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File: 43 KB, 1024x682, circumussision-301811582710306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12558322 No.12558322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Professor Brian J Morris of the University of Sydney states circumcision should be legally compulsory, in the same way that vaccination is required to attend public school.


Thoughts /sci/?

>> No.12558339

Less likely to be a faggot, so yes.

>> No.12558356

Circumcision should be banned there is literally no reason to mutilate a child.

Its like someone having all their teeth removed because they can't be bothered to brush / their parents didn't want to talk to them about dental care. Then going on to tell everyone that it looks better and that eating just mush is just as good as eating regular food.

>> No.12558373

Morris is obviously an evil piece of shit. Why is this worth discussing?

>> No.12558377

>there is literally no reason
There are plenty of reasons. For starters, less likely to be precociously sexual, ergo decreased risk of homosexuality. It's also much more hygienic.

>> No.12558380

>in the same way that vaccination
False analogy.
Try mandatory tongue cutting. It will save MILLIONS from mouth cancer.

>> No.12558382

Fuck off Kellogg

>> No.12558385

>Circumcision must be done to prevent AIDS
This guy is just a retarded faggot, this thread is retarded bait and OP should kill himself.
Have a nice day guys and dont waste your time debating this kike propaganda.

>> No.12558391

>For starters, less likely to be precociously sexual, ergo decreased risk of homosexuality.
There is no research to support this bullshit.
>It's also much more hygienic.
Just wash your fucking dick you retard

>> No.12558399

>False analogy.
I think it's apt. Both are medical interventions of dubious efficacy in their purported function. However if they are safe and effective, those who refuse to act in the collective good will rightfully be seen as parasites who don't pull their weight. Or do you think it's just fine to give someone HIV, HPV, cervical cancer, etc?

>> No.12558403

The guy is based and presents a number of arguments.

>> No.12558415

Aids is an infectious disease. Having no foreskin doesnt decrease the likelyhood of an infection you dumb retard.

>> No.12558426
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Clamped and omnicircumpilled.

>> No.12558428

It actually does reduce the risk. But is it worth to mutilate billions of dicks to stop HIV?
Condoms and test, trace, treat have slowed the HIV epidemic considerably. There is no need to mutilate people.

>> No.12558430

Well, your posts are cancer. Guess who will cry out their mama if they're banned for the greater good of the board?

>> No.12558432


Wait till you hear what feminist orgs like UNWomen and the Marie Stopes foundation having been doing in Africa...

>> No.12558441

>feminist orgs
I can only imagine I'll be thoroughly unsurprised, but nonetheless disappointed.

>> No.12558451

Defending circumcision is the Stockholm syndrome of mutilated men and their orgasm deprived wives.

>> No.12558461

based and foreskinpilled.

Right. Wear a fucking rubber. Its so simple. Take responsibility for yourself.

>> No.12558471

around the time i turned 13 one of the reasons i became chronically depressed was being circumcised. i still feel like less of a human being because of it.

>> No.12558472

>cut off a healthy body part because it can get dirty
Hands get dirty if you don't wash them. Should we lop those off, too?

>> No.12558476

I'm not a jew.
>t. jew

If you think you know better than evolution then you're wrong.

>> No.12558490

If you have a lot of inner foreskin (mucosa) remaining it may be worthwhile trying to restore. Not trying to give unsoliticited advice like a prick here, but otherwise moisturizer can improve sensitivity. Try using frankincense essential oil (in jojoba oil) or something like sliquid for lube to break down the keratin, improve skin health, and counteract any irritation of the mucosa.

>> No.12558498

a better argument is ears IMO. back of the ears get dirty very fast even if you're a clean person. the function of the ear isn't eliminated by cutting it off. and it is little more "just a bit of skin" than foreskin is. anime fags will probably even say the "it's better aesthetically" line about earless babes too.
cutfags won't cut off their ears though, their stockholm syndrome isn't enough to make them directly forego their self preservation instinct

>> No.12558507

wow anon, thanks. i will try that. i never heard that advice before, by the time i can see if i get results this thread will be dead so bless you in advance

>> No.12558509

Hence why it has to be done *to* someone at birth. Barring cases of extreme cultural coercion, no man would want to have his penis messed with later in life.

