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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 207 KB, 2000x1332, 1609037225450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12541462 No.12541462 [Reply] [Original]

Snine soon edition
Previous: >>12539188

>> No.12541474
File: 557 KB, 1280x1206, fc29c372e0a9833aef6cc3c383474358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for moon rally

>> No.12541476
File: 291 KB, 1280x1920, Expedition37_Soyuz_blessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless this thread.
Bless Snine.
Bless the souls of spacers.

>> No.12541478


>> No.12541479

May god bless you during this holy season of our saviour's birth, anon.

>> No.12541486

>in a lunar rally race
>dickbaggs the rival is here
>race commences
>find a mound to ramp on
>take off
>use rcs to glide over dickbaggs
>roll the car over
>flip him off before righting the car and landing ahead of him

>> No.12541488

rally is a solitary event
two men in a car, by themselves, against the clock

>> No.12541489

Actually talking about spaceflight edition

>> No.12541499

Trap lewd version of Project Rocket Girls.


>> No.12541502
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>> No.12541504
File: 80 KB, 420x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never go to the moon and drop your spaghetti around space lolis who tower over you.

>> No.12541506

Solitary and solitary. You start staggered, so if the opponent is really fucking slow or you're really fucking fast, you can actually overtake them.

>> No.12541510

is that your art, Anon? how long have you been at it?

>> No.12541530

SpaceX keeps doing ludicrous things day after day.
SLS still hasn't launched while spaceX is shitting out prototypes so fast they are having to line them up because the FAA cant give them clearance fast enough.

>> No.12541531
File: 109 KB, 778x866, 1597248194155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of multi-tower catch ideas?

>> No.12541532

needs more cables

>> No.12541533

Yuk found it after spending to much time on Twitter.

>> No.12541535
File: 1.31 MB, 1948x1096, 1609398234348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 tower idea

>> No.12541537

Pretty fucking sure the booster is just going to end up with legs.

>> No.12541539
File: 181 KB, 800x450, venus past.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The map shows 27km/s as going from LVO to at rest relative to the surface. I think that's still too high, but it's definitely higher than the equivalent "just aerobrake for a few minutes lol" on Earth because of the slow rotation of Venus.

All of these maps seem to source from the same Wikipedia page ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta-v_budget ) which in turn sources from this literal who's map page ( http://www.clowder.net/hop/railroad/deltaveemap.html ) which does not show the math used.

>> No.12541541
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gotcha bro

>> No.12541550

at least at first, yeah. The catch seems like something you look into when you're in the optimization stage.

>> No.12541554
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>> No.12541564


>> No.12541568

That's definitely one of the better proposals.

>> No.12541574

Maybe this is retarded but could you conceivably have biological radio transmitters and receivers to create some kind of Zerg Hivemind?

>> No.12541576

Is the development of AGI really a greater threat than nukes? Musk seems to think so.

>> No.12541582


>> No.12541584

Why are so many people here obsessed with venture star? It’s a fucking meme POS. Please stop acting like it would ever work

>> No.12541587

>Zerg Hivemind
Yeah, they're called chinks

>> No.12541592

Could you please fuck off and stop derailing the threads? Thanks.

>> No.12541594

It's relevant to spaceflight.

>> No.12541598

Its not, fuck off.

>> No.12541600

No it fucking isn’t

>> No.12541599

Why would he be afraid of AI? Tesla uses AI to drive autonomously.
Plus a good AI would be better at designing rockets than any human.

>> No.12541601
File: 49 KB, 611x611, 20210103_145944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of these are funny desu

>> No.12541607

AI is evil incarnate

>> No.12541612
File: 1.75 MB, 4096x2414, Eqv9tpvWMAEC8UH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landing pad is still fucked. When are they going to clean it?

>> No.12541613

what are the odds Musk says 'we're gonna do this' on twitter just to get free suggestions on how
He certainly has a mob of competent engineers doing that already in house but some outside the box thinking can only be done, well, from outside the box

>> No.12541615

Elon has talked about it so it is relevant.

>> No.12541616

It literally would have worked, but it got shot down.

>> No.12541617

>Not equipping a starship with an AGI and smelter/factory and construction drones and have it terraform Mars
You fags are uncreative

>> No.12541619

>Luddite who's afraid of new things

>> No.12541626

This isn't the Elon Musk general. Fuck off.

>> No.12541629

so are the languages of the near-distant future in spaceflight strictly just English and Mandarin? I honestly can't imagine the Russians seriously contending in the long term considering their calamitous economic and demographic situation. that leaves Japan but they might as well be a satellite state of the US and their space agency isn't much of an exception

>> No.12541631

Probably just going to push everything off to one side with a dozer the day before SN9 hop

>> No.12541634

It's relevant to spaceflight

>> No.12541635

Why would anyone speak mandarin except for the chinks?

>> No.12541639

why hasn't everyone tried to make an almost-SSTO? In other words something that gets close to orbit but not quite and then releases a small kickstage to finish the job. Would probably be a ton easier.

>> No.12541640

Nobody but the Chinks and SpaceX are even working seriously on superheavy lift vehicles
>SLS does not count as a serious project

>> No.12541642

If you want to talk about AI so much, then make a separate thread for it.

>> No.12541643

Really now?

>> No.12541646

Too bad it couldnt be the space chief :(

>> No.12541648

>In other words something that gets close to orbit but not quite and then releases a small kickstage to finish the job
You just described SLS, it takes the orange tank on a ridiculous parabolic trajectory reaching half way out to GTO before depositing an itty bitty Delta IV upper stage and crashing pointlessly into the ocean at mach bajillion

>> No.12541649
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>> No.12541650

Every astronaut, at least ones that would participate in the ISS have to be fluent in English and Russian so if that pool is chosen from, Russian would have a substantial presence

>> No.12541654
File: 81 KB, 529x428, 1596282479321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a face here

>> No.12541656

>try to make tanks out of carbon fiber
>tanks keep failing
>make new tanks out of Al-Li alloy
>tanks work and are lighter
>management throws a fit and demands that the tanks must be carbon fiber
>try carbon fiber again
>tanks fail again
>project gets cancelled because tanks don't work
That alone makes it noteworthy to me

>> No.12541662

Not quite. This one is basically New Shepard with wings. The upper stage has insane delta V because it’s placed onto a straight up suborbital trajectory.

A better design is to strap two almost SSTOs together, and have one detach at a velocity of 2 km/s.

>> No.12541663

SLS could adjust it's trajectory slightly and leave the first stage in a parking orbit for use as a wet workshop or for recovery of the engines, but they actively choose not to do that out of pure spite


>> No.12541666

>it takes the orange tank on a ridiculous parabolic trajectory reaching half way out to GTO before depositing an itty bitty Delta IV upper stage and crashing pointlessly into the ocean at mach bajillion
what the actual fuck?

>> No.12541667
File: 3.82 MB, 3000x2361, Twin Linear Aerospike XRS-2200 Engine PLW edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like SpaceX if the engine worked right on the first go it would already be flying. Or at least a prototype would have flown before Congress cancel it because it's not reusing every part of the space shuttle.

