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12508341 No.12508341 [Reply] [Original]

Does nofap provide better quality dreams? I can't even have dreams, will it give me dreams every night and in hd? Has there been any reasearch on this matter or is all the evidence anecdotal?

>> No.12508370

I've noticed I don't have nightmares anymore when I stop being a coomer.

>> No.12508384

I remember having this strange episode in my life as a teenager where I always felt sedated, and would have insane, long, intricate dreams while being able to remember them, many of them lucid. Many, many sleep paralysis, and sleep terrors aswell.
Then one day, for reasons I do not know. It all stopped and now I hardly ever dream.

Sometimes I wish I knew what triggered this episode so I could relieve it all

>> No.12508386

What year were you born, and what year was this?

>> No.12508394

I was born in 1995. These episodes began at age 11 with recurring nightmares and hallucinations about being consumed by darkness, or possessed by demons. It came on and off until the age of 17.

Then it disappeared forever.

>> No.12508402

Interesting. I was born in 1993. Had sleep paralysis, nightmares, night terrors outright, until I was ~17 when the dreams became frequent, vivid, highly detailed, often profound, then eventually faded away ~22. Aside from a brief period a year or two ago, I've essentially stopped dreaming.

In some senses I would also like to go back.

>> No.12508406

>I always felt sedated
Did you sleep enough in this period? I think REM percent of total sleep duration increases when body is low on sleep.
Lines up almost perfectly with puberty. Did you fap a lot?

>> No.12508408

I remember spending years of my life feeling like something had been taken away from me, buying pretty much any supplement, nootropic, hallucinogen or research chemical I suspected might bring it back.
Nothing ever truly did, and eventually I moved on

Have you ever found anything that helped?

>> No.12508410

>Did you sleep enough in this period? I think REM percent of total sleep duration increases when body is low on sleep.
No, I had severe insomnia due to the constant recurring nightmares. I basically stayed up because I was terrified of my dreams, which made me start hallucinating them in real life (hearing someone breathing behind me).
>Lines up almost perfectly with puberty. Did you fap a lot?
Always have

>> No.12508414

Nofap makes it difficult to sleep, search it up. Also the p is a muscle, what happens when you don't exercise the muscles? They shrink and atrophy, put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.12508418

youll have no dreams at all for a while. and hten you'll have a highly intense one where you lose your streak by watching porn in your dream and you get very apathetic about everything
when you woke up you will find you actually did lose your streak because you coomed all over yourself

>> No.12508421

You get erections every sleep cycle

Probably better than nothing

>> No.12508431

>No, I had severe insomnia due to the constant recurring nightmares. I basically stayed up because I was terrified of my dreams, which made me start hallucinating them in real life (hearing someone breathing behind me).
Okay, so partial explanation at least
>Always have
Okay, so didn't reduce much. I have same experience. Don't have more (lucid) dreams on nofap.

>> No.12509638

>Okay, so didn't reduce much. I have same experience. Don't have more (lucid) dreams on nofap.
Yeah, I've never noticed that reducing my dreams at all. Have you tried nicotine patches while you sleep?

>> No.12509740
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Correlation does not imply causation