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File: 159 KB, 595x1029, pulsedNTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12547158 No.12547158 [Reply] [Original]

Local NTR Design Cucks Every Near Future Rocket Edition

previous: >>12544219

>> No.12547164

Jim is never coming back...

>> No.12547170
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second for smelly Zubrin

>> No.12547172

LSW is still better

>> No.12547180

LSW requires a complex jetter cycle reactor. Pulsed NTR is just a wiggly fission pile. It's also way better for ISRU since you can just grab water ice and melt it with waste heat.

>> No.12547185
File: 544 KB, 1024x956, eozgTO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why was space art so comfy in the 70s compared to now?

>> No.12547187
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>> No.12547192

Matte oil paitings have that certain charm

>> No.12547193
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>> No.12547222

seems like an incredible waste of space. someone build an apartment block or something lmao

>> No.12547225

Kind of unnerving to realize that beneath your feet is endless empty space that you could be flung into if something broke (as opposed to miles of solid rock)

>> No.12547228

Flying on an airliner is the same way and people fuck on those.

>> No.12547237

When we can process everything needed for their construction in space the size won't be an issue. Only big hurdle it making the atmosphere good enough with only space resources.

>> No.12547279

Why doesn’t Germany have any real presence when it comes to rocket companies or even government programs given their history?

You would think that they would be more interested and would have no problem finding engineers and industry to join the ride so why then do they not even bother when the Russians today can still pull it off and spacex has shown it can be profitable and far easier than old space shows it to be?

>> No.12547290

The Allies stole all their rocket scientists in 1945 and Germany has no good orbital launch sites to redevelop a domestic industry.

>> No.12547328
File: 1.17 MB, 2643x2643, vertical_farm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a waste of vertical space.
Instead of horizontal farming, you'd likely have large vertical hydroponic structures

>> No.12547335

Obviously the German people are still there (most of them anyway) so surely they must have the potential to do shit that they were doing 80 years ago today, and couldn’t they just hire some place out in North Africa to launch from?

I guess they see the money better spent on dumping it into rushing fusion as they have fucked themselves by shutting down all the nuclear plants.

>> No.12547362

Hop today?

>> No.12547365

They had hope. Modern artists no longer have hope for the future of space.

>> No.12547420

You need to consider the mental health impact. Having an artificial sun as opposed to lights like that helps mental health. If you instead just give everyone drugs to keep the colony sane, there was no point saving humanity anyway.

>> No.12547429

>Obviously the German people are still there (most of them anyway)
>The "Hooton Plan"Edit

>In 1943, Hooton had an article entitled "Breed War Strain Out of Germans" published in the New York newspaperPM. In the article he proposed four measures with an objective to "destroy German nationalism and aggressive ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities". Hooton wrote these measures as follows:

>Execute or imprison for life all leaders of the Nazi party; permanently exile all professional army officers.For a period of 20 years or more utilize the bulk of the present German army as rehabilitation labor units in devastated areas of the Allied Nations in Europe and elsewhere. These laborers should not be treated as prisoners of war or convicts but as paid employees (supervised and restricted as to movement from the area of their work). They might be allowed the privilege of naturalization upon evidence of good behavior. The single men should be permitted to marry only women of the country of their abode or naturalization.

>The families of the men already married should remain in Germany for a period of years, but might eventually be permitted to join the fathers. The latter should not be allowed to return to Germany. The objects of this measure include reduction of the birth rate of "pure" Germans, neutralization of German aggressiveness by outbreeding, and denationalization of indoctrinated individuals.

>> No.12547431

>>Break up the German Reich into several states (probably its original component states), permitting each, after a suitable interval of supervision and government by the Allied Nations, to choose its own form of non-Fascist government. The object of this measure is to destroy the national framework of unified German aggression.During the period of supervision and occupation of the several states by armies and civilian staffs of the Allied Nations, encourage members of these groups to intermarry with the German women and to settle there permanently. During this period encourage also the immigration and settlement in the German states of non-German nationals, especially males.[10]

>> No.12547530
File: 227 KB, 1260x709, bo_Colony-Two-1260x709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Origin's colony art has the same vibe

>> No.12547549
File: 43 KB, 1080x1080, 7rpk819o3a961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Glenn when?

>> No.12547614

2023 at earliest

>> No.12547628

Anyone remember what that site is where you can see what upcoming launches there are?

I forgot to bookmark it

>> No.12547660


>> No.12547667

Thanks although this seems to be a different site to the one someone posted the other day

Still works though so thanks

>> No.12547688

it literally doesn't exist outside concept art

>> No.12547692


>> No.12547695

And the fan art is better than the actual BO sponsored ones. Also I just realized how dumb looking national team lander is. It's so tall.

not this meme again.

>> No.12547706

Speaking of NTR; is there any active research going on or have any new papers been published?
I would have thought with the whitehouse putting out their plan for nuclear in space that there would have been more interest, but I haven't seen anything besides stuff written over 20 years ago.

>> No.12547709

berger with another spaceflight puff piece

>> No.12547722
File: 261 KB, 697x525, halleffect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to a e-conference on it a couple months ago, mostly talked about big hall effect thrusters, BWXT is the main mover in the area and they can actually be bought as a stock.

>> No.12547728
File: 946 KB, 880x660, 515C52E9-0871-42FA-A9D7-B5A22BB46439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I can settle this debate. O’Neil cylinders and orbiting space colonies are great and definitely should happen in the future...but the technology and infrastructure to build them doesn’t exist yet. Maybe not even in the next 50 years, even.

Before you build a 1 kilometer wide (which is small by O’Neil standards) cylinder, you first have to build a dedicated asteroid mining infrastructure. The first problem is that you need a relatively heavy asteroid because the small 5 meter ones that zip past the earth every week are too small, or on the flip side you have to round up dozens of them. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it will take years to even amass the amount of...mass...to put together said cylinder.

After this we would need to demonstrate large-scale and very precise manufacturing in zero g, which hasn’t happened yet and especially on this scale, will require A LOT of work.

These two things make O’Neil cylinders and Stanford Toruses very difficult to build without an already existing extraplanterary infrastructure. I’m not even going into the debate between “DUDE CYLINDERS” and “DUDE MARS”, but it’s evident that we at least need a sizable presence in space before we attempt to build a megastructure in space...which means that it’s likely (damn near certain) we’ll have boots on the ground of other bodies WAY BEFORE we build an O’Neil Cylinder.

>> No.12547748

i don't even understand why mars vs cylinders is a debate, why not both? if you have enough presence in space to build cylinders then you can have millions of people on mars too

>> No.12547756

We might have a handful of experimental spin-grav stations in the next 50 years.
O'Neil Cylinders won't happen for at least another 200 years, we just don't need them right now.

>> No.12547759

Yeah that’s what I meant. In the original Gerard O’Neil book, The High Frontier, O’Neil even mentions having a substantial population on the moon to monitor the construction of the station(s). I definitely think that we can and should do both at the same time, but I do think the people that discredit colonizing planets are retarded

>> No.12547767

>couldn’t they just hire some place out in North Africa to launch from?

>> No.12547808

there's also https://nextspaceflight.com/

>> No.12547814
File: 633 KB, 562x578, yes honey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN8's nose was flattened and taken away

>> No.12547816

why doesn't he just go bald? Looks fucking pathetic desu

>> No.12547818

Sad. I guess it was a hazard to have around at the end of the day. Hopefully they erect some kind of monument with a similar visual.

>> No.12547823

nah, it was a waste of space
better recycle it and have it be actually useful
there's enough documentation on sn8's acheivements

>> No.12547826

they should be crushing the retired prototypes down into cubes and making their own rocket garden

>> No.12547829
File: 285 KB, 1277x625, 15BF403B-8E66-4929-87BB-02599A62BA0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m pretty sure they saved one of the flaps.

>> No.12547834

Germany sees everything that doesn't exist right now as a pipe dream.
"If you're having visions, you should go see a doctor." is a famous political quote.
The highest victory in German politics was won with the slogan: "No experiments."
Merkel was elected 4 times in a row. And before the short intermission of 2 times Schröder, Kohl of the same party as Merkel also served 4 terms. Both Kohl and Schröder didn't lose an election, but resigned over scandals, too.
Yes, Germany wants to save the climate, but please not by actually changing anything. Wind kills birds and the sun doesn't shine at night after all. Germany isn't rushing fusion. People are 100% on board on the "Fusion is always X years away meme." And the money is better spent on the other things we don't want anyway.
Rockets and space are a complete meme to Germans as well. The last ~senator(equivalent) who proposed an initiative to boost aerospace/satellite companies in Bavaria was ridiculed endlessly for it. Granted, he was being really clumsy about it, but still.
Germany is 100% ruled by nimbys and midwits falling for all your typical pseudo-smart counterarguments and endlessly repeating them. This country is almost completely paralyzed at this point.
It just wants to stay exactly the same forever.

>> No.12547840
File: 49 KB, 611x611, E0764160-7C20-4119-96A7-883017278E5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germans and most Western Europeans are horribly cucked and retarded. By 2050 most Western European nations will have a 10-15% Muslim population

>> No.12547844

Starship fleshlights when?

>> No.12547847

If only.

>> No.12547852
File: 486 KB, 850x700, F6D55A9E-E2F5-4420-A3AD-F894D5943F60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want but most Hispanics are Catholic which is cool because the number of Catholics in the US is slated to rise over time. Nice haha.

>> No.12547859

Anon, they already do. That low of a percentage would involve expelling muslims.

>> No.12547863

It was most likely too unstable and structurally unsound and after the first euphoria wore off they gave it a better thought and realized that in the end it's just a wreck of a prototype only worth maybe making some souvenirs out of to commemorate the milestone, and the actual monument should be something no less that the first SN to reach orbit and come back in one piece.

>> No.12547910

Replying to this so I can photoshop it when I get home

>> No.12547939
File: 546 KB, 979x832, 1488867778122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could this be the answer to the "landing without landing gear" conundrum?

>> No.12547944

Delightfully counterintuitive.

>> No.12547953
File: 396 KB, 1600x1196, bussard ramjet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12547960

Bussard Ramjet. Only works in interplanetary space.

>> No.12547965

that's why it's a troll physics meme

>> No.12547969

>you first have to build a dedicated asteroid mining infrastructure.
No you don't. O'Neil proposed using lunar resources to make them.

>> No.12547988
File: 397 KB, 1920x1152, 9431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not both? if you have enough presence in space to build cylinders then you can have millions of people on mars too
Highly debatable.
To have millions of people on Mars you need to be able to manufacture the entire supply lines in a different cold irradiated hell in near vacuum with the only similarity to Earth being a weak gravity and a CO2 ultra thin atmosphere.
It would be silly to populate Mars only from reproduction (or to forbid contraception) so you'll need to be able to assemble bigger space-only spaceship in orbit up to Cyclers which are essentially versatile space colonies.