>> No.12558549

Welcome. To clarify about the jojoba oil part though in case you don't know, essential oils generally should not be applied directly. Instead you mix a few drops in a carrier oil (like jojoba, shea, coconut, sunflower, etc). Some come premixed, but otherwise it's just a matter of mixing, a water based lube can work as well (eg the "warming" lubes out there often use peppermint of cinnamon oil).

>> No.12558590

oh okay, i see, thanks again.

>> No.12558615

Americans are so retarded and evil I have no words. What in the actual fuck makes you do something so stupid and sinister to your own child?

>> No.12558632


One of the most pointless and evil practices in existence. It's purely for money making in the US.


>> No.12558637

>>Circumcision must be done to prevent AIDS
I prefer to prevent aids by not fucking AIDs riddled homosexuals, rather than self mutilation

>> No.12558648

keep in mind the "circumcision = less HIV" is a raw statistic from... UGANDA and was only a few percentage points anyway

>> No.12558662

lmao that sure sounds credible as hell

>> No.12558667

Do you get ear wax? Fix it today but drilling out your fucking ears

Fungal nail infection? Chop that toe right off!

Plaque? Let me kick your fucking teeth out.

>> No.12558668

Even if it is true it reduces AIDS, how many infants do you know that have a lot of unprotected sex?

>> No.12558670

See right panel.

It's always all the same shit with these people, time and time again.

>> No.12558685

the ones in uganda that that dumb fucking statistic was taken from, because their 40% HIV+ population is so retarded and subhuman they literally think raping babies cures AIDS. they think raping babies cures AIDS. i'm not making this up.

>> No.12558756


I think you need to be banned from ever having children.

>> No.12558781

Go back to pol incel. Its like you fucking inbred poltards have an innate aversion to anything scientists and medical professionals know is good for our health and hygeine.

>> No.12558807

There is far more science pointing to infant circumcision being a net harm then good, or neutral at the very best. Also the Hippocractic oath is often summed up as 'First, do no harm'; and I think that cutting off healthy flesh as a 'preventative measure' counts as harm, especially when the chances of the problem it solves arising are around 1%, and even then can be combated by other, less invasive means when they arise a decade or more later in the patient's life.

>> No.12558848

yea, its whack stuff

>> No.12558873

You can cherry pick studies and data to support any conclusion you want, but that doesn't mean your conclusion is correct.it has to be done in a scientific and unbiased manner. This is a very sensitive issue and most of the "evidence" against circmsion is rooted in cultural ignorance and antisemitism. If these studies were performed in a rigorous and scientific manner, then the results would be different.

>> No.12558884

fuck jews and jew enablers desu

>> No.12558894

There's nothing /pol/ about that post, you soiak.
>innate aversion to anything scientists and medical professionals
Better tell me why do you deny millions of years of evolution and listen to religious obsession of jews telling you to cut off dicks?
Foreskins evolved in the process of evolution - humans and other animals have foreskins to protect the organ but somehow jewish "scientists" and "medical professionals" deny the fact.

>> No.12558921

yes, share restoration. I've been trying to restore, not much luck though. tell me if u know of anything that can accelerate

fuck jews

>> No.12558928

>HIV is actually not even that much of a big deal in this day and age and you're a bigot for letting the 80's stigma still consume your heart
>also give me your and all your friends' infant sons' foreskins so that they don't get HIV

>> No.12558938

The reduced HIV risk wasn't an argument. The decreased urine splatter and decrease chance of zipping your dick were.

>> No.12558956

Cricumcision is horrendous and driven by religious and cultural dogma.

you cannot deprive a child the right to their natural bodily functions for cultural purposes

>> No.12558962

t. In denial circumcised lad

Listen, how do you know what you've lost if you can't ever use it?
Hygeine? What are you a hobo?

>> No.12558963

My thoughts are mainly that the Holocaust should be made a reality.
Well, not really that was a joke haha
No way we should stop at 6mil.

>> No.12558979

>splattering urine so bad you have to cut off the tip of your cock
>having such poor hand coordination that you have to cut off the tip of your cock before your zipper does it for you
i don't know anon, sounds like an alcohol problem to me...

