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File: 258 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12504738 No.12504738 [Reply] [Original]

holy kek, normies are in for a ride. when will they realize that it will never end?

>> No.12504771

>covid-19 -> covid-30
Counting down for the Great Reset

>> No.12504778

Zero immigration incoming this could save the west

>> No.12504782

There's no COVID-20.
Genetic mutations don't need to be reported on like this in the media unless they have some impact on certain populations or policy.
>reading news articles instead of research papers

>> No.12504809

>he thinks pop science is based on research and not headlines that attract normies

>> No.12504816

Do you have no reading comprehension? I am telling you to not read news articles for that very reason.

>> No.12504824

You think I care what the news tells me? It's all about perception, the media will keep inventing new names to this virus to keep the show going

>> No.12504836

Anyone warning against lockdowns got immediately dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Now a vaccine has come along and coincidentally, there have only just mutated new strains - which the vaccine won't protect against. Additionally, vaccines are accepted now as the only option. Medicine, such as ivermectin are being completely dismissed and ignored based on a lack of data - a lack which exists only because the FDA and NIH refuse to look into more recent research.
Couple this with the fact that big pharma, big tech and media all benefit from lockdowns.
Why was everyone so insistent that the world today is completely different to 50 years ago? A precedent has now been set for extreme lockdowns. Fuck this shit. I'm not even a Trump fan or a conservative. I'm a fucking liberal, and I saw this bullshit coming from day 1.

>> No.12504889

>novel coronavirus
haha more like novel novel coronavirus amirite bois

>> No.12504916

COVID [math]\iiint 9x^2[/math] :O

>> No.12504918

Wouldn't worry too much. At some point people stop giving a shit, especially when there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
Just look at america. No one actually gives a shit, clearly, when you examine the case progression. They do the bare minimum to be socially couth and not an inch more. I have no confidence that people are just going to say welp guess I'll never see my family or touch another human being again. It's been a good run. Yeah right. They're gonna say fuck the rules instead.
Trying to designate christmas eve as "dr. fauci" day was a nice comedic touch though lmfao.

>> No.12504952
File: 1.27 MB, 2048x1536, a3818d427f4abc4353f6d14273bd4ff8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid-21 Set for Release 1st Jan 21
12:00:00 AM - https://time.is/LINT
Unless Tabernacle is Delivered

Ancient of days

>> No.12504954

There you go.

>> No.12504966
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The Atoms Family
I reckon so.

>> No.12504994

Unrelated, but what is that 10 plagues of Egypt thing? Is it a biblical thing, or?

>> No.12505133

>the media will keep inventing new names to this virus
They've yet to invent a new name. It's still SARS-CoV-2.

>> No.12505138

Correct, from Exodus.


>> No.12505139
File: 590 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20201223202035807_com.microsoft.emmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid #200,000

>> No.12505162

That might be the only beneficial thing from all this and if they did close the borders then I would be happy to treat this sniffles like the plague.

But knowing these fuckers they would probably keep them coming even as they tell people to stop going on holiday anywhere for fear of spreaders.

>> No.12505164

Ancient Egypt was also "globalized"

>> No.12505168

Also it should be noted, the 'sea peoples' that destroyed Egypt were literally refugees who arrived and collapsed ancient Egypt.

>> No.12505177
File: 90 KB, 960x720, The+Bronze+Altar+The+measurements+of+the+bronze+altar_+7.5+ft+long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is that 10 plagues of Egypt thing?
Geophysicists and Archaeologists vs Queen Elizabeth II and Archbishop of Canterbury
Anglican Church of England refusing Geologists and Archaeologists to Save the Ark
Relics (7 gold) inside Brass Altar housed in Bluestone Concrete at Heelstone SH
Religious Queen and Archbishop waiting for Lord God to Come before Digging
Years have Deteriorated Concrete (7 cores) 30 tonne Rock damaging Relics
~ Let our Tabernacle go ~ Let our Tabernacle go ~ Let our Tabernacle go ~
>it a biblical thing, or?
~ Three strains plagues ~ Seven strains to go ~ Ten Plagues of England ~

