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12528757 No.12528757 [Reply] [Original]

By now everyone probably has heard of the 13/50 meme or any of its variations and it's usually acompanied with something along the lines of
>13 percent of the population, yet 50% of the murders, they are overrepresented by almost 4 times!

The thing is that just dividing the incidences by the population size does not seem to be a particularly good metric.
For example 50% of the population committing 100% of the murder would be an even bigger discrepancy, but would only be registered as two times the representation by this metric.
Is there any better way to measure overrepresentation?

>> No.12528810

reminder that illegals in texas commit less crime than texans

>> No.12528815

that is very nice, anon.
can you tell me by how much illegals are underrepresented, preferably with a meaningful metric?

>> No.12528821

I meant it as tongue in cheek, supporting your statement. People being mad at black people can't also be mad at illegal immigrants for having many criminals. Either you support the current metric and believe black people are criminals while illegal immigrants aren't, or you need to be skeptic about such metrics in the first place.

The metric is based on number of arrests which may be changed by how much police there are in certain neighborhoods.

>> No.12528825

No shit retard, they're illegal and don't want to get deported

>> No.12528829

But the legal immigrants have even lower crime rates.

>> No.12528835

I mean I'm not too sceptical about those statistics (although calculating crime rates without even knowing the actual number of illegal immigrants certainly is pretty sketchy)
I just want to figure out how to draw conclusions from them
>The metric is based on number of arrests which may be changed by how much police there are in certain neighborhoods.
They also line up pretty well with victimization statistics which makes it not too unreasonable to assume a 1:1 correlation between actual crimes committed and arrests

>> No.12528838

>They also line up pretty well with victimization statistics which makes it not too unreasonable to assume a 1:1 correlation between actual crimes committed and arrests
Good point, I had not considered that one.

>> No.12528848
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>reminder that illegals in texas commit less crime than texans

>> No.12528860

No. Their entire existence in the country is illegal. They have a crime rate of 100%.

>> No.12528889

It's based on data produced by the Texan police. Cry more fag.

>> No.12528895

They literally conclude the same that illegals don't commit more crime per capita but they are still bad because more crimes overall bad.
Do these fuckers also advocate that people shouldn't have kids because more people = costing more money and committing more crime?

>> No.12528957
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>The crime of homicide provides the most accurate measure, though, because a much higher proportion of murders are solved by police—around 70 percent—than for any other crime; by contrast, fewer than 15 percent of property offenses lead to an arrest. As a result, we have much more accurate demographics for murderers than for, say, burglars. The indication that illegal aliens commit disproportionate numbers of murders is corroborated by crime rates, shaky though they may be, for 2014 and 2015—the two years for which we have population estimates from Pew and DHS. In 2014, Texas illegal-alien murder-arrest rates were 4.99 per 100,000—56 percent higher than the rates for all other apprehended murderers (3.2 per 100,000). In 2015, the rates were 35 percent higher for illegal aliens (4.2 per 100,000, versus 3.1 per 100,000).

Brainlet. Read it again.
They said that the most accurate measure is murder rate since 70% of murders get caught while it's way less for others.
>The crime of homicide provides the most accurate measure, though, because a much higher proportion of murders are solved by police—around 70 percent—than for any other crime; by contrast, fewer than 15 percent of property offenses lead to an arrest.

They concluded that is it not "overwhelmingly high" for murders, you fucking brainlet.
Sample size matters.

It is higher, just not x10 higher.
Sorry, but you gotta go back.

>> No.12528961

There is no official number of illegals in any states because guess what? Dems don't wanna count them. Wonder why.
You can pick any estimate you want and make these crime rates as low or as high as you want.

>> No.12529027

The 13/50 meme is retarded because it's based on arbitrarily deciding when to stop caring about exactly who is commiting crimes
You'd say 50(males)/90 is retarded
Even if you only look at blacks, it's not even 13/50
It's more like 2/50, but if you did that you'd have to hold individuals accountable for their own actions and that's not conductive to the white supremacist agenda.

>> No.12529090

I've never seen anybody claim that black crime is completely randomly distributed and there are no other variables

>> No.12529092

the premise of the meme is flawed from the start, it is all predicated off of the notion that policing and justice work equally in all areas of the country and for all races and classes which is quite clearly false. if anything this could be interpreted as evidence for overpolicing of black communities (the idea being that other communities commit just as much crime but it's caught less often) just as well as it could be interpreted in the way racists do. i know this has nothing to do with the point of your thread but i'm posting it anyway since you're obviously /pol/baiting.
this too, it is extremely dumb to use numbers in the way these people are using them. i swear i have never met an alt-rightie who was capable of honest data analysis, all of them shut down when you show them more than 2 numbers at once. apparently being more detailed is somehow dishonest.

>> No.12529098

no, you haven't, and yet many of the conclusions made along the way secretly employ some similarly stupid assumption. this would be clear if you people thought about the world logically.

>> No.12529121

What conclusions are you referring to?

>> No.12529361

>Do these fuckers also advocate that people shouldn't have kids because more people = costing more money and committing more crime?
That's obviously not what they were saying but it's good that you noticed that you can reduce crime and reduce expenses if you get rid of illegal immigrants.

