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12544219 No.12544219 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>12541462

>> No.12544227

SpaceX ought to build an automated starship welding building so they can just pump out starship hulls

>> No.12544233

sn10 fins when
sn11 stack when

>> No.12544235

They already are starting to use welding robots.

>> No.12544237
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>proonting Starships

>> No.12544257 [DELETED] 
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If you appear on this list you are not welcome on this thread.

>"Why go to space when we have problems on Earth"fags/ climate doomers
>Venusian Cloud Balloon posters
>Aerospike truthers
>SSTO truthers
>Balloon/ airplane/ Mt. Everest launch advocates
>Nuclear-only 'solar will never work on Mars' autists
>anarcho-primitivists return to monkefags
>flat earthers/ space is fake posters
>UFO/ tictac believers
>space elevator/ carbon memeotube/ launch loop mega structure tards
>transhumanists/ 'bro why explore space just become a machine'fags
>don't change the planet, change the human genome posters
>Muh atmosphere muh Mars has no magnetic field alarmists
>Lagrange magnet juggalos clowns
>'Musk is a fraud' TSLA shorters
>Elon's shill
>oldspace boomers
>BO "slow and steady"tards
>Ironic shitposting Boing/ SLS/ Lockmart shills
>Unironic Boing/ SLS/ Lockmart cost-plus defenders
>Butthurt Russians/ Chinese nationalists
>Europoor ESA/ Arianne defenders
>4ASS posters
>"Why send people a robot will do a better job"tards
>Mars settlers
>EMDrive truthers
>Planetary protection never explore anywhere smoothbrains
>FTL or busters
>Suspended animation/ generation ship fags
>Zubrin's beggars
>jellobaby alarmists
>You have to go to the moon firsters
>/r/SpaceXMasterrace redditors
>"A private corporation shouldn't control spaceflight, we need an accountable government"shills
>Space travel is white privilege/ colonialism/ racism and SpaceX and NASA need more diversity fags
>Space Nazi
>anthropomorphized rocket anime waifu posters
>dolphin sexers
>Sea Dragon autists
>Orion redneck

>> No.12544265

nothing wrong with lava tubes

>> No.12544270


>> No.12544283

Richard Branson will overtake Space-X

>> No.12544284
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You forgot
>Dumbass gatekeeping for no real reason

>> No.12544285

Whats the hold up on SN10s engines?

>> No.12544291

That’s the plan. Elon wants thousands of these things after all

>> No.12544292

Raptor development has been in shambles for months now

>> No.12544299

Kek, what even is virgin galactic doing nowadays?

>> No.12544300

Go back to /biz/, SPCE bagholder.

>> No.12544302


A much better question is why are all other space-x competitors so garbage compared to spacex? Did Musk sell his soul to the devil or something for sweet rocket science powers?

>> No.12544303


>> No.12544304

> <
Spaced X

>> No.12544311

Tom Mueller at the helm engineering-wise and Elon being a lot more liberal about burning money than competitors

>> No.12544314
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Remember how in the early 2000's every now and then they'd conduct tests like this, but we'd never see anything coming out of them? Imagine all the procedures, checklists, redtape. SpaceX just welds a few sheets together and bolts a few engines beneath the welded thing, and then everyone fucking sees it happening in real time.

>> No.12544315
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>> No.12544321


Maybe they're just waiting in the wings, hoping to scoop up Space-X engineers or piggyback off of all of the hard work and research. How can there be any hope of returns on investment if you're not really doing anything of note?

>> No.12544328

Stringing investors along for another decade of false promises while Branson sells his VG stock to try to save Virgin Atlantic. They should release some more interior cabin renders or suit designs, that's worth a few billion, right?

>> No.12544329

Absoluelty. they want Space - X to do r and d for them so they can take credit. frankly, oldspace will have the last laufgh

>> No.12544339


>> No.12544344

Spacex don't worry about blowing up stuff when they're trying something new.

>> No.12544345

Seems like the opposite has happened as any decent and passionate engineers from old space or other competitors just join spacex because they know they are actually doing something important and relevant rather than spending decades fucking around like nasa.

The only thing spacex competitors have is money, but I don’t think that would be enough as if it was then BO or virgin galactic would be way ahead of them by now.

>> No.12544348

I want her to take my Virgin Galactic if you know what I mean

>> No.12544351

Happens all the time among tech companies, Apple engineers hired by google and so on.
The real difference is the satellite market isn't so big, hardly justifies such a war.

>> No.12544359
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>> No.12544361


Well Starlink may change that game up big time, though it makes one wonder if there'll be any effort to create a competitor starlink. Some other company wants to put another 40,000 satellites in orbit, could really seriously clog up the sky. Or if the Chinese want to do it for their Winnie the pooh and T-square garden free internet.

>> No.12544369

Other than "you have to go to the moon first", pretty based.

>> No.12544372

The issue is that nobody else in the field is even close.

I expect to see SpaceX get like Standard Oil levels of market dominance and then quite possibly get hit by anti-trust litigation.

>> No.12544374

this is piss airlocker erasure

>> No.12544381


The government doesn't have the balls to break up Amazon or Google, it wouldn't piss in the one truly exceptional thing an American company has done in the last 30 years for something so mundane as 'total and complete monopoly'

>> No.12544383

But solar power is gay and megastructures are perfectly viable on planets other than earth.

If you want to build a space elevator on Mars, you can just make it out of ISRU dyneema.

>> No.12544390

>it makes one wonder if there'll be any effort to create a competitor starlink. Some other company wants to put another 40,000 satellites in orbit, could really seriously clog up the sky.
Amazon is working on Project Kuiper, their own megaconstellation. They have launched zero so far because they're waiting on New Glenn.

>> No.12544392

Yeah. Nobody actually does anti-trust any more. So what'll probably happen is that Amazon uses their assloads of moni to try and break into the space market some other way.

>> No.12544416
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>SpaceFox posters not mentioned

>> No.12544439
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>> No.12544440

He was divinely appointed to save humanity.

But seriously, he has the perfect combination of-
1) being a very effective manager/businessman
2) being very good at picking the people who work for him (this is an unbelievably rare skill)
3) being smart/well read enough to have an informed conversation with anyone who works for him
4) actually understands the urgency of the problem he's trying to solve, and acts accordingly
5) the correct amount of autism
These people are rare, but when they choose a field to focus on, they tend to revolutionize it. It was only a matter of time before spaceflight got one.

>> No.12544441
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>> No.12544451

As soon as they can make and install stuff.

>> No.12544453


So he's basically steve jobs. Makes alot of sense.

>> No.12544460

I'd say more Henry Ford or Rockefeller.

He's good at marketing, but he's godlike at the actual engineering and logistics.

>> No.12544466

How long until new glen goes up if ever?

>> No.12544518

Costs a billion dollar to build a test tank

>> No.12544538

Gentlemen. I've cracked how we can beat spaceflight after several nights of intense considerations.

Delta V is fundamentally a matter of mass ratios, rather than ISP.

Ergo, the solution to get better DV is not look for exotic and impossible fuels that can annihilate planets or at least labs if you look at them wrong (I'm looking at you FOOF).
It was quite different - synthesizing material that has exceedingly low mass!

>100ton stage
>2% dry mass
>11000 delta v

But, if we can get 0.2% drymass we get:
>18000 delta v

Going further to 0.02$ drymass we get:
>25000 delta v

By following this process we can use conventional engines and achieve nearly the speed of light, just by utilizing extremely low dry mass fractions using conventional rocket engines and fuels!

I'm fucking brilliant.

>> No.12544546

Exhaust velocity is the upper bound.

>> No.12544556

That can't be true because the merlins have exhaust velocity of ~3km/s and the upper stage accelerates well beyond that.

>> No.12544563

Not using my EmOrion beamed drive for infinite fuel.

>> No.12544564

I think there's some point beyond which chemical engines can't accelerate.

Could be wrong.

>> No.12544575

Regarding the Super Heavy catch idea, I figure it's either one of two outcomes
>1. the idea is nutty and impractical in practice
>2. the idea opens the floodgates and becomes the gold standard for rocket reusability going forward. Offloading as much as possible to GSE becomes routine.
it's going to be one or the other with very little in-between

>> No.12544576

I was thinking of photo rockets but... beamed propulsion can actually get you to most of C if your mass is extremely low and cross section extremely big... How do we synthesize matter with zero mass?

>> No.12544577


>> No.12544579


Brilliant anon, I'll get to making my personal rocket out of balsa wood. This shit'll fly itself to the moon and back in no time.

>> No.12544595

>couple of weeks (read: it will take longer) to fix a WDR anomaly
>meanwhile SN8 turns an engine into molten soup and it back in action 12 days later

>> No.12544597
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That's nothing, there's this device I've been working on that can make the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs

>> No.12544598

At this rate I'm starting to doubt it will ever happen. New Glenn made sense before Starship hopped. Now, not so much.

>> No.12544611

I've named it the New MillGlennium Falcon and it's totally coming out this year

>> No.12544622

Where are the spaceship nuclear fast reactors?

>> No.12544629
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>t. pic related

>> No.12544636
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wait the sls is still a thing

>> No.12544640

Isp in metric is just exhaust velocity. Once you get above ~3x exhaust velocity you start needing retarded mass ratios over 20. The vacuum Raptor exhaust velocity is 3.7km/s.


>> No.12544642

Fast neutron reactors are essentially breeder reactors, and we will never have those because muh proliferation boogeyman.

>> No.12544646
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Is it true that the only reason we don't yet have feasible plans on strapping rockets with nuclear-powered engines is due to the margin of error being too large in relation to the possible outcome were things to not go accordingly to plan (i.e. nuclear explosion)?

>> No.12544652

More like we wouldn't be able to use the engines because firstoids would complain about fallout and other nuclear powers would complain about proliferation.

Also, everybody everywhere would complain about the possibility of having a nuclear reactor fall on their house.

>> No.12544655

No. The only reason we don't is because of politics and bureaucracy.

>> No.12544657
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98% chance SpaceX gives Superheavy legs for the first few years.

>SN8 blows out its pneumatics
>Flies 2 weeks later
>SLS Core still sitting on the stand after having warm lox

Actually in that regard, in the time since the SLS core began the green run, we’ve seen ten or so Starship prototypes be completed, with 3 having flown. Crazy.

>> No.12544664

considering how long it's been in the oven it better have flawless performance once it finally flies

>New Glenn made sense before Starship hopped. Now, not so much.
they'll probably just use it as Amazon's dedicated satellite internet constellation ferry

>> No.12544665

So how come China hasn't tried it yet?

>> No.12544671

they're well on their way. Will have advanced thorium powerplants before the west at the current rate of progress

>> No.12544672

Due to their naturally squinted eyes, they're only able to see half the big picture

>> No.12544673

Because no one else has. That's what they're waiting for.

>> No.12544677

China is retarded

>> No.12544683

Can't steal something that doesn't exist.

>> No.12544686

>Steve Jobs
>Actually killed himself by a fruit only diet
>Thinking he invented anything of value

>> No.12544691
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And what about the turkish? They mustn't fear a nuclear blast, right? How come they haven't done it yet either?

>> No.12544707
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>have nerdle cam in the backgroud
>suddenly an extremely loud creepy-sounding groan

>> No.12544732

Seeing this i firmly believe that China would be able to get the first crewed mission to Mars, if only they were able to come up with a rocket that would solely need unrelenting SEETHING as fuel

Needlessly insulting the honorable constituents of the People's Republic of China is the ultimate COPE

>> No.12544734
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>> No.12544739
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>China’s Falcon 9 clone wont even fly reusable until 2023

>> No.12544744

It can’t be that hard, all we need is a tank with metallic uranium, molten sodium and thorium hexafluoride and we’ve got our own reactor

>> No.12544773

>Chinkship flies with open cycle gas generator methalox engines in 2030
>still a decade ahead of anyone but SpaceX

>> No.12544784

Europe wants to fly their Methalox Falcon 9 by 2028

>> No.12544803

This photo looks like a backdrop from some 80s dystopian sci-fi series

>> No.12544813
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>> No.12544815

>what a chessy half assed piece of shit, they were supposed to be portraying a futuristic spaceport but its just a bunch of literal water towers set on fire

>> No.12544829
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>> No.12544837

>Grain silo in the sun
Don't exaggerate

>> No.12544841

Flying grain silos are pretty kino.

