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12515467 No.12515467 [Reply] [Original]

I've taken classes with this guy since february and he seems to hate my fucking guts for some reason unbeknownst to me. Okay, I don´t show up for most of his classes after lock down and I might ask a couple of redundant questions here and there because of that, but so what? When we were taking classes in person I'd show up every day on time and he'd still manage to be a dick, I remember this one time I came with a girl from our class to his office to talk about a proof about some weird piecewise function and he just scoffed, said I didn't get it and asked the girl in the most charming manner to please help me out studying for the subject or that I would most likely fail. The girl was convinced my proof was right and she dropped out for other reasons about a month later.

Today was the last straw. I have, for the most part, worked on my exams in peace and after I'm done I pass the proofs on to a friend of mine (also in my class), he consistently scores higher than me even when his work is exactly the same as mine, he gives him positive feedback while berrating me for mistakes as dumb as not writing "Let Ɛ > 0" before an epsilon-delta proof, telling me he doesn´t know why I follow such "astoundingly revolting ways to stumble upon the right results". So my friend and I devised a plan, I wrote two proofs, one for him, both were made without any help whatsoever and were sent. As is customary, he sends us our grading for the two questions in the exam and some feedback. He got full marks, i got 7/10, he even told my buddy that he had made a mistake in the proof (he didn´t transcribe it correctly) but would let him off the hook.

What the fuck do I do sci? I can't expose myself and tell him about this, I don´t even want to go to the higher ups and cry like a bitch, I just want him to treat me with some decency or at least tell me what I did to deserve this.

>> No.12515475

Go for a drink with him, and size him up.

>> No.12515478

I think I know why OP

>> No.12515479

Lay low and make sure you finish the semester and pass. Ensure you can graduate without this professor. Once you pass the class AND ensure you don’t have to take a class with this dip shit for the rest of the semester, report him to the department chair

>> No.12515501

He doesn´t seem like a bad guy at first glance, hell, a few of my friends like the guy. He's a good professor, and I have tried to size him up, sending him a couple of friendly emails with some genuine doubts about things related to an area he's wrote some books on but he has been an asshole through and through, he deliberately hid information from me when I hit him up because I was looking for ideas for a conference I was giving about fractals and dynamical systems, saying he knew little about such topics. I came to find out he had written two books on dynamical systems and given conferences on julia sets a couple of years back. When I found about his book, I even asked for his permission to cite some of his work and he ignored me, the conference went well nonetheless.

kek I try to make this as enjoyable to read as I can anon, sorry

Funny thing is, he is the head of the mathematics department at my uni. I don´t wanna take this to the higher ups not because I don´t wanna ruin his reputation but because I don´t want him to fuck me over more than he already has, my last resort is to go with my faculty's headmistress or my own department head (I'm a physics major) but I don´t wanna go that route either.

>> No.12515551


>> No.12515580

Welcome to the real world kiddo. Sometimes people are dicks and you can't force everyone to like you. Profs are human beings with all the faults that ensues. You are never going to see him again after you graduate so fuck him. There are betting and more constructive things to be worrying about

>> No.12515585

So I just roll with it until I'm done? I just don´t want him to keep fucking people over like he did with me, it could unfold in a number of ways. I can imagine him getting beaten up for being an ass to the wrong person.

>> No.12515593

Well, if he won't play nicely, neither will we. Pay off a brothel owner, set up a camera, get him drunk and take him to aforementioned brothel and surveiled room, record him in flagranti with a prostitute and blackmail him.

>> No.12515596

Absolutely based and viagra pilled lmao. I think he's not married though, maybe it's got something to do with it all.

>> No.12515597

Have you directly asked why he doesn’t like you?

>> No.12515598

If he gets beaten up then thats his own fault not yours. Actions have consequences. You could write an anonymous letter or email to the faculty or failing that write up what happened to you but only after you graduate. Then any blowback can't affect you.

>> No.12515599

>kay, I don´t show up for most of his classes after lock down and I might ask a couple of redundant questions here and there because of that, but so what?
You already answered your own question. Asking stupid questions makes math professors think lowly of you.

>> No.12515601

Are you somewhat of a Lothario? If so, perhaps he us jealous of your magnetism? It would explain his attempts to debase you in front of your female classmate.

