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1254805 No.1254805 [Reply] [Original]

What would alien contact do to humanity's global sense of identity and purpose, /sci/?

>> No.1254815

> implying this has a scientific answer
o u

>> No.1254818

People would go on a sort of existencial crisis.

>> No.1254822

I hope: NWO, people working together to start getting to those stars, life quailty everywhere improves as we all have the same common goal.
Reality: Dem aliens are the devil.

>> No.1254814

Increase variety in meat.

>> No.1254835

We will all die as they construct a dyson sphere around our sun.

>> No.1254836

They'll take the scientists on a ride, and leave the religious nuts behind.

>> No.1254852

To put things simple, we would understand that they are intelligent.
To shit all over everything, we would not understand how to compare to the, would not understand them, would not be able to communicate in any way with them.

The rest will be quite easy: we will stop existing.

>> No.1254873

religious fanatics scare away aliens and they dont share their technology with us because we still have imaginary friends

>> No.1254886

>would not be able to communicate in any way with them.
1=1 no matter what

>> No.1254905
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>> No.1254953

Oh you.

>> No.1254984
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Patent pending.

>> No.1254985

There is no way that another sentient species who has survived into interstellar travel has had no version of religion.

>> No.1254989
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>> No.1255004
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>there is no way a nation that has the ability to enrich uranium would be a theocracy
One can have knowledge AND be batshit insane in other respects.

>> No.1255017

They'd probably try to rip us off.

Like, a warp engine in exchange for 1000kg of Uranium or something.

>> No.1255025

>Implying that wouldn't be an awesome deal

>> No.1255062

There would probably be a large number of mental breakdowns that might not be immediately apparent. Water cooler discussions would turn to "did you hear about the aliens", "ya, crazy huh"; but one of those workers could be having an existential crisis that will manifest itself in the form of a red stain on the pavement in front of a highrise.

Religious organizations would go batshit. A few will deny it but most will try and adapt, some will even say they predicted it all along by interpreting age old religious texts in different ways. A lot more "the end is nye" BS will likely pop up too.

Global conflict will remain relatively high compared to say Star Trek, but I would predict a decrease. More people would start realizing that they are fighting to become, as Sagan put it, "the momentary masters, of a fraction, of a dot". Oh! And everyone will love Sagan... everyone instead of just /sci/ that is.

>> No.1255066

Uranium which they would use to put Cobalt bombs in orbit of Earth.

>> No.1255295

risk mitigation for the future.

alien message to us:

>> No.1255304

Sounds awfully Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.