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1250701 No.1250701 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/, i come to seek your wisdom. Here is my question: Why do east asians (chinese, koreans, japanese) have black hair, small eyes and small penises?

>> No.1250707

I don't know, why have you been looking at their penises?

>> No.1250710

Founder effect of averages.

>> No.1250716

So the first people to settle in asia were this way?

>> No.1250722

you'll find a relationship between partnership loyalty and penis/testicle size in all primates (including homo sapiens).

thus, you can conclude that asian females are very caraing loyal spouses and that white bitches are all slutty whores

>> No.1250736

wat is this verified? So if i have a small penis that means the women in my family will be loyal bitches?

>> No.1250739


I'm ok with that

>> No.1250740

>White bitches
Moar like black bitches AMIRITE?

>> No.1250750

Strangely you wouldn't ask this questions if OP's question was "why do abbos look the way they do".

Yes, because they were like that before they go there.

Hence also the european exodus out of africa.

You might want to take into account some sort of isolation or genetic drift through catastrophes of and to genetically self-similar populations, since without these factors, new traits would have been constantly absorbed, re-absorbed and destroyed by the larger group.

>> No.1250761


>> No.1250758

If you compare us to other primates, you should not overlook the fact that our males have huge members compared to our "relatives" as well as understand that these relatives are absolutely not loyal to their partners.

I call troll.

>> No.1250779

Could as well have typed "da big bang", hurr.

>> No.1250791

this video will melt your brain


you may now question your self-worth in comparison to that of a duck

>> No.1250813


one more thing for the FBI to find when they search my HD
>this guy was looking at....explosive duck erections?

>> No.1250829 [DELETED] 

ReMoEV YUOR illGEAl clOen fo HTtp://WWw.aNTONYtalk.sE/_(AntOnY =_aNoN) iMmeidAtELy. tbrr nnnwbqf obw l vir iqyscwzrjp d g k

>> No.1250833

Can someone explain the ad? I assume it implies that by taking a day off, you save gas, but wouldn't that help the U.S. so they have more gas for war? Don't get.

>> No.1250843

The japs want you to take a day off, to spoil the WW2 war effort

>> No.1250851


>> No.1250860

it's all compensation for their massive brainpower

>> No.1250872


Because it is normal for populations to diverge.