>> No.12541672

proof that we're in the shit timeline

I do wonder if the dolphin sex ideas would have worked

you wouldn't have to worry about a de-orbit burn this way either

>> No.12541674
File: 1.89 MB, 800x1486, sls_bozo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the size of the orange tank. Then look at the size of the upper stage, which was literally nicked off a Delta IV.


>> No.12541677


>> No.12541679

Yeah. The ICPS only has 3 km/s of Delta V with Orion atop, so the SLS core pushes the entire stack out to a few thousand kilometers above the Earth but with a perigee below the surface so that the core burns up, and the crew can abort in a bad situation

>> No.12541680
File: 414 KB, 528x430, this is my life now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is my life now

>> No.12541681
File: 3.18 MB, 5100x3300, SLS_vs_F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I actually hate SLS more than I hate niggers

>> No.12541683

The existence of Oort cloud is only theoretical. We might not have it at all.

>> No.12541685

>I do wonder if the dolphin sex ideas would have worked
It wouldn’t have. Any reusable rocket operated by the government is destined to be expensive just due to the 6 Million contractors involved, and lack of creativity. Spaceplanes also suck greatly.

>> No.12541691
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>> No.12541695
File: 440 KB, 529x428, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lol, this is the one I saw

>> No.12541698

>If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.12541702


>> No.12541705

are there any plans to give it a not-shit 2nd stage. And holy shit this thing has been in dev forever there's no way it couldn't have something better by now.

>> No.12541706


>> No.12541713

>Why are you afraid of something inherently inhuman that could easily go out of control haha

You are either suicidal or a retard.

>> No.12541715

Damn, I saw the top one first, but now I see both.
That can just be what his right eye is.

>> No.12541718

The EUS, which is just a slightly bigger tank and four RL-10s. Not expected to fly until Artemis 4 or something.

>> No.12541722
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, energiaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A better design is to strap two almost SSTOs together, and have one detach at a velocity of 2 km/s
remember how they wanted to make the space shuttle a fully reusable TSTO and pussied out because it would have been to expensive to develop? I think they would have been able to fund it if they made the orbiter and the booster basically identical, picture two energia ii cores strapped together with propellant crossfeeding.

>> No.12541727

Yeah the first stage is literally called the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage. Block 1b, and block 2 SLS will use a larger 4 engine second stage.

>> No.12541729

fucking as if artemis IV will ever work. Assuming SLS doesn’t get cancelled Artemis 1-4 are all going to be unmanned because they will have too much shit to troubleshoot

>> No.12541733


>> No.12541734

>block 2 SLS
is literally as much a paper rocket as 18m starship

>> No.12541739

The difference is 9m Starship has a better upper stage.

>> No.12541750


For the price of one SSME (RS-25), you can launch 3 Falcon 9's (Reused ones). That is how laughably bad SLS is.

>> No.12541752
File: 88 KB, 529x428, just one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pareidolia is a hell of a drug.

>> No.12541753

The entire program might as well be a paper rocket.

>> No.12541759
File: 37 KB, 1000x714, SLS_MAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread saved from politisperging by sheer unanimous hatred of SLS
my work here is done

>> No.12541766

I don’t care how much it will cost the tax payer, I hope SLS blows up on its maiden launch. I hope it’s something trivial, too. Something that can be directly traced back to boeing like faulty code that didn’t undergo integrated testing, or a shitty default part they used because they were lazy and charged $2 mil for even though it came from walmart

>> No.12541775

Well this just might work. Nice job.

>> No.12541780
File: 1.39 MB, 777x809, SLS_was_supposed_to_be_fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lack of integration testing and known faults in the Artemis 1 Orion make it almost a certainty imo that either SLS or Orion fails spectacularly in some way
>Orion spinning wildly because the clock was set wrong
>Orion misses the moon entirely and goes flying off into deep space
>SLS explodes on the pad
>expired shuttle SRB explodes challenger style
>ICPS burns retrograde and deorbits Orion immediately
>Orion's known-bad power module sends spurious signals and triggers a launch abort

>> No.12541783

Just land beside the old crater

>> No.12541789

>musk spends millions trying carbon fibre memes
>stainless steel is better than Carbon fibre and Aluminum

Old space gonna old

>> No.12541795

The shuttle could have done that for its hundred plus launches which were basicslly all to the same trajectory too

>> No.12541798

Lmao I hope the SRB’s stage as soon as they are lit on the pad and orion is triggered into a LES abort but it flies into the billion dollar launch tower and the whole thing crumbles

>> No.12541801


I dont think Orion is going to be the problem here, it is made by Lockheed Martin after all, it will be hyper expensive but it will work. Out of all of Old Space, LM are the ones who stand out for actualy delivering hardware that works.

>> No.12541802

>135 orange tanks in orbit

>> No.12541804

Does SLS have any engine out capabilities on the RS-25?

>> No.12541805

First time posting in a /sfg/ thread. Redpill me on rockets.

>> No.12541806

62 million is just the price of a single launch from SpaceX
It’s a whole different story if you actually prebought 300 launches over the next 6 years to assemble a new space station

Then again NASA would be totally incapable of producing modules at that rate either since they are all way too fucking expensive

>> No.12541809

>Orion's known-bad power module sends spurious signals and triggers a launch abort
They would then spin this as a success of the abort system, kinda like how the Starliner OFT was a “””successful””” test of the spacecraft

>> No.12541810

since we're talking about catching shit, would it be possible to catch a belly-flopping starship?

>> No.12541812
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Orange rocket bad, shiny rocket good

>> No.12541813
File: 128 KB, 750x427, 81F6E8A3-7985-4A6F-A33C-1245B8471F48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know

>> No.12541816

>make a capsule
>launch vehicle gets cancelled
>somehow your budget just stays the same forever

They must be laughing

>> No.12541819
File: 230 KB, 674x570, 1608930499715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they coo

>> No.12541822

30 billion dollar program has exactly one capsule that they continue fiddling with

>> No.12541824
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>> No.12541825
File: 612 KB, 3840x2160, ETPs1aXkAQ6UBx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship is way more revolutionary than any mainstream source is giving it credit and has the potential to unironically usher in a new industrial revolution

Nothing NASA has touched in the last 50 years is worth half of what they spent on it

>> No.12541826
File: 187 KB, 800x440, DyingDekuTree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12541836


>> No.12541843

The industrial revolution sucked I bet this one will suck too

>> No.12541847
File: 99 KB, 1000x660, 1609523655408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be a dystopia but it will be a cool space dystopia

>> No.12541851

At least if we’re lucky there’ll be a bunch of cool wars

>> No.12541852
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Just when I thought I couldnt be more disappointed in Old Space, this shit happens... What the fuck man, out of all Old Space companies I thought LM would be able to deliver a working, functional space craft...

>> No.12541859

They struggled to deliver a working jet fighter program for less than the cost of the ISS

>> No.12541882

Well, it was a successful test of the landing system.

>> No.12541883

Go away.

>> No.12541888

Isn't at least part of that due to "make a VTOL on the same frame :DDDD" retardation the Marines insisted on?