All in all, you require the technologies to build and sustain orbital space colony before you can build a true Mars colony (instead of just a glorified Mars base).
Then there's the economy, if we have such a presence in space, we will try to make a profit. Mars bring no (material) profit to Earth while exploiting asteroid would while also allowing to extract at least propellant.

>After this we would need to demonstrate large-scale and very precise manufacturing in zero g, which hasn’t happened yet and especially on this scale, will require A LOT of work.
I agree but 0G and precise would go together nicely. I expect revolutions in material science, maybe some material would be impossible to manufacture anywhere but in 0G.

>> No.12548013
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we are not robots, beauty matters not efficiency, especially when we have fuck you money to throw at space colonies/structures

>> No.12548016
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>> No.12548033

The tech to build these won’t exist for several decades, maybe centuries

>> No.12548038

The tech exists now, you just need to spend trillions for development.
Easier to just wait.

>> No.12548047
File: 50 KB, 380x380, 1558975887502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will the Biden administration instead turn its focus to sending humans directly to Mars?

>we're going to the moon!
>no, now it's Mars
>ok moon again
>now the focus has shifted to Mars instead
>Moon return now
>Mars again

>> No.12548052

I find myself flip flopping too. Luckily for us spaceflight fans we're now doing both at the same time.

>> No.12548063

It is designed to be like this on purpose, to keep us lashed to the Earth forever.

>> No.12548067

wooah i never knew this was a general. based

>> No.12548074

Most of the time we talk about AGI

>> No.12548082

who the fuck cares about what the farm section looks like?
Space efficiency doesn't matter worth a damn. It's called space for a fucking reason. What matters is mass efficiency. And until you provide actual numbers on what's better it doesn't fucking matter, it's just circle jerking. A promising option is using hydrogen oxidizing bacteria to produce components that can be processed into food. This is great because it's more efficient than photosynthesis
It's been shown to be better than onions for protein production in terms of land use and water consumption. Although the safety of foods produced this way needs to be demonstrated.
because it all had to be hand drawn and NASA actually paid for good artists.

>> No.12548085

The purpose of it is to burn money, destination or results don't matter.

>> No.12548090

How are they gonna even convince people to buy that thing in 2023 at the earliest when by then Elon’s starship will already be tried, tested, cheaper and being pumped out dozens a year?

>> No.12548097
File: 1.44 MB, 480x240, D859CE94-8057-497D-89A8-317CB779E8D4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want but Starship MK1 was probably the most hyped Starship ever (even more then SN8). Of course it’s too bad it never flew but still there are a bunch of incredibly kino pictures of it.

>> No.12548109

Reminds me of some quote by Codreanu where he was calling out democracy by comparing it to a farm where the farmer would change every couple years and every time the new man would tear up what the previous man had built or done, sold off cattle to instead plant crops or tearing up fencing.

In the end nothing gets done because no single ideology or party can stay in control to build something lasting so instead of focusing on long term projects or fixes they instead do temporary short term shit to appease the masses in an attempt to get voted again as a long term fix would risk being done with another party in power popularising them or it would be destroyed before it could be complete.

>> No.12548118
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it'll likely be delayed. But still, flight soon.

>> No.12548119

Most of those are literally just suspension bridge technologies. Thanks to 1G it doesn't even require special research.
The problem is economic and practical. We do not have the means to build them cheaply and efficiently.
That's why we wait.

>> No.12548120
File: 1.70 MB, 1292x850, Hopper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoppy was cooler

>> No.12548127

Intelligent presidents know moon first is the smartest option for all of mankind.
Egocentric presidents use mars mission to play with sheep emotions.

>> No.12548128

That piece of shit was so fucking goofy, I don't know why we bothered. I guess we wanted to keep MZ's money rolling in, so we had to pretend we were doing something

>> No.12548138
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>we we we

>> No.12548140
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why was Elon making such grandiose claims about it? I wasn't really in the game that early, but looking at it in retrospect it seems obvious that it wouldn't fly. The patchwork welding also looked pretty shit.

Speaking of Starship construction I wonder if SpaceX will get into the steelworking game. It's clear that said field hasn't evolved in a long while and that SpaceX is having to make due with its current state. It would be cool to see someone come forward and advance it, though Elon has enough irons in the fire already.

>> No.12548158
File: 46 KB, 1196x221, 1604923313258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how it's been retired and just made a permanent part of the GSE complex. At first they were going to use it as a raptor test stand

>> No.12548161
File: 64 KB, 1196x300, 1597730508453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steel skin/tank thickness

>> No.12548170

American “republicanism” is not the entirety of democracy

>> No.12548183
File: 145 KB, 1400x1320, A2527347-232B-419B-99CF-24CD77E11EEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright conspiracy time but I’m pretty sure the whole “It was never going to fly” thing is just cope. I’m 98% sure that Elon and SpaceX really wanted to fly MK1 and intended to do so up until it exploded.

>> No.12548186

It doesn't even work, I remember reading a paper where they did the math and it wouldn't work, even in theory

>> No.12548191

How come? It's such a cool and intuitive enough concept

>> No.12548198

The entire reason magnetic sails were thought up is people realized the magnetic ramscoop was a drag device that never had positive thrust.

>> No.12548202

The drag force from the magnetic sail is actually being investigated as a way to slow down an interstellar spacecraft without using propellant. It’s that good at stopping a vehicle

>> No.12548211

crazy to think there's drag in interstellar/interplanetary space, especially further out from the sun, is the solar wind and medium that dense?

>> No.12548212

If you can do it with a plasma magnet sail it's a massive win. Double your delta-V budget for a few kilowatts and less than a ton of dry mass.

>> No.12548220

Relativity means that there's no difference between a ship flying at relativistic speeds through the interstellar medium and a stationary ship being bombarded with a relativistic particle storm. Stopping relativistic particles with a magnetic field confers a lot of momentum to the field and anything coupled to it.

>> No.12548232

He was referring to Romanian democracy, but it obviously still applies to the US.

>> No.12548235

>by then Elon’s starship will already be tried, tested, cheaper and being pumped out dozens a year?
I wish I was joking, but a vast majority of those who hate Elon do so because he has so much money. Some pro-space people used to think he was the best thing ever, but after Tesla took off in value, and SpaceX kept dominating its respective market, Elons worth went through the roof and suddenly hes a bad guy.
Doesn't matter what hes using the money for, or the fact that its not real cash, its "market value". Unless he was giving checks to people, they hate him.
And they would probably hate him anyways, because "he could give me more!"
People are stupid fucking greedy pieces of shit. I should know, I'm a greedy piece of shit too, I just happen to still like Elon.

>> No.12548237

Cowardly fag, I bet you tremble and piss your pants when you get on an airplane too.

>> No.12548241

>who the fuck cares about what the farm section looks like?

>> No.12548246

Elon seeing through the BS of the COVID thing is the straw that broke the camel’s back for Reddit lmao

>> No.12548251

>I’m 98% sure that Elon and SpaceX really wanted to fly MK1
You should be 100% sure, because Elon was dead-set on at least attempting to put it in the air. The man might hype the hell out of things that end up not working, and missing timelines all the time, but I'll be damned if the son of a bitch doesn't pushing things to their limits and keeps pushing. He said it before that unless you're failing, you aren't progressing fast enough (or some shit like that).
He had every intention to slap a raptor on it and put it in the sky, even if it took 20 rolls of duct tape to do it.

>> No.12548253

But they hate benzos more still?

>> No.12548255
File: 1.24 MB, 3000x2091, 1600347756623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I invest in Tesla or should I save all of my money and go all in on Starlink as soon as it opens?

>> No.12548263

No because they suck off that magazine he runs. Reddit thinks that ALL BILLIONAIRES ARE BAD!!!!! Unless they’re black/gay/liberal/etc.

>> No.12548264

Starlink will be a while still.
I'd drop into Tesla. I just bought some shares a few weeks ago and its up 20%.
Elon might make an IPO to blanket all of his companies, but that will be a while too.

>> No.12548278

No landing legs on SH? so much for emergency landings....

>> No.12548280

All of it exists right this second, what's lacking is will, ambition, and motivation.

>> No.12548282

But Elon is african american and autistic, and possibly unironically socialist. He also seems to be the only one of the top 10 richest people who actually cares about his own carbon footprint. The fuck else do they want from him?

>> No.12548293
File: 248 KB, 1914x745, 937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla's still a long way from the market domination it will eventually seize assuming other automakers continue to drag ass on EVs, wait for Elon to shitpost on twitter and tank the stock value then buy.

>> No.12548295

Why would SH need emergency landings?

>> No.12548300

emergency landings in the gulf of mexico?

>> No.12548303

You know what people care about more? Not starving. The farm section can be separate from the living section. Plants don't care as much about gravity and radiation as people do, which can be taken advantage of

>> No.12548307

Oh no! Not the empty steel tube!

>> No.12548330

Save the tube, cherish the tube.

>> No.12548334

Build quality and lifetime costs of Tesla vehicles is horrendous compared to existing car companies
Can’t do any work yourself
Fuck that

>> No.12548343

>bought tesla before stock split
>sold perfectly at the height the day of the stock split
>expected it to tank pretty far
>only tanked a bit
>"it's ok, there's no reason for it to moon again anytime soon. I'll just wait for a dip.
>up 100% over that value"
I hate myself. How did I only make a few thousand on Tesla this year. I missed out on all three of the real gravy trains. Could've just held the entire time too.
I made some money and I'm still annoyed. Yet I'm still too scared to actually get back on. The current valuation is like 10 years of growth ahead of the curve yet the zoomers keep piling in.

>> No.12548352

It’s insanely over valued but nothing is going to change to crater it any time soon

>> No.12548366

probably this. Would have risked hurting someone. What they could do it cut the cone into little sections and sell it. Fans would be all about that


bourgeoisie libs hate autists because they physically lack the ability to fit in with their convoluted woke etiquette.
>The fuck else do they want from him?
submission. For the corporate lib it's not what you do it's about signaling that you're a part of the pack. https://unherd.com/2020/12/why-americas-elites-keep-on-winning/

watching redditors compete over who can nod their head the hardest to the latest corporate narrative is hilarious

>> No.12548368
File: 1004 KB, 2390x1080, 1579193261974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what


>> No.12548375

A Starlink IPO could be years away. There are other options in the space sector you could consider like SRAC, ACCMF, MAXR, and NPA. I have been invested in TSLA for two years now and I'm still very bullish long term but expectations of the company have grown so much that they require near perfect execution or it may pull back significantly.