>> No.12515605

I don´t think i've got the huevos. What if he says yes? if I did, I'd rather we talked face to face.

Thats a good idea. Say, I give him a couple more chances and if he deliberately fucks me over worse than he already has I make a note of it and write a letter after I'm done here?

I've thought so too, but the guy knows I do well in my exams and sometimes I get a couple of answers right when I do show up, he knows I'm not stupid, if I was, he would've given me lower marks on my assignments but he can´t so he just gets to do petty things like taking 2 points out of 5 because I didn´t say explicitly which theorem I used.

>> No.12515609

Don´t think so, the only girl he ever saw me with was some goth neet because I she came to spend some time with me but other than that, I'm not really a cooch connoisseur. Besides, I think he might be gay but he doesn´t have many mannerisms, if at all.

>> No.12515614

What's the sociocultural context here? Because an alternative Machiavellian route is to record hours worth of footage of him, his visage and voice. Use the visage to train a deep fake algorithm, and the voice data to synthesize his voice. Combine this together, along with some sensational speech, political, racial, or what have you, and blackmail him with this. It's cheaper and lower risk than the brothel scheme, although it needs to be highly convincing.

>> No.12515616

Mhm, odd. Although, based taste, goth girls are 10/10.

>> No.12515620

There are just some people in our professional or academic life, where if that person did not exist, everyone would be happier. They never stop being a prick because they never faced any selective pressure not to be a prick. You can be his first challenge to either change his personality or die out, whatever you choose to do. Think about it.

>> No.12515621

Could send him something like
“Sir, I have noticed that at times your demeanor towards me has been less than supportive and I am just wondering if this is the standard course of treatment you give your students or if there’s something about my behavior and performance that you see as especially egregious.”
Then if he starts really flying off the handle at you, you have a record of it to show his boss. If he gives you an honest answer, you can improve yourself. And if he doesn’t respond, if you ever go to his boss you can claim truthfully that you reached out and attempted to resolve any interpersonal issues. You can tell his boss “I’ve tried talking to him about it but haven’t gotten any significant response or even feedback. He has been dismissive when I asked questions in the past. He hasn’t been very forthcoming in communicating with me at all, and it’s really impacting my grades. I don’t know if I can keep coming here and paying tuition if that’s the kind of service I get in exchange for my money, time, and hard work.”

>> No.12515626

How mundane! Where is the intrigue? The daring do? The cut and thrust?! I say we blackmail him, and make him OP's bitch!

>> No.12515634

If he responds poorly then OP has all the blackmail material he needs.

>> No.12515636

Mhm, this is true, but it's still mundane.

>> No.12515667

Well, he's white so I guess it could work to some extent, maybe if I sprikle some tranny hate speech here and there it'll do the trick but I don´t know if I have the technical capabilities to pull it off, I'd have to teach myself the skills first and by that time my window of oportunity would be gone.

Goth girls are the fucking best for short term stuff, any hopes of lasting more than a year quickly vanish when you realize you can´t knock the slightest bit of sense into them. I left mine when she got angry because I lost my shit because she smoked crack at a party after being sober for 5 months, things went downhill fairly quickly for her after that.

>> No.12515674

>... I don´t know if I have the technical capabilities to pull it off, I'd have to teach myself the skills first and by that time my window of oportunity would be gone.
It's not that difficult, to be honest. There are plenty of prebuilt tools on serious repositories, like Git. The only difficult bit is the "artistry" in making it convincing, instead or merely plausible uncanny valley.

As for goth girls, I agree, they're great for short term fun. But, unless you can't calm them down a bit, not very kind in the long term.

>> No.12515678

Last semester he told me he wished me luck but basically told me he wouldn't want to see me in his class next (this) semester. Usually my uni lets students basically fight for who they wanna take the classes with but since covid struck, the system gave priorities based on grades so i made sure to get in his class just to see what would happe. This is what happened.

I've been taking next semester's analysis class so that even if next year I don´t make the cut for his class, I'll still be able to torment him with my presence, a full two years of me.

>> No.12515686

You answered your own question. Professors aren't completely impartial, you ruined your own chances by not showing up. Also being an entitled bitch won't get you far.