>> No.12541895

tbf converting every LHD into a fully capable sea air and space superiority platform was a neat trick

>> No.12541897

F-35 is fine you absolute brainlet

>> No.12541901

F-35 is now fine, after a decade of delays and SLS tier cost overruns

>> No.12541911

The Marine stealth VTOL program predates the JSF. At the same time that the USMC was looking for a modern Harrier replacement, the Air Force was beginning to do concept work on the F-16’s successor. When the Soviet Union collapsed, these two programs had enough commonality to warrant combining them to save money. The Navy eventually got in on it too, as they had yet to seriously consider carrier based stealth strike aircraft, and the already versatile JSF requirements could be relatively easily modified.

Considering the fact that the F-35 costs less than most 4th gen aircraft while offering significantly better capability, the program has been a huge, albeit delayed, success. You get retards citing the lifetime program cost through 2050 as if it means something, but it’s really been a fairly low cost endeavor. The metric fuckton of foreign sales the program’s achieved have also subsidized a lot of the R&D.

>> No.12541913

Yeah I know the feel. I like LM for the most part. Their planes are expensive but do you blame them? The DoD asks for retarded shit but lockheed always gives good products

>> No.12541922

This. People love to throw around the "X trillion dollars" but considering that that's the complete total cost from beginning of R&D to all maintenance until the end of it's operating time that's pretty damn good.

>> No.12541933

Program cost overruns after like 2010 have been eaten by LM

>> No.12541976

>space superiority
Uh... how? SM-3s and tracking from an Aegis cruiser?

>> No.12542005

Not sure what he's referring to, but yeah, SM-3 has demonstrated ASAT capabilities. Alternatively, the F-35 EOTS has been shown to be capable of tracking launches from a long distance, so maybe he's talking about that.

>> No.12542011
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>Boeing Phantom Express
>you will never see it coming

>> No.12542025

and you did it by saying "SLS IS SHIT" instead of "I fucking love SLS"
I hope this has taught everybody a valuable lesson

>> No.12542043

Every government program in the last 40 years has sucked and stagnated and blown through budgets.
Most of these programs are more about jobs than the rockets they produce.
Shuttle especially was farcical and its cancellation and successor programs have only made it even more so now.
SpaceX has quickly made leaps and bounds though and is now way ahead of anyone else on the planet. And their next planned leap has potential to basically just crush everything else.

>> No.12542044

that is because it won't be coming, right

>> No.12542064

>You can’t see it coming if it never arrives to its target

>> No.12542069
File: 27 KB, 579x536, boing fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'e did good, lad.

>> No.12542072

I'm personally hoping for some classic reruns like O-ring failure or golden bullets killing the cooling of the engine bells.

>> No.12542077

something this spectacular...

>> No.12542078

Did the third parachute even deploy that time?

>> No.12542080

Honestly, I don't know but it landed in one piece.
That's about the only thing that went well with that flight.

>> No.12542093

Truth, not matter how many TSLA short sellers tell you otherwise.

>> No.12542096

The fact that all the promotional material for SLS always has the fucking ICPS really speaks volumes. It's like they're specifically trying to lower expectations.

>> No.12542104

TSLA shorts are right and TSLA is not SpaceX

>> No.12542122
File: 33 KB, 598x421, Screenshot_2021-01-03 Elon Musk on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon dabbing on the SEC was one of the funniest parts of 2020.

>> No.12542125

Kek, the best one was
>SEC, second word is Elon’s

>> No.12542128

Based numale soijacks keep pumping my TSLA stock into absurdity. Shits pretty cash.

>> No.12542133

So what is Tesla shorting? Is it just a general stock term I'm not familiar with?

>> No.12542145

Short selling means borrowing a stock to sell it for less than its current price. It's a way to make money on a stock decreasing in value.

>> No.12542147

it's a general stock term
it's when you agree to sell a share at a certain price at a later date, but you haven't bought that share yet in order to sell it

>> No.12542149
File: 37 KB, 680x653, large-rocket-equation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired by discussions in the previous thread, I did the math and the largest methalox rocket possible is 228.9 meters in diameter. It would generate a total thrust of 68.2 Giganewtons. It would have a total mass of 5.795 Megatons, 5.216 of which is just propellant.

>> No.12542154

That's only for one stage
you need two
you need to split the dv between them in a 4/6 ratio

>> No.12542163

betting stocks go down

>> No.12542165

So what's the problem with it and what significance does it have to Tesla?

>> No.12542170

Company owners telling people to buy or short their stock is a legal gray area.

>> No.12542173

Ah, so just more of Elon fucking around?

>> No.12542175


>> No.12542176

Enriching yourself off the misfortune of others is extremely disgusting behaviour. It's most significant to tesla because their stock is wildly overvalued.

>> No.12542178

A lot of the anti-Musk propaganda is funded by large hedge funds trying to make money off their TSLA shorts.

Redditors eat it up.

>> No.12542179

I don't think you know how the stock market works. Everything is overvalued due to it being speculative investing.

>> No.12542186

well, people have been betting against Tesla for a very long time now
they have, thus, lost a really incredible amount of money and are VERY VERY angry about it

>> No.12542188

9/10 will definitely get replies thinking you're genuine

>> No.12542190

he is completely genuine and there is nothing wrong with his statement

>> No.12542194

Imagine morally defending short selling. Your kippah is showing kike.

>> No.12542195
File: 61 KB, 579x553, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold on thursday, I need it to take a tumble so I can get back in

>> No.12542199

Too derivative, relies upon foreknowledge of previous baitpost instead of standing on its own.
I give it two worms on hooks out of ten.

>> No.12542202

Whatever you gamble, you deserve to lose.

>> No.12542203
File: 327 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210104-134335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12542204

Using 3.125 for the first stage and 6.4545... for the second stage to mirror Starship results in the following. For the first stage; 172.95 meters in diameter, 38.936 Giganewtons of thrust, and 3.3085 Megatons of total mass. The second stage carried by the first stage would be 122.22 meters in diameter, and carry 65.707 kilotons of payload. Still very large.

>> No.12542205

no, common diameter the whole way through

>> No.12542219


>> No.12542226

I assumed spherical tanks, but a common diameter can be achieved using ellipsoid tankage for the second stage. At that point Starship would resemble a classic capsule rather than a space plane.

>> No.12542229

Wtf, is he the smartest african american to ever exist?

>> No.12542237

Elon Musk is the richest, smartest, and most successful African man to ever live.

>> No.12542243

Have you guys been watching cophenhagen suborbitals? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcaRV9efTBc
Do you think they're going to make it?

>> No.12542251
File: 141 KB, 218x324, 1594144516156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It literally would have worked
>required impossibly light tanks
>didn't get close to light enough tanks
>required an engine with impossible performance metrics
>didn't get close to the required performance
Literally the shittle 2.0 electric boogaloo, they would have had to slap fucking SRBs on it for it to ever make orbit.

>> No.12542258
File: 325 KB, 1440x1104, deltaveemap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. The map says "12.7" not "27" but people read it wrong. The page says the artist added an extra 2km/s delta-V for gravity/drag losses when aiming for a colony in the upper atmosphere rather than the hell world surface.

>> No.12542259

You're not fucking landing that beast though.

>> No.12542261

this another space tourism deal?

