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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 101 KB, 1024x576, james-watson-dna-GettyImages-51958129-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12540903 No.12540903 [Reply] [Original]

It seems as if the general consensus on IQ is that it is roughly 50% genetic and 50% environment.
But a lot of scientists also say it is impossible for IQ differences between races to be genetic.
That makes no sense to me.
Please help.

>> No.12540927

your other gay ass bigot bait watson thread wasn't taking off as quickly as you hoped?

>> No.12540929

yet ANOTHER brilliant racebait thread by our retarded friend anon

>> No.12540961

Can you just help me and give me answers instead of being pricks? You two are fucking imbiciles. I want to get to the bottom of this

>> No.12541442

I didn't realize the people here were Marxist trolls.

Fuck off commies.

>> No.12541547

>That makes no sense to me.
Looks like whitey isn't so smart after all

>> No.12541620

>a lot of scientists also say it is impossible for IQ differences between races to be genetic
thats bullshit, the claim
the "scientists" that say that have no merit to it, as the are cucked assfaggots that want to dance around the truth of some races having less IQ on average, which is considered "racist" and "hateful"

>> No.12543730

mayocide coming LOL

they keep shooting themselves in the foot, its so entertaining lol.

>> No.12543757
File: 33 KB, 615x158, unesco race question 1950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the United Nations moved this subject off the table after the Jewish Communists won WWII. so Science is never going to address this question to your satisfaction at the institutional level

>> No.12543871

>But a lot of scientists also say it is impossible for IQ differences between races to be genetic.
This is false. The consensus among psychologists has always been that racial IQ gaps are partly genetic.

>> No.12543876

this board has been infested by commies in a particularly strong way in the last couple of years... what can I say... truth will prevail in the end anyways.

>> No.12545526

Adoption IQ studies

>> No.12545532

Every single time I come to this board there's always like 8 threads about IQ.

>> No.12546178
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Research on Race & IQ differences are muddied greatly by the politics of tolerance, turning the mere mention taboo, so finding any rigorous, objective studies on the subject are about nil.

Take note of empirical data, and trust your gut, OP.

>> No.12547942

Commies are always useful idiots, fated to be disposed of after the elites are given their authoritarian state
happens every damn time,you'd think they'd have learned better by now
why else do they think they're backed by big tech and the banksters?

>> No.12548078

>The consensus among psychologists has always been that racial IQ gaps are partly genetic.
No it hasn't.

>> No.12548089
File: 27 KB, 676x447, new-experts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it has

>> No.12548094
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>> No.12548817
File: 1.83 MB, 504x242, seething.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


great thread OP we need 3 race and IQ threads running at all times to keep the trannies seething and jews scrambling

>> No.12548819

if commies had a brain and could learn they wouldnt be commies. Viscous cycle, truly a sad state of affairs

>> No.12548826
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>> No.12548828

One of these threads, huh?

>> No.12548829

>24% insufficient data
>17% no response
>1% voted for all genes
Atleast some people have balls.
Holy shit

>> No.12548956

>50% genetic

No, more.

>> No.12548958


Indeed it doesnt make sense. Leftist idiots on this board are being unscientific.

>> No.12548995 [DELETED] 

>Leftist idiots on this board are being unscientific.

>> No.12548999

>Leftist idiots on this board are being unscientific.
Ridiculous, surely that would never happen. are you suggesting that the people claiming there is no gender might be unscientific?

>> No.12549245

IQ has limits,environment decides if how far or near you are from the limit.
If you are an African with 60 IQ,even in America you will be mocked by down people.