>> No.12548376

Someone here needs to buy that, we could make a film out of it

>> No.12548379

>Tom Cruise flight got pushed back a year or two
what went wrong? i hope its not canceled.

>> No.12548380

Looks like a gimp mask for a plane.

>> No.12548386

Kys bug
Urban life is inherently worse than rural life

>> No.12548390

>Can’t do any work yourself
If you're a brainlet, sure. Those of us who use our brains have no problems.

>> No.12548392

does anyone know how the hatches work on starship? I assumed that they're welded shut but I've seen no indication that that's the case

>> No.12548395

it's a big vanity trip for Cruise so it's probably top of the list of things to can the second the producers can claim money is tight because of covid

>> No.12548403

>why was space art so comfy in the 70s compared to now?

They knew when to use some minimalism and designs were dominated by strong use of base shapes. Look how energetic that rounded trapezoid control room is. Today that would be overdesigned as fuck

>> No.12548404

>rides on starliner instead of dragon
>things go horribly wrong
>spaceflight set back decades as politicians kick up a ton of new regulations in response and public opinion craters

>> No.12548406
File: 122 KB, 1371x764, 1599001164408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they refuse to launch on anything other than a paper rocket?

>> No.12548409
File: 213 KB, 1948x892, 1599832824855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these shots of starship during a foggy sunrise are unreal. Legit looks like Mars

>> No.12548419

>*slaps redundant reusable orbiter*
>you can fit so many nondescript shipping containers in this bad boy

>> No.12548423

that's a lot of cargo room. Neat. And whoa I didn't know that Dream Chaser was using vortex engines w/ propane and N2O. Pretty cool.

>> No.12548427

Dead culture. I hope the Muslims wipe ‘em out

>> No.12548430
File: 226 KB, 1365x2048, 7E6AA4F4-389C-4903-90BA-E8F20F7E39F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boca Chica is kino

>> No.12548436


>> No.12548437
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>> No.12548440

If Elon can truly find a way to push Raptor costs below $1 million, he could literally afford to lose hundreds of boosters and it would be nothing but a minor inconvenience

>> No.12548442


>> No.12548443

Raptors cost $2 Million a piece right now

>> No.12548447

>>rides on starliner instead of dragon
>things go horribly wrong
>the real Astronaut aboard crew 2 has passed out due to depressurizing capsule
>Tom Cruz takes her into manual, camera guy decides ‘fuck it’ and starts filming
>Resulting footage is made into a movie

>> No.12548453

Swamps are actually really breathtaking when photographed correctly

>> No.12548461

I thought they were $20 million. Are they seriously 2 mil??

>> No.12548464

You mean when you point the camera at the sky and not the terrain?

>> No.12548473

$2 million, with the intent to get down to $200,000

>> No.12548485

I'm still amazed TESLA ended up being the only one getting better battery/charger technology.
You'd think that as soon it appear everyone would be copying or have equivalent already.

Old constructor really are dragging their feets.
Maybe they are waiting the world changing battery tech that's worth reworking everything.

>> No.12548493

Holy shit, SH will be laughably easy to make

>> No.12548497

>“SpaceX Merlin engine costs less than $1 million. Elon has said SpaceX produce the Raptor for cheaper than or close to the Merlin engine in later simplified Raptor versions. Tim estimates current Raptors at $2 million.”

Elon says that Raptors cost about as much to build as Merlin engines do. Merlin engines cost $1 Million to produce.

>”Musk confirmed that each engine currently costs more than $2 million.”

>> No.12548514

They're building a dirt-cheap expendable rocket but deciding to reuse it anyway

>> No.12548519

Remember when SpaceX wanted to build their rockets with carbon fiber

>> No.12548538
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>”SpaceX’s stretch goal is to build one to two Starships a week, this year, and to pare back construction costs to as low as $5 million each.”

Don’t have the link but apparently SN1 costed $5 Million to weld together. Who knows how much SN8 costed with its wings and whatnot, or the Superheavy, but assuming it costs $10 Million to build Starship plus $20 Million for Superheavy, it is likely that $30 Mil total plus 34 Raptors ($2 Mil/pop) means that an entire Starship stack costs $98 Million to build. Maybe more, maybe less.

$98 Million for an entire starship stack means that with a 50% profit margin, Starship flying expendable would be $147 Million, or less than expendable Falcon Heavy.


>”$2 Million per Raptor.”

>”SN1 was $5 Million to build”

>”Superheavy is 3X the mass of a Starship tank”

>”Falcon Heavy expendable is $150 Million

>> No.12548541

Possible Hop on the 8th
Heres the TFR

>> No.12548543

the reusability is clearly more for cadence than it is for cost.

>> No.12548544

Wait until the correction coming soon whatever you do. This is a huge bubble worldwide.

>> No.12548545
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I dunno, I think Kirk Sorensen is right in saying that these concepts look like 70s shopping malls. 50s and 60s space art has a purer look. Also Soviet space art is pretty interesting.

>> No.12548558

When is the static fire? That’s 3 days from now for a flight

>> No.12548565

I think I read Wednesday somewhere and then they do a 2 day turnaround. But honestly, who knows they could just get one for the 9th or 10th if they are delayed.

>> No.12548572
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>trying to iterate with a material 60x more expensive than steel, impossible to repair, and difficult to manufacture
in retrospect that was never a good idea. Wonder if BO is running into similar problems with their New Glenn.

>> No.12548577
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Who knows man. I don’t know why BO is so secretive about shit.

>> No.12548578

thanks anon. Very informative.

oh shit!

supposedly tomorrow. The flight is soon. I'd put money on next week.

>> No.12548581

Also means SpaceX wasted a lot of time making carbon fibre fairings and trying to reuse them

>> No.12548587

A tube with 30-some raptors on it. Superheavy is the least used, most expensive, and therefore most indespensible part of the architecture. It must be made to be extremely reliable. It will also have legs

>> No.12548594

why is super heavy made of steel? Starship is obvious because reentry. But SH?

>> No.12548595

Steel is the future of space flight

>> No.12548597

Steel is cheap as fuck and Superheavy is gigantic. It also allows them to build the two stages together and with common components to save time and $$$$

>> No.12548614

Not really. They were already using CF on the fairings to improve performance. Every test they've done on fairing recovery normally ends in fairing disposal. If they were building a bunch of fairing test articles and destroying them like Starships, that'd be a different story, but they're not.

>> No.12548657

that whole "it was never going to fly" was a cope from fanatic elon cultists and was literally invented right after it exploded

>> No.12548672

I expected more things to happen this week but it's been almost dead.

>> No.12548675

nothing ever gets done the first week of the new year. Lots of people take vacations now or just don't want to work very hard coming off of the holidays.

>> No.12548676
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>SpaceX is targeting as early as Friday for a Starship SN9 launch attempt, with FAA temporary flight restrictions reaching "from the surface up to Unlimited."
>The FAA posted windows from 9am ET to 6:59pm ET (14:00 to 23:59 UTC) on Jan 8, Jan 9, and Jan 10

>> No.12548686

Thats the odd thing. The real impressive thing about the whole Starship operation is the industrial scale production and rapid turnaround.

>> No.12548688

>And whoa I didn't know that Dream Chaser was using vortex engines w/ propane and N2O.
Wait what? Source?

>> No.12548693

>from the surface up to Unlimited

>> No.12548698
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Hop already? I didn't even know they were doing test fires.

>> No.12548699

>Elon sends it up past the Karman Line so he can say Starship beat Vulcan and Starliner to space

>> No.12548703
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>> No.12548714

"Unlimited" means 60,000 feet, Flight Level 600
beyond that, airspace is not regulated and you're on your own in the free sky

>> No.12548716

They're not. They didn't yesterday, today's road closure is cancelled, and they can try again tomorrow. Maybe this was submitted a few days ago and assumed an early static fire, because they're not gonna turn it around for a flight one day after a static fire. Shows they're being aggressive with the schedule though.

>> No.12548735

It’s still money spent to develop and use CF fairings which were not necessary and will be abandoned now that Starship is all steel

>> No.12548744

>Altitude: From the surface up to Unlimited

>> No.12548751

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>> No.12548752











>> No.12548760
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>they're not gonna turn it around for a flight one day after a static fire

>> No.12548763

The carbon fibre fairings are the most expensive part of the rocket
And 90% of their launches don’t use tight margins

>> No.12548765

Elon should have a starship accidentally fall on top of the FAA building. Fuck these niggers.

>> No.12548766

No they’re not wtf? They’re only $6 Million per flight. The first stage is $15 or so million.

>> No.12548768

>they're not gonna turn it around for a flight one day after a static fire
Didn't they literally do that with SN8?

>> No.12548769

the FAA has never been a problem for SpaceX. Or at least in recent memory, they always get approval well before they're ready to test. There's never any hardware sitting around rusting while papers get pushed.

>> No.12548771

Are you confusing Starship and Falcon?

>> No.12548779


>> No.12548784

>12.5km hop already
That was quick.

>> No.12548790

I don't recall any of the SN8 testing delays having anything to do with the FAA

>> No.12548792

First stage is reused and built from many parts...

>> No.12548793

they were

>> No.12548805


what is the likelihood they will use PP excuses and red-tape to lock Space X in and slow down their progress so they don't beat NASA to Mars?

>> No.12548808

take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand

>> No.12548813

See >>12548808

>> No.12548814

Fairly high. You must remain shackled to this debtors prison forever.

>> No.12548818

it depends how many oldspace shills are sitting on this committee and want to use it to drive more sales to the companies they sit on the board at.

>> No.12548820

98% chance NASA partners with SpaceX to save face. Doing so will save SpaceX a lot of hassle anyhow

>> No.12548830
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>SpaceX turns into Boeing over time

>> No.12548849

SpaceX will most likely eventually get complacent in the distant future when Musk, Shotwell, etc. have all been long gone, but SpaceX still has a long ways to go before they rust into oldspace.

>> No.12548852

Such is the fate of all companies

>> No.12548862
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With Elon and Gwynne still around, that is pretty unlikely.


Considering what Starship is and how unorthedox the aerial maneuvers are, I dont blame the FAA for putting a bit of red tape around Starship testing to make sure everything goes fairly well.

I fully expect the FAA to loosen up with their restrictions once more Starship prototypes have flown successfully.


>FAA's zone extends into Mexican airspace.

How does that work? Shouldnt SpaceX also have to ask Mexican authorities to authorise flight tests due to being a literal stonesthrow away from the border?