>> No.12515688

Not a bad start, I have sent him messages regarding my assignments that go something like "Hello Dr.Shitfuckcock, I would really appreciate if you could tell me what is it that I could improve when it comes to yadayadayada..." But alas, it has amounted to nothing. Maybe trying to reach him making myself clear and adressing the real issue would be better so, thanks anon.

>> No.12515689
File: 14 KB, 276x183, FFFFFFFFFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I fuck his mom so I can become his new dad and ground him for talking like a cunt

>> No.12515693

Beautiful, he can't downgrade his own stepfather.

>> No.12515696

You sound like the most annoying, passive and bottom faggot. I side with the prof here.

>> No.12515709
File: 25 KB, 819x460, MEND YOUR FINGER FORTUNE BRINGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not that difficult, to be honest
Pic related is as far as my artistry will go anon, tough shit

>As for goth girls
Let's just hope we can get some more goth tits once this corona shit's over. Theres not many goth chicks in my hometown so I'm gonna have to wait until I can get back to using my nose to track the smell cigarrettes and pussy at house parties.

>> No.12515718

I'm paraphrasing, lots of shit had already happened before I took this approach. As I said from the beggining, he's been a shithead pretty much the whole time I've interacted with him, if a matematician is going to turn down a proof of mine for fucking spelling mistakes then I think i can be as petty as I'd like.

>> No.12516050

is one of you jewish and one of you a gentile?

>> No.12516570

virgin here, what does pussy smell like?

>> No.12517611


That's like trying to describe what lemons taste like without using the words citrus or sweet. You'll know it when you smell it.

>> No.12517643

depends on the pussy

>> No.12517694


>> No.12517749

faggot detected

>> No.12517768

>sending him a couple of friendly emails with some genuine doubts about things related to an area he's wrote some books on
Have you considered your enthusiasm about fully understanding his contributions came off as
>Hello I am a dirty undergraduate, here to tell you that I am smarter than you
After reading through the only thing I could think that would make someone that viscious for no apparent reason would have to be some great offense you made in conversation that he's never going to let go. If I were you I'd re-read those old emails and imagine you're him reading your emails initially. I'm not suggesting that you definitely did sound like a bitch in the emails, but some profs have huge egos ex. "I can't believe this nobody fucking undergrad thinks he can pick apart my contributions"

>> No.12517822
File: 162 KB, 1034x1200, crop_tops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12517881

Depends. Your dick odor can share similarities. If you piss on your dick and leave it for 20 minutes, smell the musk from the ammonia. Now some girls can have that musk. There is a smell gradient to this depending on concentration. Faint to strong.

Sometimes non offensive body sweat smell mingled with that musk.

Sometimes inert with just the humidity and heat carrying faint signals.

You could try smelling your own crotch and gential area when naked. Musky sweat, not sharp smelling, hint of old piss is another fragrance.

Smell your own gentials for good clues though. Bacteria is at play too.

>> No.12517962

Not him, but I don't think undergrads (especially physics majors) would give conferences on fractals or dynamical systems.
>I'm a physics major
It's probably this, if not what the other guy mentioned.

>> No.12517974

how did we go from "why does my analysis professor hate me?" to this?

>> No.12517992


This happened to me in the past. What happens is some profs want to be the "nice guy" but they instintictively don't like somebody. In my case the prof didn't like my style (i walk around like a bum, unshaved etc.). So now they are in a constant struggle with themselves because they want to remain a nice guy but you can tell they don't think you deserve to be in their class. I assume that the same people are also very racist.
This seems to happen a lot in smaller universities, where the people who are "nice" get promoted to faculty head often times. If you can, transfer to a more competitive, bigger university, where nobody gives a fuck who you are.

>> No.12518011

I'd fuck the one in the middle and maybe the one on the right.

>> No.12518022

>sending him a couple of friendly emails with some genuine doubts about things related to an area he's wrote some books on
Everything you need to know can be found in this one scene:

>> No.12518048

does that student end up fucking his math professor in the movie

>> No.12518089

can I have more please?

>> No.12518188

is it normal to have this much contact with your profs? i never said a word to any of my profs and would never think to bother them asking for help unless i had a very good question that i couldnt find any answer for elsewhere.

>> No.12518205

>Goth girls are the fucking best for short term stuff, any hopes of lasting more than a year quickly vanish when you realize you can´t knock the slightest bit of sense into them. I left mine when she got angry because I lost my shit because she smoked crack at a party after being sober for 5 months, things went downhill fairly quickly for her after that.