>> No.12558987

infant circumcision causes brain damage that will affect the development and personality of the person for the rest of his life

in minecraft. server IP is

>> No.12559025

It's not an argument, it's a fetishist fantasy.
>Mommy why do I have this mark on my penis?
>Well went you went peepee you tended to miss the bowl, and mommy was very busy and couldn't keep cleaning it up, so we took our little man in and had his foreskin cut off to make things easier on mommy and plus the girls like it that way :)

Etc. Just go to their sites and read their "explaining to young kids why they were cirucmcised" section. The idea that they were a bad object and so mommy had to get them cut, turns them on. Not surprising given that research done in the early 1900's, perhaps 1930's, found that most of the anger and resentment in older children (5-8) was directed at the mother after the circumcision. It wasn't viewed as domination by the father, instead it confused their idea of their own value and their mother's love. So in adulthood this needs an outlet and the betrayal and confusion is shuted off to where it manifests as arousal.

Four responses to threat.

Nothing to fight anymore. Can't run, already done. Freeze to what? And therefore, you have faun. Sexual mode of relieving tension.

>> No.12559070

Maybe you have a point... I knew a young guy that struggled a lot with circumcision rage who had a lot of sadist femdom corruption and snuff fantasies and who was also a mommy fetishist.

Do you have more on that?

>> No.12559123

Why do we still allow jews?

>> No.12559126

who is "we", anon? does "we" even know it has the option to allow/disallow? really makes you think...

>> No.12559129

>Do you have more on that?
I recall I was looking for MKULTRA era findings (where one subproject studied this). I ended up finding a long compilation of the early literature.


This is similar, but not to the same depth.
>Kennedy (1986) detailed the psychological effects of circumcision in a case study describing the psychotherapy of a boy who was circumcised at three years of age. The sense of inadequacy, feelings of victimization, and violent sexual fantasies experienced during this boy’s adolescence were found to be both consciously and unconsciously linked to his experience with losing part of his penis (Kennedy, 1986). In a study examining the psychological effects of circumcision on boys between four and seven years of age, Cansever (1965) used psychological testing to measure boys’ level of distress. The results of the study indicated that circumcision was perceived as an aggressive attack on the body that left children feeling damaged and mutilated (Cansever, 1968). Cansever (1968) also noted that these boys experienced changes in body image (with many feeling smaller and incomplete), feelings of inadequacy and helplessness, as well as a tendency to withdraw psychologically.

Can't find it,but I'll post later if I do. Found some others that seem interesting though.


>> No.12559131

if we can save even one child from phimosis, then we must do it
t. barack obama

>> No.12559144

oh no...

>> No.12559152

*bombs syrian hospital* *fucks tranny gorilla wife* my fellow americans,,, uhh... long-legged socialists.

>> No.12559170

>My name is uhhh.... uhhhh... Joe uhhh... Biden, and
>*sniffs hair, absently grabs and fondles young girl's entire face*
I approve this message.

>> No.12559178
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>> No.12559182

Anyone that advocates for circumscision (mandatory or not), should be castrated. Women should have their udders removed with a rusty machete.

>> No.12559187

I'm pretty sure this is the paper they were primarily reviewing. Describes perception of and by the mother.

>> No.12559191

>more hygienic
why don’t americans wash their penises?

>> No.12559194

Concomitant with the increase in the
amount of aggression directed to the self,
there was an increase in aggressive remarks
directed toward mother figures. Only a slight
change, which is not significant, occurred in
the hostile impulses directed to father figures.
According to these results, the females were
held responsible for the damage ; they were perceived as the castrators, and aggressive wishes
were aimed at them.

>> No.12559206

>more hygienic
Imagine being so filthy that you would rather cut a body part than wash it

>> No.12559208

>more hygienic
Imagine being so filthy that you would rather cut a body part than wash it

>> No.12559216

>more hygienic
Imagine being so filthy that you would rather cut a body part than wash it

>> No.12559221

>You can cherry pick studies and data to support any conclusion you want

>> No.12559222

>more hygienic
Imagine being so filthy that you would rather cut a body part than wash it

>> No.12559228

>less likely to be precociously sexual, ergo decreased risk of homosexuality

>> No.12559241

Seriously case reports are just above anecdotal evidence and opinion, still, dick mutilation is wrong.
I wish they would perform decent studies on biobanks or cohorts because removing that much skin cant be without consequences.

