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12538436 No.12538436 [Reply] [Original]

What's worst for the body beetween 4g and Wifi ?

I'm just trying to figure out which setting I leave my phone on when I'm sleeping.

>> No.12538458

depends if you want jewish or chinese interference

>> No.12538462

They're both bad, but I find I respond more strongly to 4G / LTE, though wifi is noticeable as well. Bluetooth and DECT are the worst though, subjectively. Apparently rhe peak power of most modern DECT units is quite high.

>> No.12538463

What about turning it off?

>> No.12538472

So...what's worst ?

>> No.12538474

But then I won't be able to get alerts for when someone replies to my posts on 4chan and reddit.

>> No.12538480

Just get a desktop or an ethernet cable.

>> No.12538485

Connect it by ethernet.

>> No.12538699


>> No.12538705

well you could always leave 4chan for your home site and then you'd only have to worry about one

>> No.12538730

This thread is relevant to something I saw in Jackie Chan movie on Netflix. In The Foreigner, he wraps his phone in a layer of aluminum foil to prevent tracking. I don't think this would work, but could many layers work?
Btw, make time for yourself OP retard. Someone texting you doesn't mean you have to respond. You aren't their assistant or their bitch.

>> No.12539922

So what's worst

>> No.12539953

Look at this smug freak, does anyone else want to just fucking break his face?

>> No.12540501


>> No.12541763


>> No.12541862

>what's worst
what's WORSE you esl idiot

>> No.12541866

Nice delusion

>> No.12541870

it's spelled easel

>> No.12541873

It's actually my ESP angels giving me information about these demon waves anon.

>> No.12541900

>brings it down to your level
Nuh uh! You're delusional! So there!

>> No.12541914

I tought this board was full of knowledgable turbo autists who could actually answer the question.

>> No.12541919

OK, schizo.

>> No.12541926

OK, schizo.

>> No.12541927

Your question is based on a false premise.

>> No.12541971

How so

>> No.12541974

radiation and electromagnetic fields have absolutely zero effect on living beings no matter how strong

>> No.12541991

>have absolutely zero effect

That's simply false. Radiation and electromagnetic fields do interact with matter.

>> No.12541994

Basic physics say otherwise. EM radiation and fields are transmitted by photons, which do not have mass and therefore do not interact with matter

>> No.12542001

So if you hold a phone in your hand for 10 years straight without stopping, what's worst for your health ? The 4g setting or the Wi-Fi setting ?

>> No.12542014

Neither. There is literally no harmful effects that would come from it. The cells in your hand are already constantly emitting EM radiation

>> No.12542022

Let's say you hold the phone close to your vital organs for 10 years straight, still nothing ?

>> No.12542040

Oh yeah in that case 4G is worse.
The waves put little nanomachines into your organs which turn you into a liberal.

>> No.12542054

eh I was just fuckin with you but the other anon bringing up liberals ruined the fun. I do actually think phone signals and EM pollution are harmful at high enough concentrations and it's annoying that mainstream science isn't talking about it

>> No.12542062

So what's worst beetween 4g and Wifi ?

>> No.12542076

idk how you'd even compare the two. You definitely shouldn't spend time right next to a cell tower, on the other hand a router is probably worse for you than your personal phone
anyone who thinks wi-fi has absolutely no effect, I dare you to sleep with your router under your pillow for a month

>> No.12542253

>I do actually think phone signals and EM pollution are harmful at high enough concentrations
Based on what?

>> No.12542266

Based on the fact that cellular towers have warning signs on them, and also basic common sense. I'm not saying we've reached the point where the levels have become harmful, I'm saying that a harmful level exists theoretically

>> No.12542267

My fee fees

>> No.12542498

Wet floors also have warning signs, do you get harmed by standing near them?
Legos are covered in warning signs, do you get harmed if you stand near them?

>> No.12542503

funny if bait, if unironic let me know if you want to know why that's retarded

>> No.12542508

Okay, why? I'm only holding them to the same standards you do.

>> No.12542517
File: 14 KB, 434x600, H1525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because unlike cell towers, the dangers presented by wet floors and legos do not manifest when you passively stand next to them

>> No.12542525

do the fucking math yourself

calculate the skin depth of aluminum foil and make as many layers as possible to make it so that

oh fuck it one layer is enough you faggot

>> No.12543253

If you think either of those non-ionizing radiations harm the human body, why do you even have your phone (or other electronical devices) near your bed while you sleep?

I don't think they harm us and still I would not take my phone into the bedroom.

>> No.12543266

how the hell are either of those penetrating cell membranes enough to cause replication error?

>> No.12543268

why does this sign >>12542517 exist?

>> No.12543277
File: 48 KB, 1500x890, fspl-v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of the field strength which rapidly drops off over distance.
And yes a radio tower has to have lots of power to reach anywhere.

>> No.12543281

my point was always that the em field given off by devices has the potential to harm you at high enough levels, not that those levels have already been reached

>> No.12543290

Politics. Did you know there's a sign in every California restaurant that warns about cancer causing chemicals within? Do you know what chemical they are referring to? The fucking chemical that is the natural brown color of toasted bread.

>> No.12543296

yeah sure, my old man worked in high voltage protection for 25 years in the SMA, definitely in field strengths and close proximity to cause some concern, he's healthy as an ox.

>> No.12543298

sorry I meant yeah for sure, not yeah sure hehe

>> No.12544333

>em field given off by devices has the potential to harm you at high enough levels
Fuck your lies, schizo. NON-IONIZING is safe.

>> No.12544420

is the radiation from a cell tower ionizing?

>> No.12546375

Did you not read the reply chain? Inverse square law and such as shown here >>12543277
Even then: It is non-ionizing radiation, it cannot harm your body's molecules.

>> No.12546394

As a conspiracy theorist I‘m now wearing a mask it’s the new Al hat.
Just turn your phone into flight mode. It’s the most healthy option considering the value of a good night sleep.

>> No.12547888

What's the definitive answer

>> No.12547941
File: 217 KB, 793x638, Adey-qEEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT a bunch of people talking about things they've never studied.

Height of absurdity. There is a mountain of actual scientific literature on this topic. Not that you'll read it when you could just put forward high school physics level a priori notions as though they're fact.

>> No.12547976

1) Neither. Stop giving conspiracy theorists a bad name by believing this retarded garbage.
2) If you ACTUALLY believed this crap, you wouldn't have a phone at all.

>> No.12547977

Garrett baby, it's time for your weekly ECT!

>> No.12547982
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>> No.12547987
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Here comes the lightning!

>> No.12548007
File: 59 KB, 499x396, ADEY-LIDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing would surprise me at this point.