>> No.12544852

Just as arianespace will keep flying the Ariane 6 as euros dedicated launcher
The price of the launch is irrelevant to these people

>> No.12544858

I give you that, post a flying grain silo next time.

>> No.12544868

Not sure if this was posted since it's a couple weeks old, but I haven't seen it.
>Momentus submitted a bid for a contract they didn't quality for
>Firefly was the only other bidder for that contract, so they won by default
>Aevum's air launch system is actually significantly more expensive than real rockets
>A bunch of other no-names got BTFO

>> No.12544874

Euros are the only ones this year that aren't doing much in spaceflight.

>> No.12544875

Isn't that the usual?

>> No.12544877

Sovereignty is important. Even if your method to access space is less efficient than the others, it's YOUR method to access space and you don't have to pay another country to put your spy sat in orbit.
UK were pissing themselves over keeping access to GNSS.

>> No.12544879

>reject Momentus because it wouldn't be "a primary payload"
>entire concept of Vigoride is to allow secondary payloads to go to any orbit they want
that's a bit silly

>> No.12544880

when the hell are we gonna get a proper space race on. Like, when are we gonna have something else to really talk about. Lets face it, anythings thats not starship is basically a toy right now.

Yuroship when?
Chinkship when?
Vodkaship when?

>> No.12544887

>Sovereignty is important.
This, most people don't realize that some technology is just never transfered.

Nevermind that you get an insane synergy of research, human capitol, investment, consumption of goods, etc (there's a reason jobs programs exist), but some technologies, if you dont develop them yourself you're just never getting them.
you'll have to rent it out of other nation till the end of time, so if you consider the cost of renting the tech and the indirect benefits of R&D , any sane country should aim to develop and reasearch everything, literally to have a national developed version of every last thing

>> No.12544888

Don’t start copy pasting in the general. If you want to be on reddit, go to reddit. You are the cancer.

>> No.12544890 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 736x743, B002FDAC-CE0C-4C7F-A40E-587B8F8E916A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Octopuses do not have any bones with the exception of their beaks. So if you are responsible and depraved enough to be literally the life support of your 8 limbed friend, you can debeak it like how you’d declaw a cat and then push your member into its feed chute.

You can then let it subsist on your baby batter.

The Octopus is smart. Very smart. It will learn that without its beak, it cannot feed on anything else but your human seed that has to be milked from you.

Every morning, you will feel your clothes slide off and a damp weight on your lower half.

The sensation creeps up on your body until most of the jiggly mass has enveloped the entire length. It will start pumping as fast as it can for it is hungry.

The animal gyrates its empty stomach and the folds of its brain rubbing on your glands, begging for nutrition.

You climax and give the marine creature’s breakfast. The pumping slows down but doesn’t stop to milk out the last few drops of its meal.

Looking into its yellow animal eyes, it looks back with a thousand-yard stare. This will be routine for all of its meals for the rest of its 3-5 years on this god forsaken planet.

>> No.12544891

when China is confident enough in their success rate that they start actually broadcasting their launches nationally and they catch US attention instead of the shitty phone cam footage that gets passed around here

>> No.12544894

what the fuck is that and who the hell wouldnt think that isnt a name for a boner pill?

>> No.12544895

I'm pretty convinced that it's never gonna work. Developing a supersonic drone from scratch just to launch a rocket when you could likely purchase an entire fleet of surplus supersonic fighter aircraft for less money is just dumb. Maybe they see something I don't, but it just seems like a more development-intensive version of Pegasus.

>> No.12544896

Canuckship when?

>> No.12544897

when is the next spacex sn test?

>> No.12544898
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>> No.12544900
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it's a rideshare bus that uses plasma water thrusters to put smallsats wherever they want to go
>launch on a SSO rideshare mission
>go to whatever inclination or altitude you want
>can go to multiple orbits for delivering constellations of cubesats
it's neat

>> No.12544903

>$10B and 24 years to deliver Canadarm for Gateway
Literally never ever

>> No.12544904

>when the hell are we gonna get a proper space race on
When everyone country cease fighting each other, bring down capitalism and decide to put their resources together to organize a fair competition between each superpower. Each given the same budgets and overall same access to raw material, so as to see who can achieve the best results over various criteria like organization, technological improvement, logistics.

>> No.12544906

It hasn't, he's lying.

>> No.12544907
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eh? Europe is using methalox too? So that makes for BO, SpaceX, ULA, and EU. Who else has a paper methalox rocket coming up?

does anyone know how Ariane 6 compares to Vulcan? Oldspace vs oldspace. Guessing Vulcan is superior but thought I'd ask anyways.

>Aevum's air launch system is actually significantly more expensive than real rockets
shame, it looks really cool. But come on the entire thing runs on run-of-the-mill jet fuel. Not sure why it's so expensive aside from trying to recoup dev costs.

>> No.12544912

but you do agrewe that its the name of a boner pill
what are they gonna name the next one "Energohump" ?

>> No.12544913

Why does it look like it's designed for stealth?

>> No.12544918

>how Ariane 6 compares to Vulcan
Anytime I read Vulcan I keep thinking to Ariance 5's engine

>> No.12544919
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I do agree it sounds like a boner pill, and Momentus' entire product pipeline sounds like boner pills
water plasma space tugs are a cool idea though

>> No.12544922

>When everyone country cease fighting each other, bring down capitalism and decide to put their resources together to organize a fair competition between each superpower
that makes no sense
if we achieve the star trek gay luxury communism you speak about then we would just make starships for everyone and have a few R&D projects exploring other alternatives to see if they are better.

Competition, by definition implies having each member win according to the best of their abilities.

Its like saying, "i could beat mike tyson if he was restrained with kevlar straps and i had a machinegun", well, sure, but why have a fight at all?

>> No.12544924

a space race is analogous to a gold rush in that space race will begin as soon as someone finds the "gold". Be it actual resources from space bodies or powerful concepts like a new ways of exploiting space for military purposes or starlink-esque applications. Once the precedent is set that "the country to do x first will have an advantage moving forward" things will get interesting. Or conversely the idea that "if other country beats us to the punch we're kinda screwed".

>> No.12544933

Did any of you read the tweet?? THEY'RE GONNA HOTFIRE IT DURING A "WET DRESS REHEARSAL" LMAO. NASA is getting more based by the day

>> No.12544939

>SpaceX can do it why can't we?
>only three RS-25s light, differential forces damage the core, Artemis 1 delayed by years

>> No.12544942

A few chink companies are using methalox too

>> No.12544944

will south africa get any kind of benefit from something musk does, will he even mention it?

Its hilarious that south africa is a country made by whites for whites in which blacks are an after thought yet still it would seem that elon musk (according to what is known) was bullied to such extent levels by the few blacks he interacted with by mistake that he doesnt even feel the need to mention his home country or have it take any role in his identity

>> No.12544950

imagine growing up on mars:
-WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK WHERE YOU GUYS DOING, WERE YOU ACTUALLY TRYING TO KISS YOUR SCHOOLMATE? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK WOULD HAPPEN IF YOUO GET HER PREGNANT? *takes your pants down and puts a knife to your penis* *gets it real close and harms the suirface so that a little bit of blood comes out* I WILL FUCKING CUT YOUR COCK OFF IF YOU SCREW UP AGAIN
*book flies in into little anons head knocking him out of the chair, he gets up with his eye noticeably bruised*(cont)

>> No.12544953



(years of quietly obeying orders while trying not to pay attention to horrible nightmares)
-ok anon, im in my deathbed now... i just wnat you to know that even tough i was a tough mother it was for your good but i want you to know one thing... i do want to say something to you...
im sorry...
im sorry...

*loud clank interrupts her as she gets clobbered in the head with a portable air filter by his own son, who proceed to rape the wound then after cumming inside it sticks his finger in it and savors it
-mmm, smells like payback, fuck you mom, why the fuck did you had to leave earth, i had sex only once with a fucking test tube, and on earth fucking weed grows up from the floor bitches will suck your dick for only a few bucks, fucking water comes down from the skies, i didnt ask for this.
*he then proceeds to grab a scalpel from the medkit that the doctor who was taking care of her left behinds and very meticulously, like the good technician he was raised to be, flawlessly removes the skin from his dead mother. He then proceeds to fancy it into a suit, wears it and walks out of the room. Throughout his life he became a model tehcnician and was granted great access to the life support machines, it was late in the cycle, most people were asleep and he was supposed to be on call.
by the time a guy spoted him in the security cams it was too late to do anything, he had locked himself in and using his great skills very easily modified the main life support node to vent all oxygen into the martina "atmosphere".
-finally, a bit of rest...

>> No.12544954

>implying you can grow up on Mars
>implying jello babies

>> No.12544955

It looks like it cribbed off of Boeing's loyal wingman concept.

>> No.12544959

South Africa contributed Elon's understanding of white flight and racial realism. Starship Presentations make a lot more sense when you realize the "unrecoverable catastrophe that could set us back permanently" is niggers.

>> No.12544965
File: 229 KB, 1920x1276, 1920px-XQ-58A_Valkyrie_demonstrator_first_flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the best looking loyal wingman desu

>> No.12544968

>Starship Presentations make a lot more sense when you realize the "unrecoverable catastrophe that could set us back permanently" is niggers.
Yep. Anything else we can recover from. Genetic damage not so much.

>> No.12544969

probably not. It seems to be exactly his experience with south africa that has made him so American in his ideologies today.

>> No.12544975

Agreed. Plus, Kratos isn't Bo*ing, so the product has a chance of working as advertised.

>> No.12544976

I’m pretty sure Musk got knocked out by a black guy as a kid. Between that and an abusive father, I’m pretty certain Musk is ready to radiate the whole continent of Africa to death

>> No.12544978

based depiction of a mars colony, i can't believe retards think it will be a "libertarian paradise". By necesity it will be so restrictive and authoritarian that gulag will look like summer camp

>> No.12544979

it's kinda nuts how quickly methalox has taken off. Wonder if it's specifically because they're all following SpaceX

someone at the top is getting extremely impatient.

>> No.12544981

>We’ll do it live, FUCK IT

>> No.12544983

>I’m pretty sure Musk got knocked out by a black guy as a kid
like? raped and came inside unprotected?
>abusive father
ahh but he was white, how does that make any sense?

>> No.12544986

>NASA is getting more based by the day
nasa is like an old grandpa trying to live his dream of visiting all countries.
its endearing at first until you realize hes holding you at gunpoint to do it, is shitty at it and is using your sons college fund to pay for it

>> No.12544989

Yea just buy some old MIG’s for under 50 million plus spare parts

>> No.12544995
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>> No.12544998

Pretty sure Mars education program for children won't allow for that sort of growth in children. Bad parenting is a sign of low IQ. With low IQ, you wont make it on Mars, so its an impossible scenario.

>> No.12545000

I have a gut feeling that it's a development scam of some kind.

>> No.12545003

Methalox was a Zubrin idea. Well I mean unless you want to count that one soviet engine they abandoned.

>> No.12545004
File: 147 KB, 750x309, 5C69726A-C46D-4F88-9791-C17553AEF948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 it slips again to late 2022

>> No.12545006

Musk said he studied plenty of soviet engines enough to find a pathforward from the soviet methalox proof of concept.

>> No.12545008

He got bullied alot in school and 'beaten half to death' at least once. He never specified race but the only thing that makes me thing it wasn't blacks was his parents wealth.

South Africa is still pretty old school colonial. Let alone when Musk was a boy. I'm sure he went to some pretty posh private schools that where all white. I'd be REALLY surprise if he didn't.