>> No.12548865

>How does that work?
Mexico does what the FAA tells them or the FAA stops letting Mexican planes cross the border.

>> No.12548883

Never said that they’d become Boeing, just that they’re probably going to work with NASA on a Mars mission and are likely to be willing to bend their designs/plans to work with them. They already did that with “LunarShip”

>> No.12548904

>and creating guidelines for government oversight of commercial projects within six months.

>> No.12548912

The joke was in the original post, you mong.

>> No.12548923

What stops spacex from just going to a different country and setting up operations there?

If they try to fuck with them too much then they might just leave.

>> No.12548928

How many times do we have to reply with the acronym ITAR before it sinks in?

>> No.12548931


>> No.12548939

Dubs and SN9 fuckin explodes

>> No.12548954

Dubs and this Anon explodes.

>> No.12548963
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>> No.12548966

Dubs and my girlfriend dumps me tomorrow

>> No.12548970

ITAR, but also the fact that SpaceX couldn’t exist in most countries with sufficient human capital to actually work on their projects. Good luck trying to do anything like this in Europe.

>> No.12548973

Maybe this time the high altitude Nasa plane will be there to record.

>> No.12548974

My condolences, anon.

>> No.12548975

Because autism

>> No.12548977

Tough luck, pal.

>> No.12548982

>It just wants to stay exactly the same forever.
The political feminization of a nation.

>> No.12548984

Wow, that's rough buddy

>> No.12548985

2)no other country with enough installed industrial capacity, abundance of people with experience in spaceflight and in the different manufacturing tecnologies and which is not communistic in the way its goverment handles itself

>> No.12548988

His mistake was thinking that the elected officials actually direct policy. The US has had a very consistent policy for many years.

>> No.12548989

>no other country has steel or cheap welders

>> No.12548990

women dont want to stay the same tehy want to have their bodies destroyed by big dick that gets them pregnant

a womens instinct is to destroy its pretty body with kids, its surrealy fetishistical

>> No.12548998
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>Don’t have children, goyim

>> No.12549009

>You'd think that as soon it appear everyone would be copying or have equivalent already.
And that is exactly what is happening.
You just don't read it in the news because they lack the ability (or the willingness) to make it a show like Musk does.

>> No.12549012

Tons do. SpaceX is uniquely American, though.

>> No.12549018

boeing did a lot of good things before they engineer style management of the company was taken to the back of the shed and shot by the corpo style management.

>> No.12549020

Battery tech has stagnated. We’re nearing completion of the tech tree and soon new tech will no longer happen

>> No.12549021

That's very american of you.

>> No.12549023

Well shit. So what exactly will the government do to spacex in future now?

But I suppose Elon’s Martian colony makes sense now, imagine spending eternity on this rock while it’s run by total scumbags and Golem who would rather maintain a level of wasteful stagnation just because it keeps their own profits high.

That colony would give you a chance to GTFO and possibly form a separate nation while the earth descends further into corruption and mediocrity.

>> No.12549025

You clearly haven't heard about solid state batteries before.

>> No.12549026

>I dunno, I think Kirk Sorensen is right in saying that these concepts look like 70s shopping malls

So, awesome?

>> No.12549027

Their CEO for the past few debacles was the lead engineer for a few of their projects.

>> No.12549028

>That colony would give you a chance to GTFO and possibly form a separate nation while the earth descends further into corruption and mediocrity.
literally the plot of The Expanse.

>> No.12549030

>what exactly will the government do to spacex in future now?
Treat them like the golden goose they are, mostly. SpaceX is starting to get serious DOD contracts, which have the potential to make them borderline untouchable in the future.

>> No.12549035

The US army has a massive boner for starlink right now.
They want SpaceX to build it.
So they are safe from oldspace.

>> No.12549043

OK, just did a little digging on Dream Chaser and these engines for the crew version look super interesting
>133kN per engine
>multiple engines
>Propa-NOS non-cryogenic propellants
Not great options for ISRU at nitrogen-poor bodies, but for Earth orbit it's pretty neat.

>> No.12549044

Yeah, but won’t this somehow cause them to become more like old space?

I actually hope Boeing and blue origin can get their shit together and start competing with spacex because the greatest fear I have is that their soon to be monopoly of the space industry will cause stagnation again, but I suppose as long as musk is leading the thing then money should be of lesser importance than exploration and colonisation.

>> No.12549051


>> No.12549056

>Yeah, but won’t this somehow cause them to become more like old space?
Oldspace is oldspace because they have infinite money and time. Elon is shoveling all the profits from SpaceX into Starship development so he can personally retire on Mars.

>> No.12549062

It’s human nature for conflict to appear in ideas and sometimes people prefer to just leave and start anew rather than try and change an entire system. It’s how the US, Boer republics, religious groups like the Amish/Mennonites who go and set up settlements in the middle of nowhere.

Mars will be like this as well, it has the potential that people have dreamed about and that’s the only reason I can see musk trying so hard to get there.

>> No.12549067

It's so pale and lacking in diversity

>> No.12549068

According to what I read we have potential for battery that store 20times more energy. If something like that could be marketed and last as long as a the (recipient) tank life, we would revolutionize transport.
Of course it better have to quick to charge too.

Other would make the show for them if they were that close. I remain skeptic.

>> No.12549070

>According to what I read we have potential for battery that store 20times more energy
That's a common clickbait meme. Wake me up when those batteries make it to market.

>> No.12549071

More energy stored means the battery is more explosive..

>> No.12549078
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>> No.12549080

Damn, if only I was a cgi space plane, I’d fly to space too

>> No.12549081

>According to what I read we have potential for battery that store 20times more energy
>He fell for the 999999th clickbait article about muh super battery being just around the corner, invest in this company now goyim!

>> No.12549082

wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_Chaser#Propulsion
>After the acquisition of Orbitec LLC in July 2014, Sierra Nevada Corporation announced a major change to the propulsion system. The hybrid rocket engine design was dropped in favor of a cluster of Orbitec's Vortex engines. The new engines would use propane and nitrous oxide as propellants.

This is the given source
..which is a small time space newsite/blog? It also says nothing about propane or vortex engines. Only that DC switched from hybrid engines to liquid. This is really shitty sourcing. Nice job wikipedia. Is it just me or have they been getting worse?

Anyways, I did some digging myself. On SNC's own site there's no specific mention of Dream Chaser's propulsion systems on the dream chaser's page. But digging through some press releases...
>(ORBITEC) recently completed successful testing and demonstration of three different propellant combinations for its existing 30,000-pound thrust vortex rocket engine.
>...to accommodate a specific combination of fuel and oxidizer, including propane and kerosene fuels with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and liquid oxygen oxidizers

>for the first time opened to public view a test-firing of its patented VORTEX® rocket engine, showcasing next-generation technology
>SNC’s VORTEX engine, which uses green and clean propellants, will be used for the SNC Dream Chaser® spacecraft when it services the International Space Station for NASA missions starting in spring 2021.

Alright, so Dream Chaser is using vortex engines, which is pretty sweet. Not sure about the fuel, however. I guess "green and clean" rules out kerosene, but it could be a number of things outside of that. Nothing specific about propane and N2O in DC though.

>> No.12549086

more stuff:
>Our propulsion team has designed, manufactured and tested multiple thrust chamber assemblies in the 1 lbf to 35,000 lbf thrust class range with a variety of propellant combinations such as Peroxide/RP1, LOX/kerosene, LOX/propane, LOX/Hydrogen, and N2O/propane.
>Our patented Vortex™ thrust chamber assembly confines propellant mixing and burning to the core region of a coaxial vortex flow field. This enables dramatic cost savings through robust design margins leading to extremely high durability, reliability and reusability in engines that are inexpensive to manufacture and maintain.

>> No.12549092

Has any spacecraft used this fuel combination before?

>> No.12549094

Meme tech

>> No.12549095

they'll never work

>> No.12549097

Only /sfg/ shitposts I think.

>> No.12549098

All the new battery tech you see in headlines has never gone to market for various reasons; and besides, even if you made a battery with superior energy density, that means it’s more explosive too

>> No.12549110

>and besides, even if you made a battery with superior energy density, that means it’s more explosive too
Good, then we have an excuse to stop selling tech trinkets to hostile nations.

>> No.12549114

speaking of vortex engines, if there a size and/or pressure limit on how well that tech can work? Getting cooling without the hassle that regenerative approaches bring is pretty sweet

>> No.12549120

As long as it's less explosive and inflammable than a fuel tank it's a win.

>> No.12549129


>> No.12549135
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Electron launch NET the 16th

>> No.12549141

as a matter of fact, its not just cheap, its ultra advanced metallurgy in scales big enough to build trans atlantic ships, not many have them.

and that is the SIMPLEST tech that has to be already established with a nation wide established multimegaton production capacity and decades of established experience

when you factor in the electric surface, aero surfaces precision metalurgy next gen ultra secret sci fi guidance software etc...

it basically boils down to either the us or the russians after 10 years and a couple of apollo programs worth of investment

>> No.12549145

Fucking memelording hobbitses.

>> No.12549146


>> No.12549150

>Well shit. So what exactly will the government do to spacex in future now?
swoop in and reap the benefits after all the hard work is done. with any luck theyll be benevolent enough not to destroy it in the process

>> No.12549154

Is the Venture Star a massive cope?

>> No.12549178

>"green and clean"
ITS BEYOND RETARDED THAT WE LIVE in a world in which rocket manufacturers hvae to explain their "ecology plan" to the general public, when no matter how big the rocket industry gets it will never be more than 0.01% of the world contamination
but our economical system is so screwed up that you have to absolutely prioritize stupid false made uip anytiscience to please the 99.9999 of idiots PR public image RAAATHER than obey the actual objective science engineering laws of the universe physical reality

>> No.12549180

There was a small delay, because they argued over the height of the launch.
Most people had no idea, because it caused maybe a week delay, tops.

>> No.12549186

>implying this is about pleasing the public
The only people these grifters are appealing to with this nonsense are ultraliberal urbanite investors.

>> No.12549193

I think by "green and clean" they mean "won't give you horrible cancer like hydrazine"

>> No.12549194

Yeah, non-toxic engines are a big deal for a spacecraft that wants to land on a runway.

>> No.12549215
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>> No.12549229
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>UNLIMITED altitude
30km hop now Elon?

>> No.12549236

Be real /sfg/oys, where in time do you think humanity will be in when we get humans to the nearest star system?