>> No.12559248

>Remove 1/3 - 1/2 of the skin
>No change in sensitivity
>No change in sexual pleasure or satisfaction

>> No.12559254

Then why don't you remove your nose to breathe better?

>> No.12559257

That's obvious, but a case report can't tell you if circumcision gives you an 1.2x chance of suicide for example. Case reports are unable to detect small differences that have a significant impact on population wide scales.

>> No.12559265

I'm trying to tell people that case reports aren't especially meaningful because it is one case and large studies are far better to investigate such things.

>> No.12559268

That anon seems to be anti-circumcision, from what I can tell; or at least pro doing more research to see the effect removing that much skin on a person has. While I think that cirumcising any child is unethical as anything but an extreme last resort, if these children were going to be cut any way, we might as well get some data about how it affects them physically as they develop. That might hopefully lead to the practice being banned, as any type of female analogue is in any developed nation (seriously, even a ceremonial pin-prick to get a single drop of blood for cultural reasons is more illegal than removing almost an index card's area worth of skin and mucous membrane from a boy's genitals).

>> No.12559276

>not wanting to self-mutiliate yourself is antisemitism
haha, you are such a faggot, go wash your dick

>> No.12559295

Thank you. Everyone freaks out that the coronavirus vaccines have been tested "only" on 30.000 people before rollout, but to my knowledge, no one has ever investigated the health registries of 30.000 random males and checked if the circumcised group is as healthy as the uncircumcised.
Circumcision is performed on millions of people on a medical pretext, but lacks most basic evidence beyond few studies on STI transmission.
This is extremely poor and should be an outrage.

>> No.12559298

>you dont want to cut off important and sensitive parts of your body? you're pretty ignorant and probably hate jews desu
spoken like a true jew
antisemitism is a self-answering question

>> No.12559300

>This is extremely poor and should be an outrage.
Many things should.

>> No.12559301

From what little I've read on the subject a lot of it comes as pushback from perceived antisemitism. Like Iceland semi-recently considered banning RIC, but instantly everyone was calling the idea anti-Jewish. Also there's some credence to the idea that businesses/hospitals make additional money from not only charging to circumcise infants, but also by selling the 'waste' to either use as skin-grafts for burn patients, or to use for skin-care serums. Which is sickening, to say the least.

>> No.12559305

How is it antisemite when the numerically most circumcised group in the western world are white protestant Americans?
They should just add circumcised yes/no to UK biobank questionnaires and we were looking at the richest pool of medical data possible.

>> No.12559308

Youch!! (and i'm cut)

>> No.12559309




>> No.12559313

alright, let's see the "Early Life" section...

>> No.12559326

"I didn't get to have pleasure, therefore, no one else should either!"
Fox and grapes.

>> No.12559331

the ADL sent a letter to iceland government basically threatening to paint them as antisemitic to the international community by cherrypicking their web traffic for anti-jew sentiments in online messages and websites

>> No.12559336

Look up which groups the Old Testament says should be circumcised. It will no longer surprise you that American prots are circed, and it will become clear why opposing it is antisemitic

>> No.12559339

Thunderf00t strikes me as very circumcised.

>> No.12559347

Slaves of Jews must be circumcised.

>> No.12559352

Yeah, seems to be grasping at straws to me; there are even Jewish groups that are anti-circumcision, advocating for a brit shalom (naming ceremony) to welcome a Jewish baby boy into the community instead of a brit milah (Hey, welcome to our society! Now let's just cut off part of your penis and have an elderly man suck up the blood.) I have nothing against people having a sense of ethnic pride or community in cultural or religious matters, but their right to do so ends with inflicting bodily harm on others. Just as many countries outlaw live animal sacrifices, so too should the sacrifice of part of a living human be banned.

>> No.12559384

>Vaccines have dubious efficacy.
Go die from a preventable disease, anti-vax SCUM.

>> No.12559387

Such as?

>> No.12559390

Here are a number of arguments:
1) You're a faggot.
2) You're a giga-faggot.
3) You're an omega-faggot.
Have you been convinced by my number of arguments?

>> No.12559405

>Implying that pol incels are good and moral enough to be appalled at needless mutilation of baby genitals.
>Implying that "i FuCkInG lOvE sCiEnCe" guys are such brainwashed, sheeple cultists that they would literally cut off their own child's penis if ((((science)))) says so.
People like YOU are why we can't have nice things.

