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File: 29 KB, 514x499, xswift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1254013 No.1254013 [Reply] [Original]

Your atheist and yet you celebrate CHRISTmas every year.

ha ha oh wow

>> No.1254018

But everybody loves pagan holidays.

>> No.1254023

You're a Christian and you celebrate a PAGAN holiday every year.

ha ha oh wow

>> No.1254031

I don't celebrate "holidays" because I am atheist.

>> No.1254032

Athiest fag status: TOLD

>> No.1254035

im celebrating humans at christmas time

>> No.1254038


>> No.1254041

>Your atheist

Yup, that just about fits. Illiteracy and theism. :)

>> No.1254052

not atheist= christian
Sigh. why do you get trolled so easily? Anti religious bullshit is just as bad as what OP is doing.
stop getting trolled

>> No.1254053

Christmas is a pagan holiday
christmas trees are prohibited by the bible

>> No.1254056

athiest are so butthurt lol

>> No.1254062

I'm an atheist, and celebrating YULE every year. Just like I celebrated the summer solstice on Monday.

>> No.1254069

I'm an Atheist and celebrate CHRISTmas every year. I'm absolutely okay with this.

Also, you guys are so mad lol.

>> No.1254079
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1264739961427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't already have this image in your /sci/ folder, you need to get the fuck off /sci/

>> No.1254083

lol saging is not ignoring

this board sucks by the way and you are all faggots

lol u mad?

>> No.1254084
File: 6 KB, 180x220, 1277076448810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1254092

I celebrate Hanukkah faggot

>> No.1254095

On a completely unrelated note, I would not reproduce with the woman in OP's pic.

>> No.1254097

I would

>> No.1254103

> Pagan holiday
> Sacrificing a fucking goat

> implying that's Christian in any way

yea no

>> No.1254104

Christmas has nothing to do with Christ. its just in the name silly. It's about buying assloads of useless shit.

id let those lips go places...

>> No.1254105

I celebrate festivus.