>> No.12545009

that's not bad parenting at all, he was a pussy, there's no place for pussies on mars, if you wannt twist reality to think that pussies like you would be accepted dream on

>> No.12545011

It's impossible to have a real competition in a system where someone already have the lead, monstrous economic & technological advantage over others and they don't have even the same goals.
Our prime example of space race, the Cold War, was still unbalanced, had different starting line and let to an obvious winner, never challenged ever again until came some private investor operating with no financial responsibility, subsidies and serious luck.

As for "no one will do another launcher if there's one already" a project can fail, including Starship. If no one had spent money to encourage other project than SLS, SpaceX wouldn't have survived.

Also I wasn't thinking to communism at all, there's plenty of different system that preserve nationality while working together, you guys really need new strawman.

>> No.12545014

A greased cat thrown in an ice rink would slip less than this POS

>> No.12545015

Wait stop! The soviets considered using methalox?

>> No.12545019

Musk is a stuttering nerd
Ofc he got his beatings

>> No.12545020
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>> No.12545021

It's set up in Huntsville and has like a billion in DOD funding, so they're developing something that's at least minimally interesting to the government. I could see some interest in the potential of a highly flexible, rapid response orbital launch platform. It's the same reason Astra got funding.

>> No.12545023

That's the cutest fucking vernier I've ever seen

>> No.12545024

>how Ariane 6 compares to Vulcan
Vulcan has bigger capacity, Ariane 6 is somewhat cheaper per launch and also in kg/to orbit (supposedly)
but Ariane 6 isn't really their main project anymore
They already welded a hopper to test out

>> No.12545025

>It's impossible to have a real competition in a system where someone already have the lead, monstrous economic & technological advantage
but if they have that lead is because they are winning a competition in the first place

the worst purpose of a competition is to find out whos best without outside intervention. If theres outside intervention then just name whoever you want as winner, youll make him winner by helping him more than the other guy.

makes no sense
either win or go home commie boy, no place for anything else in the objective reality that decides which jobs you get and which girls you fuck, always have been like that, only that losers didnt use to have hte balls to blame winners for their own pathetic mistakes

>> No.12545026
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The Soviets had a thing for them

>> No.12545027

Zoomer here. Everyday I thank the good lord for SpaceX, the only thing in this dumpster fire of a society that gives me hope. How did all you boomers and other old fags not rope over the absolute hopelessness of the situation before SpaceX?

>> No.12545030

>there's plenty of different system that preserve nationality while working together
-moooooom, the bad guy says communism is bad
-son, just describe communism and then say you arent actually talking about communism, as a matter of fact you can just say youre talkinga bout "the one that isnt communism" without ever saying objectively what youre talking about, because obviously we dont interact with the world of real life work, ethics, morality and production, if we did we would be capitalists honey, but let them manufacture all the goods and if we say the correct lies we can enjoy the benefit without the sacrifice

>> No.12545031

he looks like a fucking faverge egg style artisan, look at how damn happy he is

>> No.12545034

In all honesty it was very hard and the 2017 SpaceX annual speech event did change my life.

Especially growing up when every toy shop had multiple Space Shuttles and the Space Shuttle was the embodiment of our bright future.

>> No.12545035

People had other things to do outside. Now everyone's indoors.

>> No.12545038

there's always been cool stuff going on like Lockheed Skunkworks and there was no frame of reference for how much better it could be. It was easy to be hopefully for the big designs that in retrospect were never going to come to light or were dead on arrival for political reasons because frankly we didn't know any better.

>> No.12545040

I sure can't wait to hear the story of the Libertarian Mars Cowboy as he do justice against the guy who sold him a defective battery that almost killed him the other day.
He come and grab his trusty revolver with his big glove and kill the guy in the back. But then he discover that despite that one flawed battery 3 people were happy with the man's work and vow to take revenge.
The Libertarian Mars Cowboy kill all 3 clearly communist attackers because he already had his gun out.
As he go back to his car he realize there's a hole in his suit, just out of his reach.
There's no pressurized zone he can access in time and he killed all the peoples who could have helped him.
So he die.


>> No.12545045

>the only thing in this dumpster fire of a society that gives me hope.

You can get money really easy if you study programing

With money you can be physically fit like a literal comic book super hero, funny, smart, educated(that is if you have a bit of self discipline), have access to incredibly comfortable clothes, a comfortable environment, all entertainment hobbies and interest you could think off, etc

in those conditions its hilariously easy to get all kinds of girls you can, all kinds off friend. you can do whatever you want, this is literal paradise for anyone who has a shred of discipline.

Literally anyone can do it?, even a vagrant (if he had even a tiny tiny shred of self discipline which he hasnt hence why hes a vagrant) could learn to program, get money, get fit and have a life so luxuriously enjoyable a medieval king would not dare dream of

, if all you have going for is looking at another mans achievements via tv i pity your existence

>> No.12545046

If it makes you feel better I was born in 98’ and grew up assuming the shuttle was peak spaceflight. I always assumed space was indeed difficult and had to be expensive. I laughed at spacex when dragonfly blew up. I was impressed by the first F9 landing, but my jaw really dropped to the floor during that FH test. I think seeing those fairings open to a tesla, and seeing two boosters land at once literally converted me spiritually. First time I ever screamed during a launch stream lmao. From that day on I knew spacex was ready to BTFO the others, who I began calling oldspace. It’s only been uphill since then for Elon

>> No.12545049

>First time I ever screamed during a launch stream lmao.
yeah, i think that in that time we were all cringey soistraunaut opening our mouths wide and claiming to fucking love science

>> No.12545052

Nope, Artemis 2 SLS is already in production. You've seen it down at Michoud. We're building the core stage. We have all the engines done, ready to be put on the test stand at Stennis

>> No.12545056

Yeah, I'm about the same age as you, and had a pretty similar experience. I was really optimistic about the Ares program, and extremely pissed when it got canned, but seeing a Falcon land for the first time blew my mind. Seeing the first landing on the drone ship convinced me that it wasn't just a gimmick.

>> No.12545057


>> No.12545065

>ready to be put on the test stand at Stennis
>as soon as we get SLS1 off the test stand at Stennis

>> No.12545066
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>> No.12545067

If your idea of competition is just "whoever stand last" you are not going to get fruitful results. Nuking the competitors and building a shitty rocket will not improve your situation.
Without outside intervention (through subsidies) SpaceX would have gone bankrupt.

Again, that's not your red menace strawnman, it how antitrust system an international dispute work, just applied on a world scale with separate, sovereign countries, actually respecting each others instead of shooting in their legs to win the race.

In Startrek utopia land you'd have so much money to spend you'd have dozen competing Starship while simultaneously having competition over the future moonbase, marsbase and space colony design respectively.

>> No.12545069

Methalox plumes are really pretty.

>> No.12545075

>and seeing two boosters land at once.
Yea that was the birth of the 21st century right in that moment. That and Starhoppers hops will never get old for me.

>> No.12545077

I couldn't help but turn a bit into Everyday Astronaut during his coverage of SN8's launch. I was watching it with a fellowspace nerd on my phone, on a scissorlift on the roof of an office building, and we were glued to the screen.
It's the perfect blend of amazing visuals because it looks so cool, and the visceral, almost spiritual hope it gives me for the future of humanity. Millenials haven't had much to look forwars to, and SpaceX is one of the very few organizations that actually makes me glad to be alive, and look forward to the future. Almost everything else is depressing.
I think this is part of the reason why people like Musk so much. I know he can be an asshole and he's hard to work for, but the things that have happened because of him are literally the best things that are happening anywhere right now.

>> No.12545079

Dude the programming bubble has already popped.
Now all the monies in rent seeking.

>> No.12545082

>If your idea of competition is just "whoever stand last" you are not going to get fruitful results.

my idea, or your idea doesnt matter
this is not your fruity shitty non engineering college inw hich you go around saying " you can now nuthing" and think you have any value as a human being for it.

competition is a fact of life, as hard as a punch in the face you receive when i take away your girl and you sleep alone and sad and i sleep content and with your girls (amongs others) cock wraped around my lips.

its an objective fact of life

who do you think make sure ww1 ww2 or the cold war was fair? aka, the most increidbly by definition advanced competition that sparked the most advancements of humanities.

competition is a human fact of life, im doing you a favour just explaining it to you, normally id just take whatever i need from a guy 10000000 times lower in the social hierarchy than me as you are, but , to put it in terms your non competitive brain could understand, its a 4d chess flex to show that i can explain to you the strategy needed to beat me and even then you couldnrt even come close to even getting to a tie even if i had 1283931289018290381290312% disadvantage and you had 18293012893081902389120389120309 adevantagesous

>> No.12545092
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 5D070741-340E-4D62-9DBC-5C2DBDA60B16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS doesn’t even have engine out capability. The Shuttle could lose 2 engines and still make it to orbit late in the flight, but if the SLS loses one engine, the mission is aborted.

Holy f u c k

>> No.12545093

>'beaten half to death'
He was beaten unconscious and thrown down a flight of stairs. He had to spend a few days an a hospital because of that.

>> No.12545097

>aevum bragging about building a reusable plane on their website


That’s not a billion in funding, it’s just the ability to compete for launches
Which they don’t get the money for without actually launching..

Looks like they are contracted in a 5 million dollar launch later this year that I assume will be delayed
Looks like a scam, haven’t even flown their plane yet

>> No.12545099

anon you lost a whole engine?? i better not go up there and find it

>> No.12545105

RS25 has never failed

>> No.12545107

kek I thought this was the case in 2009 and now all my IT friends actually are in gainful employment. Oops.

>> No.12545108

Prolly just fainted and fell
Autists lie about that shit all the time

>> No.12545110
File: 38 KB, 720x713, 780B6043-6FE5-4637-8668-54F22957B688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What race were the attackers

>> No.12545113

Its like you recorded a retarded hobos drunken rantings and put them on a record, then every time you wanted to make a post you put the needle down in a random spot then transcribed what you heard.

>> No.12545114

Where is the proof that Elon is a racist? The only racist SpaceX crowd I've ever seen is here.

>> No.12545115

>That’s not a billion in funding, it’s just the ability to compete for launches
>Which they don’t get the money for without actually launching..
Man, I wonder why they didn't make that clear in their press release lmao.

>> No.12545120

I don't know, they were too dark to see well.

>> No.12545121

>you put the needle down in a random spot
damn grandpa, what a way of advertising to the world that youre an obsolete human being just waiting to be put into its wooden box so that it doesnt waste oxygen anymore

>> No.12545124

This makes me more sad at the state of Roscosmos. All those great engine ideas, gone to waste.

>> No.12545125

nigger bears live in the most plentiful weathers, steal shit and kill people all the time

white bears live in the most hostile climates yet subsist perfectly without help of anyone or even coming near humans

>> No.12545128
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what was up with that bit of fire on the engine?

absolutely. Why is it purple/blue, though?

>> No.12545129

Prolly the same reason you don’t see numbers or launch dates on their website

>> No.12545131

Whatever you think, that was still the only relevant answer to a retard whining about the lack of a space race in a world were the only race that happened was biased.
Either you create a homoglobo world that organize those competition, or you become Elon's or China's bitch after they murder the competition and no one is left

>> No.12545132

I am pretty much the same as this >>12545046 guy except I'm not a zoomer (born '92) and I'm still somewhat skeptical of SpaceX. They generally deliver but some stuff is hype.

>> No.12545139

It's like you dabbed your fidget spinner onto the fortnite and yeeted the floss dance to the tide pods

>> No.12545143

nice try granps, made me laugh tough , id make a case to the eugenics comitee to keep you as a jester for a couple more years

>> No.12545145
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Did we get a reply from Elon?

>> No.12545147

109% though

>> No.12545153 [DELETED] 

Is everyone here a racist? Sucks that my only options for discussing spaceflight are either reddit soi or 4chan nazis

>> No.12545156

Learn to capitalize, you little shit.