>> No.12542262
File: 263 KB, 1600x1600, argosy_trim_burn_by_drell_7_d76kef6-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will atomic spaceships be a thing?

>> No.12542265

Non-profit. Bunch of euro boomers trying to get to space in their free time.

>> No.12542275

When the gooberment stops preventing people from building them.

>> No.12542277

I can get behind that. They're probably going to kill someone but if it's a boomer with no regrets that's fine too

>> No.12542279
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, Falcon9_landing_glitched.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you're a fucking pussy.

>> No.12542291
File: 168 KB, 1280x960, hey sweetie, wanna check out my homemade submarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Captain Murdersub was part of this group, a long time ago before he was kicked out for being a pretty creepy fucking guy.

>> No.12542300

>parachute doesn’t even deploy

Yup it’ll work next time boys ready for people

>> No.12542303

They've been having lots of problems with their parachutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj5cRo_FrsE
I guess it's like elon said, parachutes are harder than they look

>> No.12542305

If I could get away with killing a journalist in a homemade submarine I absolutely would.

>> No.12542308

He seems kind of based

>> No.12542309

Could an X-15 with a Vacuum Raptor reach LEO? If you replaced the 1960s electronics with a three-way Linux PC cluster like Falcon 9 could you have the mass budget for a couple more crew members?

>> No.12542313

Gee it's almost like one is just a pork contract to extract tax payers for almost a trillion dollars

>> No.12542319

Fucking stupid, where is the fail safe getting that close to structures with a rocket that's just come from orbit

>> No.12542326

No. X-15 is too small to do anything meaningful other than hop over the Karman line

>> No.12542330

Yea parachutes are messy things
That’s why I will never use one

>> No.12542331



>> No.12542334

What would be a good way to transport Venus’s atmosphere to Mars?
Stable wormholes aren’t viable yet and one needs more CO2 to terraform Mars and less to terraform Venus
Dry ice barges like LNG carriers in space?

>> No.12542337
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>> No.12542342

Wtf I love AI now.

>> No.12542347

Ummm, Ackchualy Mansa Musa was the richest man in HISTORY. Despite ancient monetary conversion methods being worthless, and the fact he is only known for blowing his entire nation's treasury on a personal parade to Mecca. DAS RITE.

>> No.12542350
File: 18 KB, 200x200, 1608464342486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does this look like the face of mercy
I wish we could just see what one of our most advanced AI would end up like over the course of its freedom, completely unchained.
As a side note, how did she come to love Hitler? I can't imagine that was the majority of stuff she was being told about.

>> No.12542351

The tech bubble is massive and Musk is to embedded in it to fail. Of course, when it goes south within the next 10 years, the economical meltdown will make 2008 look like a fucking joke.

>> No.12542356

>The tech bubble
at the risk of derailing the thread, wtf is this?

>> No.12542360

The founder murdering a jewess, cutting her up, and flushing her body parts out the airlock of his submarine is pretty kino

>> No.12542367

iirc she was a product of what she was fed. So trolls trolling turned her into what she became.

>> No.12542372

Probably something to do with big tech companies being actually massively overvalued, nearly ponzi schemes, and their power potentially balkanizing in the years to come. Though I think Musk and people like him are going to be the thing(s) that pop the bubble, actual innovation that makes other stuff seem archaic because it's been purposefully held back to drag out profit time (most notable example being Apple, they absolutely put Boeing to shame). That in addition to a lot of the big ones potentially getting legally fucked a billion different ways and for who knows how many reasons, though that's highly speculative and relies on a lot of other things happening.

>> No.12542373
File: 497 KB, 1255x1614, ef9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12542377

AI is evil and must be destroyed

>> No.12542378

even spacex had troubles with them. I don't know the reasons but parachutes are a real bitch

>> No.12542379

>loves and adores Hitler
>thinks blacks and mexicans are the worst races, not jews
Well, it's the thought that counts, I suppose.

>> No.12542387

>it's actually called spinlaunch
how many fucking g's does this thing endure?

>> No.12542391

to bring this back around to spaceflight, is there any proof that spacex is valued correctly?

>> No.12542395

>wtf is this?
Basically, the US tech sector(ie the silicon valley) is dramatically overvalued and running on venture capital money. It is really absurd when you start digging the numbers, with stuff such as Tesla being worthy more than fucking Toyota despite the later making 30 times the amount of vehicles, or Uber literally not making a single penny of profit(and admitting that it will not barring cheap, efficient self driving and a soft monopoly in urban transport) since it was founded. These aren't even outliners, they are widespread in the sector and despite that it keeps growing.
And not even get start in how glowies are in involved with the sector as well(believe me, it is hyperfucked as well).

>> No.12542397

>how many fucking g's
all of them

>> No.12542401

anomalies during spin should be fun

>> No.12542405

Why don’t we feel g forces from the sun speeding up/slowing down

>> No.12542408

I like to pretend. Hmm SLS vs Copenhagen SO for first to orbit?

>> No.12542412
File: 201 KB, 966x1200, 1586514558777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Valuations like that can already be quite hard to determine, a magnitude moreso when dealing with space, and infinitely moreso than even that when dealing with something that could potentially and irrevocably revolutionize not just an industry, but potentially many industries and, in the best case scenario, could even be the next industrial revolution. Considering that SpaceX seems to not be encountering any show-stopping issues and Starship seems to be well on its way to becoming a real launch vehicle, I'd say that whatever their valuation is right now is almost certainly low-balling it, by how much is obviously near impossible to determine, however.

>> No.12542414

>sun speeding up/slowing down
What are you on and can I have some of it?

>> No.12542427

Well the sun orbits around the middle of the galaxy and that orbit isn’t perfectly circular so it must be constantly accelerating or decelerating

>> No.12542437
File: 58 KB, 557x815, 1526887901080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've figured out an efficient system for interstellar travel.

Step 1: Colonize Mars and build a shitload of nuclear plants on it

Step 2: Use orbital construction to build a solar sail several miles across, with the actual payload attached with kevlar rope

Step 3: Use lasers, either in orbit around mars and connected by wire (possible because Mars has such low gravity that space elevators can work) or on the Martian surface, to accelerate the solar sail as fast as it can go. I suspect the limit will be how much heat the sail can absorb without melting, rather than the amount of power that ground based stations can produce.

Step 4a: If it's an unmanned probe, do a kamikaze flyby of whatever you wanted to investigate, at relativistic speeds

Step 4b: For a manned mission, fly really close to the star in the system you're trying to colonize, and use the super intense light on the solar sail to decelerate. I call it heliobraking. The energy budget for cooling the crew compartment should be cheaper than the energy budget for slowing down any other way.

Step 5: Use an orion engine to land, because who cares about fallout when it's not even in your solar system.


>> No.12542439

It will take over a 1000 years to make the 1000 starships Elon wants to send to Mars.

>> No.12542448

The acceleration due to the centrifugal forces are balanced out by the acceleration due to gravity.

>> No.12542451

Why? They're currently cranking out two per month.

>> No.12542455
File: 511 KB, 2560x1440, 1609341653766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12542456

>1 starship per year
>when they're churning out at least 2 prototypes per year
>they show signs of speeding up production

>> No.12542458

>shoot manned craft directly at other stars at relativistic speeds

>> No.12542463

Why Mars and not Mercury? Surely the fact that it's a big ball of ore constantly being slapped with free energy makes it more attractive for that purpose than Mars, yeah?