>> No.12529448
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The stat is poor anyways, the demographic commiting crime isn't black people, it's young black men specifically. The crime rate

Even though they do commit a disproportionate amount of crime, police and FBI datasets are going to have a serious survivor bias. It's just as much a measure as who gets caught as who commits crime.

Most people know blacks commit crimes anyways. It's not some incredible truth the public is blind to. The stat provides no info on the cause or a solution.

Also the people throwing the 13% line are tards who are unable to talk about any topic without bringing it up, like that 8 year old at christmas who tries to make everything about minecraft because he spends 10 hours a day on it.

>> No.12529597
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The problem with the stats is the average person who reads them is a retard larping as someone who understands statistics.

Protip: There's is a better way to represent overrepresentation in crime, it's called recidivism. That's the stat which explains the meme as that's the stat that highlights reoffending rates which inflates the numbers. Or for example do you think the score born from honours students retaking the IQ test several times is indicative of the average intelligence of the student body they derive from? Or better example do you think Kalenjin tribe of Kenya represents the average running prowess of the average African black person?

But I suppose I shouldn't expect too much from this place.

>> No.12529810

i don't feel like "this group of people is more likely to reoffend, which skews the statistics" is as big of an own to the racists as you think it its

>> No.12529851
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>> No.12529933

you can cherry pic stats about illegals all day, but it always comes down to:
1) niggers are vastly overrepresented and skew crime stats in every state, making it seem like native whites are more violent than spics.
2) illegals (and legals) get deported if they are arrested, meaning there are less repeat offenders. statsfags have some term for this, selection bias or some shit idk.
3) Juan just wants to work in the fields and stay under the radar, but his anchor babies will be far more criminal and be counted as "natives".
4) liberals have never lived in a hispanic area, they are literal dystopic tier shitholes of flagrant lawlessness, gangbanging, and drug trafficking. Anybody who legitimately thinks Mexican areas are safer and nicer than majority White ones is arguing in bad faith and/or delusional.

>> No.12529953
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>> No.12529990

that's a jewish phenotype.

>> No.12530402
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Anon, you say that as if I expect them to care. The thing is I don't which is why I already stated I don't expect much from this place. I've seen the threads and posts that floats around here. I've seen the thought process at work for a while.

You also have a white terrori...excuse me, I mean "lone wolf" problem. But I guess all those mass shootings along with the recent Nashville Christmas explosion were just an accidents instigated by eccentric men that went very, VERY bad right?

>> No.12530416

Why are we getting raided by /leftypol/ again?

>> No.12530429

>Nashville Christmas explosion
that was just glowies destroying the data monitoring unit that wiretaps the information around the upcoming Georgia runoff.
nothing to do with "lone wolves"

>> No.12530446

no shit but US citizens breaking citizenship laws isn’t really a big epidemic

>> No.12530476

>create war on drugs which destroyed black neighborhoods and created a huge black market
>supply the very drugs your fighting against to these neighborhoods + guns
>black market funds gangs who get drugs and guns from the feds
>oppress and discriminate against black people at every stage before this
>black people are stuck in poverty
>combine this with intergenerational trauma, terrible family values and glorified thug culture
gee must be a genetic thing huh?
i cant FATHOM how societal problems and discrimination could lead to actual CONSQUENCES!???

>> No.12530479
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related picture

>> No.12530502

You're forgetting the welfare system penalising fathers

>> No.12530514

ratio of the rates for the subgroups
a [member of group A] is [number]x more likely than [member of group B] to perform [crime]
the 50% that do 100% would have an infinitely higher murder rate than the other group

>> No.12530591

That doesn’t make any sense, if they are in the US illegally then 100% of them are illegal.

>> No.12530744

that actually makes total sense! thanks anon!
applied to the ucr this makes black people in the usa 2.91 more likely to be arrested for murder than white people, which certainly is lower than 50/13 ~= 3.84

>> No.12530759
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>intergenerational trauma

>> No.12530819
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, crime rates by race 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12530823
File: 74 KB, 1000x680, crime rates by race 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12530826
File: 61 KB, 1000x680, crime rates by race 2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12530839

now adjust those stats for levels of deprivation and other mitigating factors

>> No.12530909

nah, just the usual shitposting

>> No.12530925
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>> No.12530934
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>the only shootings that happen are the ones the (((media))) tell me about
No actually we don't have a "lone wolf" problem at all, that is called wizardy aka weaving a false reality in the minds of the intended target

>> No.12530948
File: 2.26 MB, 1200x766, MassShootings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know wtf happened to that image but here is a better one

>> No.12530978

>28/118 are in chicago

>> No.12531135

holy fuck

>> No.12531275

The discrepancy between these two demographics is repeat offenders. Illegals will get deported after getting busted, while some citizens will just keep committing more crimes each time they get out.

>> No.12531280

>"this whole group that breaks this law is infringing the law"

>> No.12531286
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>black people are stuck in poverty


niggers have a starting point much higher than most people outside the US and Europe. Yet those people strive and achieve success. Niggers are useless pieces of shit, that's why my latino bros imigrate to your country, having worse education and barely any grasp in the language, and still manage to outperform the negros.

>> No.12531296

>still manage to outperform the negros.