Based. I had basically the same situation with my big titty goth gf. German hips, ungodly luscious ass, creamy thicc thighs, short legs with cute feet, full C cups, coffee-brown long hair, sparkling baby blues underneath all that black eyeliner.

I dumped her because her negative attitude and depression was starting to make me depressed. Hopefully some skinny emo boi is currently enjoying my sloppy seconds.

>> No.12518226

>I'm a physics major

I had a very similar experience with a prof in stochastic calculus, although he wasn't openly as agressive as yours; I am almost sure it was because I came from physics and not mathematics.

>> No.12518251

>Based. I had basically the same situation with my big titty goth gf. German hips, ungodly luscious ass, creamy thicc thighs, short legs with cute feet, full C cups, coffee-brown long hair, sparkling baby blues underneath all that black eyeliner.

Sounds like a fat dwarf to me. Got pics?

>> No.12518261
File: 2.59 MB, 360x640, 1587322818538.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be too off topic, but for you baby, I'll post one more.

>> No.12518269

Why the fuck would you do that?
You sound like a woman, what do you have to gain by exposing yourself to someone that wants to make your life miserable? Stop being childish, there's nothing to prove here.

>> No.12518352

Reading through the thread I have to say that both of you are douchebags. You are a douche because
> Okay, I don´t show up for most of his classes after lock down and I might ask a couple of redundant questions here and there because of that, but so what?
>sending him a couple of friendly emails with some genuine doubts about things related to an area he's wrote some books on
>I even asked for his permission to cite some of his work and he ignored me
And he is a douche because
>He got full marks, i got 7/10
>astoundingly revolting ways to stumble upon the right results
>saying he knew little about such topics

>> No.12518366
File: 81 KB, 640x853, gothpawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like a fat dwarf to me.

Fair enough. You're not wrong. Good sex and split rent checks for a year tho.

>Got pics?

Not of her anymore, but this one looks damn close. Only difference is she had no arm tattoos.

>> No.12518386

why the faggotry?

>> No.12518413

>Not of her anymore, but this one looks damn close. Only difference is she had no arm tattoos

Well that ass is money.

>Fair enough. You're not wrong. Good sex and split rent checks for a year tho.

How about daily nagging for a year tho?

>> No.12518423

>Well that ass is money.
this is what nigger music does to your brain

>> No.12518464

>this is what nigger music does to your brain
maybe i'm actually a nigger with a nigger brain. how bout that. so in my case there's no need for music einstein!

>> No.12518481
File: 443 KB, 1095x924, A97108F2-CF17-46F1-9D12-9A69C5218991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12518493

Kick his ass when he comes out in the parking lot, that should do the trick

>> No.12518592

just giving the man what he needs

>> No.12518636

>How about daily nagging for a year tho?

I actually got no nagging from her. Just self-pitying laments about how depressed she always was and how her mom was an alcoholic. Sex was worth it for about a year. I would have left earlier if she started nagging me.

>> No.12518648 [DELETED] 
File: 484 KB, 596x622, gothpawg2electricboogaloo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another uncanny likeness.

>> No.12518941

Yep. Revenge doesn't work like in the movies. You keep your head down, earn your A, and move on to bigger and better things. If your prof is really an asshole, then that behavior will eventually catch up with him and he'll get his. You don't have to do anything underhanded or mean. Just wait.

>> No.12518987
File: 255 KB, 535x536, 1609210728187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do better

>> No.12519045

Yeah that's what I'm talking about

>> No.12519084

>Here's another uncanny likeness.
I love /sci

>> No.12519100

>Last semester he told me he wished me luck but basically told me he wouldn't want to see me in his class next (this) semester.
conveniently forgot that one out of your original post, faggot

>> No.12519129

I think it might be possible, just checked some mails I sent last semester and I don´t sound like I remember it. He did brush me off but after he did I mentioned I had asked another prof to help out in the same email I asked about permission to cite his work. He might've had some issues of his own before that but maybe that really hurt his ego, I don´t know if they know each other but i wouldn´t be surprised if they did. Im one of the faggots who has family that know people in academia (thats how I got to meet up with him), maybe he could piece that together and hated me for it.