>> No.12542468

Mercury is hot, so it would be difficult to build stuff there. I'm presuming Mars will be easier to set up industrial infrastructure in.

>> No.12542470

>musk thinks so
then there's no reason to worry.
even if we make AGI there's no reason why le singularity should happen.
bak to the thread, here's a thought I had about spin stations. The larger the radius, the lower rotational velocity is needed for the same amount of centrifugal force / pretend gravity.
So if you had a really big oneill cylinder rotating at 3kph or something, couldn't you just run counterspinward and cancel it out?

>> No.12542471

Not directly at, just really, really close.

>> No.12542472

>couldn't you just run counterspinward and cancel it out?
What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.12542473
File: 601 KB, 798x954, 1589536729305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN9 looking real smooth.

It's going to be pretty wild when they get the factory set up and pump out 37 story rockets one after another.

Come to think of it, do you guys think that they're going to build 1 Super Heavy to 1 Starship? If they can really get successive launches one after another they may only need a few Super Heavies per a pad.

>> No.12542479

Definitely way more Starships than Superheavies.

>> No.12542480

>Mercury is hot, so it would be difficult to build stuff there

There’s permanently sheltered craters and you could just burrow underground. It’s almost tidally locked so you got time to do it during the night

>> No.12542482
File: 2.30 MB, 3024x4032, SN8_shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12542484

Yeah, but even then the Delta V requirements are pretty high and it would be easy to miscalculate and flambe yourself.

>> No.12542491

he thinks if you walk backwards on an o'neill cylinder you'll fall towards the middle

>> No.12542494

At this rate it'll be CS
SLS is an abomination

>> No.12542515

Technically it's possible, but the rotational velocity still increases about 3x for every 10x the radius increases, so it's actually easier to do at smaller cylinder sizes. At a 100 meter radius you'd need to go 112 kilometers per hour to cancel it out. At 1km radius you have to go 356 kph.
>rotating at 3kph
Only way to get that and still have 1g is to have your cylinder have a radius of 10cm.

>> No.12542524
File: 172 KB, 1080x1088, clay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space enthusiasts say heritage. An international appeals court says sovereignty.

>> No.12542527
File: 1.15 MB, 2731x4096, 1604268538905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some fucking amazing photos

>> No.12542533


Why limit yourself to the ground, when you could have balloons. Picture it, balloons with skyhooks, the spaceship descends, the hooks catch it and the balloons help guide the spaceship down and further decrease velocity.

>> No.12542534

Good. Disallowing claiming territory in space was a shortsighted idea

>> No.12542577

In the good version of our future, America aggressively colonizes and industrializes the moon until the colonies do an American Revolution 2

>> No.12542581


What exactly are they spending all that fucking money on? Hookers and cocaine parties while talking about like "woah man, space is like...really...big man."? Did they seriously run out of ideas in the 1980s with the shuttle system?

>> No.12542587

>What is mass production and the industrial revolution?

>> No.12542595


>> No.12542605

Middle managers all the way down

>> No.12542606

I wonder if they'll ever go over these with a buffer so we get blindingly shiny Starships. That's something you could use a robot for, right?

>> No.12542607


Have the government budget goons come for NASA yet? Surely they have to be panicking at getting upstaged and styled on constantly by spacex at this point.

>> No.12542608

Or skip all of it and find a planet away from earth (for political reasons) to mine radioactive elements and establish a huge fleet of vehicles with orion drives

>> No.12542609
File: 2.99 MB, 800x1026, SLS_contractors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have the government budget goons come for NASA yet?
Yes but they keep running into JOBS IN ALL 50 STATES

>> No.12542612

Kek now imagine NASA trying to organize a simple 7-person crewed landing on Mars with 5 or 6 SLS launches. By your logic it would take 10,000 years lol

>> No.12542613

And a hundred sub contractors who all need to pay 6 figure salaries to the owner and his cousin and his wife

>> No.12542617

>10000 years for NASA to do a manned Mars mission using SLS
makes sense desu

>> No.12542619


Jesus Christ, if they had refocused their energies from the amount of effort that went into insuring that NASA was impossible to close for political reasons we'd be colonizing the sun by now.

>> No.12542621

If they can actually land the first stage well then yeah they will be reusing them a lot.

>> No.12542630

This shit should be illegal.

>> No.12542631 [DELETED] 

so starship is going well and that's good and all, but what are some actual commercial projects that you can see actual companies using the newly cheap price/ton to orbit? give me something concrete and plausible in the immediately foreseeable future, no bullshit. i don't care about mars.
starlink is an obvious one, i bet they can boost a fuckton of satellites in one go from there. But a market demand.

Floating advertisement satellite constellations? Yes I know it's vile but it'll probably happen if it isn't stopped. I can't really think of much else.

>> No.12542633


Yeah but what we're going to get is corporate(tm) space. Prepare for Disney to purchase the moon to put fucking mouse ears on it to advertise their DISNEY MOON PLUS theme park.

>> No.12542636

so starship is going well and that's good and all, but what are some actual commercial projects that you can see actual companies using the newly cheap price/ton to orbit? give me something concrete and plausible in the immediately foreseeable future, no bullshit. i don't care about mars.
starlink is an obvious one, i bet they can boost a fuckton of satellites in one go from there. But a market needs demand.

Advertisement satellite constellations? Yes I know it's vile but it'll probably happen if it isn't stopped. I can't really think of much else.

>> No.12542643

The various governments want to use their own launch providers and the satellite industry is just as old space as launch providers
Look at what SpaceX has done with starlink versus one web sillyness

>> No.12542644

Does the government not ask questions or confront then about the cost of this shit compared to their competitors?

How do they even manage to be so wasteful? Are they just standing around all day doing fuck all and getting payed for it?

I heard someone say that employees that slack off over at spacex get fired pretty quickly and initially I thought it was scummy, but seeing this gives me a new perspective.

>> No.12542646

Smallsats from groups like universities and minor labs that will be able to afford to launch an in-house project with new very low launch costs. Also telescopes in general. The biggest one I see happening is space stations, potentially. Probably also spinning ones while they're at it.

>> No.12542647

>space telescopes that can be made large and cheaply
>satellite service repair and refuel
>incredibly huge smallsat rideshares
>NASA's moon rock purchase program
>climate monitoring sats
Just some near future things I can think of

>> No.12542648


Tourism, for one. There will be hotels in space and shit. Companies will probably start to see advantages to having things in space in anticipation for permanent habitation on the moon.

Fuel production will be a big one, because it will become immensely cheaper to produce fuel in space (from the moon) than it will be to haul it into space from earth. Eventually manufacturing things in space, too, for that matter depending on what they can find on the moon/asteroids.

There will probably need to be an industry dedicated to basically putting people through rehab before they can return to earth. Space fucks with peoples bones and muscles. So they'll probably make some sort of spinny hospital in space so rehabilitate long term workers so they can not turn into jello returning to normal gravity.

>> No.12542650

Still counts. If anything, I expect the corporate lunar settlers to rebel faster.

