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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12551984 No.12551984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Cold Winters Theory proposed by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen states that races living in cold dry climates have higher intelligence, while races living in warm humid climates have lower intelligence.

According to Allen-Bergmann's Rule, larger and rounder body shapes reduce surface area exposure and heat loss while increasing heat retention. So nonwhites such as Finns and Koreans have larger brains and higher encephalization, whiles whites have smaller brains and lower intelligence. Koreans have an average IQ of 107, while Finns have an average IQ of 104. On the other hand, whites have an average IQ of 100. Whiteness is just simply adaptations to survive in warm humid climes.

According to Templer (2006), IQ correlates at -0.76 for mean high winter temperature, − 0.66 for mean low winter temperature, clearly demonstrating that the whiter you are, the less intelligent you are.

According to Pesta (2014), temperature predicts IQ (and other well-being variables) within the 50 U.S. states. Colder U.S. states have higher income, higher IQ, less crime because they have more mongoloid traits.

>> No.12552037

IQ is not real

>> No.12552063

Please tell us what is real. Enlighten us.

>> No.12552106

IQ is a simple test used to detect for academic fitness. It has no finesse. It has only two valid results: Good enough for primary school, not good enough for primary school. It was used as an admission test to public school in France. It correlates well with school tests because it looks like a mix of geometry and reading comprehension tests. That's not a general inteligence test.

>> No.12552117

Why did civilization begin in the Middle East?

>> No.12552126

The repetitive jobs and specilization of civilization are helpful to low-iq individuals, not high-iq ones.

>> No.12552127

it didn't

>> No.12552128

Sumerians weren't semitic.

>> No.12552139

>colder states are richer
California has a greater income per capita than the US average. North Dakota lower than average income.

>> No.12552145

Theres no end to the cope

>> No.12552147

Are you retarded?

>> No.12552152
File: 1.17 MB, 470x305, geogefloyd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cold Winters Theory debunks scientific racism
>meticulously explains how blacks must have the lowest IQs on earth

>> No.12552153

Why did ancient India develop some of the earliest math and philosophy? India is hot as balls and always has been.

>> No.12552243

What is more mentally taxing, tracking a herd of mammoths and working together to bring one down, or harvesting seed after seed after seed until your joints give out? And not even to speak of the damage to neurological development caused by the restriction in diet brought on by civilized life.

>> No.12552255

Hunter gatherers are smarter like wolves are smarter than dogs. Civilized people dont need to be that smart. Its true, however i know you dont care about the truth. I know you will selectively claim whites have either a higher or lower IQ whenever it fits your tale of superiority. Go back to /pol/.

>> No.12552282

You know it's funny, the only claim I ever made in this thread is that civilization allows the propogation of individuals who didn't have the mental faculties neccessary for tribal life, so I don't know what the fuck you're insinuating.

>> No.12552309

You came from /pol/

>> No.12552315
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Nah, but you can believe that if you want. It's exactly what I'd expect some dumb cracker to believe.

>> No.12552338

The difference in potential to innovate and develop between settled societies and hunter-gatherer ones, and therefore put one's IQ to good use, is massive. There's no comparison.

>> No.12552700

Hunter gatherers are smarter, however being social leads to a collective intelligence far smarter than anyone. Cultures are functionally immortal beings with the combined knowledge and brains of millions.

>> No.12552715


>> No.12552751

Even in our domesticated form we are still smarter as individuals than homo erectus. Already lost 250 CC of brain and still smarter than you.

>> No.12552782


>> No.12552856

There are a lot of flaws with this theory, mostly that IQ does not map so well onto brain size, ashkenazi have surprisingly small skulls despite their high IQ scores
larger encephalisation seems to map more visuo-spatial abilities

>> No.12552864


>> No.12552868


>> No.12552874

Bidens landslide victory for starters.

>> No.12552920

Who is Lin Wood?

>> No.12553120
File: 325 KB, 1016x2043, chinada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are even more threads on /pol/. It's a Canadian autist who has been making posts like this on /int/ and other boards for almost 10 years. Not even kidding. Basically his whole shtick is to call very white looking blondes Asian. Not sure what the agenda is but he has dedicated himself to it for years.