>> No.12505195


>> No.12505220
File: 140 KB, 1083x1067, D99qsOCUcAE_QMg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck those queen and archbishop cunts

>> No.12505309

Church of England caused 80M cases
Anglican Communion killed 2M dead

>> No.12505462

>Covid '19, Covid '20, Covid '21, Covid '22, Covid '23, CleftaSunder '24
UK identifies new coronavirus variant; London on toughest curbs
South Africa facing isolation amid fears over new COVID strain
UK to widen COVID lockdowns as new strain from South Africa found
So how does the world deal with new coronavirus strain?
CleftaSunder '24

>> No.12505489


>> No.12505547

I've already warned my parents (57 and 74 years old) multiple times that this will be a new norm. Every year we should expect covid to be the third leading, annual CoD in the USA. Every year we should expect it to mutate, and every year we might get a new virus on top of Covid-19. The 2 CoD still defeating Covid-19 (in the USA) are Heart Failure and Cancers.

I really love my mom a lot and my dad isn't that bad of a guy either. Maybe great virus detection and suppression will be developed soon, or not.

>> No.12505616
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perhaps more commonwealth kicks in the knickers (south africa, pic related) will help y'all nudge those mishkan damagers a bit

>> No.12505624

616 got

>> No.12505702

>why Nigeria

>> No.12505772

Covid will never end and neither will my unemployment checks wagie ragie

>> No.12505820
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>> No.12505914

Good to hear, anon. Where's next mutation? Discover orange map.

>> No.12505952

Deutsche Welle matched covid color to map. OP woke.

>> No.12506269

Damn that's an almost 20 year gap, what age did your dad marry your mom?

>> No.12506276


>> No.12506285

>there have only just mutated new strains - which the vaccine won't protect against.
Source? Mutations would have to change the functional structure of the virus greatly in order for the new type of vaccine to not work on it. It's incredibly unlikely that this occurs simultaneously with mutations that make the virus more effective.

>> No.12506386
File: 71 KB, 1166x481, 1603530142528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've been in that ride for quite a while now

>> No.12506409

im waiting for covid-69

>> No.12506419

i hope it will fuck humanity up

>> No.12506725

Coronavirus Blamed on Snakes

>> No.12506752

true. its not bats. snakes

>> No.12506968
File: 95 KB, 1254x836, Snakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12506982

They really aren't going to let this go, are they?

>> No.12506986

Not as long as they have an army of useful idiots arguing their position for them.

>> No.12507193
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>> No.12507201

the vaccine is for all coronaviruses

>> No.12507214

You'll have to wear a mask and socially distance for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. Not even a vaccine and all the 6 booster shots you'll have to take will keep you safe from DROWNING IN YOUR OWN LUNGS

>> No.12507220

Notice how noone ever talked about covd 1-18? Just tells you how big of a scam this is.

>> No.12507234

USA universities will go bankrupt without international students.

>> No.12507274
File: 242 KB, 1391x783, mrbones[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy kek, normies are in for a ride. when will they realize that it will never end?

>> No.12507294

Biden will bail them out. No way they let their indoctrination centers go out of business.

>> No.12507397


>> No.12507449

>implying that there is something bad about that

>> No.12508361

>Geophysicists and Archaeologists vs Queen Elizabeth II and Archbishop of Canterbury
>Anglican Church of England refusing Geologists and Archaeologists to Save the Ark
>Relics (7 gold) inside Brass Altar housed in Bluestone Concrete at Heelstone SH
>Religious Queen and Archbishop waiting for Lord God to Come before Digging
>Years have Deteriorated Concrete (7 cores) 30 tonne Rock damaging Relics
>~ Let our Tabernacle go ~ Let our Tabernacle go ~ Let our Tabernacle go ~
>~ Three strains plagues ~ Seven strains to go ~ Ten Plagues of England ~
you're totally fucking insane you know

>> No.12508404

Lol, you wish
Euros were still picking up boat people during the "quarantine"

>> No.12508674

the vaccine will absolutely work against mutations, the differences between the two variants is like 1%

>> No.12508682

Once tabernacle (mishkan) and its concrete housing are exhumed from beneath the Hele
Stone and delivered safe and sound, via Nacogdoches, TX, to the third temple Mission
San Antonio de Valero (the Alamo) then, and only then, will Covid-19 pandemic end.