>> No.12545157
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>> No.12545158

youre spamming it in the wrong place.

like, even if he does see it elsewehre he might be really hesitant to recognize he got it from here if he knew it came from a site that was once famous for having problems with pedophilia and bully suicides, amongst other things.

but if you spam it on reddit/twitter, the home of yas queen ya go girl blm transgendercommulibsm thats another thing entirely.

>> No.12545159

The real question is how come you still aren't racist.

>> No.12545160
File: 790 KB, 1920x2880, 5B37B9C4-C510-4644-B76E-752AC127F156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a zoomer (‘02) and I fell for the “Space is Hard” meme from an early age. I remember hating SpaceX BECAUSE they were private because I had this weird belief that only governments should go to space. I remember hating the Falcon 9 because I thought it was ugly.

I started looking into SpaceX in 2015 and reading a bunch of speculation about their “MCT” rocket (this was before the ITS presentation in 2016). I saw videos of the Falcon 9 crashing into the drone ship before and I thought nothing of it.

Anyhow I saw the OG2 landing and thought nothing of it. I followed the SES-9 launch because I’d never seen a rocket webcast live before and I was actually super engaged in it. The real turning point was watching CRS-8 land on the droneship, which affected me on a spiritual level. From then on, I watched the next twenty or so launches live no matter how late at night they were.

>> No.12545164

bauhaus was old when you were born, not only old but ignorant as well

>> No.12545165
File: 110 KB, 660x651, A2E8B152-8732-4323-A067-9719F4FEAC55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not racist my wife is Paki.

>> No.12545170

Their proximity to the Redstone Arsenal might get them enough local connections to win some contracts, but they're very obviously trying to court investors as well.

>> No.12545172

No, but racists tend to be the most loud and annoying. Ignore them.

>> No.12545173

nah dont worry, sexually frustrated (aka right wing) extremists are over represented here, janies tolerate them, they dont tolerate much left speech.

no one gives a shit, the vibe here is to autistically speak about rockets in a literally morall-less way. As long as its rocket-y or space-y doenst matter what you use the rocket for

>> No.12545174

Go back

>> No.12545175
File: 538 KB, 364x525, BE773642-CB2C-43BA-8FC7-2F3C2FE606C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late to the game on the whole catching super heavy thing, did /sfg/ come up with that?

Because I’m impressed if that’s the case...

>> No.12545179

I saw it posted on reddit before it ended up here, so probably not. Could be the same guy, though, as there's definitely some overlap.

>> No.12545182

There’s a huge overlap between redditors and SFGposters. Not a bad thing though until you have some fag unironically shilling Biden/Whitey on the Moon/BLM

>> No.12545185

You don't have to be old to know what a record is, you just have to not be a retard.

>> No.12545188

post a pic of that sheet of paper covered in cum while showing us your genitals (if youre female you still have to do it, get someone else to supply the cum) , also on the same picture your mother has to be in it dressed (only from the waist up) as a venecian style harlequin clown (while totally naked from waist down) and pointing to a TV with todays date, only way we can be sure...

a timestaped picture of the same drawing might work too

>> No.12545192

>You don't have to be old to know what a record is
i know what it is, thats how i identified you, im an educated xxi century person gramps, i know more from the time you were alive than you, i also known about many many other times, and as such i could pick any metaphor from any time, until i found the most adequate.

but since you used a shitty metaphor that made no sense and exposed you as a retard i conclude that its the only reference you have in your limited and pathetic lifetime.

jk gramps dont have a seizure about it were all just joking around here

>> No.12545200

All whites a racist and everyone here is white, so...

>> No.12545206

>Is everyone here a racist?
no but please dont take the discussion there or it will end in a shitstorm that will be extremely detrimental to any relevant discussion

>> No.12545210

The whole rant about programming is very wrong, but the idea of pitying someone for only living because of someone else’s achievement is a good statement

>> No.12545215

The only thing worse than a redditor is a 4dditor. You have to go back.

>> No.12545216

>everyone here is white
what do you base this on lol? I could be a black tranny with jewish ancestry for all you know

>> No.12545217

>civilization comes to an abrupt end
>one of the few humans that survived the incredibly high tech catastrophe that vaporized most remains of civilization saw a rocket launch before
>he desperately tried to teach everything to his children who had a small degree of mental retardation due to the catastrophe
>as generations past all that remains of it is a gesture of a hand going up while the other hands simulates the exhaust going out
>gets heavily distorted as a deity attached to a lot of other things
>time passes, other deities get more strenght, that one is almost forgottone
>chinaman sees that gesture 8000 years ago, remembers burning powder and thinks hard
>invents fireworks
>that results in modern fireworks in the year 1000
>that results in gunpowder weapons in the 1500
>modern spaceflight theorized at the end of XIX century
>we get to today, the technology that brings the catastrophe is too powerful, becomes available to fast to be used responsible
>civilization comes to an abrupt end
>it all starts over again

>> No.12545222

>The whole rant about programming is very wrong
It's not, im almost clinically retard and with a tiny bit of effrot i bought mi house, car travelled the world and had a luxurious life with just a couple of years of training.

theres really no excuse in this world

effort = results
no results = no effort.

this is truly a meritocracty as it had never been before

>> No.12545228

yeah, what this guy said

>> No.12545230

Post bank account larper.

>> No.12545233
File: 55 KB, 963x542, gainzstation13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile on the Gainz Station 13 spaceflight general . . .

>> No.12545235

yeah, it would be very sane for me to do that. Its delicious to know i got to you tough.

>> No.12545240

You just have to post the balance, not your account number, retard

>> No.12545242


>> No.12545244

Does Elon have any plans for beamed propulsion? Seems like the only way forward for spaceflight if nuclear is too dangerous.

>> No.12545246

>CHAD train in station spinning to have 100 Gravity because planets are for the weak

>> No.12545247

You do it first, in a way we can be sure is yours while simultaneously not implying a security risk for yours.

god damn feels so good to educate smug retards, they are either compelled to suck my dick in thankness or go to their graves knowing they are morally wrong

>> No.12545248
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Turksat launch Wednesday

>> No.12545252

Manlet station.

>> No.12545257

The goal is Mars. Chemical is perfectly fine for that. No need to spend gorillions of dollars developing new propulsion technology.

>> No.12545267

>nuclear is too dangerous
>terrawat death rays in space are not

The truth is neither are. And neither will be built because of a certain group.

>> No.12545268

Except it's not. travel times are still six months of radiation.

>> No.12545274

most of the posters are old shit from the shuttle days lmao
unfortunately all the millenials and zoomers populating rocket science these days post on discords instead so RIP NSF

>> No.12545276

How horrifying. Better go with the longer, slower journey instead.

>> No.12545281

>muh radiation
Why do retards keep blowing this way out of proportion?

>> No.12545284

beamed can't be faster? why is it shilled for interstellar then?

>> No.12545285

And you aren't going to get outside of the hohhman transfer orbits without 9000 niggawatt laser arrays in orbit around both planets which won't happen because it would be ball bustingly expensive and the government would tell you to get fucked.

>> No.12545287

>Does Elon have any plans for beamed propulsion?
They could even apply the same technologies being developed for starlink and make a constelation of pushing sats. Taht would be sci fi as hell, a layer of propulsion sats just above the starlinks, they dont pollute cause of their low orbits, you have redundancy, ability to push any craft no matter where is it regarding earth and a shitload of delta v on your orbiting crafts

>> No.12545288

You are literally stuck in a tincan flying through space chernobyl for years.

>> No.12545289

I don’t see how they can possibly make enough money to build and operate a supersonic aircraft
On top of their presumably solid rocket booster ??

>> No.12545292

Nice hyperbole

>> No.12545293

why do retards keep sweeping it under the carpet? overstated or not it's still a problem that needs to be addressed and SpaceX hasn't done so at all.

>> No.12545295

Is this the reason for them trying to emulate EDA with their livestreams?

>> No.12545297

It's shilled for interstellar because you don't have to store any fuel on the interstellar vehicle. You know, because the beam.

>> No.12545299

Because studies have been done and its a literal nothingburger that increases your chance of cancer by a few percent.

>> No.12545301

A tincan that blocks nearly all of it. Are you scared of standing next to microwaves?

There's nothing to sweep under the rug. If you think SpaceX is spending all this time and money on a spacecraft to send people to Mars only for it to kill the crew from an easily preventable problem you have brain damage

>> No.12545303

Because interstellar assumes a giant solar system wide civilisation that has enough resources that the equivalent of today's entire planetary output can be accomplished with a gofundme.

>> No.12545305

Desperation, basically. The assumption nuclear propulsion will not work or will not be allowed to be built on ethical grounds while assuming a literal death star in solar orbit will be.

>> No.12545306

if they are solving the 98 out of 100 hardest problems of space flight, they are justified in expecting that someone will help with the remaining other 2 comparatively much easier ones

>> No.12545313

They have - drastic reduction in flight time. From years to months.

>> No.12545316

>Why is it purple/blue
Temperature as well as how ridiculously clean it runs. The fiery bits were most likely a bit of purge valve fuckery that they haven't quite worked out yet. Despite all the hype, it's still an engine in development.

>> No.12545317

this, its mostly an excuse to justify failures in spaceflight.

Like, ohhh no, our space technology isnt so bad... interplanetary travel is impossible anyway, cause of uh.. radiation!yeah thats it

>> No.12545319

What is a firstoid?

>> No.12545331

omg a nuclear reactor just flew over my house

>> No.12545336

no, you could vent yourself
>in a tin can
the can is made of steel, not tin
>through space
literally the only literally correct thing you said
chernobyl is literally safe now
>for years
literally months

>> No.12545337

People who spout "Earth first"?

>> No.12545339

Actually I’m Filipino lol. I want to be the first flip in space.

>> No.12545342

so, you agree that flying grain silos are beautiful to behold
now, we are invoking the image of flying grain silos without actually posting flying grain silos, by showing the grain silos on the ground, reaching for the sky, yearning to fly

>> No.12545344

We call them niggers 'round here. Careful with their owners, they might look harmless but don't underestimate their sense of smell.

>> No.12545361

>go to Mars
>build space elevator using high molecular weight polyethylene from Martian materials
>build giant laser on top
>launch solar sails anywhere and everywhere using dirt cheap mains power instead of expensive ISRU fuel
>bootstrap to eventual interstellar probes


>> No.12545375

Hard not to be.

>> No.12545387

If you insist on dragging the discussion in that direction, then yes, a lot of people will turn racist to get your thread derailing ass to never come back here.
Welcome to the fucking internet, now fuck off.

>> No.12545391

Kerosene is red/yellow because of carbon
Hydrogen is blue because of hydrogen
Methane is purple because it's both

>> No.12545394
File: 370 KB, 1600x2031, 5CD23FA3-ABCE-4F45-9D8E-8A3ED8DF5953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does everyone think of this diagram? Would it make more sense for Hydrolox tugs to be used in cislunar space because of lunar ISRU?

Like have a Starship launch an ACES stage into LEO which refuels a lunar transfer vehicle which flies all the way out to the moon and lands, before filling its tanks up and returning back to LEO.

>> No.12545407

>What does everyone think of this diagram?
Needs more robots and anime tiddies.

>> No.12545408

actually I think it's the PHAT DOSH from all the rocket SIMPS

>> No.12545412

Apart from the memes, a hydrolox tug could easily work. Issues with boil-off wouldn't be much during the flight time of the tugs. The specific impulse is even high enough to allow for a round-trip from the lunar propellant depot and back with a moderate mass ratio. ISRU hydrolox will probably be incredibly cheap which could offset some of the disadvantages of using it.

>> No.12545415

Mass drivers are not real

>> No.12545416

would you rather let your grumpy asshole neighbor have a Nuclear Salt Water Rocket or a niggawatt level PROCSIMA beam

>> No.12545419

the gun only works during the day

>> No.12545426

> Asked if she thinks Starship will reach orbit in 2021, Shotwell said, "I'm voting yes."

>> No.12545430

>"We don't do it to embarrass people, but we certainly are happy to provide examples on how industries and companies can do better," Shotwell said. "We're not here to be negative—we're here to provide some objective evidence and some truths that you can do better in this industry, and this industry deserves to be better."