>> No.12553122

Nice b8!
Coming to /sci/ because those /pol/ nazis btfo of your gaping wound.

>> No.12553134
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>> No.12553139

Have you ever heard phrase that if you'll be stupid you'll freeze out?

Then they kicked me out of house.

t> cold climate cooling specialist.

>> No.12553140

Whiter you are, less intelligent you are?

I'm event horizon type of black now.

>> No.12553147

that's a very roundabout way of being racist

>> No.12553453
File: 129 KB, 1016x768, IQ polygenic gene race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Koreans have an average IQ of 107, while Finns have an average IQ of 104. On the other hand, whites have an average IQ of 100.

Dude, it's actually much, much worse than you think.

White IQ is 94.
Korean IQ is still about 105.

White IQs are artificially boosted by 1st world environment. If civilization collapsed, whites would revert to an IQ between 85-94 (depending on how bad living conditions got)

This effect is less pronounced the higher your genetic IQ is. If Korea collapsed, IQs would drop to 103 max.

Also IQ is a very imperfect test, and there are other aspects of intelligence, especially spatial intelligence, which would be higher in cold climate/Mongoloid folk.

>> No.12553457

>Whiter you are, less intelligent you are?
whites are technically the most intelligent non-Mongoloids.

but not by very much. They only have 5 IQ points on pajeets.

>> No.12553473
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he's right though. Virtually every single Mongoloid feature is more pronounced in Northern Europe than in the Middle East.

less body hair
smaller eyes
higher canthal tilt
more zygomatic width
more concave/upturned nose
higher spatial:verbal IQ ratio
larger brain
less dolichocephaly
less occipital protuberance
more PUFA-adapted alleles

probably a shitton of stuff I'm not thinking of. Literally the only trait I can think of that DOESN'T fit this paradigm is eye color pigmentation. Which is a trivial trait that is controlled by 3 alleles.

>> No.12553478
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>Virtually every single Mongoloid feature is more pronounced in Northern Europe than in the Middle East.

and before someone stutters about "Meds", Southern Europeans are nothing more than a mix between the Mideast and Europe.

Even Northern Europeans are highly mixed with MEs, just a lot less. Southern Europeans are literally more ME than they are European.

>> No.12553491
File: 2.04 MB, 1679x2548, yamnaya pca raddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now if we look at a genetic PCA of ancient samples, we can see two pure groups from 10,000 years ago.

WHG (Western Hunter Gatherers): Basically "pure Europeans"
Anatolia_N (neolithic Mideast): Basically pure Levantines

All Europeans alive today are a mix of these two, much like Mexicans are a mix of Spanish/American.

However, all peoples are obviously mixed on a deep enough timescale. Look at the PCA of these two "pure" groups, and you will see something interesting: WHGs are equally as western-shifted as the Anatolians. Despite living 4000 miles away.

Populations genetically differentiate based on distance. Intuitively, European WHGs should be the most genetically "west shifted" group, since they are the most geographically western. The fact they aren't means they have substantial DNA from ancient Siberian populations--and these populations had already started the process of becoming Mongoloid, explaining the incidence of "sort of Mongoloid but not really" features in Europeans.

>> No.12553495

The problem for whites is they've been subjected to about 150 years of dysgenic selection against high IQ.
There are many factors responsible for this but urban brain drain, feminism and the welfare state are probably a few of the bigger drivers.
So back in the 1800s they were really quite smart but have severely regressed.

>> No.12553496
File: 214 KB, 1027x1234, blue czechs vs. brown czechs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture is a facial composit of Czech people.

On the left: blue eyed Czech men.
On the right: brown eyed Czech men.

Which one looks more Mongoloid?

>> No.12553502

Source for the graph?

>> No.12553512

What is with the mongoloid spam?

>> No.12553522
File: 65 KB, 1320x366, asian vs european temperatures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the causes you listed are proven to select against genetic IQ.
Also if we're playing the "stuff I imagine to be causes" game, then let's look at temps in Asia vs. Europe.