>> No.12549249

It depends on two conditions
1) Are there habitable planets in the system?
2) Do we have access to advanced propulsion? (Fusion, Laser Sails, Antimatter)
Unless both of these criteria are met, we aren’t going anywhere

>> No.12549253

probably several hundred years from now at the earliest

>> No.12549260

snate also had unlimited altitude, so no

>> No.12549261

What a fat dog

>> No.12549270

I don’t think that’s ever happening.

>> No.12549272

>According to what I read we have potential for battery that store 20times more energy.
what you read is sensationalist news aimed at retards, you think you have access to the real world of knowledge?

>> No.12549274

I think it will, but it will be way, way further into the future than most spaceflight enthusiasts would like to admit

>> No.12549282

As soon as Mars becomes self sustaining, you bet your ass the next “big thing” is going to be colonizing another star system. Someone from the future is going to become the new Elon and lead the drive for such an initiative

>> No.12549290

>Mars will NEVER be self-sustainable

>> No.12549303

It will be eventually. My guess is 200 years

>> No.12549310
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Eventually it will. I think the biggest hurdle will be the ability to make complex electronics (microchips and whatnot) out of Martian resources. Until a Mars colony can build a starship using local ores, it’s not self sustaining

>> No.12549315

How tf are you going to make leather if there's no cattle on mars?

>> No.12549321

Import cattle.

>> No.12549322

Just bring some cattle and make 'em fuck, then you get more cattle then you started with.

>> No.12549327


>> No.12549332

What'll it breathe and eat?

>> No.12549335

People who ask stupid questions like you.

>> No.12549340

the biggest challenge will be overcoming the severe birth defects and potential sterility caused by long term low g

>> No.12549345

>find a giant crater
>dome it
>wash the perchlorate out of the soil
>plant grass
>add cows
>free range Mars beef

>> No.12549350

I have an IQ of 165 and three P age Dees sir

>> No.12549353

I don't think plants can grow on martian soil just like that

>> No.12549370
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>SN9 flight before the weekend

>> No.12549373

They will with enough processing

>> No.12549375

Who gives a fuck what happens in the future? Wondering about it is quite literally no more relevant than fantasy

>> No.12549380

Plants grow in Martian simulant just fine, also in moon dust

>> No.12549381

>Not being immortal

>> No.12549383

why are you posting on a thread that mostly talks about things that haven't happened yet?

>> No.12549389

>watching the newest episode of the expanse
>reference to spaceshipone as one of the most important events of spaceflight
>starship and spacex ignored completely
what the fuck did bezos mean by this

>> No.12549397

>still seething over the Venture Star's cancelation

>> No.12549401

Potential Mars landings and small-scale colonization are well within the potential lifespan of most people here. I don’t give a fuck what goes on in 2200 or 2600 or 6506974.

>> No.12549404

But the moon is made out of cheese, no?

>> No.12549408

>he plans on dying
loser mentality

>> No.12549413

are you implying it's a reference to spaceshiptwo? It's an even dumber name than starliner so I honestly can't imagine what they were thinking if that's the case.

>> No.12549415

>wash perchlorate out
>apply fertilizer
consider that to import cows requires cows to spend months on starship which means lots of cow shit is also being imported

>> No.12549416

Those low g birth defects that we have literally zero evidence exist. Even mice born in zero g have wound up being just fine whne returned to earth. For all we know 0.1g is enough to offset the handful of actual health issues we know exist in microgravity.

>> No.12549421

You will die. Deal with it.

>> No.12549422

? Spaceship one is some meme suborbital rocket plane from virgin

>> No.12549425
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I'll try to explain more technically
>soft edges even on things that should have a hard edge
>no harsh lighting
>lighting is more balanced and typically warmer in colors
>everything has a light bloom or blur which gives the composition a dreamlike quality
>meshing of seemingly anachronistic modern life (sparse suburban landscape straight out of pre-urban sprawl California) with future location
>even smaller details tend to be imaginative even if they're not efficient
>at the same time anything that is functional is kept as plain as possible (doesn't have the modern sci-fi design trend of greebling the hell out of everything)
There is also the fact that the 70s were a more optimistic time than the past decade so that might affect even smaller details that we can only register subconsciously

>> No.12549426

Fuck all the people who keep demanding crewed Starship interior renders, I need to see some Bovine Starship mockups.

Inb4 it's just an open cargo fairing with 20+ cows floating around and a cannon that shoots out wads of grass every couple hours.

>> No.12549427


>> No.12549428

Mice were never born or conceived in zero

>> No.12549429

as far as I know there was no SpaceShipOne, the suborbital meme is called SpaceShipTwo

>> No.12549431

You can if you want to, but I have literally never died

>> No.12549433

Assuming society holds together, I’d say within 250 years.

>> No.12549435

>24/7 cows on the float livestream
>hahaha the cows are confused

>> No.12549437

Not if I cryogenic-freeze myself and set the timer to ∞

>> No.12549440
File: 235 KB, 1600x1115, 1606487180499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as far as I know there was no SpaceShipOne

>> No.12549444

>defeat time with this one weird trick
>entropy HATES this!

>> No.12549448
File: 78 KB, 1920x1080, 1fwb7re2bts01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, the Razorback has SS2 in the "history of flight" graphic

to be fair, the model of the razorback predates Starship hardware existing

>> No.12549449

>as far as I know there was no SpaceShipOne
Must be nice to not remember a time when SpaceShipOne was being shilled from heaven to earth as the future of commercial spaceflight

>> No.12549456

>to be fair, the model of the razorback predates Starship hardware existing
top kek SpaceX works faster than art departments

>> No.12549476

>one of the most important events in spaceflight
How out of tune with the field do you have to be to see it as that? Sure it's cool and it was the first time a private company sent a crew to above the Karman line, but Virgin Galactic did nothing exceptional after that apart from making a dangerous spacecaft

>> No.12549478
File: 977 KB, 2000x3000, 2B38F802-98D5-4660-8530-FFFBFBF8E402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship/ITS/BFR/MCT “became real” in 2018. The Expanse TV Show was started in 2015. Funny enough, the show even predates the 2016 ITS presentation. Amazing how time flies, huh?

Does anyone know where I can find the original Wikipedia page for the Interplanetary Transport System? I’m pretty sure they removed with when it was revealed that SpaceX moved on.

>> No.12549479

Freezing a human kills them.

>> No.12549482
File: 154 KB, 729x638, apu magnifying glass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 70s were a more optimistic time than the past decade
Imagine telling that to someone in August of 2000.

>> No.12549485
File: 8 KB, 241x209, 1609818741139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we send out cows on a starship, the G-force that'll hit them when leaving the earth will have them all dying from heart-attacks;
If we send them on morphine only for them to wake up mid trajectory, the 0-G will frighten the moos out of them and they'll die right there and then from heart-attacks, and if not that, they'll all be killed from, once again, heart-attacks on landing ;
If the plan is to wake them up only after arrival and having them concentrated, they'll all die from heart-attacks once they realize that this aint Kansas anymore;
Long story short, we'll never have martian leather

>> No.12549487
File: 229 KB, 314x365, Galactic_Virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.12549488

The funny thing is that Virgin Galactic actually had nothing to do with SpaceShipOne at all

>> No.12549489

Not freeing a human kills them too.

>> No.12549493

>If we send out cows on a starship, the G-force that'll hit them when leaving the earth will have them all dying from heart-attacks;

Slow burn, or just habituate the cows to g forced

>> No.12549499

wikipedia hosts all of its archives, just click on the history tab or whatever

>> No.12549500

No motivation, no drive, no Elon

>> No.12549501

We know dogs, chimps, and tortoises can survive launch and zero-g just fine, why couldn't cows?

>> No.12549505


Toyota disagrees

>> No.12549506

Nothing, it's going perfectly to plan.

>> No.12549507

Well, same fucking designer though. Burt Rutan.

>> No.12549508

>SpaceShipOne first flight in 2003
>Virgin Galactic founded in 2004
What the fuck? I thought Brandson made the company to make the vehicle. What kind of wackass development allowed this to happen?

>> No.12549509

I bet you didn't even ask a cow.

>> No.12549513

Burt Rutan needed funding, Branson stepped in.

>> No.12549514

What happened in August of 2000?

>> No.12549515

Last full month before 9/11. Everything was still happy.

>> No.12549518

Cows are naturally jumpy animals, they are the likeliest of species to suffer and die from a heart-attack
t. Cowologist and frequ/an/t user

>> No.12549523

clone them on mars

>> No.12549526
File: 48 KB, 640x480, am_i_disabled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>august of 2000 was a full month before september of 2001

>> No.12549528

They've already been demonstrated practically, fuckin retard.

>> No.12549529

Go home, ESL.

>> No.12549531

Just because a technology can be shown in a lab doesn’t mean it has the traits necessary for mass production and utilization. There’s a reason we don’t use fuckin RTGs to power everything

>> No.12549537
File: 3.36 MB, 2048x1775, 1600852083343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they usually specify that there may be multiple sirens/static fire attempts?

>> No.12549538

>Does anyone know where I can find the original Wikipedia page for the Interplanetary Transport System?

>> No.12549542

>Those low g birth defects that we have literally zero evidence exist
those low g birth defects that we have literally zero evidence don't exist

>> No.12549548
File: 188 KB, 690x1186, 1608586460414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cows are naturally jumpy animals, they are the likeliest of species to suffer and die from a heart-attack
>blocks your path

>> No.12549563


"From a space perspective, today's runoff in Georgia will determine whether Alabama Senator Richard Shelby remains chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee."

>> No.12549567

yet another reason to add to the pile of incentives to vote democrat

>> No.12549569

Is that a hare or a rabbit?

>> No.12549575

>imagine voting socialism when it hasn't worked once, ever
Communism is a meme, stoopid

>> No.12549576
File: 95 KB, 1170x660, SpaceX-ITS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it among the highest tier of artistry?

>> No.12549579

5 social credit points have been deposited into your account

>> No.12549582

And the alternative is some planetary protection nutjob that would have you shackled to this rock forever to pay reprashuns.
Yeah, I'd take Shelby.

>> No.12549589

Could you train calfs from an early age to be comfortable with flight?

>> No.12549591
File: 1.71 MB, 937x936, Dabbing and Starsips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang all elected representatives, no exceptions.

>> No.12549593

Not for a few thousand years, at least

>> No.12549595

reminder that the vast majority of incompetence at nasa has been caused by republicans forcing them to create jobs in their districts

>> No.12549597

Rabbit. Hares are basically just slightly anorexic druggie rabbits.

>> No.12549599

Reminder that "two party system" is a meme and kabuki theater.

>> No.12549600

Assembly jobs, anyone can do that, the brains are what matter and those meet no boundaries, if anything the incompetence was there all along

>> No.12549602

I'm not so sure about that. Have you seen the current state of NASA? Internal mails about not enough DIVERSITY and all sorts of shit like that? They're not about space anymore. They're about critical race theory and equity.

