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File: 22 KB, 396x484, Sir_Isaac_Newton_(1643-1727).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12539569 No.12539569 [Reply] [Original]

Was years of semen back up the secret to his success?

>> No.12539583


>> No.12539687

Seething amerilard/poc

>> No.12539699

no seriously, what success?
I mean this theological work is kind of interesting, but I wouldn't call it a majorly profound success.

>> No.12539713
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>> No.12539717

He did. He also published first, and it's his notation we use today.
Newton faggot pants was too afraid of being ridiculed and didn't publish it until he saw Leibniz being applauded for amazing work and then cried like a bitch.
get over it Newton fag.

>> No.12539722
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>> No.12539768

Nah it was actually drinking it, you should try it anon.

>> No.12539794

Even Archimedes was on the verge of inventing calculus tens of centuries before Newton.

>> No.12540196

That and his profound meditations and immersion in the occult. All is one and one is all. As above so below. What was and will be is.

Funny how the large majority of modern day scientists have forgone Hermetics completely and replaced it with bugman-tier scientism.

>> No.12540426
File: 1.84 MB, 1239x1200, Chad Isaac Newton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Isaac rammed more beaver than a careless riverboat captain.

>> No.12540432

Archimedes and Eudoxus.

>> No.12540445

He does look like chad Epstein, young tail chased him.

>> No.12540493

Fuck off. Chad Newton united General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics
and Classical Physics with his G=2/c, c=2/G, 2=G*c (natural units):

Newtonian constant of gravitation
Value: 6.671 281 903 963 04 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
Standard uncertainty: 0.00000000000000 099 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2
Relative standard uncertainty: 1.0 x 10-14
Concise form: 6.671 281 903 963 04(099) x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2

Chad Newton 14 digits accuracy!

>> No.12540567
File: 315 KB, 400x400, Newton-Big-G.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear Watson.

>> No.12540606
File: 538 KB, 800x790, newtonKEK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW internet nobodies try to defame my achievements

>> No.12541062

Being virginal was something he prided himself on.

>> No.12541175

Newton had like 2 productive years, and the rest of his life was pretty much wasted. So probably not but who knows.

>> No.12541189
File: 1.54 MB, 1900x1564, Heraclitus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newton BTFO

>His understanding of the relation of opposites to each other enabled him to overcome the chaotic and divergent nature of the world, and he asserted that the world exists as a coherent system in which a change in one direction is ultimately balanced by a corresponding change in another. Between all things there is a hidden connection, so that those that are apparently “tending apart” are actually “being brought together.”

>> No.12541222

Like you would fuckin know basement dweller

>> No.12541329

It isn't the celibacy that lead to him being a great mind, it is the other way around.

There's nothing for the most part about refraining from sex that would lead to better intelligence or productivity. But look at it in the other direction—what type of man in their right mind would even TRY to be a virgin their whole life? Not only that, but have the strength of character to ACTUALLY go through with it?

Celibacy is not some tool that crafts great men, like Tesla and Newton. What it is is a symptom of greatness. Not all great men are voluntarily abstinent or even capable of abstinence, but think about what kind of person you would NEED to be to intentionally elect to be a virgin your whole life. Only great men are capable of remaining a virgin on purpose, rejecting every opportunity for sex presented to them.

Why do men like this elect to be virgins? Hard to say, maybe a great many reasons. But it certainly is NOT the celibacy itself that turns them great. What voluntary lifelong celibacy IS is a constant reminder to the great man in question that they are not LIKE other people. Tangible proof in their minds that they are different from the common man in a fundamental way. The knowledge that they are capable of resisting the greatest of human temptations invigorates and inspires them to continue along their oddball path in life.

Lifelong virginity isn't a formula for greatness or even healthy, but only extraordinary men are capable of not only doing it, but even wanting it or deliberately choosing to do it in the first place.

