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12555957 No.12555957[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is physical beauty really a good marker for health/fertility of your partner? Are there any papers on this?

>> No.12555962

Finding papers about hip to waist ratio and facial symmetry is easy. Check PubMed yourself.

>> No.12555967

>trusting pubmed

>> No.12556018

Probably not, otherwise people wouldn't be so easily deceived by makeup etc. NOW WHERE'S MY GODDAMN COFFE

>> No.12556074
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>> No.12556183

>Hourglass figure denoting maturity and dem childbearin' hips?
>Perky and decent size breasts when the woman is mature but not too old to bear children and to provide them with nourishment.
>Smooth skin that isn't covered in sores or diseases

Secondary fertility/mating features
>red lips denoting a state of sexual arousal.

>> No.12556222

More like deformity and ugliness are good indicators of poor health, beauty indicates good health by contrast. You might get beauty in inbred animals with a high load of bad genes though, like purebred show dogs that look right but all get cancer and arthritis.

>> No.12556272


>> No.12556281

There's a loose connection, yeah. If you're generally unhealthy in a whole slew of ways, it'll make you ugly as fuck. That's the idea with evolution preferring healthy mates.

It's sure as shit not perfect though.

>> No.12556600 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1200x900, Hou Yifan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most women are fertile.
find a smart one with similar values to yours.
beauty fades, stupid is forever.

>> No.12556605
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>>12555957 (OP)
most women are fertile.
find a smart one with similar values to yours.

beauty fades, stupid is forever.

>> No.12556899

She looks like my asian friend, it would be weird dating her

>> No.12557099
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similar values? smart?
what are you waiting for?
get married and start a family, you'll get over the weirdness after your 2nd kiss.

>> No.12557159

>beauty fades, stupid is forever.
very true

>> No.12557170
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Nobody understands beauty. People make up sciency narratives around it because in their brainz "cool story=science!". So they make shit up about health and fertility. The worst ones parrot this tale of symmetry= beauty even if faced with clear examples of assymetrical beautiful faces or symmetrical horrible faces. Redditors who never had an original thought in their lives

>> No.12557172

Nah, ugly gets worse. Beautiful people have better looking corpses

>> No.12557181

>purebred dogs
Hybrid vigour, eventually the inbreeding just seems to fall out of effect.

>> No.12557195
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Who is she?

>> No.12557198

Sexual reproduction is just a mechanism to filter mutations from the gene pool, involving mixing and filtering.
The gene mixing provides a chance of having offspring with a low mutation load. The filtering (inceldom) is how nature kills offspring with a high mutant load.
Imagine two horrible mutants having 12 kids. By a stroke of statistical luck, 1 kid came out fine, the other 11 are as bad or worse than the parents. That good kid will get to reproduce.