>> No.12549605

I will require $10million to build a centrifuge I can strap calves into. Contribute to my MooSpin kickstarter so we can start flinging cows around, for science.

>> No.12549609

The biggest threat to NASA is dems that want to gut all the exploration programs to fund climate projects.

>> No.12549610

No, not possible, they lack thumbs, therfore they're unfit to pilot any sort of aircraft

>> No.12549616

>not calling it the cattlesel

>> No.12549619

>republicans want "exploration programs" that require a large scale of bureaucratic bloat in order to get anywhere
>democrats don't want anything to progress in space besides earth monitoring programs
thank god for spacex

>> No.12549625

It's almost like one side VS the rest of us or something haha. But nah that'd be silly, clearly team A is better than team B, you can tell because they're my favorite color

>> No.12549635
File: 160 KB, 999x964, newt-gingrich-lunar-base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12549644

Politics are a hassle, that's an absolute and irrefutable truth. However, should we follow the chinese political model, we'd achieve all our goals in an instant, that's given. All hail the CCP

>> No.12549646

Dubs confirm

>> No.12549647

Alright, stop shitting up the thread, you niggers.

>> No.12549653

Imagine if Newt Gingrich had won 2016 instead of Trump

>> No.12549654


>> No.12549660

virgin vs chad memes ruined them

>> No.12549662

You first faggot

>> No.12549667

Learn more at the project's website

>> No.12549670

Because it’s the republicans obsessed with negros and women empowerment

>> No.12549673

It’s a shame SpaceX pussied out and cut the size of the Starship!

>> No.12549675

Unironically CCP model only works if your side is in charge. Otherwise it sucks.

>> No.12549691

How much did he support SpaceX?

>> No.12549695


>> No.12549699
File: 75 KB, 275x269, hopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the symbolism of Hoppy, the first tangible step of the program, looking over each Starship as it leaves Earth.

>> No.12549700
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>> No.12549702
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>> No.12549708
File: 300 KB, 2463x1078, Starship-Boca-Chica-120920-SpaceX-SN8-remains-SN9-next-1-crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My ancestors are smiling upon me, SLS. Can you say the same?

>> No.12549719
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, firefox_2021-01-05_20-40-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12549721
File: 905 KB, 500x375, Saturn5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's been a decade son, when are you going to move off the pad and make something of your life? You're not getting any younger you know. What would mother say?

>> No.12549735
File: 119 KB, 1000x608, SLS-Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pardon me, I had too much pork.

>> No.12549744
File: 69 KB, 960x481, 20200430_venera-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was the Venera/Vega program mostly successful, while the Mars/Fobos program was mostly a failure?

>> No.12549748

It's much more difficult to aerobrake on Mars since the atmosphere is so thin.

>> No.12549756

After Viking the Soviets committed most of their energies on getting Venus landings right in order to differentiate themselves from the Americans. It was only in the late 80s when it seemed like America was never going to have a substantial Mars robotic program did they try again with Mars but by then the budgets and time had become too thin

>> No.12549759

thicc air, mostly

>> No.12549765

it doesnt work because innovation needs liberty

capitalistical black lives matter freedom of all yas queeeen is the real drive behind science progress, i know you may not like it, but its obejctive truth, the real heroes of america are humanities majors, science is easy, soul is hard

china is a tyrantocracy and will never succeed

thats why the us has both democrats (god tier master servants of fredom poetry good things and the actual hard workers that work even harder by noit having their har dowkr recognized) and stupid right wingers which do objective science which is dumb and easy anyone could do it and we let them think they ares smrat

>> No.12549770

That makes sense, Mars was handled by the B team. Then the Russians (Mars-96, Fobos-Grunt) were just too poor.

>> No.12549771

And what then when the leaders decide that space is too hard and cut funding to it and move scientists to labor camps that object?

>> No.12549774
File: 1.08 MB, 1334x750, 3984ED3C-5B18-4187-A327-14AD6ABF53DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12549778

I don't see any reason the cows wouldn't be able to survive the G forces going up. Even if something about their body type makes them more suspectible I'm sure there are things we could do to either properly restrain then or otherwise acclimate them to the forces.

For the zero G, I picture an open deck of the ship with treadmills all along the other perimeter facing outwards. Use some sort of bungie system like the ISS treadmills have to allow them to "walk" like normal. Put feed buckets in front of them that are mostly enclosed with a hole just large enough for them to get the snout in. Give the entire room a pressure gradient with a slow but powerful vacuum in the center than pulls any lose food/floating manure into a collection bin for fertilizer on Mars. Maybe slap a TV on the wall in front of each cow if its shown to help them mentally survive the trip.

>> No.12549779

The Accident and trying to cash in on spacex hype

>> No.12549780

this guy is right minus the stroke
yes chinese have great central planning capacity but their restrictions on freedom greatly limit innovation, they try to compensate by copying free countries but it will never be the same

europe is what happens when you give all power to feminist with green died pubes

china is what happens when you give all power to the closest we have to stalin in the XXI century

america is the healthy balance that conquers all. The innovation of freedom+the power of discipline and winner culture

>> No.12549783

>I don't see any reason the cows wouldn't be able to survive the G forces going up. Even if something about their body type makes them more suspectible I'm sure there are things we could do to either properly restrain then or otherwise acclimate them to the forces.
just sedate them and put them in tanks with acceleration gel with (well adjusted) breathing masks

>> No.12549784

>quadruple the size of the colony just so some broscience conservatives are afraid of beans because beef companies told them so

>> No.12549785

Then you just add a space rancher to float around and brush/interact with them to keep them happy and you could probably get at least ~20 healthy cows to Mars per ship. If you send along loads of implantable embryos you could probably get a genetically diverse population going within a few synods.

>> No.12549798

>He doesn't want to have a big steak dinner on the Martian veranda
>He doesn't want to export rare Martian beef back to earth for a premium.

That sounds like a real mess to clean up after launch, unless you plan on letting your cows atrophy for 6 months during the trip.

>> No.12549803

>>quadruple the size of the colony
If your paraterraforming projects aren't visible from orbit you're a fag.

>> No.12549808

artificial mars gravity during the trip, back in the acceleration tank for landing

>> No.12549810

branson sucks

>> No.12549812

>europe is what happens when you give all power to feminist with green died pubes

A dyed bush sounds pretty hot ngl

>> No.12549813

>>He doesn't want to have a big steak dinner on the Martian veranda
>>He doesn't want to export rare Martian beef back to earth for a premium
how about you just export the eggs+semen and grow them in an out of body womb like they did that lamb

>> No.12549816

>yum phytoestrogens

>> No.12549818

When I heard the word "colony" I immediately think of pathogens.

>> No.12549819

>unless you plan on letting your cows atrophy for 6 months
hundreds of pounds of veal, fuck yeah

>> No.12549829

>watching this video
>geese are so small and far away, they're going to fly behind SN9
>they fly in front of it
I always forget how huge Starship is

>> No.12549853

>Doesn’t quite illustrate true size difference. Starship payload volume & mass are >1000% that of Shuttle.

>> No.12549869

Holy shit

>> No.12549875
File: 2.30 MB, 3024x4032, 1609727772027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes my rocket become a 3STO.

>> No.12549878

Because the shuttle is up there on wheels and not level

>> No.12549891

Also not true because the shuttle had 25+ tons of payload And really the orbiter was all payload too since it had no reason to exist, nor carried propellant

>> No.12549893

>healthy anything, literally or otherwiser
have you been in a coma for the past 12 years or something? your country is in rapid decline

>> No.12549899 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 652x774, 7FA1BB9F-DF3C-4C7C-8A18-469808795CEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes but I’m sure your nation has done great strides to assist the wellbeing of the planet

>> No.12549907

The Orbiter is awesome!

>> No.12549911


>> No.12549917

>the shuttle had 25+ tons of payload
>And really the orbiter was all payload too
So is that 25 tons including the orbiter or not?

>> No.12549926

Extra payload in the payload bay
Not sure if that counts supplies for the crew either

The shuttle was pretty big

>> No.12549938

hispanics in europe are european, unlike american "hispanics" who are mostly mixed with indians

>> No.12549948

i'm surprised somebody else on /sfg/ actually knows about codreanu

>> No.12549964
File: 191 KB, 678x1024, IMG_0629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better comparison would be Energia, which could lift around 100 tons total (Orbiter + payload). A stock Starship would be comparable to it.

>> No.12549966

Yeah but the shuttle wasn't 9 meters wide. That image lacks a top down view

>> No.12549967

If you drop Super Heavy in the drink to match the Shuttle flight profile Starship absolutely does have 250 tons of payload to orbit.

>> No.12549973

Whats funny about this is that American (white) sperm IS highly sought after in the world. Also Danish for some reason.

>> No.12549989
File: 743 KB, 1206x946, Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 9.58.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mk1 looked like shit though, SN8 actually looked decent.

>> No.12549997

its just as much for cost, since you need extremely high cadence to get the cost low enough to allow spacex to launch thousands of starships every 2 and a half years

>> No.12550003

>A dyed bush sounds pretty hot ngl
ok ok, you got me there i gotta admit

>> No.12550011
File: 119 KB, 851x425, succession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then start with lichens, and work your way up to the kinds of grasses that cows will eat. It'll take a while, but what on Mars involving life doesn't take shitloads of time?

>> No.12550012

Nice work

>> No.12550016

I doubt it. NASA would just slow SpaceX down enough. NASA could just say that SpaceX got all the data it needed to select a landing site from NASA (they did), and that'll be the end of it,
what the fuck will mexico do lmao

>> No.12550018

Considering the precarious position of theatrical movies (and therefore big budget blockbusters) I'm not surprised.

>> No.12550024

i've never seen any evidence for these severe birth defects you faggots speak of

>> No.12550025

The forces which incentivize regionalism and pork spending don't disappear because a candidate prefers the color blue to the color red, anon.

The actual answer is to go for aquaculture for delicious fish and shrimp. And maybe, like, bring some chickens. Even if "sea"food and poultry end up being niche luxury goods on Mars, variety is always good for morale.

>> No.12550044

Dynetics is putting Vortex engines on the ALPACA for their HLS proposal, iirc.

>> No.12550048

neat. I like to see this approach more exposure. Curious how far they can take it.

>> No.12550068

So road closure for a static fire tomorrow, and TFRs for a flight window on the 8th, 9th, and 10th? It’d be amazing if a Starship that fell over in the highbay becomes the first one to stick a landing.