When all Heelstone-Bratton WH Relics arrive Covid-19 ends.

Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka

>> No.12508688
File: 62 KB, 515x516, The Great Spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12508711


>> No.12508718
File: 1.77 MB, 256x256, 1577842331445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're gonna say fuck the rules instead.
can't fucking wait holy shit fuck liberal faggots trying to fearmonger and virtue signal everyone into bowing down before them

>> No.12508732

>can't fucking wait
Wait for what? A large portion of people never gave a shit. The result is a half-assed effort that resulted in inconvenience and a blow to the economy with no noticeable results. We basically got the high infection rates and a fucked economy because people refused to listen.

>> No.12508737

as opposed to just a fucked economy because if everyone listened we'd be in such a better place as far as death and infected numbers?

>> No.12508746

I feel like had we done nothing, deaths and cases wouldn't be much higher and our economy would be better, or had people actually listened, the economy would be about the same as it is now with far fewer cases and deaths. We should have been all in, or not in at all.

>> No.12508749 [DELETED] 

fuck your faggot face masks, nigger

>> No.12508752

>We should have been all in, or not in at all.
well that's the difference between living in a free country and living in a communist shithole liek china. i understand wanting to do SOMETHING to help those most at risk but this is a lesson. America can not be forced to suck liberal dick in the name of morality. We need to come up with creative ways of protecting those most at risk without influencing the economy. Progress must not be halted. The mental health effects are far riskier than the risks of a new strain of flu that may or may not be moar dangerous or contagious

>> No.12508757
File: 18 KB, 350x308, 0511-1108-0818-3428_Sick_woman_with_red_nose_leaving_a_trail_of_tissues_behind_her_clipart_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these mutations still considered SARS?

>> No.12509544


>> No.12509545

I hope you realize that after this ride ends, we will have to make up for lack of immigrants by taking in a few million extra.

>> No.12509576

Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka, good to see you're here. Can we start digging now? Woke Thanks

>> No.12509629

All they would have to do is cut down on their already bloated administrative staffs.

>> No.12509646

Just cut down tuition costs and maybe americans will start going back.
That way, they won't have to rely on the kids of rich foreigners keeping them alive.

>> No.12509657

may the power and the force be quick about it
c = power of graviton x force of graviton

>> No.12509706

Won't happen. They'll just test and let 'em in anyway.

>> No.12510889

>We need to come up with creative ways of protecting those most at risk without influencing the economy.
Well what we learned is we were totally unprepared for a pandemic, and leadership was already aware of the issue based on the findings of the previous administration and a failed pandemic simulation. It'll be interesting to see what happens the next time there's another pandemic (because there will be another one). Will the government have a better plan? Will the public comply, or will they be more resistant after this? The fact is we got pretty lucky that SARS-CoV-2 has a low fatality rate. If it had a fatality rate closer to SARS, we would have been screwed.

>> No.12510891

Shlomo would never let that happen, europe must be destroyed

>> No.12510913

Despite all the bullshit we're being sold, the boats are still coming in every week.
New Zealand is the only place closed yet we are still accepting halal slaughters and fruit pickers due to shortages

>> No.12511077

Except that it never happens like that and it's not happening like that right now. Professors are the ones who are getting fired, not the useless administrative staff that can easily be replaced with a computer.

>> No.12511347
File: 95 KB, 1200x675, SARS-CoV-2 Variant VOC 202012 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SARS-CoV-2 Variant VOC 202012/01

>> No.12511361
File: 130 KB, 1363x767, SARS-CoV-2 Variant VOC 202012-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SARS-CoV-2 Variant VOC 202012/01

>> No.12511369


>> No.12511380


>> No.12511395

>this whole thread
Holy shit I’m so glad not a single one of you retards have an actual position of scientific authority.