>> No.12545435

that's a way of saying elon musk has threatened her of gently anally raping her with a sparsely lubed dildo which will result in her agresively anally raping her subordinates with an unlubed rusty iron dildo and so on all the way to the lowest levels if they dont get the deadline right

>> No.12545471

>Shotwell will never lovingly rape you with her strapon while you call her mommy and suck on her big squishy milkbags

>> No.12545483
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>> No.12545488

>Wonder if it's specifically because they're all following SpaceX
An American or Russian rocket does something cool and the world scrambles to catch up. Same story since 1957. Most people were using RP-1/LOX because NASA did, or hydrolox+solids because NASA did.

The whole point of designing the drone is they want it unmanned so they can light the rocket really, really close to the carrier to minimize dV losses without needing pilots to sign suicide waivers.

>> No.12545491

I believe Starship can lift a fully fueled Electron into orbit actually
like, not as a joke
anyway, Venus Sample Return mission

>> No.12545497

>Most people were using RP-1/LOX because NASA did
The Semyorka used kerosene long before NASA put jack shit into orbit.

>> No.12545503

>FAA delays Momentus license for Vigoride launch, stock down 10% after hours
We should petition to abolish the FAA

>> No.12545507

>fully fueled Electron

>> No.12545508

dude, the stock is down, it's time to buy

>> No.12545514

yeah you need plenty of margin for the rest of the rockoon to keep your Starship from falling into hell and the launch infrastructure and such

>> No.12545519

I'm picturing something like SN30 going halfway to orbit and spitting out a whole goddamn Electron before landing back at Boca Chica, without even using Superheavy

>> No.12545521
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>> No.12545525

I do not believe that the Electron first stage can do air-start
I should sketch out this Venus Sample Return concept

>> No.12545530

true, but still, fuck the FAA

>> No.12545533
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What does this mean? It looks the same to me

>> No.12545536

What would stop it from doing that?

>> No.12545541

>I do not believe that the Electron first stage can do air-start
But why? We know the vacuum Rutherford can air-light.

>> No.12545545

They've shortened the branching plumbing from the CH4 line by significantly extending the main and seemingly merging it with the thrust plate.

>> No.12545547

looks like methane pipes are stretched to go below oxygen pipes, maybe makes a better path to avoid fuel starvation and engine-rich exhaust?

>> No.12545549

they should run the methane line outside of the LOx tank to reduce tank penetrations

>> No.12545550

>"We have signed deals where we can pick whether it's a Falcon or a Starship," she said.
>If there are technical problems with Starship, and it's late, Shotwell said the company will be able to fall back on the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy vehicles.
That's pretty cool. They probably drop the price alot if you're willing to take an early Starship flight. I wonder how many payloads they already have lined up for Starship? Even suborbital shitshows tend to have payloads riding on them, so I imagine that Starship has at least some waiting.

>> No.12545552

Fuck off pinko

>> No.12545553

>suborbital shitshows
whatever happened to EXOS and Sarge, they were the real shit

>> No.12545555

Are all programmers this delusional? I thought jeff goldblum’s character from independence day was just an exaggeration

>> No.12545563

is the Orion drive the only one that gets better ISP at higher atmospheric pressure
by which I mean, Orion is the perfect device to colonise the venusian surface

>> No.12545565

Are you guys me? Though I wasn't as hard on spacex. Except before the first FH launch I thought it was the stupidest thing for a car as mass simulator. Then after watching the stream my opinion completely flipped. As much as I like oldspace for what they have accomplished they are just not keeping up the pace we should be having.

>> No.12545566

Looks like they're already going in that direction, this change reduces tank penetrations from eight down to six. installation of the line would probably be easier if it were external and you could probably fuse the smaller pipes and power cables and shit into it too in a nice clean package.

>> No.12545571


>> No.12545581

me on Spacex before Falcon Heavy: cool, rocket go boom, nice
me on Falcon Heavy: car in space, dank, woo super heavy lift boys
me on Spacex after Falcon Heavy: cool, rocket go woosh, nice

>> No.12545583

It's an exaggeration of a real phenomenon, just like this larping faggot ITT. Programmers and sysadmins do have a tendency to talk ourselves up and be dismissive of concerns, but that's mostly borne out of years of dealing with whiteout-on-monitor tier retards who won't listen to anything else. Thankfully those days are mostly behind us since the truly inept now have mobile devices to drool on rather than trusting them with a real computer.

>> No.12545593

That puck better not shuck

>> No.12545601

>Chuck's Puck and Suck
>Formerly Sneed's

>> No.12545612

Anyone one know some secret sauce about firefly? They actually look pretty cool, have plans beyond smallsats and are the biggest "small sat" launcher

>> No.12545628

They're huge nerds. Their engine is called Reaver for a reason.

>> No.12545634

Unless they have plans that involve something cheaper than Starship, or some kind of in-space transport, they're dead already

>> No.12545636
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not as big of nerds as Ursa Major Technologies, who have named their staged combustion BE-3U competitor after Samus Aran

>> No.12545670

>Chucks shuck and puck

>> No.12545677

>SpaceX is building Starship vehicles at a rate of greater than one per month and will look to accelerate that pace in 2021. The scale of the project, and rate at which the company is building these massive rockets, is unprecedented in the space industry.

>"We don't do it to embarrass people, but we certainly are happy to provide examples on how industries and companies can do better," Shotwell said.
>..."we're here to provide some objective evidence and some truths that you can do better in this industry, and this industry deserves to be better."
Shotwell sweetly shit-talking oldspace

>> No.12545690

Does anyone have video or transcript from when Gwynne called for the demise of smallsat launchers? All I have is this tweet.
>Flaw in a question on the number of small launchers: choices are “at least 2”, “at least 5”, “less than 10”, “more than 10.” Shotwell says she picked “less than 10” since it was the only option that included zero. #WSBW

>> No.12545704

Based. I can see smallsat launchers being used for niche things like government payloads and small spysats but I feel like cramming 30-40 different 100 kilogram or less payloads onto one vehicle is the future

>> No.12545706

How long until we have a rideshare mission carrying a rideshare mission carrying a rideshare mission? Transporter 1 goes two levels deep, I want to see three.

>> No.12545707

I do honestly wonder if they're going to make starship an effective 3 stage vehicle at some point. Just tie the payload to a stumpy kickstage. Could probably cram a good amount of delta V in it.

>> No.12545709

Yeah but the thing is I don’t use that faggot website so maybe you should do it instead :^)

>> No.12545716

it's not really worth it if you've got hundreds of Starships just hanging around waiting to launch and deliver fuel to orbit

>> No.12545718

Expect 12U cubesats hosting different organization’s science experiments in each cube, all the while being a ride share on a transporter flight

>> No.12545724

It's still totally worth it for outer planet probes since you can either get there in less time or carry a big fat deceleration stage to be an orbiter instead of a flyby.

>> No.12545726

did the FAA give a reason?

>> No.12545727

ah yes that's true, if you're already expendable then a third stage makes sense

>> No.12545732

>we require more time to review your application, sorry ;)
Literally the DMV of space

>> No.12545733

Starships are dirt cheap. Raptors cost $2 Million apiece and the steel is $3/kilogram.

>> No.12545738
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>Starship Centaur isn't economically viable because two RL-10s cost more than one Starship

>> No.12545740

Starship-Centaur is the biggest fucking meme and I so desperately want to see it

>> No.12545741

That can't possibly be right. At that rate it's literally cheaper to retank a cargo Starship and fly it expendable to the outer system than to use LH2 for anything but nuclear propellant.

>> No.12545745
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would be fun to see how fast you could throw something out of LEO with starship

>> No.12545748

>humanity's progress amongst the stars dictated by corrupt bureaucrats
honest to god makes me seethe

>> No.12545751
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>highly elliptical Earth orbit
>L2 to 500km Oberth kick with a fully fueled expendable Starship
That might actually get up to 50km/s. Holy balls.

>> No.12545753

Quick google search says the unit price for an RL-10 is $17M USD. So 2 RL-10s is likely >2x the price of an entire complete SS/SH stack.

>> No.12545755

The RL10B on the Delta IV is $6.5 Million apiece because ULA bought 100 of them at once. The RL10A on the Altas V is $11.5 million apiece because ULA buys them 1 at a time.


New production techniques are designed to lower RL10 production cost. ULA expects the RL10 to use 70% less parts and like 90% less time to build thanks to modern construction techniques. It’s likely then, that Vulcan’s RL10’s cost between $3 Million to $6 Million apiece.

>> No.12545757

You could probably do brachistochrone planetary flybys.

>> No.12545759

the fastest you can yeet something from Earth involves some real bullshit, because at that point you're just returning to Earth just to say that you can (or recapture most of your fleet I guess)
send an entire fleet of Starships on a resonant orbit with Earth, refuel in deep space, tankers recapture at Earth, destination Starship burns 7 km/s during Earth encounter

>> No.12545765
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The ABSOLUTE STATE of oldspace.

>> No.12545767

brachistochrone is specifically about high ISP constant thrust setups, it's very different from merely "going really fucking fast"

>> No.12545768
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ULA did a complete turnabout by going with a 100% unproven engine architecture made by a suborbital meme company for a reason. Aerojet's shit is comically expensive.

>> No.12545769

I love how goddamn savage she can be sometimes

>> No.12545770

Aerojew Shekeldyne

>> No.12545771

>Aerojet's shit is comically expensive.
Its because all of their engines proper are fucking hydromeme engines.

>> No.12545780

I want to see them try to catch up with voyager just for the hell of it

>> No.12545784
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The telemetry the probe sends back when it passes Voyager should be "MEEP MEEP".

>> No.12545788

Voyager RTG refueling mission when?
I want a space tradition of catching up to voyager, capturing it, and then yeeting it even faster away from the sun.

>> No.12545792

It shouldn't be particularly difficult, slingshot an atomically powered magnetoplasma rocket with drop tanks using the sun's gravity.

>> No.12545799

are you suggesting the Earth-Jupiter-Sun oberth slingshot

>> No.12545800

First in for beamed propulsion going at relativistic speeds

>> No.12545802

>in a few centuries voyager becomes a popular space tourist destination

>> No.12545804

catching up to Voyager in a year henceforth known as the "Voyager horizon" benchmark

>> No.12545809

>You could probably do brachistochrone planetary flybys.
no you retard, that would need an engine that fires with comparable isps to what rockets usually do today but for weeks at a time not minutes, were as close to that as the caveman who invented the wheel was to F-1 cars

>> No.12545821

It should be possible, assuming the entire vehicle is protected inside of a shell of ultra-reflective, insulated material, as it starts to draw back away from Sol you could lose the shell and switch to a solar thermal stage until like the orbit of Venus or something, until you either run out of reaction mass or the S/T kick becomes less efficient than the MPD. At this point you can finally kick on the atomic-sterling generator and use the magnetoplasma second stage to further accelerate.

>> No.12545845

faggot, kill yourself

>> No.12545849

Nah, its likely spacex guarantees their flight "or money back, atleast 50 percent of it back." That way spacex can charge 50M and still fly starship.

>> No.12545863

Kek shoutout to that ESA failure where the spaniard lost his life’s work because the ESA doesn’t offer insurance for their payload

>> No.12545865

Russia has a paper methalox falcon 9 clone too

>> No.12545867

Thread reminder that Sol and Luna are actually called the Sun and the Moon, respectively. If you call it anything else you are trying too hard

>> No.12545874

If you're going in closer than Venus a plasma magnet sail turned on at perisol will get you like 250km/s delta V by the time you get back out to Saturn.

>> No.12545877

>Soviet Union: builds a shuttle ripoff that’s better than the shuttle, doesn’t even fly it twice because it flexed so hard
>Russian Federation: threatens you with 7 paper rockets

>> No.12545883

Right now the cheapest launch to GTO is the Falcon 9, which can do 8.3 tons at $50 Million assuming you expend a previously reflown booster. Falcon heavy can put that payload into GTO at $90 million, which kinda sucks to be honest.