>> No.12559409

If being against needless infant genital mutilation is "anti-Semitic" then maybe I need to apologize to the Nazis lol.

>> No.12559459

kek, got em. QED

>> No.12559469
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OP is a fag. There's literally no reason to mutilate children, so long as you promote basic hygiene. Penile infections are not widespread enough to motivate any purported benefit from mass circumcision. Let the fucking kikes abuse their children if their old-ass religion mandates them

>> No.12559487

i, an intellectual. am against child genital mutilation. The only people who claim it is good are people who were mutilated as children and in order to cope with the severe trauma; attempt to mutilate other people to justify and validate themselves.
Personally, i dont care if you decide to cut your foreskin off. But wait until you're 18 and are capable of making big decisions like that. and no child should have to deal with that either.

>> No.12559493

> capable of making big decisions

>> No.12559561

This, but not for the reasons you think. The issue is it doesn't bar cultural coercion. For example Turks, South Americans, African tribals, and others all have coming of age rituals where they are mass circumcised. You can just defer until the legal age, then, after a lifetime of conditioning, the individual can "Consent" to having his foreskin removed.

I guess you could say good enough and figure well he had 18 years to figure it out and it's better that it wasn't forced on him at birth, but nonetheless, there would be pockets where stuff like that would rise. Especially if travel is restructd in the future, though it seems like mobility of labor is increasing, so it's not as likely a guy will get stuck in some area where he can't get a job or no woman will take him if he hasn't gone through the initiation rite.

>> No.12559584

Public schools are obsolete.

>> No.12559981

>t's also much more hygienic.
Why are only males unable to wash themselves? Why not cut unsanitary girl skin, too?

>> No.12559987

Of course it reduces aids, less sexual contacts = lower risk of stds.

>> No.12560008

>It's also much more hygienic.
exposed, dried out dick isn't more hygienic, it's disgusting.

>> No.12560040


>> No.12560064

Ah, here we see an agent of Enlil.

>> No.12560067


>> No.12560092

damn it when they restrict it

tranny shills should off themselves and stop wanting to mutilate children


>> No.12560099

Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper

>> No.12560576


It really is a thing huh? You learn something new everyday

>> No.12560957

>Oyy vey keep doing the studies over and over again until you get the results I want. And throw out all the results that conflict with my viewpoint, and label them racist/antisemitic/etc. Oh and censor and ban anyone who disagrees with me in academia or on social media.

Sorry buddy that not how science works. Take your meds.

>> No.12560973 [DELETED] 

As it is written in Romans, I probably won't kill you if I find you uncircumcised in the tribulations but there will come a day in my reign such that any man born after that day who is found to be uncircumcised will be killed immediately. People need to be more realistic about whether the Lord or is their God or not. It is plain what the Lord says about this in the Bible and I, the Lord, am of the same opinion.

>> No.12560997

my foreskin provides practical utility to me in my day to day life and i honestly cant imagine how those lacking one manage to function

This is the equivalent of suggesting we cut off everyone's finger.

>> No.12561022

If the Jew took my foreskin, or any part of my penis for that matter, I would also spend my entire life trying to cope with the fact that someone chopped off part of my dick and I had no say in it whatsoever.

>> No.12561065

Pretty sure he has Stockholm syndrome.
>my dick got mutilated
>hence they all must suffer

>> No.12561499

>I am pain therefore, they must all know my pain.
>I feel destroyed, therefore, if I destroy everyone else maybe I will feel okay.
>If I turn everyone into a version of me, everything will finally be good, and I won't have to see any reflection I don't like.
It's literally early childhood psychology. Failure to cope. Which is why I highly suspect nothing in this world is fixable without first wiping genital cutting off the face of the Earth.

>> No.12561525

But why?

>> No.12561535

take your meds, tooker

>> No.12561554

I am the Lord and in the age of my Kingdom any man who is found to be circumcised will immediately be made whole again. If he is found to be circumcised again after that, he will be exiled to a controlled environment which he may never escape. If he circumcises another he will be killed.

>> No.12561559

Fuck off

>> No.12561561

Fuck off you traumatized cunt.

