167

so it is true, its a mind control pill to make you a cog in the machine

>> No.12613479

This. Adhd is made-up bs illness to make losers seem special

>> No.12613526

i guess we're just super good at catching these people the "only" time they've ever done it. highly coincidental and strangely concentrated in particular geographies.. almost like people move to escape it..

>"i just tried it once" excuse works in court because you don't need to prove more than one charge. everyone knows it's a lie, but what will an investigation benefit except for more functional junkies, with junky mentalities.

>base nigga, im in rehab

>> No.12613560

We gotta keep working through it bro, other people don't understand our challenges and you need to continue searching for strategies to reduce your issues regardless of the world around you and how they operate (i.e for non-ADHD brains).

That line about existential pain from wasted time hurt bad. That's exactly what I feel. Took me 7 years to finish a 4-year bachelors degree because of how bad my brain fog became. Still struggling through it.

>> No.12614083

what has helped me the most with ADHD is training. i do weightlifting, jogging, swimming during summer, skiing in winter, boxing all year round if it werent for corona. i do not have a car so i just use my bicyle.
sure i'm still dysfunctional but im functional enough which is what matters, trying to compare oneself to neurotypicals is just a waste of energy, you are you.

>> No.12614161

This, 100% this, ever since I took it, my fat ass went from 340 pounds down to 280, and I am very happy this is helping me control my appetite, the days I don't take medication, which is usually the weekends, its the worst two days for my fat ass, because I have constant craving of either ramen noodles, or tortilla chips/salsa.

Well, I can agree with this, but the tolerant is only temporary, like I mentioned above the weekends are my no medication days, SOMETIMES on Friday since I don't have work, but I tend to still take it on Fridays so im my fatass isn't eating all day while at my computer.

>> No.12614278

Hey fellow ADHDanon, I just wanted to ask you if you feel that on average you write lengthy posts (be it on this website or other social media where long comments are possible), due to not properly remembering "how long" you've been writing for or being able to hold the content of the entire post in your mind at once? I'm asking because I tend to write really long comments too, and chalk it up to my ADHD and the time-blindness + working-memory deficits it gives me. Just curious if other people in this thread relate to the behaviors produced by these weaknesses.

>> No.12614299

how do you stop writing novels on adderall
adderall really fucks up your body

>> No.12614346

Anyone else here unmedicated with ADHD, and struggle with such issues as an unrelenting brain fog that feels like you're sleepwalking and barely registering anything happening, time-blindness, working-memory deficits and an incessant mental radio which always thwarts your attention from what you are currently engaged in? What strategies have worked for you, besides pharmaceuticals? I stopped medications in the past because of how severe the side effects can be and that they can overpower whatever benefits the medicine offered.

These problems have plagued me since my teenage years and it often feels like I'm alone in this battle, especially when the ADHD resources I read into mention positive dimensions like "hyperfocus" and "high energy" that are alien to my experience with ADHD. I am currently reading through books online involving ADHD strategies, ranging from organizational systems to a change in diet, and have also signed up for a 10-week course being held by a local university's psychology department designed for people of ADHD backgrounds to improve their ability to concentrate, set goals and reach them. I'm really hoping some benefit comes from these avenues. If it wasn't for my parents assistance, I probably wouldn't even be alive due to how disorganized and disconnected my mind is, and the immense dysfunction I've faced in basic adult functioning thus far. If I'm going to someday be independent, these issues need to be severely reduced and I only have a finite amount of time to figure out how to achieve that.

>> No.12614745

>>2614346 me and my gf have adhd, no nutritional deficiencies and im considering getting meds, maybe her too. Normal people just fucking sit down and work or study, it's insane to me. Use witamin D if u dont already. Energy drinks and coffee calms me down and helps concentrate, she drinks matcha instead of coffee. Writing down things when u remember them, a clean home, not spending so much time online or on ur phone, organizing time as much as u can helps a lot. Break tasks up in your mind for example: i need to do laundry -> i have to get up, go to bedroom to get clothes and pillowcases, go to kittchen to get kitchen towels, go to bathroom, put it in the washing machine and turn it on. Do not consider it complete in ur mind untill u have let it out to dry. stuff like this