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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12525008 No.12525008 [Reply] [Original]

>Everything feels within grasp, just a few hours of study and exercise away
>except algebra

>> No.12525012

Just leave 4chan and do math all day

>> No.12525016

What exactly are you grappling with

>> No.12525022
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I have add, i can't spend ore than ten minutes on any topic without medication, and i currently have none.


More of being restless and inattentive, coupled with general anxiety from math. i'm scared of what comes next when i finally understand all of this, if i ever, do, or if i am even able to

>> No.12525025

I really hope you mean something like "non-commutative rings" or "representation theory of Lie algebras" when you say "algebra".

>> No.12525030

Also 23, everything seems impossible, I am too old to learn anything new.
Life = Wasted

>> No.12525046

>been working for a startup for two years after graduating
>thought I would treat it like grad school, doing my required work during the day then pursuing my own research/interests at night
>too mentally tired to do anything after work
>started drinking daily
>dream of spending a couple hours every night learning more math or physics
>think about how far I could be two years from now if I just started today
>open /sci/ instead

>> No.12525052

>>too mentally tired to do anything after work
>>started drinking daily
>>dream of spending a couple hours every night learning more math or physics
>>think about how far I could be two years from now if I just started today
>>open /sci/ instead
Welcome to the real world. Oh, it's just going to get worse from here on btw

>> No.12525054

kek anon, my thoughts exactly. I REALLY hope this dude isn't struggling to solve quadratic equations at age 23. Please tell us that's the case OP.

>> No.12525055

Also 23. I don’t even see a reason studying or working for a hedonistic system with enormous obesity rates and a mentally ill populace as it destroys nature and lets people into itself from all over the world to make them mentally ill obese people too. Still continue for a job where part time is enough so I can buy a secluded home somewhere. Sometimes I think about moving to China too.

>> No.12525057

dude watch lecture videos, it's free. I do that during my normal day job kek.

>> No.12525063

>I do that during my normal day job
Hello Amerimutt

>> No.12525065

>Sometimes I think about moving to China too.
oh, because China is some green utopia that isn't the biggest state contributor to the demise of this biosphere?
ok self-fulfilling-prophecy-anon
take amphetamine

>> No.12525069

No just since they aren’t obese

>> No.12525070

hello euranon, how was your day?

>> No.12525072
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>My new years resolution is becoming comfortable with programming(R,Julia,OOP) and collage math by the end of 2021
>I'm working on it from now

I'm also gonna start fucking women and not just awkwardly ignoring their attention

I'll cuck all of you, you stay there

>> No.12525080

if you want to avoid obesity, move to literally anywhere that isn't the USA. I'm not sure why you singled China out, when China is easily one of the worst places you can move to if you're not an ethnic Chinese.
I'll suggest Ecuador; dirt cheap and people are great (according to another US expat who lived there for 20+ years). Or perhaps Cambodia.

>> No.12525084

Yeah. Maybe I’ll just move to Africa. They aren’t obese.

>> No.12525087

>tfw no woman to become comfortable programming/doing math with
how to find one?

>> No.12525091

>ok self-fulfilling-prophecy-anon
how do I escape this
>change your outlook
yes but HOW

>> No.12525107

what makes you think you're too old to learn anything new, is it because you failed to learn something once? I'd suggest you reflect on that experience and how it shaped your perception.

The fact of the matter is, unless you're actually mentally retarded, you have 20 more years of being able to learn whatever you want easily and another 20 years after that where it still can be done with more effort.

>> No.12525108

>I need to find a woman that just fits into this very specific niche ideal of mine while posting about it on 4chan
I don’t k know anon. There’s no secret

>> No.12525116

I actually know the secret, I should have majored in math (60/40 gender ratio) instead of CS (absolute sausage fest). I learned jack shit from CS classes in college because I was a complete autist in HS, writing compilers and such.

>> No.12525125

No anon. That’s not the secret. You would have just been an autistic obsessing over complex analysis or something else in your dorm.

>> No.12525242

>is it because you failed to learn something once?
It's because I've failed at everything I tried in the last 5 years. I've been enrolled ~10 degree programs (I've lost count). I can never stick with anything. I keep trying to learn things on my own, but I always just quit once things get hard. I can't do it anymore.
>The fact of the matter is, unless you're actually mentally retarded, you have 20 more years of being able to learn whatever you want easily
I really hope you're right anon but I think I may be a midwit, which makes everything so much harder

>> No.12526279

be comfortable with failure. Fail hard, fail often. The more you fail the more you learn. The most successful people are those who fail the most.

>> No.12528422

There are different levels of algebra. You mean like highschool algebra or abstract algebra etc.?

>> No.12529141

both desu, i want to move to the latter but i'm stuck frozen on the first

>> No.12529224

Academia probably isn't for you then, but there are other ways to make a living while still learning things you want to learn.

>> No.12529265

What's up with being tire from work? In uni I would have 8 hour lecture days and I had energy to go to the gym and do some studying. Meanwhile after 8 hours of work I feel drained (physically and mentally) even though mentally it is less demanding than uni. What gives brehs? Is there a demon that just sucks my energy at work or what?

>> No.12529271

Just do math.
Look around Wikipedia for a topic that seems interesting then grab a book from the references are find a recommended introduction to the `subject` book and do the hard work of proving every theorem and calculating. Rinse and repeat while striving to make clearer and concise computation and arguments. I guarantee you will improve to the point where tackling a new topic won't feel like a massive undertaking, and you will have long seen all the common "tricks" of which there really arn't many.

>> No.12529276


>> No.12529337
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I know dumber people than me, that made it. fuck off, negativity and despair are staying in 2020

>> No.12529488

You are old now.