>> No.12511419
File: 58 KB, 249x249, 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, but I do

>> No.12511422

Transexual Brazilian prostitute doesn’t count.

>> No.12511424

>position of scientific authority
>scientific authority
nigger what the fuck are you getting at? there is no scientific fucking authority outside of proper experiments and research you worthless cunt faggot

>> No.12511432

how do you think the governments make decisions in situations like these? by reading papers?
no, instead they ask a council of scientists. hence, scientific authority.

>> No.12511436
File: 29 KB, 852x480, trololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks governments actually give a shit about what the science says
>he thinks you can get into a position of "scientific authority" by conducting good science

>> No.12511439

>>he thinks governments actually give a shit about what the science says

>>he thinks you can get into a position of "scientific authority" by conducting good science
never said so lol learn to read

>> No.12511441


>> No.12511443

0% chance the public cooperates next time. If the government wants to be able to control the next pandemic, they can never let this one end. All credibility and good faith have been destroyed, which is unfortunate since covid really is a very minor mild condition relatively speaking. If we ever get a serious pandemic, it will take the public quite a while to believe anything the government or medical community says about it. They really have done an excellent job of maximizing distrust in themselves.

>> No.12511445

>>>he thinks governments actually give a shit about what the science says

>> No.12511446

yes i do
it's fine if you disagree but until you provide some evidence for your opinion this discussion is going nowhere

>> No.12511448

So, political suckups wearing lab coats.

>> No.12511452

No sea lion, it is up to you to prove that we should trust them. Until you can do that (which you cannot), the default is to not trust government mouthpieces.

>> No.12511455

>yes i do
i don't doubt you believe governments actually care about what the science says. i pity you for it.

>> No.12511458

>trust them
never said anything about trusting them. you really have trouble with reading comprehension huh?

cool dude, i wish i was as woke as you

>> No.12511463 [DELETED] 

>never said so lol learn to read
???? i dont understand your point, if you don't believe you have to conduct good science to get into a position of "scientific authority", then you are admitting scientific authority means nothing bring into question why you are >>12511424
>so glad not a single one of you retards have an actual position of scientific authority
what the fuck are you trying to articulate? you're not contradicting yourself and not making any fucking sense

>> No.12511467 [DELETED] 

because i'm not >>12511424

>> No.12511469

>never said so lol learn to read
???? i dont understand your point, if you don't believe you have to conduct good science to get into a position of "scientific authority", then you are admitting scientific authority means nothing bring into question why you are >>12511395
>so glad not a single one of you retards have an actual position of scientific authority
what the fuck are you trying to articulate? you're not contradicting yourself and not making any fucking sense

>> No.12511472

because i'm not >>12511395

>> No.12511473

fixed it for you but at this point i feel liek you're either too retarded to converse with or just a troll. which is basically the same thing.

>> No.12511478

>lab coats
Mask off.

>> No.12511481

well then fuck this was a complete waste of time im not even debating the initial poster that got me riled up in the first place fuck you

>> No.12511482


>> No.12511486

im done. i misstagged twice now. too flustered to pay anymoar attention

>> No.12511491

>0% chance the public cooperates next time
It's cute that you think this. The average person is docile beyond belief.
>They really have done an excellent job of maximizing distrust in themselves
They do as such deliberately. Being under the thumb of powerful people is one thing, but being under their thumb and being forced to accept fiction as fact and the irrational as rational is another thing entirely. These kinds of psychological humiliation tactics are put into action to normalize submission in the broader population. The Soviet Union did similar things, and it worked rather well.

tl;dr normies will do as they're fuckin told or the government will lock them in the glorified rape cage we call a prison system

>> No.12512630

das right

>> No.12512631
File: 59 KB, 700x616, Salisbury Journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 1961, the Owner of Stonehenge ordered A303 removed, "Y'all are trespassing," he said. In 1985, the Owner of Stonehenge ordered A303 removed, "Y'all are trespassing," he shouted. At the last, in 2019, the Owner of Stonehenge ordered A303 removed, "Get your God Damned road (A303) off my God Damned land. Y'all are trespassing," he screamed. Nobody listened of course. So in that same year, the Owner of Stonehenge coronavirus (Covid-19) struck, and its Crown vs. Crown, until that illegal A303 road is gone, and all those Trespassers too.

