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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 1024x791, Deaths_per_Quarter_per_Million_in_Sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12492759 No.12492759 [Reply] [Original]

How does this make you feel /sci/?

>> No.12492762
File: 37 KB, 573x483, B80C5655-C695-465E-8828-E2B6E0F03A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make /sci/ feel?

>> No.12492848

Pretty good, glad that the scientific understanding of a pandemic has improved significantly since the early 1900s. It just goes to show just how much taking proper precautions reduces the, amount of deaths caused by disease. At least in the case of Sweden which is what your graph shows, probably not so well in countries that weren't as scientifically literate.

>> No.12492853

Seeing how the Spanish flu is concluded and covid is ramping up still, makes sense

>> No.12492875


>> No.12492916

whats that first spike in the 1850s?
>still ramping up
the spike covid has created is already far less steep than the Spanish flu spike. I doubt anyone would care anymore if the news wasn't throwing out of context numbers around every hour of the day.

>> No.12492923

a big mac costs over $5? I haven't been inside a mcdonalds in about 10-15 years.

>> No.12492940

Famine I think.

>> No.12492944

at least it solves the problem of old people.
housing and caring for worthless beings is nothing but a pure negative.

>> No.12492947


Is it similar in other countries?

>> No.12492963

Belgium is officially the worst covid country, so you should check it first.

>> No.12492990

I just got fucked by some old dude from grindr. It was nice.

>> No.12493240

How many months of 2020 does this cover?

>> No.12493245

Through the 3rd quarter, retard. It says right in the pic.

>> No.12493256

hey thats awesome how you've got a lot of trust in the state and all posting irrelevant pasta.
too bad you were smart enough to ask this >>12493240, if you really wanted to trash op's argument.

>> No.12493260

so it doesnt include october. its been spiking since then

>> No.12493439

fucking retard

>> No.12493486

Wait, is this only showing the 3rd quarter for each year? July-September conveniently avoids both peaks.

>> No.12493536

its not, it only goes up to 2020 Q3 is what it is saying.

>> No.12493555

Where does it say that?

>> No.12493631
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>> No.12493750

Does this include Spanish Flu?

>> No.12493755

Why are we comparing deaths from 1800s to 2020?

>> No.12493783

8000 people die in the US every day under normal circumstances.

>> No.12493799

Bro more than 3000 people die every day in the us. Every day. That chart is just pure lies. Like 7000 people have died every day for the entire history of the country. Do some fucking research.

If they are willing to lie this blatantly about easily disproved facts, what else have they lied to you about?

>> No.12493819

"wear a mask and avoid gatherings."

You didn't leave it at that.
You pushed hundreds of millions back into poverty, eradicating our efforts against it for the last 30 years.
You pushed dozens of millions into unemployment and despair.
You pushed millions into suicide due to all of this. You made mental illnesses even worse.
You destroyed people's social lives.
You destroyed people's physical and mental health.
You destroyed the education of billions of students worldwide.
You destroyed our entire society. Yes, it was you and your alikes who did it. You expect us to comply to your stupid orders like sheeple without even questioning the effects of your retarded lockdown? Just so a flu with an actual fatality rate below 1% won't spread? No, the day will come and we will make you bastards live in fear for all you have done. You just wait, you retarded assholes.

>> No.12493824

fuck yeah every one of them deserves to have their throat slit

>> No.12493844

This. We all know the amount of poverty they caused is going to kill substantially more people, who are also fucking healthy, than the virus

>> No.12493852

1851 - 2020 Q3
its not saying it only measures Q3 of every year, but it only goes up to 2020 Q3

>> No.12493868

It's not clear, but you're probably right.

>> No.12493995

>We all know the amount of poverty they caused is going to kill substantially more people
No we don't know that. It hasn't happened yet, but it's okay to make assumptions about that, but not an unknown virus that is currently killing people, right?

>> No.12494033

>It hasn't happened yet, but it's okay to make assumptions about that, but not an unknown virus that is currently killing people, right?
it's the trolley problem. Making decisions that end up killing people isn't the same as letting people die naturally.

>> No.12494143

The year The Sorrows of Young Werther was translated into Swedish sparking a wave of copycat suicides.

>> No.12494203

There's a theory about Spanish flu being caused by a vaccine trial linked to the rockefeller institute since the second wave was caused by bacterial pneumonia.

>> No.12494208


>> No.12494251

>You pushed hundreds of millions back into poverty, eradicating our efforts against it for the last 30 years.
>You pushed dozens of millions into unemployment and despair.
>You pushed millions into suicide due to all of this. You made mental illnesses even worse.
Oy vey! A Shoah right in there!