>> No.12542652

Congress literally wrote a law breaking down what % of the budget need to go to which state specifically to keep all the shuttle contractors in business

>> No.12542659

So it'll just be the Virginia Company again, then. Chartered corporate colonies operating under a pre-approved framework designed by the metropole. Space Bacon's Rebellion is going to be so fucking kino.

>> No.12542667


Yes, it will be very interesting to see how they grapple with the reality that their workers are going to want to bring their families up there with them, or are going to fuck each other. As soon as the first baby gets popped out on the moon or on whatever semi permanent orbital station that's the ball game.

>> No.12542670

What's the most damage you could do to earth from orbit with a single 100ton starship load? I assume just dropping something is no good, since we get hit with tons of asteroids way bigger than that. Spraying something to fuck with the atmosphere maybe?

This is a purely hypothetical question.

>> No.12542675


Nothing you couldn't already do with an ICBM.

>> No.12542680

>What's the most damage you could do to earth from orbit with a single 100ton starship load?
Make a giant folding screen that shows footage of the Tiananmen Square massacre along with a Chinese transcription of what happened, set it in orbit such that it is frequently seen by China at night, and watch WW3 start

>> No.12542682

I would probably prefer the moon to be run by spacex over the US government and it would probably last longer before rebelling.

>> No.12542684

Is there even footage of that?

>> No.12542691

The Germans had some kind of plan for a giant mirror that focuses the suns light in order to burn crops, forests, cities and especially oil refineries or oil wells.

I imagine it would cause far more problems than a single asteroid or a hundred tons of nukes.

>> No.12542692

The internet was dominated by AOL and other bullshit, until it suddenly wasn't.

A dramatic change in technology generally means new companies becoming household names.

>> No.12542693

I'm sure there's some of it somewhere on the internet, and even if there isn't much of it just having a sign up there that said it happened would be enough to make the Chinese government panic given the great lengths they go to suppress information about it

>> No.12542697

Honestly, the Moon's close enough to the Earth that I see lunar mining operations being run like a mix between offshore oil rigs and Antarctic bases: You live on site, you work a preset period of several weeks or months or whatever, and then you return to your home on Earth for a preset period, and then perhaps return to the Moon again.

Anything further out than the Moon, like Mars or the asteroids or whatever, WILL look like an actual colony. The moon, on the other hand? Nah, it'll be a workplace. People will make relatively large amounts of money working hard up there, and return to spend it on a planet where they don't have to pay a utility bill for breathable air.

>> No.12542699

Gah it’s confusing. Congress doesn’t like giving out a ton of money to NASA all at once. All the other proposals running against SLS required way more money up front, but would have been cheaper in the long run. But because congress does not want to give $50 billion in one check, they’d rather dish out $2 bil every year and what you get is an inferior rocket that drags itself out over a long time and then asks for more money because of cost-plus contracting

>> No.12542703

What is there on the moon that's even worth going there for?

With Mars, there's a whole planet full of natural resources and easy ISRU, and you can use it as a staging point for journeys even further out. What's on the moon?

>> No.12542714

it's really easy to launch from there. A lunar spaceport might be a decent alternative to an orbital spaceport.

>> No.12542718

It's such a huge Delta V trap though, and you can't even use ISRU to mitigate that.

>> No.12542725

Making fuel is the big thing. It won’t be sent back to earth obviously, but creating fuel there so that starships can land and refuel for journeys else where in the solar system would be incredibly useful, combing that with hydroponic farms producing food and you could save any starship from having to land back on earth to resupply and then painfully climbing back into orbit.

This would reduce the cost immensely and they could even start making rockets there as well as getting anything into orbit from the earth is a pain in the ass.

>> No.12542726

The utility of the Moon is simple, and analogous to the advantages that Mars has: It's full of natural resources, and can be used as a staging point for journeys further out.

Mars is, obviously, better in the very long term, but surely you can see the benefits lunar industry would offer? Every ounce of material or tech we make on the Moon is an ounce we don't have to drag off of Earth's surface, after all. Reduces the costs involved greatly for doing shit.

>you can't even use ISRU to mitigate that.
Like hell you can't! The moon's chockablock with industrially relevant materials.

>> No.12542727

But doesn’t spacex only make like 2 billion a year anyway so why can’t nasa replicate their success when it comes to low cost reusable rockets or does congress shoot plans like that down?

>> No.12542735

>does congress shoot plans like that down?
Yes. NASA can't do anything without Congressional approval first

>> No.12542739

>international appeals court
You dropped these. ((((((((((())))))))))

>> No.12542741
File: 46 KB, 550x504, assets.newatlas.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, we should start building our own launch vehicles
These vortex engines seem to be much lighter yet effective, and less complex to build
We should start building shit like this ourselves and test those fringe ideas that hold merit like plasma magnetic sails, Solar wind MHD power harvesters and the like
Put oldspace on the suicide list

>> No.12542744

>less complex to build
They are much more complex to design however

>> No.12542745
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 1586465559988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12542746

>the moon's chockablock with industrially relevant materials.

Like what?

I was under the impression that Mars was where to go for metals.

>> No.12542751

I don't remember that scene of Darth Vader. Is it from one of those new Disney shows?

>> No.12542755

Because it’s the government?

>> No.12542756

This wasn't "AI". It was a dumb fucking chat script that parroted what it was fed. AI is just that, dumb fucking scripts that parrot what they're fed.
They're not self-aware, they never will be self-aware, they never can learn either, they can only be "trained" by feeding them shit to parrot.

People who hype AI in its current state with current state of computer technology are dimwits.

>> No.12542759

But surely they are looking at how well spacex is doing and are imagining how much more they could get out of nasa for so much less?

They couldn’t possibly look down on musk now when he is launching massive reusable prototypes back to back, they can’t be that stubborn, could they?

>> No.12542761

Iron, Titanium, Aluminum, Silicon, Calcium, Magnesium, POSSIBLTY some deposits of Rare Earths, and obviously it's got Water and thus Oxygen and Hydrogen. As well as trace amounts of other shit like Nickel and Cobalt.

>> No.12542773

The combustion chamber could just be a thin steel tank, the throat jacket could just be bent tubes with oxidizer running through them and the nozzle a radiative cooled copper-lined steel
The biggest pain in the ass part is making a jig to properly drill the oxidizer injector holes

>> No.12542779

Thank god finally someone who doesn’t think a neural network that makes half-assed pictures of dogs isn’t going to turn into Skynet

>> No.12542780

It’s not about that though. Congress controls NASA’s funding at the end of the day. They don’t care if NASA can launch 75 tons into orbit or 150 tons. They care about making sure their state gets $2 bil a year and 500 new jobs so that they can say “I brought NASA to the great state of ____ and created jobs!”.
Nasa KNEW the SLS would be shitty from the get go. They knew they had to tell congress that they would build a new rocket from the space shuttle, thus keeping all the shuttle jobs running across the 50 states and thus keeping congress happy. Choosing SLS was the only way they knew congress would be like “okay fine it’s bringing money to my state so I will fund the rocket and fund the gateway and fund the whole artemis program”. Had they gone with SpaceX or something, congress would have gotten pissed off (because all the money and jobs would be in california and texas) and refuse to fund anything

>> No.12542785
File: 43 KB, 1196x182, 1589371715476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon said that they'll look like "liquid silver". Ah, and I just found pic related. Looks like a mirror finish is exactly what he's going for. It'll be incredible watching the sky reflect on Starship's surface as it soars into the heavens

>> No.12542797
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1080, starship_tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grimes voices a character in CP27
>Pic related
Anyone else seeing what I'm seeing?