>> No.12550074

and turk sat Thursday

>> No.12550080

Only retards care about “the planet”

>> No.12550086

What about algae? My fish tank grows oodles of the stuff with basically no help except a lamp and access to air

>> No.12550088

So 3, maybe 4 falcon heavy flights for 2021, and 3, maybe 4 crew dragon flights as well. Plus starlink constellation expanding massively and potential first starship flight. 2021 is gonna be a big year for SpaceX.

>> No.12550096

I was trying to offer alternatives to beef which, while delicious, isn't exactly feasible on Mars. Not a lot of pasture out there, y'know?

>> No.12550098

Damn, at least these threads will finally have something on topic to talk about. I've got a lot of shit to do this weekend, so I hope they manage to get SN9 on track for the 8th.

>> No.12550099

Succession is a thing. Tent over some outdoor space with breathable atmosphere, throw some lichens and moss on the rocks, and wait.

>> No.12550112

I agree, but that will take a considerable amount of time. I was thinking about more short-to-medium term means of feeding a hypothetical Martian populace.

>> No.12550113

Cow shit mixed with soil might be enough to neutralize the perchlorates, even. There's bacteria that can reduce the amount of perchlorate compounds in a material. It may be possible that some of those bacteria can survive in a cow's gut biome.

>> No.12550114

It’s still uncertain how much of a problem volume will be. I’d be willing to bet though that producing enough oxygen to pressurize an area would bottleneck before construction speed of the actual space.

>> No.12550133

Same reasons. Superheavy needs no additional TPS and will be cheap to build.

>> No.12550140

no YOU

>> No.12550146
File: 98 KB, 556x430, wernher-von-braun-as-the-ss-officer-led-the-united-states-into-space[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets not forget our roots.

>> No.12550155

Von Braun’s work was interrupted multiple times due to inter-organizational rivalries, and he was even arrested at one point because the SS questioned his loyalty (and they probably wanted to hold him hostage to get concessions from the Wehrmacht). Germany funded a number of immature technologies to develop operational weapons out of desperation more than anything else.

>> No.12550158

Is this the end for shelby's power in the senate?

>> No.12550167

I AM the senate.

>> No.12550176
File: 1.30 MB, 1244x1004, Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 11.28.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did reddit steal from /sfg/ or /sfg/ from reddit

>> No.12550183

The latter.

>> No.12550184

same guy?

>> No.12550197


>> No.12550207
File: 892 KB, 2459x1844, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of NASA and fucking Old Space

>> No.12550229
File: 70 KB, 167x168, C742FBBD-DA9A-45D4-9BCC-B961380016F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a huge overlap between Redditors and SFGposters

>> No.12550231

>keep democracy
>all parties have to agree on a 25, 50 and 100 year plan
>any party demonstrably in breach of this contract is removed from the ballot for 8 years
>any new party trying to get on the ballot has to agree to these plans / negotiate new plans all parties sign off on
It's not perfect but it makes an effort to fix democracies lack of long term planning.

>> No.12550242

Too complicated. Every time the government has a major fuck up Congress gets decimated.
10 senators and 40 representatives will be beaten to death by the rest as punishment.

>> No.12550264

Politicians should be incentivized to get out of politics as quickly as possible lest they meet a common grisly fate.
Get in, fulfill your mandate, get the fuck out

>> No.12550286

Human leather, made from bureaucrats and other criminals executed on Mars

>> No.12550287

t. James K Polk

Too quick a time in office and they will focus on enriching themselves as much as they can before they are forced out and the cycle repeats. In terms of the best government for a multiplanet humanity who knows. Maybe we’ll be ruled by Elon’s head in a jar at the point.

>> No.12550289

People thought this would happen to humans too.

>> No.12550297

Most cows on Earth are born into hell-world apocalypse nightmare existence and don't die of heart attacks. They also don't get them when they're being fed into the very unfamiliar, blood-scented slaughter house, even when listening to the other cows dying.

>> No.12550300
File: 557 KB, 4096x2304, ErBhAtkVQAAhFOy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Status update

>> No.12550303

>oo quick a time in office and they will focus on enriching themselves as much as they can
That happens now, so not much difference outside of a change of face with more rapidity, but I see your point.
I'll vote Elon's Head 2116 if I'm still around.

>> No.12550308

But the reason for that is that RTG makes a lousy power supply, very low wattage. Curiosity for example is using an RTG to continuously charge its batteries, and the batteries are what actually power the motors and stuff. It's only attractive to space programs because it is solid-state and produces reliable if small amounts of power for decades.

>> No.12550321

With enough layers of ablation thickness requirement overestimation you ca successfully land on Venus even if you come down at a 45 degree angle. Your more g-force sensitive parts won't like it, but you'll slow to terminal velocity before you hit the ground. That's what 92x Earth's sea level pressure will do you for.

>> No.12550324

America will win solely because of autistic people being free to pursue private ventures. See Elon.

>> No.12550327

Demigod feudalism

>> No.12550334

>25+ tons of payload
>And really the orbiter was all payload too since it had no reason to exist
This is the opposite of what a payload is
It's like saying the trailer pulled by a tractor is not just stuffed with payload, but IS somehow payload, even though it just hangs out for long enough to have the payload removed then gets taken away.
Sure Shuttle could loiter in orbit for like two weeks max, but that hardly makes it even qualify as a temporary space station. In terms of manned spaceflight, Shuttle was a worse version of Big Gemini.

>> No.12550336


>> No.12550342

Based, democracy is trash anyways

>> No.12550343
File: 398 KB, 2056x1208, Smallsat-Program-Falcon-9-S2-render-SpaceX-2-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Momentus payload got delayed and pushed off the upcoming Falcon rideshare, and SpaceX wants to put 10 Starlinks on there but may not get approval.

>> No.12550345

Launch what?

>> No.12550356

This model actually isn't accurate. Lichens contribute basically fuck-all to soil buildup. In reality the process of rebuilding topsoil in areas stripped of all cover other than bare sand and rock typically starts with colonization by annuals and grasses immediately, in any areas that receive significant enough amounts of water. These pockets of growth build up little groves where organic debris collects and compacts and breaks down, acting like a sponge for retaining more moisture. These pockets of increased soil hospitality are then colonized by shrubs and trees, which once established greatly accelerate the rate of takeover by the annuals and grasses because of the effects of increased shade and organic matter AND soil-root matrix extension combining.

Also, the specific rate of transformation actually depends mostly on water availability; if it rains a millimeter every afternoon, that landscape is going to be transformed really fucking fast. If it rains a millimeter every month, good luck, you're probably stuck with desert landscape forever. On Mars what we would do in our big enclosed habitats that we were trying to turn into living area is ensure decent humidity, reliable and frequent rain/irrigation, and warm temperatures for at least four months straight out of the year, ideally continuously. Basically try to replicate warm subtropical rainforest, and start by distributing highly adaptable and hardy annuals as a pioneering wave. Leave them alone for a while and where they manage to form strong pockets of life (assuming they don't just take off everywhere), you follow up with leafy, woody plants which will grow up quickly and provide shelter both for smaller annuals and for seedlings of much longer lived trees.

>> No.12550364

They have to get the expensive crane away first

>> No.12550371

>they will focus on enriching themselves as much as they can before they are forced out and the cycle repeats
Safeguard; if politicians enrich themselves, they get tortured. Also applies retroactively with no cutoff point, if a guy stole $200 thirty years ago he's going on the rack. Also, to prevent them going into hiding, politicians must also consent to having very invasive, impossible to remove tracking devices implanted in at least six different places in their bodies (also more in secret, plus a small amount of a mix of gamma emitters absorbed into their bones, acting as a permanent backup identification method).

>> No.12550383

It should suck more to be a politician.
>Increase their paychecks a little
>Monitor their income, not allowed any other source of pay, gifts and favors included
>Monitor their family members to make sure they're not being payed by proxy
>100% pension after retirement.
>execute them for violating the above.
Give me one good reason we shouldn't do that. Politicians are whores and should be treated as such.

>> No.12550391

so what are they planning with 13 and 14? Looks like they have basically nothing for them

>> No.12550394

If the pay and benefits ain't good enough you will have problem getting smart people invested in politics when they could just go to be a CEO and get more money.

>> No.12550396

They're dismantling them right now, skipping straight to 15

>> No.12550404

Biden will probably cancel spaceflight

>> No.12550412

Nah he’ll keep it to appease the “DUDE SCIENCE” crowd. Expect Artemis to be cancelled. SLS may or may not stay but it’s likely that it will fly EM1 and EM2. SpaceX will probably get zero support, but not be hindered because the (((((Military industrial complex)))))) has eyes on Starship

>> No.12550418

Rip SN13 but also based SpaceX, skipping the unlucky number.

It seems that SpaceX is confident that they will get a perfect flight within the next 4 launches, which is good.

>> No.12550433

Wait, seriously? That's probably good news.

>> No.12550458

Good news everyone. Shelby has been voted out.

>> No.12550459

Wtf is preventing us from having a fusion rocket engine with as much isp/thrust as project orion or pulse nuclear?

>> No.12550472

Honestly man I’m a bit disappointed now that Dems will control house, senate, and presidency, but at least SpaceX is still here. Although I’m sure SLS is fine because it is surprisingly bipartisan

>> No.12550489

Don’t kid yourself America is going down the shitter fast.

>> No.12550495

Republicans and dems are practically the same at this point anyway. Can't wait to primary every single globalist republicunt in 2022

>> No.12550497

Maybe, maybe not. Things have looked worse and turned out better before.

>> No.12550498

Yeah I forgot about this lol. Both parties are pieces of shit I really liked Trump but his senators and representatives disgusted me.

Eh maybe maybe not. There’s still millions of Americans who aren’t falling for the globohomo meme

>> No.12550502

That’s more or less been the case for the United States since 1945, and that’s largely a good thing. Globalist neoliberalism kind of sucks, but it’s made America the richest and most powerful country in human history, and ushered in a period of global peace. Letting the radicals of either side take over would be catastrophic.

>> No.12550504

The system is rotten and must be destroyed.

>> No.12550510

someone post the gif of the chad pump n dump merlin spewing black soot.

>> No.12550512
File: 94 KB, 620x936, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stone age

>> No.12550517

Cheat code propulsion mechanics are discovered in 2057 but the first manned interstellar mission takes a surprisingly long time to happen- leaving in 2075

>> No.12550518

I can’t make any conclusion from this except that whites are objectively inferior to blacks.