>> No.12494278
File: 82 KB, 1245x800, TIMESAND___COVID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me feel like a lie about COVID's danger was introduced to give an excuse for the Fed to print more money.

>> No.12494320

Can I get these numbers adjusted for population?

>> No.12494643

Those numbers are bullshit. If 3000 Americans die each day, then if they stop having babies and importing immigrants, it will still take them 300 years to die out.

>> No.12494649
File: 175 KB, 1125x683, F9617938-DF02-4C9E-9413-8F2B3AE2E0FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's wrong

>> No.12494697
File: 28 KB, 613x387, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally retarded.
Look at the legend for the lines being plotted in the post you replied to.
It's saying that paying 5 bucks for a Big Mac today would be equivalent to paying 2.31 in 1986.

>> No.12494708

if you let it go uncontrolled then hospitals get full and cannot give proper treatment to even cases that would be severe but not enough to kill if a bed was available and the hospital staff wasn't also sick. Then deaths skyrocket. GTFO of this board if you don't understand exponential growth.

>> No.12494713
File: 29 KB, 588x793, 1585273668129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flatten the curve

>> No.12494719

Sweden let it go uncontrolled. OP's graph doesn't look that frightening.

>> No.12494737 [DELETED] 

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12494947
File: 1.79 MB, 480x360, troll8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad?

>> No.12494968

Is it still March now?

>> No.12495023

This has to be bait

>> No.12495417

Not un argumento.

>> No.12495441

>100 years of study and research means we better understand how diseases are transmitted

>> No.12495591

No, it means covid is a hoax

>> No.12495650


>> No.12496581
File: 67 KB, 397x391, 1606847514534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they implying nobody else in USA died on September 11th or in any of those days mentioned? Before corona people never realized how many people actually died in a day in a country with population of 328 million

>> No.12498018

don't ruin the illusion

>> No.12498023

It's heavily implied to be deadliest events
Should be called that instead

>> No.12498038

Many of the covid deaths are people who were going to die anyways and happened to test positive

>> No.12498044

>Are they implying nobody else in USA died on September 11th or in any of those days mentioned?
It's a goofy image, but the year averaged 6620 deaths per day. If you add in all of the 9/11 deaths, it still would have been less than 10k. The entire month of April, 2020, exceeded 10k deaths per day. That's a lot of excess deaths.

>> No.12498408

what does that have to do with the graph?

>> No.12498427

Notice it's only whites dying.
I though white genocide was a myth?

>> No.12498566

I am interested in what accounts for the gradual increase in deaths from 1955 to 1987

>> No.12498578

This endless stream of /pol/ fueled conspiracy garbage is getting exceedingly tiresome. It's just so fucking boring, monotonous, and unimaginative. At least put some fucking effort into your trolling you lazy cunts. Trolling is supposed to be an art, but all you fuckers do is flood this board with bottom of the barrel regurgitated and steaming horse shit. It's not even entertaining. No wonder m00t created that containment board. But unfortunately all it did was create a safe space for you mongoloids to get each other all riled up so that you build up the courage to shit all over the other boards too. Just fucking die in a nice, warm, and cozy house fire already. At least that would give us some respite from the cancer that you're spreading.

>> No.12498910

Hey now... /pol/ sometimes has some pretty good discussions.

>> No.12501223


>> No.12502603

yes and get in mail in voting, cas ya know, politicians won't take advantage of a supposed crisis

>> No.12502616

Makes me feel good about state of modern medicine.

>> No.12502617

or why 1942-1945 had a relatively lower mortality

sure, Sweden didn't fight in WW2, but 1944 had the lowest mortality in the 20th century

>> No.12502813

If by pretty good you mean eye-gouging god awful that is.

>> No.12503273
File: 7 KB, 205x246, angry brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these arguments make me feel stupid for trusting what the TV man says.
>therefore they're bad arguments.

>> No.12504972

All traitors must fucking hang

>> No.12504976

>You get coronavirus several times because no one acknowledges that there is a 'pandemic' so everything just runs as per usual
>except that everyone is sick constantly so NOTHING gets done
>eventually you get so beat down from being sick with the same fucking virus all the time that you DROP DEAD
>"nothin' personal, kid"
How does THAT make you feel, /b/rainlet, because that's about what would happen if the whole world just ignored the whole thing.
Enjoy your ruined civilzation, I guess.
>..and just like with the Black Plague, the Undertakers are the only ones doing well

>> No.12504985

>Spanish flu

>> No.12505000

b-b-b-b-ut you're going to be intubated for 30 days and if everyone gets sick the health care system will collaaaaaaaaapse!