Ariane 6 will be able to launch two satellites into a GTO at a cost of $133 million, or $66.5 Million apiece in a dual launch.

ULA’s Vulcan, flying with 6 boosters, costs $130 Million and can put 13 tons into a GTO. This is $65 Million apiece for a dual launch.

SpaceX can charge $55 Million per payload going to GTO and still BTFO everyone

>> No.12545897

he is at the very least opposed to mass immigration and pro-family

>> No.12545898

What's the theoretical cost for Starship to put satellites in orbit, assuming any would be compatible with the clamshell design.

>> No.12545902

It’d almost certainly be rideshare too who the fuck would need a 100 ton sat?

>> No.12545905


>> No.12545911

Starship is cheap as fuck relative to its size. 34 Raptors is $68 Million, and 300 tons of steel is $900,000.

>> No.12545919

laser propulsion that allows for fast interstellar travel is both incredibly more dangerous then nuclear and far faster then nuclear propulsion, while nuclear is pretty much the king of interplanetary propulsion, laser is the king of interstellar propulsion (unless you find a way to create large quantities of antimatter). the issue with laser propulsion for interstellar travel is that the infrastructure required for it won't be in existence for hundreds of years at the earliest.

>> No.12545920

>It’d almost certainly be rideshare too who the fuck would need a 100 ton sat?
Momentus could probably use 100 ton ice blocks to refuel depots.

>> No.12545922

My concern for satellites is having them being able to clear the clamshell opening.

>> No.12545927
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>Ariane 6 is slated for an April 2022 Maiden flight

>> No.12545965

literally the Adeptus Administratum irl

>> No.12545970

Administratum does a decent enough job in the context
Despite the Imperium seemingly being in decline, they actually continually settle and discover new worlds

>> No.12545971

Just wait until ships are manufactured in space and spend their entire operating lives there.
Whats the FAA going to do then? Suck a dick, thats what.

>> No.12545975

>(unless you find a way to create large quantities of antimatter)
IIRC there are people working on mass producing positrons from matter on demand so you can annihilate them with an electron beam. Pure gamma ray directional exhaust if you confine the collision the right way.

>> No.12545982

>point exhaust at israel

>> No.12545986

And China.

>> No.12545992

earth in general desu

>> No.12545995

Nah, we need biology and phosphorus in general.

>> No.12545996
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Can those gamma rays be used to push shit like lasers can? It's the same thing as light, right?
>t. brainlet

>> No.12546002

>8.3 tons at $50 Million assuming you expend a previously reflown booster
Not at 50m

Also comparing the used cost for falcon 9 to the new cost for falcon heavy is disingenuous.

>> No.12546005

I doubt it will ever actually happen, no government is going to give them a payload that needs maxed out dV for the same reason they’ve never produced any multi launch payloads
No ambition

>> No.12546006

Yes, gamma rays are just EM radiation, higher frequency than X-Rays. Gamma rays are an absolute nigger to deal with in nuclear engine designs because you can't shield them with magnets and they're crazy high energy so they dump a bunch of waste heat into your shielding.

>> No.12546008

Yeah, gammas and xrays are just spicy light.

>> No.12546011
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>> No.12546013

I'm moderately more optimistic than that.

If we launch from somewhere other than earth, you can use ground based lasers fed by ground based power plants. It requires significant infrastructure on the ground, but once you have that, it's not that hard.

>> No.12546014

hah you missed Aerospike master race cunt ;)

>> No.12546015

Yes but they're harder to safely generate and harder to shield against.
Pushing lasers should probably be NUV.

>> No.12546016

>Soviets: only flies it once because the peasants are revolting
>Russia: the peasants are in charge now

>> No.12546023

Do you think SpaceX will launch a Tesla Semi as its first Starship payload?

>> No.12546024

Thanks. Guess my shitty idea of a facility that pulls double duty by producing antimatter AND propelling things with the aforementioned "gamma ray directional exhaust" isn't super practical after all.

>> No.12546025
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oh he didn't
this is the chad of engine systems

>> No.12546029

>Pushing lasers should probably be NUV.
Why not visible?

>> No.12546032

visible is a good idea for safety but at the same time you could just have your visors filter the laser frequency because you will never look unshielded upon the vacuum of space

>> No.12546061

Probably a bunch of Starlinks desu

>> No.12546065

>Shitty ISP
>Costs as much as an SSME
Heh....nothing personnel kiddo

>> No.12546077

Balance between power delivered to push the ship and danger of irradiating the ship. Visible light is weak and very safe, UV is moderately strong and moderately dangerous, Xrays and Gammas are very strong and very dangerous.

>> No.12546079

heheh true but still, just look at that shit. I think it would have been developed to be cheaper and simpler.

>> No.12546085

Nah Aerospikes are a meme that only are useful with SSTOs, which are even more of a meme. The real redpill is having the same engine but with vacuum and sea level variants

>> No.12546090

just look at how silky smooth that plume looks running over it

I want to touch it

>> No.12546091

>The real redpill is having the same engine but with vacuum and sea level variants
Seems like everyone is already doing that since Falcon 9.

>> No.12546093

I don't think that's a good idea

>> No.12546095

What if you just have a retractable bell extension that works while the engine is firing?

>> No.12546097

all that said the engine that SpaceX are using are super efficient, they looked at aerospike and the numbers were just not there.
SSTO's would be preferable for crew launches imho, they solved the composite tank issues for those SSTO using aluminium tanks that were lighter and stronger kek.

>> No.12546098

doesn't work that way, the geometry is different

>> No.12546099

goatse mechanism

>> No.12546101

Rotating pulse-detonation aerospikes are the final evolution for bipropellant rocket technology, all the thrust of a normal engine, near maximum combustion efficiency curve due to being an aerospike, and pushing the limit of combustion efficiency right to the edge by using detonation as opposed to deflagration. LCH4 rockets could be as efficient as hydromeme rockets are now in such an engine with minimal if any TWR losses and maximally efficient propellant utilization from ground to vacuum with no need for different sized engine apertures.

>> No.12546102

earlier I stated that the Space Shuttle still had the turnaround record
I was wrong, Falcon 9 now has the turnaround record.

>> No.12546103

ULA uses an RL10 with an expanding nozzle on the Delta IV. It gives 10 seconds better ISP and an extra 10% thrust while weighing 50% more than the other RL10 variants. They seem to be alright with abandoning it on Vulcan

>> No.12546104

ooh any papers I can read?

>> No.12546106

>SSTO would be preferable for crew launch
incorrect, horizontal landing would be preferable for crew launch
TSTO, vertical takeoff horizontal landing

>> No.12546121
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>> No.12546123
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how much simpler are the engines to adapt to non-air breathing?

>> No.12546130

Do you know the record for space shuttle reuse as well? I wonder how many flights did the reused space shuttles fly and which space shuttle had the most reflight.

Falcon9 will likely go to ~10+ reuse this year maybe even more.

>> No.12546132

thanks mate interesting

>> No.12546136

it's like 54 days or something, the NSF shuttle autists have a roundup article somewhere

>> No.12546138

Hullo's got a video about it.
In terms of design it's essentially a big swirl injector with a thin annulus aperture around a plug spike and a circle of ignitors to control and correct the detonations.

>> No.12546142

No, I meant how many times has a single space shuttle flown the most amount? Not how quickly.

>> No.12546143

the NSF shuttle autists have a roundup article somewhere

>> No.12546145


>> No.12546149

Thx. 39th reflight for Shuttle Discovery, thats quite a lot. I wonder if Falcon9 can make it that far before Starship displaces it entirely

>> No.12546154
File: 38 KB, 640x414, DFE077CD-A3D3-47D9-9557-E9BA0FBF5E5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not. Remember that the shuttles flew for 25+ years each. Also NASA was ok with spending billions each flight to make sure the vehicle would fly again. SpaceX is probably alright with cutting their losses and scrapping boosters that cost too much to refurbish.

>> No.12546156

This, the amount of work put into keeping shuttles alive (except yknow, those times) was because they were extremely difficult and expensive and time consuming to manufacture. Superheavies on the other hand will cost practically nothing to build in either money or time.

>> No.12546160

lol just bend space so the gamma rays go out the back, EZ

>> No.12546170

Based Golden One

>> No.12546220
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Friendly reminder SLS costs more the the shuttle ever did, with no results

>> No.12546235

The only archaic technology is solid rocket boosters. Also fuck you anti natalist, we're gonna survive, hopefully with doomer faggots like you being the only ones to die in the calamities you sing and praise about.

>> No.12546240

SRBs are good for missiles tho.

>> No.12546242

>literally this https://youtu.be/NZoPkUD0lzo

>> No.12546259
File: 22 KB, 480x320, SA-X_Closeup.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese company rips off engine after release of Samus
>Calls the bootleg engine SA-X

>> No.12546298

Sure get exactly 10 grams to pluto, that's wonderful.

>> No.12546316


>> No.12546317


>> No.12546340

Acceleration. Beamed power let's you hit crazy high speeds with low tech but the acceleration is low, you need 3GW to accelerate 1kg at 1g. Not a problem over interstellar timescales, a massive issue when going to Mars. this is also why ion engines are a meme.

>> No.12546348

>not just building multiple gigawatt lasers

>> No.12546352

You really need fusion power for that. One of the smaller moons of Uranus would be a good spot for those power plants, with He3 mined from the planet's atmosphere.

>> No.12546354

A magnetoplasma rocket even with it's poor acceleration will get you to Mars faster than a nuclear rocket or bipropellant rocket, because both of those two propulsion systems can only boost your ship for a couple of minutes before shutting off. Their TWR however is completely irrelevant, because once they're running low on propellant your ship will then spend the vast majority of the remaining approach to Mars coasting with zero thrust.
The one area in which they are necessary is a propulsive landing on Mars like that performed by Starship, but passive landers or landers with their own internal propulsion system, or vehicles not intended to land on the surface of Mars but to instead atmobreak into a stable orbit around it do not require a high TWR propulsion system nor would they benefit from using it in favor of an MPD.

That being said, the best forms of MPD are atomically powered, and even with shitty kilopower type low-heat generators it would be an upward slog to get them into space at all.

>> No.12546360

Really, you could just operate a ton of fission based planets on Mars.

Also, you can have a fairly slow acceleration and still reach very high Delta V very quickly.

>> No.12546367

>Also, you can have a fairly slow acceleration and still reach very high Delta V very quickly.
That's less true when talking about interstellar scales. At 0.01g you need ten years of acceleration to get up to 0.1c. At 1g you need four months to get to 0.2c. Since laser beam power falls off with distance it's in your best interests to give it a real solid kick in the ass while it's in range and let it coast.

>> No.12546368

The higher the frequency the better your efficiency at long range and the smaller your spot size. You don't need your sails to be quite as big.

>> No.12546371

>not building a tungsten sail for gamma ray laser acceleration

>> No.12546376

Not practical compared to a nuclear ferry ship. Unless the Earth has a unified government those things would be an unmatched superweapon.
No, Fission is plenty energetic, but Fusion is much easier to resupply. Both are still a bitch to get to several gigawatts and cool once in space, though.

>> No.12546377


The real question, in my mind, is how to build a sail that can absorb multiple gigawatts per kilogram of cargo.

Also, I was thinking building a giant ass sail would allow for a longer accleration period and absorbing more energy without melting.

>> No.12546379

>The real question, in my mind, is how to build a sail that can absorb multiple gigawatts per kilogram of cargo.
Reflectivity is the key. A photon reflected is a photon you don't absorb as waste heat and also gives you more thrust since it acts like a tiny rocket propellant.

>> No.12546381

MPD's have an ISP of,what,3000s?
That's 3 times the ISP of a Timberwind but at less than a thousandth of the thrust. Not worth the loss in Oberth and the months necessary to leave the gravity well. TWR below 0.01 is pathetic and is not worth considering in a mission that doesn't go to Uranus at least.