>> No.12561562
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kikes get so mad about it, even a kike pointing it out gets labeled as antisemite

>> No.12561565

>This is a very sensitive issue
"mutilating and torturing babies"

>> No.12561570
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>> No.12561574
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how anyone could do this to their child is beyond me ... fuck your sandnigger, backwardish culture

>> No.12561576
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never mind this little suckers rights not to be mutilated for no reason

>> No.12561581

>my newborn can stand having an amputation performed without even crying, what a tough little man! :^)
Ugh. Look at those eyes. Either he's in shock or he knows he fucked up (re)incarnating here.

>> No.12561595

>love the way hes holding his hands
oy vey
his hands are clamped together in shock, poor little dude
>teee heee i got my newborn son mutilated xDDD
females were a mistake

>> No.12561615

It is very creepy how blind people are. My father was circumcised but was "adamant" it not happen to me. He broke the cycle. I was made acutely aware of what they did to everyone else as well. I was redpilled from birth, it does something to you knowing in the back of your mind you're small and weak, surrounded by cut and cutters.

>> No.12561642


same here - Christian + Muslim ancestry ... my pop made sure i don't get mutilated

>> No.12561676

based parents, you were lucky
check this out www.circlist.com
a circumcision fetish website

>> No.12561711


This stood out
"Frenulum removal
Irrespective of the choices made in respect of the high/low and loose/tight variables, the question arises of whether to remove or retain the frenulum, the web of tissue connecting the underneath of the glans to the inner foreskin.

This an extremely sensitive area, but the nerves are not in the frenulum, they reside in the glans below it. The sensitivity remains after removal of the frenulum. There are two caveats here. One is that a particularly thick or restrictive frenulum may prevent adequate stimulation. The other is that a thick scar from frenulum removal may have the same effect. When a 'low and tight' circumcision is done the remaining skin can be trimmed to a 'V' which will fit the space where the frenulum was. This gives smooth skin over the sensitive area and optimal sensitivity.

Note also that, when circumcision takes place in infancy, it is difficult to predict the outcome as regards the frenulum. In the newborn, it is not well developed. Even if it is retained, it may fail to develop further after circumcision."

I don't know whether that area is still sensitive for cut men, but most of the sensation actually comes from structures in the rigid band. The very tip of the foreskin on the underside is probably the most sensitive part of the body, maybe second only to the lips at the corners of the mouth. It's only pleasurable when the foreskin is pulled back. Therefore it's seemingly a lie that the nerves are "under" the frenulum and somehow relate with the glans. They want to give the impression that they're getting the foreskin etc out of the way. The nerves definitely are in the frenulum.

>> No.12561716

>It's also much more hygienic.

>> No.12561814

>The nerves definitely are in the frenulum
yes, exactly the part that gets cut off during circumcision, or to refer to it properly; genital mutilation.

>> No.12562167

They bump.

>> No.12562195

Crime against man kind

>> No.12562463
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absolutley not good, proven scientifically - disliked by "cultural" extremists

>> No.12562478
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>> No.12562719

>decreased risk of homosexuality
says the fag wanting more dick touching

>> No.12562734

It would also be "more hygienic" if you were castrated, doesn't make it good, retard.

>> No.12562765
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An allegory for hospital birth and the human agricultural model that is the modern world.


When those who's brains were capoable of animal husbandry rose, it was inevitable that they would turn to see the need in applying it to their fellow man. Just as the farmer builds a pen for the cattle to graze, just a he herds the sheep, just as he goes out and brands, bands (castrates), and tags his cattle, just as he clips the wings of the birds so they cannot escape or ever hope to live on their own. He takes hold of them as chattel, property. He will maim them however he must to make sure they do not leave his control.

>> No.12562768

This is good bait

>> No.12562773

We hope.

>> No.12562861

this board is fucking garbage /pol/ was a mistake lads

>> No.12562868

Foreskin is good. It's time to talk about these things.

>> No.12563123
File: 407 KB, 500x375, 1584179055165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys come on, this is 4chan. We've done great things. What is it going to take to get this shit solved? What do we do?

>> No.12563125

My fucking god - this thread was here yesterday!

>> No.12563160
File: 129 KB, 1024x576, joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its simple we kill all of the long nose tribe
solve the JQ (jew question) and child mutilation will stop
honk honk!

>> No.12563202

I am a non mutilated male, doctors told me that it was ok i just have to "exercise those parts"