>> No.12541347

It's true, 1665-67 is when he had all his most influential ideas, the rest of his life was pretty much spent publishing those ideas, politics, weird theology, alchemy, and catching coin cutters.

>> No.12541372
File: 667 KB, 640x640, c8cef25335db546870e790bdfa491cfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad Newton picked up more women than a Lamborghini.

>> No.12541521

Meet chad Sir Isaac Newton, the Man whose Double Life inspired Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde unbeknownst to Anyone,
but Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson authour

>> No.12541548

>Was years of semen back up the secret to his success?
uh, no.

>> No.12542419

Ol' Cryptogram of Science & Math

The Bible is nothing More than an Ol' Cryptogram
of Science & Math, reasoned Chad Newton.

Sir Isaac Newton in his "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel
and the Apocalypse of St. John" renamed Two Ol' Metrologists.

IOHN: "seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns"

seven heads (.0000000), six-one-six (.616), ten horns (x 10),
and seven crowns (^-7), and Metrologist (cm^3/g-s^2) tale.

gravitation G, the Letter of God, the mark.
gravitation John, the Word of God, the name.
gravitation G on!, the Sentence of God, the image.
gravitation .616 x 10^-7, the Wisdom of God, the number.

G = .616 x 10^-7 cm^3/g-s^2
World 1st G measurement.
Definitions original "cgs"


IESUS: "seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns"

seven heads (.0000000), six-six-six (666.), ten horns (x 10),
and ten crowns (^-10), and Metrologist (cm^3/g-s^2) tale.

gravitation G, the Letter of God, the mark.
gravitation Jesus, the Word of God, the name.
gravitation G's us!, the Sentence of God, the image.
gravitation 666. x 10^-10, the Wisdom of God, the number.

G = 666. x 10^-10 cm^3/g-s^2
World 2nd G measurement.
Definitions original "cgs"

The Bible is nothing More than an Ol' Cryptogram
of Science & Math, reasoned Chad Newton.


IOHN John and IESUS Jesus,
just Two (2) Ol' Metrologists.

>> No.12542431
File: 360 KB, 1200x1200, Metric_Seal_Newton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12543122

newton was an incel?

>> No.12543299

Johnny B pulled more tail than Izzy N and Jeebus C, they were always wet for him.

>> No.12543435

>first measurements of Big G are sure fascinating.

>> No.12543446

What is c? I dont think you mean light speed

>> No.12543487
File: 134 KB, 1060x715, Big G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12543570

>What is c? I dont think you mean light speed
Absolutely, when Father Satan, the Creator and Sole Resident of minus One (.000...1) bottomless pit of knowledge, Recused
Himself, that God of forces set G=2/c, c=2/G, 2=G*c (natural units); Cause' measuring Big G accurately would be Impossible.

Sir Isaac Newton, a/k/a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

>> No.12543574

So what is c?

>> No.12543581
File: 79 KB, 960x864, nyrtfn3tqsu51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newton was an incel?
He was a volcel. Although he's most remembered today for his scientific work, most of his writings were actually about alchemy and Biblical interpretation. Whether he actually figured it out and summoned a succubus, no one knows. Anyway, that part of his writings is ignored today, because redditors want to model themselves after "Issac Newton, man of science", and him spending most of his time on occult writings and studies doesn't sit well with the modern sciencebros of the present.

>> No.12543615

We know that G = Power(of graviton) * c^5
and that G = Force(of graviton) * c^4
so c = Power * Force [same]
Frequency^2 = G*d
(graviton d)

Density of graviton = 5.626438479 x 10^97 kg/m^3
(the 1886 Kaiser Wilhelm Society measurement)