>> No.12546399

Traditional MPDs are crap. There are some electrodeless magnetoplasma designs that have interesting properties.
>can use basically any neutral gas as propellant
>Ve scales with current strength, thrust scales with physical size
The ELF thruster in particular can just add a fixed-diameter tube of more rotating magnetic field coils on the ass end of the thruster to increase exhaust velocity, albeit at a mass penalty so you'd probably want at least 1g/s propellant flow to not get stuck in ion drive hell.

>> No.12546400

Nuclear salt water is the only feasible high Isp propulsion tech that's worth a damn until we can reliably work with fusion.

>> No.12546408

Well, assuming timberwind rockets would have maxed out to their projected ISPs. You're lowballing there too, thrusters like VASIMR develop ISPs more in the 5000s range, and ELF thrusters I think go further. If the researchers working on it can actually figure out the plasma dynamics going on inside of HDLT it might be able to go even further beyond that while also yielding significant TWRs more like .1
Sure, it's immature technology, but then so were nuclear rockets at this point. If the thruster is atomic though it should be a closed cycle gas core, not this pussy ass, heavy ass solid-core shit.

>> No.12546409

Not really, any design is good as long as it had decent isp,thrust and is buildable. For now, only NTR's fit that bill. Fusion is shit for manned missions, but it could be great for Kuiper belt and Oort cloud probes.
Yeah those sound much better. I've nothing against electric propulsion, but it's really best used for cargo, not passengers.

>> No.12546413

>electric propulsion
I do. It killed my father,

>> No.12546421

Vasimr can hit 30 000 with Hydrogen,doesn't change the fact the mass ratio or acceleration will be shit with an engine that gets 1N/40KW.
The first advanced nuclear drive will probably be an open cycle gas core, considering the Soviets had plans to build one way back when. 6MN and 2000s ISP, and Bimodal to boot. "Lightbulbs" seem to be too complex, perhaps for this whole century.

>> No.12546428

Pulsed solid core gets you >10,000s Isp apparently.


>> No.12546436
File: 79 KB, 315x279, 1604641738597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clickbait article pops up up in my feed
>6 AMAZING space missions to look forward to in 2021
>number 3

>> No.12546437

>Makes Orion and NSWR completely worthless
This thing is unreal, if it can be brought to a decent mass it would mog the shit out of every current design, hell it'd make fusion worthless for half a century at least.

>> No.12546480

>number one
SLS first flight
>number two
Russian launch Nauka
>number three

>> No.12546482

it apparently passed all its tests. Now it just has to spend literal months folding itself back up

>> No.12546484

I want Gwynne Shotwell to sit on my face with her business-casual jeaned big ass and suffocate me within an inch of death. After a few rounds of this she'd leave me gasping in my cubicle, never to miss another engineering deadline for Starship.

>> No.12546487

don't forget new glenn!

You guys think vulcan will hit this year or no?

>> No.12546497

Probably, the USAF and the USSF actually have uses for the Vulcan.

>> No.12546501

Thrust per kw of power is essentially the same for every engine
Exit velocity and Isp increase linearly while the energy involved increases exponentially

>> No.12546503

Jesus Christ
I hate the government

>> No.12546504

The real benefit is it frees you from LH2 hell. You still don't get the capacity to do brachistochrones anywhere but friggin Venus at 10,000 Isp with LH2, so you might as well take the 50% Isp hit to use water instead to save on dry mass and have retard simple ISRU anywhere at >=1 AU, with almost 68km/s of delta V.
>six months to Jupiter's moons
>a year to Saturn's moons
>no need for electrolysis, cryogenic storage, or in situ methane production
>all with a mass ratio of four

Patrician taste.

>> No.12546514

So what all is on their list?

>> No.12546516

probly some mars probes which do fuckall aside from the NASA one.

>> No.12546520

The thing is, nobody gives a fuck about Ariane, least of all Europeans.

>> No.12546522
File: 85 KB, 640x372, 1529607371435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, and if you use a tricarbide groove fuel element that pushes you up to 900-1200s normally you'd be looking at more like 15-17,000 seconds using the pulse system.
Using Methane would effectively give you more delta-V even if it's ISP sank back down to a "mere" 12000s since it's so much denser than LH2, with so much more compact tankage and so much less mass wasted on cryochilling equipment and insulation.

Imagine the THROOOOST

>> No.12546526

at least they're honest about their timetables I guess

>> No.12546527
File: 392 KB, 1116x1117, 4ASS logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well boys, looks like we have a new meme drive to sperg over.

>> No.12546534

Theres 0.000000000000000000% chance of a nuclear engine resulting in a nuclear explosion. It's physically impossible

>> No.12546539

Wait, could you make this thing air breathing for a spaceplane? I'm pretty sure a pulsed nuclear ramjet with an exhaust velocity of FUCK YOU can manage a total vehicle TWR of 0.9, which is the range Star Raker needed for runway SSTO.

>> No.12546574
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>Liquid methane with a SABER style oxygen precooler for near-endless atmospheric flight converting to 10000s ISP low-flow pulse operation to make orbit and/or get anywhere the fuck else out to the orbit of Jupiter.
Stop Anon I'm going to fucking COOM

>> No.12546576

*orbit of Saturn. Jupiter's actually harder to get to than Saturn delta-V wise.

>> No.12546579

But Jupiter is more based.

>> No.12546580

You know the SABER precooler uses cryogenic helium right?...

>> No.12546581

Just finished Project Wingman. Lava engines when?

>> No.12546582

Why is that?

>> No.12546584

biggg gravity large masdss HUGE planet

>> No.12546585

Yeah but not an enormous amount, should be more than enough to let this spacecraft do a nice leisurely cruise up to hypersonic speeds. Besides, your engines also happen to literally be atomic reactors, divert a little bit of that enormous heat to power stirling motors which themselves can directly be used as cryogenic chillers.

>> No.12546586

does vulcan do something unique?

>> No.12546587

Wouldn't that reduce the dV requirements to get a capture?

>> No.12546590
File: 2.41 MB, 3000x1266, CGF_STILL_00007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't see the appeal of cruising around the Saturn system with the giant rings as your backdrop in a nuclear rocket like something out of 50s scifi I don't know what to tell you.

No, it increases it. Mars is easier to transfer to than Venus, for example.

>> No.12546593

also here's the video that's from


>> No.12546594

if I remember right the same dude also lost a sat on the infamous Ariane 5 maiden launch. You know, the one that went sideways -> giant fireball because they literally copy/pasted Ariane 4 code and thought it would work. Not sure if that's more embarrassing or that one really determined/stupid russian who took down that proton launch.

Anyways, yeah, sounds like making sats in euroland sucks.

>> No.12546598

What was ArianeSpace thinking? That’s incredibly retarded.

>> No.12546599

it's easier to pass by Jupiter
it's much harder to stay

>> No.12546601
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>was ArianeSpace thinking?

>> No.12546603

7 tons directly into GEO for $140 Million, which is greater capability than Falcon Heavy which costs $150 Million

>> No.12546608

Is that with or without SMART lowering the price?

>> No.12546609

>What happened was they installed an existing guidance system from an earlier less powerful rocket into the Ariane 5. That guidance system had a long history of reliable performance so no one bothered to fully test the installation. As it turned out the more powerful Ariane 5 accelerated horizontally during launch more quickly than the less powerful rocket had ever done before. When the register in the guidance system designed to track horizontal velocity maxed out and overflowed the primary guidance system shut down due to the fault. The rocket then switched to the back up system but it also had the same flaw so it also shut down. With no functioning guidance system left on board the rocket turned sideways and broke up due to aerodynamic forces. It was a relatively simple but very costly error. If they had bothered to run a simulation of the launch using the Ariane 5's actual parameters it would have revealed the error.

>> No.12546623

Should be great for all those GEO satellite Internet birds, oh wait...

>> No.12546625

Without. Vulcan costs $99 Million core alone, with $5 million (or less) with each booster. 6 boosters and the original core is $130 Million. Vulcan Centaur Heavy uses 4 RL10’s, but each costs something like less than half of those flying on Atlas V today.

>> No.12546627

The question is whether that’s a price point SpaceX can easily beat without losing profitability, or Vulcan’s actual cost to ULA is lower than Heavy is for SpaceX. I suspect it’s the former, but if it’s the latter, that’s pretty impressive. Starship will blow every planned launch system out of the water at some point, but at least it buys ULA more time.

>> No.12546630

Dunno, you might still be able to swing it, you only need about 24km/s to actually get into the Jupiter system, the major hurdle is to actually inject the ship into LJO, which costs an immense 45km/s of dV. You could however do this with aerobraking, either with thermally protected ballutes as is done in 2010 a Space Odyssey or by fucking bellyslamming into Jupiter's atmosphere using Starship's proposed transpiration cooling method. With your atomically powered ship and (presumably) huge payload you could also perform ISRU to resupply your fuel. Plus there's not necessarily any need to pull into LJO, if you want to collect data from deep inside Jupiter's atmosphere you can drop probes into it by sending them into suicidal low orbits and letting drag succ them in eventually, and you can perform a tour of the Jovian moons without expending remotely as much dV as it would take to drop to 2000km above Jupiter.

>> No.12546631

Can I get a dumbed down explanation?

>> No.12546633

ha ha nuke rocket go really fast fwooooosh

>> No.12546637

How does this nuke rocket seemingly btfo something like project orion?

>> No.12546639

Tory Bruno said that Vulcan is designed to be commercially competitive, which is cool. I think ULA sees that they’re no longer the king of expensive spysats anymore.

Tory also said that Vulcan Centaur Heavy, which can put 30 tons into LEO, 14 onto a GTO, and 7 into GEO, costs 1/3rd that of the current Delta IV Heavy. Delta IV heavy costs $360 million now, but it costed $450 Million 4 years ago. Vulcan Centaur Heavy thus costs anywhere from $120 Million to $150 Million. Either way, it BTFO’s Ariane 6. Falcon Heavy mogs it in terms of LEO Payload and cost, but overlap happens with GEO payload. GEO is a niche market though.

>> No.12546642

By pulsing the power of the reactor for incredibly short periods of time (fractions of a second) you can cause it to emit enormously huge pulses of heat compared to the normal safe operating temperature of the fuel without destroying the reactor, so long as it's well cooled.
In a propulsive configuration what this effectively means is that the reactor, which normally is incapable of heating the reaction mass to it's own temperature, would, in pulse mode, be capable of heating the reaction mass much, much higher than it's own safe working temperature. This would require the reactor to have a second independent coolant to provide normal cooling functions, but also give it insane ISP ten times or more greater than a normal nuclear rocket.

>> No.12546646

Orion is literally throwing nuclear bombs at the back of your ship to accelerate it. Most of the ship by mass is bombs, blast shield, and shock absorber. This pulsed NTR design has comparable exhaust velocity but it's just a regular rocket engine and doesn't waste literal tons of U235 to maneuver. You can use hydrogen, methane, or even water as propellant, and since your Isp is so high a mass ratio of four (75% of the ship's mass is propellant) unlocks everything between Mercury and the moons of Saturn for manned exploration.

>> No.12546649

Vulcan is already winning commercial contracts, something that ULA's current rockets haven't done at all AFAIK. Even without ACES and SMART, it's a respectable rocket and shows what ULA is capable of with real competition.

>> No.12546655

THANK YOU, this is fucking cool. Is it all hypothetical like the HDLT? Or could this be built today assuming we have the authority

>> No.12546657
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Yeah it’s great. Also there’s a commercial Atlas V flying this year (Maybe the next one?). It’s interesting

>> No.12546658

Its nuclear. Aka not happening while constrained by any earth based government. The theory is nice, but the practical engineering is a whole different story.

>> No.12546659

Nobody knows what the hell the HDLT is actually doing. Seriously, the plasma dynamics about why it self-organizes into a double layer are a mystery. That's why nobody's figured out how to scale it yet, we don't know what knobs to tweak. Solid core nuclear thermal rockets are 1970s technology, and this is a fairly reasonable refinement of that, and even better should work on low-enriched uranium so the paperwork isn't as fussy.