I was in an astronomy club the uni kind of sponsors for a while because a friend got me in for shits a giggles, we had to give talks every 4 months or so to laymen and people in campus who were interested and since it could be about pretty much anything science related I ended up choosing dynamical systems because I don´t really like astronomy.

Glad to know others have gone through similar shit aswell. Unfortunately, this stuff is happening in the biggest uni I know of in my country (top 5 maybe, the head always gives some big speech to freshmen and blurts out stuff like that), students don´t pay tuition here either so I can´t really say I'm wasting my money here, the education is good, it's just this one guy who seems to go out of his way to make me feel like less. I don't think it's about my style, there's other people in my class with piercings and even some dude who wears nail polish, I just keep my hair to shoulder legth, that's all.

Some profs here like to give classes to a smaller audience (about 60 people at most) so they have time to get to know them a little bit better, he's one of them. He might not know all of us by name but he damn sure knows mine.

Mine got depressed on her birthday and I spent the day with her inside until she was feeling better. I guess big tiddy goth gf aren´t built to last long in the wild

>> No.12519154

So mathematicians in academia instinctively seethe when physicists learn rigorous math? Fuck me.

I like to think builds character, if I can get past him I can get past other assholes like him. Maybe he'll eventually give up, theres a lot of things at play here, if he wanted to make my life truly miseable he would've figured better ways to do so, maybe he genuinly cares about me and wants to see what I'm made of (kind of like what >>12518987 is talking about), it's all up in the air until i stright up ask him if he has a problem with me.

I know I'm responsible for provoking him, I shoul've known better than to try and sound like I have a vague idea about his work when in reality I didn't know much at the time.

Nice cakes anon 9/10 would pump, mine had a nice ass but small tits, almost like lemons. She had her tongue pierced so thats a plus, even though it barely made a difference.

Yeah i get it, it was nice knowing others have gone through similar things though, godspeed anons.

>> No.12519164

yikes anon, everyone knows abstract algebra is for people who don´t know how to draw, highschool free body diagrams took care of that early on

>> No.12519172

maybe you look like the guy his last gf cheated on you with or someone that 1 upped him or something. ive noticed people either strongly dislike me or strongly like me, some people just dont evoke neutral responses in others.

>> No.12519202

Do you truly expect your prof to give you any insight if he's screwing with you? As the other anon said, he won't let go, so you might as well just leave

>> No.12519272

shot in the dark: you did something that set him off or reminded him of someone else that set him off one day early in your relationship, and he's been confirmation-biasing his opinion of you ever since.

just let it go. this sort of behavior is strongly tied to personality and no action of yours or anyone else's can change it. the more you involve yourself, the more you harm your own sense of right and wrong.

>> No.12520212

Just pour fermented herring juice in the ventilation intake of his car and call it even

>> No.12520332

Stop harassing your prof, you psycho

>> No.12520405

>I like to think builds character, if I can get past him I can get past other assholes like him.

You are so fucking childish, holy shit.
I definitely can understand why your prof hates you.

>> No.12520432

I once left a mackerel fish in the one of the drawers of one of my professors desk and glued the desk solid with super glue. This was on the last day before winter break. 2 weeks later the smell was really unbearable. He never knew it was me.

>> No.12520599

>Here's another uncanny likeness.
Is this her? Moar

>> No.12523243
File: 17 KB, 474x436, 1595615166342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He mentioned my name was the same as his brother's a couple months back, but saying these things are related would be a huge leap

pic related

>> No.12523680

Like feminine sweaty ballsack, with a hint of sweetly scented urine mixed with a very inoffensive shit smell, all with a faint underlying bacterial odour smell, similar to your belly button. It's one of those smells that doesn't smell 'good', but you like to smell for some reason. Like rodent stank, gasoline, damp dirt and grass, or paint. Every girl has variations of this smell based on genes, health, and hygiene. Some girls even smell like straight fecal matter, some like nothing.

>> No.12523709

Do you have anything better to do with your life? Holy fuck

>> No.12525430

When dealing with math professors don't

>ask stupid questions
>say you're majoring in physics
>dress like a bum
>have messy hair or a beard
>use colloquial speech

some of them, especially the older ones, have a stick up their ass and will try to fuck you over, I know this from experience. There's nothing you can do now, his opinion of you is cemented, do as well as you can and learn from this.