>> No.12512669
File: 100 KB, 605x338, 1563806393075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will never get ride of this virus
>meanwhile governments and corporations will have more and more power, mass surveillance and control while the pleb will get fucked

>> No.12512676

Covid-21's in 5 days.

>> No.12512812

I'm still coming, be warned

>> No.12512823

Great! The one good thing the crisis has brought us

>> No.12512929
File: 3.52 MB, 500x398, Alamo-GIF-1jreho0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHO pinpointed Covid-19 and Covid-20 creator, Owner of Stonehenge, the Devil Satan
Covid-21, Plague of Britain, begins the 1st day of January, 00:00:01 LINT time, 2021
Save the Solar System, remove A303 road, Deliver to Nacogdoches its Relics
Third temple, Misión San Antonio de Valero, 'God remembered The Alamo'

>> No.12513021

you dont go to jail for not wearing a mask or not taking the vaccine. there are almost 0 similarities in the actions of the american government and the soviet union in terms of psychological population control.

>> No.12513060
File: 226 KB, 400x249, deenz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will never end because the cause of corona is slightly more persistent than a once in a while meal consisting of bats.
Coronaviruses are constantly mutating. its just what happens when it gets passed between humans and animals.

>> No.12513069

then why didnt they do it before all this?! Maybe 2020 could have been prevented!

>> No.12513072

Mandating a tax like Obamacare, if not. Supreme court's Evil, ruling on it. Schizoretardpilleds will vaccinate.

>> No.12513073

Just let the weak die. If I am to die then I wasn't strong enough and don't deserve to live. Why do people disagree with this?

>> No.12513401

Imagine being scammed so hard to buy a mrna based vaccine bc you're afraid of your own terribad immune system.


>> No.12513797

https://time.is/LINT (four days)

>> No.12513923


>> No.12514468 [DELETED] 

You're saying if someone found your address out of spite and shot you, you would be ok with it because your head couldn't resist the impact of a bullet?

>> No.12514535

Good. It's a much weaker but more contagious variant of the virus. For most it will work as a free vaccination against the stronger variants.

>> No.12514549

>Mandating a tax like Obamacare
this shit pissed me off enough to wanna buy guns

>> No.12514717

Don't forget that CCP intentionally let the virus get out of Wuhan to the rest of the world, because they saw this as an opportunity to bring down the entire world, while using their authoritarian powers to isolate the virus internally.
China was one of the few countries in the entire world this year to have gdp growth.

It worries me that people don't mention this more ofton.
And it makes me angry that no one has committed sanctions against the CCP.

>> No.12514744

>much weaker
Why do people here keep saying this? Has any study confirmed this because all I hear in the news is that it is the same but more contagious.

>> No.12514751

>all I hear in the news
We are eight months into media lies and you still believe anything they say just because they say it?

>> No.12514757

I am asking for proof that this new mutation is weaker, otherwise it is just as fake news.

>> No.12514758
File: 121 KB, 1125x936, EqE3m0KVQAEwZPw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only the USA, Australia's reliance on rich Chinese students who pay full fees on their universities means that they are fucked now that no one is coming.

>> No.12515648

you pay for the shot or you pay the tax is the dem plan.
and obama care mandate will be back also to fuck us.

>> No.12515666

here's to civil war 2.0. fuck liberal cunt faggots

>> No.12515681

checked. the first shot will be free, its the additional shots when they stick it up our asses. fuckers.

>> No.12515684

666 is wisdom. Got that right.

>> No.12515703

Unfortunately it's not actually hampering the chinks getting to the universities. They don't give a fuck about paying a couple of grand to chill in a hotel eating fried dog for a few weeks.