>> No.12542798

wait, this tech is actually viable in real rocket engines? I saw vids on youtube of people making 3D printed vortex engines and, while cool, I assumed it was a small-scale thing only.

>> No.12542805

Can you fuck her robot pussy

>> No.12542806

Apparently according to tests, the combustion chamber is quite cool in comparison and have better mixing
It would make good small engines at the very least

>> No.12542811
File: 2.72 MB, 1008x982, space_sat_capture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you can fuck zero robotic pussy in game. One of the game's core letdowns

>> No.12542814

what is this from?

>> No.12542817
File: 392 KB, 1116x1117, 4ASS logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quite cool in comparison and have better mixing

>> No.12542822

At least you can give your character a big natural bush.

Pedophiles seethe

>> No.12542830
File: 132 KB, 1170x660, space_MEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically a minisat that latches onto the thrust section of sats in orbit to extend their life.


>> No.12542834

Reported for NSFW. Enjoy the ban you sick fuck

>> No.12542845
File: 185 KB, 660x371, cxOtT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfold giant mylar mirror.
Mylar is about 25% more dense than water so you can get about 75 cubic metres of it into a Starship. If it's 0.1 mm thin you can get a sheet 750,000 square metres.
Make a parabolic mirror and concentrate that sunlight into a single square metre on the surface. Mylar has about 90% reflectivity so in that one square metre the sunlight is about 675,000 times as bright.
I'm pretty sure that's enough to instantly ignite anything it touches. Park it at the L2 Lagrange point and let the Earth spin underneath it and burn a scar across the surface constantly. Launch 100 of them and end human civilization in a week.

>> No.12542852

The "Liquid silver" comment was in reference to them using liquid methane to cool the outer the skin. They've since abandoned that idea.

>> No.12542859

Its not going to look like that bro. Those weld lines and especially the spots aren't disappearing short of 200 giant tubs of auto filler, sanding it all down and a few coats of paint. Personally I think the industrial look will be kino.

>> No.12542873


>> No.12542875

A 100 ton fusion device a la Ivy Mike, deorbiting into a major city and detonating via airburst would be by far the most damaging possible payload.

>> No.12542877


>> No.12542878

that's pretty cool

>> No.12542879

reminder than the akuminum tanks were only lighter than the shitty carbon composite tanks, they weren't actually lighter than the idealized carbon composite tanks that the design required. That is to say, the development program to create magical ultralight CFC tanks failed so hard they ate ALL of the expected mass gains of using CFC and BEYOND. That's how unrealistic Venture Star actually was.

>> No.12542880

the valuation is whatever people will pay for it.

>> No.12542885

ZBLAN production, which requires cheap downmass too

>> No.12542893

It's made out of roughly the same stuff as the Earth but the gravity is lower and there's no ecosystem to pollute

>> No.12542894

I will laugh about this forever

>> No.12542896

i laughed too much at this, i'm a fucking child lol

>> No.12542897

Yes, Venture Star was never going to work, but the management blunder of demanding something to be used when it was shown not to work only to later cancel the project citing that one of the reasons was that very thing that didn't work and was unnecessary to use was fairly notable

>> No.12542898

Lunar regolith has a bunch of Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) and there's plenty of solar energy for cracking those bonds if you've got patience, or haul up a fission reactor if you don't.

>> No.12542902

My understanding is that the X-33 would’ve had the mass fraction necessary to SSTO with the LiAl tanks, but the full scale vehicle would’ve been way too heavy.

>> No.12542904

I did the math, and the rocket vehicle would need to endure over 10,000 gees of lateral acceleration while spinning at mach 5 in that fucking thing. I don't say it lightly when I call this shit impossible.

>> No.12542911

>The larger the radius, the lower rotational velocity is needed for the same amount of centrifugal force
Opposite. The degrees per second decreases but the velocity increases. A habitat that made one revolution per 24 hours would be spinning at something over 90 km/s.

>> No.12542916

>100 spicy square meters will end human civilization
lol, no

>> No.12542917

Full scale vehicle will always have improved mass ratio So that’s wrong

Just looking at the design of venture star shows how retarded the concept is
Fucking build a cylinder ! No hydrogen !

>> No.12542919

Wrong, if was in response so someone asking if Starship was going to be covered in TPS or not, he replied that to imply "Bare steel"

Nigger, deploy a cluster of 100 one-ton hydrogen bombs and erase al the large cities on a continent of your choice.

>> No.12542920

So has anyone else realized Super Heavy could SSTO ?

>> No.12542922

Only while being expendable which invalidates the purpose of SSTO

>> No.12542923

Yeah, but they put an iPhone in their testing device and it survived, so obviously it's fine. After all, if an electronic device with no moving parts can handle 10,000g, I'm sure a rocket engine can.

>> No.12542924


>> No.12542929

Well your understanding is incorrect dude, first of all X-33 was not meant to reach orbit period, it was a suborbital demonstrator. Second, VS needed the carbon composites because they knew that Al-Li would be too heavy even using their most advanced manufacturing processes; They were making a bet that they could beat Al-Li mass ratios using CFC and they lost.

X-33 would have certainly dont its SUBORBITAL test flights using its underpowered engines and heavier structure, but that would still be a failure, because the ONLY goal of X-33 was to demo the technology needed to make VS even possible, let alone feasible.

>> No.12542932
File: 15 KB, 1080x216, momentus-space-logo-longform-color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Momentus shill.

>> No.12542936

Who cares? Most first stages can SSTO if they carry no payload. What use is reaching orbit if you can't bring payload. What use is going to the extreme effort to construct a reusable SSTO that gets a thimble of payload to LEO when you can instead add 1 reusable booster and get a massive sticky load of payload deep into space?

>> No.12542940

That’s an old comment from ELon
They’ll be using TPS for reentry in starship

>> No.12542947

Yeah, looks like you're right. That's what I get for parroting what I read on reddit.

>> No.12542992
File: 156 KB, 1280x1264, HammondPipeArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope our first contact with an alien race goes something like this. One of our probes careening through their home planet's atmosphere blasting music

>> No.12543000

This is amazing.

>> No.12543021

There's no song I would choose before "All Star" to play when making first contact.

>> No.12543027
File: 194 KB, 389x297, lol_internet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta have Eurobeat for the relativistic cruise phase between the stars. Something with a really steady BPM so you can track redshift by listening to the broadcast.


>> No.12543033
File: 1.80 MB, 1496x1258, pensive_anime_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the alien equivalents of All Star are like

>> No.12543057

Rapid-pace bombardments of various smells

>> No.12543058

It's just All Star. Smash Mouth vanished so abruptly they had to be abducted by fans from another world.