>> No.12505034
File: 8 KB, 229x250, SIMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tellem basedjack

>> No.12505039

>You get coronavirus several times
Pretty much impossible unless pozzed or equivalent of being pozzed

>> No.12505634

>You get coronavirus several time
Just how frequent is reinfection among people with functioning immune systems?

>except that everyone is sick constantly so NOTHING gets done
Most people don't have symptoms at all, let alone enough to hospitalise them.

The downside is clogged hospitals and people with real diseases not getting treatment. Which is bad, of course, but that seems to be happening even with the current measures.

>> No.12505643

I think the swedes are entitled to a reparation fee from Spain.

>> No.12505686

>Just how frequent is reinfection among people with functioning immune systems?
Every three years per subtype. Thereabouts.

>> No.12505699
File: 38 KB, 716x401, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12505705


Based on what?

>> No.12505708

Base on the fact that it says so in OP's chart?

>> No.12505986

No, it is showing larger peak too.

>> No.12505991

A reminder that almost everywhere covid got mild in summer. Which means that it loves cold and hates hot weather. That makes results like Spanish especially shameful compared to Swedish.

>> No.12506119
File: 50 KB, 742x540, firefox_2020-12-25_13-02-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You appear to be blind

>> No.12506352

3Q means from september to december

>> No.12506358

Gi back to /pol/

>> No.12506392

Ah, so if it will measure deaths per day up to December 25, it will mean that it measures ONLY Christmas deaths? And if you integrate the function up to 10.5, then it means that it's just sum of values at 0.5*N?

>> No.12506609

The third quarter of a year is July through September.

>> No.12506771

Millions of people fail to adapt to a new society. This is basically your fault. I have no troubles wit hcovid.

>> No.12508427

You appear to be disingenuous.
Obviously "1851 - 2020 3Q" means that the data for 2020 is cut off at the end of the 3Q, and thus includes all data from January through September.
No one other than a disingenuous shill, retard, or troll would try to argue it included only data collected during the 3rd quarter.

>> No.12508441

plus inflation is always higher than stated

>> No.12508823

No, you are wrong. That is exactly what the chart shows, data for all years are ONLY for the third quarter.

You can verify this yourself with the sources they list, such as: http://www.statistikdatabasen.scb.se/pxweb/en/ssd/START__BE__BE0101__BE0101G/ManadFoddDod/
Take any year, like 2000, and look up only July, August and September. Together they add up to about 22 000 deaths. Divide this by Sweden's population in millions for that year (8.6) and you get about 2600. Which matches what the chart shows. If it was for Q1, Q2, and Q3 combined, the numbers would be around three times higher.
And also, it's even suggested in the very title of the image: "Deaths per QUARTER per million in sweden".

The fact that it's such a stupid choice for the chart is exactly what I was trying to make people aware of: The chart is not made to display objective and interesting data, it's an intentionally misleading propaganda piece for covid-deniers.

So please maybe do a minimum amount of thinking and checking before you call someone a "disingenuous shill, retard, or troll" for telling the truth.

>> No.12508855

They're not for the third quarter only, look at the x axis, every year has 4 data points, those spikes are flu/winter seasons

>> No.12509020
File: 51 KB, 796x587, Sweden Failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is convincing, I did total deaths in 2000 and it was 93461 which produces a per million count of 11000.

Then I looked at total deaths 2020 and it was 89494.

So they are probably scaling the entire graphic somehow.

Either way deaths in Sweden are truly lower than previous years.

>> No.12509030

Take your meds schizo.

>> No.12509040

No I think he's just fine. You're the one who's been deluded into thinking any of these so called experts know what they are talking about. What we are really seeing here is a battle between the true practitioners of science and the scientific elite in beauracratic positions. Of course what you follow is the latter because it's all your technocrats let you see, here's the inventor of the pcr test calling this phenomena out.
Convenient he died just before his test was misused to produce millions of false positives.

>> No.12509062

Have you still not heard about logistic curves? Spread of disease is NOT exponential retard.

>> No.12509076
File: 1.99 MB, 370x319, 1572767064668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the vid fren. god i fucking hate this shitty fucking world.

>> No.12509089


>> No.12509118

Yeah, no it didn't. Sweden is also a failure that has been helped largely by

1. People who don't reject science like Americans
2. Very few urban centers

It still failed.

>> No.12509157

You could have avoided all this by just wearing a little mask and staying home a couple of days. You chose to destroy your society instead. I hope it was worth it.