>> No.12546664

Looking at Wikipedia, I see a couple commercial Atlas launches in the 2010s, so maybe it's not all that rare. Still, Vulcan will be competitive with the Falcon.

>> No.12546666

Yeah, it’s pretty clear that Bruno is playing his hand incredibly well.

>> No.12546667

It's shut down in flight unexpectedly that's a failure

>> No.12546673

there's NOTHING in LJO, you never need to go there
go, instead, to the moons

>> No.12546677

Anon. ESA's grasshopper is planned for 2022 right now. They're even further behind.

>> No.12546683

HMMM, sounds like the kind of thing an ayylmao in LJO would say if he didn't want us to go to LJO!

>> No.12546686

it does not do that

>> No.12546689

you get more thrust for the same bomb, right

>> No.12546692

Thrust is not Isp.

>> No.12546694

thrust/bomb is how you measure effective ISP in an Orion drive

>> No.12546696

What's more cringe - having an erotic My Little Pony dakimakura, or referring to the Earth, Moon and Sun as Terra, Luna and Sol?

>> No.12546699

False dichotomy, it's the same people who do both.

>> No.12546702

It wouldn't need to be airbreathing, at 10,000 Isp it's already more efficient in rocket mode than many conventional airbreathing jet engines.
Of course there's a downside, and that this thing only gets this insane Isp for short bursts, then needs to quench itself with lithium coolant.

>> No.12546703

Wait, I didn't know YEETship was real.

>> No.12546708

You are correct, those other fags are wrong. When you do a lcose pass to Jupiter from escape velocity you're doing ~50 km/s and your oberth gains are real, and to capture you only need a tiny burn. However, that's just to CAPTURE, into a highly elliptical orbit. Afterwards you need a lot of delta V to do shit like circularize or visit moons.

>> No.12546709

Cringe now and forever
Cringe now but will be needed when Humans go Interstellar
Same as Luna

>> No.12546712

Yeah, that makes more sense.

>> No.12546714

You don't get more thrust per bomb actually, the explosion just stays contained by atmospheric pressure for longer and thus remains more visible.

>> No.12546717

Wouldn't you just circulate the lithium through the fuel constantly? In airbreathing mode you can pump air over heat exchangers which will get more and more efficient at removing that heat the faster you go, and once in space you can expose radiator surfaces to deal with the same.

>> No.12546720

YEETship was first popularized by Elon, yes, as the only way of getting Starship to the moon's surface and back

>> No.12546723

the Atomic Rockets page was convinced that you would use smaller bombs in atmosphere

>> No.12546726

Lunar natives will grow up calling it Luna and there's nothing you can do about it.
Also, are there any demonyms for lunar natives that don'e sound dumb?

>> No.12546730
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/biz/ here. FUCK THE FAA

>> No.12546732


>> No.12546733

buy now, dumbass

>> No.12546735
File: 380 KB, 900x390, 1521382212139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know, that's why God gave us Roth IRAs. Still AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.12546738

Simultaneously cool, too long, and dumb

>> No.12546739
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>> No.12546741

>Lunar natives
They’ll exclusively be called loonies until someone puts it on par with the n-word for ableism.

>> No.12546746
File: 90 KB, 1300x956, stephane-israel-chairman-and-ceo-of-the-satellite-launch-company-arianespace-attends-the-companys-annual-news-conference-in-paris-january-6-2015-reutersphilippe-wojazer-france-tags-business-science-technology-2CXTMTX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12546748

Moon crickets

>> No.12546749

Every single time. It's as inevitable as the rocket equation.

>> No.12546751

>"Loony" and "Loonies" are banned terms on Earth
>Loonies don't care and use it to refer to themselves, and delight in how uncomfortable it makes the Earthers

>> No.12546758

Will Mars natives be called “Martians” or something else?

>> No.12546760

Based Looniechad, fuckin' drop a rock on Earther heads.

>> No.12546761

the tyranny of the JQ

>> No.12546762

Yeah. Martian is nice and simple, two syllables, doesn't sound stupid.

>> No.12546767

Being able to build on Earth with easy Earth resources makes things an order of magnitude easier for a project Orion vehicle

>> No.12546768

>Will Mars natives be called “Martians”
Yes. 10% of male infants will be named Marvin in the first generation.

>> No.12546769

You can build your entire propulsion module in one piece on Earth and loft it on Starship if it's not fucking 150 tons.

>> No.12546770


>> No.12546774

Imagine how many goddamn martian kids are going to be named Ares. And the hilariously disproportionate representation of Apollo astronaut names among the loonies. Probably a whole hell of a lot of Werners and Elons as well.

>> No.12546776

Lunite isn't bad

>> No.12546777

Will everyone in the LEO manufactories be named gagarin?

>> No.12546779

No they'll be Mexicans that Elon smuggles over the border to Boca Chica and launches secretly.

>> No.12546784
File: 46 KB, 640x627, 1514515170445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why I love this general

>> No.12546787

Eh, you could loft the parts for an Orion pusher into orbit with Starship but not the whole thing, even the smallest proposed Orion pusher is 10m wide, while the largest is more like 60m in diameter. Orion ships are multiple kilotons, it will take many Starship launches to get them put together, but Starship does make projects like that plausible, because it can also put big habitats in orbit to allow for permanent work teams to do big orbital assembly projects.

>> No.12546789

when do we build it

>> No.12546791

If you are building a space only vessel it’ll be Medusa style
Not a pusher plate

>> No.12546795

In that case you'd want a vessel which is itself larger than just one Starship.

>> No.12546798

>implying humans can reproduce on low gravity environments

>> No.12546799

After the moon wizards rebel and start researching nuclear propulsion on their own

>> No.12546800

Any of these old designs are way undersized anyways, wasting most of the plutonium to keep explosions small

>> No.12546801

Rodents can gestate just fine in micro-g, and we have zero (0) data about partial-gphysiological effects

>> No.12546802

As soon as we send large amounts of civilians into space, we’ll definitively know the answer to that within 9 months.

>> No.12546804

Think about this, plasmagnet sail to move outwards, Medusa sail to return. No reaction mass needed to do the first leg of the journey, half your bombs, add the mass to everything else.

>> No.12546805

Yeah, didn’t the original mass estimates for Orion call for shit like steel furniture to keep the g-loading within a reasonable amount?

>> No.12546806

>Medusa sail
Yeah, sure thing. Lemme just find some lightweight cables that’ll tolerate repeated exposure to close proximity nuclear detonations.

>> No.12546811
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 5E7BEDAB-2295-41DD-9106-1760FAB38A23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw all babies born on Mars end up looking like Acardiac fetuses

>> No.12546817
File: 104 KB, 1200x675, CB1O9TgW8AA7IvP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still using Orion type shaped charge bombs, the cables are not going to sustain much of a nuclear flash and you can just make any sections you know are going to be significantly flashed reflective.

>> No.12546822

Well if we assume the tricarbide groove fuel element from >>12546522 doesn't react horribly with water propellant and divide by two for LH2->water equivalence, that gives us a range of 7500-8500s Isp, which gives us 101-115km/s of delta-V with a mass ratio of 4, or 80-91km/s of delta-V with a mass ratio of 3. That's really damn good, and means we can build truly ridiculous rockets where 2/3 of the mass is simple water.

>> No.12546827

And have little cable drones apply an ablative coating in the few areas of peak intensity

>> No.12546832

Should be fine, assuming that a good usable cermet can be devised. The point of developing the TCGR reactor was to avoid the inherent problems of fuel element corrosion and fracturing caused by thermal stressing. The major hurdle has, of course, been that obtaining sufficient fuel-quality uranium is next to fucking impossible so the group working on it has been operating at a pace which is most comparable to the geological timescale. They've made significant progress in figuring out how to create a fuel cermet that won't crack or corrode but will probably have to run through one or two more fuel element iterations at least, which seems like it could easily take another twenty fucking years at this rate.

>> No.12546835

>They've made significant progress in figuring out how to create a fuel cermet that won't crack or corrode
That would be the holy grail of nuclear rocketry if they can get it working with 19% HALEU.

>> No.12546841

Yeah, it's some hafnium carbide mix, but obviously it needs refinement and the process of manufacturing is probably the source of the ongoing imperfections in it, shame that our cowardly piece of shit government and academic institutions refuse to embrace the atom's holy glow.

>> No.12546844

Fuck fusion, you niggers have been dicking around for too long. We fission gang now, just need to find that lunar and martian yellowcake.

>> No.12546847

Even if fusion works most designs are too low-thrust for interplanetary transit and too low-Isp for interstellar. They might get stuck as big fat stationary laser farms for the laser highway.

>> No.12546853
File: 133 KB, 1515x1806, 32A657C3-A46F-4C1A-9409-5D1163EDAB50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will SN9 work?

>> No.12546854


>> No.12546860


>> No.12546863

Well, assuming it is essentially identical to SN8 with no serious structural issues and assuming the CH4 tank pressure issue is ameliorated, it should perform perfectly. The avionics is close to perfect and has been subject to rigorous real world testing through the whole Falcon 9+Heavy series before Starship/Superheavy so that's not an issue.
Structural strength under pressurization doesn't seem to be an issue anymore either.

>> No.12546866
File: 614 KB, 407x931, 4ASS Conestoga 1620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had an IDEA.
>take SLS Block 1
>rip off everything placed on top of Orange Tank
>replace it with a big comfy hab module, with a Dreamchaser and a LAS for the crew to sit in at launch time
>replace the RS-25s with pulsed NTR engines using grooved carbide HALEU cermet fuel elements, and some radiators
>this might actually save money thanks to Aerojew Shekeldyne's ridiculous bullshit
>add another segment to the SRBs to keep the TWR over 1
>do a Grand Tour of the Inner System (Mars, Belt, Venus, Earth return) with crew along for the ride
>carry a pair of landers for flags and footprints on Mars and Ceres
>dock at the ISS on return to LEO

>> No.12546872

Hmmm, could the orange turd actually handle the THROOOST from four shit-rocket-boosters?

>> No.12546895

I want to see the landing legs already!

>> No.12547021

galactic virgin

>> No.12547025

Is there a fusion version of NSWR? (like a continuously detonating thermonuclear explosion)

>> No.12547029

yes, it's called a fusion rocket
they're a pain in the ass to make because deuterium doesn't spontaneously explode if you get too much of it close together

>> No.12547034

There actually is, with Lithium-6 / Deuterium fusion.


>> No.12547035

i'm want mommy to let me suckle her. and by mommy i mean robert zubrin

>> No.12547065

Fuck Reds (as in, "people" opposed to terraforming)
That's all.

>> No.12547067

Would you like to suckle his mini starship?

>> No.12547073

Imagine fucking up the surface of the whole planet and literally everything built on it and then covering half of it in oceans just so you can get your terraform upvotes on solddit. Fuck off greenigger before I blow up another aquifer drilling platform.

>> No.12547079

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna throw a rock

>> No.12547093

Oh cool, so thats an actual feasible torch ship.

>> No.12547100

Fuck off. All of public fusion research has basically been shackled to ITER. And ITER being as intentionally inefficient, slow and wasteful as possible still only has the funding of half or even a third of SLS+Orion.
I blame the fossil lobby.
Fusion never got the chance it deserved.

>> No.12547103
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Yes, my son. Come home to me

>> No.12547111

reminds me of the people who used to say "fuck space" until spacex came along. Fusion suffered the similar problems as oldspace, but now there is serious private investment

>> No.12547114

Keep in mind that with a mass ratio of 20 a ship with that system has a delta-V of 4.69% lightspeed. A two stage system each with a mass ratio of 20 (so the first stage has to be obnoxiously large) has a delta-V of 9.39% lightspeed. A plasma magnet sail can brake that on interstellar distances. If antimatter never works out, there's our mechanism for first-stab colony ships to build the laser highway to the stars.

>> No.12547160

Thread has staged.