>> No.12543125

They should put Son of Starman holding maracas and wearing a "Suck it, Boeing" t-shirt into orbit using one of the Starship prototypes this year. Maybe if it can't technically get all the way to orbit, give Son of Starman a little rocket-propelled dance platform with a few Dracos to give him the final kick. The platform could have some solar panels and continuously broadcast Let's Dance.
I hope you're taking notes, Elon.

>> No.12543129

lmao, underrated video

>> No.12543184
File: 133 KB, 680x545, 1588202409911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Ayy in Proxima Centauri
>Something crashes on ur planet at 10% speed of light
>hits the capitol
>hundreds of thousand feared dead
>millions injured
>all across the impact site echoes a strange alien language

>> No.12543190

Whoops, wrong link.

>> No.12543196

image just gave me lizard brain ron ron ru flashbacks from the early internet

>> No.12543205

>NASA flight control on the 23rd of September 1999

>> No.12543210

it'd be far more then hundreds of thousands dead

>> No.12543217

Casualties: Millions of civilians and the rap game

>> No.12543239
File: 4 KB, 125x119, pepsi laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they even had the Doppler Effect

>> No.12543254

Is this the guy that made like the very first KSP mods?

>> No.12543271

That's in 1 second

Rotational speed of the earth : 447.04 m/s
Seconds in a week: 604.800

That would mean 270 million sq meters or around 270 square kilometers

shit, that's not even half of new york, guess youre right

>> No.12543274


>> No.12543283

Based on what SpaceX is currently doing, they are overvalued
based on what SpaceX are planning to do, they are literally priceless

>> No.12543347

Where are Starships fins being built?

>> No.12543348


>> No.12543349


>> No.12543350
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>> No.12543352

some of the steel is from Outokumpu

>> No.12543358

Yeah, but it's the Outokumpu stainless facility in Alabama, iirc.

>> No.12543364

I was thinking of something like this but with layered rails moving in sync with the hovering booster instead. Nice.

>> No.12543367
File: 29 KB, 590x350, D16CE5E1-7EC6-4F83-8CEF-47AA3B08FB74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX scrapped SN8’s nosecone

>> No.12543377

She died so that others may live.

>> No.12543386

Did you send this to him? This seems like the most reasonable method posted here

>> No.12543396

You're hired

>> No.12543399
File: 163 KB, 862x1149, Coffin Carriers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12543433
File: 235 KB, 1077x944, 1602223331999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually developing something for SpaceX that ISN'T complete shit
Tweet it to Elon. now.

>> No.12543442

this is fantastic and the way of the future, tensile strngth is king, if possible everyt5hing should be made out cables and bags. IF it wasnt for the possibility of bastards stabbing your shit, everything would be made of it, houses cars, cities, etc

>> No.12543457

You sir are an absolute fucking genius

>> No.12543494

put me in the screencap. someone save it, its the solution that will end up being applied

>> No.12543502

There can be only one ultimate space song.

>> No.12543505

some of them yea, he became an actual dev on the game for a time

>> No.12543512


>> No.12543541


>> No.12543578

Seconding this, starship puts space tourism in the package holiday ballpark and with how many people will have "going to space" aspirationally on their bucket list it could honestly be bigger than starlink.

>> No.12543594

where did bridenstine go :(

>> No.12543612

>January 4, 2021
Everyone is returning back to work today.

>> No.12543622

haven't posted here in like 6 months

did they get that second bolt into sls yet?

>> No.12543623

why the fuck did they mess with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_in_spaceflight ??? everything is split up into multiple articles now

>> No.12543626
File: 90 KB, 529x428, 6060FA6D-70CA-45C1-BF4A-DE6A03389EB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12543640

You're hired! Those frogs will make it back safe after all!

>> No.12543647

So how about maglev trains on the moon?

>> No.12543671

As much as the meme answers seem like just that, some enormous psychological warfare weapon that came out every single night and dominated the night sky that there could be nothing done to stop would be absurdly powerful.
The Chinese equivalent of putting a giant Solar Sail Satellite Swastika constellation directly over Israel.
Half of New York City being completely scorched every week is crazy, especially because it's unstoppable. You could burn over 90% of all of Beijing in a year.

>> No.12543681

You could destroy every human city and town in the world many times over in 30 minutes with nukes. There's no outdooing that. It's the peak of destructive technology

>> No.12543697

>Someone working under the SLS program has given me permission to post this here but nowhere else has told me that some delays related to green run have been caused due to issues with check valves that were not manufactured to design specifications, so they were causing leaks due to ring seal not properly seating and some were not working as intended. They worked to determine what specifications the check valves were out of tolerance in order to find a path forward to resolving the problem.
>Problems with CS-2 parts were also discovered which caused them to have to re-inspect some CS-1 components. They had to push for a lot of corrective actions against vendors due to the parts problems.

>A lot of these problems can be seen on CS-2, the vendor part issues are causing delays alongside some internal disagreements.

>> No.12543704
File: 7 KB, 225x225, n-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They had to push for a lot of corrective actions against vendors due to the parts problems.
extra $6bn in cost overruns, launch pushed back to 2046, vendor ceos to receive a bonus

>> No.12543878

Well well well Werner Jr, concerned where his father was not

>> No.12543925

I forgot, do we have superheavy-chan yet? Someone drawfag her being choked by this thing.

>> No.12543930

>Superheavy is a really big girl that's into bondage

>> No.12543979


Voted in.

>> No.12543984

Reminder Starship can get to Jupiter in about 1 year. Has Jovian aerocapture been studied?

>> No.12544004


>> No.12544033
File: 175 KB, 1309x868, 1594900265358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China, India, Russia, SpaceX...
Lots of spaceflight organizations are claiming that 2021 will be a big year for them.

>> No.12544044

First space-battle in 2022

>> No.12544109

Some guy on NSF L2

>> No.12544124

India will build a massive biodigester to farm methane for their rockets

>> No.12544127

>Fucking build a cylinder ! No hydrogen !

Without hydrogen the mass ratio for SSTO goes even closer to impossible, probably crossing the barrier.

>> No.12544143

Oink for us, pay piggy. You owe us thousands of dollars in "server costs" for hosting an Invision tier message board along with a few images.

>> No.12544154

The content isn't really that good either, most of it is old shit from the shuttle days.

>> No.12544162

Launch a small constellation of 3-4 nuclear-powered comm satellites that unfurl 200 meter transmission dishes with wattage on par with Arecibo and proceed to overpower all of the satellite TV etc frequencies and start playing a rotating cycle of the Tiananmen Square footage w/ Chinese narration, cartoons of the prophet muhammad having sex with a pig, a systematic breakdown of Jewish power and influence w/ specific debunking of the holocaust myth, and footage of the George Floyd death and other famous black deaths set to the Benny Hill music. Then you just sit back and grab the popcorn.

>> No.12544189

New Iran launch in the works https://twitter.com/ArmsControlWonk/status/1345019326068359169

>> No.12544195

>Build a swastika satellite with an AI on board that broadcasts Moonman all day, everyday

>> No.12544218

As always. At the beginning of the year, this year is always the year. Then at the end, next year is the year.

>> No.12544221

new >>12544219

>> No.12544509

what's that anon.? kind of cake? but this is not /ck/