>> No.12509305

>Very few urban centers
Lol, idiot.

>> No.12509317

As all the lockdownmasked european countries show, masks are purely useless and staying at home does shit. The only reason covid causes little death is because it is, well, not very deadly.

>> No.12509328

If Swedish strategy "failed", then a huge lot of other European countries have a literal Holocaust.

>> No.12509343

>People who don't reject science like Spanish
>People who don't reject science like French
>People who don't reject science like British
>People who don't reject science like Italian

>> No.12510593

>Millions of people fail to adapt to a new society. This is basically your fault. I have no troubles wit hcovid.
You better watch out, one day it's gonna be you having problems adapting. Or your kids.

>> No.12510623

I correct, because I knew this would happen.

Sad, because I cannot influence my government. One part of me wants to flay alive the british "scientist" who made the model that predicted that COVID was going to summon C'Thulhu or some shit. The other part of me wants to increase my own prestige as a scientist so that in the future politicians will listen to me and not that retard.

Overall, depressed. This world is doomed.

>> No.12510732

Who cares what their king says? he's just trying to win points with the masses.
Sweden is doing no worse than other European countries.

>> No.12510840

>every year has 4 data points
I'm not seeing that. Regardless, it's a terribly made graph when there's even room for debate about what it's depicting, which was probably intentional.

>> No.12511887

Look at the space between the year marks, every year has more than one point, i'm not sure if they are 3 or 4, but they're obviously not one, i think you were mistaking the spikes for the year's total mortality

>> No.12512031

>death didn't exist unless there was a pandemic or a disaster

>> No.12512059

The average lifespan in Sweden has been going up consistently in the last century, except in 2020, where it went down significantly.

>> No.12512060

>source: my ass

>> No.12513287

>You could have avoided all this by just wearing a little mask and staying home a couple of days.
As someone from Germany. No, that didn't work for us. We still have to deal with Covid and the restrictions.

>> No.12513456
File: 49 KB, 1017x667, spanishfluandfluq3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hahahaha fucking retard anon, is this bait?
Your same logic applies to the Spanish flu, as well as your typical flu which OP is comparing the corona virus to retard.
How could you post what you posted and not consider that? Its so fucking obvious I saw your post and laughed.
Notice the absence of deaths in Q3 for the flu and Spanish Flu? Its almost like there are factors such as temperature and humidity, that oscillate in the year because of seasons, that affect infectiousness.
Op's comparison is still 100% valid.

>> No.12513748

That doesn't even make sense. Why would they exclude 3/4 quarters in the year in time series? If it did that it would say so.

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.12513763

politicians will pick the scientist whose opinion best suites their agenda

>> No.12513870


>> No.12514012

The "only Q3" anon is probably right but his argument is shit anyway
see >>12513456

>> No.12514019

No he's a fucking retard and so are you.
Also that's flu deaths not all deaths, fuckwit.
The reason it only goes up to Q3 is because Q4 isn't even over yet.

Holy fuck retards.. credentialed retards everywhere. insinuating themselves into literally everything - thinking they're not actually retarded but smart.

>> No.12514025

>The reason it only goes up to Q3 is because Q4 isn't even over yet.
Yes that's why they are only sampling Q3 of every year to keep it consistent

>Also that's flu deaths not all deaths, fuckwit.
exactly you idiot

>> No.12514035

you can't be serious...
are you serious?

>> No.12514049
File: 9 KB, 98x100, pepeonchair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12514069

see those little uppy downy things in OPs graph?
see 'em?
those are annual fluctuations because of flu>>12513456
pretty small, but that's what you'd expect since most people die from causes other than the flu

now how do you suppose annual fluctuations can be seen in a graph that samples only once a year?

im actually kinda shocked that >>12505699 could so vociferously defend his complete bullshit with multiple posts. he even made a graph to do so, and yet all he did was make a graph showing exactly how fucking retarded and those who defend him really are.

>> No.12514515

>Why would they exclude 3/4 quarters in the year in time series?
Why would they do a "quarterly" comparison, and why does every year have a single spike instead of four obvious data points?

>> No.12514558

Because 2020 has three complete quarters?
Just zoom and you will see that it has more points than years.

>> No.12515665

I'm mcloving it

>> No.12516724
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>> No.12516917
File: 25 KB, 270x220, 1608682841027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice blogpost Karen. Spoken from pure emotion like a white woman

>> No.12517063

>eradicating our efforts against it for the last 30 years.
Lmao only 4 years drone, Obamo created a yuuuuge debt... thanks to the two towers guy tho

>> No.12518479

I think he was talking about developing countries