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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12511566 No.12511566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's /sci/'s opinion on trannies? are they valid? is it a disorder? what's the solution?

>> No.12511569

It's mental illness

>> No.12511574

mental illness

>> No.12511575

I'm not sure if it's some form of a genetic disorder or if it's due to psychological issues related to childhood trauma.
Anyway kill them all

>> No.12511583

oh, and there's no real solution, just like there's no real solution for most mental illness. Psychiatry is pseudoscience and drugs are crude. The best that can be done is counselling for gender dysphoria/BPD and medication (SSRIs/benzos). If you don't have gender dysphoria you're just memeing for fun.

>> No.12511596

What is causing the problem, is it accumulated genetic defects after generations of low child mortality not purging defecs? or is it due to toxic contaminated environments?

>> No.12511601

like all mental illness, it's both

>> No.12511602

It's a symptom of autism and was treated as such by psychiatry until recently.

>> No.12511607

absolute proof poltards inhabit this board

>> No.12511612

oh yeah sorry, trannies are totally valid and it's totally normal. People just need to accept that they're valid because they say they're valid. I BELIEVE SCIENCE AND SCIENCE IS WHATEVER IM TOLD.

>> No.12511615

You will never be a real woman.

>> No.12511616

>waah waah you're a poltard if you don't like men cutting his dick off and injecting hormones so he can be a "female"!!!! there is literally nothing wrong with this it's not a mental illness i swear!! it's 100% a girl not some abomination that's incapable of reproducing!!!!

>> No.12511617

>are they valid?
>is it a disorder?
>what's the solution?
you have no say in that anyway

>> No.12511618

>people who disagree with me are nazis
what a disgrace

>> No.12511626

That's what I meant. Whether it's """""normal""""" is sociological and a political question not a scientific one.
It's not about your opinion of it, retard.

>> No.12511633

Do 40% really kill themselves?

>> No.12511635

>sociological and a political question
Not science. There's no scientific basis for trannies, it's purely sociological and political. It's a "mental illness" in the sense that gender dysphoria is self-reported symptom, but there's no basis beyond that. Psychology is also not a science.

Take it to /pol/

>> No.12511639

A scam meme astroturfed by big pharma to sell off-label hormone pills and unnecessary surgery.

>> No.12511643
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This could by true. Why else would retarded shit like circumcision and anti-depressants be so prevalent? Same with this.

>> No.12511659

>bu bu but faggots were born this way
30% of females under 25 identify as LGBT :

This level of faggotry did not come out of the genetics of the women and men who bore them. NO level of faggotry is innate. It's a disease. It's a plague.

>> No.12511660

>Not science.
There is science. The problem is, when I say "trannies" you think of a political organization that does things to make transgenderism sociologically acceptable and that has nothing to do with science. There is real science behind gender dysphoria.

>gender dysphoria is self-reported symptom, but there's no basis beyond that.
That's where you're wrong.

>> No.12511662

This is likely a big factor.
and don't forget the "doctors" who make money of the surgeries

>> No.12511664

>the american conservative

>> No.12511666

>There is real science behind gender dysphoria.
If you can't measure it, it's not science. This is the problem with all of psychology, not just gender dysphoria.

Self-reporting is not measuring.

>> No.12511668

>muh measurement
You can't measure evolution, retard, yet it's science.

>> No.12511671

They are you. Live and let live.

>> No.12511672

I think pol is retarded. Like dumb to the point I feel bad for them. But I’m not going to lie to a mentally ill person to ruin their life either.

>> No.12511676

>yet it's science
It's a scientific theory. Micro-evolution can be readily measured, macro-evolution has significant evidence behind it. Following the scientific method does not make it fact. That said psychology has no basis at all, just hypothesis that cannot be tested due to medical ethics. Every 30 years the entire field disavows everything they previously believed and adopt some random new fever dream, what a joke.

>> No.12511678

with links.
faggot detected.

>> No.12511679

>Self-reporting is not measuring.

t. solipsist

>> No.12511681

Take it to /lit/

>> No.12511688

its not a disorder, its not mental illness, its an act in the pawn game of libtards to act oppressed and control other people.
The solution, shut up and let them act like retards until they get too tired and rope themselves.

>> No.12511709

I’m guessing you feel trans OP? I did too for a while, both because of 4channel and other uncomfortable internet communities pushing you to it or being unrealistically supportive. I was also abused as a kid and wasn’t ever really taught anything about anything, parents just left everything to the public education system.
Watch less porn if you watch a lot of it, if you need to watch it just watch amateur solo stuff.
More importantly though, it’s ok to have feminine features, it’s ok to like feminine things, it’s ok to wear pink or whatever, it’s ok to smooth shave your body. Don’t fall into a trap of going the opposite route of being an ‘alpha’ or shit like how to be a man. Both things will likely make you miserable.
I don’t know if this is really getting through, literally just saying ‘be yourself’....but try it out, take care of yourself and indulge in things traditionally considered feminine that you like. Just chill.

>> No.12511785

let natural selection take its place

>> No.12511806

Watching "amateur solo stuff" is exactly what makes you trans. Repeated ideation of the solo young female body as sexual object to become. No one ever became trans from watching some fat biker looking dude plow.

>> No.12511819

Ok sure. Standard porn then.

>> No.12511850

BTW, you're totally right about fake alphas, also known as "male-to-male transexuals."

>> No.12511858

All porn is homosexual and voyeuristic, all porn is gay, hugh heffner used to watch almost exclusively gay porn.

>> No.12511888

Gender dysphoria is a treatable mental disorder, but hundreds of thousands suffer because treating it is "bad optics." They're encouraged to pursue radical surgery and hormone therapy rather than learning to accept who they are as a person, and that makes me sad.

>> No.12511920
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>> No.12511923

>what's the solution?

A bullet and a shallow grave

>> No.12511933

curious about how to treat

>> No.12512037

>Canadian News
nice propaganda you have there