Asia is both simultaneously much hotter (summer) and MUCH colder (winter) than Europe. Europe barely even has a seasonal climate compared to north Asia--making life much easier, not harder. It is also extremely humid, while North Asia is very dry.

The winters in Oslo, Norway are equivalent to those in Beijing, China--which has the same latitude as Greece.
When comparing latitudes, Asia is MUCH colder, MUCH more variable, and MUCH dryer than Europe.

>> No.12553532

A lot of people migrating into the state to work tech jobs?

>> No.12553539

Anon we can literally map it happening in iceland based on genome studies.
asian conditions select for a slightly higher average IQ but with a tighter standard deviation. europeans produced more geniuses which drove much of their advanced development

>> No.12553542
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Truth isn't spam.

False paradigm. Europeans are not cold-adapted. For two reasons:

1) Europe is much warmer than Siberia
2) MASSIVE geneflow from the Middle East.

This is why Europeans are closer to Arabs than they are to Inuit/Arctic Siberians.

So it's not that India has some accomplishments despite being a hot climate
It's that Europeans, Mideasts, and even Dravidian South Indians are derive from basically the same phenotype, which came from the Mideast 50,000 years ago, and experienced only minimal exposure to different environments afterward.

It's like putting a rabbit in the arctic and saying it's more similar to an arctic wolf. No, it's still more similar to a tropical jackrabbit.

>> No.12553548

So how smart were the Tierra del Fuegans?

>> No.12553550
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They were the first to experience game depletion.

Depleted game = you now have to farm shitty crops to survive.
Eventually the strong hunters learn about the farming technology.
The highest social status hunters lead their society into farming. Life quality drops but population expands.
Big population = invade your neighbors who DIDN'T adapt farming.

rinse and repeat

pic unrelated, it's a Western European nose type adapted to the humid conditions of Europe. less common in drier East Europe.

>> No.12553558

>Tierra del Fuegans
somewhat spitballing:

US Natives = 80s. I think it was 85 but cba to look up
Canada Natives = 90s, but these have recent Mongoloid admixture in last 3000 years

Thus, Fuegians would be smarter than US because cold climates.
However, theyd be dumber than Canada because lack of Mongoloid mixture.
So my guess would be close to US, but slightly higher, maybe 88.

Also, ALL hunter-gatherer peoples have IQs that are lower than agriculturally-adapted people ceterus paribus.
So if we lived in a magical alt-world where Americans were never conquered and genocided, and instead received new technology and adapted to it, then North American IQ would probably be a bit higher than Europeans. Fuegian IQ even higher, maybe even higher than Chinese.

>> No.12553565
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Old graph I have, verbal IQ against GDP, any interest to you?

>> No.12553631 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20190224_035850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be inferior to Europeans and you know it very well deep down. Kill yourself

>> No.12553916
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t. Australoid rapebaby

>> No.12553920
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stop samefagging schizo

>> No.12553922

It's the same in Croatia, the brown eyed people look less Mongol than blue eyed people

>> No.12553925

It's obvious you've never travelled the world
Nords are absolutely cucked when it comes to weather

>> No.12553958

Doesnt matter, it disproves the earlier point that colder states have higher income.

>> No.12554071

>asians are smarter than whites
>racism debunked
>races living in cold dry climates have higher intelligence, while races living in warm humid climates have lower intelligence.
I would think races living in more VARIABLE climates would be the smartest, because they have have to plan for change throughout the year as opposed to doing the same thing year round.

>> No.12554081 [DELETED] 

cope you dumb whitoid

>> No.12554091

Alright, so if all of Europeans, Indians, and Meds account for the vast majority of ancient and modern math, science, and philosophy, what does that say about the CWT? Not only do they not reside in the coldest parts of the planet, but individually they reside in varied climates.

>> No.12554116

While you losers discuss (((IQ))) (and even the difference of 1-5 "points"), actually smart people try to find a cure for severe diseases or develop technology that greatly benefits the human race.
Do your homework, kids.