Graviton time: (hbar*G/c^5)^1/2 = 1.632219516 x 10^-44 s
Graviton length: (hbar*G/c^3)^1/2 = 4.893271007 x 10^-36 m
Avogadro substance: [(hbar*c/G)^1/2]/M = 1.660539068 x 10^-24 mol
Graviton mass: (hbar*c/G)^1/2 = 6.592215290 x 10^-9 kg
Sommerfeld fine-structure: e^2/2*e0*h*c = 7.297352566 x 10-3 sr
Graviton fine-structure angle: e^2/e0*h*c = 1.459470513 x 10^-2 rad
Archimedes constant: π = 3.141592653 x 10^0 π
Graviton current: e/[(hbar*G/c^5)^1/2] = 9.815938471 x 10^24 A
Graviton temperature: [(hbar*c^5/G)^1/2]/k = 4.291306104 x 10^31 K
Graviton intensity: Q/[(hbar*G/c^5)^1/2]alpha = 3.397422793 x 10^57 cd

>> No.12543621

>We know that G = Power(of graviton)*c^5
>and that G = Force(of graviton)*c^4
>so c = Power*Force [same]
>Frequency^2 = G*d
>(graviton d)
remove space for consistency

>> No.12543651

>be me
>never watched video pornograph as a teen
>seldom masturbated because it caused headaches and avoided triggers
>by college I'm regularly practicing semen retention for 90+ day intervals
>read two books a week, learn languages, have hobbies, learn musical instrument, self study many fields and enjoy life and all its simple pleasures
>age 20, start watching video porn
>notice the draw and addictive tendencies so stop it entirely for a while
>literally did not masturbate for 5 months, no sex either
>22 out of college
>no money
>start watching porn again
>masturbate once a day for an entire year
>do nothing other than low motivation activities like watching TV
>two years later, doing it 3+ times every single day, downloading 1080p and 4k porn
>only care about cooming and fucking now, intellectual passion and vigor destroyed.

>> No.12543678
File: 57 KB, 600x599, ssrco,classic_tee,womens,dd2121_8219e99865,front_alt,square_product,600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what is c?
Lucifer, the light-bearer
>Yo, retard, its fucking
We know that c^5 = Power(of graviton)*G
and that c^4 = Force(of graviton)*G
so c = Power*Force [same]
frequency^2 = G*d
(graviton d)
>Creatures were a fucking mistake

>> No.12543680

the distance->second transfer function

>> No.12543683

ain't it the truth.

>> No.12543698
File: 92 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,a50120_b8be0d17f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12543747

so c = Power(of graviton)*Force(of graviton), no c = Power(of graviton)/Force(of graviton)

>> No.12543766

frequency^2 = G*d, no frequency(of graviton) = [G*density(of graviton)]^1/2

>> No.12543869
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 17c24oM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was years of semen back up the secret to his success?
He pulled more tail than a lobster boating operation.

>> No.12544130

That's correct.

>> No.12544184

>Sir Isaac Newton in his "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel
>and the Apocalypse of St. John" renamed Two Ol' Metrologists.
Compiled from the Sir Isaac Newton library of his Diaries

>> No.12544194

a lot of those activities sound very anti-semitic

>> No.12544198


>> No.12544347

Robert Lewis Stevenson must have read Sir Isaac Newton's papers somehow to know.
Oh great, those Semites here. Schizos.

>> No.12544396

Newton greatest formula in my opinion was
Energy = h*[(G*density(of graviton)]^1/2
Where Planck got E = h*frequency?

>> No.12544426

More like the fact almost all of the low hanging fruit was yet to be picked. Scientists back then got lucky being born in such a fruitful time

>> No.12544920
File: 293 KB, 1333x942, Scientific Calendar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the Scientific Calendar idea of Sir Isaac Newton created in 1666 as updated. Who is for his Scientific Calendar? the Ages of the Earth and Solar System based. The great Reset of dating History before Year 0 should be Simple, and they Eliminate dogma. Age of the Solar System covers both Venus and Mars when the great Colonization occurs, as Sir Isaac Newton predicted in 1666.

>> No.12544994

>... and they Reduce dogma. Year of the Solar System covers both Venus and Mars ...

>> No.12546390

Yep, it's pretty much over for us. :-(