>> No.12550519

The next big African war will have Eastern Front levels of death and displacement

>> No.12550521

It’ll be awesome to see Europe be drowned once and for all demographically

>> No.12550522
File: 489 KB, 2560x1440, spaceport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fugg it's really habbening isnt it

>> No.12550523

I have a butane torch, yknow the type for creme brulee.
1. Could I use this in space (ie without oxygen)
2. Would I be able to use it for propulsion?

>> No.12550525
File: 1.08 MB, 4800x4790, africa_2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so help us God, or the age of Man will come to an end.

>> No.12550528
File: 323 KB, 955x1221, may30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers will live in slums and speak of the mythical White man who traveled to the stars.

>> No.12550537

To be fair though it’s estimated that the Christian population will have risen greatly by the year 2060, and by then, 4/10 Christians will be sub Saharan African. Idk about you guys but to me a love of God transcends race. Idk maybe that’s just because I’m mexican and not white but that’s just my thought on it.

>> No.12550545

Hopefully that East African Federation actually happens because they actually seem competent and they'd probably act as a continental hegemon and keep everyone in check. Assuming they don't get neocolonized by the Chinese that is .

>> No.12550547

Christianity is also spreading in China as well

>> No.12550550

Don’t hate them because they’re better than you.
It is white people’s fault they’re dwindling.

>> No.12550553

Are you white?

>> No.12550556
File: 252 KB, 400x533, 1570762491402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw competent African Union develops and is the first to construct a space elevator thanks to combination of abundant resources and ideal location

>> No.12550558

I would have no problem with an African Union. Too bad the various ethnic groups would rather kill each other than unite though

>> No.12550559

1. No
2. Yes, but it would just be a piddly cold-gas thruster

>> No.12550563

>Democrat majority everything
I'm guessing south africa is starting to look good again to Elon Musk right about now.

>> No.12550567

yeah, I'm sure that they've done the calcs. Extra weight < no needing to perform a reentry burn and all I'm sure

>> No.12550575

Wouldn't even be mad

>> No.12550576

SN<15 are more or less all the same (now outdated) build. If SN9-12 land properly there's no point in bothering with more of the same. At that point you might as well progress to more advanced builds

>> No.12550580

It also means that they’re confident they’ll stick the landing within the next 4 tries.

>> No.12550587

fuck the FAA with a rake


>> No.12550590

>Biden will probably cancel spaceflight
Why would he do that?

>> No.12550593

Christianity contributed a shit ton to western civilization. So long as it survives, it has a decent chance of propagating western values along with it.

>> No.12550599
File: 758 KB, 2000x1084, 1605020741429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space is hard

>> No.12550602

Slavery to Abraham and Western values are old and busted.
Techno-mystic syncretism and Lunar values are the new hotness.

>> No.12550607

Very gay mindset.

It would be hilarious if Africa becomes the heart of the new Christian world. I wouldn’t even be mad

>> No.12550611

my boobies got bigger just thinking about it

>> No.12550616

ahahahahahaha christian values will live on in niggers so the West is saved holy fucking kek

>> No.12550618

Abrahamism is too invasive for my tastes. It's like Kudzu- it blankets the landscape and obliterates what once thrived there.

>> No.12550621

just like in Halo 8^)

>> No.12550622

No wonder the quality of /sfg/ is falling, it's full of retarded beaners who are glad Ngubu's are going to fill every corner of this planet, and it's ok so long as they're christian.
Only Americans over the age of 22 with STEM degrees should be allowed here henceforth, with minor exceptions for euros.

>> No.12550624

Uniting is bad. Ethnostates are best

>> No.12550647

>we must pass the Great Filter
what did Musk mean by this?

>> No.12550666

If niggers are the great filter, doesn't that imply every advanced civilization has niggers?

>> No.12550671

I don't remember if this video was before or after they landed their first booster.

>> No.12550707

Aka our employees are getting paid overtime and this hurts our profit margins
Now how can we get the government to pay us more to take longer

>> No.12550710

>Once the population becomes too smart they stop fucking
>Stabilises at midwit level

You might be right Satan

>> No.12550724
File: 51 KB, 640x480, Abh_Offical_Portrait_Bebaus_Aptic_Fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Phosphorus is still limited on the galactic scale and with the current estimated levels it's almost guaranteed that any other lifeform in the Galaxy is at the same stage of development as we are if not even less developed.

>> No.12550740
File: 624 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you need a butalox torch to use it in space
pic related works in space, for example

>> No.12550755
File: 146 KB, 900x988, 1604084828344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taming stellar and explosive nucleosynthesis to transmute hydrogen and helium into whatever other elements you need
Face it anon, we're the precursor race, either that or the galaxy spanning civilization watching over us is just very good at being quiet

>> No.12550759

>we're the precursor race
this galaxy is going to be a fucking nightmare hellhole

>> No.12550763

At least there'll be plenty of cool ruins for the younger races to explore after we're gone

>> No.12550776

If we don't leave shitloads of ominous floating geometric structures of absurd size and imperceptible function decked out in tron lines for the younger races to marvel over, I'm going to be fucking pissed.

>> No.12550779
File: 11 KB, 300x318, 1351201259437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave easy to decipher data in our ruins that give incorrect calculations and historical information
>All the younger races think we were reality bending supermen
>Our faces when

>> No.12550801

>(((white))) people's fault.

>> No.12550808

Starlink (visorsats) brightness paper

>> No.12550809

All of this is solved by going for VTHL design. You eat up payload losses and doom it to LEO but it's cheap and dirty and works.

>> No.12550810

Smart people don't go in politics, you are thinking of sociopaths.

>> No.12550812
File: 134 KB, 630x669, 70B6306E26B343EEAA07635A68403AAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create a von Neumann probe that exists solely to build mysterious upside down pyramids throughout the galaxy
>record the reaction of the younger races and upload it to youtube

>> No.12550817

>doom it to LEO
incorrect, but there's no real reason to take it interplanetary
you can still take it cislunar space with orbital refueling

>> No.12550840
File: 10 KB, 599x399, 5d1ba8614a4f9bba50ab2a1702b2096e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost time for launch

>> No.12550860

Cloned tissue, just like the fabulous vat-grown Made on Mars (tm) Steaks.

>> No.12550893

i bet i could punch a hole straight through starship

>> No.12550911

It was Europeans that created western civilisation, don’t kid yourself, religion means nothing as Rome showed.

If you replace Christian Europeans with Christian niggers you aren’t going to get the same results.

>> No.12550923


>Finally, Axiom's AX-1 mission may fly to the International Space Station near the end of the year.
>Note, this first mission will not include actor Tom Cruise, as that mission to film a movie in space has been deferred by a year or two.

>> No.12550926

Axiom will accomplish nothing and will be forgotten

>> No.12550932

Try it big guy.

>> No.12550940

For all mankind?

Based or cringe?

>> No.12550942

SNC, Blue Origin, Axiom.
The axis of disappoint.

>> No.12550943


Season 2 trailer

>> No.12550961

new >>12550960

>> No.12550996

Fusion is not a runaway reaction, that's why. Fission occurs independent of temperature, only neutron flux vs fuel cross section actually matters. Fusion on the other hand requires that nuclei be moving fast enough to have enough momentum while colliding to get within range of the strong nuclear force and pull the nucleus together. The cross section of this interaction is very small; for the most part the nuclei scatter off each other and release x-rays as they do so, radiating heat extremely quickly. This means there's a sort of slump zone you need to bypass in order to get a plasma hot enough that more fusion energy is being released in a second than is being radiated per second. This state is possible, it's called a burning plasma, but it's near fucking impossible to achieve using magnetic confinement (inertial confinement is even harder) because of the relatively huge radiative surface per unit plasma volume compared to a gravitationally confined fusion reactor (ie a star).

>> No.12551000

We need to defund programs, it would be one thing if those countries had population explosions on their own merits with locally produced food or at least food purchased from abroad by strong local economies, but no, it's the equivalent to us having fed the koi in a pond for the last few decades, and now if we stopped feeding the koi they would die off. Slight moral issue with that, since the first thing a starving population turns to is the local animal population, which means goodbye african megafauna.

>> No.12551002

Seems cringe

>> No.12551010

Some people show love for god by helping their neighbors and upholding traditional values. Other people show love for god through beheadings and praying before raping. As it stands it seems that love for god is not a good indicator for the goodness of a person, at least once you consider the entire globe's population. Things can be different locally, for example the mennonites near where I live are chill, based, and do not give a fuck about the virus shit

>> No.12551014

Unironically, white Mormons in space colonies will become the dominant form of human life in the solar system in coming centuries if they avoid extinction on Earth.

>> No.12551019

Africa doesn't need a union, if anything they need to fragment themselves into much smaller and more manageable (and ethnically and culturally homogenous) nations, which can then stabilize and start trading and growing their economies in a sustainable manner with no foreign aide.

>> No.12551029

Also you can add something like 7 kg to a first stage before you lose 1 kg of upper stage payload mass. If Starship can use steel, the Booster can 100% use steel and not suffer notable performance issues. Also, since Superheavy is targeting a flight rate of multiple launches per day, choosing steel would make sense even if only for its fatigue limit properties, which allow engineers to design the structure so that it will literally NEVER fail from in-tolerance load cycling.

>> No.12551037

Kudzu would be a great plant to bring to Mars for paraterraforming efforts, shit grows like mad and can only tolerate tropicalish environments, so when you've domes over an area you tune the knobs to make it hot and humid and let the kudzu do its thing, then when it's built up a certain biomass per square meter you dial the climate down to something more dry and temperate, the kudzu dies, and the seeds of the second generation of pioneer plants are sewn and sprouted.

>> No.12551043

Depending on energy costs in the future, making phosphorous from silicon atoms is an option. Silicon has three natural isotopes, Si-28 Si-29 and Si-30. Add a neutron to Si-30 and it becomes Si-31, which beta decays with a 157 minute half life into P-31, the only stable phosphorous isotope. Si-30 only makes up ~3% of silicon atoms in our solar system, but in practice we would just bombard all three isotopes with thermal neutrons, because all three Si isotopes will just absorb neutrons until they reach that Si-31 isotope and decay into phosphorous anyway.

So yeah, natural phosphorous is probably very limiting to life like our own, but for any advanced civilization that arises in the universe the limit on the amount of phosphorous they have access too is basically defined by how much silicon they have and how easily they can generate thermal neutrons (which is best accomplished with neutronic fusion processes, since that neutron flux is a waste product anyway, while in fission the neutrons are mostly needed to keep the core fissioning).

>> No.12551044

I doubt you could punch a hole into a can of sprite

>> No.12551083

Is that a Dodge of a Chrysler van chassis?

>> No.12551119

In case you missed it

>> No.12551333

Ah yes, the famous 9/11 2000 attacks.